Hundreds of Children Saved: Scott Hord
Watch this incredible story in our EAN Conversations series. This is Scott Hord. He is a hero. He has been impacted by the ministry of Apologia Church through EAN and it has led to hundreds of saves. We pray that this blesses you and that you'll consider giving and/or joining us! Go to the website in the video.
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- 00:00
- My name is Scott Hoard, and I am a missionary for the preborn babies of our nation Five and a half years ago.
- 00:34
- I was asked a question from an african -american friend What are you going to do about racism as a pastor and I thought
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- I told him I said I'll just share the gospel and He said that's not enough And I was kind of perplexed by the question angered by the question gave it to God And said
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- God would you take this anger away and give me something in return and he said engage abortion and So that's where it started, but I had no idea about the connection it had to Racism so the reason
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- I did it because God brought it to me. He said it upon my heart My heart was pricked by end abortion now
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- Even before it was called end abortion now y 'all were Apology of church was Rescuing babies and and that that was a spark.
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- I think another thing that sparked it was I was at a T4g conference together for the gospel conference there's about 9 ,000 pastors
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- Worshiping together in Louisville at a big arena We broke for lunch that day and nine thousand pastors were walking through Louisville together
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- And I thought wow what an impact that this should make upon this city And as I was in the middle of those 9 ,000 men
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- I looked over to the left and there was a woman praying by herself Outside of a building and I was curious and so I walked over to her said hey, why are you praying?
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- she said this is an abortion facility and I'm praying to end abortion and I watched 9 ,000 men walk by and Not notice and it really hit me that day
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- I was like wow, that's our nation That's the state of the church today that pastors the church isn't responding to it
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- But that one woman was being faithful when I first started rescuing babies I didn't really tell anybody what
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- I was doing and I didn't know what I was doing I didn't even know if I could have an impact I didn't know that Tina that day would choose life and like well, this is great.
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- But what do we do now? She has needs I realized my wallet wasn't big enough to meet all these ladies needs
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- And so I had to present it to my church and the church received it pretty well, you know a little shocked at first But then we realized that The church's budget wasn't big enough to meet all the needs of the rescues that we were getting
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- And so it went from one rescue to ten rescue to a hundred rescues And so we realized hey, we need to organize.
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- This is a big church Thing that needs to be addressed. And so we organized
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- Operation Saving Life and we I got some faithful people together That have been standing with me that had passion for this great injustice
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- And we organized and we organized Operation Saving Life. You just have to jump into it. I Think I would advise everybody to come to Planned Parenthood and stand with us
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- You know, there's a lot of times you think oh we had to have a pre meeting we need to meet over here and talk about it you can do that but the reality of it is is you just need to Come down here and observe and pray and just immerse yourself into it
- 03:38
- And I would say come down for a month or two and just watch and observe and understand the rhythm of what happens here
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- There's a rhythm there's things that happen here Consistently and understand those things understand how to engage listen to the conversations
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- Understand what you need to hear see and how you need to respond to the various situations and you know
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- A lot of Christians are fearful to come here at some point as a Christian You just have to face the fear.
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- The fear is not going to go away You just have to face it and once you face it, it'll eventually subside
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- It might not go all the way away, but it'll subside and as Christians were called to do it
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- And so I would just encourage Christians to come down you're equipped You often think I don't have enough if you know the gospel if you have hope in Jesus You are equipped to be here and your voice matters
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- I mean we can rely on science down here and science shows us that it's a child
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- You can talk about the racist aspect the component of this and how it was founded upon racism
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- But the gospel is the most powerful thing down here and and most of the people that are walking in there just don't have hope
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- They don't have hope and we're in the Bible belt where everybody knows something about Jesus has heard something about the gospel but nine out of ten people can't
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- Convincingly compellingly tell you what the gospel is and what it means to them They can't tell you anything about what the cross means and the significance of the cross and when you bring the gospel down here
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- It's amazing to people that are even in churches. It's amazing to see the light go off And so the gospel is the answer to darkness and that light has to penetrate darkness it has to I Think three things that every person has to carry down here is humility love truth
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- Uncompromised truth we try to engage people with love and truth guided by the
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- Holy Spirit And we're trying to get them to come to us And so it's really relying on the power of the
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- Holy Spirit and you're looking for the Holy Spirit to show you that one little thing That that you see that you can speak to you know as a lady drove in a couple weeks ago
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- And as she was drawn driving in she was in the back of an uber and as she drove by me the uber driver
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- Driver drove by me She lifted her hands up and she was like acting like she was reaching for what
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- I had in my hand like she wanted it But the uber driver didn't drive. I knew that he was going to drive up to that door
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- I knew I had five seconds ten seconds to speak to her right when she got out. I spoke very
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- Just poignant to her I said ma 'am come get what you want to come get this come get and she came over to me and It led to a rescue
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- That was the Holy Spirit Show me just a simple thing in her that I knew that I could command her to come to me and she would come to Me and so Humility's big you have to look at the plank in your eye before you take the speck out of somebody else's eye
- 06:41
- You have to come down here in love But also you've got to know that not everybody needs a hug.
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- And so you have to bring with that love truth Uncompromised truth and you blend all that together and it just seems to work.
- 06:54
- I had one where a young man young lady pulled in front of me and They were sitting in their car and I was talking to them
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- They had cracked the window and I knew if the wind is down I could present the gospel of here the gospel
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- I began to present the gospel the guy the boyfriend was on the passenger side He got out of the car and he was a pretty
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- Intense guy strong guy tall tall guy. He just looked at me. No emotion I was sitting there thinking man if he comes after me,
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- I'm done And so we kind of looked at each other and I told him I said hey, I'm not here to shame I'm here to to love you and I want you to have truth
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- And so he just kind of looked at me went back down into the car set back down and the window was still cracked
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- And I just began to continue to to give them the gospel and I quoted Psalm 139
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- I said that guy that child is formed in the womb He's intricately wove together by the
- 07:52
- Lord and there was a commotion in the car and the car began to shake I didn't know what was going on Argument and all sudden the guy gets back out of the car again, and he looks at me and I thought oh this is it
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- You know He's gonna come after me or something and he begins to walk to me with no emotion
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- And he walks up and he gets right up to me He opens his arms and he grabs him and he hugs me and he begins to cry begin to cry and he said
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- Hey when you quoted whatever it is, you quoted that scripture. He said we had never felt the baby move
- 08:25
- But when you quoted whatever you quoted the baby began to leap in her stomach and it drew out so much emotion we started crying and we knew we didn't have to kill the baby at that moment the mom got out of the car and Brought the gospel to us and brought the gospel to us.
- 08:40
- It was such a movement of the Holy Spirit We all started crying. We're in a circle and she proclaimed the gospel back to us and that child lives today
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- I Would tell her she is made in the image of God she is made to love to nurture to protect to live
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- Sacrificially for that child and if she is a mother and she's pregnant right now You are the mother of a child and God designed you to be a mother of a living child
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- If you kill that child, you're still going to be a mother but you're going to be the mother of a dead child and you don't want to live under the pain and the oppression of Abortion that pain is real.
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- It is relentless and it doesn't go away It doesn't go away. God's mercy is there his grace is there and it's always there
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- But the pain of abortion is always there as well, and you don't want to step into that God created you
- 09:38
- He gave you choice choice is awesome We're for choice, but that choice either proves a love for God or a love for evil