This Great Nation

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Kyle Douglass; Deuteronomy 4:1-8 This Great Nation


Welcome to Recast Church, where we're growing in faith, community, and service. You're listening to a message by Pastor Kyle Douglas from the book of Deuteronomy, from a series entitled,
Clinging to God on the Way from Here to There. If you'd like more information about Recast Church, check us out at recastchurch .com
or you can find us on Facebook. Here's Pastor Kyle. Again, welcome to Recast, we're thankful that you're here.
You know, this is church, everybody. We come because, obviously, hopefully you want to worship with us, you want to hear the
Word of God, but hopefully you come because of the people, too. I mean, this is a chance to get to know people, maybe you already know your friends and church family here, but we're glad that you're here.
So a couple things, always, worship folders, hopefully you got a little piece of paper when you came in, or a little folded piece, has a little picture on it, that has most of our announcements in it.
Please read through that so you're up to speed on what's happening here at Recast. Inside that also is a connection card.
It's a small piece of paper where you can write your name and contact information, a couple different ways that you can connect with us if you want to hear more from us or connect with a pastor, you can mark that there.
I would ask this week, actually, at the start of the fall, so our kids' ministry kicks off today, that if you could fill that out, even if you think we already have your information, maybe your email is updated or you have a new cell phone number, just fill it out and drop it in and we can sort through it, but it really helps us to have your updated contact information, so that might be good for you to do.
Also an offering envelope, if you want to give a gift to the Lord, then please use that envelope, put it in there, and then drop it in that black box back there on that table.
That table also has other information, including mugs that you can take if you're a first -time visitor here as a gift from us.
All right, if you would indulge me for a minute, would you please raise your right hand if you are a citizen—thank you,
Pete, preemptive, preemptive—would you please raise your right hand if you are a citizen of the
United States of America? I'm guessing most of us, we have had a couple of international visitors, which is awesome, but I would say that most of us are citizens of the
United States. Based on your citizenship, I think that you will have no problem with the following.
I'm going to give you some of the questions that come on the standard civics exam for all emigrating persons into the
United States. So let's see if you really are a knowledgeable citizen of the
United States. First question, please. Number one, what is the supreme law of the land?
The Constitution. The Constitution, please reveal the answer there. So far, so good. Did anyone not know that?
Don't raise your hand, it's embarrassing. Question number two, what do we call the first ten amendments to the
Constitution? Bill of Rights, good job, middle school social studies.
Bill of Rights. Next question, please. What is freedom of religion?
Part of our nation, obviously, is freedom of religion, and they require that those who come to be citizens understand what this involves.
Anyone want to venture a guess? Okay, that's part of it.
You can practice any religion that you want, or you may not practice a religion. Take a look at the answer, two parts.
You can practice any religion, or not practice a religion. Fundamental part of being an
American is that you have this right. Next question. Uh -oh.
Getting a little harder. Who is one of your state's U .S.
Senators right now? I don't know that I could have answered this, so this is about where I fall off the wagon, okay?
Who are our Senators right now? Carl Levin, Debbie Stabenow. Yeah, booze, right?
Or, yay, whatever. We're not being political here, we're just sharing facts, okay? Next question.
If both the President and the Vice President can no longer serve, who becomes President? Speaker of the
House. You guys are good. Like, that was, like, people just jumped right on that. Answer, please. Speaker of the
House. And this may come up later, but please pay attention to that photo.
That's all I'm saying. Next question. Name one right only for United States citizens.
The right to bear arms is not one of them. Voting and run for federal office.
Answers, please. Vote in a federal election and run for federal office.
Only reserved to U .S. citizens. Next question. Last one.
What is one of the six promises that you make when you become a
United States citizen? To support the
Constitution. By the way, if you're a citizen, you inherently promise to do these things.
Probably a good idea to know them, right? Next question. Or, the answers.
Let's see what they are. Give up loyalty to all other countries. Defend the
Constitution and the laws of the United States. Obey the laws of the United States.
Serve in the U .S. military if required of you. Serve, do important work for the nation if needed.
And be loyal to the United States. How many of you, that's actually new info.
Born and raised here, you immigrated, but you did not know that that is part of what is required of you as a citizen?
Go to the next slide there. So we do this little quiz, and if you're like me, you know,
I go through these questions and I realize, like, wow, I think I'm a pretty good American, but maybe
I got some work to do, right? Maybe I'm not as great of a citizen as I think
I am. We live in a great nation. Many of you would agree with me when
I say that I think America is awesome. I love my country. I hope that I'm a good
American, right? But in order to do that, really, I think this points it out, we have to know the laws of our land.
