FBC Morning Light – July 7, 2022


Encouragement for the journey from God’s Word. Today's Scripture: Jeremiah 1:1-2:20 / Proverbs 24:17-20


Well, a good Thursday morning to you. So here we are approaching the end of another week, but we're beginning a new book of the
Bible in our scripture readings passages and program, our Bible reading program.
And we're in Jeremiah chapter one today. And I just want to point out two key ideas in this opening chapter of this book.
And one of them has a truth in it that flies in the face of the idea that abortion should be legal and available as a viable option.
It's the verse where God says to Jeremiah, his prophet, he says this.
He says, before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born,
I sanctified you. I ordained you a prophet to the nations. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what
God is saying here. God is saying that this man, Jeremiah, was ordained to the work that he's doing while he was still in his mother's womb.
In fact, God had a design and a plan for Jeremiah before he was even conceived in the womb.
And so from his conception, there was a life designed for Jeremiah, the prophet.
So what right then would Jeremiah's mother have had to say, oh, you know,
I don't want to be pregnant again. This is just too much of a problem. I, you know, we're struggling to make ends meet as it is.
I don't need another mouth to feed. I'm just going to get rid of this hunk of tissue inside my body.
It's not a hunk of tissue. This is a human being that is formed by God and his design.
It is absolutely inconceivable that somebody who professes to be a
Christian could find it legitimate to terminate the life that is in the womb.
Absolutely inconceivable. It is not reconcilable with biblical record and biblical truth.
This one little verse speaks volumes to that very issue. But then there's another idea that I wanted to point out here, different, unrelated idea.
And it's found in chapter two, verse 13.
And it points out the futility of forsaking
God or some other God of my own making. Listen to what he says.
He says, my people have committed two evils in verse 13. One of them is they have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters.
And the other is they have hewn themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water.
So here's what happens when a people snub their nose at God and say, we don't want to hear from you.
Now, we have essentially done that as a nation, but there have been whole denominations that have pretty much said, we don't really want to hear what
God has to say about certain matters such as abortion or same sex homosexuality and all that kind of stuff.
They don't really want to hear what God has to say about these matters. So they have forsaken the
Lord, the Lord who is the fountain of living waters. If there's really to be blessing, if there's really to be joy in life, if there's really to be the quenching of the thirst of life, it's gonna be found only in God.
Forsake him, you forsake the fountain of living waters. And you're gonna be thirsty.
So what do you do? Well, you have to try to get some water so you dig a cistern to try to collect water so that then you'll have the water to satiate your thirst, to quench your thirst, but it's futile because as the
Lord says, they're broken cisterns that really can hold no water. So every individual who turns his back on God and forsakes the only true source of satisfaction, the living water that can truly satisfy, quench the thirst of the human soul, the person who does that, he's gonna be left to try to find something to quench his thirst somewhere else.
He'll dig cistern here, he'll dig a cistern there, and he'll keep going back to it and he'll get a dribble of water, but then there's none there.
He goes, there's none there. It never satisfies. So my friend, be sure you're drinking from the living waters, from the living waters.
Our Father and our God, we thank you today that you are a fountain of living waters.
You are the source of life and the source of true joy and satisfaction in life.
May we drink deeply from that well, from that spring of living waters, we pray.
And we ask this in Jesus' name, amen. All right, well have a good rest of your