Warning: Salt Lake Showdown


Warning: We've chosen not to sanitize this showdown in Salt Lake. You should not watch or listen to it around little-ears or in sensitive surroundings. This is footage from outside of the mill in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah. The environment and the context of the location often provide for a much more intense conversation/style of engagement. We want you to see the nature of what we are regularly exposed to. Join us. Thousands have been saved. Regarding the "fiction" that Jeff refers to in response to the man's claims about red-hair, go here: https://www.realityslaststand.com/p/intersex-is-not-as-common-as-red?fbclid=IwAR2lWfkhQmphYZEtR7g4dSedMCUQwYOf0ksXmHEDXEL5VeG9W04GedAuoPw You can get more at http://apologiastudios.com. Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. #ApologiaStudios You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy. In our Academy you can take a courses on Christian apologetics and much more. Follow us on social media here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ApologiaStudios/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apologiastudios/?hl=en


They're going to do what they're going to do, they don't need you wagging your fingers at them. So tell that to the slave owners.
Tell that to those in Auschwitz, right? Okay, what does all of this have to do with this? Well, it's the oppression of other human beings, it's the slaughter of other human beings.
Okay, people love to smell other people. Would you be upset with say, Bonhoeffer, who was speaking out against the Nazis? Just let them do what they want, right?
No, absolutely not. But you've decided that these humans don't matter. What do you call this?
I know, you're going to think this is too, but women are still going to have abortions. So slave owners are still going to own slaves, sex trafficking is still going to happen, we should let it stay legal?
How is that a related argument? So your argument is, if people are going to do it anyways, let them do it.
So we shouldn't stop sex trafficking? Provide them a medical, hi, provide them a medical place that they can have access and not die.
You didn't respond to what I asked you. If your argument is that they're going to do it anyways, so let it be, then what would you say to sex trafficking?
That's different. Sex trafficking is illegal, but it still happens. No, it's different. How? Because women are coming, or people with uteruses,
I should say, are coming here. How do you know, how do you know how, well first of all, how do you know how I identify?
How do you know how I identify? Have you asked my pronouns? I haven't, actually, sorry. Okay. So you assume
I don't have a uterus? Well, I'm saying people with uteruses. What about me looks like I don't have a uterus? I'm just saying, do you have one?
Do you see how your leftist, unbelieving world view has just collapsed? Oh, how? How? Explain how.
Because your challenge is, if people don't have uteruses, they shouldn't have anything to say. No, I'm saying that they, let her do what she wants.
Tell that to the slave owners, the plantation owners. Oh my gosh, that's not, that's an unrelated argument that you're making. No, your moral argument is that they should be able to do what they want.
Human beings should be able to do what they want. So what about the plantation owners? So what was the argument about the pronoun thing? Because how is that relevant here? Well, you were bringing up the issue, you were, do you think
I have a uterus? You could, you could be trans, I don't know. This, boys, this is what happens with unbelieving thoughts, is that you get into such a mixed up position that you can't even tell the difference between a boy and a girl.
Uh, no, it's just that if you were trans, then I would accept you for that, rather than like, hold on to some frail masculinity.
So if a person, if a person does not have a uterus and yet pretends to have one, you would respect that?
Yes. Okay. Okay. Yes, I would. There you go. So she just said that if a, if a person does not even have a vagina or a uterus, but they wanted to pretend like they did, she would, she would respect that.
Yeah, because it's called, some people have different identities, so learn other people's stories and listen to them.
Every single one of you expects us to respect, to respect your identity as a motherfucking Christian. Yep. Every single one of you does.
So how very... I, I don't, I don't ask you, no, no, I, respect is earned. Respect is earned.
You stand out here and you call people murderers. Would you mind if I responded? Would you, would you mind if I responded?
Respect, respect is, respect is earned. You made a claim. I'm just responding to you. You're saying that, but you're so concerning.