We have to obey the laws of our land. Most of us, I would say, are probably law -abiding citizens, but maybe we fudge here and there.
Maybe we obey the laws, but we complain about them. Speed limits.
But is that all there is to being a citizen? Is it just the laws, just follow the rules, and you'll be a good
American? Don't have the police show up at your door, or the FBI, or the feds, and you're fine. No, I think it's deeper than that.
I think we have to love our country, right? I was reading in some original documents about the start of America, came across a story of Captain Nathan Hale.
Maybe some of you history buffs will know his name, but he was captured as a spy by the
British in September of 1776. What happened in 1776? Declaration of Independence.
So now, for these ragtag Americans, these colonists, they believed that they were an independent nation.
They had declared their independence. Armies and militia were formed, and this
Captain Nathan Hale was a part of that. Captured as a spy, like I said, by the
British, put on trial, and sentenced to death.
Right before his execution, he requested a clergyman to attend him to his death.
He was denied that. He requested a Bible to prepare himself for meeting his creator.
He was denied that. He was allowed, however, to write two letters.
He wrote one to his mother, and the other to a brother officer. And then he calmly went to the gallows, and his last words are legend.
He said, I only regret that I have but one life to give for my country.
I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country. So I asked you if you were a citizen of the
United States, but what if I asked you to raise your hand if you are a citizen of the kingdom of God?
You don't have to raise your hand on this one, just think about it. Are you a citizen of the kingdom of God?
D .L. Moody wrote about heaven, about this kingdom, and he said this,
I don't think that it's wrong for us to talk about heaven. I like to locate heaven, and find out all
I can about it. I expect to live there in all eternity. If I were going to dwell in a place in this country, if I were going to make it my home,
I would want to inquire about the place, about its climate, about the neighbors that I would have, about everything, in fact, that I could learn concerning it.
If any of you were going to emigrate, that would be the way that you would feel. Well, he says, we are going to emigrate in a very little while to a country that is very far away.
We are going to spend eternity in another world, a grand and glorious world where God reigns.
Is it not natural then that we should look and listen, and try to find out who is already there, and what is the route to take?
Isn't that an awesome painting of the reality of who we are as citizens of God?
None of us are long for this world, and we may be American citizens, but if you are in Christ, first and foremost, you are a citizen of heaven.
Do you know its leader? I mean, if I were to give you an exam, a civics exam about your heavenly citizenship, could you pass it?
Do you know its leader? Do you know its laws? Do you obey them?
Do you love your country? Many of you know that we are in a series that I get the opportunity to preach, don't worry,
Don hasn't died, he is still around, but he is on vacation and visiting other places for three weeks, so I have three in a row here, but I am in a series on Deuteronomy.
And our passage today is the beginning of the end of the historical prologue.
He is actually finished with his recounting of the history of Israel up to this point. He is giving a large speech to all these people who are gathered before him, and now he is about to turn towards the laws.
So he has explained how awesome God is, how great he is, and he has reminded them of all the things that he has done to build them up into a nation that is ready to go in the promised land, and now he is about to tell them, okay, when you get there, this is how you are to conduct yourselves.
And he is going to reiterate the law that he has been teaching them this whole time in the wilderness. And in our passage, he takes a moment to remind them that their success in this promised land depends on two things.
Number one, the presence of God with them as a people. And number two, their absolute loyalty and allegiance to the
Word of God and to his law. That would be what would make them successful.
That is what they need to work on. And as they go and accomplish their mission in the promised land, if they held to those two things, if they made sure that God was with them and they obeyed his laws, they would find success.
They would become a great nation. They were a great nation based on God's presence already.
So we are talking about dead people, right? They lived a long time ago. Here we are.
What can we learn from them? We are still citizens of heaven. And I think we can learn a lot about how to make not only the kingdom of God great, but our nation great as well.
And that is what I hope we find this morning as we read our text. So turn with me to Deuteronomy chapter 4, verses 1 through 8.
Can someone throw out a page number in their Bible? And if you need a Bible, go ahead and raise your hand and Mike back there can, page 128, the guys in the aisles can give you a
Bible if you need it, but turn to page 128 with me and we will read Deuteronomy chapter 4, verses 1 through 8.
And now, O Israel, listen to the statutes and the rules that I am teaching you and do them, that you may live and go in and take possession of the land that the
Lord, the God of your fathers is giving you. You shall not add to the word that I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the
Lord, your God, that I command you. Your eyes have seen what the Lord did at Baal Peor, for the Lord, your
God, destroyed from among you all the men who followed the Baal of Peor. But you who held fast to the
Lord, your God, are alive today. See, I have taught you statutes and rules as the
Lord, my God, commanded me, that you should do them in the land that you are entering to take possession of it.
