F4F | Dr Brown Obfuscates AGAIN RE ChristAlignment


FFtF Episodes Mentioned Part I: http://www.piratechristian.com/fightingforthefaith/2017/5/michael-brownsneaky-squid-spirit-debrief-part-1?rq=squid Part II: http://www.piratechristian.com/fightingforthefaith/2017/5/michael-brownsneaky-squid-spirit-debrief-part-2?rq=squid Support Fighting for the Faith Join Our Crew: http://www.piratechristian.com/join-our-crew Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PirateChristian Merchandise: https://www.moteefe.com/store/pirate-christian-merch/ Fighting for the Faith Radio Program: http://fightingforthefaith.com Social Media Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/piratechristian Twitter: https://twitter.com/piratechristian Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/piratechris... Sermons http://www.kongsvingerchurch.org/sermons Sunday Schools http://www.kongsvingerchurch.org/bibl... Bible Software Used in this Video: https://www.accordancebible.com Video Editing Software: https://adobe.ly/2W9lyNa Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseborough. I'm your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. Now if you've watched our channel for any length of time, we kind of have a running thing that we do with Michael Brown, Dr.
Michael Brown of the Ask Dr. Brown program, syndicated radio around the country, and that is is that we call him the
Apostle of Obfuscation. And the reason why we do that is because Michael Brown has this funny habit that he engages in, and that is is that he does not honestly engage the critics of the
Charismatic Movement nor the New Apostolic Reformation. In fact, he denies that there is such a thing as the
NAR. Weird, I happen to pastor people who've come out of the NAR, and they don't seem to think that it was a figment of their imagination, but that's for another program.
So what we're gonna do today is we're gonna take a look at something that Dr. Michael Brown said last
Friday on his Line of Fire program where he was answering tough questions, and note what he said about Christ alignment.
And we're gonna use this as a quintessential example of the type of obfuscation that Michael Brown engages in.
Basically what he does is run interference for false teachers, false prophets, false apostles, and people who are engaging in blatantly biblically forbidden practices.
And the way he does it is what is going to be the focus of this installment of Fighting for the
Faith. So let me whirl up my desktop, open up my screen, and what we're gonna do here is we're gonna take a look at what
Michael Brown said, and then we're gonna deconstruct the technique and show you how if he was engaging in honest scholarship, honest scholarship, he would not be able to say the things he's doing.
In fact, instead, this is a manipulation technique on his part, and he will not look at the first person, the firsthand evidence that contradicts what he's because his whole goal is to run interference.
And I would note, I became supremely aware of this tactic back in the day when he defended, of all things, the sneaky squid spirit.
Yes, he did. And he had Jennifer LeClaire on his program and basically ran interference for her to defend the concept of the sneaky squid spirit.
Not making that up. What we'll do down below is we'll put a link in the description to the archives of my podcast where we cover what
Michael Brown did regarding the sneaky squid spirit. It's deplorable is the best way
I can put it. In fact, what's really weird to me is that for somebody who is so much on the front lines, fighting against the obfuscation of the
DNC and the Democrats and what they're doing, is that he somehow thinks it's okay for himself to engage in the same tactics that they engage in.
It's really strange on his part. But let's let him explain to us what he thinks the
Christ alignment is all about. Here we go. Going back to the phones in one moment, there's a
Facebook question asking, you know, I hear all this about angel boards and tarot cards and Christians, how do these things go together?
Okay. First, the only reason we're hearing a lot about it is because practices of like one group in one place got a ton of attention.
All right. I've never run into this myself in all of my travels. Okay. Now, granted,
Christ alignment is the only group that's that we know of that's doing this. However, Bethel Church has admitted that they are connected to Christ alignment.
In fact, Ben Fitzgerald of Bethel Church, you know, the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, the guy who got a start there who works closely with Bethel, it's
Jenny Hodge, who's his mother. And so the best way I can put it is that when they first came on the scene, let's just say
Christ alignment made a splash because of their connection with Bethel. And Chris Vallotton at first tried to distance himself from them, but ended up admitting that they are connected.
And so this is our third video. This is our third video that we've done on the topic of Christ alignment.
In fact, this was one of the first topics that we did when we revamped our channel, and I was still learning how to do
YouTube. And so what we'll do is we'll put links up in the corners here if you would like to actually see the previous videos that we've done on Christ alignment, this would kind of help here.
But note, he is saying, well, in my travels I've never run across anything like this, and so this is how he does what he does.
