Why Christians Should Consider Voting for Trump
Kevin McGary and Neil Mammon from Every Black Life Matters join the podcast to promote voting for Trump in the upcoming election.
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- Hey everyone, we are live now on the conversations that matter podcast I'm your host
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- John Harris. Some of you can tell I am fighting very hard. I'm fighting some kind of a bad cold
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- So I appreciate your prayers. I know we did the American churchman yesterday and I was barely hanging on I'm feeling a little better today.
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- So hopefully I'll feel better to do some more podcasts later in the week But I decided this morning we're gonna go ahead and do a podcast and thankfully
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- I don't have to do all the talking because we have two guests who we have had before on the podcast. We have
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- Neil Mammon and Kevin McGarry from every black life matters. How you doing guys?
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- John good to see you brother. Good to see you, too I want to ask you first you've been on the program before but I think it was a few years ago
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- How's the organization going every black life matters? We still have to fight the fight man.
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- I mean, you know right now We've seen a lull with BLM and Antifa and and Neil you
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- I'm not trying to overwhelm the conversation But and and because of that lull, you know people think oh, we're things are fine.
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- But I think after this election we're gonna see a lot more activity and So we're ready.
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- I mean, we're trying to be the righteous and faithful alternative to BLM You know, and if you go to our website every
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- BLM calm, you'll see what we stand for And you know 100 % pro -life 100 % you know pro -family fatherhood free markets and capitalism, you know the whole bit so You know go visit us.
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- We're ready for this upcoming election. We think that after the election is when things will get you know kind of crazy and chaotic again and we'll be thrust into the middle of trying to bring calm and Rationality and help and hope and support for various communities around the country
- 01:52
- So, yeah, well, I know Kevin you're an entrepreneur an author. We're gonna talk about some of your work and Neil You are an apologist and I know
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- I had the privilege of talking with you in Idaho earlier this year And you showed me some of the things you're working on.
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- So I want to get to those things but first With every black life matters you guys were going to churches as I understand it.
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- You were giving presentations on Well contrasting really with BLM and talking about why that's a fool's errand and why you have a more biblical insane approach to correcting some of the things that are out there legitimately you do have
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- I think abortion is one of the things you talk about a lot that there's There are problems affecting these minority communities, but it's not the same problems necessarily and it's not the same cures that BLM has
- 02:45
- So you just said Kevin that you think the activity is gonna drum up after the election You know either one of you why why do you think like do you see that under either circumstance whether Trump or Kamala?
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- Wins or is that because I was I was thinking like if Trump wins, of course, there's gonna be retaliation
- 03:04
- But if Kamala wins, I I didn't conceive of that. So what is how do you see this playing out?
- 03:11
- Well, let me jump in real quick. Yeah, I think I think if Kamala Harris wins We're gonna see more
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- CRT. We're gonna see more Transgenderism all these are BLM Talking points, we're gonna see more fatherless kids
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- We're gonna see all that in her policies, which are going to be and they're going to spread out So we'll we'll see that coming out for sure and and this destructive family destroy and then what's worse about is is as it destroys the family more the
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- Minority population the blacks will say look we need more done for us and then more is being done the more worse things are being done and then they're going to agitate further so it's it's a
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- It's a it's a cycle that ever descends into horrible things, right?
- 03:55
- Is she worse than Biden? Do you think? Well, you lived in California you both actually lived in Cal you still live you still live in California So you're smarter than Kevin In California, I had to leave
- 04:13
- I was fighting the fight and then I got blacklisted couldn't get a job there as an engineer I'd started four companies
- 04:19
- Found out one day that nobody wanted to hire me because I've been on Fox News and I've been you know
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- People could just Google me and see that I was on the wrong side of what they thought was the kind of people they wanted
- 04:29
- To hire so I got you. We were watching my wife and I the Reagan. Have you
- 04:35
- I don't if you've seen them You know at the the end scene there where he's riding on the for the last ride you can't
- 04:41
- I was trying to fight tears when he's in I guess he's by his ranch, but it looks like it's near Santa Monica or something
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- He's in those hills overlooking the ocean and I just yeah, I thought to myself
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- Why why am I not in California because I was born there my family's from there and then
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- I you know within about two seconds I was like, oh, right. Yeah, I know I know why I'm not Reagan Reagan is not riding the hills in Santa Monica anymore
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- But he there was a time he was and in the policies that have led to California's demise
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- Promoted in some way by Kamala. I think that's what's going on Now this election is whether the
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- United States will be, California Yeah, I think that for the second part of that question
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- John the reality is is the Democrat Party told Brown church look hold off.
- 05:36
- No, no, no political. I mean, no, no riots. No shaming None of that stuff this summer after the election if we don't get our way
- 05:43
- We're gonna go all in it's gonna be chaos on the streets And they're going to unleash the various terrorist groups that are already here and the various, you know
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- Gangs, Venice, William and otherwise that are already here So we are going to see chaos in the streets when when
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- Trump is elected, I you know You're quite you're making the call I make the call now, they'll be over -the -top cheating and all of that.
- 06:09
- But I think that the cheat I think that the enthusiasm for a
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- Trump presidency again is going to overwhelm their ability to Kind of Jimmy the chief so I don't
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- I don't see that impacting it as much it's still gonna be there But yeah, well by the way as far as the violence and all that you can be sure it's only gonna happen in Democrat -led cities
- 06:33
- It's not Because they won't put up with that, right? Yeah.
- 06:38
- Yeah, that's probably true I live across the river from kind of a blue area and we have a bridge and are obviously a river that the bridge connects us, but the river separates us and That's That's my saving grace.
- 06:54
- I suppose in in an event that Trump wins because I know just across the river from me
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- There will probably be some Protests and who knows it may even turn violence. They had some heavy
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- BLM protests last time around So so here's the question
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- What I this is the title of the podcast. This is what I wanted to spend most of our time talking about Make the case for Trump them because I see a lot of Christians online.
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- I don't know if I should say a lot, but it's the ones that are saying this are aggressive and very adamant let's say and there they tend to be on places like X and they will say that Trump is a
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- Compromised candidate and some of the what they say kind of makes sense I can understand that they'll say that he has shifted on abortion to being more
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- Pro -choice We're pro abortion or less anti abortion.
- 07:51
- However, you want to frame that and he is also Pro LGBT in some ways,
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- I guess he's against transgender sports or transgender surgery operations for children but he's also fine with same -sex marriage and he'll say things like My presidency is gonna be great for gay rights or my presidency is gonna be great for women who
- 08:13
- You know women's health care and by that he's talking about I can't remember actually the phrase I don't think he said health care it was women's issues or something, but it was the frame of it was talking about IVF and abortion and some other things so Make me the case if I'm a
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- Christian who is Skeptical about this and thinks maybe we can just wait another four years and then we can come back with Ron DeSantis.
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- Let's say So, let me start so first of all
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- We have a responsibility and So so let me talk about biblically.
