An Unusual Monday Morning Dividing Line


Covered a wide range today, from insanity in Germany, more and more studies showing the danger of the Covid jabs, the Biden Regime's war on Christians, a few interesting graphics I've run across, to finally in the last half of the program, a brief video from Barth Ehrman showing his theological shallowness and the reasons thereof. Also mentioned once again that on Friday we will be discussing this video, relevant to Eastern Orthodoxy.


Well, greetings, welcome to the dividing line. I suppose I should turn that thing back on again, huh? Whoever is supposed to set all this stuff up, you know, you get
As you get older The the list of things you can remember in a short -term memory just keeps getting smaller and smaller
Really sad. What are we doing here? Um, I Don't know I was just looking at at Twitter and you know
I've said this many times if I If I thought this world was just bouncing down the road any old direction without any goal or end to it
Which is what secularism? requires you to believe I would
I was just reading a tweet about The drone technology and Look I've come to a lot of Conclusions and This one is sad for me to have to come to this conclusion, but it seems very very obvious to me the
United States is responsible for Ukraine and I was there in 2014 when the u .s.
Toppled the Ukrainian government put a new government in place and And Look I don't care where you stand we would we went this close to nuclear war and we're that close again
We went this close nuclear war with Russia the Soviet Union When they tried to put ballistic missiles in Cuba Ukraine is closer shared border
And we're true and and we're trying to put them in NATO It's it's so obviously meant to start war that it's hard to even understand and so What's going on there it it's it's easy for me to go.
This is a testing ground we are sacrificing young Russian lives and young Ukrainian lives to test new technologies and And The drone technology is what
I was looking at it just it just come up on the screen I wasn't looking for anything. It just popped up and I was reading through it and The use of AI Controlling drones by satellite man.
There's no defense for it. There's there's isn't a defense for it. So if I Did not believe that there is a reason if I Yeah, I'm not sure how provisionists stuff like this because they they absolutely detest
God's sovereign decree, but they don't want to say that God isn't Somewhat in control and there's sort of a purpose at the end of all these things
Just not in the individual things. I don't know how any of all that works, but I Would I Would I'm starting to understand a little bit more why drugs are the way they are in our land and You know when the wife texts you live on the air
So, um, it's always and by the way because I will forget this
Um tomorrow was be normally when we would do the dividing line But tomorrow is my wife and I's 42nd anniversary
And I was thinking about that and I was thinking about you know 40 was sort of big 45.
We'll have to do something. You know, we're just gonna go to dinner. Nothing. Nothing really special She's taking care of her mom.
And so, you know, that's that's her job right now. And and And then all of a sudden it hit me
All of a sudden it hit me We are only eight years from the big five.
Oh, and then it hit me It just does not seem that long ago that I helped my parents who are now both gone
Celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary and we did something and I I went into debt do it, but I had to I Got a limo it was first time
I had ever been a limo his first time my mom had ever been a limo And we took the whole family including my kids
To I don't know it it's probably not the fanciest restaurant in Phoenix anymore The the one that goes around the top of the high region compass compass room, yeah
Every I think every major city has a restaurant somewhere downtown it goes around in circles it's just I think that's sort of a necessary thing to be a big city and I've got pictures of that night and Just how excited they were and stuff like that, so I'm just I'm just letting my kids know
You've got you've got eight years Okay, so I started to set the bar, you know for and you were there you both of you were there
So you all need to need to get together? You got eight years Start the savings plan
And You know find a good find a good restaurant and a good place to by then
They'll all be EV limos and they'll be about this this big and you know Like size of Volkswagen bug or something like that.
You'll have to get government approval and All that stuff but yeah eight years only eight years 50
Years of marriage and I remember I remember summer coming home when she was working at Starbucks years and years and years ago
I think it was when we had just had our 30th anniversary and She told her friends at Starbucks that her parents
Her actual physical parents had been married for 30 years and nobody believe her They wouldn't believe her.
No, no, no, no one's married that They just they literally did not believe her that her parents have been married for 30 years
Of course when she went to Cortez high school as a sophomore started there In her
PE class she came home after she Had to take PE because she hadn't taken it to Christian school year earlier
She was She was sort of shocked. She said I am the only girl in my
PE class living with my natural parents only one nobody else was and And Yeah, that's that that says a lot but anyways kids
Eight years you got the at eight years the big old five O's heading our direction and I'm I'm hoping for big things hoping for big things from y 'all
I Can see the look on both their faces right now going? Well, you know dad you've taught us that disappointment is a part of life
That's that's What I'll get disappointments part of life you told us that anyways back to What's going on in the world and You know frightening stuff.
