F4F | Doc Obs' Obfuscation for the False Covid Prophets


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Rosebro. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. All right, so I don't want to beat a dead horse, but we need to beat a dead horse.
So coming back from a little mini break that I needed to take, first thing we need to address is
Michael Brown. We're going to do a full postmortem with biblical texts and everything, demonstrating just what is wrong with the theology of the
Charismatic Movement, the Pentecostal Movement, the N .A .R., as it relates to today's false prophets, which are truly false prophets.
And what we're going to do here is we're going to do an extensive postmortem walking through what
Michael Brown set up back at the end of March as a test of today's modern prophecies.
And he's the one who chose the battleground, and demonstrate that along the way he was really rooting for his team here, and his team didn't come through.
And we knew that they wouldn't, because God is not speaking through these modern -day prophets and apostles.
And these people are deceivers. And so what we're going to do is we're going to listen to Michael Brown's arguments, and then we're going to demonstrate how he again is engaging in obfuscation and refusing to abide by one of the tests given for what constitutes a false prophet.
And the reason why he is doing this? Because he's guilty of being a false prophet himself.
We've got a lot of ground to cover. Let's just get to it, shall we? I need to update the background here.
We're finally in spring here in North Dakota, and so there's no more snow on the ground, except for a little bit where it hasn't melted, or the big piles at Walmart or Sam's Club or whatever in the parking lot of the leftovers.
So let's pull this up. We're going to go back in time. Full postmortem here. This is going to take some time.
We're not in a hurry. The idea here is let's do this right, and let's get this definitively taken care of.
So Michael Brown, back on the 30th of March, testing prophetic words.
That was the name of the episode with Dr. James, in a talk with Dr.
James White. I have no idea why James White supports this guy. It just doesn't make any sense to me at all.
And we'll note that this coincides with an article that Dr. Brown published back on March 30th as well.
This is a great time to test contemporary prophetic words. And we've covered this in part, but now we can kind of do the whole arc here.
And in covering it in part, we noted that Michael Brown had set up two prophets.
Prophets. They're not really prophets. Two prophets as a litmus test to test contemporary prophetic words.
And the two prophets were Chuck Pierce of Cuckoo Banana Town, which makes no sense.
I mean, the fact that he would be so foolish as to hold up Chuck Pierce as a man who potentially was hearing the voice of God is just bizarre.
I mean, if God were actually speaking through Chuck Pierce, God would have to apologize to us.
That's all I got to say. But Chuck Pierce and Tracy Cook. And we did a whole episode demonstrating that Chuck Pierce, he never says anything lucid.
How could he have got it right regarding a diminishing of the shaking through a plague -like curse that was going to begin to diminish at the
Passover? Which by the way, myself and others have been trying to hunt down the original prophecy that is being put forward as a prophecy from Chuck Pierce back in September of last year where he supposedly gave this prophecy.
No one has produced the original. Yeah, Justin Peters noted that on his
YouTube channel. So you'll know, just putting this on the timeline back on the 30th of March, Dr.
Michael Brown said this is a great time to test contemporary prophetic words. It's like, okay, all right.
Let's play along and let's see what happens. So this is what he said on that day on the line of fire.
Let's listen in here. Prophecy. Is God still speaking today?
Why make an excellent case through the New Testament that absolutely he is still speaking today? Is God still speaking today?
Now a little bit of a note here. We got to throw some Bible in like at the beginning. I mean, what's the point of doing this program if we can't throw some
Bible in? And I would say to Michael Brown, since we now know, and by the way,
I'm not shocked, we all know that Trace Cook and Chuck Pierce have been weighed in the scales of prophetic testing and found wanting, this is most certainly true, that maybe we need to take a closer look and say, isn't it amazing what
God has spoken and given the detail of what the miserable state that we find ourselves in regarding the church right now?
So we'll do a little bit of a Bible, you know, moving in a different direction kind of thingy.
A biblical interlude. And so to begin with, let us go to 2
Timothy chapter 3. We'll begin with the Apostle Paul. The Apostle Paul was a genuine apostle, a for real apostle.
He can operate in the signs of an apostle. He was called by Christ. He is an author of the
New Testament. And nearly 2 ,000 years ago, we're not quite at the 2 ,000 year range yet, but almost 2 ,000 years ago, the
Apostle Paul, writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, prophesied the days in which we are living.
Yes, it's true. It's true. So, I mean, this is the kind of stuff where it's like, okay, if we're going to do some comparative work here,
I'm going to do some comparative work. I am very impressed with what
God has spoken and the accuracy and detail that his prophets and his apostles have given in their prophetic words that have come true 2 ,000 years later.
So 2 Timothy chapter 3, 2 Timothy chapter 3, the Apostle Paul prophesied.
Here's what he said. Understand this, that in the last days, there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self.
We have a word for that. It's called narcissism. Have you considered the narcissistic epidemic that we are suffering from?
Not only in society, but the church as a whole, all these narcissistic leaders. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money.
You know, like Ken Copeland, Jesse Duplantis, all the major luminaries of the
NAR. Proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self -control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit.
Lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. You know, like Ken Copeland, the lover of pleasure, the guy who likes to jet around the world in his private jets, plural.
Yeah, yeah. Lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit.
How conceited do you have to be to think that you can blow the coronavirus away, that your words have authority over these things?
For among them are those who creep into households that capture weak women, burdened with sins, led astray by various passions, always learning, never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth.
Just as Janus and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth. They are men corrupted in mind, disqualified regarding the faith, but they will not get very far, for their folly will be plain to all, as was that of those two men.
Have you seen the videos out there, musically making fun of the buffoonery of Ken Copeland and his blowing the coronavirus away and all that kind of nonsense?
Yeah, their folly is plain to everybody. Isn't it amazing the specificity
God has spoken? In fact, let me add a little bit more to this thought here. In 2
Timothy chapter 3, then you're going to note that this is the last letter that Paul wrote, the final letter that he wrote before he was going to be martyred for the
Christian faith. He's going to have his head taken off his shoulders by a
Roman centurion with a gladius. And so here's what Paul then, his parting shot, if you would.
Think of this as his last will and testament, a man who knows he's about to die. He says to young Pastor Timothy, you, however, have followed my teaching, my conduct, my aim in life, my faith, my patience, my love, my steadfastness, my persecutions, my sufferings that happened to me at Antioch, at Iconium, and Lystra, which persecutions
I endured, yet from them all the Lord rescued me. Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evil people and impostors.
Evil people and impostors. So here Paul is, again, picking up on this theme that within the
Christian church there are going to be impostors. In fact, we'll talk about this later, Jesus himself,
Jesus himself describes the false teachers as what? As wolves in sheep's clothing.
So evil people and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.
But as for you, continue in what you have learned, and affirmly believe, knowing from whom you learned it, how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, the scriptures.
So Paul, as he's getting ready to die, what's he pointing people to? The Bible! Right? Yeah. So you are acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.
All scripture is theanoustos, it's God -breathed, and it's profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete and equipped for every, every good work.
Full stop. Every good work. What's going to prepare you? Well, it's the written word of God.
So then, parting shot then to young Pastor Timothy, so I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing in his kingdom.
So, invoking the return of Christ, invoking the day of judgment, here's what the pastor is supposed to do.
Are you ready? Preach the word. The sacred writings, the scriptures that preach the word.