Okay, so how many... No, I, listen, when somebody, when, when somebody refutes your... Can I respond?
Can you respect the woman? She spoke. Can you respect... Let's talk about Christian sex abuse. Can you respect the woman? Okay.
Let's talk about institutionalized Christian sex abuse. Okay. How many kids are getting fucked by their bishops?
Is that wrong? Is that wrong? I know. It's absolutely abhorrent. It's wrong? By what standard? Because I agree it's wrong, but I believe in God's word,
God's spoken. That's immoral. I believe in choice. And, and anybody... And no kid can fucking choose that. Do you? So, so the pedophile is choosing to rape the child.
You believe in choice. That's your standard. Uh, no. Choice cannot be... This kid right here cannot choose whether or not a 40 -year -old man has the right...
And these children can't choose whether they're being slaughtered. You just, sir, you just refuted yourself.
If this child is too young... If God didn't believe in abortions, how come so many second trimester abortions...
You're going to have to stay on one argument at a time, sir. By, by, by what, by what standard, by what standard are you making any sexual ethical claims?
And this is what I mean when I say you come down here and demand respect and... No, I don't demand any respect. You got, except you're telling me to live by your fucking rules.
No, no, I'm saying, I'm saying, I'm saying God, God created the world, so you don't, you don't want to have a dialogue.
You don't want to have a dialogue. You say that you want respect, but you don't even respect people. What you have is not a dialogue. So let's, let's try.
Let's try it. You make, you, you give me a claim, I'll respond, and then you do a claim, we'll do it that way.
So my challenge to you is by what standard do you complain... A 40 -year -old man has the right to touch you, do you think that's his choice?
Do you think you're old enough to choose to let a 40 -year -old man touch you? Well, whether or not it's wrong, sir.
It's a question of whether it's wrong. You're old enough to get in a car and drive it? Sir, sir, you're acting like a child has rights and should be protected, but you are not protecting all the children being slaughtered through this organization.
Because they're not fucking children yet. Okay, so let me ask you a question. Use your words. Let me ask you a question. Use your words. So what's in the, what's in the womb biologically?
Are you anti -cancer? No, no. I actually... Are you protesting chemotherapy? Sir, you're going to have to stay on one train of thought. You made a claim about what's in the womb.
No, I don't have to. Okay, so what's in the womb? What's in the womb biologically? Do you believe in chemotherapy?
Can you answer that question? What's in the womb biologically? It's a cluster of cells. Do you believe in chemotherapy?
You're a cluster of cells. You're a cluster of what cells? Human cells. So what's in the womb is human...
You're a cluster of tax -paying cells, motherfucker. You're a cluster of human cells. Unlike your church. Okay, human cells. So don't even try me there. Right, because there's a separation of church and state.
Because you wouldn't even have... There's a separation of church and state. You would not even have this concrete to stand on if it wasn't for me.
For you? My taxes. So yes. Yeah. Everyone that pays sales taxes pays for these things.
That's exactly what I said. So we all do that. So congratulations. You're wrong. So the next question is what's in the womb?
What's in the womb from conception? What's in the womb from conception? A cluster of cells. Biologically. A cluster of cells.
And how many of those make it past the second process? What kind of cells? Or without God aborting them? Sir, sir, these kind of... How many of those clusters of cells make it past the second...
This methodology... Trying to... You're ignoring the question. Without God aborting them. You're ignoring the question. Which is convenient for you.
We all understand. We all understand why you're not answering. Sir. Sir, we all understand why you're not answering.
Yes. We all understand. This gaslighting. This gaslighting. I've said so many gaslighting things here today.
I'm challenging his position. He literally said that you don't even want to respect... No, don't interrupt me. Yeah, go ahead. You literally said you don't want to respect people who are trans.
I didn't say that. Yes, you did. You were like... No, I believe they deserve... No, no, no. This is what you said. You said, these kids.