I guess I guess Ukraine launched missiles into Russian territory
American missiles multi warhead missiles into Russian territory and you know
Russia's like and I Lord have mercy
Lord have mercy. But like I said, I if I didn't think there was a purpose to all this stuff I would
Tim Bush on on Twitter. Do you see that now? That's a shirt Yes, it is a shirt.
See there's Deanie. It's my little Deanie boy Right there. That's my little kitty
Deanie and I have three of these shirts One has Sophie one has Fox and one has
Deanie and I wasn't expecting to do the show today It's like they're really nice and cool in the sense of being cool.
And right now in Phoenix. It is not cool It is that time of year It's you know is 115 a couple days ago and so you wear cool stuff and we're in shorts and Yeah, that's what you do in Arizona for you know about six months
So anyhow, um, I also ran into a an article and I looked it up from yesterday and I'll just summarize it back in 2020
There was a young woman who was attacked and raped by a gang of immigrants in Germany And we are seeing this all the time in the
United States murders of young girls Part of part of the reason of this remember one of the things that we got in so much trouble for when we wrote the
What's become the Dallas statement on social justice was we said that there are some societies that are better than others
And obviously a society that is based upon God's law Seeks to honor
God and therefore honor man as being made in the image of God and things like that are better than societies that don't well, we were just oh how dare you target colonialism and blah blah blah blah and all the rest of stupid stuff and So We have
Thrown open the borders in Europe thrown open the borders in the United States. Just come on in there's no there's no control
Send us your criminals. You're the worst of the worst and we'll We'll let them prey on our young people and murder our young women and rape them and things like that because that's we want to die, we're committing national suicide and Because we've been taken over by our enemies and And Anybody anybody by the way?
Anyone in the United States in the year? 1972 Would have identified the leaders of this nation in light of what they're doing in light of in light of the high
Tyler Cherry the new White House associate communications director if you had
Shown a picture of these sexual perverts what they're doing with abortion what they're doing with homosexuality what they're doing in opening the borders and encouraging a massive invasion the the fact that they will
That if you're on one side of the political spectrum the law comes after you other side you can do whatever you want
Every single person in this nation in 1972 Would have condemned these people as true every single one
Absolutely true and everybody knows everybody was alive in 1972 knows it and that's that situation we're facing so in Germany This young lady was raped by I think nine different people
It got so bad at one point that they were recording it on whatsapp and inviting their friends to come to get in on it
Eventually they recovered DNA evidence semen of eight of the nine in the woman
One did jail time the rest were Paroled on their own recognizance basically just got away with it.
Even though they had DNA and the whatsapp evidence and Then what happened was a number of people in Germany Got their whatsapp
Address and started sending them Horrible messages about how they are horrible people you know what
Germany's doing They're tracking every single one of them down, and they're getting greater prison sentences than the rape for offending
The rapists I'm you just sit here, and you go.
This is what happens when you have a legal system You're no longer a culture of law
You're a culture of men and the law just simply is whatever is in fashion right now, and so what's in fashion right now is
Leftist narrative driven woke Insanity all across Europe and the
United States, and that's what you get. That's what you get it is Fundamentally disgusting um
I Mentioned you know just in passing Tyler Cherry Who is now receiving government money?
Just as the White House press secretary and That other idiot that kept stealing
Women's suitcases and and yeah just again the the government
The regime in Washington Seems to have weekly meetings going all right
We haven't been destroyed by fire and brimstone yet that means we're failing
How can we be better Than Sodom and Gomorrah, how can we how can we eventually just force
God's hand to? Nucleus with fire and brimstone that seems to be a weekly meeting in the
White House and Biden's not there because Biden is If he's still alive,
I'm not yeah, I'm not even sure he's still alive. I'm wondering how many Biden clones there are
Running around the White House right now, which one they're they're getting drugged up for the debate But the people who have been running everything for over three years now
These are some of the most evil that they're traitors every single one of them But there are some of those morally evil people
I can I can even imagine They truly truly are and so now we have this
Tyler Cherry Yeah, and he had to post on Twitter First he posts on Twitter past social media posts when
I was younger Do not reflect my current views period I support this administration's agenda and will continue my communications work focused on our climate and environmental policies and Then he purges his timeline, but of course the internet doesn't forget so Here's some of the things he's written police equals slave patrols voter
ID equals poll taxes Neither slavery nor Jim Crow or that long ago.
