Aftershocks: Christians Entering an Age of Global Crisis


What should we be expecting in the last days of the Church age? Jeff is easy to listen to and to understand. This is a message worth hearing


I'm going to. OK, did you hear the creepy voice?
Yes, we heard the creepy voice and we got the meeting is being live streamed.
OK, so as a disclaimer for those of you in disclaimer or or Zoom etiquette request for those of you here on Zoom, if you could please make sure that you keep your cameras off and your microphones off during Jeff's presentation so that there's no distractions.
And then if you have any questions, whether you're here on Zoom or if you're here or if you're watching along on the
Facebook live stream, please put your questions into the comments or chat. And then at the end of his presentation,
I'll go ahead and ask those questions to him during our live Q &A. So with that,
I'm Terry Camarazzo here with Creation Fellowship Santee, where a group of friends bound by our common agreement that the creation account, as told in Genesis, is a true depiction of how
God created the universe and all life from nothing with in just six days. A few thousand years ago, we've been meeting most
Thursday nights here on Zoom since June of 2020. We've been blessed with presentations by pastors, teachers, doctors, cartoonists, scientists, apologists, prophecy speakers and all around smarty pants people who love the
Lord and have a message to share. You can find most of our past videos by searching Creation Fellowship Santee.
That's S -A -N -T -E -E on YouTube. We also have channels on Rumble and BitChute.
Rumble is CFS 2020 and BitChute is Creation Fellowship. You can follow us on our
Creation Fellowship Santee Facebook page and sign up for our email list by emailing creationfellowshipsantee at gmail .com
so that you don't miss any of our upcoming speakers. Most of the time, our topics are creation themed naturally, but as you may know from time to time, we do drift a little bit.
We believe that the Bible is true from cover to cover. And so while we enjoy learning about the beginnings, we also love to study and learn about the end.
And tonight our speaker has a passion for creation as well. He co -authored a book, Ready to Return with Ken Ham, but he's actually a prophecy speaker, and we're blessed to have
Jeff Kinley with us tonight. Jeff is a bestselling author and former pastor who has written over 35 books.
He is a recognized expert and thought leader in the field of Bible prophecy, having authored 10 books on that subject.
Jeff connects with this generation, engaging them with biblical truth in a fresh and practical way.
He's a graduate of the University of Arkansas and Dallas Theological Seminary.
Jeff's weekly Vintage Truth podcasts are heard in over 80 countries.
He also co -hosts the Popular Prophecy Prose podcast with Todd Hampson. And you may have also seen him before as a featured guest on Fox and Friends, the
Glenn Beck show, the Ben Shapiro show, and hundreds of radio and television programs. His articles and interviews have also been featured in the
Huffington Post, the Washington Post, and the Jerusalem Post. His latest books that are soon to be released in 2022 are
Global Reset, which he co -authored with Mark Hitchcock, and As It Was in the
Days of Noah, which is a revised, updated edition. His most recently released book,
Aftershocks, is the book that he's here to share with us tonight. We're glad to have him here to talk about that.
Jeff and his wife, Beverly, have been married for 39 years and have three grown sons. And his website, if you want to find him, is jeffkinley .com.
And with that, Jeff, I'm happy to turn it over to you. Thank you so much,
Terri. Appreciate that. Thank you for that introduction. You see, I've been on a lot of TV and radio shows.
I joke that I've got a great face for radio. And so that's why I do more radio than I do
TV. But it's good to be with you guys tonight. We're going to see how this program goes on the terms of this sharing the screen.
I hope it all works out okay. But you mentioned that I have three sons and God has been very good to give us these three sons and they're all married and following the
Lord and that type of thing. And we have four grandchildren, one on the way. So lots of little
Kenleys running around. But when my sons were smaller, we took a vacation one time to Williamsburg, Virginia.
And this historic town that really chronicles the history of our of our foundings or our beginnings of our country and that type of thing.
It's a beautiful place to be. And our kids, I think at that time were like age, you know, five, three and one.
And so we went to this one area there in Williamsburg. It's in the back of the governor's palace.
And in the back of this palace is this life -size maze made of these giant hedgerows.
And it's probably, I don't know, maybe an acre or half acre or so in size. So it's pretty substantial.
And of course the idea is that you have to go through the maze to try to get to the center of the maze.
And so what they had done is they had built this platform up on this little mound, this little hill there, where you could look down and watch all the people as they kind of, you know, made their way through the maze.
So I said to my two oldest kids who were five and three at the time, I said, look, we're going to have a race to the, to the middle of the maze.
Whoever gets there first is going to get a prize. And so, you know, we set them off and said, go, and, you know, they went off and I went around the maze and I'm bumping into hedges and getting lost and getting frustrated.
And finally about, I don't know, maybe 15 minutes later, I get to the middle of the maze.
Now there are two things that shocked me once I got to the middle of the maze. The first was that my oldest son, who was five, had not made it to the middle of the maze yet.
I later found out that he got distracted by the sound of ducks and he left the maze altogether and wandered like across the field.
And he was over there feeding ducks. So he was nowhere to be found at the time. That's a whole nother story. But my three -year -old was in the center of the maze when
I got there, like waiting on me. And I said to him, I said, Stuart, how in the world did you figure out how to get to the middle of the maze?
And he looked up at me in his little three -year -old voice. He said, dad, it was easy. I just walked through the bushes. So the little cheater had gotten there before I did.