Be ready in season, out of season, reprove, rebuke, exhort with complete patience in teaching, for the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, or doctrine, but they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and these are sinful passions, and this is taking place in the church, and they will turn away from listening to the truth, and they will wander off into myths.
You know, myths like, your words have authority over the coronavirus. You know, words like that.
And they will wander off into myths. As for you, always be sober -minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.
What's the job of a pastor? Preach the word. Now, funny enough, Peter, as he's getting ready to finish up his life, does a similar thing.
2 Peter, last letter, Peter writes, he's getting ready to go to his death, and since he's not a
Roman citizen, he doesn't get to have his head taken off his shoulders like Paul did, which is a quick and painless death, it's pretty quick.
Instead, Peter, he's going to be crucified, and since he doesn't consider himself worthy to suffer the same way that Christ suffered and died the same way
Christ died, he protests and so they let him have his wish, and so he's crucified upside down.
It takes him three days to die. Three days to die! And so, as he's getting ready to go to his death, watch what he's pointing people to, and then we'll just steer into 2
Peter 2 and consider the specificity of this prophecy. Because what did
Paul do? He prophesied regarding the last day, and man, the details that Paul gave sounds a lot like today, like today's charismatic movement, the
NAR, and all that kind of stuff. So, here's what Peter says, he says, For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and the coming of our
Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. For when he received honor and glory from God the
Father, the voice was borne to him from the majestic glory, this is my beloved Son, with whom
I am well pleased. So he references, he references the Mount of Transfiguration, which was quite the experience, and he's going to say, listen, the thing you need to seek after, not that, but something even more certain than an experience like that.
So, we heard the voice that was borne from the Father, this is my beloved
Son, with whom I am well pleased. We ourselves, we heard this very voice borne from heaven. We were with him on the holy mountain, and we have the prophetic word more fully confirmed.
All right, so Peter here, we've got a prophetic word, more fully confirmed.
Prophetic word? Ooh, ooh, we need prophecy, yes, God needs to speak to us.
Where can we find this prophetic word? Answer, to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts, knowing this, first of all, that no prophecy of scripture, graphe, ah, so the prophetic word more certain, more certain and more established than the voice he heard from the
Father, where is he pointing us to? The Bible, the written word of God, and so Peter, like Paul, telling people, get into the written word, knowing this, that no prophecy of scripture comes from someone's own interpretation.
No prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.
So what are we to consider the Bible according to Peter? A prophetic word, God speaking to us through this prophetic word, and by the way, that means
God is still speaking, and here's the thing, I know for a fact
God speaks to me in the written word of God. It is a prophetic word, even more sure and certain than the voice that Peter heard on the
Mount of Transfiguration, and it is the lamp that is now shining in the dark place, and so Peter is saying, get into the word, and note then, here's his prophecy, which we find ourselves in today, you know, the fulfillment of it, but false prophets also rose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you.
So note, he equates false prophets and false teachers, they kind of get smooshed together, and who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the
Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. Many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed.
Oh, look at that, because of false prophets and false teachers, the way of truth will be blasphemed. Have you considered the mockery that Christianity is being held up to as a result of Kenneth Copeland?
Because to the pagan, they don't see any difference between Ken Copeland and somebody who's a sound biblical teacher at all, and far too many people who call themselves
Christians, they dare not speak a word against Ken Copeland, lest they accidentally commit the blasphemy of the
Holy Spirit. Yeah, so what's the world doing? They're holding up Christianity to be mocked.
People are blaspheming God because of these false prophets. Wow, Peter called that 2 ,000 years ago, man.
That's quite the prophecy. God has spoken. So in their greed, they will exploit you with false words.
Dude, that's like TBN right there, and Ken Copeland, Benny Hinn, and all the, you get the idea.
So, their condemnation from long ago is not idle, their destruction is not asleep. For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment, if he did not spare the ancient world, but preserved
Noah, a herald, a preacher of righteousness, with seven others when he brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly, if by turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes, he condemned them to extinction, making them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly, if he rescued righteous lot, greatly distressed by the sensual conduct of the wicked, for as that righteous man lived among them day after day, he was tormenting his righteous soul over their lawless deeds that he saw and heard, then the
Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment, especially of those who indulge in the lust of defiling passion and despise authority."
Bold and willful, talking about the false teachers and false prophets, which Peter has conflated into one group, they do not tremble as they blaspheme the glorious ones, whereas angels, though greater in might and power, do not pronounce a blasphemous judgment against them before the
Lord, but these like irrational animals, creatures of instinct, born to be conned and destroyed, blaspheming about matters of which they are ignorant, will also be destroyed in their destruction, suffering wrong as the wage for their wrongdoing.
They count it a pleasure to revel in the daytime. They are blots and blemishes, reveling in their deceptions while they feast with you.
They have eyes full of adultery, insatiable for sin. They entice unsteady souls.
They have hearts trained in greed. They are accursed children, forsaking the right way.
They have gone astray. They have followed the way of Balaam, the son of Boer, who loved gain from wrongdoing, but was rebuked for his own transgression.
A speechless donkey spoke with human voice and restrained the prophet's madness. These are waterless springs.
They are mists driven by a storm. For them, the gloom of utter darkness has been reserved for speaking loud boasts of folly.
COVID -19! COVID -19! You come down from your high place,
I curse you! Isn't it amazing how
Peter called it 2 ,000 years ago, man? Down to the detail. Okay, these are waterless springs.
They speak loud boasts of folly. They entice by sensual passions of the flesh those who are barely escaping from those who live in it.
They promise them freedom, but they themselves are slaves of corruption. Whatever overcomes a person to that, he is enslaved.
For if after they have escaped the defilements of the world through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the last state has become worse than the first.
For it would have been better for them to have never known the way of righteousness than after knowing it to turn back from the holy commandment delivered to them.
What the true proverb says has happened to them, the dog returns to its own vomit, and the sow, after washing herself, returns to wallow in the mire.
Now Jude kind of picks up on these same themes. Let's take a look at Jude real quick, and I want to add to the mix here that these people, yet in like manner, these people, these false prophets, these false teachers, relying on their dreams.
That's one of the signs here. They defile the flesh, they reject authority, they blaspheme the glorious ones, but watch what
Jude says here. But when the archangel Michael contending with the devil was disputing about the body of Moses, he did not presume to pronounce a blasphemous judgment, but he said the
Lord rebuked you. But these people, they blaspheme all that they do not understand. They are destroyed by all that they, like unreasoning animals, understand instinctively.
Woe to them. They walk in the way of Cain, abandon themselves for the sake of gain to Balaam's heir. They perished in Korah's rebellion.
These are hidden reefs at your love feast. They feast with you without fear, shepherds who feed only themselves, waterless rainclouds swept along by the wind, fruitless trees in late autumn, twice dead, uprooted, wild waves of the sea casting up the foam of their own shame, wandering stars for whom the gloom of utter darkness has been reserved forever.
So you get the idea here. Man, what specificity. And then I would point you out that in Matthew chapter 24,
Jesus himself says this, verse 24, for false Christ and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders so as to lead astray a possible even the
Alexia, I've told you beforehand. So here, Michael Brown, oh man, is God still speaking?
Yeah, he is. He's speaking through his word, man. Peter pointed us to that word, Paul pointed us to that word.
And you'll note that, wow, Jesus knocked it out of the park. Peter knocked it out of the park.
Paul knocked it out of the park. Jude knocked it out of the park.
I mean, the detail, the specificity, man, these prophetic words are solid.