Look at this kids. This leftist likes to say that because of identity, blah, blah, blah.
No, I was... Literally respecting people. No, ready? You literally said that. Can I respond? And then you were like... Can I respond? Yeah, if you would stop motherfucking interrupting everyone.
I'll respond. I'll respond. He just let you talk. I'll respond to what you said. And he also interrupted me, actually.
I'll respond. I'll respond to what you said now. Can I have 25 seconds? You're not listening to a woman.
Can I have 25 seconds to respond? Keeps interrupting. Keeps interrupting. Yep. Okay, so you made a claim. I'll respond to it now.
Yeah, about your transphobia. What I said to them was that this is the mindset that can look at a person and see that it's biologically male, and the person pretends to have a uterus, and you would believe them.
I would just fucking respect them. That's the difference. Okay. So, speaking of, speaking of which, did you know, with your ginger beard, sir, that there is almost the same percentage...
Ad hominem. Ad hominem argumentation. There are also this, almost the exact same percentage of redheads as there are kids who are born intersex, male and female.
That is a fiction. If an artificial... That is a fiction. What? That is a pure fiction, sir.
Pure fiction. And also, it's a category. It's a category, Eric. You're like telling me I've never met somebody like that.
It's a category. It's a category, Eric. You're literally telling me I've never met somebody I actually know.
I know intersex people. So, oh, so they do exist. But you made a claim about red hair and intersex...
Yeah. Yeah. It's fiction. It's about 1 % of the population, sir. It's a fiction. Yeah. So, my challenge to you, going back to what you were saying, what's in the...
You're very religious, sir. What's in the womb from conception is human, biologically. It's irrefutable. You know, a tumor is human, too.
No, a human... Yeah, a tumor. Yeah, when you have cancer... No. Okay. ...in your bones, it's a human...
So, what's in the womb... ...that's male and cancerous? What's in the womb from conception? Let's talk science. Do you believe... Let's talk science.
...in creating a tumor with medicine, is what I want to know. Tumors... Your testicles start to swell... Tumors... ...or cover your prostate...
Tumors are a... ...stick up your abs. Tumors are a part of... Your testicles start to swell. Are you going to go get chemotherapy, or are you going to let that group of tumors determine the course of your life?
You want me to answer now? Yeah. Okay. So, you're making the... Are you going to get chemotherapy... You're making the same kind of...
Are you going to get chemotherapy when your prostate tumor... Sir, I asked you if I could respond. You can respond if you answer that question.
I'm trying. Can you... Answer that question. Can you stop for a moment long enough to hear what's being said?
Answer that question. Okay. Answer that question. Do you want me to answer? Answer that question. I'm doing it. No, you're not. Will you stay silent enough...
Answer that question. ...to allow for the question's answer to come? Am I going to just let you sit around and just, like... So, you're not interested in talking?
You're not interested in talking? Okay. Your world view is bankrupt. You can't sustain any kind of cross -examination.
Yeah. Unless you can. Speaking of bankrupt... Would you like me? Not your churches, even though they should be with all the child abuse.
Sir, you don't have a standard to live... You don't have an absolute standard to live by. You don't have an absolute standard to appeal to.
I imagine you're an atheist, correct? Are you an atheist? Are you an atheist? Can we at least have one answer to a question I give?
No. Are you an agnostic? You told me... You just spent 20 minutes telling me you were going to answer my question if I shut the fuck up.
So I shut the fuck up. We have witnesses here. Would he allow me to answer the question? You didn't. There's numerous witnesses.
He did stop. I'm a witness, too. So, can I... Would you like me to... Would you like me to answer the one question you asked about tumor?
Yeah. Okay. So, you engaged in what in a logical course would be called a category error.
And comparing a... Sir, that's not an answer. Sir, I'm trying... I'm trying to answer. That's not an answer. I'm trying to answer.
