Dealing With Discipline


Date: Sept. 15, 2024 Afternoon Text: Isaiah 36:21-37:4 Series: Isaiah Preacher: Pastor Conley Owens Audio:


In your copy of the Word of God to Isaiah chapter 36 We're going to be reading the last two verses of Isaiah 36 and then going into the first four verses of Isaiah 37
When you have that you can stand for the reading of God's Word say 37 beginning in verse 21
But they were silent and answered him not a word for the king's command was do not answer him
Then Eliakim the son of Hilkiah who was over the household and Shebna the secretary and Joah the son of Asaph the recorder came to Hezekiah with their clothes torn and told him the words of the
Rabbi Sheka As soon as King Hezekiah heard it He tore his clothes and covered himself with sackcloth and went into the house of the
Lord And he sent Eliakim who was over the household and Shebna the secretary and the senior priest covered with sackcloth to the prophet
Isaiah the son of Amoz They said to him thus says Hezekiah This day is a day of distress of rebuke and of disgrace
Children have come to the point of birth, and there's no strength to bring them forth It may be that the
Lord your God will hear the words of the Rabbi Sheka whom his Master the king of Assyria has sent to mock the
Living God and will rebuke the words that the Lord your God has heard Therefore lift up your prayer for the remnant that is left
Amen You may be seated Dear Heavenly Father we thank you for your words
We thank you for this narrative which tells us not only of what happened then but Things which apply to us even now
We pray that you would help us to understand these things that you would open our eyes and hearts and ears that we would not be
Hardened to your word that but that we would be receptive of it and that we would be a people who are able to be corrected as We see with these people in Israel who received your correction as you brought against them your hand of discipline in Jesus name
Amen, so this passage speaks of the people's response the leaders response after Sennacherib the king of Assyria has sent the
Rabbi Sheka his messenger along with a message telling them that they must
Abandon their hope they must surrender Go with them to Assyria and become captives because God is not strong enough to save them
And so they have to answer the question. Are we going to continue? Trusting in other nations trusting in Egypt before they had a trust
They had trusted in Assyria and Assyria is now turned on them are they going to continue trusting in other nations like Egypt or will they turn to the
Living God and here we see the response and Because God has brought
Assyria against the people in discipline, it's right for us to consider this with discipline in our own lives times when
God brings consequences about because of our sin and our receptivity to him
Correcting us in order that we might be transformed in order that we might be changed Through his correction and not hardened and not unreceptive to it
Rejecting it. So as you look at this passage Consider the the importance of Receiving God's Word of receiving his correction of receiving those those painful consequences of sin in order that we might
Respond as we ought to and so the first thing you see here is that these people
Respond with silence because they have been commanded to respond with silence
You also see that they mourn for their sin and then you see they seek counsel with God So they are silent.
They mourn their sin and they seek counsel with God and these are things that we should be doing now
There's more to this context that lets us know that this is what this passage is about It's not just the obvious that God has brought
Assyria against them in discipline And now he and now they have to respond to it
There's more to this context that if you've been going through Isaiah You may realize especially given that I've mentioned before the significance of Shebna and Eliakim Interestingly before earlier in this chapter.
They were mentioned with the third man. Joah You see Eliakim Shebna and Joah speaking with the rabshakeh
Here however in chapter 37 you see that it's only Shebna and Eliakim who are named as being ones who are to go speak to Isaiah about their situation
Now, why is that? Is it just brevity? Is there nothing really more to this? Is Joah not sent for a reason?
Is he sent but then not mentioned because of brevity? What would be the reason for this? I think there's at least one reason that we have that Isaiah would at least frame it this way if it's not the case that That all three of them were indeed sent and that is because earlier
Shebna and Eliakim were particular figures that Isaiah 22 had addressed.
I'd like you to turn there We're going to be looking at Isaiah 22 a number of times because it provides substantial context for this
And as you're turning to Isaiah 22 This chapter is known as the
Oracle of the Valley of Vision If you've ever seen the the prayer book called
Valley of Vision, this is what it's named after. It's named after this chapter I'd like to begin just by reading verses 15 through 21 in this chapter
Thus says Lord God of hosts Come go to the steward to Shebna who is over the whole household and say to him
What have you to do here? And whom have you here that you have cut out here a tomb for yourself?
You cut out a tomb on the height and carve a dwelling for yourself in the rock Behold the
Lord will hurl you away violently. Oh You strong man He will seize firm hold on you and whirl you around and around and throw you like a ball into a wide land
There you shall die and there shall be your glorious chariots you shame of your master's house
I will thrust you from your office and you'll be pulled down from your station in that day
I will call my servant Eliakim the son of Hilkiah and I will clothe him with your robe and will bind your sash on him
And will commit your authority to his hand and he shall be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and to the house of Judah And so we've observed before that indeed their stations have been replaced
While Shebna was above Eliakim now Eliakim and the way that we see their their stations described
One being a secretary one being over the whole house Eliakim is now above Shebna and so we see
God's hand of correction But what was it that Shebna had done to receive this rebuke it was in particular when
God is sending enemies against them he rather than Retreating back in silence and mourning his sin in order to address it correctly
He immediately responds with building a tomb for himself. You know if he says
Well, if I'm going to die, I'm going to die. So I might as well I might as well Make myself some kind of legacy here and make a monument to my greatness
This is his response rather than receiving the correction from the Lord rather than realizing. Well, I simply repent
God is merciful and kind, you know, God is God is merciful and kind so many people
Do not repent do not turn to him because they don't see him as merciful read our catechism what it says about repentance the true repentance
Anticipates the mercy of God if you don't anticipate the mercy of God, you're not going to you're not going to realize these things instead you're just going to React adding sin to sin and this is what the people do
This is what has been spoken of before in Isaiah in Isaiah chapter 30 verse 1
It said all stubborn children declares the Lord who carry out a plan but not mine who make an alliance
But not of my spirit that they may add sin to sin So, what do they do when trusting in one nation doesn't work out do they turn to Lord?
No, they turn to another nation This is what many people do with their sin rather than trusting in the mercy of the
Lord They just add sin to sin. What do you do when you're caught in a lie? You make another lie to cover it up What do you do when?
You're overwhelmed with your sin and it feels hopeless Many people rather than turning to the
Lord just go ahead and wallow in their sin because they say well If I'm not going to be able to pull myself out of this then
I might just and go ahead and enjoy it this is this is no appropriate response because God is merciful and You can anticipate his mercy as you come to him
He gives you the power to conquer sin by the power of his spirit. These are things that are
Are accomplishable with God and so let us not be people who very instinctively react to being caught in sin very instinctively
React to rebuke to discipline to correction with defensive mechanisms that treat these things as being for our ill but rather let's
Respond as we want. So as we see here in these first two verses they respond in silence
But they were silent and answered him not a word for the King's command was do not answer him
Then Eliakim the son of Hilkiah who was over the whole household and Sheb and the secretary and Joah the son of Asaph the recorder came to Hezekiah with their clothes torn and Told him the words of the rabbi
Shacko These are people who are messengers of Hezekiah. They have the authority to speak on his behalf now one option they had here is rather than trusting
Hezekiah Every other city in Judah having been destroyed everyone retreating just here to Jerusalem This being the only city left
It would be very tempting in that moment just to speak on Hezekiah's behalf and say Okay, we're willing to surrender go ahead and take this authoritatively.
We're surrendering And really there wouldn't be much if they had said that if they had already set that in motion
That could be done to undo this Even though Hezekiah is king They could probably in conniving have done this if they had not followed
Hezekiah's commands to be silent We follow a great king, you know Hezekiah is the great great etc.
Grandfather of Jesus Christ This is the king who we follow and he commands it in face of an enemy like this
That's telling us to give up to give in That we are not to respond reflexively but instead
To respond with silence Silence meaning not rashly not with hastiness
Psalm 19 to excuse me Proverbs 19 to Proverbs 19 who says that desire without knowledge is not good and He who makes haste with his feet
Misses his way Right the one who acts rashly the one who thinks that Just by going and Reflexively responding to situations often does a very poor job.