But let me back this up just a little bit, and again, we're gonna pay attention to his technique.
Listen again. Got a ton of attention, all right? I've never run into this myself in all of my travels, but from what
I understand is not tarot cards, rather it was scripture cards or cards that would get the attention of people that are into all this new age stuff, but with scripture truths and with ways to say, or maybe about moods and things like that and say, hey, you want to sit down, we want to pray for you, or would you like a reading?
They've said it like that to get the person to sit down and just try to interact with them and then give them a reading.
Basically, you need Jesus, you're a lost sinner, you need to be saved. Now, whether it's a good technique or bad, whether it's a mixture, all
I know about is the little I just told you, that much. All right, and so all I know is a little bit that I've told you.
Now, what I have procured to help us with this, I have procured for this installment of Fighting for the
Faith, an authentic copy of the Michael Brown Investigative Goggles.
I don't know if you've seen these yet. Here's what they look like. In fact, this is a designer.
It very much comes from the Michael Brown toolkit of investigative journalism as it relates to the charismatic movement,
Michael Brown Investigative Goggles. Let me show you how this works. I have to take off my glasses and my headphones for this.
So, let's see here. So, what you do is you take your Michael Brown Investigative Goggles and you put them over your eyes and then you investigate and you look and you try to ascertain what's really going on regarding one aberrant group in the charismatic movement or their connections to Bethel and stuff like that.
You go, you know, in my experience, I haven't experienced anything other than what somebody's told me and they've told me that they do scripture cards and stuff like that.
So, in my experience, this group has gotten a lot of attention, but I haven't found anything.
In fact, I don't see any reason whatsoever why we should think that there's something wrong with this group.
And that's what these goggles allow Michael Brown to do. Now, I've messed up my hair and stuff.
Hang on a second here. Makeup! Makeup! No, I don't wear any of that. Hang on a second.
There we go. So, I'm back. So, yeah, these Michael Brown Charismatic Investigative Goggles, these make it possible for him to deny what's really going on.
So, if you go back through what he said and let me back this up enough that we can do that.
Let's see here. We're going to go back to, well, let's see. Hold on. We're going to go back this far.
We want to go back to 33. There we go. All right. Listen again to what he said.
So, I hope that is helpful for you in your understanding. 866 -34 -TRUTH.
We're going back to the phones in one moment. There's a Facebook question asking, you know, I hear all this about angel boards and tarot cards and Christians.
How do these things go together? Okay. First, the only reason we're hearing a lot about it is because practices of like one group.
One group connected to Bethel and Chris Vallotton has validated that connection. One place got a ton of attention.
All right. I've never run into this myself at all. Never run into this myself. Why? The Michael Brown Charismatic Aberrancy Investigative Goggles.
He wears these and that's why he never runs into them himself.
In fact, somebody on Twitter asked me a question about this because we pointed this out last week with somebody else's video.
And so, we put a link up to a channel called Salt and Light and their coverage of what
Michael Brown said. And somebody asked me, perhaps you along with Dr. Michael Brown and Dr.
Oakley, this is Dr. James White, could have a roundtable chat about this, a roundtable chat about Christ's alignment.
And I basically said Brown would never agree to that because he would have to interact with the content of my collection of Christ's alignment videos.
And he won't do that because if he did, he would have to condemn them.
So, Michael Brown cannot and will not have a discussion with me centered around the videos that I do have from Christ's alignment and what
Jen Hodge has said, and even Chris Vallotton's admission that they are connected with Bethel because this is how he investigated them.
And so, if he took these off and saw the truth, he wouldn't be able to say the things he says.
Well, in my experience, I've never really run into them and I don't really know anything about them.
And from what I've heard, these aren't tarot cards. These are scripture cards.
So, you kind of get the idea. That's the technique. So, let's, again, listen to how he says what he says.
Travels, but from what I understand is not tarot cards. From what
I understand, from what I understand. Now, it just so happens that I happen to have a video of Jen Hodge explaining a reading using the
Christ alignment destiny cards, okay? So, this is from my personal collection of firsthand evidence coming from Jen Hodge and Christ's alignment.
And let's let her explain to us what these cards are about and what they do and how they use them.
I'm just doing a video about the last reading that I just had. I had this beautiful woman in and these are her cards in the top three rows.
And it's amazing how accurate these cards are because these two here are the two leadership cards together.
And indeed, she was a leader. Here she has physical touch up really high.
And I had word of knowledge straight away over her that she is a nurse.