But see... No, no, what you... I, I... Listen, sir. We... No, your question is illogical, and I'm going to show you how.
So, I know, sir, that you're from the TikTok generation that doesn't allow for more than 10 seconds to answer.
You're too emotional, sir. Calm down. I don't have to... So... You don't get to fucking tell me what to do. The category...
Calm down. I'm not touching you. You're the one calling people murderers. I was calm. Because it is murder.
Because it is murder. Sir, sir, you're a hypocrite. Sir, you're a hypocrite.
You're a hypocrite. You just sat here for the last 10 minutes calling me names. Inflammatory language.
I know you don't. I don't need your approval. Would you like me to continue answering? I would like you to start... You commit...
You committed a category error. Anybody... Anybody in a logic... A textbook... Within a logic textbook would tell you what you committed was a category error.
Can I explain to you how? Really? Really. Because you compared a human being... A developing human being...
To a tumor... I compared two biological clumps of cells. To a tumor... Two different things. Two biological clumps of cells.
Two different things. Sir, you're a clump of cells. Are you not a clump of cells?
You're changing the subject. You're changing the subject. And we both know why you're changing it. Because you can't sustain this argument.
We know why you're changing the argument. If men could keep it in their fucking pants, women wouldn't... Sir, don't talk to my...
Don't talk to me like that. You brought your kids out to the public... Sir, sir, sir... And I can talk however I want. But you should... Just like you have a
First Amendment right, I have a First Amendment right. Sir, sir... And that's what I'm saying... No, right. I'm asking you to show respect for children.
When I say if men like y 'all... If men like y 'all... And I mean straight men... Yeah. To keep their dicks in their fucking pants...
Yeah. Don't talk to me like that. Women wouldn't need abortion. Yeah. Well... So when you guys can work on your part of the problem...
I think that it's fair to criticize... Sir, what... By what standard do you condemn anything sexually? By what standard?
It's none of your fucking business. Thank you. You don't even have a standard. So you can't complain about the pedophile or the rapist or anything.
Because you don't have an ethical standard which to stand on. You have zero. You're just saying you don't have an ethical standard. No, I'm saying
I gave you the opportunity to provide a foundation for an ethical claim. And I told you it's none of your fucking business. Right, because you don't have one.
They do. Okay, so that's... You don't. They wouldn't really be here talking to you. You don't have an ethical standard. You just think they're... Philosophically speaking, give me the rigorous foundation to say
I can make a solid sexual claim about ethics. Give it to me. Consent. By what standard?
They... Women should be able to consent if they're going to use their... Okay, so hold on. I'm going to answer it. I know that you're going to say, what about the babies?
But the thing is, you don't care long -term about these women. Hold on. When they literally have to birth a child.
The consent issue is important for you. So sexually, consent is all that matters. Um, yes.
So a human being should be able to consent if somebody wants to do something to their body against their will. No, they just say about the clump of cells...
Because you know you've given us a self -refuting argument. Yeah, well... Yes. So, okay. Yes. Is meat murder or not?
It's self -refuting. No, no, no. Your position is bankrupt. Yes, but...
Yes. Is meat murder... Long -term. That's what I want to know. Is meat murder... So another category area, you just compared...
Is meat murder... You compared animals to human beings. You do understand... No, I'm comparing self -consciousness. You do understand that DNA demonstrates there's a difference biologically between humans and beasts.
I'm talking about consciousness now, actually. Okay, so is it consciousness? Yeah, I'm actually talking about consciousness now. So your argument is, if a person has full consciousness, we should respect them.
What about the person in a coma? Can we kill them? How are they alive?
No, you said consciousness. What if the electricity goes out? You said consciousness. If the electricity goes out, it's a murder. So people in comas...
People in comas shouldn't be... If the electricity goes out, it's a murder. Shouldn't be cared for, loved, respected. I feel like we can intellectualize this whole thing.