I'm a software engineer I know that there's a temptation a lot of times to start going ahead and building before you have a plan in place
This is the case with a lot of things if you ever try to build something without having a plan in place What happens it never it never works out the way it's supposed to and this is how many people react though Because they just want to react reflexively
Just as though you know, you were hitting the you know, whatever joints that make your arm goes what which way they they just respond reflexively to the situation rather than respond stopping taking a minute to consider how
God would have them to respond and Then responding in that way. This is especially the case in rebuke you know, it's a difficult thing a lot of times for a brother to come to you and bring some sin to you and When they do a lot of times the first things out of someone's mouth is defense right they want to What you want to do often when you feel something like that is you your fight -or -flight mechanisms kick in You speak as someone who's being attacked not as someone who's being helped and you try to defend all the reasons why the thing you
Were doing was okay, etc Or you see something that's wrong within and say well you need to get the log out of your own eye or you come up with all kinds of reasons
Why this should not be received but that is not that's not how we ought to respond. We should respond receptively of these
Of these truths we shouldn't be like the child who out of doctors Office when you know, they need to be operated on kick and scream, right?
That's something kids do they have devices to keep kids down because this is how kids respond Right when they're being when they have something they need
One of our daughters had a some of you remember, you know She had some kind of blood vessel on her forehead that needed to get removed
They had to strap her down to something. They called a cuddle board To to keep her still and I remember when
I was a kid I kicked the doctor because I didn't want to get the shot that they were going to give me So this is a childish response is when someone is trying to help you you respond
Not as one who is being helped but as one who is being attacked Rather you need to recognize the discipline is good.
You need to love discipline. I think that verse came up in Sunday school to Proverbs 12 1 whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid
So the next thing we see here is that they respond with mourning of their own sin
Verses 1 through 3 as soon as King Hezekiah heard it He tore his clothes and covered himself with sackcloth and went into the house of the
Lord And he sent Eliakim who was over the house and Shebna the secretary and the senior priest covered with sackcloth the
Prophet Isaiah the son of Amos They said to him thus says Hezekiah this day is a day of distress of rebuke and of disgrace
Children have come to the point of birth and there is no strength to bring them forth
So they recognize this situation that they are in they recognize it's one of that deserves mourning
It's described as a day of distress of rebuke and disgrace obviously distress
It's a distressing situation to have your city under siege warfare so that you're going to slowly starve to death until the enemy wins
It's a day of rebuke This is a result of their sin their sin against God that they had not trusted him
To defend him against enemies and had made sinful alliances with other nations. They are being rebuked for this situation
And that says it's also a day of disgrace because when one is rebuked and their sin is made known that should be disgraceful a
Lot of people are shameless and they don't recognize the the disgrace of sin. It is it is a disgraceful thing
To have your sin made known And they cover themselves with sackcloth. These are
Indications of mourning people mourn before the Lord Now there's a lot of times that people mourn their situation, but they're not necessarily mourning their sin
It's important to realize that there is a significant difference between the two First of all mourning your sin really does look like mourning
There are those who do not mourn their sin at all In fact, this is the other thing that we saw in Isaiah 22 right building monuments to yourself
Choosing not to mourn. This is that famous passage in Isaiah 22 regarding Shebna and Eliakim that said in that day the
Lord God of hosts called for weeping and mourning for baldness and wearing sackcloth and Behold joy and gladness killing oxen and slaughtering sheep eating flesh and drinking wine.
Let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die This is this is the response of many let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die
Many of the world's songs even include this line, you know, not not word for word
But basically say that like let's let's party like this is our last night on earth, you know, we don't get forever
Let's just enjoy every last waking minute of it as much as we can since there's nothing to be had from turning from The world's pleasures and rather turning to the
Lord But here we see a different response here
It seems that God's rebuke of them through Isaiah in chapter 22 So made known to them because they are mourning they are wearing sackcloth
And so how do you distinguish between the world's mourning? Over the situation and then true mourning of sin.
What does it mean to mourn sin? There's several questions that you can ask yourself in our home groups we've been going through different excuses people make about their discontentment to say why they're not discontent and the author of the book
Jeremiah Burroughs is giving lots of Lots of questions. You can ask yourself to tell whether or not your your excuse is real or if it's just something that You're using to defend yourself to make it look like you're not truly sinning
Well here you can ask yourself several questions to know whether or not your your mourning is real if your situation of mourning
Were taken away If if the consequences were taken away
Would you still be upset over your sin or would your sin cease to bother you at that point?
If the consequence is being removed Change your situation so that you don't you don't care anymore about your sin.