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- What is a Christian to do and let's forget the Trump versus Harris for a second I know that that's the binary choice, but you know, there are certain things that we as a
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- Body of Christ have to you know, sort of straighten out first So we were born into a place where God has given us the right than privilege and the responsibility to actually be able to vote
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- So this is a wonderful opportunity If you're born here in America, all right to participate in what
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- God ordained as a representative Republic And I say God ordained very specifically and purposely
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- We didn't arrive here in America just virally and and decide we're going to do a representative
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- Republic No, we look to the Word of God and we saw what God did with the children of Israel Leaving the
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- Hebrew enslavement and what he did what he said through Jethro giving Moses the mandate command
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- To make sure to have everybody, you know break break the hundreds of thousands out here in the wilderness break them up in tribes and have everybody participate in selecting their representative
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- You know tribal leader or their government and so that's how it was done Exodus 18
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- The entire chapter lays it out for you. It's very clear and then he says do this as I God Commands so the responsibility for every
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- Christian is To is to actually participate in this when we say oh,
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- I'm not going to vote. All right, Rick Mickey Mouse All right, Jesus Christ Guess what? You're not participating because your vote is not counting.
- 10:28
- Actually it is Your vote is counting to maintain the status quo
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- That that's what it's doing so for all of you people that say well, you know, he changes the idea about you know abortion
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- And so therefore he's no good or he's he's morally compromised or or he's compromised on all these other issues.
- 10:46
- Guess what? You have a binary choice You must vote if you don't vote out of your sanctimony
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- That's fine. Just know what you're doing. You're empowering the existing status quo. There's no other way around it everybody over 18 in America votes you either vote passively or you vote actively a
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- Passive vote is a vote that you know, it's not going to count So you can write Rand Paul Ron Paul Jesus Christ Mickey Mouse, whatever on your ballot
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- But guess what? You're actually empowering the existing state The only way to change the existing state is to cast an active vote
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- So, you know our friend Bill Federer wrote a recent book, you know silent equals consent
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- When you silence when you're silent, you're not voting You're saying look I'm consenting to the existing status quo.
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- I don't care if we murder children. It's fine We could you know, we're not nine month And she we know that Kamala is gonna do that and make it a federal mandate up to nine months and even after birth
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- They can decide to kill the child and cut off the body parts and sell it or whatever. They're gonna do Uh, that's what you're empowering when you don't vote that I wish it was easier for me to tell you that but that's a fact
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- Undeniable. The only way to change that is to actively vote for a person that's on the ballot
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- That your vote will actually count towards and there's right now. There's two people So it may be inconvenient for us who may you know, both people are morally compromised both people have all kinds of issues
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- I get it. I understand But your godly responsibility per Exodus 18, which
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- God established for us as a body of Christ to provide a representative government
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- That's what we're supposed to do. And he said, you know, basically he gave us also the he says look
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- Appoint capable men and appoint leaders. Okay, and then he says God -fearing men who can be trusted and cannot be bribed
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- So he gave us some criteria God -fearing Cannot be brought China. They're not in China's pocket.
- 12:51
- They're not in Soros pocket. They're not in There's only one candidate who everybody can attest.
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- He may be horrible, but that brother can't be bribe man My brother and as far as God -fearing, you know, he sees what happened with this recent assassination
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- So there's all kinds of inconveniences about us aligning behind. Let's say Trump But the fact is we have a binary choice and we have a responsibility and we must carry it out
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- It can be in as it is That's what we must do I was I was a little both Neil and I were troubled several months ago when you had some pastors on here and it's
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- Especially one pastor who we know we like But he says look we don't have to vote Well again a passive vote a no vote is literally a vote for the status quo
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- So if you like how things are going fine, you're your vote, you know, you you could vote or not vote doesn't matter
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- Still want to count the same way But if you don't like how things are going, you don't like the you know, you know killing babies after birth, you know you don't like Grandmothers who who are fixed incomes and have overwhelming
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- Inflation you don't like our children being defiled and their body parts cut out. You don't like you know, all of these other arduous and Destructive policies that are affecting the church
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- You don't you don't like the fact that you can't go in front of a clinic and pray without being jailed for up to nine
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- Years, uh, you don't like those things. So guess what you have to actively vote to change it that's that's the
- 14:25
- That's the reality Yeah, go ahead Neil. Yeah. Thank you Neil. I just to set it up We were at a conference earlier this year and I know you and I sat at the same table
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- I actually hope the gentleman who was Giving me a hard time for voting for Trump Maybe listens to this because there was someone there who was very anti -abortion to his own credit, which
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- I am as well and But but that was the baseline for his disapproval
- 14:52
- In fact, he had said it that I was compromised if I voted for Trump that I Think he even said
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- I was in sin or at least he implied that that I would be in sin for doing so I obviously don't see it that way, but you were
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- Privy to that conversation you were just awesome of it. So You know, maybe if we were if we had him with us
- 15:12
- What would you say to him to convince him actually even on the abortion issue? Trump's a better candidate here.
- 15:19
- Well, I mean and since I did have a Discussion with him about you did. Yes, because he then came later that's anyone came later to a prayer rally we had at the
- 15:31
- Capitol here in Idaho and he was handing out these abolition flyers, which I'm again.
- 15:36
- I'm a hundred percent for abolishing Abortion but we have to understand how to get there.
- 15:44
- His thing was oh look. Here's a candidate who voted for On the ballot basically that said you can't do abortions in Idaho except in the case of life of the mother rape or incest right now
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- We all know that we can argue that even in case of labor rape or incest. You should not allow abortions
- 16:05
- However, getting a majority educating a majority of the Senate and the house to that fact is not easy
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- And so this was a compromise that stopped almost 99 .5
- 16:17
- % of all abortions in Idaho, right? And so his argument was no no We should continue to let all the abortions happen
- 16:24
- Until we can pass a law that abolishes abortion and I said this makes no sense because let me ask you this
- 16:30
- Let's say I'm in a hostage situation, right? I have a hundred babies a hundred kids in a hostage situation with a gunman and the gunman comes to me and says and we
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- Negotiate for hours and hours and days and days and finally he says to me. Oh look. Okay.
- 16:45
- I've listened to you I will let 99 of the kids out But I'm gonna hold on to that one kid as a hostage
- 16:53
- Do I say no, no, no, no, we're gonna take all either we take all 100 or nothing. No deal
- 16:58
- No, I'm gonna run in and take those 99 kids I'm gonna save them and then I'll come back for the other 1 %
- 17:04
- So that's what we're doing here. We are trying to save 99 % of the situation here and for you to come and say no no deal
- 17:12
- Kill all the Jews if you don't give us 100 % of the Jews you can kill them all Right.
- 17:17
- No, I'll take 99 % of the Jews. I'll save as many Jews as I can but Hitler No, I'm not gonna make a deal with you where I'm not gonna deal with these abolitionists who say no
- 17:27
- No, you got to release all the Jews or we're not gonna save any Jews, right? Schindler didn't do that.
- 17:32
- He's like I'm gonna say five ten a hundred I'm gonna do as many as I can and whenever I can
- 17:38
- I'm gonna say what I can and that's the way we should be Acting and for him to go in there and say this I thought was just for crosses
- 17:44
- So let's look at Trump and the real question for Trump is look you look I didn't vote for Trump the first time round because I thought this guy was exactly what everybody thought he was going that everybody today was going to be and I didn't vote for him right and But I was so amazed and so surprised about how he actually
- 18:03
- Governed that I was taken aback and I'm 100 % from no, he's not perfect. But remember you are not voting for Trump You're voting for Ben Carson you're voting for who's gonna cut all the fat in the in the country
- 18:18
- Elon Musk you're voting for who's going to go in and make sure that our our health care really is health care with RFK you're gonna you're voting in for Jack Hibbs as a counselor.