And he's now, I've obviously grown up now, and ironically is a student, a law student at William &
Mary in that same town where he cheated inside the maze. So the lawyer and the cheating thing, I hope there's no connection there.
But anyway, he's a great kid. But I tell that story to say that, you know, we're living right now in a giant maze.
I mean, we're living in some of the most confusing times in human history.
And it's so frustrating because so many people have really no answers.
And so there becomes essentially a lot of white noise in the world right now, a lot of voices, a lot of people that are propagating different ideas and different narratives and different mandates and all these things from the part -time podcaster who, you know, has an idea of what's going on to the government and even the forming world government that's going on right now, they all have ideas as to what's going on, but the
Bible really has the answer to all of it. And scripture has always had the answer.
We have always known where we came from. We knew how we were created. We know that God spoke the universe into existence.
Ex nihilo, He didn't need any pre -existing materials. He just simply spoke it and it was.
And of course, if He could do that, then every other miracle in the Bible is obviously believable. Well, when we come to the end times in this confusing time that we're living in, a lot of people want to just avoid what the
Bible says and come up with their own solutions and their own ideas. And of course, Satan has his own end times agenda as well.
So what's happened in the past, you know, two years, really now we're getting into almost two years of this thing here, is this whole
COVID chaos, this whole pandemic thing that has swept the world.
And, you know, I've told many people on interviews that in my lifetime, I cannot even begin to imagine a time where we have been so controlled by the same narrative, in other words, every nation on the planet down to virtually every neighborhood on the planet is all focusing on one thing.
And we have to ask ourselves, why is that? So I hope these, the screen is working for you guys, but basically the world is in a state of chaos right now.
There's the certain, the future is so uncertain because people are so confused by what happened.
And so, you know, of course, people began to give their own solutions to it. They said, well, just wear a mask for two weeks and we'll flatten the curve on this thing and everything will be over with.
And, and if you just social distance and, you know, shelter in place and, you know, wear two masks and, and then now we came to the point where they say, no, you have to get a vaccine and, um, and your, your natural immunity is not enough, you have to have a vaccine.
And so, uh, now they're talking very seriously about vaccine passports. Uh, our president vowed he would not do, uh, vaccine passports.
And now he's doing just that. He's, uh, he's implementing and, uh, encouraging businesses all over the country, even the federal government, uh, to, um, roll out these vaccine mandates.
Of course, that's affecting a lot of people. I'm getting a lot of correspondence from Christians who are asking, what do
I do? I'm in this high paying job in the medical field. I'm not getting vaxxed and, um,
I may lose my job. And so people have a lot of, um, a lot at stake. I mean, my own self, my,
I travel and speak for a living. And so if there are vaccine passports required for, for air travel, then that's certainly going to affect me.
So, um, I like to point out at this stage of, of this whole concept here is that the vaccine is not the mark of the beast.
A lot of Christians right now, there's like, again, a lot of white noise and a lot of rumors and conspiracy theories that the vaccine is the mark of the beast.
And, uh, just real quickly, I'd like to share why I believe it's not the mark of the beast. Um, number one, if it's the mark of the beast, then we're in the tribulation and we should know who the antichrist is.
Uh, and, uh, that, uh, we're required to worship him if that's the case. Uh, but obviously we're not in the tribulation period.
None of the seal or trumpet judgments have happened at this point. So, and we don't know who the antichrist is.
So that's obviously not the case. Secondly, the mark of the beast is going to be, the
Bible says something that's going to be put on the right hand and on the forehead.
And John was very specific in the grammar that he chose and that he used the Greek word, epi, which means on top of, uh, he could have used the word hoop air, which means underneath like an injection, but he didn't use epi.
And then he called the mark, um, the Greek word, chirogma, which, which is, uh, essentially a tattoo is what it meant back then it was referred to the image that was either stamped on a coin or a tattoo like, um, uh, imprint that, uh, represented many times, say a private or a soldier in the army would have a tattoo or a chirogma, a mark of their commanding officer, either his name or something that represented him.
Uh, and many times slaves were even marked that way by those who, who owned them with a chirogma.
And so, um, so it's not the mark of the beast. Uh, however, as I'll share in this, in this, um, message here,
I do believe that is indicative of the spirit of the antichrist and of the fact that the world is being groomed for a one world government and preparing the way for one man to come along and introduce the kind of mandates that he's going to introduce in revelation chapter 13.
By that time, the world be used to it because, Hey, we did this with the vaccine, then this is just another thing that to enable us to travel, to buy and to sell, uh, only the, the initial or the additional thing that will be added is that you have to worship the antichrist as God.
So I just want to say a word about that, but all that to say is that is, is affected the whole world. The whole world has really come into a place where it's been impacted literally on every single level of humanity and society.
Let me give you just a couple, couple of them here. Uh, first of all, uh, there's a geopolitical impact, uh, that's happened.
Uh, there's been a huge, huge push for global, uh, international unity over the
COVID vaccine, uh, and over the COVID crisis, in fact, uh, Klaus Schwab, who is the head of the world economic forum has said this crisis represents the opportunity for us to reset the entire world and they're intentional about doing this.
These global leaders have met, uh, since 1971, um, in Davos, Switzerland, and their goal is to reshape the entire world and turn it into a platform for antichrist essentially.
Um, and there are many other tenants that you can read about on their website, uh, the world economic forum, uh, website, but Joe Biden actually has spoken there in the past.
In fact, he ran his presidential campaign on a world economic forum slogan called build back better.
