TD Jakes DISGRACES His Wife As Steven Furtick Laughs!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So T .D.
Jakes is a heretical Bible teacher who calls himself a bishop, and one of his best buddies is, you guessed it, your old pal,
Stephen Furtick. T .D. Jakes also happens to deny the Trinity and believes that God is not three in one, as the
Christian Church has held as a very near and dear doctrine for thousands of years. Of course, Stephen Furtick has still, nonetheless, directly endorsed
T .D. Jakes many times despite his false doctrine, and has even called Jakes, quote, the greatest preacher of our time.
Yes, he actually said that. Yet some people won't even call Stephen Furtick dangerous at the least, which is astounding to me.
In any case, the reason I want to talk to you today is because I recently watched a video in which T .D.
Jakes sexually humiliates his wife and dishonors his wife, and that's really the only thing you can call this, by putting her on display in front of the entire church as Stephen Furtick watches with a smile and thunderous applause, completely approving of all of it.
Now, I know some of you already think this is clickbait. There's no way that this is true. There's no way that this actually happened, but I can show you the video.
Now, the audio and video will be distorted for copyright reasons, but you can still hear and see everything.
Check this out. My lovely wife celebrates you. Stand up, honey. Show her how big you are.
You're the finest grandmama I ever saw in my life. These nine great kids are still rockin' her.
She can still twerk for the Lord. Give God a praise. So let me offer you three points that refute this immoral activity and false teaching biblically.
Now, I am not making this video to dig up someone's private sin and expose it online. The reason
I'm making this video is to warn the church about false teaching because the Bible commands us to identify and avoid false teachers in Romans 16 -17.
So let's get into it, shall we? Number one, we have T .D. Jakes saying the following, Get up, honey.
Show them I did good. So T .D. Jakes, as a pastor, a hypothetical man of God, is literally telling his wife to stand up in front of the entire congregation during a sermon so that they can analyze her physical appearance and decide whether or not he did good.
That's what he just said. And we know that he was talking about her body, her physical appearance as opposed to anything else because he literally said,
You're the finest grandmama I ever seen in my life. So there's no mention of her purity, her modesty, her holiness or submissiveness or any other trait that would characterize a good woman in the scriptures.
None of that is important, apparently. All he wants her to do is stand up and parade herself around so the rest of his congregation can look at her body and see how hypothetically attractive she is for her age.
What a weird display of crude and worldly behavior. And not only is this happening, but it's happening from the pulpit in the middle of what he calls a serious sermon.
It's really astounding, honestly. The unbelieving world already thinks that the measure of a woman is her body.
We know that. And the job of a pastor, the job of a man of God, a good father, a good brother, should be to demonstrate that the word of God says otherwise.
Instead, this false teacher simply reinforces all of the worldly ideas about women that the culture has and encourages his congregation to participate in the same crude behavior as well.
I want to know in the comments, ladies, if you were a woman in this congregation, how would you feel? Would you feel loved and cherished for your holiness?
Would you feel encouraged to focus on your character rather than your body? Or would you begin to become insecure with this kind of weird emphasis on physical appearance happening not just in the church, but coming from your very own pastor during a sermon?
There is an easy way to refute this stuff biblically, guys. T .D. Jakes is effectively saying here, praise my wife for the way she looks.
That's what he's doing. That's this whole charade. That's what it's all about. But Proverbs 31 verse 30 clearly says that, quote, charm is deceitful and beauty is vain.
But a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. A good woman in the church should not be praised for her body whatsoever, but for her fearing of the
Lord. That's what the word of God says. And this, this action on T .D. Jakes' part, it flies in the face of that.
Number two, T .D. Jakes then says she could still twerk for the Lord. Praise God. Twerking, by the way, is a sexual dance popular in today's culture.
So why on earth this man is talking about his wife dancing sexually from the pulpit? I haven't the foggiest idea.
But here's the part of the video where some of you are going to say this. Seriously, Colin, the scriptures say that you can have sex with your husband or wife and participate in sexual activity with them.
So stop being such a prude, OK? He's allowed to do this. Have you ever read Song of Solomon, Colin? And my response to that is this.
If you bring up that point, you're clearly missing the whole headline here. And please stop bringing up Song of Solomon in these situations, guys.
You make yourself look so foolish when you do that. Using Song of Solomon, which is a book of the
Bible detailing the sexual attraction a man has for his wife, it's just a terrible argument. It goes something like this.