Keep them and do them, for that will be your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the peoples, who when they hear all these statutes will say, surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.
For what great nation is there that has a God so near to it as the Lord, our God, is to us whenever we call upon Him?
And what great nation is there that has statutes and rules so righteous as all this law that I set before you today?
I'm going to pray in a minute, but then we'll enter into a time of worship. And just a word about that.
When we come together and we sing, something powerful takes place. Our band is leading us in song, creating a melody that we all sing to.
We're speaking words about God from our lips, words of praise out to Him, and that pleases
God. It makes Him glad when His kids talk about how great He is. But it also unites us.
Think about it. We have a couple hundred people sitting in this room, and we're all going to be singing the same words to the same tune.
It's a metaphor that together we're a church, and we're coming together, we're uniting together to worship our great
God. And I would ask you to think about that as you sing these words. Let's have an awesome time of worshiping this great
God that makes such great nations. Let's pray. Father, we come to you this morning just humbled by your word.
Father, thank you for choosing a people, for revealing yourself to them, for giving them your law.
God, in it we see your goodness and your greatness and your mercy.
And Father, we want to learn from it. We want to be a people who listen and do.
We don't want to be hearers only. It's kind of easy to be a hearer here in church. It's kind of what it's built for.
We hear the word, and maybe we just hear this music, but we're about to sing these words to you,
God. And I pray that that would just be the start, that we would be transformed by your presence here, that your spirit would fill us, and when we walk out of here,
God, that we would be changed and desiring to walk with you in obedience, to serve you with all of our heart and soul and minds and strength.
We love you, Lord, and be pleased with our singing right now. It's in Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Amen. Thank you, band, and hopefully you had a great time in that time of worship.
And just a reminder that we want you to make yourself comfortable, like kind of get set, get ready, because we're going to go.
Feel free to get donuts, coffee. If you have to use the restrooms, they're out this door, and then down the hallway at the end, women on the main floor, men up top.
But feel free to do what you need to do to pay attention to the word here. So we look at verse 1.
Moses directs the people. He calls to Israel. Now, God was creating a nation.
It was a literal nation, not just a people group anymore, not just kind of a race, although certainly most of them were
Hebrew, of Hebrew descent. But he was literally forming a people, a geopolitical power in the land.
They would go to a land that would have boundaries and borders. They would have authorities and structures that organized themselves.
And they had a law, a written law that they were to abide by. So they were very much a nation, kind of like we recognize
Israel right now, right? They're a nation over there. They're not just a people group. That's what God was intending to do with his people, to create them to be a nation like those around them.
But Moses wants to make it clear what they are to be about. That's what the book of Deuteronomy is.
That's what most of what he had written in the Pentateuch here, the first five books of the
Bible, all written by Moses, are about. They're about teaching the people what they should be about as they go in and accomplish their mission of taking over the land.
So he says, I want you to listen to the statutes and the rules that I'm teaching you.
How many of you need a little help when someone is giving you important information? I would bet that some of us men, when our wives are talking to us, need to hear this.
Don't we? So, husband, we're doing this and that, uh -huh, uh -huh, uh -huh, it's going about your day, right?
Sometimes our wives have to go and grab us and say, listen to me, right?
I'm like that. When my wife talks about schedules with me, oftentimes I'm lost in thought,
I'm going about my day, and she will often have to go, sometimes even grabbing my face and turning me so that I can have eye contact with her, so that she will tell me, you need to listen right now.
I'm explaining something that will be important for you later, right? And I go, okay, I'm with you, right?
It would seem just obvious that, of course, we're supposed to listen to God, of course we're supposed to do what He says, but how many of us need that reminder when we're talking about God and His rules?
How many of us show up to church and we're not ready to listen? We got our clothes on, we put on our makeup, we got the shoes, we got the kids ready, right, and we show up here and we're just like, what are we doing this afternoon?
Are our hearts ready to listen? And more than listen, why are we listening so closely?
What are we supposed to be doing? Obeying, right? I love what he says here.
Listen to the statutes and do them. He's not leaving anything to be misunderstood.
I'm telling you these things so that you will do them. A lot of you will maybe think of the
James passage, right? Faith without deeds is what?
Dead. God is not... As I preach, you'll probably hear a bunch of quips that my dad gave me as a kid, you know, but here's another one.
I'm not just talking to hear myself talk, right? Any dads say that one? I'm not just speaking to hear myself talk.
