Owen Strachan's Thermonuclear Tweeting Hits All the Right Targets

AD Robles iconAD Robles




You know, oftentimes you can tell that you're over the right target and you're on to something when you see the kinds of responses that you get to the content that you put out there.
You know, you see the kind of people that respond, the kind of people that are throwing a little bit of a tantrum about what you said, the kinds of tantrums that they're throwing.
That goes a long way. It does a lot of work for telling you that you're on the right track. This is a video about Dr.
Owen Strawn. Oh man,
Owen Strawn has been on fire for the last like week and a half or so on Twitter. He's been launching thermonuclear missiles every single day almost.
And it's been amazing to see how people have responded to it. People are throwing tantrums. It's absolutely incredible, which
I'm so encouraged to see. Now, let me just say this at the outset. If you're watching this video and you watch my content a lot,
I know that Dr. Owen Strawn has a bit of a mixed reputation amongst people that agree with me on this issue.
And that's totally fine. Look, I've been on YouTube for a couple of years now. And pretty much that entire time,
I've said, you know, look, people don't have to do things the way I do them. I'm not, I don't have any contempt for people that, you know, have come to realize how dangerous woke is a little bit slower than the rest of us, or they don't necessarily treat the people that are promoting wokeness the same way that I do.
Like, look, I understand that I rip people online a lot. It's not all I do, but I do it quite often.
And some people, that's just not what they're going to do. We've talked a lot about Neil Shenvey in that regard. And that's totally fine.
Like, look, there's the body of Christ has room for a lot of different kinds of strategies. I always talk about Ezra's and Nehemiah's, Ezra's and Nehemiah's.
And it's not like every Ezra is always only an Ezra. A lot of times you have to switch strategies depending on who you're talking to.
But the thing is, though, that I'm not, I listen, I'm not all about people that are just completely pure the way
I am. Like, I don't have any delusions that I do things right all the time or have the right approach.
But But let's just be honest, like, the last week and a half of watching Owen Schron launch these attacks has been fantastic.
It's been fantastic. He's, he's hitting all the major points. If you look at this video, this is the one that's gotten the most attention, in my opinion.
It's from, it's a video clip about either a sermon or a speech that he did at Redeemer Bible Church.
Now, if you look at Redeemer Bible Church's Twitter page, check this out, they have 171 followers.
That is not a lot of followers. But if you look at how many times this video clip has been viewed, it's been viewed 161 .8
thousand times. That is a lot of views for a Twitter video. So this has gone a little bit viral, especially when you consider how many followers this this this group has naturally.
And look at this. So this is the this is the quotation that everyone lost their mind about.
Here's what it says. It says in churches and institutions, those who teach and promote wokeness. And then he defines that as binding the conscience of people with new unbiblical laws must face
Matthew 18 church discipline. The church has tolerated the spread of wokeness too long.
It's time for a line in the sand. Amen. It's long past time for a line in the sand.
This woke church doctrine that has been promoted and taught and stuff like that is it's it's absolutely poison to the unity of the church.
It's not and it's not division that's good. It's division over stupid things like skin color and stuff like that.
And your grand grand great great great granddaddy did this to my great great great granddaddy. So I'm holding a grudge against you today until you pay me enough.
And how much is enough? Well, I'll tell you when how much is enough. Like this kind of doctrine is evil. It overturns the law of God, and it masquerades as the law of God.
That's almost the worst part. Because if you were introducing a new law, and and you were admitting that it was a new law, okay, fine,
I guess I could, I could have some respect for you. But what happens in the woke church is that they say all this unbiblical stuff that you got to do, you know, you got to divest of white privilege and this and that.
And then they but they and then they say it's loving your neighbor. In fact, a lot of people say it's literally loving your neighbor. I've heard people say that critical race theory is nothing but loving your neighbor applied to the social situation.
That's wicked stuff. That's evil stuff. And those who teach that ought to be kicked out of the church, of course, after the steps of church discipline are taken.
