Cru Reacts to the 2024 Election
Jon talks about a letter Cru sent to the "BIPOC" staff regarding Trump's victory.
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- 00:00
- We are alive now on the conversations that matter podcast. I'm your host John Harris I have been recording all morning with some other brothers some other guests that We had some good conversations.
- 00:13
- They did a good job with some episodes that will probably be dropping maybe later this week if at least one of them's gonna have to be next week because we're getting late in the week, but I Meant to announce this
- 00:24
- I meant to announce I'm doing a podcast today. It just got away from me. So here I am I'm doing it and we have people entering the chat already, but Sorry for those who are gonna miss it because I didn't announce it.
- 00:36
- So I've been doing so here's what we're gonna talk about today.
- 00:42
- This isn't gonna take that long It's gonna be I and I mean at this time. This will actually be a short podcast. I have been doing
- 00:49
- Reactions to the 2024 election. I'm still there. By the way, I'm still like I'm still thinking about Trump one.
- 00:58
- I can't believe it. Like I'm still walking around wondering how this happened and Grateful that I'm not saying it makes everything better.
- 01:09
- I'm not saying we still don't have a lot of work to do I'm not saying it's You know the grand scheme, you know, maybe this is a small thing
- 01:17
- But I don't know. I I also think that God's sovereign and there's no small people or places like God I think
- 01:23
- He wanted it to go that way for a reason and I talked to Paul Godfrey this morning.
- 01:30
- That was one of the people I was interviewing for the podcast and he kind of brought me down to reality a little bit and Said well, this is just kind of like I think the analogy he used was it's just a minor setback for the left like it's a bump in the road and I don't know.
- 01:47
- I'm still a little more positive than that. But I am I Do realize the left controls all the other institutions so to have a
- 01:59
- Difference with the presidency with the executive branch is great. So I'm still gonna be I'm still gonna be happy about it.
- 02:05
- Okay. All right anyway, um, that's where this podcast is coming from as many of you know, and We're gonna continue today with talking about reactions to the election
- 02:17
- And it's gonna be short because I only have one reaction to share with you It didn't fit on the other podcasts this past week
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- And so I'm just gonna do a special podcast and if anyone has questions or comments about it or anything else
- 02:31
- Maybe we can lengthen the podcast a little and talk about those things. But this is a doozy guys. This is really interesting
- 02:37
- So campus crusade used to be called that now it's called crew Big evangelical neo -evangelical
- 02:45
- Organization Decided to send out a letter to their Only certain staff got it by the way
- 02:53
- So it this wasn't actually to all their staff. This was to certain staff. It was to their
- 02:59
- BIPOC staff now Some of you wonder maybe what's a BIPOC staff? BIPOC stands for black indigenous and people of color.
- 03:07
- So basically if you're not white This is as I understand it this is the letter that you got and with an accompanying
- 03:15
- Devotional if you want to call it that I guess so we'll we'll talk about that But before we get there, I want to let you know about Lori's lunchbox
- 03:23
- Seriously some really good ranch dressing. I have a whole box in my kitchen right now of Lori's lunchbox
- 03:29
- If you are in my family, I apologize if you're finding out about this too early But you will be getting some
- 03:35
- Lori's lunchbox ranch dressing for Christmas It is that good. I'm not lying to you about that If you've been looking far and wide for the best ever ranch dressing
- 03:44
- I am excited to introduce you to Lori's lunchbox where they've developed the best buttermilk ranch dressing
- 03:50
- I've ever tasted their buttermilk ranch is made with whole foods and chiefly Organic ensuring the highest quality and freshness with every taste
- 03:58
- Lori's buttermilk ranch delivers a rich and creamy flavor That will elevate any dish it accompanies whether you're dipping your favorite veggies or dipping your hot and crispy
- 04:07
- Fries or drizzling it over a crisp salad Lori's buttermilk ranch. I'm getting hungry just listening to myself
- 04:13
- I'll talk about when I first tasted her dressing. I knew I never wanted to go back to regular ranch I myself use it on both salad and pizza and impresses any guest in the
- 04:21
- Harrah's home I invite you to experience the difference that Lori's lunchbox can make in your meals order now at www .lorislunchbox
- 04:29
- .com That's Lori's lunchbox calm and when you first order at least five packets
- 04:34
- Please indicate in the notes section that you've heard about them on the conversations that matter Podcasts to receive a free packet of their buttermilk ranch.