And that was absolutely correct. She's head nurse, head matron. So, she's got the leadership, the authority here in charge.
So, she would know from this card strength that she is perfectly in the right job that she was created or destined to do by the spirit.
All right. So, note here, there's something going on here. And that is that these are being used in exactly the same way one uses tarot cards.
This is for fortune telling. These are not scripture cards at all.
And if Dr. Michael Brown had spent maybe 15, 20 minutes doing his research, he would have known that.
But again, he investigates the aberrant teaching and doctrine and practices in the charismatic movement with these so that he can say, well, in my experience, you know,
I've heard that these are scripture cards and they're not tarot cards.
Now, I would remind you what scripture says. Leviticus 20, verse 27 says, a man or a woman who is a medium or a necromancer shall surely be put to death.
And then Deuteronomy 18, clear commandment here, when you come into the land of the
Lord, your God is giving you, you shall not learn to follow the abominable practices of those nations.
There shall not be found among you, anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortune.
And you're going to note that God himself says in Deuteronomy 18, these are abominable practices.
And Michael Brown knows that. He knows that fortune telling is an abominable practice.
It's strictly forbidden by God. And so when word came out that Christ Alignment was doing what they were doing and they were engaging in a form of fortune telling,
Michael Brown investigated with his Michael Brown investigative goggles. And of course, in his experience, he's never seen anything that would lead him to believe they're engaging in fortune telling or stuff like that because he refuses to look.
That's the issue. So coming back then to Michael Brown, let's again listen to what he said.
Rather it was scripture cards or cards that would get the attention of people that are into all this new age stuff, but with scripture truths and with ways to say, or maybe about moods and things like that and say, hey, you want to sit down?
We want to pray for you. Or would you like a reading? They've said, we want to pray for you.
And would you like a reading? This is his description of what Jen Hodge is up to. Let's again, go back and listen to what she says.
Then we had the encounter and the amazing thing here was that she was in a garden in a beautiful garden, in her own garden.
And she was sitting between two trees, an apple tree and a pear tree. And she saw a basket that was put down at the bottom of one of those trees.
And in the, in the basket was red, red tissue paper. And this is very relevant.
And inside that was a gift for her. And as she touched that gift, gold light came down all over her protecting.
She felt protection and it turned into silver light that she felt. Do these look like scripture cards to you?
They don't look like they have anything to do with scripture. To me, these look like a competing form of tarot cards.
What Jen Hodge is describing is fortune telling, which scripture forbids.
So let's do a little bit more research, shall we? And we'll just let Christ Alignment Jen Hodge explain to us herself what
Christ Alignment is about and what they do. We'll just let her tell us. So for,
I guess, for an opener for people who aren't familiar with what you do and what you bring to the table, just kind of...
Now, by the way, this is the Truth Seeker YouTube channel. Tell people what you do now, and then we'll get into some background on testimony and things like that too.
Okay. Well, we run a team of seers, and we attend all of Australia's largest...
Run a team of seers. Run a team of seers.
Okay. Festivals. We're probably Australia's largest group that are
Christ -based that go into the New Age in Australia. When I say
Christ -based, everyone on the team has actually had an experience with Christ, and we don't channel other spirits, and we don't use other realms.
So we're a team of seers and healers that are using only a heavenly realm, which we love.
Use only a heavenly realm. Why hasn't the church for 2 ,000 years used fortune -telling and heavenly realm encounters with Jesus in order to engage in evangelism?
Which we find safe and absolutely amazing and inspirational. And our core value is to take healing to people that need it, people that...
Anyone, really. We don't have a qualification about the type of people, but we do specialize in New Age events in Australia.
All right. I think you get the idea. But let's take a look at another interview that Jen Hodge did, and let her explain some more.
Hey, everybody. I'm on here with Jenny Hodge, and you're in Australia, right,
Jenny? Correct. Yes, I am. Well, I'm excited to have this opportunity to talk with you.
In fact, we just connected for the first time on Zoom, and I just asked Jenny if it would be okay if I were to record this, because she's actually in a market where she's doing what they do, and I'm going to let her tell a little bit about it.
So Jenny Hodge from Australia. So tell us a little bit about what you're doing right now.
Well, we're in at the market as psychics. In fact, the funny thing is on our...
They're in the market as psychics. Term of employment.
It's a Muslim, the market manager is Muslim, and he put on our contract on our term of employment that we were tarot readers, but actually we're not tarot readers.
No, we're destiny card readers, and there's no difference. We're in here. We want to look psychic.