- 18:30
- It's not Trump. Remember in the Old Testament when Jeroboam and Rehoboam were having this fight and and Rehoboam goes to the man
- 18:37
- He says what advice should I take about? My father was a big socialist Solomon. He took all the taxes
- 18:43
- What should I tell that the people and and the old man said tell the people that you will reign in a better way and the young men said no, no, no tell the people you'll be worse than their father and He took the advice of the young man and guess what if this kingdom was split
- 18:58
- The question is whose advice is Trump taking from we what we've seen he's taking the advice of the
- 19:03
- Jack games He's taking the advice of the Ben Carson He's taking the advice of the people that that have guided him along the path.
- 19:10
- He's taking the advice of hiring up Appointing three judges now look folks.
- 19:15
- I don't care where you stand on it before Trump Every every president said oh, we'll try to stop abortion.
- 19:22
- We'll try to stop abortion. It was Trump who stopped Roe v. Wade That's a Trump who destroyed Roe v.
- 19:27
- Wade. It was Trump that canceled it You you didn't get that with anybody else. You only got that with Trump. How dare
- 19:34
- Do you think that Trump is not going to be doing what you want? Yeah. Yeah Oh, he's mushy on this is wishing that the question is who is advising him at the end of the day
- 19:43
- But let me say this you said great great points Neil and I think what's in back of everybody's mind is
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- Well, you know what you would you raise John? You know, let's see if we don't vote for him if we don't it's fine if he loses this time
- 20:00
- Kamala has it and then maybe next time we get somebody that's more pure. That's more sanctimonious that more fits my personal style
- 20:07
- Here's a here's a fact We and I've already done the research folks
- 20:12
- Neil and I this is what we do. We write books on this stuff Okay, so we bring receipts if you want receipts bring us in Let's sit down and chop it up.
- 20:21
- Okay. Here's the deal. We have central bank digital currencies Biden's 14067 that he put it's an executive order 14067 that he did about a year and a half two years ago and And the central banks he says look all the banks the
- 20:36
- United States must be ready for our next financial crisis Which of course no cause? So they can get us in the
- 20:41
- Great Reset. This is scripted. It is On schedule and it will happen if they get this second term that it's just there the banks on last year said
- 20:53
- Yep, we're all ready. So chase Wells Fargo all of they tested this the digital currencies. They're ready to do it.
- 20:59
- They're ready So that's number one number two bricks bricks nations, you know,
- 21:05
- Brazil Russia India China in South South Africa And now they've added some more like 36 different nations now is competing with our petrol dollars.
- 21:17
- So that currency is Positioned to posit potentially take over in the not -too -distant future.
- 21:23
- That's another ominous sign then you have Then you have Kamala saying we are going to raise the lid on the
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- Supreme Court We're gonna put 12 15 17 whatever we need to do to permanently enshrine leftist progressive
- 21:36
- Marxism Okay, so and have those have the Supreme Court then come down with decisions that are always leftist
- 21:44
- Okay, and then number four she says and we're going to give everybody that's coming over these past several years voting rights, which will overrule and basically disenfranchise every single
- 21:54
- American that we can vote now and actually have some power modicum of power It's going to be gone.
- 22:00
- So so so when you say we can wait till next time folks
- 22:06
- There is no next time. This is it. We are on the precipice of Economic global calamity it's going to happen if they get an opportunity
- 22:17
- You know Harris is a globalist communist. She is this is her history.
- 22:22
- So she's like a She will push us towards the World Economic Forum Great Reset. This is not hyperbole.
- 22:29
- This is happening. This is scheduled to happen She was going to they weren't going to support me to the us to the
- 22:35
- World Health Organization this past May But Biden said hey, let's take it off the table We can't subordinate the u .s.
- 22:41
- Constitution of the World Health Organization where you can declare a patch the pandemics and close all the businesses yet We'll do it next year.
- 22:48
- So they put it off until next May you better believe if Kamala is in office It's going to happen.
- 22:53
- They want to go globalist, you know, Kami So so, you know these people that are not voting
- 23:02
- That say oh, well, he's not pure enough for me. He's not right on Just just just know that you are the leftist communist best friend right now, they love you
- 23:11
- They may hate what you stand for which supposedly God But they love the fact that you're not going to vote because it empowers them all the more you're not voting against Kamala So you are their best friend you are they're using you as a strategy to try to gain the
- 23:28
- White House I hope you understand that all of you people are faith And I know there's a lot of people of faith that watches John Harris and they show in this podcast
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- All of you people of faith must vote if you don't you are empowering.
- 23:41
- I Wish I could be you know more sober and to give you some good news today the good news is is you have the right and the capacity to vote righteously if you don't you are
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- Empowering those that you say you hate you just despise because they don't love life.
- 23:57
- They don't love God and all of this You're actually standing with them Yeah, so here's another thing that I people of faith are watching down all the time.
- 24:06
- And this is what I tell all my pastor friends Because when I didn't vote for Obama either time,
- 24:13
- I got the brothers coming up to me people in my own family and all around Yeah, how can you vote for the brother? I said man, it's not my vote
- 24:19
- And they look at me like come on. What do you mean? It's not your book. I said, well, I don't know about you
- 24:25
- But when I accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord that was a very very real thing for me and so if Jesus is my
- 24:31
- Lord Lord means master Master means it's not my decision
- 24:38
- It's his So for all of us who would like to be selfish and say well, he doesn't fit my standard.
- 24:44
- It's not about you It's about God and his will and since you're under his
- 24:49
- Lordship, you vote his way and what is his way? His way is to vote those more closely aligned with his word
- 24:59
- Now you can't say that you don't have a stark reality here there are some that are completely not aligned at all in any way shape or form and there's some that have and there's one that has a
- 25:13
- Modicum of alignment go even further Genesis 1 let's go to Genesis 1 just a foundation just God's foundation
- 25:19
- Genesis 1 God created the heavens and the earth. Okay, so if God created the heavens and the earth That means that God's in control what happens on his earth
- 25:26
- That means we should be good stewards of it, but we can't control it because God is in control Now those on the other side say no no, no
- 25:34
- God. He doesn't draw anything We you know with co2s and all that we have to mandate we have to control because we we control everything
- 25:42
- Now these are the same people. They said look we're gonna have global warming global cooling We're gonna earth is gonna burn up in seven years.
- 25:48
- Oh, and then they revise it every seven years But so these are those people. Okay, so that's a stark contrast.
- 25:54
- All right, number two God created male and female Adam and Eve. All right, so there are some that say well no forget
- 26:00
- God God didn't actually create those. We have furries. We have doggies. We have 140 different genders
- 26:07
- You know, we have that side and then you have something to say don't know that we have two species to biological
- 26:15
- You know organism xx and sy chromosome God created them both male and female that's it
- 26:20
- Okay, then God said be fruitful and multiply okay, so so we have one side that says look we should have as many babies we can have and Give the power to the states to decide their own how they want to do that And then you have the other side that says no no, no, no
- 26:34
- We didn't kill we need to kill the mother can decide to kill these babies even up to and after birth
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- So you have stark contrast with just the foundations Of God and who he is in his work.
- 26:47
- I Didn't go into any other policy. You don't need to So for you to say, oh, I can't discern God's will
- 26:52
- I know he's my lord, but he ain't telling me anything Oh, the Spirit's not telling me. Stop it Stop it.
- 26:58
- This is a stark contrast here. I Challenge you to tell me that this is not true
- 27:06
- So just vote Accordingly, that's all we're not asking you to vote. You don't have to love the man.