- 04:42
- Happy ranching in all seriousness guys Like I told Lori, you know, she wanted to sponsor the podcast and stuff and I was kind of like Just give me some of your ranch.
- 04:52
- Like I don't need compensation for talking about this. I just like monetary I just need some ranch in my mouth now, so That's what we use now for a stressing is
- 05:03
- Lori's lunchbox that I she said it to me I don't know six months ago. I think I had the first one and I made it myself and I know
- 05:11
- I can do that. I can make PP and J I can smoke some meat and I can make Lori's lunchbox But I put it on a salad and I was just like my mind blown
- 05:20
- Seriously, it is that good. So Romans eight is saying things that you should not listen to I might have to ban him
- 05:26
- He said don't put ranch on pizza. No, absolutely put ranch on pizza and Maybe that's a
- 05:32
- California thing. I don't know but I I totally do and I put it on New York pizza We have some of the best pizza in the world and I I put ranch on it
- 05:40
- I still do and Lori's lunchbox ranch. I mean, that's the best ranch to put on it Okay with that.
- 05:47
- Let's talk about crew Now that I have your attention. So here's the documents that we're gonna be discussing this is
- 05:57
- And and some of the I you know who this was sent to is blocked out to protect the person who
- 06:04
- Decided to make this public, but this is from the oneness in diversity national team.
- 06:10
- So remember crews not woke anymore, right? cuz hey They don't have the lenses
- 06:16
- Institute there and They they had this concerned group and and they were over blowing things crews not woke.
- 06:23
- We've been told this I know I should have Judd Saul on the program sometime because I know he went to their
- 06:29
- Actually their executive board and that was kind of that was the response he got. Hey, we're not woke
- 06:35
- So this is the unwoke crew that decided with their oneness in diversity national team
- 06:41
- To send out this particular letter and this by the way I should say feel free to share this email with other staff that says who might find encouragement from it
- 06:49
- So this you could share this this is fine to share I guess you can send any questions comments or suggestions to one at crew org
- 06:57
- So this from what I understand from the staff member who received this this didn't go to all of crew
- 07:02
- This just went to bipoc staff says to your staff Tuesday night marked the culmination of a long and contentious election season
- 07:12
- Some of you may have stayed up late into the night to see the results that some of you Might have learned who won immediately after waking up the next morning
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- And some of you might have learned Donald Trump's election for the second time has likely brought up a number of feelings among many of you
- 07:32
- All right. This is just remember as we read this this is conservative Christian Orthodox theology
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- Organization, right? This is crew The Jesus video the college ministry the mission stuff
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- This is that organization right and after all the things that have cruises been through Like and all the assurances that their donors have have been given that they're not woke that they're not compromised
- 08:00
- They they can't help themselves, I guess so this is what they say After taking time to process it ourselves the oneness and diversity team wanted to reach out to you all
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- We want to acknowledge the range of feelings that exist right now No matter who you voted for or didn't vote for what you felt since Tuesday night is valid.
- 08:21
- You might feel frustration or Disappointment, you might feel relieved.
- 08:27
- You might feel betrayal anger or a number of any other emotions
- 08:37
- I'm gonna be accused of minimizing these legitimate feelings here, but I I just can't help but think in this lit like you might feel relieved.
- 08:46
- That's the one that's the silver lining here I suppose for the crew staff that might have voted for Trump the surrounding cushioned in this word relieved is frustration disappointment betrayal anger fear, so These are the real emotions.
- 09:03
- I don't doubt by the way, they're real emotions These are real emotions and we encourage you to not minimize what you are feeling but to process them in healthy ways that Talk to safe people about your feelings journal and pray unplug from social media that it's interesting like I yeah,
- 09:28
- I don't want to nitpick everything but like They want you to lean into your feelings don't minimize your feelings, right?