In fact, that's what his disability he's trying to push through legislation. It was called the build back better bill.
It's just simply a, um, a game plan to help reshape America to fit into a global community is basically what that is.
Um, but it's affected us geopolitically. There's been the threat of war looming even in recent days, uh, with Iran says that they're, uh, within a month of developing a nuclear weapon.
Uh, we know that Israel is not going to let that happen because they know that that'd be one of the prime targets.
Uh, there, there was a time, uh, last, uh, last May where, um, uh,
Israel was under attack. I'll talk more about that in just a little bit. Uh, but also just with Russia, with China, uh, now with, uh, with Taiwan, uh,
China's threat to Taiwan, we've actually sent some troops, uh, some presence over there as Americans.
And they've said that this essentially is a declaration of war. So we don't know the world is in a really volatile state,
I think made even more so by this crisis, uh, another area would be in the area of economics.
Uh, this has been a drastic impact, uh, for all countries economically. And there's been, uh, many countries that have just simply the bottom has just dropped out on this thing.
A lot of countries in recession, of course, that affects travel and commerce. Uh, right now we've got hundreds of, you know, there's hundreds of ships off the coast of California that can't get into port and that's going to affect the global, the national supply chain.
My son works in supply chain, uh, logistics with a large trucking company and, and, uh, he manages our whole region of the country and, and he's got his finger on the pulse of that.
And we know that, uh, we need to stock up on a few things because it could get really rough here in the next, in the months to come, uh, but just in the supply chain, also just in, uh, in education, uh, and this affects economics as well, uh, during the height of the initial pandemic, 1 .5
billion children were out of school. And of course, this is, has produced,
I think, an explosion in, uh, in families really considering home education over this thing, uh, with what's happening right now in the public schools where they're teaching young children, uh, just pornographic, uh, concepts and, uh, introducing all sorts of godless, um, you know, material to them.
And of course that's nothing new, but it seems as like Satan is ramping that area up. And so it's really driving a lot of people.
Those who, who can afford it are going to public schools, private Christian schools. Uh, other people are saying not you're coming home.
So it's affecting the economy that way in terms of education. Uh, one thing I would say on this thing, in terms of the economics of this thing, and you can always follow the money to find out what's really going on.
Uh, two, two statistics for you in 2021, by the end of 2021, they rec, they, uh, uh, say that there's going to be $166 billion that have been spent on masks alone.
So whoever's making the masks are making a lot of money. The second thing is while everybody else is losing their job, being furloughed, being laid off, being fired because of the vaccine, uh, big pharma is making about $16 billion in 2021.
So the drug companies are just profiting like crazy. Amazon has profited like crazy because people have gone home.
They're not out shopping. And Amazon, uh, in one quarter, uh, did a whole year's worth of business.
So, uh, it's growing as well. Let me give you another area, uh, is mentally, uh, where people are so afraid right now.
In fact, I think fear is the number one emotion that most people are feeling right now, right there with confusion is the fear, uh, the fear of contracting
COVID, the fear of dying, uh, the fear of not knowing how their income is going to, uh, to happen and what experts predicted has really come true.
Uh, they said that we would see a spike in suicide attempts, especially among young people. They said we would see a domestic abuse, uh, rise.
We've seen that as well. In fact, doctors in Northern California, I read this report a few days ago that, uh, they said they in, in four weeks and last spring, they saw a year's worth of suicides in just four weeks.
And so when you, when you basically deconstruct society at a, at a foundational level, it affects the mental psyche of an entire nation.
Uh, and, and this mental thing has, has translated into many other areas and, uh, into violence and the cultural things, which is the next category here, um, right on the heels of the
COVID, uh, pandemic bill, we saw, uh, these riots, we saw, uh, social justice, uh, warriors out there burning, looting, uh, taking over cities.
Uh, there was a panic and chaos in the, in the streets. And really there's just a lingering narrative of hate and divisiveness in our country right now.
And of course we know where that comes from, that Satan is, is the author of hate of godless hate.
And so he's dividing us on every level that he can, uh, racially, economically, uh, medically, spiritually, every other area.
And so there's been a real cultural impact. And of course we've got people flooding in, uh, across the border, tens of thousands coming across the border, uh, unvaccinated, uh, but the government doesn't seem to care about them.
And they're, they're bringing a lot of, um, a lot of turmoil. They're bringing a lot of crime and they're bringing a lot of drugs.
In fact, our governor here in Arkansas was just down on the border. Because we're seeing a huge influx of drug trafficking in our, in our state.
And we're not even on the border. So I know it's, uh, has to be true in Texas. And of course, California, uh, where some of you guys are.
So there's been a cultural effect there. And, and I'll just say this, don't think for a moment that we're, that we're coming out of this tunnel.
Uh, there's going to be more impacts geopolitically, economically, mentally, and culturally. Let me give you another area.
Uh, morally right now, we are in a moral tailspin in America.
In fact, really across the world. Uh, I wrote a book a couple of years ago called the end of America question,
Mark Bible prophecy in a country in crisis. And in that book, I, I really detailed biblically the found the found, not only the foundations of our country, but what
God's relationship is to countries like ours, Gentile nations, not covenant a nation like Israel, but more
Gentile nations. And where is America on this timeline of Bible prophecy? Are we even mentioned in the
Bible? And if we're not, why not what's happening to America, what has happened and what's our future.
Uh, if we don't turn around, but there's been a huge moral decay, uh, in America.