You're not really mourning your sin Right. Secondly, do you have a welcome posture towards God's hands of God's hand of discipline?
Now, I'm not saying do you enjoy? You know the painfulness of discipline, but whoever loves discipline loves knowledge
It is something that is to be loved Is it something that you welcome and recognize the goodness of it?
If you don't recognize the goodness of it and you wish it would just go away You're really mourning your own sin.
You are mourning just the consequences of sin And you can ask yourself
Many other questions about the situation. Am I really am I really mourning my sin or am I just mourning?
consequences of sin We ought not to be like those
Here in Isaiah 22 that say let us eat and drink be merry for tomorrow. We die. It's very much what?
You see a lot of people do you know, it's a common thing for Students who are struggling with their classes, you know final exam comes up, you know
I'm not gonna I'm not gonna do well no point in trying. Let's just go ahead and party
So they just go in and enjoy enjoy life rather than rather than going and studying well, we have a task at hand to mourn our sin rather than just the consequences of sin and then beyond silence and mourning there is
Consulting with God there are two ways to consult with God one is to consult with him directly which we see here but also to consult with him indirectly through People that God puts in your life in order to give you wisdom
We see here in this passage that they plan on going to Isaiah. They're covered in sackcloth
They go to the Prophet Isaiah the son of Amos. They want to hear from the Lord now They're going to ask him to pray for them and his prayer is not recorded here
It is recorded in 2nd Chronicles, but it's not recorded here And so you might only think of them going to Isaiah in order to pray
But really that's more the job of the priests that they're bringing along with them Why do you go to a prophet you go to a prophet to hear from God?
Whether or not the solution you have is a good solution whether or not it's a sufficient solution and God will answer it
So you go to hear the Word of God? you should go to others that God has put in your life in order to Hear the
Word of God. It's good to go to the Word directly, but Through those more mature than you
You may hear more of the word you may have your understanding of the word, correct? So go to those who are more mature go to a pastor
I know many people they think of their you know a lot of people go to churches where the pastor doesn't really function like a shepherd functions more as A you know a pep talk coach kind of person, right?
So they don't really think of him as one that they should talk to for shepherding but if you find yourself in a situation where you have
Discipline that you're facing even if you think you know the way forward. It's still good to Speak to those people that God has put in your life to to help you along the way
You should talk to those who are more mature than you about the matter as well to get their counsel Do not just go to those people who are going to say the things that you want to hear those people who are peers with you spiritually
Because that's what you'll get. You'll just get what you want to hear and you won't necessarily get what is good true advice
I once knew a man who Wanted to be a missionary He had a and he was a missionary.
I knew him when he had already been a missionary on a few different rounds and I Asked him at one point if he had ever
Talked to some pastor about that He said oh I don't think that you should talk to a pastor about whether or not you want to be a missionary
Because I did that once and I talked to him and he told me I wasn't mature enough to go and that I shouldn't go
And so that was just really discouraging that got to me and then I I didn't feel as good about myself And so I don't
I don't think people should do that So what did he do? He instead just got advice from the people. He wanted to get advice.
It says. Oh, yes Yes, very affirming go go be a missionary and whatever in Thailand or wherever it is that he went to right?
Your plan is good. Your plan is good That is not seeking godly counsel if you just go to those who are going to tell you what you hear and not actually go
To those who are more than mature than you seek out godly counsel and Then here
Going to the Lord directly. So what we see in this last verse It may be that the Lord your
God will hear the words of the rab shakka Whom his master the king of Assyria has sent to mock the
Living God and will rebuke the words that the Lord your God has heard Therefore lift up your prayer for the remnant that is left.
We should go to the Lord directly now the nature of this prayer the king of Assyria mocking the
Lord Rebuking him and this being a center of hope we're gonna talk about that a good bit more
That will be the subject of the message in a couple of weeks when we look at Hezekiah's prayer, so I'm not going to go into that deep in detail here, but Just notice what the people do is they are going to the
Lord to pray They are they're seeking the Lord earlier Well in a moment, we'll see that Hezekiah will go to The temple in order to pray and here they're going to Isaiah in order to pray with Isaiah It is important to go to God in prayer a lot of people don't go to God in prayer, right?