And Peter describes the written word of God as the prophetic word, which God is still speaking through to this day.
Yeah, so I think you get the idea here. So a little bit of a Bible, you know, we had to go off on a wandering path here to lay some foundation work.
We'll be in the text some more, but let's check back in with Michael Brown, shall we?
I seem to have interrupted him. And let's continue with our debrief. I'll probably have to back it up, but yeah, let's get back to it.
Prophecy. Is God still speaking today? I make an excellent case for the New Testament that absolutely
He is still speaking today without question. All right, so from the
New Testament, we should eagerly seek prophecy. Prophecy won't cease until Jesus returns. These things are in the body.
Jesus' sheep hear His voice. The last... Yeah, Jesus' sheep hear His voice from John 10, 10. That's a misuse of John 10, 10.
Jesus is not referring to His sheep hearing His direct revelation voice, twisting
God's word there. Days of spirit will be poured out with prophecy. I can make a strong case for the New Testament that God is continuing to speak.
Is He speaking in ways where He's talking about the whole world, or maybe just personal things, words of encouragement?
You know, you're praying about which job to take, and someone who doesn't know you said, I was praying... Notice the ambiguity of this theology.
It's really ambiguous. The Lord showed me that you're praying about two jobs. This is the one you should take, and that...
Sounds like fortune telling to me. ...it was in your heart. Or is He speaking about national things, international things?
On the one hand, I understand a lot of the skepticism. I understand... No, the skepticism is due to the fact that I have yet to see a real prophet give a real prophetic word.
All I hear are prophecy bingo words. You know, there's going to be a shaking and a shifting and a...
In this Kairos season, there'll be a suddenly and, you know, nonsense like that.
I understand a lot of the mockery, because it seems prophecies are just nebulous and... Yeah, meaningless, unintelligible.
Yeah, I would point to the episode we did recently where we featured, again, Chuck Pierce. Yeah, you got some corrupt guy on TV prophesying to get money from you and stuff.
Yeah, exactly as Peter, Paul, and Jude prophesied. Stuff like that. And then you have gatherings of prophets, and they predict what's going to happen the next year, and it doesn't happen, or it's too nebulous.
Yeah, it doesn't happen. Doesn't happen. I want to remind everybody that there was a
YouTube video that has not aged well. Hasn't aged well at all.
And this was from January 15th of 2020, this year. 20 prophetic words for 2020 on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural YouTube channel.
And let's just say that the 20 prophets, we now can say definitively all 20 of them struck out.
They weren't batting 300. They weren't batting 200. They weren't batting 100, or 50, or 25.
They all struck out. I mean, if this was baseball, which
I miss dearly right here, this was a perfect game. God was pitching,
Christ was pitching, and every one of the prophets got out. All nine innings, zero runs, zero hits, zero errors.
No one on base. You get the idea. It was just, whoo!
Talk about definitive. I mean, so yeah, this video did not age well.
Look it up. You can type it in the search engine for YouTube. 20 prophetic words for 2020, and all 20 prophets, yep, that's right, came up and struck out, every one of them.
All right. We continue. On the other hand, I give example after example of specific words, things
God's spoken to me or through others for me, or me for others. Now I would note, Michael Brown has given false prophecies.
We've chronicled one of them here on the YouTube channel, and that is his prophecy regarding a youth movement that he gave the
Brownsville Revival that would eclipse the Brownsville Revival. That never manifested.
False prophecy. That have come to pass, and there's no question that he's speaking and he's revealing.
So has he given warning that this was coming? No, none of the prophets saw this coming.
So again, March 30th, 2020, this virus was coming, and is he saying anything about when it's going to stop?
No, he's not. This is a great opportunity for us to judge prophetic words. Yeah, indeed.
Great opportunity. This didn't turn out very well for the so -called modern prophets. For the skeptics and mockers.
Let's see if some of these specific words come to pass, if so. Now notice, I'm a skeptic and a mocker because I require prophecies to actually meet a biblical threshold, okay?
They have to be lucid, they have to be specific, they have to actually have taken place. The prophet has to have sound doctrine and theology, and not prone to preaching and teaching heresy, must not be known for teaching for shameful gain, things he ought not to teach, and all that kind of nonsense.
None of today's modern prophets actually meet any of the biblical criteria of either the Old or New Testament prophets.
Not at all. They all speak nonsense. And we document that over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again here at Fighting for the
Faith. And of course, I'm just a hypercritic. I am just a skeptic.
I'm just a mocker. No I'm not. These are blasphemers, and they're mocking God, and people are mocking
God because of them. That's what the prophecies we read in Scripture said. That gets our attention, and they center on the
Passover and the blood of Jesus. On the other hand, if they don't come to pass… So note, he was, at this time, saying, hey, these are potential prophecies that if they come true, whoo, we can tell that God's still speaking.
Skeptics and mockers, let's see if some of these specific words come to pass. If so, that gets our attention, and they center on the
Passover and the blood of Jesus. No they don't. These were nonsensical words spoken by the lunatic,
Chuck Pierce, and the charlatan and conman, Tracy Cook.
All of this is demonstrable stuff. The other hand, if they don't come to pass, then for those of us like me who are charismatics, all the more do we need to look at things and say, okay, what is going on?
Yeah, what's going on? These people are false prophets. They are speaking words for God that God never spoke.
That's blasphemy. Yeah, by the way, there's a category missing in today's charismatic churches, and that's the category of blasphemy.
And so I would remind you in the book of Exodus, Exodus chapter 20, the place where we find the
Ten Commandments laid out for the first time, let's review a couple of those commandments, shall we?
So in Exodus chapter 20, I'll start at verse 1, and God spoke all these words saying,
God spoke these words to the prophet Moses, I am Yahweh, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.
You shall have no other gods before me. Idolatry, still a sin.
Fast forwarding a little bit to verse 7, you shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the
Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain. Speaking words for God that God did not give you to speak is a breaking of this commandment.
It's also known as blasphemy. It's not a slipsie, it's not an oopsie doopsie, it's not a whoop, it's blasphemy.
This is a breaking of one of the Ten Commandments. That's how sick this is.
And so note here, you shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.
Man, somebody blasphemes God and speaks words for him that he didn't speak to the peril of their eternal soul.
And blasphemy is the charge here. So let me back that up here, because Michael Brown has this funny way in his obfuscation where he takes something really huge and tries to make it really little, not that big of a deal.
Charismatics, all the more do we need to look at things and say, okay, what is going on? So Pastor Jimmy Evans preaching for Gateway Church, an online service this past—
Now we covered this in a previous video. You can watch it in our archives. I'll, you know, we'll put a—let's see here, yeah, there we go, hang on.
There, there, we'll put a link up there to it so that you can watch the one we recently did where we featured
Jimmy Evans reciting Chuck Pierce's prophecy.
Little bit of a reminder, nobody has actually seen actual video evidence of this September prophecy.
I don't, I don't, I have never seen it. Justin Peters on his YouTube channel covered the fact that ain't nobody trucking this thing out.
And, you know, so where Jimmy Evans said that he, you know, where he got this prophecy that apparently Chuck Pierce spoke in September, I haven't seen it, and people on, in Glory of Zion don't seem to recall him actually saying that.
So a little bit of a note there. I'd like to actually see the prophecy, but now we know that it's false, I mean, the point's kind of mute, and well, let's just say that there was not diminishing of the shaking, you know, at the
Passover. So all that being said, that's what Dr. Brown said on the 30th of March.
