I'm Not Sure About the World Being Round

AD Robles iconAD Robles




Okay everybody, um, I think I have to become a Flat Earther now. Yeah, yeah, man,
I don't even really know how to put this, but I think I might have to be a Flat Earther now. You know,
I've always kind of, you know, been interested in the Flat Earth phenomenon, and the people that explain, you know, why there's a
Flat Earth and stuff like that. It's always been very interesting to me, and ever since I was a little kid, you know, I've always thought
Pangea was a big scam. Think about it, think about what Pangea is, like, they tell you this, and when
I was a kid, I thought this didn't make any sense, and I still think it doesn't make any sense. You got this big ball of water, it's not a ball of water, it's actually a ball of rock, surrounded by water, and it's spinning around and whizzing through space and all this kind of stuff, and then on one side of it, there's a big island, kind of like the circle that's on the
Death Star, you know, the super laser. And then one day, millions and millions and millions of years ago, the island just broke apart.
I'm not really sure why, it just did. The island broke apart, and it's just been floating away little by little ever since, until it looks like how it does today.
I don't know, that story just seems a little bit preposterous, I'm not gonna lie, but that's not why
I'm a Flat Earther. I have to become a Flat Earther now because I watched this video, put out by Mayor Lori Lightfoot.
Here's the video, and I'll explain why in just a moment. This is the worst video
I've ever seen. Why did it start out that way?
That was just creepy, man. This is a very creepy video, in my opinion. Thank God, science is back, baby.
And the Earth is round, not flat. Washing your hands does work.
Social distancing does matter. And wearing a face covering does help protect all of us.
I do love science. That's it,
I think that's it, I'm a Flat Earther now. I have to be. Did you see that video? Did you see how she was caressing the globe?
Look at this. First of all, she wakes up, and I don't even want to go back to that. That was gross.
She wakes up, and then she's like, science is back. Hold on, where's the part where she... There she is. Look how she's looking at that globe.
She's just like, that's gross, dude. I don't know about this. I think I have to be a Flat Earther now.
I also think washing your hands is a scam. Of course, if you have feces on your hands, you've been dealing with animals or something, you've got to rinse them off with water and some real soap.
But that antibacterial soap, I'm not so sure about that stuff. I've heard that it gets rid of the good bacteria and stuff like that.
That doesn't seem like a good thing to me. It definitely doesn't seem like a good thing to me. I don't know, I think I'm a
Flat Earther now. What can I say? Here's the real reason, though. I saw this video, that was
November 10th. And then, yesterday, we see this. This is
Mayor Lori Lightfoot, again, giving you her stay -at -home advisory for Chicago.
And she makes it very official. It goes into effect at 6 a .m. on November 16th. And she says this.
This is what she says. Stay home unless for essential reasons. Stop having guests over, including family members you do not live with.
And avoid non -essential travel. And cancel Thanksgiving plans.
This is her science here. So she had that dream about the globe earth, and the science, and the washing your hands, and the social distancing.
And then she comes out with her science a few days later. Don't have your Thanksgiving.
No Thanksgiving. No traditional Thanksgiving anyway. You can have your weird pod person
Thanksgiving. Eat your bugs and all that kind of stuff. This is Mayor Lori Lightfoot, by the way.
I mean, I don't know. Doesn't seem like someone that is too sane. In my opinion.
She doesn't seem too sane. And listen, we have to be honest. There's a certain amount of honor and authority that she does have that comes from God.
But I'm pretty sure that not allowing you to have family members over to your house is not one of those things.
But by the way, just notice this. This is advice. She's not going to do anything about it. Obviously she's going to have
Thanksgiving. Obviously she's going to have her lesbian lover over her house and stuff like that.
And friends and stuff. She's not going to do any of this stuff. She's going to get her hair did at her very expensive salon that makes her hair look like this.
That's what's going to happen. And the thing is, this is just advice. Don't consent to this stuff. You'd have to be crazy to consent to this stuff.
I mean, this mayor is claiming that this is scientific. There's something scientific about this. We all knew how to handle this last year.
Pre -COVID, we knew that we would make plans with our family because we love them and want to feast with them and laugh with them.
We want to have joy with our families. But then, providentially, if we got the flu or something like that, then unfortunately we'd cancel our plans.
But she's telling you to treat everyone in your family as if they have the flu even if they don't.
Don't do that. That's crazy. That's crazy. That's crazier than flat Earth. That's way crazier than flat
Earth. So here's Mayor Lori Lightfoot. Mayor Lori Lightfoot believes all this stuff.
And then she also believes in the globe Earth. So I think I have to be a flat Earther. That's the thing. I don't know.
What do you guys think? By the way, like this video if you can while you're doing it and share it if you like it. But yeah, what do you think, man?
I think I have to become a flat Earther. These people are wrong about everything.
And they just love it. Look at how she's touching the Earth. Look at how she's looking at it. She just loves the globe
Earth. That's her prime example about why science works. It's a globe. Pangea.
Pangea's a scam. Let's just be honest about that. Tell me in the comments right now. I want to know two things. Are you a flat
Earther? And also, is Pangea a scam? I think Pangea's definitely a scam. I'm not sure about the globe
Earth, but I'm telling you right now, if anything's going to make me a flat Earther, it's going to be this horrible, horrible video of Mayor Lori Lightfoot caressing the globe
Earth and then telling you that you have to cancel Thanksgiving. Don't do that.
This is the pagan creed, right? Be scared. Submit to me and everything. And also, don't feast.
Don't do that kind of stuff, baby. You need to fight, laugh, and feast. That's what
I'm talking about. I hope you had a good week and all that kind of stuff. I hope you're hanging in there, man. But don't believe the nonsense.
None of that stuff. Just believe what's actually real. Don't listen to Mayor Lori Lightfoot when she tells you that the science says you need to cancel
Thanksgiving because I think that's pretty bogus. Probably more bogus than Pangaea. Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful.