God’s Majesty in a Faithless Generation


Sermon: God’s Majesty in a Faithless Generation Date: November 12, 2023, Morning Text: Luke 9:37–45 Series: Luke Preacher: Brian Garcia Audio: https://storage.googleapis.com/pbc-ca-sermons/2023/231112-GodsMajestyInAFaithlessGeneration.aac


Well, good morning church, if you could please turn your Bibles to Luke chapter 9
We will be examining verses 37 to 45
Again, Luke chapter 9 starting verse 37. If you have that please do stand for the reading of God's Word Hear ye this morning the word of the
Lord on The next day when they had come down from the mountain a great crowd met him and behold a man from the crowd cried out
Teacher I beg you to look at my son for he is my only child and behold his spirit seizes him
He suddenly cries out and it convulses him to that He foams at the mouth and shatters him and will hardly leave him and I beg your disciples to cast it up But they could not
Jesus answered Oh faithless and twisted generation. How long am I to be with you and bear with you?
Bring your son here while he was coming the demon threw him to the ground and convulsed him but Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit and healed the boy and gave him back to his father and All were astonished at the majesty of God While they were marveling at everything he was doing.
Jesus said to his disciples Let these words sink into your ears The Son of Man is about to be delivered into the hands of men
But they did not understand the saying and it was concealed from them So they may not might not perceive it and they were afraid to ask him about this saying
This is the word of the Lord. You may be seated Let's pray father.
We do come before you thankful for your provision of this week Thankful that despite the challenges of our week of our lives
Things that were seen and unseen You have brought us faithfully to this place of worship on this
Lord's Day We pray now Lord that these hearts of thankfulness would overflow into gratitude for thy word
We ask Lord that you would now allow us to set this time apart as holy unto you
So that our hearts may receive of anticipation the implanted
Word of God, which is able to make us strong unto salvation Father we pray that you remove all distractions from our hearts and minds and help us to look this morning at the author and perfect of our faith
Even the Lord Jesus Christ who for the joy that was set before him endured the shaming scorn of the cross
May we now in turn give thanks to you for all things in Jesus name.
Amen God's majesty in a faithless generation
Certainly the times in which we are living in are difficult. Are they not? We see the things that are transpiring on the world stage we may see things in our own lives that may be of great challenge and great difficulty and We asked we may even find ourselves asking ourselves.
Where is God in the midst of all these challenges? Where is God in my personal circumstances?
Where is God in the world stage? It almost seems as if the naysayers are right. Where is
God? Is there even a God was the The old philosopher
Nietzsche right when he said God is dead. I Would propose to you this morning
God is not dead. He's very much alive and the God that we know and we serve in Jesus Christ is
Still at work and his majesty is still to be seen even amongst a perverse twisted and faithless generation we find ourselves in the text of Scripture today in Luke chapter 9 just after seeing the
Transfiguration last week where the Lord Jesus is Transfigured his majesty his power his authority his divinity is put on display for the disciples to see
They had seen him on that beautiful Mount Mount Hermon where they see the Lord Jesus changed and In that revealing of his glory and majesty on the
Mount of Transfiguration Jesus is quickly greeted by a needed and anxious crowd.
Look again what it says on Verse 37 on the next day this is after the Transfiguration when they had come down from the mountain a great crowd met him and What does this crowd?
immediately want and anticipate of Jesus it says and behold in verse 38 a Man from the crowd cried out teacher.
I beg you to look at my son for he is my only child
Jesus is quickly greeted by a needed and anxious crowd and among them. There's a father who is
Desperate to have his son delivered from an evil spirit What Jesus had just demonstrated the day before on the
Mount of Transfiguration is that the spiritual world is very much? real that the spiritual unseen reality
Affects the world in which we live in Jesus was operating not just in the world that we see but in the world that is unseen which is why on that amazing
Mount of Transfiguration The disciples got to see a glimpse of his glory
Also seeing the law and the prophets represented in Elijah and Moses These men who were long dead long past were seen very much alive and vibrant because Jesus is the one who has authority even over the grave and Jesus was able to Demonstrate that the spiritual world and that the physical world do sometimes bleed together and sometimes there is a
Overlapping of those realms. In fact, what is it that we have looked to look forward to for the future?
Eschatologically speaking are we as Christians just waiting to die so that our bodies may be put in a grave
So it may decompose and that our spirits may be alive of Christ I would submit to you that that is only half of the story
Yes, we believe that too. It is better to be absent from the body and to be present with the
Lord We believe that when a believer dies, he goes into the presence of majesty of the
Lord Jesus Christ But we are waiting for something even better And that is the redemption of the body the resurrection of the dead
Which is when our bodies these lowly bodies the Bible says in 1st
Corinthians 15 are transformed to become spiritual bodies Not that it is the void of that which is physical
But that truly the physical and the spiritual shall be married and intertwined forevermore just as Jesus is
Truly man and truly God that which is physical that which is truly spiritual now one we too will also share in a nature that is truly physical but also truly spiritual and Jesus is demonstrating this reality even through the mount of transfiguration and Also with the challenges that he now faces as he comes down from that mountain that his his his troubles that his
Challenges and ministry are not just that which deals with the physical as we saw in the previous
Couple verses when he feeds the multitudes. Those were physical needs
They were hungry and he was able to meet those physical needs But now all the needs that he's facing among the anxious crowds are that which are spiritual
Notice again what this anxious father says in verse 38 Teacher I beg you to look at my son for he is my only child and behold a spirit
Seizes him and he suddenly cries out It convulses him so that he phones at the mouth and shatters him and it will hardly leave him this man was dealing with the realities of Spiritual attacks and spiritual trials his son his only son was being attacked by spiritual powers of darkness by the evil principalities are at work in this world most likely by demonic spirits and forces
You see Jesus Knew that the spiritual world is real It's in fact kind of a almost a parallel to our own reality
Both in the good and and the evil that's around us and Jesus was able to see beyond what the physical eyes allow giving us again insight into the reality of this unseen realm the
Bible many times makes claims that oppression and Possession by evil spirits are oftentimes
Accompanied by physical ailments as you see this young man who's being seized by spirits.
It is convulsing him It is causing him to foam at the mouth. It is shattering him so that this Oppression hardly leaves him there is a physicality to this spiritual attack
That's happening in the life of this young boy Jesus no doubt hearing this hearing this man begged for his son for his only son finds pity and Looks at this man and finds a man who?
desires freedom from spiritual oppression for him and his son and Notice what this man says in verse 40 says and I begged your disciples to cast it out, but they could not
But they could not I want you if you're writing this in the notes Coming down from the mountain a man begs
Jesus to deliver his son from a spirit Again we live in a real spiritual world
We don't always see it But know this for sure brothers and sisters that our world is
Very much spiritual the trials the tribulations that we face Are often spiritual not just physical not just emotional not just financial
There are all oftentimes spiritual realities behind the trials that we face in this world
And this is why we're called in every circumstance to pray Why does
Paul tell us to pray in all circumstances and at all times Because at all times we are to be in touch with our father who is in heaven
Because the answer to our problems are not always physical But they are always spiritual because when the spiritual is addressed the physical usually follows again
What's of interest here is that in verse? in verse 40 the man says
I begged your disciples to cast it out, but they Could not they could not
I want you to keep your finger in Luke, but I want you to turn to Mark chapter 9 And this is the parallel count
That's in that's found in Luke's in Mark's gospel in Mark chapter 9 in verse 28 and 29
And we see the same this is part of the synoptic Gospels the first three Gospels Matthew Mark and Luke are what's called the synoptic
Gospels meaning that they share in the same Style rhythm stories are all mostly parallel and they only change to varying degrees and Here you have again in Mark chapter 9
In verse 28 it says this And we entered his and we had entered the house his disciples asked him privately
Why could we not cast it out? So referring to the child who's about to be delivered
And he said to them This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer but prayer see how the
Lord Jesus addresses the shortcomings of his disciples the disciples hearing and seeing what
Jesus accomplishes and Then asking him why couldn't we do that? Why couldn't we do that don't we ask ourselves sometimes the same thing as Christians?
