Mylo Hatzenbuhler Live, Gnosticism, Jonathan Merritt, and the Dangers of Home Schooling


Was joined at the top of the hour by the one and only Mylo Hatzenbuhler (Clyde Bauman) who performed for us his new song, “Hand Sanitizer,” and discussed life as the greatest living farm-themed rock star (and he really is). Then we talked a little Gnosticism, Jonathan Merritt’s apostasy, and the Arizona Law Journal article warning about the “dangers” of home schooling. Visit the store at

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Greetings and welcome to the dividing line. My name is James White today at the top of the show
We have to be we have to be timely we have to be we have to get this guy is so hard to get hold of because People all around the world are are asking what does?
Milo, Hotzenbuehler think about everything about the weather About music and especially about kovat 19
And so we were just very very very fortunate to have the opportunity of of getting just a few minutes with with the great
Milo, Hotzenbuehler, so let's see if we can establish a satellite communication to to the to the great farmland up north
Do we Milo? Can we do you hear us? Oh, there's Milo now
I do I was having some water. Can you hear me? I can hear you very very well first to Phoenix That's right.
This is confusing now. Now Milo. You don't seem as much of a silo as you once were.
Oh Yeah, I've been I've been cutting down the weight, that's my wife's idea it was your wife's idea
Yeah, she wants me to be around longer. Oh, well, I guess that does have something to do with it
But didn't you sing some songs about? About trying that and it not working real well.
Well, yeah, that's true. Sometimes it's better than others You know not everything you try in life works.
I found that out There's some things I've had winters Well now now that let's first we need to inquire as to how how you're doing in this lockdown because I mean you're used to You're used to these huge crowds adoring fans
Signing signing the signing the autographs Things like that.
It must be pretty tough to just all of a sudden, you know be there in your in your office I know
I had I had concerts all of them I was on the road in South Dakota when this whole thing started to be a deal
I was at the Ag Expo and that and then the next week I had then the con the
Cancellations they started to go Milo. We can't have you here Milo. They shut us down things like that Yeah, I was in Iowa and I watched everything shut down for four days.
I was in Iowa Were you stuck there in Iowa? No, we got back but it took a long time to get through customs
Yeah, so nothing this month and the rest of my concerts left nothing next month to it'll come back it gives us time
We're calfing on the farm. Anyway, which is just calfing, right? Right, right. Well, yeah has its own problems
My wife Emma she's out of the Commission. Why is she out of the Commission? She was going to be on today and sing a duet with me, but she injured her shoulder
During calfing On the placenta and she saw the Commission for a while Oh, I was just wondering how shoulders are related to singing but that's okay
I don't really understand all of these things. It hurts too much. She can't hold music for one.
Okay, okay It's tricky that we're okay here on the farm We have to stay we have to stay close to home more than we want to we're using this what they call that social
Distancing. Yes social distancing man. I don't like the first thing our car our county government
They send out the notices and somebody missed three letters in the in in Distancing and that said it said said you have to all practice social dancing
So we went down to the hall in town and then there was nobody there No, but I got our cows
Yeah, I've unnumbered stalls only oh But wait, there's all empty.
Yeah, so is there but wait a minute Did I'm a little confused.
I didn't think cows could could get the virus It doesn't matter. Oh, oh
Yeah, okay. All right. This is this is this is style over substance. They called it
Almost all of this is style over substance. That's another issue. Yeah, so I don't know
Yeah, but that's one of them but I miss my I miss my cows It takes twice as long to milk as I can only fit half as many of them in the barn.
That's right usual That's right, and then we can't you can't touch them either. Oh Well, then how do you how do you milk them?
Have you seen those ads on TV for that long stick that you use to grab the last jar of sauerkraut? Yeah, that's what we're using
That's what we're using. Yeah, that must really go slowly. That's true. You took it.
There's a learning curve That's so slow aren't you getting pretty much just cheese by then
Well, one of the cows was a little bit annoyed with me They usually go out this side of the barn, but this one out that side of the barn just so she could step on And I'm suffering a little bit today.
You can't see my foot down here, but I got a bandage on it's big. Oh, man Emma used her good arm and then bandaged me up.
So so, you know, they're a lot of people are Are really struggling during this time?
I mean 22 million people out of work just the United States and globally globally many many more than that Have you seen an uptick in?
People listening to or playing one of your biggest hits that everyone
I'm sure is has heard again has heard but The loan again song oh
That one, yeah, that's been that's been a big source of intubation for people during all this
You know that song I do I do Even sing it for you.
Now. I got I got my band here. You have your band. Oh, yeah, I got my band I have a special world debuts for you to dr.
White a world debuts. Oh, I wrote this I wrote a song about the virus in honor of today.
Oh my goodness. I am truly excited Well, well, I don't want sorry. That's what we do.
I Know but but maintaining Creativity at a time like this takes it takes just a top -level rock star
What wouldn't you say on the one hand you're by yourself a lot? So you get to write a lot on the other hand you spend a lot of time looking out the window.
Yeah Yeah, and wondering where is that virus? I can't see it anymore. That's you don't want to find it
You really don't we're still going we're still going I write my I write my diary my journal on That one of that that thing that web web face blotcher.
I'm on there. I'm on there I've been writing things and I write songs. I've seen you on that which means they haven't they haven't kicked you off yet Which is good.
So you're not overly politically incorrect yet but the world needs rock stars and the world needs farmers and I filled the bill on both sides of that of that that Thing as far as I can tell you're the only one
Holding those two arenas together in one person, you know, am I looking okay here?
Yeah, you are I got got one of my Milo gear t -shirts on you can see that right there.
Yeah, I see How can how can how can people how can people get beautiful stuff like that?
Oh you on my website? I was gonna make a sign with my website and big letters. I forgot to farm boy music
Calm farm boy music calm. Yeah farm boy music Five recordings, okay, we're gonna we're gonna hold this they call those albums
Let's see, let's see if you don't think that's gonna you don't think that's gonna recover real easily because we all of a sudden some aliens swooped down and and grabbed your
Grabbed your feed and turned you into Elvis Presley there for a second So, let me let me see if that's if that's cleared up at all
You you know, it's still still sounding pretty bad. So I'll tell you what once you get the band ready and Rich, what do you think you want to try to?
Reestablish that or or what? I'm sorry You mean it you mean it's on our side
It's it's not the connection Okay, I'm a little confused and so is
Milo, but that's okay hold on Milo we're we're troubleshooting the audio here and Well, I can
I can hear you but like I said, it sounds like you you sound like a Like the aliens are interrupting your signal and and changing it.