The setup here, you might be able to see. They want to look psychic. A little bit. I'm not sure if you can see that, but it actually looks very psychic, and we purposely want to look psychic because we want to attract only people that go to psychics and go and do tarot reading.
We don't want to attack any Christians whatsoever. Well, you probably won't, unless they're trying to convert you.
We still do sometimes. This is really impromptu, and we were just connecting for the first time just to talk, and I'm like,
I got to film this because you're in that environment doing what you do. Now, you're using the word psychic, and you're at a fair where people would normally go to a psychic, and they're going to come to you instead, not knowing that you're not a psychic.
I love the way Derek Grosskirth, the truth seeker, I love the way he puts it. He puts it, you're basically there, a sheep in wolves clothing.
Correct. Yes. But even though we are, even though we are...
No, Christians aren't even supposed to have the appearance of evil, so how do you justify this?
To be honest, we believe that we're better than any psychic anyway.
Absolutely. Yeah, so when we offer them a 20 -minute service, we believe that they're going to get a more professional, a deeper, a more real service than any psychic.
They're more real than any psychic. Never give them any way, so in that way, we feel a bit like Jesus with the
Samaritan woman at the well. We're going... Did Jesus portray himself as a psychic to the
Samaritan woman at the well? To give them the best word of knowledge that they ever got in their life, and that's our aim, is to give them a knockout.
The Samaritan woman at the well detected that Jesus was a prophet. Word of knowledge in a destiny reading, and then to lead them into the most incredible God encounter in that 20 minutes.
So the goal is to lead them into a God encounter. Where in the scripture does it say we can do that?
I love that. I love it. Now, you had shown me a picture up to the side where you're at, and it says destiny readings.
It does, yes. Can you see that up there? Yes, yes. It's a big banner, and it has a menu on it at the side.
They choose off the menu. Everything in here does look pretty psychic around here.
They actually choose off the menu what they want, but most people are desperate.
It doesn't matter whether we go to an Aussie football match, or whether we go to a psychic festival.
It doesn't matter where we go. We get queues of people lining up by the hundreds over the three or five days, and basically they're desperate.
They're desperate for an answer that no one can give them. They're desperate to know their future.
And who's to say you can tell them their future? The scriptures forbid fortune telling.
Now, in the process of you giving them this destiny reading, does Yeshua come up in that conversation?
We call him the Spirit of Truth. Okay, okay. We don't use any
Christian lingo at all. No Christian lingo. Okay, and what if people want to know more about you and about what you do?
Where does it go from there? Do you mean Christians? No, I'm talking about the people that come to see you, and they want to know more, so they get a word from you, and they are impressed with the fact that you're getting something that nobody else has ever gotten.
So they're like, you know, who are you? Yeah, yeah. Where do you get this from? Well, first off, in our introduction, we actually tell them that we are operating only from Christ's Spirit.
Okay. So the word Christ is said in the very first two minutes of any destiny reading, so there's no pretense.
They know, because a psychic will channel a spirit guide, and we explain to them that we can hear the voice of Christ.
So we're able to, well, in their terms, channel Christ, but in our terms, we actually hear his voice.
So therefore, we're operating from the highest heaven. So they're operating from the highest heaven.
I mean, who can take issue with this, you know? So let me go back to Michael Brown again, who's investigated
Christ's alignment with his Michael Brown charismatic investigative goggles, and his claims regarding them don't seem to add up if he had just done valid research.
But let me see here. Let's hit play again. Like that, to get the person to sit down and just try to interact with them, and then give them a reading.
Basically, you need Jesus. You're a lost sinner. You need to be saved. Okay, so he thinks that they sit people down and just interact with them so that they can tell them they're lost sinners and in need of Jesus.
Well, let's listen a little bit more to this interview here. So just for the record, because we kind of just jumped right in, you know, for people, again, who are listening, they don't know you.
You are a confessed Christian. You've received Christ in your heart. Is that correct? That is correct.
And to our spirit field, we operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Now, when you're encountering some of these people,
I know the question is going to be asked. Do you ever have opportunity to lead them to Christ?
Or, you know, what kind of language might you use if there was any desire there? Over half of all the clients in the
God encounter are actually meeting Jesus as the gift giver, as the spirit of truth, personally themselves.
And they are talking to him personally themselves. And they're having a one -on -one encounter with him.
We have been criticized for this as well because people, Christians have said, well, how can that be?