And right now we're in the midst of what I call an alternate reality, because what's happened is, is that any person can simply speak or feel a new reality.
And then the rest of the world has to get on board with that, particularly as it involves gender and sexuality.
And of course, we're living in an age right now where there's more gender confusion than any other time in human history.
And I think the reason for that is because of the breakdown of the family, that kids are not growing up knowing what a daddy is, what a man is.
What is a woman? How do you act? How do you, how are you supposed to conduct yourself and how has God made men and women differently, that type of thing, all those things have been taken off the table and it's just boiled down to what do you feel today?
And so a man can just think he's a woman and the government says, well, you're a woman and the military says, okay, you're a woman.
And I think it's kind of ironic that in 2019, the woman of the year was an actual biological man,
Bruce Jenner. And, uh, but that's where we are right now. And so we're thinking ourselves into, uh, into new realities.
So one of the newest things that that's coming up and we're beginning to see this more and more, this is kind of shocking is that people are identifying as animals now.
Uh, they're called furries and typically among, uh, younger Gen X, Gen Z, uh, generation that are doing this, but they're, they're thinking they're a puppy or a rabbit or a kitten or a dog or whatever, and they actually dress like it.
They act like it. They conduct themselves like it. Uh, some of them dress like this to work.
And it just, it's just indicative of the fact that, you know, back to the mental condition of where we are, that when we reject
God, Romans one says, it literally makes us stupid. Uh, it, it makes us into morons is what it says in chapter one, verse 22.
That word fools is a Greek word, moros, which we get our word moron from. We lose the ability to think rationally.
So if God is not in the picture, informing our thoughts and rational thinking and reasoning is gone, what are we left to, we're left to two things.
We're left to our depravity and our emotions. And when you put those two things together, that mixes to be a, a hugely potent cocktail.
And that creates all sorts of imaginations in our minds. And so that goes over into not just a sexual revolution as Romans one says, but a homosexual revolution.
And now it's like homosexuality almost seems tame compared to some of the things that we're seeing come out of this, uh, this explosion today.
Uh, basic biology, factual data are cast aside in favor of our feelings. And then finally, under this, this category is that the
American psychological association, uh, there is a, a movement within that organization to de -stigmatize and decriminalize pedophilia.
In other words, for a man to have a sexual attraction or romantic attraction to a young boy is to, is to be considered now just another sexual orientation, and I predict that will eventually happen because everything else has been taken off the table as well.
We don't consult God. And if, if there are, if love is love, then why can't you love a young boy?
Right. Uh, the same for women and young girls. So watch out for this thing to, to start to gain attraction.
In fact, even California's governor, I think has signed some bills lessening some of the pedophilic activity or the penalties for it.
So it would seem that the world has really lost its mind, right? You look out there and just go, wow, we are living in the days of Noah, where Genesis 6, 6 says that every thought of every person was only evil continually.
Now, let me give you one more category before we move on here. Uh, it's in the area of spirituality or our, our spiritual nature.
Um, we see this right now in America, where at the moment that we're speaking now is that America has reached the lowest church attendance in its entire history per capita, in other words, statistically speaking, there are fewer people going to church in America right now than at any time in our history.
Um, during the pandemic, a third less people went to church, uh, gather with believers, uh, obviously because of fear and that type of thing.
And some churches were, uh, were on board with that, but according to a study done by George Barna, he says that a third of those, those third people are never coming back to church.
They've admitted, they've kind of gotten used to not just not going, not being with other believers, and so they'll just never gather again.
Uh, so, um, 30 ,000 churches closed in America from 2006 to 2012 and about 75 to 150 churches close every single week, uh, in our country.
So, um, so that's one of the things that we're experiencing. You say, well, why is that? Well, obviously
Satan hates the body of Christ. Uh, he hates the church. Uh, but also what we've seen is there's been a real weakening from the pulpit.
And as you, as you survey pastors across the country, many of them are saying, you know,
I just can't, I just can't go with everything that's in the Bible. Some of the things are good, but I, I just can't do it from cover to cover kind of thing.
And because of that, other pastors that do believe the Bible, but there's, they're just so intentional on filling seats on Sunday morning that they put on a show that they think will bring more people into the building.
And because of that, they have to give them a message that's not offensive to them, or that wouldn't challenge them or insult them or, or be offensive to them from the scriptures.
And so it's usually a feel good sermon. It's a self -help message. Uh, someone has described a lot of modern churches today as a rock concert, uh, with lights and fogs, uh, followed by a
Ted talk. And so that's what a lot of more, they're just pep talks, uh, for, uh, for Christianettes, basically, uh, not real
Christians. And, um, uh, George Barna again, did another study where he says 19 of professing
Christians read their Bibles only one time a week, uh, 18 % never read their
Bibles and then only 14 % read their Bibles every day. So that's out of a hundred people, uh, only 14 of them that are claimed to be
Christians are reading their Bibles daily. And then he came out with this statistic during the pandemic, that percentage dropped to 9%.
So currently only 9 % of professing Christians or read their Bibles every day.
So is it any wonder that we, as the body of Christ are being so affected by worldly philosophies and by what everything, the media, the government, uh, just the worldly thinking that's out there are pressing
Christians into its mold. And it's all because we're not in the word and we haven't developed biblical discernment that only comes by being in the
Bible. So, uh, that just tells us that we're the church itself is in really a sad, a sad state, uh, 51 % of, of people under the age of 35 believe mankind is going to be wiped out within the next 10 to 15 years.