But either way... You've both refuted yourselves. Either way... And so have you, actually. No. Ma 'am, you can demonstrate that.
Go ahead. How? Because I... Okay, I've brought up multiple times about how you're actually taking care of women long term.
We do. Have you? I'd like to say that, but the thing is, is that you don't understand how much pregnancy...
Do you know what we do? Yeah, I've had a long chat with this person over here. Yeah. Okay, well, let me ask a question.
If we compare... Just, this isn't important to me. This isn't important to me, but if we compared resumes...
If we compared resumes right now... Okay. Hold on. Can you respect the woman and let her speak for a moment?
Go ahead. So if we compared resumes, just because the challenge is, if we compare resumes right anything long term. So if we compared resumes and took what we do as a church for women long term versus what you've done your entire life...
If we compared resumes... Okay, honey. I gotta go. Who do you think would actually have more that they've done for women, provided more for women long term?
Who? Probably not you. So what have you done last, say, two years?
How many women have you provided for? How many medical bills have you paid? How many people have you put into a home?
How many people have you fed? You paid them on your own? I volunteered a lot, actually, and I also know a lot of people who've had abortions because they couldn't afford it.
So we know them too, yes? Yeah. They've killed their baby because they can't afford it? Because long term, you wouldn't care if they had that baby.
So kill the poor kids. And they couldn't feed it. So kill the poor kids. That's exactly the point. They're poor, so you can't...
So you believe that we should be able to kill children because the family has financial difficulty? No. People with uteruses have a choice.
They have a choice. Because even if... To kill their child. To have... To essentially have autonomy over their body.
Okay, but there's another body in their body that's not their body. Does that body have autonomy? I mean, but you don't care about those women.
I care about both. I take care of both. Okay. So, but the bodily autonomy argument you made should apply to the body and the womb.
Yes, because you don't understand. You can't... Just please. Like, you can just try to empathize. Go ahead. If you... We empathize all the time.
Well, I mean, it's not going to work because you already have this, like, very specific worldview, and I'm not going to change it today. And you do too. Yeah, and I also have a fucking uterus.
Yeah. So, pretty crazy, because if I got pregnant... So... I know that myself, young, graduated from college, has student debt, doesn't really have a lot of health care, things like that, things that bills most of you vote for, right, like universal health care, things like that.
If I got pregnant, it would be very difficult for me to afford that, let alone afford the thousands...
Tons of thousands of medical bills. Yeah. So... Still, you made that choice, and if you feel fine about it now, that's okay, but there are women who don't regret their abortion.
But you see, in principle, your argument is that we should be able to kill the children of people in poverty.
That that's the best thing. No, it's that a lot of those people in poverty don't have access to proper resources anyway, so what are you doing for that?
So, kill the babies. No, because pregnancy rates are actually higher in a lot of low -income communities. Yeah. And so it's like, you know, it's like, you know, it's like, you know, it's like, you know,
They don't have access to resources for birth control? They should be able to kill their babies.
They should be able to make a choice for their body and for themselves. But what's inside their body dying is not their body. And then they don't even have maternal care, so what about that?
But you'll at least acknowledge this. Before you say your job, you'll at least acknowledge this.
You would have to, if you want to make any sense, that the body inside the body is not her body.
Cells, yeah. No, you're a clump of cells, you're a clump of human cells. And what's in the womb is a distinct... It's not even after a certain point of development.
So we should be able to kill children who are not fully developed. How about him? I mean, you're here walking, breathing, eating.
Yes, you are. Okay, so the standard is... Not, no, not until a certain point, are you? So wait, so what's the standard?
What's the standard? You said walking, eating, breathing. Is that what makes somebody have dignity? Walking, eating, breathing?
What about crawling children? Can I kill a crawling child? No, I know you were going to mention that because you think that you're like some master...
No, your argument is that... No, I was responding to them, saying I'm not. I know, I know, but I'm pointing out to you that your argument is, if it's not a fully developed human, then we can kill it.