- 09:34
- But at the same time like I guess you're like unplug from social media
- 09:40
- Journal and like do these soothing relaxing things that people do when they've gone through great grief like this is what these are the kinds of things that like my wife and I were going through when she lost her mom like despair
- 09:53
- Right devastation. That's when you you know journal and pray unplug. You're gonna have to unplug from social media
- 10:00
- I mean talk to safe people about your feelings. I What if your feelings rage or fear like maybe you'll get more of that feeling by talking to people who aren't safe Being on social media this devotional which
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- I'll show you in a moment created by our spiritual care coordinators Dominique Dawson and whom
- 10:18
- Lou Could be helpful a helpful starting point for you If you feel you need space a lot of feelings here to process or someone to pray for you
- 10:28
- Please reach out to one at crew org and Dominique will respond In the midst of this societal and political fracture
- 10:36
- The question we now wrestle with is how do we continue to move towards oneness? Right? Yeah That's what you think about Donald Trump one with I would say
- 10:45
- What are they saying since what I don't even know what Republican they're even going back to you it's in modern memory the most diverse coalition of People in the
- 10:56
- Republican side, but you know in the midst of this societal and political fracture The question we now wrestle with is how do we continue to move towards oneness?
- 11:03
- I don't know Maybe can support policies that Donald Trump likes Like he seemed to figure out how to diversify his coalition
- 11:11
- How can we reconcile the dissonance we're feeling in our hearts and minds towards our brothers and sisters in Christ who we disagree with?
- 11:19
- I don't know like maybe just like Don't have that dissonance like This is like I Read this as a young person if I was a staff member was a young person reading this and I didn't have
- 11:36
- Feelings I would start to think that I probably needed to have them. You know what I mean? Like They're so concerned about this.
- 11:44
- And if you're someone who doesn't have Strong profound feelings on it. You would think what am
- 11:49
- I missing like it seems like everyone else must be feeling this This is so important and monumental. What's right?
- 11:54
- Like I guess I got to go mourn with those who mourn it sounds like How can we reconcile this dissonance?
- 11:59
- How do we even begin? to practice what Paul calls us to in Romans 12 to weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice to Live in harmony with one another
- 12:14
- We should probably go to Romans 12 after this and just read that in context anyway Well, we'll continue the letter much like the process of sanctification
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- Oneness is both a truth and a journey We are sanctified in Christ and also it's like they got a death blow because Trump like it's everything we've been trying to do
- 12:33
- It's unraveling You're sanctified in Christ and also continually growing in sanctification through the Holy Spirit residing in us
- 12:40
- We are one in Christ and also continually pursuing Oneness with our fellow believers through the power of the
- 12:45
- Holy Spirit. The journey is not always easy and right now it's flat -out difficult Did they say any of this in 2020 when
- 12:53
- Biden was elected? Did they say any of this in? 2012 or 2008 when
- 13:03
- Obama was elected it like What I've never heard of any of this
- 13:08
- I'd be curious if true people could reach out is there anything similar like people who had policies way more out of step with Christian ethics
- 13:19
- In office for the last four years still in office right now. Was there anything like this any discouragement any
- 13:26
- Lament about how terrible this is or is it just when Donald Trump gets elected that we see this? I Think I know the answer but we are one in Christ.
- 13:34
- Okay. All right moving on. The journey is not always easy It's flat -out difficult in the coming season practicing oneness will challenge all of us to solely rely on the
- 13:42
- Holy Spirit's empowerment But we know it's unity as possible as Paul reminded that yeah, we can defeat this
- 13:48
- Trump stuff Really read between the lines here Ladies and gentlemen as Paul reminded the Gentile believers in Ephesus Jesus destroyed the barrier the dividing wall of hostility between them and the
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- Jewish believers Right the way and what would what it was a perp that was because of what the law right?