- 27:11
- You don't have to love all this policy You don't have to love who he has around him. You don't have to love his moral the character This you don't have to love his history.
- 27:17
- Just vote the Word of God and just let it go. It's not your vote It's God's vote. So don't you have to you don't have to feel anything about it.
- 27:24
- No emotion. Just just vote. Okay. All right Well with that and that thank you for that What's that I Said let me put a smile on that.
- 27:36
- Oh, I am sick right now So I've I I am agreeing with what you're saying as far as I'm gonna be voting for Trump But I do think that well, let me let me summarize because I wrote down What I heard both of you saying it seems like in a positive sense
- 27:51
- You're saying that there are other issues. So there's banking you mentioned Supreme Court you've mentioned immigration policies and More mild
- 28:00
- Paula. Well, I don't know how you would frame it but abortion policies that are not not as radical as Kamala Harris He's at least gonna leave it up to the states
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- He's not trying to push for a federal abortion policy that's similar to Roe so You're voting for a team, which
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- I thought was also an excellent point and I've noticed that with every presidency It's not you're voting for someone who's gonna bring with them a certain
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- Caliber of bright minds and Those minds are going to be the ones crafting most of the policies making most of the decisions
- 28:34
- Trump probably doesn't make most of the decisions he is given it's really who are your personnel personnel is policy and so The Trump team has much better personnel than maybe even the candidate himself.
- 28:48
- So these are the positive things I've heard you say in a negative sense. You said that Trump is superior to Kamala even though he's flawed
- 28:57
- So that's sort of the defensive Reaction to those who would try to push
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- Kamala like evangelicals for Kamala Harris or Those who would see
- 29:08
- Trump as morally bankrupt and not an option to vote for because you're starting with the assumption that this is a binary choice and because of that you have one or two options and One option is disaster.
- 29:21
- The other option you have a fighting chance So you can you can have your more anti -abortion policies on the state level
- 29:27
- You can have maybe even a more anti -abortion candidate in four years or eight years
- 29:33
- With Trump, but with Kamala it's game over. That's good. That's what I'm hearing so so Neil, I would ask you this and you could take this whatever direction you'd like to take it, but Kevin just said essentially, this is
- 29:48
- The principles of God's Word that should determine your vote. What is closer to what
- 29:54
- God thinks is morally acceptable One of the
- 30:00
- Things that I know and I'll just say his name because I think you were referring to me earlier Kevin but one of the things pastor
- 30:05
- Kerry Gordon said when he was on this podcast and he's a good friend is that The passage that you just cited in Exodus where there's qualifications given
- 30:16
- Principles really I think it's more of a prudential thing. You have this problem get these guys who can't be bribed who are wise
- 30:25
- The that was the very passage he brought up to say Trump is not qualified Trump does not meet this standard and I've come to the decision in my own mind that this was not
- 30:37
- This was circumstantial. It was wisdom that cuts across time and space, but this was also
- 30:44
- In the circumstances that he had available to him. He had those resources. He could make that decision
- 30:50
- There was men who were of good character and virtue that he could choose from We're not we have two options.
- 30:56
- The primary was the time in my mind to make these decisions But we're past that point and we have
- 31:02
- Trump and with all his moral flaws and all the rest. So Neil maybe make the case for Christians who want to be purist about this and want to say that this is a
- 31:13
- Universal principle that they have to meet these minimum standards and they think Trump doesn't meet them somehow
- 31:19
- If Obama was running against Hitler. Oh boy.
- 31:27
- Why are you doing this to us? Come on you have to choose the lesser of evils
- 31:33
- I mean if Obama was running against mother Teresa or Billy Graham when you voted for Billy Graham or mother
- 31:40
- Teresa, you're still voting for the lesser of evils You can't you have to make a decision if you say
- 31:46
- I'm not gonna vote for either Obama or or Hitler And Hitler wins that blood is on your hands
- 31:54
- You I mean here let me state something that I think that most pastors don't seem to calculate in their thinking
- 32:00
- It's just taking me a few minutes here Lucifer was the greatest creation from the beginning of time the
- 32:06
- Morning Star was a bright and shining one but he was supplanted by a new special creation that God made and Lucifer hated that creation and that creation was mankind and so Lucifer tried to waylay them and destroy them
- 32:19
- Right from the beginning perhaps He was hoping that God and his righteous anger would destroy this failed creation and go back to his old creation
- 32:27
- But he didn't so what did Satan do he did his best He has done his best to deceive and kill as many humans as possible.
- 32:35
- How do you kill the most humans you want? How do you kill God's prized possessions God's prized?
- 32:42
- Creation that the well if you want to kill humans you can come through wars you can kill it through disease You can close the famine you can do it through civil unrest or you can do it through oppression
- 32:51
- But do you know there's one single Avenue that if you can control you can do all of that You can deceive humans start wars bring disease cause famine create civil unrest and oppress millions
- 33:02
- And I hope you're 30 seconds ahead of me if Satan could control government he can do all those things all the time to all mankind and Destroy God's creation government is the most powerful agent of evil there can ever be
- 33:17
- Can you doubt that Satan wants to control government? So pastors do not imagine that Satan has spent his time since the garden taking over governments
- 33:27
- Can you imagine that it must have vexed Satan greatly when the
- 33:32
- United States created a government that? disrupted all of his ancient plans of Dictatorships and manipulation and forcing people and oppression and slavery
- 33:41
- Can you imagine that he has been slowly working to take back control of it? And he wants your lackadaisical
- 33:48
- Attitude to continue because the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing
- 33:54
- And you know pastors if you sit on the fence, you know, you've heard this story. I'm sure you have the fence story, right?
- 34:00
- There's a guy sitting on a fence and God comes in and says you need to make a decision Which side of the fence you're going to be on and then
- 34:06
- Satan comes in says no No, no, you don't need to make any decision You can stay in the fence and decide and decide and decide and then a few days later
- 34:13
- Satan comes says, okay You're mine and the guy says I haven't decided and Satan says oh, well you forget
- 34:18
- I own the fence. Oh So is there
- 34:24
- I that to bring it into the realm of the abstract but is there a point in which
- 34:31
- You have two flawed candidates one might be slightly better than the other but they don't this is a question
- 34:37
- I've been asked they don't meet a minimum standard in other words like to give you a concrete example if you had two cannibals and One of them, you know likes to eat a hundred people and one of them only likes to eat 99 people, right?
- 34:51
- You know, is there a and that's your binary choice. Do you vote for the one who eats the 99? I mean, these are the
- 34:56
- I Mean it would be one thing if that was our choice, but it's not our choice our choices
- 35:04
- Okay, you know it is do it. Do you want the guy that's gonna kill a hundred percent or kill only one percent?
- 35:13
- That's our choice. We're not talking about we're talking about You know, we're talking about controlling abortion.
- 35:20
- We're talking about control I mean, I have a list of things that we can go through and I think and I've itemized it here real quick It's like if you it's
- 35:29
- Pick we're not talking about Extremes here. We're talking about I mean, let me rephrase that we're talking
- 35:36
- We are talking about extremes when it comes to policy Trump is why Roe v. Wade was overthrown if you let
- 35:41
- Harris win Well abortion increase or decrease you think four years of dead babies is okay. Oh, yeah We'll let babies die for another four years, right?