Well, Song of Solomon publicly talks about sex between two spouses. So I guess all sexual talk, therefore, and all sexual action, therefore, in public about a husband and a wife is allowed in the church and amongst church members.
And seriously, what a foolish thing to say. I've even seen other Christian YouTubers on this platform try to make that argument.
And here's the problem with it, guys. You could literally use that exact same argument, the exact same logical formula, to suggest that a pastor could make a sex tape and show it to his congregation.
There's not a single thing different in the logical argumentation that you would use to defend that point using
Song of Solomon. None whatsoever. So you really need to stop using that book as a cop -out to defend people in all sorts of weird situations because it just demonstrates that you're lacking in discernment and you're not handling the
Word of God rightly. Yes, a man is absolutely allowed to dance sexually with his wife in private.
That's totally fine. But that doesn't mean he should be talking about his wife's body and her sexual performance of any kind from the pulpit.
It's just not pure, it's not holy, and it's called sexually disgracing your wife in front of the entire congregation.
That's what this is. I'm not exaggerating. There's really nothing else you could call this. Biblically, if I were married, it is lawful for me and my wife to have sex.
It's okay. However, if I were preaching a sermon and then paused the sermon to talk about how awesome my wife is in bed, that would be sinful and obscene behavior.
Ephesians 5 .4 says, quote, Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving.
But of course, T .D. Jakes doesn't think he needs to follow this command in church because he would rather make obscene comments from the pulpit about his wife than preach the word of God as 2
Timothy 4 .2 commands him. So this kind of fleshly and sinful display is honestly entirely expected of him being a false teacher.
But that brings me to point number three. Stephen Furtick, the mature man of God that he is, of course, he doesn't just stand by and watch this all happen uncomfortably as most of us would.
Instead, he effectively says yes and amen to all of this stuff as he claps and smiles away as if nothing bad is even happening.
This act, in conjunction with all of the other weird and unbiblical things Stephen Furtick says regularly, should indicate to you that he does not have the discernment necessary to run any church of any kind, let alone one of the largest churches in the
United States. Now, you might say this, Well, Colin, don't be so harsh on Stephen because after all, it was
T .D. Jakes who made the inappropriate comments here, not Furtick. So you can't make him guilty by association.
That's just not biblical or Christian of you. Actually, according to scripture, though, you can make him guilty by association to a certain extent and following biblical guidelines.
Let me show you how. Isaiah 520 says, quote, Woe to those who call good evil and evil good.
What you believe about the actions of another person, that matters. So when Stephen Furtick watches this and gives his approval, he is absolutely participating in Jake's sin because he's calling good evil.
Additionally, T .D. Jakes denies the doctrine of the Trinity. We brought that up earlier. That makes him a false teacher by definition, as he is denying the eternal deity and personhood of Jesus Christ.
And 2 John 1 10 through 11 says, If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, which in context is right teaching about Christ, do not receive him into your house or give him any greeting.
For whoever greets him takes part in his wicked works. So again, it sounds like all of you who say being guilty by association isn't in the
Bible. You might need to take a closer look at your actual Bible, because the word of God clearly says that Stephen Furtick is taking part in T .D.
Jakes' wicked works just by affirming him. There's no getting around that. He is a false teacher along with Jake's because he promotes his heretical ministry and his teaching directly.
In any case, as I said earlier, the reason I'm making this video is because I believe we are commanded in Scripture to mark and avoid men like this.
Romans 16 17 says, In short, both of these men should be marked and avoided like the false teachers they are.
Stop making excuses for them. Stop trying to manipulate the Scriptures in a way that makes them sound innocent.
Just go back and watch that video again. Because deep down you know that these men are not qualified to be church leaders.
No more excuses. Let's just follow the word of God and stay away from these men to find real pastors.
Please find a pastor who actually has a spine. Because these two men combined together had the collective backbone of a bowl of Jell -O.
Following men like this will lead you into false teaching and worldly sinful behavior.
There's no doubt about that. So stay away from them as the Bible commands you. And please, at the same time, earnestly pray for these men that they would accept the truth, turn to the word of God, and turn away from their sin.
Thanks so much for watching. If you enjoyed that video, don't forget to like, comment, share, subscribe, and hit the notification bell so that you never miss another one.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you, and God bless.