- 14:05
- I'm Thinking they're gonna make it a racial thing His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two that's making peace and in one body to reconcile both of Them to God through the cross by which we put to death their hostility as always
- 14:17
- We look to Jesus in the cross in our peripheral vision we see our brothers and sisters in Christ from all generations ethnicities political parties and backgrounds looking to the same cross oneness is possible through Jesus alone as We move ahead care for each other and yourself rest in the promise of peace and continue to strive
- 14:34
- For one is with all we love you and are in this with all of you. We're in it together
- 14:40
- I'm never gonna that we're in it together line. Huh? All right, the oneness and diversity national team
- 14:48
- You know, we were fractured before this it just seems so interesting that it's on the occasion of Donald Trump's victory that now what needs to be emphasized is the division and This is the same narrative you get from any mainstream news source
- 15:05
- It's all about there's so much division anytime a Republican wins. It's you need to be bipartisan. You need to include us there's so much division out there before the
- 15:14
- Republican gets the Victory, it's leading up to it is all about like Like the whole thing is vilifying them is attacking them is making them out to be the worst thing
- 15:25
- Imaginable in the minds of many Americans. They're they're Nazis. They're they're horrible people.
- 15:30
- They're they're Threatening democracy the threatening very foundation of our government. We must do something, you know, that's not divisive apparently
- 15:39
- But once a Republican wins, it's we're just so divided. We need to come together, right?
- 15:44
- That's what you're seeing on mainstream news websites right now Let's not look at this devotional. It says the heart of reconciliation or sorry the heart of examination heart examination
- 15:54
- So Dominic Dawson and Huong Lu the passage is Psalm 139 23 search me
- 16:00
- Oh God know my heart test me and know my anxious thoughts then Isaiah 53 3 a man of sorrows acquainted with the deepest grief
- 16:10
- Jesus Was acquainted with grief there's no doubt but grief over what what you know, we all have grief we're humans we're gonna have grief
- 16:19
- Jesus's grief was brought on by some extremely difficult circumstances that affected him
- 16:27
- He was saving the world the sins of the world were on his shoulders. He was Dying for his own and going through I mean sweating drops of blood
- 16:36
- I mean, that's the level of grief going through a huge ordeal having his own father reject him or turn
- 16:43
- I should say more a better way to say that is turn turn his back on him in his moment of need to feel that That sense of Loneliness that his own disciples even ran away from him.
- 16:58
- So yeah in an ultimate sense I understand the father never actually rejected Jesus in the ultimate sense. He actually received Jesus's Atoning work on behalf of his people but Anyway, not to get into deep theology of all that but this is this is what we're these are the verses we're appealing to right?
- 17:16
- Know my my grief my anxious thoughts and then they go to grounding get comfortable close your eyes feel the ground underneath your feet
- 17:23
- Really? What are we like? This is this is a Christian and supposedly a
- 17:28
- Theologically conservative organization they have to feel the ground underneath their feet now Like their whole world has been upended
- 17:37
- Trump won. I mean Try to be still and quiet before the Lord Relax and take three deep breaths inhale for four seconds.
- 17:45
- Oh, man Hold for three seconds exhale for four seconds and hold for three seconds. I think that's the box breathing, right?
- 17:53
- so We have a like if the staff is that affected by the victory of Donald Trump We have a problem like I'm just I want the donors to know like this stuff is being is put out there like it's been years of crew denying
- 18:08
- Denying denying denying. We're not politically partisan or anything like that. Like what do you make of this though and the maturity level?
- 18:18
- Like we need to counsel our BIPOC staff through this horrendous moment
- 18:24
- Maybe get some maturity maybe tell them that their fears have largely been exaggerated maybe tell them that they've been conditioned to feel this way and they shouldn't they should knock it off and stop believing lies and Maybe look at some of the positive things that the
- 18:39
- Lord did in this election. Oh my goodness. I can't Like this is a different reality, but not literally but like these people are living in a reality of their own making its fantasy land
- 18:53
- God give us the grace to know where you where we have been where we are now and place our hope in you
- 19:00
- The world has been in a season of collective strife and turmoil in light of a long and contentious election season.
- 19:06
- We are not okay It seems we've all experienced loss in some way loss can look different for each.
- 19:12
- We've all experienced loss I don't know. I feel like 81 % of evangelicals
- 19:20
- Who the funding source for crew right at least I think I think they're the funding source.