So there's this whole idea that people don't even know what's going to happen in the future. They just think we're all going to be doomed.
Um, last, um, last February, my good buddy, uh, Todd Hampson and I were speaking at, uh, the largest
Christian high school in the state in which we were in, there were 500 high school students at this, uh, this rally we were doing today, uh, teaching on Bible prophecy.
And we asked them the question, how many of you have ever been taught through the book of revelation or anything about the end times?
And there was a deafening silence as not one single hand went up among 500 students.
And then we asked the question, how many of you have thought about the end of the world in the past week?
Every single hand went up. So they're thinking about it. They know what's going on, but what they're doing is, is that they're, they're self -medicating that anxiety in some way.
And sometimes it's just by ignoring it and crawling into a shell and being a, you know, obsessed with movies or video games or the internet or whatever, but they're thinking about it.
So the church ought to be the one to bring that, that hopeful message that's found in Bible prophecy to them.
So kind of what's the point of saying all these kind of like bad news, right? So, I mean, is there any good news in this thing?
And what does the Bible really say? Well, the biggest question that I get right now is that is, is
COVID, is this whole thing we're experiencing? Is it actually prophesied in the Bible? And the answer is no, there's nothing specific about what we're going through that you can point to a chapter and to a verse on this thing, but, uh, but knowing what we know about the end times in scripture,
I believe that we can safely say that, that what we're experiencing right now is sort of a sneak preview of what's to come.
It's like God flashing that check engine light. He's saying, look, pay attention. This is not just a, a little cyclical season that we're going through and it'll pass and that kind of thing.
Now, I believe it's grooming the planet for something, uh, something else. And, uh, I won't go into great detail on this, but if you just observe what the
Bible says will happen in the book of Revelation during the time of tribulation, it begins with a crisis, which
I believe will be the rapture. Uh, it's followed by a chaos, which obviously will happen after that.
But the man of sin will have to come on the scene to bring a sense of calm. After that calm, there'll be a governmental compliance because he'll say, look,
I'm going to make everything. Okay. Here's the message of peace and safety. We're going to take care of you. But then that, that compliance then turns into ultimate control.
And that is when the mark of the beast comes into play. Well, that pattern that we see happening, that will happen in the future.
We're seeing that same pattern happen that has happened right now. Uh, we've seen the crisis, which is the whole
COVID pandemic thing. Uh, we've seen the chaos that followed it, the fear, the anxiety, uh, they told us there would be bodies stacked in the streets and the hospitals couldn't handle all of the deaths and the cases.
Uh, then there was the calm wear mask, go home. It'll be okay in just a little while.
And then they kept on trying to calm us by telling us that, Hey, there's a vaccine coming where it's rolling out in the meantime, here's a stimulus check just to keep you happy, keep you occupied.
But after that came the compliance. Now we've got over a hundred million people now have taken the vaccine.
They're doing exactly what the government tells them to do. Uh, now our government is, is basically saying we gave you a chance to do it voluntarily.
Now we're going to try to force you to do it. That comes to, there comes to control. So you see the same pattern, even though this is not a biblical prophetic thing.
It is, I believe, softening humanity up so that when the real thing does come, it's not going to be as a shock or a surprise to them.
So, so what did, what did Jesus say about this approach to, to prophecy? Let me look at, um, uh, this verse here in Matthew 24, three, uh, it says he was sitting on the
Mount of Olives and the disciples came to him privately saying, tell us when will these things be and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age.
So notice that when they ask him about the end times, Jesus didn't say now, now guys, we don't talk about prophecy.
Uh, we don't talk about the future. We don't want to, we don't want to get into all that because it'll divide people on their different views on it.
And all, no, no. Jesus said, no, let me tell you what's going to happen. And the very first thing that he said was, he said, uh, don't let anyone deceive you.
That's the very first thing Jesus said before launching into what we see happening in revelation in Matthew chapter 24 and 25.
And so Christ was very detail oriented on exactly what's going to happen in the actual end times in the book of revelation.
So, uh, that's why I always like to say that, uh, that prophecy is not a, it's not accessory item, which we'll see here in just a second, the second, uh, prophecy or the second verse that we look at is in Matthew 16, when the, the
Pharisees and Sadducees came to Jesus and they were trying to test him, uh, saying, show us the sign from heaven.
And Christ said, when evening comes, you say it'll be fair weather for the sky is red and the morning today will be stormy for the skies, red and overcast.
Then he said, do you know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but cannot discern the time, the signs of the times.
And guess what? The sign of the times was standing physically right in front of them and they still couldn't see it.
And I think that's where a lot of people are today. It's not just ignorance in the church.
Uh, it's a sense of blindness because they just haven't been taught. They haven't studied the scriptures to be able to see what's happening because their heart is not prepared for what
God is about to do. So there's a lot of confusion today on that. So we don't want to be undiscerning
Christians. We don't want to be speculative people. We don't want to be date setters, and we don't want to be people that are looking for some prophecy behind every bush kind of thing, but, and we don't definitely, we don't want to be reading the newspaper and then looking in the
Bible to see if there's something in there for it. No, no. We begin with the scripture. We let the scripture inform our thoughts of the way we interpret reality, the way we look at culture, and then we move on from there to see if there are any signs.
Again, eschatology is not a theological accessory item. It's not something on the buffet that we get to choose. Uh, it's a part of the diet.