I'm telling you to do something, right? Well, God's the same way. He's not giving us these statutes and rules so that we would just go, oh yeah, that's a good idea,
God. Good one. You're a genius. And then we just go and do what we want. No, he's giving us the statutes and the rules so that we would do them.
Because he wanted to shape us. He wanted to shape Israel into the people that he intended them to be.
So they had a mission, and Moses makes it very clear that if they were going to succeed in taking over this promised land and going in and removing the seven nations that were before them and dwelling in this good place, they had to obey
God. They had to listen to these statutes and rules, and he says that would be their life.
This will be your life. This is what will cause you to succeed. This is what will bring you peace and happiness if you do these things.
So this law that he's about to get to, a couple things that we can observe about it. The first is that it's from God.
And look at verse 2. Later in the verse he says, that you may keep the commandments of the
Lord your God that I command you. Oftentimes we talk of the law of Moses, especially when in the
New Testament we're trying to distinguish between maybe something Jesus said and something that was said in the Old Testament. But what did
Moses understand about everything that he was giving to the people? That these words were from God.
Remember Moses was a guy that spoke to God. He went up onto Mount Horeb and spent 40 days fasting in the presence of God.
And God delivered to him the law that he brought down to the people. The Ten Commandments, but then also the statutes.
And oftentimes if something happened that Moses didn't know how to deal with, he would go into the tent of meeting.
He would approach the Lord and say, God we've got this situation, what do you want to do about it? And then God would issue a command and he would come out and teach the people.
So this law is not just man -made, it is from God. Moses clearly taught it.
He didn't let us try and struggle and guess at what we were supposed to do, or the Israelites were supposed to do.
He gave it all to them very clearly. That's something I love about our nation, right?
Any of us can go online and we can download the Constitution. I actually had an app that was like,
I don't know, Documents of the U .S. or whatever, and I had the Constitution right in my pocket. Has anyone read the Constitution all the way through?
Anybody? Probably citizens, it would be a good thing to do, you know, read the Constitution. But it's not hidden, right?
It's just out there for us to read at our leisure. No one's trying to pull a fast one with us, at least in terms of what the
Constitution says or the rules that we're trying to obey, and neither was God trying to do that for his people. He wanted them to know exactly what they were required to do.
And Moses was a good teacher. And I don't think that the teaching was just about putting something on a piece of paper and then throwing it out there for people to read somewhere.
I think that Moses was the kind of leader that interacted with his people, and as situations came up, he helped them apply the law.
That was also the purposes of the judges in Israel. When something was happening or a case needed to be discerned or disputed, they would come up to the judges, they would go back to the law, they would talk about what rules applied in the case, they would take the details of the situation, and then they would make a judgment.
I think as pastors, that's part of what we're to do as well. You know, I don't want you just to memorize this, but I want you to know it so that when you come upon the situations in your life that are personal, that are actually the things that you're going through, that you'll know how to take this and follow the
Lord in the midst of that situation, whatever it is. So Moses was teaching them. And it was a good law.
Many of us Christians, I think, begin to screw up here. Because we know that we're not saved by following the rules, right?
By grace, through faith. And sometimes when we preach, and it's probably a fault of those who are teaching and preaching, we disparage the
Old Testament, kind of. Maybe we don't say it literally, but we really give this impression that the stuff that God did back then, it wasn't very good, it didn't work, it couldn't make the people righteous, so I'm just so glad that we don't need to deal with that anymore.
Some of us get that impression that we can just, like, jettison the Old Testament, you know, we don't really need to pay attention to it, it's just a bunch of old, like, fluffy stuff.
Anyone ever kind of felt like that was the message being communicated a little bit? The Old Testament, whatever, it's kind of lame, right?
But it wasn't lame. It was good and wise.
And made the people an understanding people. And why? Because of who it came from.
Jeremiah 51 .15 says this, of God, It is He who made the earth by His power, who established the world by His wisdom, and by His understanding stretched out the heavens.
Who established the world by His wisdom and by His understanding stretched out the heavens.
I love science stuff, I love, like, the cosmos and physics and all that, and if you ever watch these documentaries,
I mean, some of it's probably all weird, but a lot of it's like good science. And I just stand in amazement,
I have no problem looking at the things that they're discovering of our world and going, God is incredible.
He is an architect. He is an engineer beyond all engineers.
He has structured this place with such intricacy, with such vastness and power, and yet it's so small and so simple and so amazing.
I just stand in awe of the work that God has done. And it's that God who made this world and made you and me who wrote some rules.
Do you think they're probably good? Yeah, even if they're weird, even if they're about goats or sheep, they had a reason.