- 35:50
- And then the question is why did Trump shift on abortion? Well, that's because his some of his people are advising him not the people that will run the country
- 35:57
- But somebody's right. Hey, you're gonna lose these people if you don't late, you know, because because of Roe v.
- 36:02
- Wade now This becomes a big issue. All the leftists are gonna come out. He's trying to dissuade them Well, that's a good tactic or not.
- 36:08
- You can decide I'm not a campaign manager, right? if Trump is if Harris wins what happened to David Daleiden you guys know the story of David Daleiden David Daleiden goes and he finds that There's a company selling baby parts and they have a ordering portlets of babies and he's proves that the abortion clinics are delaying
- 36:27
- Pregnancy so they can get a 32 week baby Brains that they can sell and guess who went after him who went after him
- 36:34
- Harris went after him She prosecuted not the guy was revealing the baby selling scheme in the baby marriage again, but delight in it
- 36:42
- We have a video of Biden appointing Harris's boris Illegal immigration that's kill hundreds and then a lot of gas to take over But I could go through it sex trafficking the economy defunding the police
- 36:53
- Small business support fracking you want our energy prices to go fracking the national debt will increase or decrease
- 37:00
- Will school choice expanded this or contract will inflation get worse?
- 37:05
- Well, how about the mandatory gun buyback program that she wants implement? How are they going to get our guns from the
- 37:10
- Second Amendment? Yeah, you're going to give your guns up No, there's going to be murders and killings when when people come to take your guns.
- 37:16
- She wants to stack the Supreme Court How about Biden gave under Harris's approval presumably? She gave billions and billions to Hamas that allowed the
- 37:25
- Islamic States to come take over Remember when Obama was president how millions of Christians were killed in the
- 37:30
- Middle East and how when Trump came? We never heard of Isis anymore why they disappeared overnight If you left
- 37:35
- Paris when the health care is go up cost go up with the government surveillance increase Will you be censored or social media with you?
- 37:42
- Will your public schools be teaching critical race theory? will the unit us be unified or divided and and Finally, if you let
- 37:50
- Harris win will they let babies be born and left on the table while they decide if it's going to be Going to allow them to live and this is a direct quote from an official and I'm just getting started
- 37:59
- I mean the real question. I know are you going to be a useful idiot? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's exactly right
- 38:04
- And I'll add to that. All right, you're perfectly fine with having our children defile and manipulate it and their brains destroyed.
- 38:11
- Yeah They're born in the wrong body and they're actually a furry get their body parts lopped off Have them with experimental drugs at least
- 38:19
- FD these drugs that they for hormones that they give me these children are not Tested for children.
- 38:24
- These are very very strong drugs and they're adult tested but not children tested So so you're perfectly fine with that.
- 38:32
- We're gonna stay silent and complicit with that You know Bonhoeffer said silence in the face of evil is itself evil
- 38:38
- So if you if you if you say look, I don't okay forget y 'all. I don't care. I'm still not gonna vote All right, you're evil.
- 38:43
- It's no problem. It's no problem, you know It's okay, but by definition just know what you are.
- 38:50
- I Got you. So here's it is What we're saying is the margins
- 38:56
- I think what John's question was was you know, you know How do you what we're saying is look it's not that hard, right?
- 39:05
- Vote for those that are more closely aligned and I'm talking about the top and all the down to Go vote for alignment.
- 39:12
- We don't have perfect people Jesus Christ is not running Even if we on this podcast were to run we're not perfect We may sound like we got it all together.
- 39:23
- We're not we're flawed human wretched and in our own ways So so even if we ran you'd find all kinds of issues
- 39:30
- So that's not that come on. Stop this If you're gonna look at Exodus, you can say well see this is why he's disqualified to stop it
- 39:38
- What what what what what God was telling Jethro to tell Moses was look. These are the principles
- 39:45
- These are the parameters you get people that more closely of a line or fit within these ideals
- 39:53
- But there was no perfect people even in the children of Israel in those tribes been none
- 39:58
- Yeah, so this is a ridiculous argument, it's it's sophomoric it's it's just not it's not thoughtful It's it's actually irrational because what you're saying is we actually do have perfect people that we need to decide from maybe we can get
- 40:13
- Perfect people next election. Hey go have yeah There are no perfect. I think that not what you're both saying get cuts to the heart of this with you know
- 40:22
- The list of here's all the negative things that will happen And it really does come to that when
- 40:27
- I look at my daughter and I think of my family and I think of those I'm responsible for more broadly.
- 40:32
- I want to do what's the best thing for them? And I know all the policies everything you're talking about.
- 40:40
- It's terrible for them And so yeah, of course if you had two cannibals and they're both gonna eat my family I have no option. Of course,
- 40:45
- I get that but we're not in that situation we're in a situation where I can have actual
- 40:50
- I a Trump presidency would bring tangible actual good to my family.
- 40:57
- My daughter will be in a safer more economically beneficial environment
- 41:04
- Than she is right now and that's that's as a father I think that really that's what it comes down to for me and I'm voting for a certain outcome
- 41:13
- I'm voting for a team that it can bring that outcome about I Understand this man is the he's the carrier of the platform.
- 41:20
- He's a figurehead. I under there's some things I don't like about them changing the Republican platform, but I realize my options are limited, you know
- 41:28
- Don't let me jump in right here. Let me yeah, please do I mean there are a couple of things that we were
- 41:33
- Where it's it's like what the left does they cause a problem and then they blame us for the problem
- 41:40
- Okay Why is there a problem that the Republican platform was diminished that was
- 41:48
- Compromised let me tell you why there's a problem because pastors were not involved in it because for the last 40 years pastors were not getting the people to go out and get elected as Republican because pastors were you know, look in the
- 42:01
- Old Testament Kings would ask the Prophet saying should I go to war right? Pastors that's your job.
- 42:07
- You're the prophets today. What King has been asking you? What if I we've gone to war so many times have you gone to the president and said no, this is a bad war
- 42:15
- This is good. Have you opined? Have you gotten involved in a position of power? Have you been influential how dare you tell us?
- 42:21
- Well, we're gonna back off now. Well, you've been backing off for the last 40 years That's why the Republican platform But that's why we have a
- 42:28
- Ronald Donald Trump running and not a Billy Graham running or someone because nobody up there is running
- 42:34
- Good You started this problem and now you're blaming us for it. Yes.
- 42:39
- We're trying to fix what you've done in the last 40 50 years Here all the time across the country
- 42:46
- Neil and I go across the country all the time when we still hear a pastor saying well We don't get political Excuse me
- 42:53
- You you you you you create a vacuum in culture by not being political by being sanctimonious
- 43:00
- Oh, we just don't do church and what happens If I recall correctly
- 43:06
- John you're a theologian help me to understand this Did Jesus say look I want you to take my kingdom in all domains, but you know, don't participate civically
- 43:15
- Just just demarcate the political domain. Don't take the kingdom there Just keep that one and you could do what you want in it.
- 43:24
- No Hmm It's supposed to be spread in every area in every, you know form of existence of human existence
- 43:35
- He was the kingdom to be spread and yet we as pastors and ministers Oh, well, we know we don't we don't do it on the politically and then we wonder why is culture so demonic?
- 43:45
- Why is it? Oh, why is everything so jacked up? The condition of America is a report card of the church
- 43:52
- Heart stop, I wish it were different because I'm part of the body and I'm a minister here and I'm a doctor you know in this so The reality is is
- 44:03
- I want it to be different but so many pastors through our own sanctimony Well, no, man, we don't we don't participate in that.
