Book of Luke - Ch. 17, Vs. 7-10 (04/04/2004)

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Bro. Otis Fisher


Luke 17 verses 7 8 9 and 10 but which of you having a servant plowing or feeding cattle will say unto him by and by when he is come in from the field go and set down to meet and will not rather say unto him make ready wherewith
I may sup and gird thyself and serve me till I have eaten and drunken and afterward thou shalt eat and drink does he think that servant because he did the things that were commanded him
I trow not so likewise ye when ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you say we are unprofitable servants we have done that which was our duty to do now this parable appears to have been spoken in reference to the rewards the disciples were expecting in the kingdom of the
Messiah can you all hear
Fred can you hear me the occasion on which it was broken cannot be ascertained because it doesn't seem to have any particular connection with what is going before or after but it may be excuse me may be supposed that the disciples were somewhat impatient to have the kingdom restored to Israel place yourself in their place if you can you've been following this man he is the
Lord and he keeps talking about the kingdom the kingdom and you're thinking in your heart if you don't say it verbally well when is this kingdom coming well they're impatient for the delay and Jesus gives them this parable now understand that God may rightfully claim for himself both us and all that is ours now
David we call it ours that's to keep others from using it but that's all
Debbie can can God be indebted to us he can't be indebted for anything anytime anyplace yet we labor for everything until we die that's some of that stuff that came about because of the sin that we're going to see this in the morning of a morning well is never supposed that the master waits on the servant servants bound to wait on the master and to do everything for him to the upmost of his power nor does the former expect thanks for it for he is bound by the agreement to act thus because of the stipulation which is considered as being equal in value to all the service that he can perform so you don't thank the servant or duties that he's doing now we have almost run that in the ground in this country but which of you having a servant plowing or feeding cattle you'll say to him when he comes in from the field go and sit down and I'll serve you now you don't do that in respect to God who is our absolute
Lord and master and the argument lies thus if earthly masters do not owe so much as thanks to their servants for doing that which is commanded them how much less can
God owe the reward of eternal life to his servants in respect to ourselves we're his bond servants bond slaves his ransomed slaves and consequently we are not our own men now that sets rather hard with most of us we like to think that I am my own man but you're not you belong to the
Lord he has redeemed us and accordingly do we owe him all of that service we owe him more than we can do to merit anything by our good works is impossible in regard of the works themselves because all that we can do although we did all that was commanded of us it is but our duty to do all of that so Debbie God's not going to say thank you to bounded duty belongs no reward of justice but all the service we do perform yet more than we can perform more than we can do for God the eighth verse he said will he not rather say this make ready so I can eat gird yourselves serve me till I have eaten and drunk and afterward thou shall eat the text has often been produced to prove that no man can live without committing sin against God I guess that's true
David can a man live this life without sin no it's impossible but because it's impossible don't give up the text says unprofitable servants not sinful servants if this test could be fairly constructed to condone sinful imperfection it would be easy to demonstrate that there is not one of the spirits of just men made perfect but is centrally imperfect the nature of God is in a limitable and all of the attributes of that nature are indefinitely glorious infinitely glorious they cannot be lessened by the transgressions of his creatures nor can they be increased by the uninterrupted eternal obedience of his creatures
Roger we don't affect God one way or the other when ages when they're all gone by it may be said of the most pure and perfect you are unprofitable servants you have delivered your you have derived your being from the infinite fountain of life you are upheld by the continued energy of the
Almighty is glorious and infinite and eternal and your obedience and services however excellent in themselves and profitable to you have added nothing and can add nothing to the absolute excellencies and glories of your
God nine does he think that servant because he did the things that were commanded him and he says
I troll not so means I think not so likewise ye when you have done all of those things which are commanded you say we are unprofitable servants we have done that which was our duty to do and that's all you can say unprofitable a word which though usually denoting the opposite of profit is here you simply in its negative sense we have not as his servants profited or benefited