We just evolved About time to recall that the modern -day police system is a direct evolution of slave patrols and lynch mobs
Yeah abolish ice You name it and he said it okay, it is it is just there's just Quote after quote after quote he he didn't get them deleted in time and It's insane the man's insane
He is a sexual pervert on the far end of the sexual pervert scale which we're starting to discover there is no end on that type of stuff and This is being done purposely by the regime.
This is their way of saying to you and I we hate you We're coming for you
We don't want you to have anything to do with running this country We're gonna run this country into the ground and there's absolutely positively nothing you can do about it and here's another example look at this guy and You're gonna have to pay him and you're gonna have to listen to him and all the rest that kind of stuff.
That's That's where we are. That's where we are. I Don't know if you've noticed but there are a tremendous number of Studies that have come out over the past year
Published studies in Lancet and in other medical journals peer -reviewed doesn't mean anything anymore, but You would like to think in the medical field it would have some
Impact, but it doesn't money has completely corrupted the the pharmaceutical companies own everybody
So the pharmaceutical companies can get anything through as long as they want to pay enough to do it
Because they own everybody. They know where all the skeletons are buried. They own everybody all of the governmental agencies, they're supposed to be watching the pharmaceutical pharmaceutical companies are staffed by former employees of the pharmaceutical companies and vice versa people leave those government agencies and end up in high positions in the pharmaceutical company the incest is just unbelievable absolutely unbelievable
The corruption beyond commentary absolutely beyond commentary and So numerous numerous numerous numerous numerous studies
Demonstrating that what a number of us were saying Starting in Probably for me
September of 2020 when I first Read my first article about what these new vaccines are gonna be because you know everybody's talking about vaccine vaccine now, okay great
You know It's it's the virus, you know, it's a deadened form of the virus, you know, the standard old -style vaccine
Technology. No, no, this is mRNA and I'm like MRNA Now I am
NOT a scientist but I was department fellow anatomy and physiology at Grand Canyon College in a day and did real well in my classes there and I Did a lot of study of genetics and DNA mRNA
All those types of things and yeah, it was many years ago So we've learned a whole lot more since then but I know the language and I know the vocabulary and have read
Fair amount of stuff since then too and I'm like what what's going on? And so I start reading up on this stuff and I'm like, whoa, wait a minute
What is going on here? this is dangerous, they have not been able to get these things approved because they're dangerous and so as we get closer and closer to the rollout,
I'm like No, no, no. No, I'm not Not even thinking about this give me at least at least five years of safety data and by the way
We're not at five years yet Okay, we're not even close to it yet. You give me at least five years of safety data
And I'll give it a thought But they're like nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, this is what we got to do is so we got to do and You start looking the people who are in charge you understand what was going on here
Once again the the people with the power want to accomplish certain things and they're pushing it and So I'm very thankful.
I I Actually saw someone who tweeted me this morning and said it was because of you
I didn't get the jab. Thank you and I'm like I had posted a
Interview that Secular media did with a member of the
Army National Guard Who has had a stroke and three heart attacks and Their own the
Army's own medical documentation says this is a result of the vaccine she had she had had no problems before that and now all this stuff and Everybody knows if you if you are if you're literally sitting there going it's just anecdotal evidence
That this has anything to do with any heart issues at all. You're an idiot How many shots did you get because there are now studies demonstrating that the mRNA shots diminish cognition
That the the functioning of the brain. Well, there may be a connection here, maybe
It's just astonishing to me that the people have not gotten to the point yet There are some people so invested in what they did the choices they made at that time that it's like no
No, I don't that that stuff is just absolutely perfectly good and it we should be using it for everything and blah blah blah
It's like wow the number of studies of all the adverse reactions
That have taken place and the fact that the things just didn't work It just didn't work they didn't give you the protection they promised to give you
Should be enough that you know, I said this morning I said that my inbox still isn't filled with all the apologies for you know 2020 there were people we had supporters who stopped supporting us and you know
Just all sorts of nastiness heading our direction I am I did have one guy who said
I didn't know about you them, but I would have been mad at I Would have been but by the time
I found you I'd come to understand what was going on myself anyway, so there you go
But that's neither here nor there right now, um By the way real quick I did retweet this morning
Apology a studios put out a video that stole my book title called the fatal flaw
Lies laws and pro -life deception and they're pushing it today And the reason is this is the anniversary of the two -year anniversary of the overturning of Roe v.
Wade And it's just a reminder the pro -life industry Will tell you you know, this is a huge landmark and all the rest of stuff
Abortion is legal in all 50 states okay, and there are more abortions taking place now than there were two years ago and And there's reasons for all of that and Apology a studios put out a video and Look it up.