And this is really not controversial. If you're teaching error, if you're binding the conscience of people with new unbiblical laws and saying that it's loving your neighbor as yourself, so you're saying it's the law of God, even though it's not.
It should be very uncontroversial that you should actually be kicked out of the church if you continue to do it.
This is the Galatian heresy for our modern context. It's adding to the law of God in order for you to be loving your neighbor.
You have to do X, Y, Z that, of course, I just made up on my own or, you know, critical race theory or whatever.
So so this is a very uncontroversial tweet, assuming that you agree with him that that the stuff that's being promoted by the woke church is evil.
And lots of people do agree with him on that. But a lot of people aren't willing to go quite as far as Owen did here and say, well, they should be kicked out of the church.
Well, if you do agree that the woke church stuff is unbiblical and you see people binding people's conscience over this unbiblical stuff, then there is no logical reason to not agree with Owen Schrond.
It might be distasteful. It might make you feel yucky on the inside, but so be it.
It has to be yucky. It has to be a little bit distasteful in order for us to do things the way God has commanded us to do.
We don't put up with sin in the church, habitual sin. If someone's a sinner and they just decide they're just going to keep sinning, you confront them and say, hey, please stop sinning because the
Bible says you need to stop sinning. Please stop sinning. They're like, no, I'm not going to stop sinning. I love sinning.
I love cheating on my wife. I love looking at porn. I love, you know, robbing from the poor and stuff like that. You wouldn't put up with that.
Obviously, you wouldn't put up with that. That's insane. It's even hard to believe someone saying something like that.
But here we are. Here we are. I'm going to continue to teach covetousness. I'm going to continue to teach unbiblical laws.
I'm going to continue to teach division between white church and black church and all of this kind of stuff. I'm going to continue to promote Jamar Tisby, who is one of the most racist people that I've ever seen in my entire life that's been promoted by the church of Jesus Christ.
I'm serious. Jamar Tisby is one of the most racist people that's promoted by Big Eva that I could possibly imagine.
And so you're going to continue to do it despite how many times you've been pleaded with and corrected and all that kind of stuff. Well, there's time for a line in the sand.
And so people are losing their mind over this. I saw people throwing all kinds of little tantrums about this.
All the right people too. The people that you want to upset if you're going to say something about race.
Because if you're not upsetting these people, what you're saying about race is probably incorrect. Dr. Anthony Bradley, Jamar Tisby, Thabiti Anyabwile, Duke Quan, that guy
Chang whatever, and Bill something. He's just angering all the right people.
These guys are like the racists of the racists. Jamar Tisby's a racist. Thabiti is a racist.
Duke Quan is a racist. These people are the ones that rail against white privilege and white supremacy all the time.
But the way they define it is just white skin. You got white skin? Well, I guess you're guilty. You can't teach that kind of stuff in the church of Jesus Christ.
Unfortunately, you just can't. Actually, fortunately, because it's evil. It's vile. It's detestable.
It's demonic is what it is. I'm sorry to say, but like even Tim Keller teaches this stuff. You're white, you're guilty.
I'm sorry. That's that's vile, vicious, evil, detestable doctrine. It has no place in the church.
The steps of church discipline ought to be taken by a guy for a guy like Tim Keller. I don't care how old he is.
I don't care if he's sick. You can't teach that stuff behind a Christian pulpit. It's vile.
Nobody would ever put up with it if the races were reversed. If you started teaching about blacks in the same way, blacks are just evil.
Blacks are just given over to all of these sins. Blacks are this and you must repent if you have black skin, even if you haven't done these sins.
Imagine, can you imagine if somebody did that? And they looked at like, let's say they looked at the murder rates in Chicago and they just said, you know what?
Blacks as a group are guilty of murder. They're just all murderers. They're just given to murder. And so if you're black, you must repent of murder, even if you haven't murdered anybody.
Obviously, that's racist. You know what I mean? Obviously, nobody would put up with that.