- 44:12
- That's and then we wonder Nature abhors a vacuum. This is a truism throughout wherever So we created a vacuum in civic engagement and guess what we're reaping the harvest and so now we have to do our part just vote for those more closely aligned and And and trust
- 44:32
- God and and his word and his will we don't have to be emotional about it About this party of that party of this individual that but because under lordship, it just doesn't matter
- 44:41
- We just a conduit a vessel to be used by him in the season So, let's just do that and do it well and just keep keep it moving, okay money had a liberal church one last thing
- 44:52
- This is a risk that a lot of people are just completely ignoring The fact is is Biden came out earlier this year and he says look we're on the brink of nuclear armageddon
- 45:00
- And this was just with Ukraine and Russia now you throw in the mix since that time
- 45:07
- Israel and Iran and then you throw in just since this last week we have
- 45:13
- China and Enveloping Taiwan so And so you throw in that so we do we are literally on the cusp of nuclear armageddon
- 45:23
- Now who has the track record for sitting down? Sydney's joke is down slapping them across the face and saying no y 'all get this straight
- 45:32
- Straighten this out and go You know in this the only person that we have in our history
- 45:38
- It's Trump who can do that? You could you imagine Kamala tackling comma Kamala going up to G talking about a well don't take
- 45:47
- Taiwan. It's okay Excuse me. Gee, we'll laugh her off the roof. She's gonna sit down with the I told us that I ran and say
- 45:53
- Oh, don't do no more did come on She won't sit down with with Putin and she'll sit down with Zelensky, you know, he's a joke
- 46:01
- He's an actor but Putin she gonna sit down with Putin say, you know, no, so we have a responsibility in this election
- 46:08
- So let's do it Amen. Well, let's get to some of these questions There's some good questions coming in and then you guys can plug some of what you're doing here.
- 46:17
- So let's start By the way, if you're listening you have questions, please get them in now because I'm seeing a lot of them come in All right.
- 46:26
- So let's start here Let's see Bauer power says
- 46:31
- Kamala just told two young men who yelled Jesus is Lord. Christ is King. You are in the wrong rally I don't understand how any
- 46:37
- Christian can vote for her. Yeah, I saw that too And then JD Vance, of course actually said
- 46:42
- Christ is King in the crowd cheered And I saw Trump last night. He actually highlighted this and said that Kamala doesn't like Christians.
- 46:50
- I do basically So, I don't know. It seems pretty obvious to me. But All right
- 46:57
- Leha Laughlin says Trump is the son of perdition leading the fall ago a foretold absolutely shipwrecking religious morality
- 47:04
- Trump removed abortion from the Republican platform. There's no reason to vote for Trump. Yeah, that's when
- 47:09
- I hear a lot How comes more
- 47:16
- Christians weren't in that platform to say deciding how come more Christians weren't position It's because we haven't been running
- 47:23
- Chris Christians have not been involved politics Passes have not been involved in politics passes not got engaged in and advising the
- 47:29
- Kings I mean what part of Eli Samuel Elijah Elisha John the Baptist role is not our low role
- 47:35
- It's all our role and that's why that happened and and yes But the reality is that he's going he's the one who stopped
- 47:42
- Roe v. Wade He's the one who's going right more abortions and yet you want to say no, I'm not gonna vote for him
- 47:48
- I'm just gonna let it I win I do think it is important people should go read the Republican platform because I hear a lot of people saying this and I Agree that it should should not have been softened.
- 47:59
- But when you read it, it is not a pro abortion platform in the sense that They're advocating a national abortion.
- 48:06
- That's a good point. Yeah, that's a great point Yeah, it's it's not because because I I heard the press before I actually read it and there's actually some things about the new platform
- 48:16
- I like Now again, I I agree. They should not have been softened but for example the
- 48:23
- I talked a lot of this program about the proposition nation stuff this idea that America is just an idea that idea is equality and we use this the left uses this to try to Take all of these newly arrived migrants who have come in mostly illegally and say that they can be
- 48:38
- Americans because they're on the magic soil or We can go into the Middle East and we can plant America there and it doesn't matter if their
- 48:45
- Traditions are different and they're Muslim Right and the and the Republicans in their platforms if you go back to like 2008 they've always mimicked this language the new platform does not the new platform sees
- 48:58
- America as a unique place that people have come to and they've Sacrificed it and those sacrifices and those heroic stories are what make
- 49:06
- America what it is It's a different definition and I think it's far superior to this abstract idea.
- 49:12
- America is just a quality Well, no, there's action It's not just this idea America's actual people who have done actual things who have made sacrifices who have given us
- 49:21
- The nation we have now that or the country we have now with all the benefits and so there's
- 49:27
- I'm just saying that the Republican Platform has also improved in some areas and I think it that should get some press.
- 49:32
- It doesn't And so that was my rant. I got to stop because we got questions for you guys
- 49:38
- How far can a candidate and or their policies stray from biblical values until is acceptable or even required for a
- 49:44
- Christian to not vote Or vote third party. Well, that's it's kind of getting at the question in a different angle
- 49:54
- Real quick and then so the bottom line is look is your vote gonna count you have two candidates where your vote will come so That's it.
- 50:02
- You can vote third party all you want. But like I said at the beginning that's a passive vote It's not going to count.
- 50:07
- It's not going to change the trajectory one iota so you can do that if you want participate with our leftist
- 50:12
- Marxist communist friends and And and hope that we all take on that your your idea
- 50:18
- Which is what they want. They're trying to gen this up within the body of Christ And so you can do that and participate with them all you want or you can you know trust and rely on what you know that God is hopefully telling you and You could see and discern in Genesis 1 where he wants you to vote and then vote according so that's it
- 50:38
- Go ahead. So yeah, so this is it back to our dilemma Billy Graham is running against Obama who's and who's running against Hitler all three are in the race
- 50:48
- Billy Graham has no chance of winning. But if you vote for Billy Graham Obama will lose Who do you vote for?
- 50:55
- You can't vote for Billy Graham. You have to vote for Obama to stop Hitler, right? I mean, this is the thought process that you have to go through you have to vote for the least evil person who can win
- 51:08
- It's You know, you're supposed to try and prevent we know the end is coming.
- 51:14
- Our job is to protect as many people Till that point so we can preach the gospel and continue to preach gospel
- 51:20
- And that's the next one is which person will allow you to preach the gospel more Harris or Trump, right? You have three people which vote will allow you to evangelize more peace gospel and don't give me this nonsense that Persecution helps the church.
- 51:35
- Okay, please. I have gone through this and it is false Persecution does not grow the church unless God steps in with visions.
- 51:43
- Yeah, I wish I had the chart I saw this chart of the Middle Eastern countries the percentage of Christians in 1960 and now yeah, it's insane
- 51:56
- Persecution does not grow the church unless God steps in and now the question is do you want to force God to step it first?
- 52:02
- God's hand to step it. No You want to be doing the evangelization? So one of the things you just said it and this is where I think it comes down for me because I've been asked this
- 52:09
- Question about the minimum standard so many times. So for me as I look at my family, I look at my little girl
- 52:15
- I think what would be to their advantage as soon as I have
- 52:20
- Candidates where I know voting for them will not be through their advantage. It will be to their destruction That's kind of my that's my standard.
