Man Affirms African-American Genocide

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Pastor Wade Orsini and Dusty Marshall are at the Planned Parenthood in Salt Lake City. This man escorted a woman inside to, what we believe, kill their child. This man's arguments reflect the philosophical inconsistencies of today's culture and it reduces them to absurdity. He stands on shifting sand and needs the solid rock of Christ. He also affirms the origins of Planned Parenthood and its extermination goal of blacks in America. He infers those with bad lives in the "hood" should die. Pray for this man and the woman with us!


Oh, I'm not having a kid, so this doesn't affect my life.
I know, but I just want to give you a little information about children, why we don't support this place. But they also provide health care services that you can't get other places.
If they were shooting kids out here in your life, they'd be in health care services too. You wouldn't get them, right?
Auschwitz gave soup, right? They gave soup, they gave pots, they gave meals, but this place kills people.
But I don't necessarily think it's killing people. I think that's a woman's choice to make. What about the baby, though?
Before eight weeks, this still cell hasn't developed into a full -born baby. It actually looks like a little baby, right?
Pretty quickly, yeah. And if that's how you guys feel about it, that's your own personal beliefs.
That's my belief, that's science. Science says that conception, life has begun, human beings. No, I'm saying against abortion,
I'm not going to tell someone they can't do that, because I don't necessarily disagree with it, I don't necessarily agree with it.
Whatever that person wants to do. Should she be able to kill people? Should she be able to commit murder? You don't know that person, the person's never stepped foot on this earth.
Does that matter, though? If I don't know you at all, should I be able to kill you? No, you shouldn't, but that's not even a human being yet, in my opinion.
But it's in your opinion, though, right? So we've got to test our opinions with truth. So science says that at conception, life has begun.
The Bible says God knit us together in our mother's womb. So you're just giving me your opinion,
I'm telling you what science says and what the Bible says. But... Are you a believer? Of God?
No, not really. So let me ask you a question. If I could show you that science says that at conception, life has begun, that's a human being from conception on, would you change your viewpoint?
No, because I understand why people disagree with it, but I understand why people agree with it. I understand people look at a lot of areas in the hoods, inner cities, where people are having kids faster than they can support them.
Kids get into gang violence and stuff, and kids are getting killed growing up. Is it bad that they're being killed? It is bad that they're being killed, but there's no brighter future for them a lot of times.
So these people can't have as many kids as it is. So they should be dead? Hey, you'd rather lose them...
Do you know how Planned Parenthood got started, actually? They put them in the hood so that black people would get rid of their kids, yes,
I know that. They'd be exterminated. Black people would be exterminated. Even though it started off for a bad reason, there's still a lot of good things that they give, such as free healthcare services.
But there's other places that do that that don't... We have a list of dozens of places that do this stuff without killing children, so...
But I'm not against abortion, and that's not even why we're here. But if that's what a woman wants to do, it's not my decision.
I'm not gonna... So let me ask you, if you saw somebody out here with a gun to their child's head, would you stop them? I would stop them.
So why wouldn't you stop them, because they're not born? Because to me, I don't think... I look at it in a different viewpoint.
If they're not born, and you go through with it, they've never experienced life. So you've made up when life begins for yourself.
I guess so, yeah. But is that truth? Hey. Are you denying truth? I'm not denying it.
I'd say if my parents aborted me, I would have nothing to be mad about, because I would have never known what life was like. But it still would be murder.
Well, not in my opinion, because I would have never known. So I would have never been tripping about it. So is it just your opinion that matters, or is it an opinion outside of yourself?
I think it's my opinion for situations that you're talking about. I think this is all individual -based.
So is rape ever okay? Rape isn't okay. Is it okay in any situation, regardless of what you and I think about it?
Yeah, but that's a law. This isn't a law. That's what you guys are arguing. But if rape wasn't a law, let's say it wasn't a law, is it wrong?
It is wrong. So why is it wrong? Hey, obviously this isn't morally wrong to some people.
But I'm just asking you, why would you say that rape is wrong? It's just wrong, right? There's a standard outside of us that says rape is wrong.
It doesn't matter the situation. And that same standard says that killing a child in the womb, regardless of if they're born, if they're not born, also says that it's wrong.
It's a standard outside us. We don't get to set the standards. It's a standard outside us. You know it.
I know it. But for some reason, our culture has told you that it's okay to kill these babies because they're not born yet.
But I would say that we would have to agree that there's a standard outside of us that says you should never violate another person's body without their permission.
Would you agree to that? Yeah, but that's violating someone else's body. So what about the baby in the womb?
The baby has a different body than the woman. But that's still, that's violating the woman's body.
You haven't heard of the violinist? But what about the baby's body? But the baby's body is living inside the woman's body.
I know. That would be considered violating. But you're killing, so you're saying a separate body, you should never violate that, right?
You should never rape someone. You should never murder someone. But because the baby's inside the mom,
The location is different. The location is different. Now you're saying that you should be able to kill the baby because they're in the woman.
You're saying, yeah, it's violating her body. She made the choice to have sex. What does sex lead?
Sex leads to having a child. She made that decision, right? Yeah, I guess. I'm just trying to get you to challenge your viewpoint, right?
No, I understand where you're coming from. I'm saying my viewpoint on abortion, it's not, it's whatever that person wants to do.
It's individually based. I can understand why it's wrong. I can understand why people do it. But that's not, it's not my, it's not my problem to force it on someone or change someone's opinion.