They did something for the people that it was communicated to. It was a good law given directly from the
God of the universe. But it was also complete. And Moses made it very clear that the law was not up for people to pick willy -nilly what they would follow or what they wouldn't.
Nor were they to add to it. Ironic, if you know the situation of the Pharisees and the scribes that would come about later in New Testament times.
These people thought that they could help people apply the Word of God by adding to the rules, and so they had all these traditions.
And it got to the point where some of their traditions undid the original law. And how many times in the
Old Testament do we see people, number one, right, you shall have no other gods before me, and we'll look at a situation in just a minute.
They decide to not follow, number one. They worship other gods.
Moses is saying, don't do that. You take the whole counsel of God.
Jumping ahead to a little application here, I mean, you know, our Bible's a little bit different from that law, but this is still the
Word of God, front to back, inspired by Him, given for a reason to help instruct us in righteousness and godliness.
And man, there's a bunch of us, and sometimes it's me, who decide to take the parts that I like and leave out the parts that I don't.
And any time you begin to take away from the Word of God or you begin to add to it your own rules, you're in danger.
You're in danger of missing the wisdom of God, the understanding of God, and potentially suffering the consequence of that.
So he teaches them about this law, and this was the thing that they were to hold precious, to know forwards and backwards, to be conscious of every day, living out this law.
So he gives them this command, and then he warns them, and he takes a minute to kind of go back and say, hey, remember when?
If you think I'm joking here, many of you were alive when this happened.
That situation with Baal of Peor. Turn with me, if you have your Bible, to Numbers chapter 25.
Numbers chapter 25, wrong way, it's to the left. Numbers chapter 25.
Numbers isn't just about numbers, there's a lot of the history of Israel, right? So there are people, they're wandering in the desert,
God's doing a lot of things with them, he's demonstrating his power to them, he's forming them as a people. They've already been rescued.
So, should they know that God is awesome? Have they basically covenanted with him to follow him at this point?
Yes. They are his people. Their allegiance is to him.
And look what happened when they came across some of the people of the land. Starting at verse 1, while Israel lived in Shittim, the people began to whore after the daughters of Moab.
These invited the people to the sacrifices of their gods, and the people ate and bowed down to their gods.
That should be like someone stabbing a needle into our ears. To think of the people of God bowing down and worshiping
Baal of Peor. And look what verse 3 says. So Israel yoked himself to Baal of Peor, and the anger of the
Lord was kindled against Israel. Now that doesn't mean that God was sitting up in his throne getting all poopy pants about this.
When the Bible says that the anger of the Lord was kindled against the people, it often means that there was a physical manifestation of judgment.
So he was killing people with a plague. He was so furious that his people who he had saved, that were called by his name, who had covenanted with him, were now whoring themselves, prostituting themselves, committing adultery with him, with this
God, that he begins to kill them. And the Lord said to Moses, Take all of the chiefs of the people and hang them in the sun before the
Lord. Hang could also mean pierce them through, put them on spikes. That the fierce anger of the
Lord may turn away from Israel. And Moses said to the judges of Israel, Each of you kill those of his men who have yoked themselves to Baal of Peor.
And if you keep reading, you'll read about Phineas, son of Eleazar, son of Aaron the priest, who at one point sees
Israelite prancing along with a woman, waving at Moses, going to the bedroom with this woman, mocking
Moses and God and everything that they stood for, sucked into the revelry and debauchery.
And Phineas takes a spike and he goes in there and he runs them both through with a spike. And God says,
I'll stop now. And he ended the plague.
But 24 ,000 people had died. But he says, that's the kind of jealousy that I'm after.
That's how serious I am about not worshipping other gods. And Moses is going back to this story, right?
To say, you better be loyal. Don't let that happen again.
Don't go back to a point where you get so caught up with what's going on around you and so enticed by the sinfulness of the other people that you forget your
God because he may bring judgment on you again. Those of you who yoked yourself to that idol fell and died.
If we're talking about this metaphor of being in the kingdom, of being a citizen of heaven, they were essentially traitors.
They were traitors to their nation and to their God. And they died.
And Moses is saying, don't go back there. But, he says in verse 4, those of you who held fast to the
Lord are alive today. Those of you who held fast to the
Lord are alive today. And I love the opposing images that that creates. And it's the same choice for all of us every day, isn't it?
We can either choose to yoke ourself to sin. To yoke ourselves to the things that are not
God. When we follow our own way. When we do wrong.
When we do evil. When we satisfy ourselves. It's like we're going right up to the devil.