When we look at other Christians, or we look at even the example of Jesus Christ in Scripture We say why why can't
I be like that? Why can't I do that and The answer usually comes down to a very simple thing.
It's prayer Why are we called to pray in all circumstances brothers and sisters because the answer is usually found therein
The answers that we seek are found on our knees as we pray to our
Lord and to our Master In Luke chapter 9 verse 40 again The man who the father who is desperate sees that his his son is in need of deliverance and yet his disciples the disciples of Christ Could not cast out this demon this unclean spirit from this child.
I Want you to write this in a note to disciples They'll give an authority remember that Jesus gave his disciples great authority even over the forces of darkness
And gave them authority over spirits these particular disciples were unable to cast it out because of a lack of prayer
Again earlier in Luke chapter 9 the disciples are given kingdom authority over the forces of darkness and even find success and they return rejoicing
Yet in this instance They weren't they were unable to expel the unclean spirit.
Why? Again in the mark chapter 9 we saw the parallel account and it reveals that was for a lack of prayer
I want you to know this beloved prayer is our greatest weapon in our arsenal of spiritual warfare prayer is amongst the greatest of weapons in our spiritual arsenal as we
Understand that this world is indeed spiritual Like the disciples We often time underestimate the power of prayer because of the maybe the monotonous nature of our own prayer lives
You know, what's good Christians? We we should pray often and we we tend to find rituals in which we we pray
So when it's maybe it's when we start our day, maybe it's before our meals maybe it's when we gather for family worship, we pray we pray and it almost becomes a ritual and Sometimes as things becomes become ritualistic
They become a little bit monotonous and our prayers almost begin to sound very much the same in all circumstances
Lord, thank you for this. Thank you for that Lord help me with this and then we go on to the next part of our day
But I want you to know this that there's a there's a greater power to prayer That can be achieved that can be unlocked when we understand the nature of prayer
You know, it could be that also that we when we pray like my oldest son says when he prays he says
I can't see anything and He also says this. Well, I prayed and nothing happened right,
I want you to know this prayer can and does affect the physical and unseen realm around you and You know what else prayer is meant to do what prayer is meant to induce is also a change not just around you but in you and That's the beauty and the power of prayer.
It's not that just we're trying to move heaven when we pray But rather that when we pray we should be allowing heaven to move us
That's the power. That's the beauty and the disciples Did not grasp this truth
Although they were given a great authority in Luke chapter 9 to expel demons and to cast out unclean spirits
Here they were unable to do so because they lost sight of where the true power lies It's not in themselves
But rather in the one who can truly deliver from satanic oppression
God the Father and Because they lost sight of this they lost sight of the power and the importance of prayer their ministry life was ineffective beloved
Ask yourself this question. Have I become ineffective in my life? Have I become ineffective in my relationships?
I've become ineffective in my Christian ministry And if you feel like there's something lacking we can almost always trace it back to one thing maybe two things personal devotion
Scripture reading and prayer These are where we find our strength from day to day
Isn't it a beautiful thing when we gather in Lord's Day and we hear a message that encourages us that strengthens us and We go out about our days and we feel we feel we feel good
But then comes Monday dreaded Monday the alarm clock goes off and we got to get ready for work
We got to get ready for school We got to get ready for our responsibilities and the things that we were rejoicing in the day before begin to wane
Which is why beloved Personal devotion is so important for the Christian so that you can be daily
Encouraged in your walk so you can be daily empowered as you go about day -to -day life
Even the great even the disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ had to be reminded of these truths
I also want you know this beloved prayer is more powerful Than you'll ever know on this side of heaven
Why? Because it is divine Warfare it is divine power.
It is divine communication and prayer is divine proclamation
We are Communing with the great divine with the Holy Trinity the
Father the Son and the Holy Spirit This is powerful stuff
Therefore we should not Treat prayer as something trivial
Maybe you've recognized that in the order of service that we have here in this church We pray quite often.