Yeah. Okay, so at what point can
I not kill my child that's not fully developed? Because nine -month -olds are very dependent on their mothers.
Well, no, not birthed children. Oh, really? What's the difference? And after probably about... I would have to look at like the gestation thing, because I'm not entirely sure.
But definitely after a certain point, I don't think abortion is... So what, because it's icky? No, because I think that it's different for development.
How so? What's different... I have only a set amount of eggs. You understand the DNA, the DNA... So at that point, those were children that...
Do you understand that the human at eight months old is the self -same human, biologically, that was one day old.
Self -same. We're not going to be on the same page about when we think that consciousness... So you keep changing between size, level of development...
No, I've been pretty consistent. No, you're changing your argument, because now you're saying it's consciousness. No, sir, I know you like to like gaslight and manipulate...
No, I haven't gaslit you at all. I haven't called you no names. I'm saying... I didn't say you called me names. It's not the same thing.
No, I'm just... I'm continuing the conversation. My point is, is that now you're saying consciousness.
Before it was eating, walking, breathing. Then it was not fully developed. Now you're saying consciousness.
So a person in a coma, we should be able to just kill them? No. They're not fully conscious.
I'm saying that within a certain point of pregnancy, I think that it's okay to have an abortion. Because a woman can make that choice herself.
And so we can kill a human being... Either way, it's going to happen. Whether people come to Planned Parenthood or not.
Just like sex trafficking. Just like theft. Just like murder. No. Should those things be banned? Because those are within a system that is extremely corrupt.
And I know you're going to say, what about this? But... A million children die a year through organizations like this.
No, they did. You're wrong about that. You're wrong about that. Abortifacients have been around since the
Roman Empire. And in America.
It was a crime. Right. That's what I'm saying. When these people... They would go in basements and have abortions.
Right. Sex trafficking is also illegal, but it's still happening here in Salt Lake. So you're going to view a woman who just wants to come in here and not have to...
Which is circling back, by the way, to maternal time off. Which isn't, really.
You know, what are you doing to provide for women that have to take maternity care? Can't miss working.
Can't pay rent. Can't afford food. You're essentially only looking at life after a certain point.
Not caring about the future. And what about their medical lasting problems?
And medical bills and all the rest. Continuing after birth. Yeah. So what you're saying is, is that if...
Again, your argument is, is that the situation is a situation of poverty. We should be able to kill children.
To make sure that there's actual lasting... Well, let me just point out. My wife had to have four
C -sections. Her body still has trauma from our children. This is number four.
Should he be dead? Well, it sounds like she was willing to have children. So it's only the willingness is all that matters.
Yeah, kind of, yeah. Okay, so if I want somebody dead, then that's okay. No. Because I want them dead.
No, because you don't even care about the women who can't afford it. You're not answering the question. I said that. I answered it.
Only if they want it. And I said no. Okay, only if they want it. So your answer is no.
So you're changing your argument now. No, I'm not. See, I feel... Can you help me understand? How do
I... Do I need to spell it out? No. Okay, so I'll challenge you with what I asked so you can help me. No, see, here's what they said here.
You said only if they want it. Here's my last thing. Here's my last remark. Okay. You come here and you like to, like, throw in arguments and then talk over people and say that they've said other things, but you're not even...
I reject that claim. Okay, you can reject it because you're too deluded to see. Okay. And nothing else about that.
I haven't insulted you. I... It's just an observation. Yeah, it's just an insult. Go ahead.
Yeah, yeah, that's okay. But, so, either way, women are going to make choices regardless. People are going to own slaves.
People are going to... No, it's not the same thing. It is. It's still the oppression of a human being. Sex trafficking is going to happen.
Don't make it a crime. You don't even care about the women. What are you doing to make sure there's even birth control? I've already answered that. I've already answered that. You haven't answered birth control or...