And we're saying, yep, I'll pull with you. Like two cows stuck in the same yoke.
Moses says, don't do that. Don't choose sin. Don't choose to disobey.
Instead, cling fast to the Lord your God. Hold on to Him with all your effort and all your might.
That's why I've actually called this series what I've called it. Clinging to God on the way from here to there. Because throughout the whole message of Deuteronomy, Moses keeps coming back to this.
Hold tight. Don't let God go. You're going to be tempted to leave
Him behind. You're going to be tempted to do your own thing. It's going to be hard. You're going to have to say no to your friends. You're not going to get invited to the party anymore.
You're going to be weird. You're going to be laughed at. Don't let go. Hold fast to the
Lord your God. That, he says, will be your life.
And he gets to the end of our passage here in chapter 4. And he says some things about what will happen to this people.
Or the type of people that they will be. Or the type of nation that they are. And he says, what great nation.
He says a couple of things there after that. What great nation has a God as close to it as the Lord our God is to us?
Or has laws so wise and righteous? This is interesting. The language that he uses here of closeness of God.
In that time, in Mesopotamia, kings would be judged by how many laws or rules that they had.
But the trick was, none of their gods were very close. They had an understanding of the cosmos as being run by certain laws and organized by these deities who floated out there in space.
And his job as a king was to make his best guess at what those laws should reflect in his society.
And so he would write down laws, and then he would go and offer them up to his pagan god as a sign that he had worked really hard to try and figure out what the god wanted.
The god Shemesh was the god of justice. And what a difference between Shemesh and Yahweh.
Moses is saying that you, Israel, don't serve a god that's way out there distant, who has hidden himself somewhere in the fabric of the universe.
You serve a god who has revealed himself to you. Personally, you've heard his voice on the mountain.
You've seen his great deeds. You've seen the acts that he has performed. And not only that, he's articulated his expectations for you.
He's written them down. He's given you rules and statutes. He's revealed his heart and his character to you in his law.
God is not like those other gods. God is near and present. And not only that, but when you call on him, he hears and he acts and he listens.
He is the only true living god. Last week we talked about prayer. Anyone pray a little bit more this week?
A couple of you talked to me and told me that you did, and that's so encouraging to me, but I found myself praying more too. And what a privilege that we have to pray to a god who's near to us, who's listening, who wants to respond to his kids, who wants to be involved with us, who is in relationship with us.
So God's law was a reflection of his character. And it was a privilege for Israel to hold that law.
It was fair. It was just. It was oftentimes merciful. We often read it and we think, oh my goodness, that guy was put to death, or why did they do that?
That seems really harsh, but especially in that time, it brought much needed justice to a people who would often take vengeance way beyond the limits that they were supposed to.
God is fair, just, merciful. He's relational. That's a point
I want to make about the law too. We often think of the law as this dry set of rules, right?
And it was just like a bunch of boxes that you checked. And then all those sacrifices, all the blood of the law.
Why did God institute the sacrificial system? Why did he have people kill goats and sheep and sacrifice birds and do all of these sacrifices?
Anybody know? Okay, to point to Jesus, but why? Blood must be shed for the what?
Forgiveness of sins. So in the rule book are rules about what to do when you break the rules.
Isn't that amazing?
In God's own law, he was saying, I know that you're not going to be able to keep this perfectly, and so here's the system that you go through in order to stay in relationship to me.
The law was not about God putting his thumb on people and saying, ha ha, you can't do all these. Run around, do this work for me, busy work.
No. It was about peace and justice and fairness, and it was about remaining in relationship with God.
What a beautiful thing it was. And yes, we will see that it pointed to Christ.
So what would make the nation great? This great nation. I mentioned it earlier, but it's two things.
It's God's presence with his people and the people's obedience to his word.
So as we try and bring this maybe a little bit closer to home, right? How do we get from Israel to us?
And this gets a little bit complicated. Are we still part of Israel? Are we not a part of Israel?
Is God still working with his people? We've got the New Testament now, and Jesus came and changed some things. How does this all work out?
I would suggest to you that we should consider ourselves as dual citizens. We are dual citizens.
We belong to two kingdoms. Those of us who raised our hand earlier in the service were citizens of the
United States of America, probably natural born. So we have responsibilities to our nation as citizens.
But many of us here have emigrated into the kingdom of God. And our allegiance to the kingdom of God takes priority over all other citizenships that we might hold.
We are faithful to him first and foremost above all. But we still conduct ourselves the best as we can in the circumstances that we find ourselves.
Colossians 1, verse 13 says that he has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved
Son. We've been transferred by the mercy of God through the work of Christ into the kingdom of God.