Now just a couple days later, on April 2nd, let me make this just a smidge bigger, Michael Brown, the name of the segment was
The Virus, The Passover, Then the Traditional Jewish Community, and he decided, you know, he's going to really lay this out, and we're going to note, he was, a lot was riding on this for Brown back at the end of March, beginning of April.
Let's listen in. What about the Passover season? What about God doing something in the midst of the
Passover season? God did something in the
Passover season. Yeah, if you're familiar with the death of Christ, remember on the night that he was betrayed, they were celebrating the
Pesach? Yeah, the Passover, isn't that weird? And what does Paul say about Jesus?
Christ, our Passover lamb has been slain. And so note here, Jesus is slain on the, in the
Passover season, at three in the afternoon, when the Passover lambs are supposed to be slaughtered,
Jesus dies, lays down his life, says it's finished. So and, you know, and by his blood, which is on us, the destroyer,
God, the destroyer angel of God doesn't judge us or kill us or give us what we deserve, he passes over and we're saved.
Yeah, see all the imagery of the Exodus and the Passover, that's type and shadow. The fulfillment is found on Good Friday for that.
And so God has already done something on the Passover season. Yeah, so why would
God, you know, send somebody to prophesy today, oh, there's going to be a global plague pandemic.
We're going to have a real Passover this year. And then there will be a diminishing of the shaking after the
Passover. To do so would be to undermine the fulfillment of the types and shadows of the
Passover in the death of Jesus Christ on the cross on Good Friday. So what
Michael Brown is hitching his stars to, his wagon to here, that doesn't make any theological sense at all.
What about this being a time when there'll be a dramatic change that comes?
Oh, yeah, that's vague. Yeah. Dramatic change. It'll be a shifting. During the season, a suddenly, well, suddenly.
Could it be? Could it be? Could it be? This is not prophecy. This is wackerdoodle -ism.
This is weird. This is deception. Now, it just so happens.
Notice the smirk on his face. I mean, it's like he even knows it's silly. It just so happens that my new book, written in an intensive eight -day period and barring some material from what
I had written in the couple of weeks before that, my newest book will be out, God willing, on April 15th.
And what is it? It is, when the world stops, words of faith, hope, and wisdom in the midst of the crisis.
So I'm really hoping this will be a book that will minister to every one of you. Yeah, sorry.
I'm not going to let you minister to me, because your theology is wack, and you basically protect wolves.
In the midst of crisis, in the midst of concern, in the midst of pandemic, as things turn at a certain point, will it be weeks, will it be months, there are lasting lessons
God wants to teach us, there are lasting things that he wants us to get out of all of this.
So, bottom line, right now, I'm thinking a lot about April 15th, because...
I'm sure you are, yeah, again, notice the smirk, it's just weird, it's just weird.
Because of the book coming out, but I've been thinking a lot about April 15th for weeks now, because there are some prophetic brothers, some of you may recognize them as prophetic, some of you may not.
They're not prophetic at all. Tracy Cook and Chuck Pierce, they are not prophetic, okay?
They are to prophecy as darkness is to light. Perfectly fine. But they both pointed to some major things happening in the first months of this year, this was...
And we know now that that didn't pan out, even Michael Brown admits that. Back last year or early this year, that there'd be shaking for several months, intense shaking of everything that can be shaken.
I used to eat at the pizza parlor called Shakey's back in the 70s. They don't exist anymore, apparently they had a shaking at Shakey's, and now
Shakey's is shaken out. But that a shift would come, a major shift would come... Does he not realize how absurd he sounds?
For somebody as intelligent as he is, for him to say, there's a shaking,
I mean, grab your prophecy bingo cards, ding, shank, I'm almost got bingo here.
Weird. Let me back that up, again, this just sounds absurd. This year, this was back last year or early this year, that there'd be shaking for several months, intense shaking of everything that can be shaken, but that a shift would come, a major shift would...
There would be a shaking and a shifting. When I was in the latter reign, my prophetess would speak this way, and I have to use prophetess in these terms.
She's not a prophetess, she never was. There would come a diminishing of the crisis, a major shift with the virus, the end of phase one, and now phase two with a major shift, and that it would...
Yeah, and that hasn't happened, that hasn't played out. It would happen around April 15th or 16th, because of the
Passover season. Because Passover. Again, why would
God undermine the fulfillment of the types and shadows in Passover, fulfilled in Christ, by doing this?
It doesn't make any sense. And because of the blood, the blood of the Lamb. So big, big question is, what's gonna happen?
Nothing. I called it. You see, they were all confident here, why?
Because all the models that were... When we would hit the crest and things would diminish, were pointing to the middle of April.
They were. But that hasn't panned out, haven't quite hit the downward slope yet.
And here, we're recording this on the 23rd of April, you know? God hasn't spoken to me about that.
Yeah, it's because God didn't speak to Tracy Cook or anybody else about it either. God has not given me a word that April 15th or 16th, a major shift will come.
And why would we expect Him to talk to you about this? You're not a prophet, you're a false prophet. You've given false prophecies.
Back this up, listen again. What's gonna happen? God hasn't spoken to me about that.
God has not given me a word that April 15th or 16th, a major shift will come. The one thing I know is that that's the day my book's scheduled to come out, so I'm praying that God will minister to people.
But, but, this is... Yeah, that's not contrived at all.
I don't believe that if these are true prophetic words, they were prophesying that my book is coming out, that's gonna be the big...
That would go without saying. Why are you saying that? Again. ...shift, okay? Even for me, that's beyond...
False humility. ...what I'm expecting faith -wise. I want God to use this book. But will God intervene?
Eventually, yeah. This is what we're praying. We're praying every day for intervention. Just read the report a couple days ago in one city in Michigan, Flint, Michigan, a bishop died, pastor died, elder died, all in the same city.
And I think in the same denomination, if I'm correct, but same city, boom. We're praying every day for God to intervene, for God to work, for God to have mercy, for God to awaken the church, for God to stir the culture, to turn to God.
We're praying for God's redemptive activity in the midst of this and... Yeah, well, false prophecies are contrary to God's redemptive activity.
They are a distraction from... ...for his mercy, mercy, mercy, mercy, mercy.
So let it be today. That would be even better. Let there be divine intervention today.
But we shall see. Will something tangible, something...
No. Of course not. ...noticeable. I mean, let's put it this way, all right?
When you read your Bible, you realize that pandemics and plagues and pestilences like this are from the hand of God.
And I do not think for a second that it is a coincidence that just days,
I mean, immediately after Kenneth Copeland called for the south wind, wind, you know, to come burn up the virus, that what ended up happening here in North Dakota, we had three days of snow, okay?
Big cold snap hit the country, especially Texas. I don't think that's a coincidence. The hand of God in his judgment on humanity's sin is part of what's driving this pestilence.
And so, you know, well, the best way I can put it is that God is judging the charismatic movement.
Clearly. That's part of all of this. And they have been shown to be the false teachers, false prophets, false apostles who speak false words, who deceive people, are being deceived, and leading people away from the sound words of Scripture.
Kenneth Copeland is shown to be utterly powerless and have no authority whatsoever over anything that relates to weather or the virus or anything of the sort, despite in the past all of his pretenses and claims that he had power over such things and tornadoes and stuff.
He is shown to be a false prophet and false teacher. Sean Bowles, a man who we've exposed on Fighting for the
Faith as a Google prophet, a guy who prophesized via accessing people's social media, well, wouldn't you know, he gave a false prophecy as well, proved to him to not be hearing from God at all.