- 19:27
- I Hope they're the funding source, but 81 % I mean they today feel loss
- 19:32
- After that like but apparently this certain staff in the organization as a group feel loss
- 19:38
- We've experienced loss in some way loss can look different for each of us It can mean the death of a loved one, but also the death of a way a dream or a way of life
- 19:47
- If even a positive change like moving to the city of your dreams can also Hold a loss of being close to previous people favorite places and way of doing things
- 19:55
- We may be carrying the grief with us wherever we go grief encompasses us Different emotions and longings.
- 20:01
- Let's see anger. This is not the way it's supposed to be. Why does it have to be this way? Sadness, I long to regain what was lost disappointment.
- 20:08
- I missed the dream of what could have been numbness This is too much and I don't know what to feel at all fear
- 20:14
- Could could more be lost could things get worse. Am I safe? But we are not alone in feeling these things as we take the time to deeply examine our hearts and invite
- 20:23
- God into those interior Spaces God meets us there. Let's see. We get to experience our
- 20:28
- Savior Emanuel God with us and God with us in our grief in Isaiah 53 Jesus described as a man of sorrows acquainted with the deepest grief
- 20:36
- We have a sympathetic high priest that knows what loss can do to the deepest parts of your mind heart body
- 20:43
- Soul, the tough news is that the only way to deal with grief is to go through it The good news is that Emanuel is there with us will carry us through and give us one another as well
- 20:52
- You are not alone. So they have these questions follow -up questions What has occupied my thoughts and emotions lately as I consider those thoughts and emotions?
- 21:00
- Are there any areas of tension weariness and or resistance that I feel in my body? As the
- 21:06
- Lord felt closer distance to you in this season. Are there things I'm holding in my heart towards God How is God inviting me?
- 21:12
- To respond So there you have it. That's crew and What was the verse
- 21:20
- I was gonna look up a verse I got to look that up again I was at Romans 12 something but I said we would look up.
- 21:27
- Oh, yes Romans 12, let me let me just pull that up and you can get your questions in or comments and reactions to this as I'm looking that up I Mean I don't know what to tell you like it there's several things that are standing out to me about this but Yeah, we'll go to Romans 12 and Before we do
- 21:53
- I'll get some of your questions though Feelings feelings feelings feelings, but yes conservative moment
- 21:59
- John do you actually believe these people are Christians saved? I don't know who I really don't know these people.
- 22:05
- So I Yeah, I mean look I think The Corinthians were saved.
- 22:11
- I think you can be saved and be in confusion and in sin I don't think you can remain in sin.
- 22:16
- I think that you repent of it, but With something like this there's a extreme at the very least an extreme immaturity like like I said, they are living in a different like parallel universe almost where Donald Trump is literally gonna end their way of life and They are they need to cling to the sovereignty of God they can't see the good things about this and They I don't
- 22:42
- I would wager They do not they did not do something like this for Biden when he first won at all.
- 22:48
- This is very left -leaning So can someone lean left can someone think?
- 22:56
- incorrect things I Think that you can be immature and go down that direction But I think eventually you you realize that path is certainly not a
- 23:04
- Christian path and you reject it I don't know where these are. These people are on that particular or if they are on that path if they are
- 23:11
- Christians who you know, just kind of deceived so I hesitate to but I understand the
- 23:19
- Where the questions coming from because it seems like people who would think this way have so little in common with us
- 23:26
- Because as you live in the world and you just have a basic Christian understanding of things you look at what happened as a mercy you see that this is not even perhaps what we do deserve, but we we avoided something that would have been much more catastrophic and So we it buys us time even on things like religious liberty.
- 23:46
- It buys us time. It gives us it minimizes the deep state and Even organizations in the government that Unfairly target
- 23:57
- Christians that I mean even the military has been exposed for doing this kind of thing for seeing this extremism in Christianity and Wanting to crack down on it.
- 24:07
- And so I think that this is a very good thing Obviously we have latitude to work against abortion on the state level this is gonna at least slow down if not bring to a grinding halt the
- 24:22
- LGBT movements, I don't think it'll reverse it But it'll bring it to a halt the gains the
- 24:27
- LGBTQ plus movement has made and is trying to make and There's a lot of other things to be said that are good.
