I Was WRONG About Louie Giglio?

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
In today's video, we're going to follow up regarding a previous video about Louis Giglio. And in that video,
I read a Facebook post from him that was doctrinally inaccurate. There's no getting around that.
The only problem was that apparently it was a typo that made it inaccurate, and the original post was improperly transferred from one of his social media accounts to another.
What's more, only one word of the post was actually different from the original, and one word can make a huge difference.
So in any case, I want to begin by saying that the post I critiqued had been up for quite some time before I commented on it, and a few articles had even been written about it as well.
More than this, Louis Giglio has a long track record of doctrinal problems like this, and seeker -sensitive tendencies.
Therefore, I felt comfortable making a video correcting this doctrinal error, because at the time, I had no reason to believe that it was simply a typo.
I did not check it and compare it to his original post, because at the time, again, I had no reason to believe that there was an original post.
Nor do I think that that's something everyone has to do before they critique some sort of post of any kind.
And again, Giglio's doctrinal track record gave me no reason to question the error made in the post, because it was fairly compatible with the rest of his teaching, which happens to be off.
In other words, this was not uncharacteristic of him to the point that I should have been suspicious, or anyone else.
And he has directly endorsed people who twist the scriptures in much more grievous ways than that post did.
In any case, long story short, these things happen, and I've taken down that video as a correction.
But let me make a few things clear. The main point of that video still stands. I do believe that Louis Giglio is undiscerning doctrinally, and that you should avoid his teaching.
The previous video I made did not offer sufficient support for this claim, but it is still true nonetheless.
Therefore, today I will thoroughly defend the claim to put things right. So with that said, let me offer you some more well -founded reasons, a plethora of definitive evidences, regarding why you ought to avoid the teaching of Louis Giglio.
The first reason you ought to do so is that Louis Giglio actively introduces people to the ministry of false teachers, whom he directly promotes.
There are countless examples of this. For one, false teacher and Hillsong -affiliated Christine Kane was one of the speakers at Giglio's Passion Conference.
Christine Kane has promoted Word of Faith and prosperity gospel teachings consistently. In fact, Kane claimed to have received an impartation, whatever that means, from false teacher
Joyce Meyer after she put her hand on Joyce's Bible. But again, Kane was invited to speak at Giglio's Passion Conference more than once, and very recently.
Acts 20 -28, on the other hand, says this, "...pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the
Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the Church of God, which he obtained with his own blood."
Biblically, you see, pastors ought to protect their spiritual flock from false teachers like Christine Kane and Joyce Meyer.
Instead, Louis Giglio has gladly opened the gates and let them devour the sheep at will.
Also, Louis Giglio has spoken at Lakewood Church, which is Joel Osteen's church, maybe you've heard of him.
Numerous times in the past two years alone, in fact, he has spoken there. Joel Osteen has preached virtually every modern heresy in the book, including
Word of Faith and prosperity gospel theology. Joel once even called Mormons our brothers and sisters in Christ, even though they believe in works -based salvation and worship a false deity.
This man is an outright false teacher of the most obvious kind. And Romans 16, 17 says,
We are explicitly commanded to mark and avoid false teachers like Joel Osteen and desire their repentance.
Louis Giglio has instead endorsed him and joined him in his unbiblical ministry directly.
And I don't think any of that is a typo, folks. This all actually happened. There are also plenty of examples of Louis partnering in ministry with teachers and leaders from Hillsong, Bethel, and other doctrinally wayward churches, as well as virtually all of the major false teachers associated with them.
Again, we can worry about a typo all we want, but that one Facebook post is just the tip of a 2 ,000 ton iceberg full of false teaching.
But lest you think that Louis is only promoting other false teachers and is not actually teaching falsely himself, let me offer you some more direct examples.
It was reported, for instance, that Louis was scheduled to speak at the inauguration of pro -infanticide, pro -LGBT politician
Barack Obama. And then shortly after, it was reported that he had been removed from this position.
What changed? Well, the White House found out that Louis Giglio had in the past preached a sermon that was critical of LGBT lifestyles.
And the pagan administration of Barack Obama, well, they couldn't handle the media firestorm that they knew they would get.
In response, did Louis Giglio come out and stand up for biblical truth above all else, above any cultural relevance?
Did he say firmly that he would defend the scripture's view of sexuality no matter what other people thought?
And did he question the wisdom of the decision to speak for the Obama administration in the first place?
Nope, not at all. Here was Giglio's statement, quote, Due to a message of mine that has surfaced from 15 to 20 years ago, it is likely that my participation and the prayer
I would offer will be dwarfed by those seeking to make their agenda the focal point of the inauguration.