And I would say that our success, like Israel, depends on the presence of God in our lives and obedience to his word.
So God's presence in our life, what does that look like? We have the great advantage. When Christ came, he did change some things.
And he made some new things possible. And one was the indwelling spirit of God to all who would believe.
When you come to Christ in faith, you're reborn, you're made new, you're given a new heart and a new mind.
And the process of transformation begins. And it's weird and goofy and spiritual,
I know. I still don't completely get it, how it works, right? I didn't feel like lightning bolts when
I came to Christ. I was like, oh, I'm still me. Did it work? Right? But positionally
I'm in Christ and I know that and I began to see evidence of the spirit in my life working. Things that I didn't have a problem with before now started becoming problems.
I started getting convicted about new things. I had new joys and new passions. I started caring more about the Bible than other things, right?
There's a transformation that takes place. And that's because of the spirit of God living in us.
And how cool is that? The Israelites had a camp. And they actually had to keep the camp clean.
They had rules about going to the bathroom because, God said, I walk through the midst of your camp and I don't want to step in your doo -doo.
Direct quote, New Living Translation. But He does. He says that in His law.
Keep the camp clean because I dwell among you and I'm holy and I don't want to see your mess. So God was very near to them in the tent of meeting and the
Holy of Holies and His presence was in the cloud and the fire by night, things like that. But now, you and me, get that in our hearts.
He dwells inside of us. It's an amazing reality and God is right there near to you.
And you need God's presence to be a good citizen in His kingdom. And, His Word is still our life.
His Word is still our life. We still need to be taught about God's expectations.
We still need to listen and obey. If you're a
Christian who thought that when you came to Christ, all the rules went out the window, you're kind of right, but you're kind of wrong.
God is still just as concerned with your obedience as He was with Israel back in the day. And it is in the context of grace and relationship.
And He's not busting you up for making mistakes, He's busting you up for making mistakes and not coming back to Him. Not fighting to maintain a soft heart towards Him, and to not love
Him and walk in humility and obedience towards Him. But don't think for a second that He doesn't care about your righteousness.
Don't think that He doesn't want you to be transformed and change and love people around you.
So we have God's Word. If I say, well, God's Word is still our life, we go, yeah, our Bibles. And it's true.
Inspired and errant and fallible in the original manuscripts. This is the thing that teaches us about God's history, about His work.
It reveals to us the life of Christ and His teaching. It's a wonderful, incredible, divine document.
But you can know this forwards and backwards and still be missing something. Did you know that? If we could transport a
Pharisee from ancient Israel into our church right now, and we did a civics quiz on the Bible, no one here could hold a candle to that guy.
They had to memorize massive amounts of Scripture from a young age. They would do ninja exercises like Bible karate where they would have theological arguments without quoting the actual verses they were using in their arguments, but quoting verses before and after it.
So they would debate theological points using references in the proximity of their argument.
That's how well they had to know the Bible. And yet, what does God say of them? What does
Jesus say of them? You work really hard at cleaning the outside of the cup, but the inside is dirty.
And you don't know me, because you don't hear my voice. And my sheep know my voice.
And they listen and they respond. So we need this. They weren't wrong for memorizing the
Word of God and taking it seriously. That was right on. They were wrong because they didn't do the do part, because they picked and chose what they wanted to do, the things that would make them look righteous, not the things that would reflect the heart of God.
So we need this book. We need to study it. But it leads us to the living
Word of God. Jesus has given us commands.
And He told us that our love for Him is directly connected to our obedience to Him. In John 14,
He says, If you love Me, you'll obey Me. That sounds pretty
OT, Jesus. He says,
If you love Me, you'll obey Me. Matthew 5, 17 -20.
And I actually want to turn to that and read it here. Matthew 5. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John.
Matthew 5. Sermon on the Mount. Verse 17,
He says this, Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them.
For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot will pass from the
Law until all is accomplished. Therefore, whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven.
But whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
And for a minute we might kind of get hung up there and go, Oh man, should we be selling doves at the front, you know, and have a little like kiddie pool of blood on the side, where we like do our sacrifices?
No. We can go to Hebrews and realize that Jesus Christ has fulfilled the sacrificial part of the
Law. He is the Lamb of God. He's ended all of that. We don't need to keep coming and offering sacrifices for our sins because He's accomplished it on the cross.
Amen? But does God want us committing murder?
Does God want us committing adultery? Does He want us disobeying our parents?
Does He want us stealing? Would He want us to help out a neighbor if his ox or donkey or sheep fell in a ditch?