They wait until look at what look at what? Judah has done. They've gone to Assyria Assyria turn on them they go to Egypt Egypt isn't really playing out that well and now finally they go to the
Lord Often going to the Lord is a last resort. Maybe that's the case for you I think about times when you've really seriously prayed to God has that been when you had a bunch of chances and you just dug that hole too deep that You realize oh man, well now
I've really got to pray when you could have prayed several steps earlier that's a very common way that people do it and This is something that we saw in that context of Isaiah 22 is these people who should have been going to the
Lord We're not going to the Lord They have a special access to God Being in Jerusalem being able to approach him his presence through the temple in prayer to reach him and yet they choose not to This is why that passage is called the valley of vision
Okay, you ever hear that and you think that's kind of cryptic sounding. Well, what is Jerusalem?
Jerusalem is not a valley. It's a mountain. It's a mountain of vision, right? It's a mountain where God comes and talks to the people and the people are able to talk to God But he speaks of it as a valley because it is a deep dark place
It's like the valley of the shadow of death because they do not go to the Lord with any sincerity They bring their offerings, but they aren't truly seeking the
Lord and a lot of times people do that They rely on their identity as a person of God rather than on actually being a man of God going to the
Lord in prayer Do not wait to go to the Lord in prayer go to him Frequently but then especially as soon as you have need do not try to answer sin with sin numerous times
Prior to being corrected Discipline is for good. It's not for your harm. Do not let the defense mechanisms come up and defend yourself
From these things But go to the Lord in prayer You know no one when they are
Stranded on the side of the road says, oh, I'm not gonna call a tow truck because that would just be too embarrassing
I'm gonna try my own things first You know if they if you need a tow you have to get a tow if you need help get help
The Lord is merciful. Um, he it's not a He doesn't turn a blind eye towards sin there is truly shame and sin, but there is no way of But you cannot hide from God.
You cannot be like Adam foolishly clothing yourself with with foilage
Foliage in order to hide yourself, right? You have to be someone who? Recognize that you cannot hide from God his eyes sees everything and the only way to deal with your shame is to go to him
Directly Through the mercies that we have in Jesus Christ through his blood shed for us in order that we might have our sin washed away in order that we might be corrected in order to walk in his ways in order to have victory over sin in order to Enjoy the blessings of peace with him and you see this
The section in Isaiah 22 that this passage alludes to speaking of Shebna and Eliakim And it had finished with this, you know at the very beginning of this message,
I read Isaiah 22 15 through 21 but if we just continue from there in verse 22
And I will place on his shoulder. This is speaking of Eliakim, but prophetically Referring to the
Messiah and I will place on his shoulder the key of the house of David He shall open and none shall shut and he shall shut none shall open and I will fasten him like a peg in a secure
Place and he will become a throne of honor to his father's house And they will hang on him the whole honor of his father's house the offspring in the issue every small vessel from the cups to all the flagons in that day declares the
Lord of hosts the peg that was fastened in a secure place will give way and It will be cut down and fall and the load that was on it will be cut off for the
Lord has spoken Shebna will be removed and Eliakim will be raised Any kind of false hope that people have that they would be able to deal with their sin by other
Switching their trust from one worldly thing to another worldly thing All that all that done away with in Jesus Christ.
He is the branch. He is the peg It's in him that you can have a perfect answer to all these things and as we see
Eliakim over the house Leading the people to act rightly as a messenger of the king as one who who serves the good
King Hezekiah We see a model of what? We can enjoy as we are led by Jesus Christ Serving a great
God over this whole universe One who does not desire our ill even though he his hand of discipline is painful
It is for a good it is for a correction And so my prayer for us today would be that we would receive his correction that we would not
Act as though it's an attack defending against it but rather would respond with silence with mourning our own sin and with and by consulting with God both indirectly through those he's given us and Directly through his word and prayer.
Amen Heavenly Father we thank you for your word
We thank you that the situations we face Are rarely as dire as what we see in that passage where all of Judah has been conquered except for one city and the people
Await their almost certain death we thank you that you are kind to us in this way at the same time we are a
People who are often very foolish and do not are not as receptive as we ought to be to your hand of discipline
I pray that you would give us wisdom that we would love your hand of discipline that we were we would respond to it as those who
Are a correctable people and that we would be able to enjoy The blessings of being led by Jesus Christ of having perfect access to the throne of grace and in peace with you through Through your son