Now same with Tracy Cook. Now same with Chuck Pierce. And again, Chuck Pierce, this is a guy we've been covering for almost a decade on Fighting for the
Faith, in the podcast edition and now in the YouTube edition, and this guy is not capable of lucid thought, let alone hearing the voice of God.
And so what's going on here is that God is judging the charismatic movement and making their foolishness and falseness be seen by everybody.
That's what's going on here. Something definite, something clear happened by April 15th, 16th, and will that be part of God getting attention?
You see, if God were trying to get our attention through Chuck Pierce by speaking truthfully through him,
God would have to apologize. And that would actually worry me, because Chuck Pierce, he's stark raven mad.
If God's the one speaking through him, then we have to conclude that the king of the universe, the almighty
God, has lost his mind. And we should be seeking a place to hide from them, if that were even possible.
So what if nothing happens? What if everything goes on exactly the same? What would you say about those prophetic words?
They were wrong. They were wrong. Now I'm going to say this. He's going to be consistent. What he should be saying is the men who spoke them and the women who spoke them are false prophets.
He will be willing to say those were false words, but he will not, under any circumstance, be willing to say they were false prophets.
We'll talk about that in a minute. They're not true. And those that brought them because of the national level of this and spoke them on national platforms, those who did this, they're accountable.
And leaders that work with them should hold them accountable. Who's going to hold them accountable? Who's going to hold the apostle
Chuck Pierce accountable? Who's going to hold Sean Bowles accountable? Who's going to hold
Ken Copeland accountable? Who's going to hold Tracy Cook accountable? Guillermo Maldonado?
Guillermo Maldonado is as much a false apostle and false prophet as Tracy Cook. They're both criminals in the eyes of God and blasphemer.
He's going to hold him accountable? Really? Hold them accountable, and the rest of the body, the charismatic body that believes in prophetic ministry today should put a major question mark over other things that are said.
Major question mark? Their credibility should disappear like the oil market did a couple of days ago, completely crash.
But the oil market should come back. Their credibility should never be allowed to do so. Because their entire ministries were predicated on their ability to hear the voice of God, and it's clear they don't.
It's major. What if there's a shift, but it's like, how definite, clear?
Well, then we have to just look at it and say, well, we can't really evaluate clearly. Yeah, just vagaries.
In other words, something did happen. The prophetic voices said something would happen, a shift, a diminishing, a second phase, but they didn't say that everything would stop on that day.
But what if something really dramatic does happen? All right? What if something dramatic and unambiguous happens?
And what if, what if, what if? Notice he's not willing to evaluate their theology. That's out.
You know, we got two people, Tracy Cook and Chuck Pierce, while he's ignoring all the other people who flagrantly have given false prophecies in the midst of the pandemic.
He's just ignoring them. And betting all the chips on these two.
What a foolish bet that was. Whoa, we look at that, and we see the hand of God.
That's when we say, look, look, God's been speaking. No. There's no reason, in fact, there's no biblical reason to believe
God would be speaking through any of those men. And every biblical reason, many multiple reasons, say there's no way
God's speaking through them. God's been speaking. Something's going on. He's getting our attention.
He's acting. Turn to Him. All right, just getting started. We will be, right? Paul All right.
So that's what he said on the second. Now leading up to that, there was a, you know, he began to acknowledge a week ago that this wasn't going to work out, that these prophecies didn't pan out as he had hoped.
And so he put together an article, Some Practical Thoughts on Contemporary Prophetic Ministry, already starting to see that this litmus test of his did not go the way he had hoped it would go.
And it's clear Michael Brown really, really, really wanted Tracy Cook and Chuck Pierce to have got this right so that he can somehow use it to exonerate and say, see, modern day prophets are really hearing from God.
And so he began the work of laying obfuscatory, yeah, obfuscation tracks is the best way to put it.
And I'm just going to, you know, again, you can find this on thestream .org. But what is his explanation a week ago as to why this didn't really plan out, pan out the way he thought it would pan out?
He says, well, however, it's clear that some other prophecies about the virus were inaccurate or simply false.
He says simply. It's already clear. And so that these prophecies were inaccurate or simply false.
And it's clear that with rare exception, contemporary prophets around the world did not receive advance warnings of the pandemic.
None of them did. But that's not because they're all frauds. Yes, it is. Although I'm sure there are some frauds and charlatans out there, but he won't name who they are.
Nor is it because they are playing hit or miss. No, no, rather it's because their primary calling is not being prognosticators or predictors.
You see, the reason why all these prophets got it wrong regarding the pandemic is because they missed their primary calling.
They were engaging in prediction and prognosticating when they should have been doing something different.
Yeah, I wish I was making that up, but I'm not. So fast forward to yesterday.
Fast forward to yesterday. Michael Brown finally publicly admitting, yeah, that Tracy Cook and Chuck Pierce got it wrong.
And then he's going to be unwilling to say that they are false prophets. And in the process of it, he's going to give a partially true definition of what is a false prophet according to Scripture, while carefully omitting one particular text of Scripture that would require us to see all of these people as false prophets.
So this is just quintessential Doc Obbs, you know, the doctor of obfuscation, the apostle of obfuscation in action here, refusing to bend the knee to what
Scripture says. And we'll use the text that he's going to be looking at to demonstrate that, well, his definitions don't jive with Jesus and they don't jive with Moses.
I'll explain that along the way. But here was Dr. Brown from yesterday. Lessons from the first century church.
Here we go. Before we go to the phones, let me address this issue. In the
New Testament, a false prophet is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Jesus in Matthew 7 warns about them.
He says in Matthew 7, beware of false prophets. You know, they come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are dangerous.
They are ravenous wolves, all right? Pete Okay.
Now this is true, but it's only partially true. Let's take a look at the whole text. We're going to apply our three rules for sound biblical exegesis, which are context, context, and context.
There we go. The three rules, all right? So let's take a look at the whole thing that Jesus said here, and I want you to watch how this plays out.
Beware of false prophets. Notice the red words. These are the words of Jesus, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.
Now this part is true. So note here, a false prophet is not going to come to you and say, I am here in the name of Shiva and Vishnu.
Let us worship Shiva and Vishnu in the name of Jesus. That's not going to happen, okay?
They're going to come to you pretending to be Christians. They're going to speak like Christians.
These are wolves who've learned how to say, but they are bad wolves. That's what they are, okay?
So they're going to give you a Christian testimony. They're going to tell about how Jesus changed their life.
They are going to sing hill song songs with you and all this kind of stuff, and they're going to raise their hands really high and all this.
Here's the thing. I can't look into somebody's heart and tell whether or not they're a Christian, and their activity isn't going to tell me that either.
So what is the way in which I can tell a wolf is a wolf?
Answer, by their fruit, okay? So despite their claims that they love
God and love Jesus, their prophecies are false.
And Scripture gives us a couple of ways in which their prophecies could be false. For instance, just because a prophecy comes true doesn't mean that that means that they're not a wolf.
A prophecy can come true, and they teach heresies. They teach false doctrines.
They lead people away from Christ and to themselves. False teachers make disciples after themselves, not after Jesus, all right?
Now, the other way is they give a prophecy and say something's going to take place, and it doesn't happen.
That's one of the tests. I'll show you that in a minute. So beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing. Inwardly, they are ravenous wolves.
You will recognize them, what? Not by their testimony, not by their claim to be a Christian, but by their fruit, right?