There's a prayer in the beginning. There's a prayer in between There's a prayer before the message as a prayer at the end and then we devote our afternoon to even more time of prayer
Why do we do that? This is so we can just check a box in Scripture or check a box in our church liturgy but rather because we know and want you to comprehend this truth that prayer is powerful and Prayer affects the space around you and the space within you
Prayer is powerful stuff here Notice that how Jesus treats this
This circumstances situation in Luke chapter 9 verse 41 Jesus answered after hearing the need for this young man to be
Delivered from his oppression and hearing that the disciples could not handle the situation
He says Oh faithless and twisted generation How long am
I to be with you and bear of you? Bring your son here
Jesus rebukes them He rebukes his disciples and this generation by calling them faithless which write this or notes and Jesus rebukes them by calling them faithless and Twisted due to their lack of what faith?
Due to their lack of faith now. I would go so far as to venture that no one here has faith as they ought
No one here has faith as they ought Why what do I mean by that? picture redemptive history for a moment
Think of yourself maybe as an Israelite on the cusp of being destroyed by the
Egyptian army that's approaching as they were leaving Egypt and between you and The and and the
Egyptians there's nothing but certain death. You have an army approaching you on the other side There's an ocean.
There's a sea There's nothing that can deliver you except Yahweh and What does the
Lord do? he calls his people to stand firm and see the salvation of Jehovah and Through Moses.
He's able to part the seas and as they part the seas God gives them rest
God gives them a ability to cross over and to be delivered for the approaching army
God delivered his people and When what they do next as they enter into the wilderness they begin to murmur
They begin to curse They begin to tell God that he's not good enough that it was better back in Egypt Where he where they were just delivered from and I want you to consider this for a moment.
I think all of us have a little bit of a wandering Israelite inside of us
Every single one of us why? Because have we not seen? the fabulous
Marvelous majestic hand of the Lord in our own lives maybe on a day -to -day basis, maybe even when we just recall where the
Lord has delivered us from and Then what do we do as the
Israelites so quickly did is we forget? We forget we as a people are so forgetful
We're so forgetful and yet God is merciful
God is still majestic. God is still good even to forgetful people and so beloved
We too sometimes act faithless we too sometimes partake in the
Faithless acts of a twisted generation and I think what's fascinating about this rebuke is that I almost didn't know at first Who is
Jesus referring to when he's talking when he calls out this faithless and twisted generation?
Is he talking about the man who's approaching him with this need? Is he talking about the crowds that were?
Gathering around at the foot of this mountain is he talking about his disciples who could not cast out these demons?
And I think the answer is yes. I Think the answer is yes. I think he's talking about them all even his disciples.
Why because his disciples were faithless They could not see how it is that they could overcome the spiritual oppression
That it was through prayer and not simply through the authority that they were granted earlier in chapter 9 also faithless and to the generation in that These people are just coming to the feet of Jesus and as it is often the reality today are
Often coming to Jesus for what he can do for them and not simply because he is himself the majestic God made flesh
Sometimes we want what Jesus offers and not who Jesus is and What a mistake that is and what a mistake that would be for us beloved
We must not be like those who are faithless and twisted due to a lack of faith. You see the
Bible says this about faith Faith according to 2nd Thessalonians chapter 3 verse 2 is not a possession of all men
Not everyone has faith in this world that we live in. It's becoming More so the case that people lack faith
In fact here in Silicon Valley in the heart of the technological capital of the world people put more faith in their
Technology and their wealth and their status then in the living
God What a mistake that is as well. Why? oftentimes
I find that as I have conversations with the people of the world Especially young people they have a misconception of what faith actually is and if you have a conversation with a worldly person
They'll tell you more or less that faith is something like this faith is believing in something.
You have no evidence for Sound familiar It's just about what the world tells you that faith is but is that what the
Bible says that faith is? No by no means according to Scripture in Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 faith is the assurance of the things unseen
You see what we were just talking about earlier the world is Spiritual there are things that we cannot see yet.