Clearly, speaking on this issue of homosexuality has not been in the range of my priorities in the past 15 years.
Instead, my aim has been to call people to ultimate significance as we make much of Jesus Christ, end quote.
The issue that he has not been concerned with for 15 years, apparently, by the way, is the issue of homosexuality.
That's very clear from the context. While the culture was growing in its secularism and in its direct promotion of sin,
Louis didn't want this to be in his range of priorities as a preacher. He did not defend biblical truth at all in this statement or otherwise.
Instead, he tried to distance himself from it as much as he could. He could have said, yes, that's what
I said 15 years ago, and I'm going to say it right now, because that's what I believe the Bible says.
Instead, he made sure to distance himself from that message, saying that it was a long, long time ago, and that it really wasn't a priority for him anyway for the majority of that time.
He hasn't spoken of it in 15 years, right? Essentially, the only thing he didn't do was come out and actually apologize for what he said and walk it back entirely.
Every other imaginable way that he could distance himself from that biblical truth, he did.
Additionally, Louis Giglio invited female preacher Beth Moore to speak to his congregation at an official
Sunday church gathering. This directly violates the command of 1 Timothy 2 .12,
which says, quote, I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man, end quote.
You see, formally teaching the church is prescribed by God through his word for male church leaders only.
In fact, there is no other kind of church leader. The modern feminist culture, they hate this command, and they ask
Christians to ignore it. In response, does Louis Giglio stand up to the culture and say alongside
Romans 3 .4, let God be true and every man a liar? No. He says instead, let every woman be true and let
God's word be denied and changed to suit us. In other words, let God's word be a liar. The Bible clearly says that women should not formally teach men in the church.
Paul forbids this clearly. But Louis Giglio says it's perfectly fine for women to formally teach the church.
This is, by definition, false teaching about the nature of God's creation of men and women. And again,
I will refer you to Romans 16 .17, which tells us to mark and avoid those who teach falsely, unrepentantly, and not to listen to them.
Finally, in 2012 at the Passion Conference, which again, he is the leader of, Giglio stood on stage witnessing the reaction of the audience to this spiritual event happening, and he said this, quote,
How many of you heard the voice of God speak specifically, clearly, directly, and personally to you?
Can you just put a hand up? I'd like you to share it. Just want you to look around. That's people saying, God Almighty, the maker of heaven, the one who's sitting on the only throne,
He spoke to me. God spoke to me. Don't let the voice of darkness tell you that God would not speak to you.
Don't let him tell you that you don't matter. God spoke to you. End quote.
Here, Louis Giglio confidently tells a room of young, professing Christians that on the basis of them raising their hand in the air alone, he knows for a fact that God spoke directly to them.
He knows that God spoke to them personally and specifically because they rose their hand. Contrast this with 1
John 4, 1, which explicitly says this, quote, Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God.
For many false prophets have gone out into the world. End quote. You see, the word of God says to test spiritual things and to see if they are true.
Many false prophets, after all, have gone out into the world. In other words, even if you believe that God does speak directly to people today outside of his revealed scriptures, which
I disagree with, still, even if that's the case, you need to confirm that claim by comparing it to the truth, by comparing it to scripture.
There is always the possibility that the one who claims to hear from God is not actually hearing from God.
And the text calls that person a false prophet. It's very dangerous. The only standard that these young people had to meet was that they raised their hand.
What God told them specifically is unknown. Whether or not they raised their hand purely out of peer pressure is also not known.
Whether or not it was biblical is unknown. In fact, whether or not they know the actual biblical gospel and are saved
Christians remains to be seen. We have no idea if that is the case. Yet, Louis Giglio confidently says that they have been spoken to directly, specifically, and personally by God.
His words, not mine. That is completely unbiblical, and it is clear false teaching, and it will lead to false revelation.
So, in conclusion, regardless of any kind of typo or mistake on anyone's part in the previous video about Louis, the first video has been deleted.
And here is a much better one to fill its place. In any case, it has been soundly demonstrated that the main conclusions of our last video on him were absolutely correct, albeit even if the example was based on a typo.
The video here offers serious, irrefutable proof defending the previous claims thoroughly.
So I think we can all confidently mark and avoid Louis Giglio's teaching until it changes significantly, doctrinally speaking.
And let's hope and pray that it will. And please know, I do not offer any of this correction from a high and mighty position above everyone else.
I'm no better than anyone. I am nothing but a wretched sinner saved by the grace of Jesus Christ.
So with all that said, let's pray for Louis Giglio that he would stop this falsehood and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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