But for some reason, you put up with it with white people. Well, Owen Strachan is saying it's time for a line in the sand. I agree.
I completely agree. Now, here's the thing about Owen Strachan that I greatly appreciate.
He is a member of a big Eva institution.
He's at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He's, I don't know, maybe he's not a made guy.
I don't know. But the thing is the guild has to react here because the guild protects the guild, right? They can't tolerate someone breaking free from the guild or opposing the guild.
And so they're going to have to do something about Owen. I was commenting to somebody recently, the way
Owen's tweeting right now, it's almost like he wants to be fired. And the thing is he might be fired. This might cost him his job at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
And Owen, if you're watching this, I don't know if he watches my videos, but if you're watching this, Owen, it's going to hurt in the short term, but in the long term, it's going to be the best thing that ever happened to you.
That's my prediction. You can survive being canceled because in this culture, going woke actually eventually makes you go broke.
Eventually it makes you go broke. So if Jason Allen decides that he can't allow someone to break ranks with the guild and he fires you, it's going to hurt in the short term, but in the long term, it's going to do wonders for your credibility because you're speaking the truth here.
You're not doing this in order to gain a platform. Although you will gain a platform. Let's not make a mistake about that.
You will gain a platform for speaking straightforward, obvious truths in this culture. That's how far gone we are.
You don't have to even be that eloquent, even though you are. I mean, a guy like me can, can gain a platform. I'm not that eloquent.
All I'm doing is turning on my microphone and saying true things. And they're obviously true things.
And people are just starved for that in this culture, because this is a culture of lying. This is a culture of lying.
And unfortunately, Big Eva takes part in it. So you might lose your job and it'll hurt in the short term, but in the long term, it'll be the best thing that ever happened to you,
Owen. And so I'm praying for you, buddy. And I'll tell you right now, Jason Allen at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary has a decision to make.
He neither, either needs to discipline you for breaking ranks with the guild, or he can use this opportunity and your leadership in this area to turn
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary into the anti -woke seminary. That would be a really good option,
Jason. I've heard a lot of good things about you, Jason Allen. Again, I don't know if you watch these videos either, but someone will probably share it with them.
I've heard a lot of good things about you. Now, I've seen some of your actions, and I think your track record is mixed.
But the reality is, I've heard a lot of good things about you, so you're at a crossroads. Do you discipline someone for breaking ranks with the guild?
Or do you embrace this, this opportunity to follow Owen's lead and turn Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary into the faithful seminary?
Because the Southern Seminary isn't that way anymore. They're woke, right? The Southern Seminary is woke, or at the very least, they're middle -of -the -road fence -sitters that are trying to please everyone, but obviously faceplant every single time.
They've lost the ability to read the culture. They used to have it, they don't have it anymore. Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary can turn into that.
We'll see what happens. We'll see what happens. But here's the other thing. For a while now, I've been asking myself on YouTube, who's going to be the one to break ranks with the guild?
Who's going to be the one that's going to say, this far, no further? And I predicted that once somebody did that, there would be a tsunami of people following him.
And Owen Strachan seems to be on that track. Now, is he influential enough?
Is he big enough in Big Eva? I don't know. I don't know. But the question is, now you've got some cover, one of your own,
Owen Strachan is starting to do this kind of thing. It's not just a yokel on YouTube, right? It's not just a yokel on YouTube.
And so I'm asking you, who is it going to be? Is it Kevin de Young? Is it Kevin de Young? Is it
Denny Burke? He seems like a good candidate. Is it that guy,
Hamilton, Jim Hamilton? Is it going to be him? He's going to break ranks in a bombastic kind of way and say, no, enough of this.
Enough of this vile, detestable doctrine. We can't put up with it in the Christian church.
Is it going to be him? I don't know. I don't know. But let me just tell you this, whoever it is, if you're listening to this video, and you're considering, is it going to be me?