We have eyes of faith We have eyes of faith beloved where we can get a glimmer of the things that truly are
We don't have the eyes to always see the things that are before us spiritually speaking, but this is why prayer is so important Because prayer gives us more insight into the things that God is doing around us
And so beloved faith is not a possession of all men, which is why again so many cannot accept
What they cannot see and Jesus rebuked them. He rebuked that generation in particular as faithless and twisted
Because if you live life apart from faith, you're only seeing half the picture half the reality
Faith is not just believing in something that you have no evidence for rather It is weighing the evidence and accepting that which your eyes cannot truly see
That's the beauty of faith not that you always have to see that which is physical
But rather understanding that behind the physical there are spiritual truths and realities. That's the power of faith
Truly it is an acceptance of a greater knowledge. Not just a limited physical knowledge or Natural knowledge, but it's also leads us to a spiritual knowledge without faith
You cannot see Nor receive the majesty of God the beauty of God the transfiguration of Christ Notice again what the scripture tells us here in verse 41
Jesus answered old faithless and twisted generation How long am I to be with you and bear with you
Jesus was almost getting fed up He's like how long do I have to be around you guys? Have you ever felt that way?
I Maybe it's just me but I felt that way all the time especially when I worked in a secular context and I see how people interact and how they
Talk and what I'm like, how much longer am I gonna have to put up with this? I just want to be in God's kingdom.
I just want to be amongst God's people This is what I look forward to and Jesus almost fed up says how long am
I to bear with you? He says bring your son here Yet frustrated but also lovingly says
I Will do this for you. I will deliver your son I have the power out of the authority out of the ability to do so in verse 42
We see the outcome while he was coming the demon threw him to the ground and convulsed him
But Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit and healed the boy and gave him back to his father
What we see here is that the Lord Jesus has the power and the authority To cast out unclean spirits why because Jesus is the one who has true communion with the
Father Jesus is demonstrating what true communion with God looks like he has access to his father
His father gives him access To this power and this authority Jesus as the
God -man is Able to do these miraculous works and powers by the power of the
Godhead And in verse 43 it says in all were astonished at the majesty of God All were were astonished at the majesty of God Think about that for a moment earlier
Jesus revealed his divinity and majesty on the Mount of Transfiguration And has revealed a glimpse
As he revealed this glimpse into his glory and at the healing and casting out of this unclean spirit
Jesus again gives a glimpse into his majesty as God demonstrating total authority over evil unclean spirits and sickness itself
Have you ever been awestruck before? Maybe you've met someone famous and you were awestruck.
I've met several famous people. I've never been awestruck Maybe the closest was
I did meet President Bill Clinton once I think in 2009 and And and that was pretty cool
Don't agree with him. They don't agree with his politics, but It's pretty impressive when you meet someone of such stature
Someone who who commanded such authority such weight and yet They come it doesn't even
Come close in comparison to coming to know Jesus who has all authority in heaven and on earth
Have you ever been awestruck before? Have you taken the time? to just marvel at the excellence the glory and Majesty of Jesus Think about that word what it means to marvel.
It means to be filled with wonder and awe Jesus is truly all inspiring in deserves to be marveled at does he not
Think about this word that's also used here in the text majesty. They were all astounded astonished at the
Majesty of God the majesty of God in Jesus Christ by what he had just done and accomplished
This majesty majesty meaning this were in the Latin and the Greek is where we get the word major comes from majesty major and it means to to have an abundance to to be
Overwhelming to be beautiful to be excellent. That's what the word majesty means and they were
Astonished at the excellence the beauty of God in Jesus Christ Do you take time to?
marvel at Jesus How would it go so far as to say that this ought to be part of our worship daily?