If you're... Can I answer that? You're bringing it up now. I'll answer it. So, if you're talking about abortifacients that actually don't stop conception...
Birth control? They just stop the baby from being able to implant after being formed.
Are you talking about birth control? I'm fully opposed to those abortifacient birth controls. Yes. Why? Because they don't actually stop the unique creation of a human being.
Yes, they do. No, they don't. I'd encourage... Not 100%. I'd encourage you to look it up.
I have. They create an environment where... Well, clearly not because you don't know what I'm saying to you.
They create an environment inside the womb of the mother that doesn't allow the uniquely created human to actually implant.
It doesn't stop. These abortifacient birth controls don't stop the formation of a human being.
They actually stop it from being able to actually implant. No, because they allow it so that you're not having...
Well, it depends on the kind of birth control. So, I'm saying of those abortifacient birth controls,
I am opposed to those. You don't even care about birth controls. You don't care about preventing... You know what would actually work? You know what would actually work?
Abstinence. God. And that's not going to work. Us obeying God's call... That's not going to work. That's not going to work.
To actually be responsible over our own sexuality, not treat other human beings like beasts. And what we can do is when we actually do sin...
Well, sin is a natural part of people's life. How about pedophilia? Is that natural? No. No. So, you do believe that there are sexual no -nos.
Absolutely. Okay, so by what standard? What's a sexual no -no? Children can't consent to an adult.
Who says that I should have followed that? You? I'm sorry, what? Children can't consent.
Okay, that's your sexual ethical standard. If you can't consent, then it can't be done.
And I'm saying, says who? You? It says personal autonomy, which has been...
No, but that's your standard. But the pedophile, he doesn't like your standard. So, give him the good news of your unbelief.
Give him the good news of your sexual ethic. Like, he doesn't buy into your system. So by what standard do you want him to comply?
He doesn't agree with you. He likes it with the kids. Okay, but it's just the same argument you're making. Anyone can have any specific belief about that.
Thank you. So the pedophile's not only wrong, is he? According to your system. Yes, no, he is. You just said that everyone can have their own beliefs.
By my, no, I think that obviously having autonomy over your body, i .e. consent.
Fantastic, so thank you for that pro -life argument. Because the body and your body. Well, they both admit that children can, but you don't even care about women who don't wanna.
You're not grasping what I just said to you. You made a bodily autonomy argument, and you don't believe it.
I already know all your arguments, and they're very predictable. You don't believe your own argument.
You just said bodily autonomy and consent. For women, yes. What about the women in the womb?
I'm just saying that I think people should have, like, be able to have the. But the women in the womb don't have bodily autonomy, according to you.
Well, you're arguing that just by conception that that's life, and we're not going to agree on that. Biologically, as a fact of science, that's a fact.
And you're not gonna agree about birth control to prevent it. No, you asked me about how I felt about it, and I said that I don't believe we should have birth controls that are abortifacients that kill children.
No. That means they're not technically abortifications, so. Abortifacients are things that actually abort the developing human being in the womb.
No, they're not, because if the. I'd encourage you just to go, we don't have to dispute anymore. You can just go look it up.
Sure, I will. Yeah, look it up. Look it up again. But the ovary, if it isn't releasing an egg in a proper environment for conception.
No, it's what it does to the walls inside the womb. People are going to keep fucking, whether you like it or not.
Yeah. That will be my lasting remark, they will. So I'll use. Oppression will happen. I'll use that against,
I'll use that for you too. Sex trafficking's gonna happen. Slavery's just gonna happen. That is a system of people.
Of oppression of other human beings, correct? Yeah, but that's not. Thank you. That's a logical fallacy. No, it's not. Yes, it is.
No, I'm using your moral standard and I'm asking you to look at it. We're not going to get on the same thing. I know you don't get off.
I know. Here's why, because you need to repent. You need to repent and come to Christ. That's why your arguments are so fallacious.