And it's the same way that Muslims are having dreams about him as well. Yeah. No, it's not.
Let's just assume for a second that the Muslim dreams that they're really encountering
Jesus. There's no medium in between. Jesus is coming to them and sending them to a church to hear the gospel.
And so if that's happening, it's not because somebody has sat down and do a destiny card reading, and then therefore it's not the same thing at all.
That's, of course, if you assume that the encounters that Muslims are having are valid.
The bottom line is he doesn't care how he does it, and he doesn't care what vessel he uses through it.
He wants people. So Jesus wants you to use a forbidden practice called fortune telling, so that then he can show up and let people have an encounter with him.
That doesn't make any sense. I mean, what's next? Temple prostitution?
I mean, that's a forbidden practice too. Maybe you can have an ecstatic experience with a temple prostitute and invite
Jesus to be part of the event. You see, this doesn't make any sense. To people in any way that he can.
And if you give him the chance, which we are. If you give
Jesus the chance, why does Jesus need chances? He's God Almighty.
He's the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. He is the first and the last. He is the one who spoke the universe into existence, and we need to give him a chance?
What? These new ages are spiritually hungry, and they're searching for something spiritual.
And they're open already. They're open. Well, I'm in great agreement with you, because I've shared this story before, but I used to be an evangelist.
I loved doing evangelistic meetings for the church that I was a part of and all that years ago.
And so, an evangelist at heart. But it really came to my awareness in the last few years that just leading people to say these magic words does not mean that it's going to change them.
And we don't do that. We don't say that prayer at all.
Yeah. In fact, the word pray is banned off the team. Okay, okay.
So let me see if I got this straight. Jen Hodge, in her own words, says we're not trying to convert people, and they don't even allow the word prayer to be said, because that word itself is forbidden.
So they don't even pray with people. Hmm. This is weird, because, you know, let me back this up, because Dr.
Michael Brown, after investigating Christ's alignment with his charismatic investigative goggles, this is what he says, his experience and his understanding of what
Christ's alignment is about. I got to back it up just a little farther.
Hang on. Here we go. No, it's not.
Or cards that would get the attention of people that are into all this new age stuff, but with scripture truths and with ways just.
Which scripture truths are in the destiny cards? Or maybe about moods and things like that and say, hey, you want to sit down?
We want to pray for you. Or would you? They don't allow the word prayer. They don't say they want to pray for people.
A reading. They've said it like that to get the person to sit down and just try to interact with them and then give them a reading.
Basically, you need Jesus. You're a lost sinner. You need to be saved now. Yeah, and that's not what they do at all.
So you get the point. And this is the reason why. And this is just the latest example of the reason why we say that Dr.
Michael Brown is the apostle of obfuscation. He uses his charismatic investigative goggles, and he's had two years.
It's been two years since Christ's alignment has come on the scene. And in two years, he hasn't been able to do any primary research regarding Christ's alignment so that he can say, well, in my experience, here's my understanding of them.
And his understanding is completely ill -informed. And anybody with five minutes on the Internet can find out that his depiction of what
Christ's alignment is about and what they do is completely, in fact, wildly inaccurate.
And this, again, this is Michael Brown's job. He's the apostle of obfuscation.
And he's doing this so that he can basically run cover for Bethel and other churches like them and then turn it around.
And people will say, oh, those discernment folks, they're just so evil. They don't even accurately or fairly represent somebody like Christ's alignment.
When all the time, it's Michael Brown who refuses to actually look and see what's going on.
I think you get the point. So if you found this helpful, all the information on how you can share the video is going to be down below in the description.
And please share it with people and warn them. Michael Brown is not honest in his scholarship regarding the errors of the charismatic movement.
And he's run cover for Jennifer LeClaire and the Sneaky Squid. And he is, for real at this point, protecting a group that is engaging in biblically forbidden practices.
That's just how wicked and evil that man can be and dishonest when it comes to people in his own movement.
He says, well, I've written books about the abuses within the charismatic movement. Yeah, well, that's great.
I'm glad you've done that. But you also need to be honest and tell the truth about aberrant groups like Christ's alignment rather than speak errors about them.
Because, well, in your experience, you haven't experienced otherwise. I think you get the point. So again, all the information is on how to share the videos down below.
And of course, don't forget to like and subscribe. And of course, we cannot continue to do what we're doing without your financial support.
And everybody who joins our crew in the month of February at Gunnersmade or above, I'll send you a copy of my fine art print titled
San Clemente Dreamin'. Until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ, his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.