Whether it's here in church or with our families during family worship. We should be daily marveling at Jesus There's nothing normal about him
And we sometimes as Christians because we we're so familiar with the scriptures and this is just kind of normal to us
There's nothing normal about it There's nothing normal about prayer
You need to hear that There's nothing normal about prayer. There's nothing normal about having communion with the
God of the universe. Are you hearing this? Like you can speak
Fellowship and worship the one who made all things There's nothing normal about that This is all inspiring stuff
This is truly the face of majesty of true beauty of true excellence before you
There's nothing normal about this worship service You may be accustomed to it, but I assure you there's nothing normal Why because the
Bible says there's unseen things happening right now The spirit through the proclamation of the word is stirring the hearts of believers
Amongst us is not just a congregation that we see of our eyes, but rather there's also a congregation of angels
There are also gathered in festal gathering There is nothing normal about this
Truly I want you to marvel at this marvel at this
Jesus Marvel at the majesty of God in Jesus when he accomplishes great things and great things.
He has accomplished. Amen Amen Great things he's accomplished
Notice what it goes on to say in that same verse in verse 43 But while they were all marveling at everything he was doing
Jesus said to his disciples This is fascinating he says let these words sink into your ears
The Son of Man is about to be delivered into the hands of men
This is fascinating if you I didn't think I got the last part of the notes But if you following along when the boy was delivered everyone marveled at the majesty of God in Jesus Christ And why this next part is just so interesting is as they were astonishing marveling at what
Jesus was doing marveling at the works of Christ Jesus delivers this very stark warning and this very stark word
He says let these words sink into your ears. You ever had that conversation with mom and dad
Right when he says I want you to hear me and I want you to hear me good That's kind of what
Jesus is doing now, I want this to sink into your ears I don't want you to miss this After seeing all what
Jesus done the amount of transfiguration Casting out this unclean spirit feeding the multitudes healing the sick raising the dead.
What does he what does he do? What does he say? He says I want you to hear these words that sink into your ears
The Son of Man is about to be delivered into the hands of men. This is not what they were expecting
This is not what the disciples had in mind This was not what they had in the preconceived notion of who the victorious
Messiah would be and what he would do Surely this would have come as a shock to them.
What does it mean? You just delivered a demon out of this young boy.
And now you are gonna be delivered into the hands of men How can this be?
How can this work? How can this operate? Jesus is demonstrating total authority here.
And yet he's saying I'm going to be subject to men and just a little while And not only that But I'm gonna be delivered unto death
In verse 45 it says but they did not understand the saying it was concealed from them
So that they might not perceive it and they were afraid to ask him about the same
Fascinating statements here. Jesus reminds his disciples that he would be betrayed.
I want you to write this in the notes and That he would be delivered to the cross
Define the expectations of his disciples here. Jesus reminds the disciples that his greatest act
Would be to be delivered into the hands of sinners to be beaten to be flogged and that In his greatest act he would be then even raised up onto a
Roman cross to provide atonement for sin and to bring everlasting righteousness and salvation and in just a short time
The disciples would go from marveling at his miraculous works to marveling at his bruised and broken body on the cross marvel at this
Christ Marvel Truly marvel at him that this
Christ he would come he would feed the multitudes be transfigured Give authority to his disciples
Then even heal the sick even even deliver the oppressed but his greatest act of marveling would come as he's betrayed as His body is bruised and beaten on our behalf and as it is hoist upon a
Roman cross To be marveled at by all the crowds as they mock him flog him
Spit at him and so that he becomes an open spectacle by his enemies
But beloved what those Men who delivered
Jesus to the cross did not know Could not possibly comprehend because they lacked faith was that what seemed to be?