We don't we don't need need the aliens to do that. So I'm gonna
I'm gonna Yeah, let me let let's let's um rich are we gonna try to reconnect this or what?
Okay, so so Milo, hold on if just a moment Rich is gonna try to get things reconnected there and we'll try to we'll try to get back with The Strasburg Rockstar he has so many names.
I can't keep up with all of them. But for those of you wondering what in the world is going on Given the seriousness of all of the programs we've been doing for quite some time now
If you're a new listener Then you've not met Milo before and this is the first time that Milo has ever been able to be with us by via video
Every other time I think he's been on with us. I think about three times before It's always been just by Audio, so this is the first time you've gotten to see for example those awesome sunglasses
Which I would think would make someone dizzy personally Given the the shape and things like that but Milo is
Milo and I have known each other for I'm not sure how long now. It's been quite some time and As he was mentioning if you go to farmboymusic .com,
you can find his I think five CDs that he has done and Milo could we test your sound there for a second?
Yeah You sound great that the aliens the aliens left the aliens.
That's a relief. So we better shades again I'm oh, oh rich says that he chased some demons out of the out of the electronics
So I'm not really sure what that's supposed to mean, but we won't get in there Norwegians do you know I was gonna
I was gonna say I was gonna ask if if the Norwegians and Germans were getting along because of the virus or are they fighting with one another more than normally are we are united We are you know, we're in this together
The things that unite us are greater than the things that divide us Except for ludicrous if you that no, no, no, there is no forgiveness for that.
No that if you're not from, North Dakota Come here sometime and don't eat lutefisk while you're here.
Oh, no, please don't that'll be a good trip It would be very very good. Yes. So you had a you have a a national or worldwide
Debate for us today. I hope so. Oh good. Okay. All right, so I'm making wardrobe choices here.
Those look good that that wardrobe is Yeah How many sunglasses do you have?
Oh Star like me you have to keep it loose. Yeah. Do you have a contract with Oakley or anything like that?
That's okay That's okay. So anyway, so you you and your you have you have come up with a song about the virus
This could this could go this could go all around the world just like the virus. I could
I could go bacterial Viral get it back To writing this this morning
Wow for you. Wow, I don't have this all mesmerized yet. I might have to look at my words
You know, I think I think everyone will forgive you for that. Can you read them? I hope so.
Can you can't Yeah, I shouldn't face it this way. Somebody might read this and hack me.
I don't know how that works That's right. But can you read that with your sunglasses on just barely? Okay, cuz
I wouldn't be able to do that I'm too old, but I'll be cagey. I'm a pro. So you won't know. Okay Okay, all right, we're we're ready whenever you are, all right
I'll be rocking down here. Okay. All right. I brought I brought my goiter too. Can you see my goiter?
What's it called? Goiter goiter. Oh goiter goiter. Yes See goiter you strong.
See there. There's Yeah, I'm in my basement office here
I understand This is you see the plaque on the wall there. Can you see that back there? I can see it, but I can't read it
Arbeit macht das Leben süß. Oh Work makes life sweet. Yes, that's a star.
That's our family motto Barbeit macht das Leben süß. Grandpa always used to say that. Yeah, that's better than arbeit macht frei
But we won't go into that one right now. That's it. That's another thing. He's not related to us That's a different family.
Ready? Yep All right, here we go, this is pretty exciting I got my I got this my band is in the background
I hope yell at me if this is too loud I'm getting down Use all my tools
Here we go Virus is here
No sense taking any chances Here's a tip from you straight from my farm keep yourselves and your livestock alive
On the farm, you gotta stay well, you can't milk cows if you're not healthy
The cow the agent take me don't shake his hand. Oh, yes, you don't know where it's been
You use hand sanitizer So you don't end up dead. You use hand sanitizer when you're calfing
You use hand sanitizer boy, and don't touch your head It will keep you alive till then
Sanitizer After each chore, cause on the farm dirt is dirty
The cow the agent told me milk in a mask Now my cows don't
If you cough fill up a trough Dive right in to your elbows
We use the last at home the stores are all out so we're using sheep dip now
We've got hand sanitizer keep those germs out of sight. I got hand sanitizer keeps me sterile
Oh, yeah hand sanitizer soak my hands every night when the bathroom is far far away
Sanitizer It makes you wiser sanitizer
The Studio audience is clapping as well. I want you to know so you you've got you've got at least three people clapping.
That's in in these days of social distancing, that's uh, that's that's a a standing ovation is to have
That's a high for the month for me. I I think it is too now. I I must uh congratulate you on having
Hand sanitizers. I've not. Oh, yeah. I haven't I haven't seen it it the target. I I shop at for like two months now
So, um, i'm glad you We we bought this one three years ago Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, that's know how much we needed it until this that's now we're going through it all Exactly what we did too that's been sitting in our kitchen forever and now it's like wow, it's great
Well, you know, I don't lie in my lyrics sheep dip works sheep dip works, huh?
You'll you'll smell funny and don't get too close to the dogs Because they'll they'll they'll chase you in inside a fence
Okay. Well, I works I wouldn't have known that because uh, you're you're the you're the guy that knows the farm
I am the guy who brings a year a lifetime of experience in farming to the field of frog and roll
That's right. That's right. That's why I can do big hit songs like uh, um Uh grain crops keep filling up my shed
My dog's got rabies to all the cows. I milked before that's a beautiful song. We couldn't start the tractor.
That's a good one That's a good one, what was the one um
Hens with low faces that was it. Was that it? Okay. That's a good one. I've got hands.
Yeah I've got hands with Faces because the rooster died and the whole place will have to start from scratch
None of my eggs will hatch that's a good song My wife accidentally kills the rooster
Yeah, by the way, I want this I want to shout out shout out to my wife emma she's watching
She went to the neighbors to watch me on the bigger screen. She made she made my mask for me.
Oh, there you go Yeah, so I got I got one of those this is kind of tree And there's another and then
I think I'm not sure I don't quite have to hang of this yet Uh, I get my eyebrows are safe.
I know that much I'll figure this out It's kind of it's kind of tough
Yeah, that's not part of your normal, uh, your normal, um, get up, is it? No, I think
I think she made I think she made a metric one and that's what's had that's what's giving Oh, you need a statute one english one metric metric one doesn't fit anybody in north dakota
Yeah, but I got I got me a mask. So i'll be safe. That's that's great. That's great It's pretty exciting.