You'll you'll find it to be useful. Um Just a reminder also I am gonna get to a video because we weren't gonna do the program and So I was just starting to put stuff together and I started going.
Oh, yeah, I was good talk about. Oh, yeah there was that if it ended up with a list probably longer than I'll be able to get to But Megan Basham noted
That a little over a month ago quietly The Biden regime she calls it the
Biden administration. I just Yeah, Richard tell you I've been consistent about this from from 2021
I Have said we should not call it the Biden administration. We should call it the Biden regime Because an administration is administering a
Previously established legal system and they're not administering anything. They are destroying everything.
So I've called the Biden regime from the start They quietly enacted an
HHS rule because remember our system does we stop being a constitutional republic quite a while ago
Let's just be honest. When was the last time? you saw Bipartisan For the best of the country action by the
House and the Senate together Doesn't happen Doesn't happen anything happens now is all executive orders
Administrative state stuff that the founders not only could never have imagined but feared that very type of thing happening and Here it is, so that's that's where we are
I don't know why we bothered to elect these people because they accomplished nothing and they can do nothing
So you have an HHS rule that designates Christians unfit to be foster parents
Why because it requires supporting any foster child in their gender identity and same -sex attraction this is this
And and so you're surprised by Tyler Cherry Shouldn't be
We have literally been taken over By the City Council of Sodom and Gomorrah we've been taken over by the
City Council of Sodom and Gomorrah That's where we are. Yeah, I think they would have blushed at some of the stuff that we do.
Yeah, it's true It's it's true Amazing amazing
Did I've got a little I like getting these things. I really do and I appreciate people who take time to send to me at Cave to the cross is cave to the cross podcast only thing about them but Back on June 7th, whoever has the account here wrote working solo nights for a long time randomly stumble upon James White and interesting teachings on textual criticism
Who knows how those algorithms work God's in charge of them. Thankfully Then I listened to his
Hebrew study. Wow, there's a jump I've not seen that connection before you first you're looking for textual critical stuff run into my stuff.
Okay That that'll happen and then you find the Hebrew study on Sermon audio actually now think about I think someone put the
Hebrew study on YouTube. I Think it is somewhere then I find out about this thing called reformed
Calvinism and That they do evangelism and do it well mind changed and when
I I am thankful Honestly that I haven't tried to be you know, the old
Bible answer man type thing where you you cover everything But I also we have we weren't
You know, we start off with just one subject and you know, I sort of resisted anything else But it just I was forced to go from you know you got
Mormonism going on and then lots of people asking questions about Jehovah's Witnesses and so we dive into that and then that Connects you to do all sorts of issues and Benedict comes along and says yeah but they're only
Catholics are doing this and you know, and so over time there is a widening of the field and Because there's been a widening of the field because we deal with a lot of different subjects.
We don't just deal with Mormonism We don't just deal with Calvinism. We don't just deal We deal with textual criticism and church history and systematic theology and and all sorts of things along the way
We end up intersecting with people's areas of interest in some really interesting ways and So, you know,
I'll stand there at g3 and I'm I've been invited to speak at the g3 national conference in 2025
All assuming there's going to be a 2025 So if there is a g3 national conference and you can still travel in 2025,
I'm going to be there looking forward to it and I've actually already made my request as to Text and topic whether that will happen or not yet.
I don't know Anyway, you stand there and you you talk to the for hours and hours and hours
I'll stand at our booth and there will be lines and we'll talk to people and it's fascinating to see
How this connected to that connected to that connected to that and you're you're just like wow
And it's really amazing how never would have thought and it certainly wasn't our intention
When we first addressed this subject To be impacting somebody over here on this subject it the providence of God.
I think someday God's gonna allow us to see all the glories of his creation through hundreds of billions of galaxies and and Millions of trillions of planets and all the rest of that fun stuff but we're also gonna get to see what he did in time here and how just the
Woven fabric of time Will be beautiful. It's not going to be some kind of a jumbled mess, which
Synergists and provisionists and people like that would like us to believe it's gonna be a a beautiful woven tapestry of his creation
His purpose is being accomplished. I'm looking forward looking forward to seeing that Speaking of which real quick there you go to a
Bart Ehrman thing here but I Saved a graphic, you know,
I don't know where this graphic came from. There are some graphics You know that the chick and the cat, you know,
I mean how many? Thousands of variants of the chick and the cat
Meme have you seen I mean, I've really lost track Some of them are really good.