Who's going to be the Big Big Eva guy who's going to break ranks? Let me tell you something in the short term, it will hurt, but you can survive being canceled.
You can survive being canceled. And even if you couldn't, you can survive, but even if you couldn't, it would be worth it because the truth is worth it.
The truth is more important than unity. The truth is more important than unity because unity without the truth is fake unity.
It's surface level unity. It's sweeping things under the rug unity. We don't have any unity with doctrine that divides up the body of Christ according to skin color, none.
And so you can pretend like we do, but it's just pretend it's fantasy. It's kiddie play. We actually have no unity with that kind of stuff.
We have no unity with Eric Mason because Eric Mason wants your stuff. He preaches covetousness as a moral good.
If you're black, I listened, I just re -listened to my series on reparations and Eric Mason's versions of reparations.
He's reading the Bible and he's like, every verse he uses in his fake sermon about reparations preaches the opposite.
It teaches the opposite of what he says it teaches, the opposite. And not in a clever kind of way, in an obvious way.
Each verse teaches the opposite of what he says it teaches. It's amazing to see these people lie like their father.
They have a language of lying because their father is not Christ. Do you understand what
I'm saying? Like we have to separate from these people, whatever it is they do, we have a responsibility before God to order our churches and organize our churches the way
Christ organized our churches. And sometimes division is good. We have to divide from doctrine like that.
We warned them once, we warned them twice, and then we have nothing more to do with them. That's the reality. Now, this is the funniest response that I saw to Owen Strawn's obvious statement here.
Of course we need to do Matthew 18 church discipline to people who are dividing the church up like that. Here's Greg Johnson.
He's the gay pastor that CrossPolitik interviewed. Self -proclaimed gay pastor. He's a gay man.
That's how he introduces himself. He's in the PCA. The PCA has gay pastors.
So there you go. Here's what he says. He's scoffing here. Hey, excommunication for being woke.
Teaching critical race theory or intersectionality? Let's start instead with porn, adultery, slander, sloth, racism, and gossip.
Oh, and gluttony. Lots more of those in churches. Bible calls those sin. Hey. So do you see what he's doing here?
He tried to pull a Jason Mariana on me. Or not on me, on Owen. He thought he had us.
He thought that conservatives were playing little stupid games like the way he does.
He said, oh, you're in an inconsistency here because you want to church discipline wokesters, but you don't want to church discipline racists and gossips and adulterers and porn addicted people.
And this tweet got ratioed. Obviously, everyone that responded to this tweet was like, yeah, let's do all of that.
Let's do all of that. Let's church discipline all of that evil because that's what's required when you're doing church the way
Christ does church. If someone's in sin, you confront them, and then hopefully they repent. If they don't repent, you take two people with you, and hopefully they repent.
If they don't repent, you take it to the elders, and hopefully they repent. If they don't repent, then you have nothing more to do with them.
That's the model for false teaching. That's the model for sin and all of that kind of stuff.
So let's see if Greg Johnson is willing to do it all, right? Why does it have to be one or the other?
No, the Bible doesn't say that there's like an order of operations here. No, it's if you catch your brother in sin. That's what
Matthew 18 is talking about. That's what Owen Strawn is talking about, but not the gay pastor, apparently. The gay pastor is like trying to prove a point.
It's like, oh, well, let's just do one first. So what is he actually saying here? Because is he actually saying he does want to church discipline adulterers, slanderers, racists, gossips, homosexuals, that kind of stuff?
Is that what the gay pastor is saying here? I don't think that's what the gay pastor is saying here. He's just scoffing at the idea of church discipline.
That's what the gay pastor is talking about here. Because every conservative is like, yeah, let's do it. So the next time someone preaches porn from the pulpit that it's a good thing, yeah, let's church discipline them.
The next time someone preaches adultery or slander or sloth or racism or gossip or gluttony from the pulpit as if it's a good thing, yeah, we start church discipline.