- 52:27
- That's what I'm looking at Now this is according to what God obviously says in his law the universal principles
- 52:33
- God has already laid down because that determines how I think about what's good for my daughter, but But I'm I'm evaluating this and if I have two candidates and both of them are just they want to destroy the life of my
- 52:45
- Daughter, let's say well, I don't have an option in that case I understand that but right now the option is
- 52:51
- I have someone who will Make my daughter's life better and I have someone who will make it significantly worse as a father.
- 52:58
- I have one choice. It's clear. So I have been accused of situation ethics for that.
- 53:03
- But it's not No, it's not. Yeah, and by the way, I explained that my book by the way, the book is
- 53:09
- Jesus is involved in politics Why aren't you why isn't your church? You can just look up Neil mom and mm -hmm on on Amazon.
- 53:18
- You'll find it but That we talk about that it's not situation there's a hierarchy of laws
- 53:24
- That the Bible gives us the highest law in the Bible is the law of life protection of life.
- 53:30
- That's highest Well, I mean above that actually is the glorification of God But the highest law of us beyond that is the protection of life
- 53:36
- Everything else falls below and you can lie like the midwives did to Pharaoh to protect life You can lie like Corey ten boom and their family had to do to protect the
- 53:45
- Jews. You can lie as a spy Like the the spies did when they went into Jericho or rehab did to protect the slide
- 53:53
- This life is at the top. God's honor is above that. So there is a hierarchy of laws.
- 53:59
- It's not Yeah, yeah more can be said about that maybe if we have time
- 54:04
- I don't think we will we can get Yes, that's a whole nother topic this situation ethics thing.
- 54:11
- All right, let's Get to this question. Brian says I don't see how Donald Trump can possibly win
- 54:16
- They obviously cheated in 2020. I believe they will and have gone to more lengths to keep him out of DC Brian Please don't say that to anyone
- 54:27
- So first of all, we have you know, God's sovereign will God protected them multiple times worth of assassinations
- 54:33
- So that that potentially is at work The other thing that we've done in the battleground states is we we've taken away some of these ways that they can cheat
- 54:41
- Will there be cheating? Yes, absolutely Absolutely But will are the right now the ballot boxes are being so overwhelmed with early votes for Trump that you even have you like mark silver and some of these leftist saying if this at this trajectory it
- 54:59
- The vote is going to be so overwhelming By the time Election Day comes there's no way that you can win
- 55:06
- But you know, they can't put the cheat the cheat can't be overwhelmed to such a degree You know and so it would they would have to go well beyond what they did with Biden.
- 55:17
- So yeah, I think we're okay Yeah, we have to you know, also I just want to add There's a lot of groups that have been doing things
- 55:25
- Not only lawsuits but inspections and different technologies that they've been enacting to test us out
- 55:31
- You know this you could go research that but there's I'm hoping God willing that those will be effective
- 55:37
- Okay, Jennifer Shotwell says will you address the ideology of communism? Actually we already did this
- 55:42
- So let's skip it to the next question because you talked about communism Kevin Chastis says how do we get pastors to actually engage in the political process?
- 55:51
- Well, that's right up your alley because that's the point of your organization and you seem a little frustrated. So Yeah, I would
- 56:02
- I will sit down to a debate with any pastor any day a very pleasant one But I'll tell you what the best way to do it
- 56:07
- If you want to get your past involved, you have to do two things one. You have to infiltrate your church. I Mean you have to get up in the ranks deacon elder get on the other board get advise you get close to the pastor and then advise them
- 56:19
- That way to get my book self promo buy my book. Don't give it to the pastor.
- 56:25
- He will not read it We'll go on a shelf Take that book read it invite the pastor to lunch and then read some of the more salacious
- 56:31
- Say pastor this crazy Indian immigrant from Africa says this.
- 56:37
- What do you think about it? And then have this dialogue with the pastor that's the only way you'll get your passion think about you give the book
- 56:44
- I mean, I'm happy for you to buy him give him the book But chances are you'll never read it. You've got to have engaged with them personally take my lunch
- 56:52
- Yeah, and and after that if you really want action, you really want to put your pastor on the spot You really say invite
- 56:58
- Kevin and Neil in Discussion You the rest of the leaders here.
- 57:03
- Yeah Well, you know if you if you haven't gotten it so far Neil and I don't miss words when it comes to the
- 57:10
- Word of God now, we don't do this pretentiously We don't do this, you know, because we think we're you know, theologians and all that No We just happen to know the
- 57:20
- Word of God to the extent that we feel comfortable in any environment any Environment to debate anybody at any time.
- 57:29
- So invite us in let us let us let us have that Ryan says 2nd
- 57:34
- Chronicles 11 14 through 17 sounds like a lesser of two evils option priest moved to Jerusalem to maintain
- 57:40
- Faithful worship and I have that actually so it said this is the section where? Rehoboam, let's see reigns over Judah and then
- 57:49
- Jeroboam appoints false priest So it says for the Levites left their pasture lands in their property and came to Judah and Jerusalem for Jeroboam and his sons
- 57:56
- Had excluded them from serving as priest to the Lord He set a priest of his own for the high places for the satyrs and the calves which he had made or satyrs rather those from all the tribes of Israel who had set their hearts on seeking the
- 58:10
- Lord God of Israel followed them to Jerusalem to sacrifice to the Lord God of their fathers They strengthened the kingdom of Judah and supported
- 58:18
- Rehoboam the son of Solomon for three years Where they walked in the way of David and Solomon for three years
- 58:24
- Maybe I'm missing something because I'm reading this and I'm wondering what the connection to lesser two evils is
- 58:32
- Yeah, I don't I well, I think the thing is that they left their lands and they went over to Where God are ordained?
- 58:39
- To you both I mean, this is the situation with God what they used to worship in the high places once the temple was both
- 58:45
- I don't know if that's a the best argument to bring up for voting for Trump, but that's interesting.
- 58:54
- I should probably look at that more Someone asked me if the guy who asked me if I was compromised if I voted for Trump was
- 59:03
- T Russell Hunter No, it wasn't him. No, it was it was someone else and it doesn't matter someone without I don't think a lot of institutional authority just Happen to come to a conference and we sat down for a meal and he was just very opinionated about that So we had a good discussion
- 59:20
- How do you feel about the Bible laying out an abortion ritual in numbers five says paddling
- 59:26
- Dan? What? An abortion ritual. Oh, I think I know what this is.
- 59:32
- Hey, actually Neal This is good for you because you're the apologist here So, let me go to numbers five just so we're
- 59:39
- You know, I think I've heard this before from atheists This is let's see
- 59:46
- Man, I wish he gave me which verse he was talking about cuz I'm looking at all of numbers five now to try to find it
- 59:52
- It's it's it's the verse though where it talks about But if somebody hits somebody else, yeah.
- 59:58
- Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah I have a whole answer to that in my abortion paper on my website
- 01:00:04
- No blind faith calm There is no support for abortion in that it says it's just talking about in fact this is this is if I'm not
- 01:00:13
- I don't I can go Read the whole thing but if I'd have to go and address it specifically but there is no abortion argument there
- 01:00:24
- There is it's not and and but and that's not the point of the show. Anyway, I'd love to do a show on abortion So we're not going to justify
- 01:00:33
- Trump going for abortion because of that anyway, so yeah, I can't actually Review it.
- 01:00:38
- It's been a while. I wrote that abortion paper about 20 years ago and it's in there Yeah, Becky. I did a moderated debate at a college on abortion.