- 24:35
- I think but like very basic Christian understanding should
- 24:41
- Render you as you look at the world that this this is better. This is preferable
- 24:47
- So, I understand why people would ask that like as a Christian I don't understand how we have much in common like aren't your values my values some of these people know actually and then that would
- 24:56
- Be raised more serious questions. Like, you know, you really think that Donald Trump is more of a threat to Christianity then
- 25:04
- Kamala Harris like let's explore that how like do you think the LGBT stuff is now somehow?
- 25:12
- Good or like that's you know, you minimize it I don't know what like how do you how do you figure out that Kamala Harris is a better option for Christians, right?
- 25:21
- These are the questions and obviously she's not okay, uh, it's puzzles me
- 25:26
- Ray says because Shouldn't the Holy Spirit make the the under I think you make us understand how evil abortion alphabet propaganda trans ideology is.
- 25:36
- Yes I totally agree with you there. I think you can be in ignorance and disobedience though and So so the original question was are they
- 25:44
- Christians, right? So yeah long term you keep going this direction and I don't see and in crew
- 25:50
- I mean this is coming from the top. These are probably people who have been there for a while I think social justice is its own religion from what
- 25:57
- I've watched of crew stuff. I've Have doubts after watching. I mean it was their 2019 thing.
- 26:04
- I first watched their entire staff Conference. I think I heard the gospel articulated once by some old white guy in a very simple form
- 26:11
- Everything else was social justice and I came away from that thinking. Yep. A bunch of those people were not even Christians they literally think the gospel is social justice and then
- 26:20
- I that and that I think Probably is reflected. I wouldn't I'll put it this way
- 26:25
- I wouldn't be surprised if that's still reflected in the oneness and diversity group And if that's true, then yeah, like you're not you're talking to people who are propagating false teaching
- 26:35
- Now this is just ranch on pizza is like peanut butter with jelly. Oh, no, though. I agree with that I thought they were gonna say
- 26:41
- I thought this was negative. No, this is but yes, that's exactly right Actually barbecue sauce on pizza is good, too.
- 26:47
- All right back to some serious things If they break with leadership of their churches they will pay a very high price and they know it
- 26:57
- Trump is a saint compared to left woke ideology pushers Yeah, I mean,
- 27:03
- I I agree. I think that He's trying to concede he's ignorant like he's got his own issues obviously
- 27:10
- I don't think he's a Actual like I think he's got some Christian cultural sensibilities.
- 27:15
- He's not like a born -again believer So he is trying to conserve some good things that used to exist. I think that's the way to look at him
- 27:23
- Does true have any understanding of what the Democrats and Harris stand for it's totally anti -christian.
- 27:28
- I know that's what we're all asking It's ironic that the epistles were written and addressed to Saints the only ethnicities mentioned were doing
- 27:36
- Gentile and they were addressed by city They lived in Oh foolish Galatians. Yeah, that actually is
- 27:41
- I that's a good point I haven't really thought of that. But yeah, like the local identities were I think a lot stronger at that time in many ways
- 27:50
- We need to get back to that somehow Stronger local and regional identities
- 27:56
- Susan says my husband and I sponsor a missionary in Romania It's it's through crew.
- 28:02
- We are in the process of switching to sending our donations through crew in Romania I hope this change doesn't benefit crew in the u .s
- 28:11
- Man you know, I don't know there I Wouldn't be the person to talk to about that. I have heard from people
- 28:17
- In fact, someone recently messaged me and said hey, I've got a great team and I'm overseas and you know
- 28:22
- The nonsense in the u .s. Don't listen to that, but I've also had people reach out to me and say oh it's happening over here It's the u .s.
- 28:29
- Is pushing it into these foreign areas. I Don't know. I don't know what to say. I Would just be in contact with that missionary.
- 28:37
- I I wouldn't want to go under the organization crew and I realized There might be situations
- 28:43
- It's like the NAM question like Southern Baptist Convention NAM has problems but you know, they also have resources and they have
- 28:54
- There's ways that they can get you into places that other organizations couldn't or you couldn't on your own So these are all things to take into account.
- 29:01
- I Think we need competitors to crew and I think if you're able to sustain yourself without their crew organization
- 29:07
- You need to do it. I know several crew missionaries that have done that I think we should be looking for the exit sign.