Or John Deere tractor? I got you, Mike. Yeah. He does.
And if we are to fulfill that perfect Law that God still holds us to, our only hope is to be in Christ.
In the Living Word. It's the same call to us right now, today.
As a citizen of the Kingdom of God, God is asking us to stop yoking ourselves to sin and cling tenaciously to Jesus Christ.
All that He taught us to do. All the ways that He showed us how to love God and love our neighbors.
And we do it because we love our King and our country. Charles Spurgeon, he's actually talking about Proverbs 4, verse 13, but he says something that applies to this.
He says, The best understanding... How do you become wise as a person? The best understanding is obedience to the will of God and a diligent learning of those saving truths which
God has set before us in His Word. So that, to that effect, we are exhorted to take hold of Christ Jesus our
Lord, the incarnate wisdom in whom dwelleth all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. We are not to let
Him go, but to keep Him and hold Him, for He is our life. And he goes on to illustrate that with the picture of a man who falls overboard in the sea.
And he says, We are to cling to Jesus like that man would cling to a piece of driftwood, knowing that if he were to let it go, it would not be long, and he would be drowned.
Moody again says, If people would but read their Bibles more and study what there is to be found there about heaven, they would not be as worldly -minded as they are.
They would not have their hearts set upon things down here, but would seek the imperishable things above.
So we have this nation. Israel was called to cling to God, to obey
His laws. And something very interesting would happen if they would do that well. All the nations around them would look at them, and they would say,
Wow, you guys got it together. What a wise and understanding people you are.
How did you become so wise? And what would be their response?
We follow God. Let's show you the way. You can follow
Him too. He's your life too. And isn't that what we're called to do?
In Matthew, right before the passage I read in the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5 .16, what does
Jesus say? You are the light of the world. I am the light of the world.
Right? Do you hide a lamp? Do you hide it under a basket?
No. You put it up where it gives light to the house. And you, my disciples, are to be a light as well.
You're supposed to shine to the people around you. You're supposed to do good deeds to those around you. And you're supposed to preach and speak in a way that people will see you, and they'll give glory to your
Father in heaven. And so a part of this mission of Israel, and of being obedient to this good law of God, was that other nations would be brought to give glory to God.
We've got to close. I'm out of time. My last question.
Have you pledged your allegiance to God? Are you a citizen of the kingdom of heaven?
Have you come through the door of Christ? Have you been transferred from the domain of darkness into the light?
It's easy to get there. It's by faith. You simply trust that Christ is your Savior, that He is the promised
Messiah, that He died to forgive you of your sins, and that He was raised from the dead, and that He's coming back again.
If you can say that with confidence, and you know you're a sinner, and you know that if it was up to you to prove that you were righteous enough to go back to God, that you'd have no shot, and so you need
Jesus. If you can say that, then you've pledged allegiance to your King. And I would love to offer anyone who's sitting there right now, you're thinking, you're like, okay, yeah, this is all good.
Good sermon, Kyle. But you know, I really don't know if I'm in the kingdom.
I really don't know what would happen to me if I had to make my ticket, turn in my ticket today, and take that ride to that new country.
I ask you to come and see me, because we'll pray and we'll talk about it, and I'll help you as best as I can to find your way to that glorious kingdom.
If I had been on top of it right now,
I would play the Lee Greenwood song. Proud to be an
American where at least I know I'm free. Except I changed the words a little bit.
And I would say, and no disrespect to the men who've given their lives, but I would say this,
I won't forget the one who died and gave his life for me.
And maybe you could stand up and honor him today with your life.
Let's pray as we come to communion. Father, we're about to take this juice in the cup, about to eat this bread, drink this juice as a sign of our pledged allegiance to you.
God, I thank you for those who have come to that knowledge of the saving work of Jesus in you. I thank you for those who have understood that you are the living word of God and who have given their lives to obey you and your word.
I pray, God, that you'd forgive us for not taking your word seriously, that you'd forgive us for thinking that there are parts of it that don't matter, that we don't need to worry about.
Instead, God, I pray that you'd just help us to see it rightly, that everything that you've revealed about yourself is about love, loving you rightly and loving our neighbors ourselves.
And as we come and remember the sacrifice that you made for us, God, I pray that we would be renewed in that commitment until you come back to be a good citizen of heaven, not to just skate by, but to engage in our civic duty as a member of your people.
We thank you, God, for the work that you've done. And Lord, we pray that our lives would reflect you in such a way that people would see us and they would give you the glory.
And it's in Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Technology hates me,
I guess. If you were here last week, it's like just kind of getting... If Kyle's up here, something's going to go wrong.