I travel when I when we get to do shows and this is not lately But it will i'll be i'll be out this summer in north dakota south dakota.
They left me in iowa They left me in nebraska. I'm big in nebraska. You are big nebraska and once in a while I heard you even get to minnesota once a while where I was born
I do minnesota's a great town. I've been there. Yeah, I have I have a setting
I brung in my panano here and Part of part of there's buttons you put And that makes a different noise on there
Yeah, one of these even sounds like minnesota One of them sounds yeah If if you say so, um, yeah, yeah, okay
So I haven't been there for a long time, but I know you get to go to minnesota Everyone's so we drove through there on their way back from iowa.
I remember Okay, yeah, they're beautiful people in minnesota. Well, thank you.
They they those are my beautiful country. Yes And you come from there. So you are a man of quality. I know that So now now milo you have um, you have a friend
Who I guess does some of your business management or something like that?
He he doesn't He's a little bit shy. I think Um and a little bit nerdish
Uh, but a guy named clyde. Do you know who i'm talking about? Oh him?
Yeah Yeah, he's a fraud. He's a fraud Yeah, no, i'm kidding.
I'm kidding He's he calls me now and then he calls me if he can come and open for me.
That's what he wants. Oh, okay But hasn't hasn't he done some singing too?
Yeah, yeah, he he told he paid me a quarter to have one of his albums ready, too Oh, he has this beautiful album right there.
It's not rock and roll called prairie memories though. It's really pretty Yeah, there's a lot of nice songs on there prairie memories.
That's that's the kind of guy. That's the clyde. Yeah, that's that He sings he's not rock and roll. No, no, but he has a really nice voice.
He couldn't do rock and roll He doesn't he all his moves are busted already Oh, is he much older than you are?
Yeah, he's really old he wouldn't be he wouldn't be uh, he wouldn't social security number is in is in double digits, right?
I understand that's that's being very old. Yes, but he's not he's not hiding around there anywhere. Is he? No, no
I could I could probably find him. Yeah, I don't he come over to watch me. He can make sure
I held this up Yeah, I I don't know. So yeah, I I I was just going to ask him a few questions
Uh, if if if he was around do you think you think he'd find him? Sure Hey clyde.
Hey Oh man, brother, I I just greetings greetings, uh,
I uh It's hard for me to ask serious questions when you've got those the when when milo's doing the the rock star things
It's it's too much fun. He's he's too much fun. When did you start doing milo? It was a college idea, uh, so this is a long time ago our very first milo shows were in 1974
I was in college, uh, uh pursuing a music major and uh had some friends.
We wrote some sketch comedy together uh, whether it was good or not, well, the Wasn't a question of whether it was good or not because it wasn't
An idea that we had that I had kind of carried over from from previous things was uh
A big time rock band, but they were all farm kids, right? Right. Yeah, and that's so the opposite of what you have these days of everybody being from the big city, right?
And uh started writing these songs and I was the one doing the songwriting. So after college I started to get an occasional request and one thing led to another
We managed to get a couple of statewide meetings and then started going all over the place from that because people liked what
I had and apparently it was a different spin on things and When did you record your first milo album? uh 19, uh, let's see 93 93 well
See to me that doesn't seem that long ago, but to a lot of people in the audience It's like wow been doing this for a while Took me a while to get that done.
I've been recording for well 15 years. Well a little over 20 years now Well now obviously
I know that you uh, you teach uh voice and things like that up there
Obviously everything's shut down up there like it is everywhere else Oh, it's it's a delight.
Uh, we're teaching everything online you try to teach voice lessons online It kind of leaves something out.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but fortunately we were far enough into the semester that You got students who at least had an idea what they were doing, but it's a lot of fun
But it's got to be challenging Yeah, it's it's frustrating in many ways. But What what are you supposed to do?
Yeah, we're all as I keep saying we're all in this together quote unquote Yeah, that's right You can spend your time complaining about how things are supposed to be or else you can
Take what you have and you can follow teddy roosevelt's advice and say do what you can where you are with what you have
Right. Well, that's we're old enough to remember the generation that went through the great depression um
And I remember my parents talking about you know, they they lived through it as as young people
And it always had an impact upon um how they lived how they thought about the world, um
How they thought about possessions and things like that um, you know, most of the most of everybody below 40 has no earthly idea, um, the challenges that Those generations before us went through i'm just sort of wondering if That may not change in the future and what that might not uh might not mean now
You're part of a church up there too. I imagine most of the churches are are Meeting online and things like that Most of them are our doors have been open every sunday.
Really? We've uh made that made that known and whoever shows up shows up. Uh, our governor has been a little more lenient you maybe have heard about the governors of some of these states that haven't been affected as much and uh
Right a lot of things shut down, but uh, not everything thankfully we don't have stay -at -home orders We're encouraged to do what we can right right well up there
Just the population results in natural social distancing anyways,
I mean, we don't we don't have subways in in north dakota, right? Right sort of thing right so that that is a little bit of a help and uh
So how has that impacted the church then I mean if you're still if you're still available, uh, you see and maybe some people who
Have some questions or thinking about mortality and uh important things or you would you would like to think so But our our numbers have been pretty small.
I think uh, once again people are people are scared away by this sort of thing Oh, yeah, pretty easy to live in fear.
And uh, oh it is it is that that that's a rough one We've had uh, our usual attendance is so 125 something like that.
We've had about well Easter sunday, we had 13 people there. Oh my as we get into this business and people are
Pretty restless and anxious to go back about their lives, right? Mostly mostly our regular attenders if you had 13 people for easter sunday, how did you do the messiah?
Did you have to sing multiple parts concurrently at the same time or I I did
I did sing a song with a beautiful lyric. That was a paraphrase of john newton Oh gave us amazing grace and uh
Yeah, we had we had we had we observed the lord's supper and uh, we had a lovely time. Yeah Yeah, just a few of us well,
I I get it we uh, we have not uh shut down either but uh, um
It it so many people today are finally I think coming to realize that we've we've had it pretty good for a long time and Most of us haven't been nearly as thankful for what we have had as we probably should have been.
Um, but um, uh Yeah, I I thought did you get a chance?
I'm not sure. Did you see the uh program we did? On thursday or friday with uh, seb goldswayne the uh guitarist
I did I quite enjoyed his playing. Yes. I I heard most of it. Yeah, he's um,
He's a young man that I met down there in south africa. And uh, so the the thought crossed my mind I thought hey i'll bet you you know, if if seb's and down there,
I mean they literally have armored vehicles on the streets Uh, you heard you just don't go out. I mean, that's that's all there is to it.