And, uh, the reason why I say that is in second Thessalonians chapter two, verse five, after telling the
Thessalonians about the antichrist, about the end times, he then says, do you not remember that while I was with you,
I was telling you this these things. And what that reveals to us is that part of Paul's basic agenda, his, his core curriculum in church planting was to cover eschatology.
I mean, after all, it is an area of theology, just like pneumatology or Christology or ecclesiology or, or, you know, salvation or whatever it is.
And there's a soteriology and, um, it's a, it's a part of our, our education theologically.
And so God wants us to know and over and over again in Paul's epistles, he says that he says,
I don't want you to be uninformed. I don't want you to be disturbed. I don't want you to be confused.
And in fact, God doesn't want us to be confused because the very last book he wrote in the
Bible was a book that was 95 % prophecy. And so, you know, he could have concluded his, his, uh, book anyway, he wanted to just like I do in my books,
I get to choose how I end it. Right. But God says, no, I don't want to just tell them all just go love each other or keep doing what you're doing or remember to obey me or whatever.
No, he says, I want you to know what's going to happen in the end, because there's something about me. I want you to know about the end times or something about where you're going to be and something about how glorious the return of your
Lord is going to be. So, um, so he answers all those questions for us. So that's why I say it's not just a, uh, some sort of accessory item.
Um, let me also just with this, this informs what we're talking about here. It helps us know how, how primary, uh,
Bible prophecy is. And we give you a couple of fast facts. Uh, about 30 % of the entire Bible is a prophetic at the time that it was written.
Um, there are over a thousand prophecies, 500 prophecies are yet to be fulfilled. So the story is not over yet.
It's not just past prophecy, but it's future prophecy as well. Uh, one out of every 30 verses in the new
Testament contains prophecy. Uh, 23 out of 27 new Testament books mentioned the second coming of Jesus.
Uh, there are about 333 prophecies concerning Christ. Only 109 were fulfilled at his first coming.
So what does that tell us? Well, it tells us there are things to come, but it also tells us this.
When people look at Revelation and Daniel and they try to say, well, it's a symbolic book and there's not a thousand year reign.
There's not, there's not a real return, all these things. Basically what they're doing is opening up the book of Revelation to any interpretation, but this here's how
I like to look at it. When you look at every single one of the old Testament prophecies concerning the first coming of Jesus and the events surrounding that every single one of them was fulfilled literally and exactly the way
God said it would. Now that tells us something about our God, how clear he is. When God speaks, he does not stutter.
And when he says something's going to happen, he means what he says. I love what Tim LaHaye has always said about Bible interpretation and Bible prophecy, he says, when the plain sense makes sense, seek no other sense, lest you end up with nonsense.
And that's where people have done. They've ended up with nonsense concerning Genesis, and they've ended up with nonsense concerning Revelation.
I like just to say, let's read it like it, like it is and let God speak. And then some 500 total prophecies remain unfulfilled.
And finally, the last book of the Bible, as I said, is 95 % prophecy. So to not focus in on reading
Revelation and studying Bible prophecy, because we are in the ramping up stage to it right now, to not do that is like going to a movie or reading a great book.
And then three fourths of the way into the book or the movie, you just get up and walk out. It's a riveting movie.
It's capturing your attention. You love the characters. You love what's going on, but you just give up and walk out. I mean, don't you want to know how the movie ends?
So the story ends and God is the master storyteller. So we really want to be involved in knowing what he says is going to happen.
People say, well, Jeff, if this is not the end, what is it? Well, let me give you some critical intel here on what
I think is going on here. The first thing is the fact that I think we're experiencing some preview pains of what the
Bible says will actually happen in the last days. If you're a female and you're a mom, then you know exactly what birth pains are like.
You know that they are very, very painful. Obviously that's why they call them pains, but also they occur in two ways.
They occur with intensity and frequency, the closer you get to the actual birth.
However, there are also these things that are called Braxton -Hicks contractions. And Braxton -Hicks contractions are not real birth pains, but you can only have them in your second or third trimester of pregnancy.
So in other words, you have to be actually pregnant to have the Braxton -Hicks, but you may have the Braxton -Hicks.
You think it's the real thing. You go to the hospital, they tell you to go home, right? But eventually those birth pains will come.
I think we're in a season of prophetic history right now where we're experiencing those Braxton -Hicks contractions.
These are not the actual fulfillments of the prophecies that we see in the book of Revelation, but they tell us that we are in the season of pregnancy, that we are actually in the fourth quarter of this game.
And that at any time, these Braxton -Hicks could turn into the actual birth pains.
And I think it tells us that our world is being groomed for the man of sin, that we are very, very ripe for Revelation.
So how do these aftershocks that we're experiencing right now, that we're all going through, how do they play into God's prophetic plan?
Let me give you three things here, and then we'll wrap it up with some application. Number one, the prophecies regarding culture.
As I mentioned before, everything God said will happen in the end of time is actually happening right now.
We're not obviously in the tribulation period, but what he talks about in Romans, all you have to do is read Romans one.
We're textbook Romans one right now. I mean, it's almost as if Paul just kind of stepped into 2021 and said, let me show you what's going on, and he wrote
Romans one. That's how up to date it is. Matthew 24, 37, Jesus says, when asked, what will it be like when you come back?
He says, it's going to be like it was in the days of Noah. And when you rewind back, excuse me, to Genesis chapter six, you find out that Noah was living in a generation.
He was surrounded by billions who were godless. There was a very huge population of godless people.