Are grapes gathered from thorn bushes or figs from thistles? Answer, no, okay? So every healthy tree bears good fruit.
The diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit.
Think of it this way. Weave into the mix here Deuteronomy 18.
Deuteronomy 18 .15 gives us one of the tests of a prophet, and this gives us one of the qualifications for a bad fruit, okay?
So Yahweh your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you. You'll note Deuteronomy 18 .15 begins with a prophecy regarding Jesus.
It is to him you shall listen just as you desires of Yahweh your God at Horeb on the day of the assembly when you said, let me not hear again the voice of Yahweh my
God or see this great fire any more lest I die. And Yahweh said to me, they are right in what they have spoken.
I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers, and I will put my words in his mouth. He shall speak to them all that I have commanded him, and whoever will not listen to my words that he shall speak in my name,
I myself will require it of him. But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name.
So a prophet who presumes. And so here's the category, okay? I'm hearing from God, and God said tomorrow
Hillary Clinton is going to apologize to Donald Trump and send him a birthday cake as her way of saying she's sorry.
Everybody knows that ain't going to happen, right? So, okay, but I said God told me this, right?
God said so. No, I know he didn't. I'm speaking words for God. Now I've broken the commandment, you shall not take the name of the
Lord your God in vain. I've blasphemed, and I've spoken presumptuously, and I've hijacked
God's good name to peddle these false words and probably took an offering in the midst of it.
Now send in your seed offering. Okay, yeah, you see how this all works. The prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name that I have not commanded him to speak, who speaks in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die.
And if you say in your heart, well, how may we know the word that Yahweh has not spoken? When a prophet speaks in the name of Yahweh, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that Yahweh has not spoken, the prophet has spoken it presumptuously, you need not be afraid of him.
So what would happen in the ancient theocracy of Israel when somebody would give a prophecy like this, they were branded a false prophet and then stoned to death for the sin of blasphemy.
Capital crime in ancient Israel. That's how this went down. Blasphemy today is still a commandment that you're not to break.
You are not to take the name of the Lord your God in vain. So when you prophesy false words, say something's going to happen and it doesn't happen, you've blasphemed, you've broken the commandment, and this is a bad fruit.
So anybody who is a true prophet, their words do not fall to the ground.
So every healthy tree bears good fruit. The diseased tree bears bad fruit.
False prophecy is bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor a diseased tree bear good fruit.
Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire, thus you will know them, recognize them by their fruits.
And then Jesus goes on here, and this should be the text that would cause every charismatic and Pentecostal to take serious pause and think about the sin of blasphemy.
Matthew 7 21 says, Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven.
But the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven, on that day many will say to me, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and cast out many demons in your name and do mighty works in your name?
Yeah, this sounds like it's describing the NAR to me and today's modern charismatics to me.
And then I will declare to you, Jesus says, I never knew you. Depart from me, you workers of lawlessness. Yeah, so note here that Dr.
Michael Brown is correct that false prophets are wolves in sheep's clothing, for sure.
But Jesus says you're going to know them by their fruit and giving a false prophecy and speaking presumptuously words that God did not give you is a bad fruit and one of the tests of a false prophet.
But Michael Brown is going to avoid this bit of what Jesus says, like the plague, so that he can redefine what a false prophet is and merely make it somebody who only gives false prophecies while also teaching heresy.
But that's not the standard. That's not Jesus' standard at all. And that's not
Moses' standard that he gave us in Deuteronomy 18, which Michael Brown will not be addressing at all.
Let's continue. He gives that warning, they are not sincere people who made a mistake.
I got to back this up. I want you to hear this and consider the implications. Listen again. They are ravenous wolves, all right?
He gives that warning, they are not sincere people who made a mistake.
All right, so let's consider Chuck Pierce for a second. All right,
Chuck Pierce, and Michael Brown's going to readily admit both these men, their prophecies did not pan out. So Chuck Pierce gave a prophecy that there would be a plague -like thing that would last until the
Passover and begin diminishing at the Passover. That didn't happen. Okay, so we are to believe that Chuck Pierce is a sincere man.
Yet he said, thus saith the Lord, when the Lord didn't thus saith. How does one do that and maintain their sincerity?
Oops. I, oopsie. You know, I could have sworn that was the voice of God.
I had no idea it was a piece of undigested pizza. Sitting in my colon for like the past 10 weeks.
I need to go get that cleaned out. This is ridiculous.
He spoke words for God that God did not speak. How does one say that they are a
Christian while deceiving in this way and speaking for God that words he didn't say, and we can say he was sincere.
But he just made a mistake. Okay, Jesus says a good tree does not bear bad fruit.
A true prophet does not speak false prophecies.
Does not say that God said something is going to happen and then it doesn't. That is somebody who speaks presumptuously and there's no way that you can do that without being completely deceived and or deceiving or both.
But sincerity is off the table. I have no reason to believe at all that Chuck Pierce is a prophet or an apostle or a brother.
Because the one thing I can say is that this is not a slipsie or an oopsie -doopsie. Okay, a slipsie and an oopsie -doopsie and a mistake happens like when
I'm working on a do -it -yourself project here in the house and maybe I'm cutting, you know, some framework so that I can put some new screens on my windows and I mismeasured it.
And it turns out that I missed it by two -eighths of an inch, which is a quarter.
Okay, I'm not good at math. So, I missed it by a quarter of an inch, so I have to go back and recut. That's a mistake.
Speaking words that God did not speak and saying, thus saith the Lord, there's no way to make a mistake.
When God speaks to somebody, he will be heard. That's just flat out the truth.
And I would quote to you Balaam, the son of Baor, as a prime example of that, all right?
Nobody needs to learn how to hear the voice of God. He heard it the first time, and he was a complete and utter charlatan.
But we continue. So, yeah, Michael Brown, well, you know, they're sincere brothers, but they just made a mistake.
They are ravenous wolves, all right? He gives that warning. They are not sincere people who made a mistake.
They are not sincere leaders, godly leaders who made a mistake somewhere. How is somebody considered a godly leader when they speak words for God that God did not give them to speak?
That is blasphemy. That doesn't make them godly. That makes them ungodly in the most dangerous kind of way.
They are wolves in sheep's clothing. Now, what about someone who claims to be a prophet and prophesies falsely?
Do we call that person a false prophet? Well, yes, that's what Scripture defines them as.
That's a false prophet. That's one of the tests. When somebody speaks words falsely, that makes them a false prophet.
That's what the clear text says. If they, in fact, are not believers, if they, in fact, are wolves in sheep's clothing, then yes.
So I have to determine whether they're a believer? No, Jesus says you'll know them by their fruit. Giving a false prophecy is a fruit.
A good tree doesn't bear bad fruit. So Michael Brown, he can look into their heart and say, well, he's a brother.
So he's a sincere godly leader who just made a mistake. So note, although he references
Jesus's words that the false prophets are ravenous wolves, he avoids the, well, the part about the good tree not bearing bad fruit part.
Yes, we identify them as such. But otherwise, we simply say you are falsely calling yourself a prophet.
I'll give you an example. Someone says - So are you willing at this point to say, Mike, that Sean Bowles is falsely calling himself a prophet,
Ken Copeland is falsely calling himself a prophet, that Cindy Jacobs and everybody on the prophetic council of apostolic elders or whatever that she chairs, that all of them are not true prophets?
You know, and the list goes on. That Tracy Cook is not a true prophet, that Chuck Pierce is not a true prophet, and by extension, not a true apostle.