- 29:13
- This has been Long in the making and they don't seem to be reversing course.
- 29:18
- That just keeps They keep demonstrating where they're actually at Okay, let's let's look at Romans 12 real quick.
- 29:27
- We're only about half an hour in so I'll just do this. I Thought I pulled it up. Oh, yeah,
- 29:33
- I did I Think verse 15 is what they camp out on but let's just read this
- 29:38
- So it says let love be without hypocrisy in verse 9 a poor what is evil clean to what is good, right?
- 29:43
- This is all about being a living sacrifice Be devoted to one another in brotherly love give preference to one another not lagging behind in diligence fervent and spirit serving the
- 29:51
- Lord rejoicing and hope Persevering in tribulation devoted in prayer contributing needs at the Saints practicing hospitality.
- 29:57
- These are the one another's And then it says Actually, maybe
- 30:03
- I should have gone back farther We are one body at verse 5 Individually members of one another and then it talks about the spiritual gifts that God's given each of us to exercise them accordingly
- 30:13
- So there's this complementary relationship that Christians have to one another that's the whole point here
- 30:19
- And that we are living sacrifices, but we don't just do this alone. We do this together for we're members of one body
- 30:25
- All right. So fast -forward with the one another's and then it says bless those who persecute you bless and do not curse
- 30:32
- Rejoice and it's funny. They don't talk about that verse like if they think Trump's gonna like come and persecute them or something 15 those where it says rejoice for those who rejoice weep with those who we be of the same mind towards one another and do
- 30:43
- Not be haughty in mind but associate with the lowly Do not be wise in your own estimation
- 30:48
- Never pay back evil for evil to anyone respect what is right in the sight of all men if possible
- 30:54
- So far as it depends on you be at peace with all men Never take out your own revenge beloved but leave room for the wrath of God This is all about preferring one another in the context of the church.
- 31:06
- I think especially what stands out to me is the idea that We are to where is it
- 31:13
- Now I lost it over respect what is right verse 17 respect what is right? This so I don't think that means you engage in lies like that's the problem
- 31:24
- I see with this like you don't Doesn't mean you reinforce lies people believe if someone believes let's say that I don't know
- 31:31
- They're afraid they have some nightmare scenario that's gonna happen like Where I'm gonna wake up and drown or I don't know try to think of nightmare scenarios people have
- 31:41
- That are just like somewhat delusional people are following me home. I knew someone like that following me home I have to take different routes and it's not happening and they get more and more of that sort of bunker mindset and Like that's some that's you don't want to reinforce that you don't come in and say well you're weeping and so I'm gonna weep with you you say snap out of it because You want to ensure that you are?
- 32:09
- You are respecting the truth and all of this as well So if the truth is someone suffered a profound loss you want to weep with them if not, though I don't think you're under an obligation to I mean you you might want to recognize that you might want to be sensitive about it but you know, like I think of to where it says
- 32:26
- I were supposed to Encourage the faint -hearted help the weak. But what does it say about those who are unruly?
- 32:33
- It says to admonish them So what if an unruly person Who Calvin points out about this that they want?
- 32:42
- the sympathy they want to be Coddled do you coddle them because they desire it and because they have insecurities and no you still have to rebuke them and so respecting the truth and I think loving your neighbor means not just respecting the truth yourself, but also
- 33:00
- Assuming the truth when in discussions with them like you don't want to engage in the lie with them It's not loving to reinforce a lie it's loving to hit them with the truth that they need it and maybe you need to do it in a gentle way depending on their attitude, but That's what
- 33:15
- I would say about this so yeah, obviously you should Be rejoicing with those who rejoice weeping with those who weep
- 33:23
- But this is not in a vacuum where those are the only commands or the only instructions given for interacting with one another
- 33:32
- I Think it's about all I want to say about that. I don't think there's much more to say to be honest with you
- 33:41
- We have to respect what is right, there you go in the sight of all men So let's land the plane in a moment, but anyone have questions
- 33:50
- Comments concerns cries of outrage first I did put in the info section the link if you guys want to go and get those documents if you're in Crew or you want to know where does it say that specifically?