So um, it's it's more severe than what we have here, but I thought you know, I'll i'll bet milo hasn't had a chance to go out and do anything for a long time.
So it's not christmas um, and uh I don't think you've had a a new album over the past couple of months or something like that, but um
I know we had you on when with the prairie memories when that when that came out, uh, which is which is you singing in your real voice, uh
In essence a number of beautiful songs, um I i've always wanted to ask does singing in milo's voice
Is that more or less? Is that hard on your voice to do that?
Well, it could be if I didn't know what I was doing. Uh, I hope by now I do so there's a special way of controlling that because I would think that would just I I can't
I couldn't imagine being able to do that for more than just a few minutes before i'd start straining something even those of us even those people who are full -out rock singers, uh who are
A lot of the bands that people know very very well you you develop the proper technique, uh, depending on What you can sing in a lot of different styles and still sing.
Well, you might not be using your voice to its potential, right Completely, but you're still singing well for what you're doing
Think of it as a as a vocal decathlon with all the different applications for it
I'm classically trained and then milo, of course is Is an idiot.
He often sings out of tune and he often sings not very well, but uh It's something
I can still do and his his sense His sense of direction is just a tad bit confusing as well.
I might I might add Ignorance is bliss and milo is a very very happy guy.
Oh, yeah. Yeah. Well and and the parodies you do I I mean um the one with uh, where the people with the
License plates from south dakota, you know what i'm talking about? What am I what am I thinking of? That is a parody on my album titled outstanding in my field.
It's a full -length parody of stairway to stairway to heaven That's right. That's right And it's about a trip to south dakota and not very far over the border and there's a town of lemon south dakota
So milo and his dad are driving the pickup to lemon I You know, you've done stuff in the past where uh, you've posted stuff in in channel where um, you started a parody
And then basically ran headfirst into a wall You know i'm talking about.
Oh, yeah happens lots of times What are you ever gonna Do you ever just sort of start looking over your notes and go?
I wonder if I can get past the wall on that one today or that's what medley that was that's what medleys are for In fact,
I have I have plans to record this summer we'll see if that comes to fruition I have a I have a lot of uh songs that i've been writing, uh
Well for quite a while it's been a while since i've been into the studio and I want to do i've got parodies of Of gordon lightfoot and the bgs.
Uh, oh goodness lots and lots of stuff anything with carefree highway No, uh, uh
Sundown and the wreck of the edmund fitzgerald. Oh, okay. Okay. Oh, oh now that's a You can tell quite a story with the with the fitzgerald the one.
Yeah, that would be pretty awesome. It'll be fun Yeah, it'll be fun. Yeah, yep and milo milo sings. Yeah The legend lives on in our little hometown whether you're coward or hero
They say without doubt you should not venture out when the visibility is near zero
And it goes on and talks about my uncle harold who decides he's going to drive his car to town in a snowstorm
And there's a very fabulous and spectacular wreck that takes six verses to cover six verses to cover the one wreck.
Wow It's rather involved mailboxes cows, uh the outhouse Uh, he hits some field implements and lots of different stuff that will be
I predict a very big hit for you The only problem is you have to you have the only the big audience will be the people who live near the great lakes
Who have cows that would be that would that would probably be the people that would be fine Each one of those buys an album.
I'll be very happy So it's a lot of fun I I write parodies on lots of different subjects
But the ones I like best are the ones about farm. Yeah. Yeah, obviously and You've been doing it for a while now
What my roots are that's right. That's right. So folks can uh can get hold of you and get your albums and uh
Stuff like that at farm boy music dot com. Am I correct on that? That's true downloads available
Mail orders available lots and lots of fun. Everything is uh, what do they call these untouched by human hands when
I mail them to you? For me, so wait a minute. You've got you've got downloads available on mp3 now
Oh, you've you've been catching up with the 21st century. I'm very slow.
Uh, we're still working on getting uh, universal, uh streaming Hope to have that done this summer.
Well, you'll you'll get there and hopefully you'll see some folks coming by that Had never heard of you before and uh, that'll that'll make your uh,
Your creative time all the more blessed, uh, since you'll have a few more fans I'm very happy about that watch out for our next album.
I'm hoping uh with the nod to the beatles I want to call it the egg white album and we'll see how that We'll see how that goes.
I've got lots and lots of songs I've a new one for milo's wife emma and uh, once again parodies of the people
I mentioned also the beach boys will be in there and uh, Uh billy joel and a number of other things i'd be careful those beatles guys
I I hear they're they're very litigious So, uh, i'm not i'm not i'm not sure that milo would know what litigious meant
But uh, i'd yeah i'd i'd be very careful because when you can't move your arm Yeah, that's right
Well, uh milo slash clyde Thank you very much for joining us on the program today and entertaining us and you all stay safe up there and uh,
Uh, we've we've appreciated uh, you're taking some time to be with us. Thank you I'm, so glad grateful grateful to be on your program.
All right. Thanks a lot. God bless brother All right. Bye. Bye Uh, that was great
For those of you who again who are wondering what? Uh known clyde for for years and years and years
We used to be we used to have a chat channel had a chat channel for 20 Since 1996 23 years, um, and he was in there probably at least 13 of them.
Maybe a little bit longer um, and uh, so we've had him on the program a number of times
I should have asked him why didn't oh, man Why? I I just realized the perfect setup for milo
Why didn't I ask him about herd immunity? Herd immunity that would have oh milo
A song about herd immunity would really be a big hit right now. It really Really herd immunity that would yeah, that would be that would be good and you don't even have to give me any uh, any any
Credit for that herd immunity. That's what that's what you need to do a song Emma's watching so emma will tell milo about herd immunity.
I should have asked about herd immunity. That would be great um, so anyway There you go.
Uh, we uh, we want to do something a little light and uh there there we there we are so Oh goodness, where do we go from here?
Uh, I just recorded a um, new, uh sweater vest dialogue.
The sweater vest is over there. I ain't wearing it except during that I can assure you of that Because it's already fairly warm.
Um Where we are, uh, and will be for quite some time Did you all see now?