In fact, the only righteous people were eight people on the planet in his day. So godlessness, there was a rampant sexuality in that day, as evidenced by the fact that there's no
God influencing people's lives and their sexuality. Obviously, there's going to be all sorts of perversions.
He tells them in Genesis six that they had become corrupted, which is a verse that, excuse me, a word that Moses uses later on to talk about the sexual immorality in Exodus 32 of the children of Israel at the base of Mount Sinai.
So they're sexually perverse. And then it says they were also violent. He said the world was filled with violence.
And I just feel the hate growing every single day that there are thousands and thousands of murders across the
United States every day. In fact, some cities are experiencing record number of homicides right now.
But in Christians are being killed all over the world as well. There's an increasing spirit and culture of violence that is going on in the world.
And what's happening through the COVID thing has only exacerbated that. In fact, I read a report today where the
United Nations, some international secular board was declaring that anti -Semitism and neo -Nazism was on the rise during the pandemic.
So there's becoming a greater hatred of Jews that's emerging and boiling up during the pandemic for whatever reasons.
And of course, when we read Revelation chapter 12, we know there's going to be a second Holocaust of the
Jewish people. And there's going to be three attacks that Satan launches on the Jewish people. It's going to make the
Holocaust look like a day at Disney World. He's going to slaughter them all or as many as he can, about two thirds, he's going to succeed in that.
So we're becoming continually morally unhinged. And then with the church, Paul says in the last days that men will fall away from the faith.
And this is the thing that has been particularly close to me. I was a pastor for 30 years and obviously guarded my flock and was able to preach the word to them and to help them recognize false teachers.
But there's been a huge influx of false teachers that have infiltrated the body of Christ.
And I find God -loving Bible -believing Christians that are being misled by not only the big lies that these false teachers are telling, but some of the subtle ones as well, that because they don't have biblical discernment, they're not really able to see the difference between truth and error.
In fact, right now I'm teaching here locally on Wednesday nights, a community Bible study on the book of Jude, where Jude says to contend earnestly for the faith and at no other time in my lifetime and being involved in the church as it'd been such a threat from these false teachers.
Now we have whole denominations apostatizing. Last week, the Lutheran church just ordained their first transgender bishop.
There's a homosexual play in England right now about Jesus as a homosexual.
There's just so much apostasy and falling away from the faith. So we have to guard that. And that's why
Mark Hitchcock and I, Dr. Mark Hitchcock and I wrote a book called The Coming Apostasy, where we outlined this whole idea of what's happening right now.
So a lot of people are deconstructing their faith. A lot of Christian leaders taking their faith apart and the
Bible. It's just, you know, it's just not working for any anymore. I'm going to reconstruct my own faith with a new
Jesus so that I can have a Jesus of my own liking. Well, of course, that's exactly what Paul predicted what would happen, 2
Timothy chapter four. He said in the last days, they will accumulate teachers in accordance with their own desires.
So a lot of these popular television preachers, some of these, some of these megachurch pastors are basically preaching to crowds that are, that are, that are feeding their ego and he's feeding their ego.
So it's kind of a give and take sort of thing. Speaking of the book that I wrote with, with, with Ken Ham, the research that we did in that book told us that no longer are we losing kids in the church when they go off to college.
You know, when I was a youth pastor, I used to, that used to be, it's like the villain was college. You know, you go away to college and then within a month, you've cast off your
Christian faith, like a cheap sweater, and you're just immersed yourself into being a college student, right? That's not happening anymore.
What's happening is our research show that we're losing them by the eighth grade, as young as 12 and 13 years old.
And the reason for that we found was that most churches do two things.
They teach children and young people, the facts about the Bible. They teach them the stories about the
Bible. They teach them what to believe. They teach them what happened in the Bible. So they know
Bible facts. They knew Bible stories. But when they get to an age where they're starting to maybe have doubts or to question things that, that may be went on the
Bible, there's, doesn't seem to be an atmosphere or a freedom to bring up those questions and those challenges because they're, they're afraid they might be condemned.
So they keep them internally. And of course, when you don't address a doubt, the doubt just becomes like a seed that, that really eventually builds into a forest.
And so kids are not being told the whys of their faith. They're not being equipped to know how to understand and recognize what's going out there in the world.
And to delineate, watch this now, it's the difference between not just telling them what's wrong out there and what's right in here, but telling them how to recognize for themselves, how to discern those things out there that are potential threats to your spiritual life and to what you believe in the scripture.
Also, it gives them the opportunity. If you teach them the whys, they actually get to know why what they believe, what they believe in and how they know it's true and how the
Bible is backed up by true science and by, by true archeology and by true astronomy, all these things back up the scriptures and how we know that the
Bible is true and why it's a credible, reliable document. Well, we're not doing that. What we're doing is we're just ordering more pizza and playing volleyball with kids and having fun with them because we're afraid if we don't just, just have fun, then they won't come.
And you know, when I was a youth pastor for many, many years, we had tons of fun. We did crazy fun stuff together.
But then there was a time when we said, okay, now time of the evening, we're going to open our Bibles and we're going to study the word together.
And we did that just as serious as we did our playtime. So you don't have to have one or the other. And people say, well, gosh, you know, they won't come.
And if, if we don't just have fun, well, you let God bring the people that are supposed to come.
God's in charge of that. You're not in charge of advertising a great show and getting as many people as you, as you can get to come there because however you get them is how you're going to have to keep them.
And that's why many churches today are just basically youth group for adults. Uh, they're just doing things on stage up there.