- 34:04
- What does it say go to the info section for this video? It's right there and You can download it
- 34:11
- Jay Forte says Trump is an 80s 90s liberal at worst. I won't feel attacked with him in there Yeah, it's a good way to look at him.
- 34:17
- He's More or less that I think actually in some ways he is more to the right in some ways more to the left So the like we're in a unique situation, but yeah, like he's that was his background, right?
- 34:26
- He was kind of like a 90s Democrat We need to pray for Trump's salvation. Absolutely. Yeah, they didn't say anything about that But yes, we do need to pray for Trump's salvation and his family, you know, are you praying for those in Lita?
- 34:38
- I I confess that's something I need to be doing more of I do do it But like it's not
- 34:44
- I don't think to the like I probably think about Trump and what he's gonna do and I Maybe even talk about it more
- 34:52
- With people than I do pray for him. And and so yeah, not to lay an unnecessary guilt trip on people
- 34:58
- But yeah pray for him when you think about him. It doesn't take long. Just Lord. Please save Donald Trump.
- 35:04
- Please save him from his sin Pray for those in authority. Absolutely Cindy says is
- 35:10
- Sean McDowell woke Your Tersa asks Well, he is speaking at the exiles in Babylon conference coming up with Preston Sprinkle and those who are familiar with crew
- 35:20
- No, Preston Sprinkle was at the center of the controversy of their LGBTQ plus training stuff
- 35:30
- Sean is a sad case to me I actually had a little bit of correspondence with him during the woke stuff because he was promoting this was years ago a an organization is a woke social justice organization and I reached out to him and I was like those are those guys are heretical right?
- 35:46
- it was the Jude 3 Jude 3 project said that those guys promote heresy and He wanted an example.
- 35:52
- I gave him I think more than one He got back to me and thanked me and then I think I think he said if I'm not
- 35:58
- I think My memory serves me that he couldn't delete His tweet or whatever it was.
- 36:06
- I think was a tweet Because you know, but he's not gonna promote them anymore. So it was one of those things political concerns.
- 36:13
- I don't know So I appreciated that just because I was like at the time It seemed like all of the evangelical industrial complex was just eating this stuff up And then
- 36:23
- Sean McDowell was kind of like, you know showed a little bit of humility I thought he was thankful that someone pointed out that he had promoted a bad organization since then though,
- 36:32
- I mean He what's his school he's at Talbot, right, but Let me see here
- 36:42
- I Forget the name of the organization Yeah, it's Talbot School of Theology at Biola.
- 36:48
- That's right. It's Biola. So they have Matt Hall there now is Provost They have Ed Stetzer there now.
- 36:54
- I don't remember what he's doing. But and Sean McDowell's like done stuff with these guys and I Understand you have a working relationship, but I'll be honest.
- 37:05
- I I think that You know a
- 37:11
- Lot of these guys who didn't take firm stands When when it's such a problem, it's so egregious.
- 37:17
- It's in your organizations It's taking over everything in your institutions You know, it's not a small thing is what
- 37:24
- I'm trying to say and it's a threat if you really believe it's a threat You're gonna speak out in some capacity Sean has a very public profile.
- 37:31
- So I'm very disappointed and that he hasn't done more of that and I think it probably shows I mean he he did push back a little bit
- 37:40
- I guess on Eric Mason I remember listening this podcast with Eric Mason, but it was still it was just weak. And so I see him as someone who's
- 37:47
- Gonna be platformed by woke evangelical institutions even and and he's not gonna He's gonna operate in that world and in order to operate in that world.
- 37:55
- I'm just telling you you can't take wax at them you cannot Signal too far against them.
- 38:03
- You have to kind of go along a bit. That's just the way it is. So There you go.
- 38:08
- Yeah, Biola John. Thank you. John. I got it Biola All right, well that's about it for the podcast
- 38:19
- There's really nothing else to talk about today Well, there is but I've already talked about it earlier with some guys so you can look forward to some podcasts dropping
- 38:26
- End of this week early next week some exciting material check out
- 38:31
- Lori's lunchbox and In case I don't get to release a podcast later this week.