It's not from from this perspective. You can't see it i've had
This is from Brill. If you know book publishers, you know Brill is ridiculously expensive
This is the Coptic Gnostic Library. It's five volumes long. I've got two volumes got volumes two and three here uh
Especially so I could have the apocryphon of John here. Why? um
I have over the weekend Been well and before that as you know, we were looking
I've been looking at Manichaeism To adequately filter and understand what elements of Manichaeism come from Iranian religion from the east
From Judaism, Christianity, and then from Gnosticism. There are all sorts of different kinds of Gnosticism and you have the general
Gnostic mythology Then you have a specifically Christianized version called
Valentinianism Uh that originates in the middle of the second century
Justin Martyr Identified Valentinus as a great heretic uh, let me just Make a comment here.
I mean my mind is melting from the all the different names And everything that is a part of and we're going to try
To get you all up to speed. Let me put it this way It is my intention By the time we get done with the series of studies we've been doing
To properly respond to Ken Wilson's Oxford dissertation
It is my intention that if you will listen And you will take notes and you will um
Seek to understand what is being said You will know more about Gnosticism, Manichaeism, and Stoicism Maybe not
Stoicism, but Gnosticism and Manichaeism when we get done than 98 percent of Seminary students who graduate with a master's degree who took church history
Now that doesn't mean that they would be focused upon that. The point is we're going to be going deeper Than you would go in a church history class in a standard
Master of Arts degree MDiv type situation in the vast majority of of seminaries um
If they if this was covered at all to be perfectly honest with you Uh, there would be I think sadly in many situations.
There wouldn't be any covering of it at all but One thing that I have been struck with That hopefully will be of benefit to you to think about um the early church fathers
Irenaeus Justin You know, I've said for decades that if you wanted to be published in the early church um
The way you got published was you wrote a book against the Gnostics And now I know why
Now I know why Um, i've been listening to a class other than the reading i've been doing i've been listening to a class
The teacher is very good Um, the graphics are real good He is as far to my left as you can get
Theologically background wise He he refers to all gnostics as christians
And he plainly has a fair amount of disdain for irenaeus just a martyr in other words for the orthodox in other words
He represents what you would be taught at harvard. Yale uh places like that And I've discovered however that liberals
Tend to be pretty good with their facts It's their application that stinks and I learned that in seminary.
I went to a liberal seminary and Had to learn How to handle that kind of a situation many many years ago
And as I have been listening to This man teaching and learning a great deal again
Well organized um Good stuff until he starts talking about the bible and christianity and he's like, oh good grief
Um, not that the facts go wrong. The interpretation goes wrong That's a that's just a skill that you have to you have to learn to be able to discern and to filter out and to get the gems and leave the the crumbs behind But one thing that has struck me and i've mentioned this to my fellow elders just in passing
Irenaeus just a martyr and the others All said that this was a demonic religion
And they were right the the thing We moderns we tend to look back
And we look down on we tend to pat These men on the head they didn't they didn't have computers like we have
They didn't have All the knowledge we had and it's true. Some of them didn't even have a full canon So on some some some areas, yeah, they didn't even have a full canon
We have an advantage don't we? but as a result the tendency
Is to dismiss some of the fervor That they expressed in their denunciation of falsehoods
Okay um, you know, you can't read luther and erasmus and those guys not realizing that things have changed and People tend to be a little bit more on the irascible side back then and use a little bit stronger language than we tend to today but when it comes to gnosticism in all of its forms
They were exactly right This is a religion designed by the enemy to try to destroy
The primitive christian church it is meant intended
To be a attractive fake an attractive fake
I have learned I wish I had known what i've learned over the past couple of weeks
Back when I was first studying joseph smith Because here is here are men
Valentinus But valentinus comes on along a little bit later here is a system where you have people
Who have access to the christian scriptures They understand the christian scriptures
And it is their intention to exploit The ignorances of people about those scriptures to draw them away to a falsehood so I think back and rich you'll remember this
I think back To um, the large baptist church both rich and I are members of back when we were really young and Now you were you weren't in the married department there you were rich the tingle so Um, you're in the singles
But even amongst the marrieds what would happen is the southern baptist way Was you would have a master teacher a master lesson and then you'd break up into groups and basically sit around go
What did you think about that? What are your thoughts about this blah blah blah blah Which is normally complete waste time but I remember so clearly what people would say in those small groups and how often they gave vent to Now what
I would recognize to be fundamentally heretical concepts and ideas in ignorance
But that's what they would do I I remember which direction
I was facing Seated in the chair that I was sitting in I was facing directly south in what's called the uh
Oh, I think that was a c building um at north phoenix baptist church probably second to third floor when
A fellow member of that sunday school class said something along the lines of well, you know when
I read my bible I like reading from the new testament a lot more than the old testament because the god of the new testament
Is kind and loving and the god of the old testament just really isn't at all And I just don't get the god of the old testament he
Wipes people out and he's angry and wrathful, but at least in the new testament. Jesus has made god friendly well that person would have been a part
Would have been a part of the gnostic community um back in in the day um, because gnosticism took advantage
Of the ignorance of people of the consistency of scripture
They took advantage of the fact that when you read the new testament, it has a strong emphasis upon the continuity that exists
The god of abraham isaac and jacob is the one who has sent his son.
Jesus Jesus Jesus's view of the old testament scripture is that it's god speaking paul says it is theanustos
Peter says men spoke as they were carried along by the holy spirit. They're all talking about the same thing But the gnostics take advantage of the fact that you have
God wiping out the amorites That you have god Bringing the flood to bear and punishment you have god bringing plagues which by the way
Someone else who might become a gnostic pretty soon is jonathan merit Uh who tweeted, uh, just two days ago
Uh that he's going to take a hard pass On the god that sends a virus that makes grandmothers suffocate
So evidently all that stuff in the old testament about Plagues and holiness and wrath and justice and the flood
Um, he's gonna take a hard pass on all that kind of stuff now Uh, he'd make a good gnostic going that direction, uh as well but um, in fact, he just has nothing to do with the subject but Remind me to go back to that Because his recent attacks on john piper um and others
Indicate that um The attitude indicator in his cockpit is
About like this right now heading straight for the ground as fast as possible nosedive into complete apostasy um
It's not not gonna be the first person we've seen do that and it's not that people didn't see it coming either anyway
So the gnostics Specifically Understood the christian scriptures old and new testament and designed a religion that is meant to be a fake
But it it gets its attraction By playing on the feelings of the natural man
It's like they read romans 1 understood it and said
That's why most of the gnostic myths Partaking of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is a good thing
Not a bad thing. It was the proper thing to do. Huh? Who else came up with that idea?
