Gospel Coalition Boldly Declares 2+2=5!

AD Robles iconAD Robles



So there I was eating my lentil soup, it was good, it was very flavorful, all kinds of different spices and things of that nature, and I was just minding my own business and checking my email and actually
I was checking my gab messages, that's what I was doing. Somebody had gabbed me an
Instagram post, and that's always a little risky, you know, someone sends you an Instagram, you don't know what you're getting, but the guy said, hey, please do a video on this, so I knew it would probably be safe, so I clicked it.
And what I saw, it's just, it's hard to find words, so I just figured we'd watch this and then, you know,
I'd try to find some words. That's what I figured I'd do. So hopefully you enjoy this as well. This is posted on the
Gospel Coalition's Instagram, and it's a short video featuring
Ligon Duncan. Lion Ligon. Any time the church, any time the church, hold on a second here,
I gotta always mess this part up. I am the exact opposite of a professional YouTuber.
Here we go. Church tries to keep up with and be attractive to ephemeral cultural trends.
You can not only guarantee that we're gonna look funny to the saints in glory, we're gonna be, we're gonna look funny to the saints in the next generation, and we probably already look funny to a lot of saints around the world.
When you want to be approved by the culture and the time around you more than you want to be approved by the
Lord and his word, you're gonna end up looking funny. Now, it would not be a
Gospel Coalition article or video without that very winsome music, very thoughtful sort of, oh, he's a very thoughtful guy.
And then the stock footage of multicultural people, very hipster, glasses, nice V -necks in there.
I think I saw a V -neck or something in there. You know, going in their Bible, they got their coffee, you know, and all that kind of thing.
I got fresco. But anyway, it wouldn't be a Gospel Coalition video without that, and then also without words that you have to look up.
Maybe I'm just a dum -dum. I don't know. I did go to public school. I've said this many times, but ephemeral, the word ephemeral means something that's lasting for a very short time.
So an ephemeral trend would be a trend that lasts for a very short time.
Now, this video is just so ridiculous. Now, there's a few different ways you could kind of take this, right?
Because the first way I was sort of, let me take you through my thought process. The first way I was tempted to take this was that maybe
Gospel Coalition's kind of doing that pivot as well, where they kind of know that they've let the genie out of the bottle and they want to appear like they're still standing strong, they're still conservative, and all that kind of stuff.
And so they put this video out. See, we're not going with the trends. When we're in heaven, we're going to look back and we're going to be like, oh, look at that, you're going with the trends.
They're going to look silly. So that was the first way I took it, and I think you can certainly take it that way. I mean, we're not in their minds, of course, so we don't really know.
But actually, I actually don't think that's what it is. I don't think that's what it is. Now, another way you can take it is that what they're talking about are ephemeral things on the right, because Gospel Coalition is known for punching right, and so anything that the left is doing, you put up with that, you nuance it, you bring it in, you make room, you lean into that.
But anything that the right is up to, well, that's what you got to reject, and that's what you got to, you're just being legal, that's idolatry, you know, family, idolatry, all that kind of stuff, right?
So that's another way you can take it, where they're saying this, and we're all laughing because this is what they do, right?
Like they're the ones that put the black Xs on their hands and Black Lives Matter, and they're the ones that are totally going with the hysteria about COVID, you know, the ephemeral hysteria of COVID and all this kind of stuff, they're the propaganda -producing machine.
I mean, Gospel Coalition is one of the most prolific propagandists that the current regime has, and it's just amazing to see every take is right on message.
It's every single time, it goes without fail, their takes are on message, they are pumping forward the Great Reset, in fact, the
Great Reset for them might be a fulfillment of the Great Commission. I mean, anything that World Economic Forum says is good, that's love your neighbor as yourself, that's what you can count on Gospel Coalition to do.
So we're all laughing because this is what they do, but maybe what they're saying is that this is what the right is up to, you know what
I mean? And you could take it that way, that it's just a typical punching right kind of thing. This is another key aspect of Gospel Coalition content, you know, you don't really ever know really quite what they're talking about, because they don't typically name names, sometimes they do, they don't typically get very specific, it's usually just sort of vague generalities and stuff like that where it's completely worthless.
So that could be what it is, it's another typical punching right Gospel Coalition. But I don't think that's it either.
I don't think that's what's going on here. Let me give you my big brain, I'm going to put my big brain on and give you my big brain take, using big words like ephemeral.
Here's what I think. I think that... Oh, that's my brother, he might have something good. Hold on, hold on a second.
Hey Matt, I'll call you right back. All right. So here's what
I think is going on here. This is Gospel Coalition telling you that two plus two equals five. See, I think that a lot of times what these propagandists do, and Gospel Coalition again is one of those propagandists, they tell you things that are lies, they're definitely lies, but they do it not to be convincing, not that they think they're going to convince anybody, but they're doing it to get you used to sort of consuming the lies, right?
They want you to consume the lies so much so that their audience is just, you know, whatever they say today, that's what's true.
Whatever they were doing yesterday doesn't matter, and in fact, it actually helps their cause if the lie doesn't make sense, because it beats you down, it sort of demoralizes you, it gets you to not trust your own eyes, your own sense of touch, your own smell, because if you were using any of your five senses over the last ten years, you would know that Gospel Coalition is notorious for doing this, and now here they are putting out an
Insta video about how, well, people are going to look back and they're going to think it was so silly, and you know, this and that, and it's like, and so everybody knows that they do this, and they're still doing it, it's not like they're changing their ways, they're going to continue to do this, they're going to continue to hop on any trend, you know,
Church 2, Black Lives Matter, whatever the next one's going to be, you know, they were right on top of the Asian thing back during COVID, oh, there's a lot of anti -Asian racism, they're right on top of everything, they're still going to be on top of it.