But you're trying to do, your job as a man is to protect women and children, right? Yeah, but, and people.
People make their own. Protect people in general. People make their own shit choices. People have free will. And so, to make the best decisions for themselves.
And even though someone else might think this is the wrong decision, or that is the wrong decision, that might not be the best decision for themselves.
So, I'm not going to stop that. What if their decision was leading them to kill an innocent child, would you stop them?
What if that child was one? It's because, like, on voicing, like I said, it's that person's decision. I see why people don't like it, but I also see, like, how it could be beneficial to people.
I think you've adopted the cultural narrative, though, but you're not standing on truth. No, this is my truth.
I say I believe that it's anyone's decision. But based on what? Based on, like, how
I feel about it. How you feel? Yeah. Should your feelings determine truth? No, but I'm saying
I feel that it's, well, the truth is it's any person's decision. So, I'm not going to go to...
Is truth absolute, though? Like, we said abortion is wrong, that's absolute. Or we said rape is wrong, and that's absolute.
Right? So, that's an absolute standard outside of ourselves, not set by us, not set by the way that I feel.
So, I'm challenging you. Is murdering someone a standard that is set outside of us?
And if so, who's it set by? Well, it depends, because I could justify murder. I could give you a reason why you should murder someone.
But murder is the premeditated killing of an innocent person with malice or forethought. We're not talking about self -defense or...
I could say someone does something to someone, and you're mad about it, and you can go do something about it. And I could be like, that's justifiable.
So, you could justify anything. In my opinion, abortion is an individual's decision, and I would never take that from an individual.
I can understand where you guys are coming from, and I can understand your viewpoint of it. My viewpoint is
I'm indifferent. But you know what the difference is in us? It is in our opinion. We have a standard outside of ourselves,
God's word that says, you shall not murder. So, we can appeal to an absolute standard of truth.
We're not saying this is how we feel. You're saying this is how I feel, right? So, I'm asking you, how do you justify how you feel?
What is your standard of truth? What if you feel different next year? See, I'm a therapist, so I work with people on both sides.
So, I deal with people that go through this, and I understand their sides. I don't doubt that people are going through tough situations.
But God said you can't judge either. He says to judge with righteous judgment. That's what Matthew 7 says.
It says to judge with righteous judgment. Don't judge by a standard that you've made up, but judge by the standard in which you will be judged.
That's what the word says. So, we're not judging by our standards. I'm not saying, hey, I'm condemning you.
I'm saying God's word says you shall not murder. And if you kill this baby, you're going to stand before God one day, and you're going to have to give an account for what you've done.
And I don't want that for you. I don't want you to stand before God, a murderer, because that's bad for you.
That's not going to look good. So, I'm saying I'm not judging them. I'm saying God's word says this, and that's what
I'm telling you today. God's word says this. Not my opinion. Not his opinion. But I'm asking you.
You're saying, I feel. But you can't give an account for how you feel.
You don't have a standard to stand on besides how you feel. But I'm not religious, so I don't have to hold myself to God's word of what
I'm saying. So, for me, I said I think that's a personal opinion, whatever someone can live with.
But I'm not religious, so it might be deeper to you guys than it is to me. But I think that's all individually based, how that person feels, and whatever decision they can live with themselves.
So, if they can live with whatever decision they're making, then it's fine to me. What if they have to stand before God one day and give an account?
According to that standard. What if it's not just the religious people? God says everyone who believes in that standard or not is going to have to give an account.
Not everyone is religious, though, so I'm not holding myself to a standard that I might not necessarily believe in.
I'm not religious. I know, but I guess what we're saying is that there's this solid objective truth that is unchanging, doesn't change with the culture, doesn't change with the seasons, with how
I feel. There's a standard, like he's saying, outside of ourselves that all men and women will be held account to by this standard.
And so whether someone denies the Bible or not, they're still accountable to that same standard.
Yeah, but that standard, that's definitely like a social construct of society that set that standard.
There's societies or there's cultures that believe murder is right in their eyes and views of their culture.
They think rape is right. But there's only one truth, right? But that depends on how you define that.
We could define everything differently. I define it by the truth found in God's words, the
Holy Bible, right? Yeah, so that's your belief. But it's not merely my thoughts or my desires.
It's a standard outside of myself. So I'm saying, besides the Bible, besides the accounting that God gives in His Word, how can you account for saying what you're saying today?
Because I say, for my standards and the standards I could have for myself, I could...
The heart is deceitful, wicked above all else. Who can trust it? We can't trust our desires.
Logically, you don't have to think with your heart. Where does logic come from, though? From God. So how do you know you're thinking logically today?
You have to test that standard by a truth, right? If you're going to think logically, you have to know a standard to think logically.
How do you know that your logic thinking... My logic says if you kill a child, that's murder.
Your logic says that whatever the woman's choice is, that's okay. So how do we test that to see which one's correct?
Because there's one's got to be correct. It can't both. We can't contradict ourselves, right? So one of us has to be wrong.
How would we check that? It doesn't have to... One doesn't have to be wrong. It's your own viewpoint, your truth.
Like you said, if this is my truth, this is what I believe. We all live by different standards. So what if my standards contradict your standards?
What if my standards say, somebody's out here on the sidewalk, a little kid, that somebody should be able to molest them.
Am I wrong? I would think so, but... That's his truth, though.
That's my truth. I know, people have... They have... Look at politics. But you don't see the foolishness of that thinking?