Most of them are mediocre. Some are really bad, but there's this guy there's this one meme where you've got the guy going like this and then the next down below is going and Then you'll put two things system.
So they've stuck my is really badly done really cheapy, but What do you expect this is the
Texas Receptus guy Nick Sayers, I think is his name So the top one with the is
Exposed some weird KJV Oh numerology and as usual make out all
KJV slash to our people are prone to this and So this was after we did the thing
I played some of the video of the guy that was using that one app, you know where you can What what?
number this particular use of Lord is how many out of all the uses of Lord in this particular verse and This verse is what verse amongst all the verses in this book and you this is how you do all sorts of numerology
Wacko craziness type stuff. So I had pointed out the silliness of all this stuff
So this came out I think the next day or the day after something like that so You've got exposed some weird
KJV Oh numerology and then down below that it says but then offer in its place some weird contradictory textual science slash
CB GM slash art slash voodoo stuff So so well here
I should I'm sorry I You've got the thing connected over there I just need to put this down and do that.
Yeah, so there it is There's there it is. So you see that mean you see that thing all the time and like I said, they stuck my face on it and it's pretty bad, but So but then offer in its place some weird contradictory textual science
CB GM slash art slash voodoo stuff so I'm like Okay Voodoo stuff
That's come up with somebody I'm pretty certain hasn't actually done any reading on what
CB GM is because Fundamentally what CB GM is is based upon the largest most exhaustive collation of the largest number of manuscripts there have been done and it's
Allowing the computer to be able to compare massive data sets that the human mind can't do that's not voodoo and That's not art
It's history Now Those of you go back and listen to my first introductions to CB GM One of my questions then and that I still have now is
Exactly how CB GM maintains the text in its historical context because it doesn't
It doesn't look at Witnesses as manuscripts. It looks at the text not the dating the manuscript things like that So it's sort of D historicizes it and that's you know,
I was one of the very first questions I had and Peter Gurry talks about it in his dissertation and those are still still questions
And until we have all of it done, which hopefully we will in a few years I'm not sure we can necessarily really start digging into the answers to all those questions, but voodoo
Yeah No, I'll tell you what voodoo is. It's looking at Revelation 16 5 and turning it into your
It's just the most important thing on the planet No, it's a textual emanation
Okay, I don't remember when I first saw this It's a
Bart Ehrman video and it's Less than a minute long. Maybe that's what attracted me to it
We have spent hours and hours and hours not it's been 15 years now since my debate with Bart Ehrman in Tampa, Florida and You know there there have been a number of times
I think once we did look into Trying to arrange on a debate. It was $25 ,000 price tag on it.
Just you know, just straight up front and And We have one of the things we want to debate him on was his claim that if you say that Jesus is
Yahweh that makes you a Sibelianist a modalist which only demonstrates he doesn't have a clue what the
Doctrine of Trinity actually is and So I've said a number of times when it comes to Bart Ehrman If he's talking history
Text criticism and stuff like that. He's normally going to be accurate with his facts not necessarily conclusion, but with his facts when it comes to theology, he is a novice at Best a novice and I remember talking to Phil Johnson about him and he had said yeah he pretty much slept through theology class at Moody Bible Institute and so he the theological statements that he makes are
Often just embarrassingly simplistic and erroneous He's just not good at theology at all
He's not trained in it and yet because he has a PhD in textual criticism and the rise of the early
Proto -alexandrian text type which isn't even really relevant anymore after CBGM in a certain early church father
Yes, I've read his dissertation Um Does not give him expertise in these areas at all and So it's um, it's fascinating.
In fact, I'm just waiting there taking their sweet time He did a I wasn't gonna watch it live.
I just wanted to be able to catch it later. He did a thing with a Western Muslim scholar comparing the
Bible in the Quran fascinating subject for me and So I paid to be
I could have watched it live and didn't and They're just taking their sweet time about Finally getting the videos actually available because that was the whole reason
I bought it is and you'd have access to that later on So I could listen to the whole thing anyway
So I see this video and I'm like wow That's mmm
Worth taking the time to look at so let's let's listen to dr.
Bart Ehrman and like I said I'll just play the whole thing all the way through then we can go back through if we need to it's all of 52 seconds long so Here we go, this is a really big theological problem.
Why does God require his son to die? That's what the Christian tradition says
And it doesn't seem to be what Jesus taught Jesus taught that God didn't require a payment
You get forgiveness and when you think about it theologically It's it's it's a very troubling idea that God requires a payment
You know the kind of the common answer for that is because God God had to have justice. He had to have a sacrifice
Well, who made that? The necessity in other words Is there some power greater than God that is requiring him to do something in order to forgive sins?