What they do is, they put this out there to kind of beat you down into submission, where it's just like, you know you're being lied to, but you have no other choice.
I mean, the Gospel Coalition has nothing but contempt for its readers, it has nothing but disrespect for its readers, it just wants you constantly suckling at the teat of whatever nonsense they put out,
I mean, they're putting out garbage every day, propaganda, garbage, and they just want people to be, it's the next
Gospel Coalition! But anyway, the point being, that I think this is along the lines of 2 plus 2 equals 5,
I mean, that's why the party used that on Winston, because he knows it's not true, but they want to bring him to the point where it doesn't matter that he knows it, he believes it.
He knows it's not true, but he believes it anyway, and that's where they wanted to get him to this point where he's just a complete slave, totally demoralized, totally dehumanized, totally submissive, and willing to accept anything.
And I think that's kind of what this is, they know full well that this is what they're doing. This is like the worst kind of gaslighting, they put this out there, they know this is what they're doing, they know that we know that this is what they're doing, that's why they boldly put it on their
Instagram, because it's a big F you to everyone, because they're like, yeah, that's right, and you'll be here tomorrow reading our nonsense anyway.
It's all about demoralizing you, getting you to the point where you're just totally submissive. Now it's not going to work on a guy like me, because I can see this for what it is, it's not going to work on a guy like you, because you guys have good taste.
Anyway, but I think this actually does work on people. This will actually convince people that no, there are problems with Gospel Coalition, but for some reason they can't break out of this hero worship, well yeah,
Ligon Duncan, he's awesome. And so it's like, see, Ligon Duncan is a conservative lion, he's on our side, and meanwhile
Ligon's doing this exact thing. So anyway, that's my take on this, this is simply propaganda, it executed the way that they did in 1984, this is
Gospel Coalition telling you that two plus two equals five, and you know,
I just, you gotta keep pointing it out, I guess, but we have new subscribers all the time, and actually
I have to be encouraged to sort of remember that, you know, there are some people that simply still have not heard that Gospel Coalition is untrustworthy, and they still haven't seen it with their own two eyes.
Maybe this will be a way for you guys to see it. Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful,
God bless. Alright so actually some bonus information here too.
Somebody told me that, because of my cab yesterday, somebody told me that Jared C.
Wilson was either in the podcast or commenting on the podcast, the one about Mars Hill, and he was basically saying, you know,
I was wrong about Mark Driscoll, J .D. Hall was right, but you know, I'm more godly than J .D. Hall, so he's still evil,
J .D. Hall's still evil, even though he was right about not encouraging and not enabling
Mark Driscoll for his nonsense, Jared was wrong, he did enable Mark Driscoll and was participating in all that, but still somehow
J .D. Hall's the bad guy. And you know, it's just amazing, these people are shameless, they're absolutely shameless, it's like they can elevate and make mistakes and just be totally wrong about everything, but somehow they still feel like they have the moral high ground to call you a big meanie.
And here's something that I thought about, it's every single person who does call out these friends of theirs that eventually get exposed, it's like, every single time that happens, it's always, your tone is wrong, so you're still wrong.
So, is it just a coincidence that the people that are right about all this stuff also all have a tone problem?
Is it just a coincidence, does God just have a sense of humor, so he's just going to give you people that are right about everything, but they're all wrong about their tone, to the man.
Is that what God's up to? I don't think so. See, I think what makes more sense is that the reality is that they're perceiving the tone based on who they already know their friends are.
They already know that Mark Driscoll's the greatest guy in the world, they already know that Tulian Tevigean is the most holiest guy around, they already know that, therefore anyone who criticizes them in any tone has a tone problem, is an accuser of the brethren, no matter what.
And so, this is a very dangerous mentality, Gospel Coalition folks, this is a very dangerous mentality when you have already decided what's what before you hear any of the facts, and so it's so twisted, your mind, that if anyone criticizes one of your friends who you already know is perfect, then they're the bad guy.
This is something we all know too well, because most people that contact me, they have a story similar to me, where it's like,
I started criticizing something Matt Chandler said very nicely, and they told me that I was like the most evilest person around, and then it's like, so I tried it nice, it didn't work,
I tried it straightforward and direct, it didn't work, I tried it, you know, aggressively, you're still saying the same stuff,
I'm just gonna do it the way my personality is, because I think, here's the reality, I think that the reason they criticize your tone is because they know how effective it is.
They know that when you talk directly to someone and you use a language they can understand and you tell it, you call it what it is, you don't beat around the bush, you call it exactly what it is.
That automatically in their twisted minds creates a tone problem, because that's contrary to what their religion already is, and what their religion already is, is this hero -worshipping, the organization at an institution must survive at all costs kind of thing, and it's evil.
And so it's like, it's just crazy man, it's like, it's so typical, you can always predict what's going to happen, they're gonna always pretend like they're gonna get their royal robes, and even as they're causing chaos,
I mean the trail of bodies behind some of these guys that has these squeaky clean reputations, the trail of bodies behind these people is a mile deep.
And I get people calling me all the time like, this is what he did to me, this is what he did to me, and I'm like, man, I'm sorry man, like I don't know what to say about that, and so like, these guys are vicious.
They have buttery words, but they're vicious, and the Bible warns you about these people, about the person who's kisses, kisses, kisses to your face, and is stabbing you in the back all day long, like, this is what the
Bible says, they don't come to you with direct straight forward words, they come to you with flattery, and butter, and stuff like that, and meanwhile there's just vicious war in their hearts.
These are the men you watch out for, Gospel Coalition, man, I cannot wait until this organization is leveled to the ground, never to be heard from again, by word, that's what