Oh, are they? That's why your arguments won't work. I actually have a very great spiritual life. Do you? Thank you, yes.
Okay, so are you a believer, are you an atheist? What are you? No, I would say I'm spiritual. What's that mean? I believe in higher power.
Okay, how do you know that this higher power exists? I had like,
I would say some connective moments, yeah. Okay, and so the Muslim says that too. So does the Hindu.
Yeah, what's wrong with, so? So, well, so does the - Are you evangelical? So does the pedophile. Are you evangelical?
He believes it's a very spiritually enlightening experience for him. Have you heard them tell those stories about how spiritually enlightened it makes them?
Because people can have their own religion. So - Are you intolerant of - No, I'm pointing out to you that you claim to believe in a higher power, but you're basing it, your knowledge of this higher power on just your own perception and experiences.
And I'm saying, so have the - Yeah, because I don't think that if God put us here to be like, have fun, figure it out, and then you don't -
No, God spoke. I don't believe that - I'm not afraid of going to hell. Respectfully - No, respectfully, I'm not afraid of going to hell.
No, respectfully, I want to just encourage you with this. We don't believe that God just set this universe in motion and walked away from it.
God condescended and walked among us. That's who Christ is. And then women get impregnated, and that's just all kind of -
So, I'm sorry, can you help me understand what you - Women getting impregnated, isn't that technically a part of God's plan?
Yes, but we live in a fallen world, and we live in a fallen world where God creates people in his image to live like him, to love one another and do no harm.
And because we're all rebels against the same God, all of us, you and me both, we harm one another, we sin against one another, we put people in chains, we enslave black people in a wicked way, we have sex trafficking, and we have women who waltz their children into a place like this to have them slaughtered.
Because they have a choice over their body. But that's not their body. We don't care about that. But that's not their body. We've already established that.
It's not their body. We're not going to change about that. Right, because you're wrong. People with uteruses are going to keep having abortions.
And so are, and sex traffickers are still gonna keep kidnapping girls and sex trafficking them. But he keeps giving away resources for them to be able to have birth control.
Do you see what's next door? They don't have birth control. Do you see what's next door? Yeah, the Pregnancy Resource Center. So, you said we're taking away resources when there's literally a
Pregnancy Resource Center right there. Yeah, here. Not all communities have that. Well, we have them a lot.
They're called churches. Okay, well that's not for everyone. We have a list of dozens of them in the valley here that don't kill children.
Okay, so not everyone has access, though. No, they're literally all over the valley. Nationally.
You can go anywhere in Utah and get. But they don't have to assume that they have the means to get there. So if a woman has a difficult time, she should just be able to kill her child.
That's really what she believes. And if she can make a choice about her body. Because you'll never know what it's like to have a child. But it's not her body. What's in her body is not her body.
It is. Biologically, it's a fact. It is yourself, so. This is the same line of reasoning that allows you to believe that a man who has a penis has a uterus?
No, I'm just saying that there can be trans people who have uteruses that identify as a man.
So, just because you're, I get it, you're transphobic. I'm not willing to go down that road. I'm not afraid of anybody, but I'm talking about if a man has a penis.
It's discriminatory then. If a man has a penis, you said that you would believe him if he was so self -deluded, he said,
I have a uterus. If he, if he, if they, she, whatever they identify as, there's science behind even the brain being, like, showing in a certain way that identifies.
But biologically in the DNA, it's a male. And men don't have uteruses. Why do you give a fuck if they're like,
I'm a woman, why do you care? Because I love my neighbor. I love my neighbor enough. I love,
I love my neighbor enough to speak the truth. Have I, have
I wagged my finger at you? So metaphor, metaphorically, right, okay.
Okay, so you've, you've, you've been. I'm gonna just call you to repentance.
You can trust in Christ, you'll be forgiven. You love your sin, yeah. You do, thank you.
That's all, that's all, we knew what happened. Except the babies.