God's called me to teach, and they're opening up the scriptures, and they're butchering the
Bible. Now, this person's a believer, all right? They're a believer, but they - How do you know?
Because one of the standards for being a pastor and teaching in Christ's church is that you have to have studied and showed yourself approved as a workman who need not blush with embarrassment, who can rightly handle the word of truth.
Okay? So if somebody has not done that, not obeyed Christ, and now is a pastor and butchering
God's word, on what basis are we saying that he's not a false teacher and that he may not even be a brother?
Say, you know, the Lord's not letting me to teach, he's called me to teach, and they're butchering the scripture. Do I call that person a false teacher?
Not if they're a believer. Yes! Of course you do! As I understand, a false teacher, 2
Timothy 2, is a non -believer who leads - How am I supposed to know whether or not somebody is a believer or not?
By their fruit! Hello? False teaching and rebellion against the word of God, and a refusal to be corrected when you're teaching false doctrine?
That's not the behavior of a believer. That's bad fruit! Condemnation with their false doctrine.
All right? If somebody's just not interpreting the Bible well and not using right principles of teaching and they're falsely calling themselves a teacher,
I'll say you're not - Kind of the way you're doing this. You're giving a master class on not handling the Bible well here.
Selectively picking and choosing those parts that you would like to highlight and make it look like you're, oh, you're embracing the biblical standard for false prophet while ignoring other bits.
You mean like that? Not a teacher! You're falsely calling yourself a teacher, but you're not a teacher.
But if they teach heresy, you know, like Mormonism or something like that, or some blatant denial of the gospel, then
I'd say you are a false teacher. Yeah, Scripture gives more than one definition of heresy.
False Jesus, false gospel, false spirit. See 2 Corinthians chapter 11 for more details on that.
You know, a false God altogether. That puts you outside of Christianity. The same way if someone's claiming prophetic gifting and prophetic power and is a deceiver and a charlatan and a fraud, then
I would call that person a false prophet. Anybody who claims to speak words that God gave them that he didn't give them is a deceiver by definition.
But if someone says the Lord gave me this word and he showed me that on Sunday there's going to be a rainbow over the entire
United States… Now, this is coming from the man who prophesied that there would be a great youth revival that would eclipse the
Brownsville revival and that youth revival never panned out. See, the reason why
Michael Brown doesn't apply the biblical standard here regarding false prophets is because he is one.
States and that rainbow is going to signify peace between the Democrats and Republicans. Well, Sunday happens and there's no rainbow over the entire
United States and there's no peace between Democrats and Republicans. I won't call that person a false prophet unless I know for sure.
Because you'd have to call yourself one. That they are not believers, they're wolves in sheep's clothing. But I would say…
Again, Jesus goes on, a good tree does not bear bad fruit. Explain that, please.
Say you're not a prophet or you're falsely claiming to be a prophet. Right. They're falsely claiming to be a prophet.
So, just apply this now to everybody in the NAR, Bill Johnson, Chris Vallotton, Cheyenne, Cindy Jacobs, everybody who gave their prophecies at the beginning of 2020.
Let them know they are not prophets. Let them know. Or you're prophesying falsely.
This is one of my major grievances with critics and hypercritics.
Yeah, critics and hypercritics. The guys who actually use all of the standards for determining whether or not somebody's a false prophet, not just some of them selectively.
Yeah, that makes me a hypercritic. Critics, I mean people that I find to be honest and with integrity and their differences and hypercritics, those…
Right. Now, notice, I'm going to back this up and I want you to hear it again. This is one of my major grievances with critics and hypercritics.
By critics, I mean people that I find to be honest and with integrity and their differences and hypercritics, those that I find to be dishonest or deceptive.
Right. So, I'm a hypercritic, according to Michael Brown. Why does he think that somebody like Tracy Cook or Chuck Pierce or name the list, you know,
Sean Bowles, on down, Ken Copeland, Cindy Jacobs, everybody, all of them, how are they honest when they have spoken words for God that God has not given them to speak?
And me pointing it out and appealing back to the clear text, that makes me dishonest.
How do you figure that? How does that logic work exactly? Or lacking in integrity.
So, this is one of my great issues with them. In the New Testament, it says that we should not put out the
Spirit's fire. Yeah, it does say that. We should not despise prophecies, but we should test everything and hold to the good.
Yes, of course. That's part of the reason why I do my program. We compare what people say in the name of God to the
Word of God. And these prophecies always come up wanting in many different ways.
And that's 1 Thessalonians 5, 1 Corinthians 14 says, two or three prophets should speak, the others should weigh carefully what is said.
Not because sincere Christians make mistakes, but because there are false prophets and you have to test for them.
He's twisting 1 Corinthians 14 here. So, that means it's said, and someone might say, we affirm this as what the
Lord is saying, or it may be that three prophets have the same word and there's a deviation on one part. It's like, well...
Yeah, you're isogeting here. They test the words to make sure they're sound, that they're not hearing a false prophet.
And you're making it so, oh, well, they can give false prophecies, but that doesn't make them a false prophet.
That's not what's going on in 1 Corinthians 14. That's a twisting of God's Word. We feel sure three of us all heard the same word simultaneously.
We believe the Lord's speaking this, but we have to pray more about these other parts of it. That's not what 1
Corinthians 14 says. It has to be discerned like that. No, it doesn't. All right.
And even Old Testament prophecy, I can give you examples where it doesn't come to pass mathematically. There are
Old Testament prophecies that have yet to be fulfilled because they're referring to the second coming of Christ. And we know that from the
New Testament. To sit here and somehow make it sound like, well, there are
Old Testament prophets that they just didn't measure up. They gave false prophecies.
And therefore, somebody can say that the coronavirus shifting, shaking is going to come to a conclusion and start to diminish at Passover.
It doesn't come to pass. You see, it's just like when an Old Testament prophet didn't give a numerical thing or a prophecy regarding the second coming, and that hasn't come true.
So notice what he's doing. He's throwing the Old Testament prophets under the bus here.
And by the way, Jesus quotes the Old Testament prophets and the entire body of the prophets from the
Old Testament and says that they spoke the words of God. So what he's doing here is blurring the definition in order to not have to say the truth about these people that they are false prophets.
Where God blatantly says A, B, C, and then A happens, part of B happens, and then a C, and then many, many years later, part of B and C still hasn't.
Yeah, that's the proleptic nature of Old Testament prophecy. Sometimes there is an immediate fulfillment, a part of the prophecy, and a far fulfillment that has yet to come in the eschaton.
But the people were known to be true prophets, so the words are preserved for us, okay? This is not just some simple 2 plus 2 equals 4.
Deuteronomy 18 would beg to differ. If you give a prophecy and say something's going to happen and it doesn't happen, that makes you a false prophet.
Notice he's avoiding that text. Every occasion. Sometimes it is that simple. Other times, it's not. So, there were prophetic words that we highlighted some weeks back saying that come mid -April,
April 15th, 16th, the end of Passover, that there would be a clear shift, that we would go into another phase with the virus, and that there would be a diminishing of the virus.
Well, on the one hand, on those very days, April 16th, there were announcements about plans to reopen the country, people talking about the next phase, all right?
So, there seemed to be some truth to that, but what about that there would be a diminishing of the virus beginning mid -April with the
Passover season? Well, I just saw a headline today. Didn't happen. And this headline said,
US coronavirus deaths top 45 ,000, doubling in a little over a week.