Oh joseph smith It's been pretty amazing really has been pretty amazing um, the problem is it is so complicated that I Just with manichaeism trying to make it
To clarify it and make it understandable A bit of a challenge bit of a challenge will require the when
I mentioned here the apocrypha of john the the secret revelation of john This is really the one of the key works that lays out the primary gnostic myth and then you've got like the um
Uh gospel judas Did you know that judas is made? a daemon which we refer to demons
But a daemon didn't have to be a satanic creature necessarily originally. It's just a divine creature
But in a very polytheistic sense and it's of a lower nature That the gospel of judas when it first came out remember bart ehrman did this stuff about it
They didn't have all the fragments yet. I didn't know about this. It's a new thing that i've learned They didn't have all the fragments yet Because it had been bumbled.
Oh my goodness. Was it bumbled? You mean what do you mean bumbled? um It had been sitting the the the codex
Had been stuck in a safe deposit box on long island for 16 years
Do you have any idea? Why that's bad? It's because the humidity up and down temperature changes.
Oh, that's when you're when you're 1400 years old Well, no, uh 1700 years old
That's not good for you. And then some other idiot that had it Tried to separate the pages you ready for this?
by freezing it It's a wonder anything survived before it finally got in the hands of somebody who knew what in the world they were doing
But it was horribly damaged in the process horribly damaged anyway, so Some other people who had had it had kept pieces of it
And so when it first came out and bart ehrman did his thing about it and and things like that That was back in 2006,
I think uh Since then more fragments have come to light from the same codex that have expanded our understanding and judas
Is a daemon Who is given rulership over the 13th realm, which is the highest realm in in the created order
He becomes a powerful semi -divine creature Um The point is the gnostics
Knew what we believed And created a religion specifically
To imitate it By mocking the elements That would be most reprehensible to the natural man brilliant demonically brilliant I always sort of wanted in the back of my mind why gnosticism was such a challenge given
The rather surface level description that was given of it in most of the classes And in most of the published work unless you're specifically reading on it and once you start reading in this stuff, you gotta know who the barbellos is and and All these specific names and the sethites and the children of seth and And you see these names and you're like what?
if you don't have a context to put it into it's Next to impossible to begin to understand what in the world it's all about i'll try to give you that context so you can understand
How for example in the standard gnostic myth? and in valentine valentinianism
And then in manichaeism Once you understand it you understand without question
That there is no place no foundation no logical way of cramming it in there is nothing in the
Cosmogony the cosmology the the worldview of any of these religions
That could possibly produce anything That is meaningfully or logically parallel to the decree of god found in reformed theology
It is utterly Impossible and I posted something up over the over the weekend.
Um where I grabbed a resource And um
Again was interacting specifically With the citation methodology and argumentation of ken wilson's dissertation.
We will continue doing that But the primary argumentation against that dissertation is going to be i'll tell you what it could be right now
It's pretty straightforward. It's pretty easy um the dissertation does not even attempt
To establish a consistent definition that is meaningful to all forms of gnosticism manichaeism or stoicism that would provide a foundation for its
Repeated 89 times within it duped designation divine unconditional predestination of individual um
Destination eternal destination eternal destiny eternal destiny. Sorry Um The theory i'm working on right now i'll tell you what my theory is right now theory is
That this was presented probably in the philosophy department As a discussion or a analysis of whether augustine edited
Some of his earlier works later in life And that this has led to confusion as to exactly when augustine began to interact with And argue against pelagianism and to adopt the anti -pelagian position that he did
I think that because when you present a dissertation, you've got to you you've got a single advisor normally
That you're working with that you need to convince that person That this is a worthwhile area of study and that there's going to be sufficient
Information it's interesting enough that eat And let's be honest It's got to be interesting enough to your doctor voter
For them to invest the time to read it and I think that was the
I think that's what it was about. It wasn't about What it's being applied to And I think the reason that the argumentation about determinism
Without defining it meaningfully Without dealing with the very
Worldview issues and everything else that comes along with it Is because that was secondary to the primary
The primary subject of the dissertation, I think that's what happened. That's my theory um we'll see as I continue working on it, but that's uh, that's my theory as it stands right now, so um
That's why we're investing the time and the effort to look at these things to come to understand these things um be able to bring all of us a little bit farther along in our understanding and And hopefully give us a good foundation in church history but um
Jonathan Merritt, Jonathan Merritt um Wrote a uh a hit piece last week
Warned us it was coming said Hey, this is uh, this is going to be You know pretty zesty type thing
Jonathan Merritt Has a name amongst evangelicals because his father was
President of southern baptist convention at one point It's my understanding Certainly well known in southern baptist circles um
He has veered sharply to the left Um, there is much discussion concerning sexual orientation issues
And He has decided to utilize his platform
And recently I think just over the past few weeks to Move toward the nuclear option.
Shall we say? He wrote a piece in response to albert moeller's
Answering of a question as I recall If you listen to moeller on the briefing, then you know that he has been speaking much recently about What you can only identify as radicalization of the left in the democratic party um
He has noted many times that for example, barack obama would almost be a republican today back in 2008
As far as the platform upon which he he ran And that he then moved to the left in 2012
And now there's now eight years later There's so far beyond where he was that he would not have a ghost of a chance if he ran on the platform
That he had in 2012 and certainly not in 2008 So the the radicals
The leftist radicals in the democratic party which
I Really believe we just need to start identifying it for what it really is the socialist party Have pushed
Uh, you know, he's moeller spent a lot of time talking about how Bernie sanders may not be the candidate, but he won
Because he pushed his ideas to where now The difference between joe biden and bernie sanders
Is minimal and where joe biden was Four years ago and where he is now is primarily because of bernie sanders
So he's been talking about this and he covers Religious freedom issues.
He he Was just talking about what we're going to talk about. Um, and that is this, um
Arizona law journal article that was quoted from heavily in a harvard journal article
Warning about the dangers of homeschooling and so he has
He's been talking on the briefing and in other things that he does about this This isn't just a leftward lurch it is a dive
To the left Which is taking most of the political structure
Right along with it The widening divide the fact there's no middle anymore There used to be a middle that could cause
That would provide a foundation for cooperation between the two sides. There is no middle anymore The middle has been evacuated
Um You hear everybody talking about the polarization In the american political scene
And there is absolutely no question about that and that has been that is being seen right now
In the response to covid19 And now in the pushback
Where people are saying enough is enough um The numbers that you were using
Didn't didn't work out um And we are doing a swan dive into a global depression that will result
In far more deaths and far more misery Than the worst covid19 outbreak you could ever have um
Did y 'all notice something today, by the way? Did did you see did you see the price of oil earlier today?