Theologically creates such a huge problem that that theologians outside of evangelical Christians find the
Doctrine of Atonement the most Difficult thing to figure out and some of them just throw up their hands and say look it just doesn't make any sense to me
Okay, so Hmm one of the things that caught my attention about this is
My work with Muslims with Islam because of surah 4 1 7 the denial of the crucifixion the denial of atonement there is no mediator in Islamic theology and Unlike Bart Ehrman I have stood in mosques around the world
And Mainly in South Africa also in London and in Australia and Have debated
Muslims on these very issues. And in fact as I think about That first debate that was literally in the mosque.
I stood where the imam had just led the prayers right in front of the Qibla October of 2013 so 11 years ago
Uh The topic was how we have peace with God. I was debating Shabir Ali and so this was exactly we were talking about why why did there need to be an atonement and the the first Question that Yasir Qadhi asked me in His mosque when we did the two -night dialogue
Was why did a part of God have to die? So in in reaching the
Muslim world this is central But if what
Bart Ehrman is saying is true Then it may even be irrelevant to reaching the
Muslim world at all. Not that he would believe we have a message It's coherent and factually true to present anyway
But unfortunately, it is a topic that a lot of evangelical
Christians have not put a lot of thought into we've
I Think for a lot of Christians, they've picked up their theology of atonement from music
More than they have from sermon More than they have from sermon series more than they have from Reading excellent works
That delve into the topic and talk about different perspectives and allow you to have a balanced understanding of You know, if you believe in penal substitutionary atonement that does doesn't mean that you reject
Christus Victor or these other ways of understanding things because they're not meant to be mutually exclusive and Then you've got people like Steve Chalk and people over in the
UK you know, this would be this would be cosmic child abuse and this kind of utter foolishness but it's amazing that Ehrman would have such a
Simplistic Presentation Because we're talking about Over a few thousand years
Establishing his people giving them a law giving them temple tabernacle ceremonies at first become temple ceremonies
Sacrifices that are all looking forward to something else They're prefiguring something else something is coming in the future
Now Bart Ehrman can't see that because Bart Ehrman doesn't believe that the Bible is in any way shape or form consistent
There is no book in the Bible, I think that he would say is consistent with itself he would allow for Contradiction and error and redaction and everything else in every book of the
Bible, especially the Old Testament, but the New Testament as well and so Even talking about the idea of a prophetic preparation
The law looking forward to Christ picturing Christ shadows types and fulfillments all that's out
Doesn't matter if that's what the New Testament writers told us That's that's irrelevant
Half of what you got in New Testament's fraud and fake and all the rest of this stuff
So There's a reason why theologically, you know, he's utterly crippled.
He doesn't have a source of theology That's that's how it works But when you get to this subject, it's not like the
New Testament isn't clear It's not that there is a force outside of God and it's not a matter of quote -unquote a payment
The amazing teaching in the New Testament is that God has provided a means to bring mankind back into relationship with himself that demonstrates
God's justice and all of his attributes so his wrath is justice his holiness his love is mercy and his grace all demonstrated in the drama of salvation
Primarily in and through the person of Jesus Christ So it's not that there's a force outside of God Demanding this and Jesus does not say.
Oh, you can just get forgiveness There's there's no payment. He's you make Jesus says it is necessary that the
Son of Man go to Jerusalem and be betrayed and Beaten and killed and buried and rise again the third day and it's necessary You know and again you and I sit here and go as he read
Luke 24, you know from Moses onward They're all talking about me. And yeah, but he doesn't he doesn't have to factor any of that in he can pick and choose
Whatever he wants create his own version of the theology in the New Testament and just leave everything else out That's that's the glory.
That's the that's the cheap way of Unbelieving critical scholarship, you know, you don't have to worry about and come up with whatever you want
Then just use your authority to say this is you know Look at the New Testament. This is what Jesus taught.
Well, no, it's not what Jesus done. What about this over here? Well, we don't think that's original. It doesn't fit that doesn't fit the mold, you know when you listen to him talking about you know
The New Testament's Presentation, you know, the reason we know that Paul didn't write for a second
Timothy Titus is is the the view of the church That it presupposes didn't develop until much later in history.
And how do you know that? Well, it's my theory And if if Paul actually did write this and your theory be refuted, right?
