40 Arabic Words


The Qur'an denies, in a single ayah (verse), that Jesus the Messiah was crucified. By denying this historical reality, the Qur'an forces its followers to not only reject one of the most certain events of history itself, but by so doing it separates them from the life-giving message of the cross of Jesus Christ. In this video we compare the 40 Arabic words of Surah 4:157 with the 33 Greek words of Galatians 2:20. Here are the texts (as translated by the co-author of the lyrics, James White): Surah 4:157: And in reference to the Jews who said, "We killed the Messiah, Jesus the Son of Mariam, the apostle of God," they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but it was made to appear to them. And indeed those who differ in the matter are surely in doubt about it. They have no knowledge about it except following mere assumption. But of a certainty they did not kill him. Galatians 2:20: I have been crucified together with the Messiah. So it is no longer I who live, but the Messiah living in me. And this fleshy life I now live, I live by faith in the Son of God, the one who loved me and gave himself in my place. It is our sincere hope that Muslims will know we present this with true love in our hearts for them, and in the hope that they will see their need for Christ's work, and will submit in repentance and faith to His lordship. We have had many requests for the shirt Ivey is wearing in this video, so Carla Rolfe has provided it for us here: http://www.zazzle.com/3340_shirt-235342373277074339 For more information on the Christian faith, and for responses to the claims of Islam, see the videos on this channel, and the information available at www.aomin.org.


41 - Islamic Impact Part 3

Even the most skeptical scholars agree that one of the most certain events in all of history is the fact that Jesus of Nazareth died on a
Roman cross under the orders of Pontius Pilate, beginning of the fourth decade of the first century. There are a billion people on this planet that do not believe that happened.
Why do they believe it happened? Because half a millennium later, a man who called himself a prophet recited 40
Arabic words. Just 40 words. وَقَلْهِمْ إِنَّا كَتَلْنَا المسيح ريسى بن ماريم رسول الله وما قتلوه وما سلبوه وَلَكَنْ شُبِهَ لَهُمْ وَإِنَّ أَلَدِينَ اِكْتَلَهُ فِيهِ لَفِي شَكٍّ مِنْهُ مَا لَهُمْ بِإِي مِنْ إِلْمٍ إِلَى إِتِبَاءَ أَلْظَلْنَا وَمَا كَتَلُوهُ يَقِيْنًا 40
Arabic words that stand between you and eternal life. 40 words that was written after the death, burial and resurrection of Christ.
40 words written in a different language 700 miles away from the event by a man without any connection whatsoever to how it really went.
40 words never explained or expounded upon in the Quran like surah 355, surah 1933.
So what's really going on? 40 words that no follower of Muhammad could ever remember him mentioning or explaining 200 years after his death.
40 words, many interpretations, confusing, unclear, no depth.
40 words that keep you from seeing the beauty of Isaiah 53 and the testimony of the suffering servant who would bear punishment due to God's people but you find that disturbing.
40 words that keep you from seeing Psalm 22 connecting with Mark 15 34. 40 words that keep you from the gospel of truth by a great and victorious
Lord. 40 words that keep you from knowing that Jesus will save his people with great power and perfect holiness from their sins so I hope he will cleanse you from all your evil.
Again surah 355, surah 1933. These ayat refers to Christ's death so you might be misreading.
All these confusing words of surah An -Nisa. These are the 40 Arabic words translated.
Now let's get into the 33 Greek words in response to what's been aided. 33 words that means life, salvation, peace, and forgiveness.
33 words more important to me than my own existence. 33 words every Christian confesses.
33 words that we shout with joy because of his perfection. 33 words that we take to our death.
We speak to the world and we can't ever reject. 33 words that we dearly embrace. Look death in the face and death run away.
Without these 33 words life doesn't matter at all because these 33 words catch men from the fall.
33 words only his sheep would hear. So hear these 33 words loud and clear and look up to the sky because our redemption draws near.
Jesus the Messiah, king of creation, all -powerful being. To get it deep in your mind he gave his life freely.
I tell you in love with truly no hatred. These are the 33 Greek words translated.
And in reference to the Jews who said, we killed the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, the apostle of God.
They did not kill him nor did they crucify him but it was made to appear to them. And indeed those who differ in the matter are surely in doubt about it.
They have no knowledge about it except following mere assumption. But of a certainty they did not kill him.
I have been crucified together with the Messiah. So it is no longer I who live but the
Messiah living in me. This fleshly life I now live. I live by faith in the son of God.