It went negative It went negative
That's that's a complete crash Do you have any idea how destabilizing that will be?
in many nations We are we are talking about a massive increase in the probability of warfare people tend to die
In war just so that people remember War is not a good thing starvation is not a good thing
And that then also generally leads to more disease so People are saying whoa, wait a minute
We went the wrong direction big time Could we could we try to pull out of this tailspin before the entire plane just goes into the ground?
We're getting pretty close here And what's big tech doing? Censoring shutting people down shutting people down Um This is what's coming so the point is
What I went off track a little bit there Moeller's been talking about these things and so he was asked a question about voting
If there is an election in november of 2020 and He said that he did not vote for trump in 2016
But he would vote republican in 2020 Why?
Because 2020 is not 2016 And if you can't see that in four years there has been a massive change massive shift
Um, then you're just not watching you're just not thinking you're not listening you're not seeing what's going on And so This was taken as flip -flopping on his part
And There's a video it's been on youtube for years that was put out by basically by the people that got bounced out of southern seminary when moeller took over and It's one of the first times a theological seminary has gone from moving to the left to moving back to the right
Uh, but there's been a video out there for a long time And basically all of its talking points were repeated in this article as if it was something new which it wasn't and so I of course
I do respond to Jonathan Merritt. He doesn't respond to anything. He won't engage on anything But I I pointed out that somehow you wrote an entire article and didn't mention the reality of what's going on today the reality of full -blown
Okay communists on our own soil in positions of authority They may still call themselves socialists or whatever else but they're they're communists and we all know exactly they love the ccp
They love china. They want us to be china That's what they want
And so what do you do? When you have A entire spectrum of the of politics that wants to end the constitution and our constitutional republic and Our freedoms and liberties along with it which god
God is in control of that We don't deserve the blessings. We've got we we forfeited them and we've got blood all over our hands.
So if god wants to do that but I as a christian am still called to speak the truth in that context call for repentance but also recognize that communism
Is just as satanic as gnosticism Xi jingping is not god
He will never be god He thinks he is and he thinks the state can be god The state is not god
And it's one thing to call the state to repentance under god for murdering children
It's another thing to have a state that thinks it is god and therefore murdering children is good
It's a different situation And so it's fully understandable why moeller has said what he said
But it wasn't mentioned even in passing by jonathan merritt
We don't need to worry about the real reasons. Let's just do a hit piece And then the next day, hey, let's take out john piper let's take out john piper and in a
Incredibly Not only dismissive but disrespectful Nasty fashion
Because This man jonathan merritt clearly detests the sovereignty of god detests the idea
That god would ever bring judgment upon this earth. Oh my goodness Does he detest that?
now Have we not seen all sorts of apostates over the past couple of years
And after a while you sort of stop hearing about them the problem is merritt still has connections with Quote unquote, whatever you want to call it christian journalism
And so he gets to vent his spleen Shall we say within those within those contexts?
Will he eventually just be out there, you know jumped off the apostasy cliff? And you no longer hear about him, well,
I don't know But The point is that here you've got someone
And you say well, why do you even bother following him? I follow about two or three people on twitter
To help remind me Of how people really think in the world today
The tendency for us is we live in our own echo chamber And we're around other believers
And so when we encounter someone who is just really Sold out to a secular worldview
We're we're sort of taken aback for a second. We shouldn't be This is where people are and this was illustrated
Incredibly well, and it was on this morning's briefing if you get a chance to listen to it I started seeing references to this story over the weekend,
I think on twitter To a harvard journal that was primarily quoting from an arizona law journal a woman professor
Who is warning about the dangers of homeschooling now? it's this probably
Was ready for publication before the covid stuff hit So it's sort of funny
Because i've been seeing a number of people on twitter going, you know I cannot believe the difference in my children's behavior
Now that they haven't been to public school for a month They are calmer They are happier
Our family is doing better Wow Yeah What yeah,
I think I'm you know, they're i'm not the only person who's been hoping that there would be quite a bump
To a number of people who after this is over go You know what?
That wasn't all that bad Um, we can do without a lot of stuff And my kids are worth it
And so homeschooling might get a a bump here's the problem There are already many european nations where homeschooling is not allowed you all heard the story about germany
You cannot homeschool in germany you have to send your children to the state they get your children for many hours a day
And that places a huge weight Upon parents because Just because the state does that doesn't mean that your responsibility ends
So now you have to spend your evenings Counteracting um positively through the inculcation of a christian worldview the inculcation of statist secularism in the state schools
Um I have scared a number of people half to death by Making this assertion once the left wins
Both chambers of congress both houses house in the senate and the presidency
One of the very first Things that will be done Will to be get rid of homeschooling
You say that can't be done Yoder, if you don't know what yoder is yoder is a supreme court decision that allowed the amish
To withdraw their children after eighth grade and not it gave some defense to parents
But see the problem is any supreme court decision is liable to be overturned or modified and The reality is that the left knows
That key to the creation of the Fantasy worldview of secularism because that's what it is
If if we are made in the image of god Then the secular worldview is a fantasy and to maintain a fantasy
You have to be constantly pouring effort into the creation of that fantasy
Use a star trek illustration. Remember they didn't do this in original star trek because they didn't have a
But the holodeck The holodeck where the computer creates a
Different context holograms for you to interact in so you can play fantasy games and so on and so forth
Well If something goes wrong the ship and the power goes out what happens the holodeck?
Goes away you got to be pouring energy into it to create that fantasy world Well We live in god's world
And secularism humanism the darwinian worldview is a fantasy It requires the constant suppression of god's truth
And the main mechanism for suppressing that truth is what? is the positive repetitive affirmation of a secular worldview
You have to have that to control the populace to create your socialist paradise
And once socialism has power it always becomes communism. So to create that paradise
You have to Own those people during the formative periods of their thinking that's how you do it.
So I have said I hope i'm wrong But I don't think
I am just listen to how these people speak You get a next generation put anyone anyone
Of how many how many were in the back in back last july how many were were running 18 20 21 people running on the democratic side
You take you take any one of those candidates make them president Give them the senate and the house and then look me in the eye and say oh, they'll protect our rights
They'll protect homeschooling naive a lot
Yeah, that's naivete on a on a pretty stunning level and so How do we respond to something like this?