And scholarship is so much fun at times, but anyway so Here he he starts talking about well, this is just so very confusing and it's like no, it's not
If if you'll if you'll allow the New Testament to speak with any kind of harmony then it it speaks of the necessity of what
Christ did it speaks of him in his offices as King as high priest and Hebrews you put
Hebrews Romans and Galatians together and you get a real clear picture of What God has done in Christ the
Harmony of the Father and the Son and the Spirit and accomplishing all of this. It's not It's not like Jesus is a victim here in the sense of God Has done some bad thing to him and he wishes it hadn't happened.
He didn't see it coming or any of this type of stuff And of course again have to remind you it's been years and years.
We used to I don't know ten twelve years ago, we would play all these
Bart Ehrman debates and Frequently end up having to criticize the Christian that he was debating for wimping out in front of him
But we pointed out that you know from Bart Ehrman's perspective what he does he looks at the
Gospels and he puts them in contradiction to one another and so Mark's view of Jesus is this he's out of control.
He doesn't see the crucifixion coming John He's in control of everything Matthew and Luke are trying to trying to fix
Mark And so you've got this this mess and so from his perspective The real
Jesus certainly didn't know this was coming and hence would not have said anything
About the Son of Man giving his life for the world or you know Rising again the third day or any of that kind of stuff
Because that's just all contradictory mishmash and we know there's no we know there is no prophecy
God, you know, nobody can know the future because God doesn't speak. This is the these are the foundational theological assumptions of the agnostic
Bart Ehrman and that's why what he pretends to say about theology is just such a mess and so Jesus can specifically talk about this stuff, but oh
Jesus didn't think You just get forgiveness and and no problem. There's there's nothing that needs to go along in in the way and From his perspective
What's written outside of the Gospels would just be completely outside of Jesus purview
Jesus didn't know that was ever gonna happen you can't really put that stuff together and so this is how we can say the things that he says and And get away with it
But we need to be able to explain not only to the people who've been confused by Bart Ehrman But by our you know for our
Muslim friends things like that what you have here is the triune
God Father Son and Spirit working together taking different roles in the accomplishment of Salvation it's not the father becomes incarnate is that the spirit becomes incarnate it is the
Son and There is a and I'll use the term mystery only in the sense that I'm using it
It goes beyond Simplistic human definition, but there is a
When when you When you see the cross when you see the interaction of The father and the son when you see
G is saying Eloy Eloy Lama Savakthani These are this is there is great depth here that personally,
I would say is beyond the commentary of an agnostic to begin with but still from a
Christian understanding there is Much That needs to be handled very very carefully when we think of What is happening at that moment?
When the Sun as the God man bears the wrath of God for all of his chosen people and the necessity is
Is not does not come from outside of God it comes from God's nature the necessity of the atonement is the necessity of the vindication of God it's the
Odyssey. It is the vindication of why he created the way he created now
I'm speaking for reformed people here synergists provisionists and others
Aren't in this conversation They have to go have their own conversation how they're gonna respond to barter and because they're not gonna respond to barter in the way
That we are they have no decree. They hate the decree. They attack the decree.
They mock the decree regularly And so They they can't they can't provide the answer that we do
I don't know what kind of answer them leave it up to them But The reality is that this is the mechanism whereby the triune
God Demonstrates his justice in Creation redemption and final consummation and That does not come from outside it comes from the fact that justice is the foundation of his throne as the
Psalter tells us and so He takes upon himself through the incredible condescension of the incarnation the means by which his people will be redeemed and by which his commitment to justice and his commitment to grace and mercy are both seen in fullness and Ermin doesn't understand any of that.
He can't he doesn't have a foundation to it's it's beyond him. Literally. It's beyond him He may have once professed that but He doesn't believe in any longer.
So it's behind beyond him. And so This needs to be something.
It should be something that Christians contemplate regularly It's it should be as we partake of the supper for example
This should be something that we are considering. It's forced upon us the elements broken bread the wine
Body blood New Covenant in my blood this is the
Sun speaking the establishment of this you if you're thinking about that and You're not just thinking about it what it means to you.
That is part of it. You know, I often I Presided over the supper last night.
I preached yesterday at all the GIA Out of Nehemiah 9 if anyone's interested
Hopefully somewhat of a challenging sermon you might well look it up but I Mentioned to the people.
This is a time for us to be reminded of the great price of our Redemption great price for Redemption But it also is a time to be considering the great condescending condescension of the
Sun The obedience of the Sun to the
Father and The relationship of father and son that's that's one of the reasons
I think it's you know, it's it's in the music God turned his back on his son stuff like that.