- 01:00:45
- I think that came up when we were doing it and Yeah, it's a it's a stretch.
- 01:00:51
- I remember It's most of the chapter right after the first few puddling Dan says it's about protecting your
- 01:00:58
- Progeny from other men it makes a woman barren again. I'd have to look at it more closely.
- 01:01:04
- It's been a while since I You're really reading into it because it's about drinking water from the dust of the tabernacle floor.
- 01:01:10
- Why would that cause an abortion? There's no reason for you to think they would cause an abortion and then it says that God will judge from them
- 01:01:16
- It was more of a symbolic thing Michael Heiser probably can tell you more about what all that meant Yeah, well we're getting close to the end of the program anyways
- 01:01:26
- I want to give you guys both an opportunity to plug what you're doing. So Kevin we'll start with you I know you have a book out and You know, whatever else you want to talk about where you want to send people.
- 01:01:38
- This is your chance. Let them know All right. So my latest book is revealed the archetypes of American politics.
- 01:01:44
- All right, so These are archetypes that were that are driving actions and intentions as it relates to What are the various pathologies mindsets psyches that are driving people it doesn't matter either side
- 01:01:59
- But what are they operating from? And so this, you know, I've taken you know, one of Malcolm X speeches to the grassroots that he did in 1963 and provide you complete context with What our grassroots in America and American politics is right now made up of and I use the characterizations that he brings forth which is overlords house
- 01:02:22
- Negroes and field Negroes and Essentially, I break those down and help you to understand the actions and intentions of media
- 01:02:32
- Faith leaders Academia Pretty much all the domains and and help you to understand who are operating in those characteristics characteristics
- 01:02:45
- Characteristics today in those various domains and would help you to really understand what their motive
- 01:02:51
- Real motivations and actions and intentions are as it relates to they're driven by pathology.
- 01:02:56
- This breaks all that down It's a it's a book that's available on Amazon right now. It's an easy read
- 01:03:01
- Only about a hundred and hundred ten hundred twenty pages So it's get you through that.
- 01:03:07
- Thank you. I appreciate that Kevin and then Neil anything you want to say or Yeah, I think we probably should we're going over an hour so So the two books is
- 01:03:23
- Jesus is involved in politics. It's always hard when it's reversed. Why aren't you wise in your church?
- 01:03:29
- You can find it on Amazon Neil Momin as a spelling and then my new book
- 01:03:34
- Which is very appropriate a very controversy titled how to stop racism in America You know, it's basically again.
- 01:03:43
- If you just look up my name on Amazon, you'll find it But basically it's it goes through the entire history because you know, everybody's saying oh the reason why blacks are
- 01:03:53
- Discriminated against and why we have black flight and all this is all because of America's racist and all that and I go through all
- 01:04:00
- That and I explain the background of it and how to solve it and it's it's not what you think it is
- 01:04:06
- And that's what a lot of people are confused about. They're like, oh, it's because whites are racist. No, it's not
- 01:04:11
- It's not because whites are racist It's got a completely different reason and there's an easy way to stop I shouldn't say easy way, but there's a systematic way to solve that problem
- 01:04:18
- So, um, let me I'll wrap my part up here and then hand it over to you Kevin if you want a final word
- 01:04:24
- I just look I want to think about I want pastors to remember this especially if you're not voting or you're not or you're a
- 01:04:30
- Christian who doesn't vote imagine you stand before God and he says I blessed you to be part of a great nation the most giving nation in the world the most missional nation in the world a nation that sent the most doctors to the poor a nation of Evangelists you send the most evangelists out you printed the most
- 01:04:44
- Bible But instead of giving it back to me like that you made it a nation rather than funding evangelists outlawed evangelism
- 01:04:50
- Rather than sending evangelists you let it make become a nation persecute evangelism rather that you you rather a nation of Christ followers
- 01:04:58
- You let it become a nation of Christ haters rather than the most giving nation in the world You funded we funded more hospitals more doctors more missions
- 01:05:05
- You made it a nation that needed help all you had to do was maintain it All you had to do was get your congregation to go out and vote for godly men in the movement
- 01:05:13
- All you had to do was run for office All you had to do was get involved but you didn't you didn't even hide it in the ground
- 01:05:20
- Therefore take away the talent from him and give it to one who has ten talents throw out that worthless slave into the outer darkness in a place where they'll be weeping and gnashing of teeth if you want do
- 01:05:30
- You want to be that person? I don't and pastors. Let me warn you. You don't want to either
- 01:05:35
- God help us all God help us Let me just reiterate you have a binary choice.
- 01:05:41
- Yeah, what's this America's land of the free so you could do what you want right now You could vote or not vote.
- 01:05:46
- It's no problem. But just know if you don't vote you're you're voting It's a passive vote and you're standing with the crazies the
- 01:05:54
- Marxist the commies knows that want to thoroughly Dominate the world you're standing with it. You may not think that you are
- 01:06:00
- It doesn't matter what you how you reconcile within yourself whether you are or not It's a fact you're standing with him because you haven't cast a vote to go a different direction
- 01:06:09
- So that's number one number two John 10 27 reminds that my sheep hear my voice.
- 01:06:16
- I Know them and they hear me and they follow me So your vote should be
- 01:06:24
- Am I hearing you Lord? Does it does it align more closely with your word?
- 01:06:30
- Then that's how I'm voting If you hear the Lord Then you vote accordingly forget the selfishness.
- 01:06:38
- I can't vote for him because uh, that's selfish motivation There's nothing to do with what we're talking about. Now. Now I'm talking about Lordship I'm talking about you listening to God and following accordingly
- 01:06:48
- So do your part if you're a Christian, that's what you do If you don't that's fine you with the
- 01:06:53
- Marxist crazies and you guys go on and we're gonna try to do the right Correct what's happening right now?
- 01:07:00
- We're gonna we're gonna vote and we're gonna do our thing Yeah Well, thank you. I wanted to just point out for the last question if people want to go to answers in Genesis They have a good article on numbers 5 and abortion
- 01:07:14
- Does the Old Testament law condone abortion so you can check that out? And then I also wanted to show you this comment.
- 01:07:20
- You guys might get a kick out of this Thank you. Simply grace for $4 .99 at first. I thought you had Jason Whitlock and didn't
- 01:07:28
- Great guests and Yeah That's not bad
- 01:07:36
- Jason's he's kind of a handsome cat but he got me he'll weigh me by about a hundred pounds but Well, I you know,
- 01:07:45
- I I would I used I don't get it as much anymore I used to get Tom Brady people would say I look like yeah, you do. Yeah I was this was on I think it was in a house.
- 01:07:55
- I was I used to do furniture service I went in this lady's house and it was a very
- 01:08:01
- Shall we say well -endowed black lady who was sitting there and she goes You look like Tom Brady and she goes a scrawny
- 01:08:08
- Tom Brady And I I was complimented and then I was immediately insulted
- 01:08:16
- Anyway Yeah, so no, I don't have Jason Whitlock into Nesta Sousa I have there
- 01:08:22
- I have a better guest than Jason Whitlock into Nesta Sousa today. And if you want to check out more
- 01:08:27
- About every black life matters, please go to every BLM comm you can check out
- 01:08:33
- Kevin and Neal's work there You can contact them and there's a link to book them if you'd like to have them come to your church or political event
- 01:08:41
- With that god bless guys, and I hopefully we'll see you on the other end of the election with a