I mean I'm looking at these people on twitter
Who are ignoring The rise of socialism statism techno -totalitarianism
Where everything you do is monitored by big brother? And controlled by big brother and all of your speech must be run through the filter of big brother promoting homosexuality promoting transgenderism promoting bisexuality promoting the profanation of marriage promoting euthanasia
Provoting abortion and infanticide And yet going yeah Well, I don't want to be a single issue voter.
So all that's okay And you're a christian, right?
Yeah, but the other side is just as bad the other side Is not just as bad
That's just a fact That's just a fact who's going who is going most likely to force your children
To a state school. Well, most of you are already doing this already doing that anyways But who's going to who's going to force you to do that take away your right?
One of the frightening things by the way read that article Uh moeller read it this parts parts this morning one of the most frightening aspects of it was this professor is saying children need to Be acclimated to society
So in other words be exposed to all the drugs and the sex and and all the differing methods of morality at a young age
And they need to be around reporters People who can report child abuse because of course
Child abuse never takes place in public schools There is no drug use in public schools, there are no shootings in public schools
There is no sexuality going in public schools. There is no pregnancy in public schools.
There's public schools are Wonderful Really? No, don't get me wrong
I can fully see How a crazed
A Wacko person could abuse Their children in the mountains someplace.
Yeah, we've we've heard stories but What percentage is that? What percentage of people who are homeschooling does that represent and what percentage of students
Going to a public school are exposed to sexuality drugs violence and the like Compare the two there is no comparison
There is no comparison none so to listen to this elite academic
Not even try to to veil her detestation of the christian worldview her detestation of god's law her her loathing
Of anyone Who would dare to teach a worldview that says god created male and female and it was good they?
loathe that They honestly function upon the idea that their iq is so far above ours
That you know what? We talk about 1984 all the time because we're seeing it being fulfilled newspeak and Ray writing history and big brother
And the whole we it's it's happening before our eyes, but that's not the only dystopian novel out there.
That's relevant There's another one that's being fulfilled too. It's called brave new world
Aldous huxley's work And what you're seeing here
Is the disdain? That the alphas have
For the deltas and the epsilons they think they're the alphas And christians are the deltas and the epsilons and you know what?
outside of god's sight They're right What does first corinthians chapter one say?
Not many wise not many eugenics Well -born eugenic is where that's that's a very word transliterated into english eugenic not many well -born
Because why because god doesn't choose To reveal himself through the wisdom of the world, but through the foolishness of the message preached
And so there's a sense Really to be honest with you Where the elites are right?
But if they just knew what the final State of everything was going to be
Then they would see Their grave error So that article
We need to understand That the people think about harvard and yale
What are the two schools that produce the the majority of our highest level judges in the united states?
Harvard and yale Well supreme court. Yeah But I mean talking about federal and and other positions harvard and yale, this is the worldview
That is placed into the most conservative graduate of harvard and yale
You want to talk to me about how we are protected by the constitution
I'm sorry. That's just so naive History tells us there there have been constitutions before and when it came time within that society
That the worldview of the founders had been rejected Those little pieces of paper cannot protect anyone
Ours had a great run There was much wisdom.
It wasn't perfect But man one of the most brilliant insights was distribute power widely
Because mankind is evil Yep, that's christian worldview. That's gone
That doesn't exist anymore and so parents
You're homeschooling right now Do it as long as you can Lay the firmest foundation you possibly can and then make the commitment
Look, what are you gonna do? I mean, it's real easy to say i'll stand at my door my ak -47.
Well, you're gonna die Okay You may have your ak -47, but they've got 27 ak -47s out there.
Actually, they've got ar -15s. But anyway And you're gonna get gunned down And you're just gonna be portrayed as a nutcase and they're gonna take your kids away
Anyways, so what are you gonna do? Well, what are christian parents in germany doing right now?
Yeah, their kids go to school and then they have to meet with them
And counteract and that means a lot of extra time And a lot less opportunities for fulfilling your fundsville and all the rest of that stuff
That's what you got to do That's what you got to do I mean you can run and flee you can try to find someplace else, but this seems to be happening every place
I'll go to canada. It's worse. I'll go to australia, man, new zealand.
Where are you gonna go? I mean, I suppose there are maybe a few third world countries you might be able to run off to That are still so poorly governed that you could hide out in the mountains someplace
But most of us do not have that option So you better be thinking about it now
You your wife together with your church family How are you going to handle it?
What are you going to do? what's what what what happens when it because it
It's coming a lot faster than we thought and the the the accelerator
Was pressed through the floorboard starting at the end of february 2020 because Now it is interesting to compare the united kingdom with the united states
There have been no situations where Capitals or major cities in the uk have been flooded by armed people in pickup trucks
Okay, that ain't gonna happen they don't have pickup trucks and they ain't armed so they're all just sitting in their houses there are a few that are really not happy about all this but The majority of the world's population said yeah, okay, whatever
Just keep us safe We don't we don't we're not concerned about the rest of the stuff
We're not concerned about what you're going to do with this down the road And what you're going to use as the next
Big thing will it be technological? Will it be a crash of the internet will it be infrastructure electricity distribution of food
Lots of ways to do it And we all just go okay, whatever just please take care of us
We look to you. Oh great and powerful oz upstate uh government, whatever
Yeah There you go. There you go stuff to think about and from a christian worldview
If you have children God's given you a responsibility for those children So Votey balcom used to say don't be shocked
When you send your children off to spend the day constantly with caesar if they come back as romans All right, well now caesar is marching his legions into your front room
What are you going to do then? Have to think through it prepare them Think about a lot of stuff a lot of stuff
So, um, I have no idea where i'm going tomorrow depends on how much time I get to be doing more reading this evening um, my
My plan right now this week Is to do four programs instead of five actually take a break in the middle of the week, maybe
Rich is going yay He's he's happy about that. Uh, we'll see we'll see but um
I realized we still got some truckers got a lot of trucking to do out there. So we we definitely
Had you covered last week? Uh, we'll try to do a decent job this week. Just not necessarily quite as long, uh
Coming up next week. So keep an eye out, uh, probably this weekend Maybe or next next week the next sweater vest dialogue.
Uh, doug and I were not debating anything We didn't have different views Uh, we were talking about well, we were talking about our love for the word of god is basically what it was
So just two old guys in sweater vests talking about being raised in christian homes and Loving the bible and preaching it for decades
But hopefully that'll be encouraging to some folks we will lord willing see you tomorrow