I don't buy it. I don't believe it not what scripture says When Jesus quotes psalm 22, he's not saying he's been left alone
This is the point of his highest obedience to the father. There's no reason why he came he's quoting psalm 22 as a fulfillment of himself and So thinking about that relationship between the father and the son should be a part of our meditation in the supper and Sometimes the supper is so fast, you don't have much time to be doing much meditation, but it should be something we're considering beforehand
The way we do the separate apology. It can't go fast. So you normally do have time to do that But you know, we're told do this in remembrance of me and so that should include a remembrance of What he taught about his relationship with the father what he was doing
And that accomplishment and so this kind of an objection by Bart Ehrman should
For any serious minded Christian be something that we can respond to Fairly easily and to recognize that and he's just not even taking into consider and cannot
Take into consideration the vast majority of what we take into consideration
When we consider these things because we believe everything the Bible says we believe it's revelation but we take
Jesus view of scripture not Bart Ehrman's view of scripture and That makes a huge and massive difference but remember unfortunately
This man has had a huge influence upon many many many many people and so when
When you have People whose primary exposure to the
Bible and Christianity has come through one of his students They're gonna have tremendous
Misunderstandings and unfortunately are going to probably be arrogant about thinking that their understanding is the right one.
That's been my experience It's certainly what my daughter ran into that guy at Glendale Community College.
Wow, what a mess he was and he was a Bart Ehrman acolyte and So you need to know where that stuff's coming from be prepared to give an answer at that point in time
So there you go bunch of bunch of bunch of bunch of different topics Thankfully, I didn't delete the little list
I had there. That's the only way I can write up the blog article afterwards What was it we talked about him? and so Friday and you know, we might have to sneak one.
That's a long time. But Friday Jason Wallace past Jason Wallace Christ Presbyterian Church in up there in Magna, Utah is
Going to be joining us and we're gonna be talking about Cyril Lucaris the ecumenical patriarch of Constantinople who was a
Calvinist and So if you have interest in the
Eastern Orthodox subject and orthodoxy and what's going on in that you'll find this to be really really
Interesting. I'm pretty certain I linked to the video last week I'll try to remember to link to it again when
I write up the blog article today but that will be on Friday and I think
I think I said Two o 'clock our time. Yeah, I said three o 'clock his time, which is two o 'clock our time.
So That will be 5 p .m Eastern Daylight Time. So obviously we'll put that on the on the app you don't have the a and o app you need to download it get it on your phone and You'll be ready to go and we only have six days left for the
Rich Pierre Sign you're gonna sign it. Sure.
You could you could sign on the back. That's nice and flat the rich Pierre multi -layer cross the
Isaiah line ESV creeds and confessions Jeffrey Rice rebind
Raffle tickets are available at a omen org and that's to help
Get us back on the road and Rich and I were at the RV earlier this morning
Checking out the work that's being done So for example, just so you know, you know, what are you doing?
Having the satin put on everything? No Yeah, as soon it will just levitate and just you know, it's really really cool something to have no just give you an example
We When we when I first took it out And I may have mentioned this on earlier dividing line.
We first took it out. I got to my first RV spot the
Power plug is in the back. You pull it out. I plugged it in and nothing happened And I think it was like an hour and a half that I was struggling with that We were trying to find switches and all sorts of stuff and then
I just got the idea well, why don't you just roll it back in and Try it again
Because I started thinking You know I've never had one of these for turns out that you had to sort of roll it in roll it out roll it in roll it out and then beep it would start working and There was a short in the mechanism with the with the cable and So I Learned to make it work
But that's not good to have a short in a 50 amp cable That's a good way for things go boom so They had to replace the entire entire thing
It was one thing to go in and try to tighten up some stuff. You got a short like that it had to replace the entire thing and Since it's a used unit.
It only had like 80 miles on it when I first pulled it out we get to pay for those things and so those raffle tickets help to Keep the unit running and get us get us going.
The next trip would be up to Colorado We were trying to set up some debates Ain't looking like that's gonna happen right now there's a lot of folks that are very brave on social media, but not so much in less time to come face to face so But we have had folks up in Colorado Springs and Denver that have been trying to set something up It would be worthwhile debates not not food fights
You can always find if somebody have a food fight with and I've certainly gotten the age where food fights
So anyways looking forward to coming up to both Colorado Springs And Denver and we'll be letting you know
About the exact date. I've got the exact dates and stuff like that, but we're gonna be talking about Why does
God matter up in in in Denver and We'll let you know what the meeting times are and locations and stuff like that real quick.
I haven't heard anything from that All right, thanks for watching dividing line
I'm gonna be on iron sharpens iron in less than an hour with Joe boot and So head on over there.