And then the article says at the beginning that the numbers were the highest.
Let me just go down. US deaths increased by more than 2 ,750 on Tuesday alone, just shy of a peak of 2 ,800 deaths in a single day on April 15th.
So, April 15th, the highest day. Now, we're right behind it, and here we are today,
April 22nd. So, that did not happen. Correct. This was a false prophecy.
Tracy Cook and Chuck Pierce have been found to be false prophets.
They gave a prophecy. They spoke for God words that he did not speak. That did not happen.
There has not been a diminishing that began on that day, nor am I surprised it didn't happen. I hoped it would.
I mean, we all want to see the virus diminished. We all want to see people getting back to jobs and getting back to health and things like that, of course, but didn't happen.
Well, they're false prophets. No, that doesn't make someone a false prophet. Yes, it does. According to Deuteronomy 18, it clearly does.
And again, Jesus from Matthew 7, a good tree does not bear bad fruit. These men spoke words for God that God did not speak.
That is bad fruit. Really bad fruit. That is taking God's name in vain. That is blasphemy.
If someone is a servant of the Lord… Why should I believe they're a servant of the
Lord when they are speaking words for him that he didn't speak? A lover of Jesus. Why should I believe they love
Jesus when they spoke words for him that he never spoke? A born -again person. Why should
I believe they're born again? You judge a tree by its fruit. And they prophesize something falsely.
That makes them a false prophet, according to Deuteronomy 18 and Matthew 7. A good tree does not bear bad fruit.
We hold them accountable for that. We don't stone them. We're not in the Old Testament. No one's saying you have to stone them.
You just mark them and avoid them as false prophets, because that's what they are. Okay. This is different now.
New Testament, everyone can potentially prophesy. No, they can't, because 1
Corinthians 12 asks the question, Me Pontas prophetai? No.
Are all prophets? No. No. All are not prophets. And we all have the
Holy Spirit living within us to bear witness or not to prophetic words. That's not how that works.
It's important we understand this. So I will question another word from that person.
In other words, their credibility. Yeah, it needs to burn to the ground and never rise up again.
Like, you know, Todd Bentley, who was obviously a fraud from the start, but it took sexual misconduct and unholiness to finally get this guy out.
Really? We'll go down. And I will say that prophecy, that part of it at least, if not all of it, but that part of it was false.
There may be other parts of it. So prophecies are not line item, veto kind of thing. Well, that part of the prophecy was false, but this part's true.
So it's still a true prophecy. No, Deuteronomy 18 rules that out.
That were true. They're not going to brand the person a false prophet if they're a brother or sister in Jesus.
Again, why should I believe they're a brother or sister in Jesus when they are speaking words falsely, deceiving and blaspheming and giving words that God never gave?
I'm just trying to use biblical terminology, friend. No, you're not. You're twisting and obfuscating and refusing to look at the full counsel of the word of God on how to determine whether or not somebody is a true prophet or a false prophet.
You are eliminating Deuteronomy 18 from the mix. I'm trying to be a word person.
No, you're not. You're trying to blur the word, which is a sign of a false teacher. And we already determined you're a false prophet because you've given false prophecy.
I'm trying to be faithful to scripture. No, you're not. Old Testament false prophets either prophesied in the name of another
God. That's pretty serious. They prophesied in the name of another God.
That's Deuteronomy 13. Or they prophesied falsely in the name of the true God to encourage people to continue to sin.
That's only part of it. That's part of Jeremiah 23. Again, what about Deuteronomy 18,
Dr. Brown? I've written on this extensively, my Jeremiah commentary in the 23rd chapter and elsewhere got into it extensively, taught lengthy classes on the prophets.
Yeah, let's take a look at Deuteronomy 23. We're going long today. Sorry about that. Deuteronomy 23, 23.
Yahweh asks, am I a God at hand, declares Yahweh, not a God far away. Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him, declares
Yahweh. Do I not fill heaven and earth, declares Yahweh?
I have heard what the prophets have said, who prophesy lies in my name, saying,
I have dreamed. I have dreamed. How long shall there be lies in the heart of the prophets who prophesy lies, who prophesy the deceit of their own heart, who think to make my people forget my name by their dreams that they tell one another, even as their fathers forgot my name for Baal.
Now, here we got a clear example from Jeremiah 23 of false prophets prophesying lies in the name of Yahweh and relying on their dreams like Jude and Peter warned us.
Prophesying the deceit of their own heart. So, let's consider the options here.
Tracy Cook said that this would be a true Passover and that there would be a diminishing of the shaking at the time of the
Passover regarding the pandemic, and that turned out to be false. So, what are my options here?
What are my options here? Because, well, Jeremiah 23 says he prophesied lies because it was a lie.
It was a flat -out lie. God didn't say those words. So, how does this not fit into the pattern of Jeremiah 23?
Because he lied in the name of God. It does. It fits Jeremiah 23 perfectly.
This makes him a false prophet. Let the prophet who has a dream tell the dream, but let him who has my word speak my word faithfully.
What is straw in common with wheat? So, note here, Yahweh gives us another example.
Jesus said a good tree does not bear bad fruit. Yahweh, who is also Jesus here, because Jesus and Yahweh are the same
God. That's the best way to put it. He says, what does straw have in common with wheat? The answer is nothing.
Nothing. Is not my word like fire, declares the Lord, like a hammer that breaks a rock to pieces? He says, therefore,
I am against the prophet, declares the Lord, who steal my words from one another. Behold, I am against the prophet, declares the
Lord, who use their tongues and declare, declares the Lord. All right? So, these are people who are speaking lies in the name of Yahweh, and God says, what does wheat have in common with chaff, you know, with straw?
Answer, nothing. Does a good tree bear bad fruit? No. So, speaking lies in the name of Yahweh makes you a false prophet, even according to Jeremiah 23, which, well, of course, you know, he's written a commentary on this.
So, the only tests are whether or not they prophesy in the name of false gods or they teach lies, you know, teach you to sin against God while prophesying.
No, there's another part of it. Speaking lies, declaring, declares the Lord when the Lord didn't declare nothing, relying on their dreams, and that's a form of deception.
Again, Michael Brown is avoiding all the texts that clearly say that these men are false prophets.
And have gotten into these things in depth. That's what false prophets do.
They lead you to follow another god, or they encourage you to practice sin and say that God is fine with it.
Yeah, that's true about false prophets, but it's insufficient. Deuteronomy 18 says that they also prophesy things will happen that don't.
That's how you can tell they're a false prophet. He keeps avoiding that. So, he's only giving part of the definition of a false prophet as if it's the entire definition.
And what, by doing this, what is he doing? He's strengthening the hands of these deceivers. He is protecting false prophets and making, basically, making it so that people who believe that this is true are going to be ravaged by these wolves.
He's protecting the wolf rather than the sheep. Another sign of a false teacher and a false prophet
Michael Brown fulfills here. They're wolves in sheep's clothing. But you can be a true believer and get something wrong prophetically.
What does Paul say? No, no, no. That's just not true. That is not true.
A good tree does not bear bad fruit. You are playing fast and loose with the Word of God and avoiding the clear texts and trying to make unclear texts govern the clear ones.
That's a hermeneutical error of the highest magnitude. But I think you get the idea. I can go on and on.
But Michael Brown, I mean, he's at it again. I mean, he fulfills his role very well as the apostle of obfuscation.
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So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ, and his vicarious death on the cross, for all of your sins.