We warn them, we warn them again, and then we have nothing more to do with them. I mean, this isn't hard,
Greg. This isn't hard. I know that that you've given yourself over to this sexual identity.
You're a gay man, okay, and all that stuff, and that kind of twists your mind about what sin is. But the reality is that the
Bible isn't twisted. The Bible is clear about this. All of those things, right, we church discipline those. So you show me the racist pastor who's preaching racism and saying it's a good thing, and I'll join you with the calls for him to start undergoing the church discipline thing.
But until you do, all you're doing here is scoffing. All you're doing here is scoffing. Oh, and by the way, let's stop mixing categories here because we're talking about people who are teaching critical race theory and pretending it's loving your neighbor.
We're talking about people teaching intersectionality and pretending it comes from the Bible, wokeism and pretending that it's actually a church thing, and they've been warned many, many, many, many, many times, and they still do it, and they double down, and they still bring in Jamar Tisby to preach his hate against white people in their churches.
We're talking about people that have a pattern of not listening to anybody. They're not even willing to have the conversation.
You know what they do when you ask them a fair question? Because I saw people doing this to Thabiti yesterday, asking them honest questions, and the way they would start the questions are like this.
Thabiti, man, I love you, man. I got your books on my shelf. But what about this? You know how they respond?
It's either getting blocked instantly or with sass.
Oh, you're just white. That's just white theology. That's slave master theology. That's Anthony Bradley.
That's slave master theology. That's how they respond. There's no conversation forthcoming.
They won't even talk to you. So that's why Owen is saying what he's saying. He sees that, and it's time for a line in the sand, okay?
But are we talking about the same kind of thing here with the porn adultery slander? Because if somebody was confronted, hey, man,
I see that you watch porn every day. You need to stop. Are we talking about people that say, no,
I'm not going to stop watching porn because it's godly? Is that what we're talking about, Greg? No, we're not talking about that, are we?
So why don't you just keep your mouth shut? You're not really in a good position to be talking about these things right now.
You're a gay pastor, for goodness sake. Repent of your gayness first, and then maybe we can talk about some of this stuff.
Anyway, so that's it, man. That's it. I pray for Owen Strawn, and I urge you to do the same, because his life in the short term is about to be a lot more difficult.
I've met this man before. I met this guy before randomly. He seemed like a solid guy to me.
I met him randomly at an event in New England. He wasn't supposed to be there. He just showed up, and he spoke about the doctrine of man and stuff like that, and it was really good.
I've talked to him one time, or a few times, I met him one time.
Listen, man, I know how this is. Let me just say this final thing in closing.
What Owen Strawn is going through right now proves beyond all doubt that all the bluster that a guy like me or maybe you guys get for your uncharitable tone, it's not what you say.
It's your uncharitable tone. It's all a lie. That's just an excuse, because Owen's tone is measured, rational.
He's a nice guy to talk to. He doesn't blow you up. He doesn't put you on blast inappropriately.
His tone is great, but they don't like the content, and so they're going to call him a white supremacist.
His tone is winsome, but they don't like the content, so they're going to say he's a slave theologist guy.
They don't like his content. He's not woke, and so they're going to call him a racist white supremacist bigot in the line of all the racist white supremacist bigots of the past and all that stuff.
They're going to say all that stuff. All of it lies. All of it lies. They're going to try every lie in the book because they lie like their father the devil, so it's not about tone.
It's not about tone. I use a bombastic tone because that's my style and personality, and I'm trying to follow the example of Jesus who ripped the
Pharisees constantly. I don't do it like Thabiti. Thabiti rips regular people. I rip people that are leaders, people that should know better, right, but Owen Strachan has proven beyond all doubt that you can have a great tone.
You can be a likable guy. You can have a nice smile and a winsome beard, and they're still going to hate what you say and call you a racist white supremacist bigot because you're not woke, and that's exactly why he said what he said because being woke is not the standard here, and so if you're going to make us be woke in order to be
Christians, you need to get the heck out of the church. It's just that simple.