Christ's greatest defeat was actually his greatest victory. Amen It was his greatest victory why because on that cross the
Bible says this that as his body came on that cross Colossians chapter 2 verse 15 says he disarmed the spiritual powers of darkness
He disarmed Satan our enemy and he made a public spectacle over them by Triumphing over them in the cross
So that what seemed to be his greatest if it was actually his greatest victory What seemed to be his death was only to lead to his resurrection beloved marvel at this
Jesus Truly the majesty of God is on full display in the person and work of Jesus Christ Jesus Christ truly is
Marvelous and he is greatly to be marveled at and to be worshipped so that later today later this service as we open our
Hearts to song that we would marvel that him that we would worship him Understand the gravity of what he has done and accomplished for God's people that we would not be like the wandering
Israelites who so quickly Forgot what God has done for us in salvation But rather that we would truly marvel at Jesus not just by the miraculous works that he has done in the past Not only by the miraculous works that he's doing even now in our lives, but because of who he is intrinsically
He is God He's worthy so much. So That one of the climaxes of the book of Revelation as you see this great throne room procession
It says that there was silence in heaven because there were scrolls that were presented that no one was worthy to open and So much so that the heaven itself went into mourning and silence until one came who was worthy and This one was
Jesus The Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the world comes into the scene and he is judged worthy by the
Father Why it says this in Philippians chapter 2 concerning this Jesus It says that though he was in the form of God he did not count the equality of God as a thing to be held on to or grass, but he
Emptied himself and humbled himself by taking on the form of a servant and by taking and being fashioned by human form and flesh
It says that this Jesus was obedient Even so far as to be obedient to die on a cross
Now that's why the scripture then says therefore God has highly exalted This Jesus and given him the name that is above every name
So at the name of Jesus every tongue should confess and every heart bow that he is
Lord to the glory of God the Father this Jesus is truly glorious and he's the one who we worship and He's the one who we get to approach today
And he's the one who we even get to remember and celebrate here at the Lord's table So as a result of this beloved
May you make much of Christ and if you've not come to know this Jesus If you've only marveled at him from afar
We invite you even today to marvel at him as a new creature in Christ The Bible tells us this
That if any man be in Christ, he's a new creation You can have a new life today can start right now if you've not done so already
Bible tells us that you must repent of your sins. That's a turning away from sin Acknowledged that you are indeed a sinner that you've made great offenses towards this
Holy God Yet he is gracious and he offers you everlasting life and salvation today
While it is still called today Therefore it says not harden your hearts as in the days of rebellion speaking of the rebellion of the ancient
Israelites But that if you hear his voice through this message to the word that's been spoken to you today don't harden your hearts rather Give yourself over to the one who loved you and died for you.
Even this Jesus who we proclaim repent trust in the Savior believe and be baptized for remission of sins and the
Bible says You'll be you'll be turned from death to life. You'll have everlasting life if you trust in Jesus today
May you do so and may you be found in him not having a righteousness of your own But a righteousness that comes through knowing and having
Jesus May you marvel at him? May we all marvel at this
Christ? Let's pray Lord Jesus We do indeed marvel that you are a good
Savior That you are marvelous in all ways Your majesty is beyond comprehension
Which is why Lord I feel sometimes it's one of the reasons why we we just can't relate.
We just can't Put these things in right terms Lord, because we just don't have the eyes to see
Lord help us in our unbelief Help us to receive eyes that truly see eyes that truly receive eyes that can truly behold your glory
Lord time after time in your word you tell us that word you give us that word. Look behold behold
Lord indeed help us to behold your beauty your majesty your greatness your awe -inspiring this
Lord for we Who often forget your majesty who forget your glory?
We make little of you and what a great sin that is Lord to make little of the
God who gave us everything It's the Lord help us and our unbelief help us to to repent of our unbelief to repent of not
Seeing you for who you truly are for what you truly are and what you have done for your people
Help us to not just marvel at your works, but to marvel at your very essence and being
Help us to marvel at the cross Where our sins were completely paid for where the work was finished and where we find in such a gruesome and hideous and a violent place
Where we can find our peace And we can have this peace with God through the shed blood of Jesus on the cross through whom we can now receive reconciliation
Help us Oh Lord and our unbelief help those who have not made that commitment to Jesus to do so now
While it is still called today for life is but a fleeting moment It's here one moment and gone the next even the young die in this twisted and fallen world
Help us Lord to have eyes seated Eyes that are looking towards eternity
Eyes that are looking forward to you and eyes that will behold you one day truly as you are