They're just entertainment, but not equipping. Okay. Enough of that. All right. Let's move on to the last one here. Uh, processes regarding the nations.
Um, again, Jesus said, don't be deceived. The very first thing he said after that was nation will rise up against nation.
And we are, we have entered into a new era of volatility specifically in the middle
East. Uh, in May of this year, there were 4 ,369 rockets launched into Israel, uh, from the
Gaza Strip. And a very few of them made it past it because of Israel's iron dome. Uh, but that just gives you an idea of how volatile that area is.
One, one rogue rocket fired either way could ignite into global war, just one.
So it's only God that's holding that back. Uh, this very week, uh, the Jews were given, uh, by a court decision, the right to come onto the temple
Mount and to pray silently and Hamas's response to that was this equals a declaration of war against Israel.
So that, and that's today that happens. So these things are hugely volatile, not to mention what's going on in Iran, China, Russia, Syria.
And Psalm two tells us that, that the nations are raging and yet God in the heavens laughs at them.
Because he's the one who has history under control. So we shouldn't fear that, but we should know that it's going on.
And that it's, it's simply a ramping up what Jesus said would happen, uh, in the, in the end times. Okay.
Uh, Christ also said Luke 21, 11, uh, that there would be, uh, famines and earthquakes, great earthquakes in various places.
Then he said, there'll be plagues and famines. And revelation six talks about a, an end times plague that combined with some war and some famine will take a fourth of the earth's population to their grave.
So yes, there will be deadly plagues that will affect us in the, um, in the future. And then
Jesus said in chapter 21 of Luke verse 26, that there'll be men who will faint from fear concerning all these things and the expectation of things that are coming.
So put it in our context right now. Uh, this fainting from fear spirit is the fact that, that fear has basically robbed you of your boldness.
It's robbed you from your energy. It's robbed you from your courage. It's robbed you from being able to go out and just live your own life fear.
And the devil is a fear monger. And, and I'll, I'll admit, I mean, this is just obvious fear is a fantastic manipulator and motivator.
If you can get people to be afraid, then you can get them to do almost anything, uh, even allow the government to inject your child with an experimental vaccine.
You can get that to happen if you're afraid enough. So the more the fear narrative is placed out there, uh, the more people will continue just to give up their freedoms little by little to the point where they're going to suddenly turn around and say, wait a minute.
We don't have any freedoms. We gave them all away. And so Jesus says there's going to be men fainting from fear because the expectation of the things that are happening around them in the tribulation period, we're already experiencing that right now.
And so that's why I say, I do believe that we're living in the fourth quarter of the game, that the stage is being set for revelation, that the prophetic signs are emerging, everything from Israel, the temple technology, global unity, everything points to the fact that we are ramping up to revelation.
And it's like, uh, uh, Mark Hitchcock, my good buddy says, he says, it's kind of like going into the grocery store and you hear
Christmas music playing, but then you say to yourself, wait a minute. It's not even Thanksgiving yet. And what we're hearing is we're hearing the music of revelation, revelation and the tribulation playing, but the rapture hasn't even happened yet.
So that tells us that we are obviously close to that day of revelation. How close is up to the
Lord? So as we can close, close out this thing, what, what can I do? Cause you want to get a so what out of this
Bible study, right? Let me give you a couple of things. I think it'll be really encouraging to you. Number one, don't be deceived. Don't be deceived and don't assume that you won't be deceived.
The only way for, for us to really know is for our minds to be informed with scripture, for us to get into the word and let the word get into us and not to trust what people say, unless we can back it up with the scripture.
So don't be deceived. Paul says in second Thessalonians, don't be disturbed. The second thing is don't be uninformed.
Uh, this is where I tell people that you should really read a lot of people who write about Bible prophecy, the solid people, some of the people we were talking about earlier, the
Jack Hibbs and the Tom Hughes and guys like that, Mark Hitchcock and, and Don Perkins, people like that, that are out there preaching the
Bible. They're not preaching sensationalism. They're not preaching, you know, some sort of, uh, you know, man -made philosophy about the end times they're preaching what the scripture says, but be informed and get into your own
Bible and find out what scripture says yourself. Don't be afraid of reading revelation. Uh, God will bless you for it.
Uh, the third thing is trust the word of God. Uh, Jesus said every single jot and tittle would be fulfilled, uh, from the prophecies related to him.
And, uh, we know from, uh, from the book of revelation that everything God says that will happen will happen.
And how do we know that? Because the Bible is batting a thousand. It's never struck out. It's never hit a foul ball.
It's never hit a grounder. It's it's hit a home run, a grand slam every single time.
And so we can bank on the scripture trust in the Bible. When a lot of voices are coming into your head right now, you need to always go back and say,
God, you're the only word that I can trust 100 % and only those who talk about your word, who teach it properly, those are the only ones that I can trust as well.
And then here's the final thing, seize the moment and share the hope. I believe right now that we are living in a golden moment for the gospel and for Bible prophecy, quite frankly, that there is a, there is an open door that will not always be open.
At some point, all of these people on planet earth, all the people that hate believers that hate
Christians, that, that want to excise us and cancel us out of culture, uh, that want to prevent us from enjoying anything in society.
They simply just want us to go away and God is going to grant them that wish,
I believe through the rapture. So we only have, I don't know how long it is, but there's an open door.
I think we have right now when everybody's thinking about the same thing, everybody's facing it. So to ask a friend,
Hey, have you ever thought about if any of this stuff really means anything that we're going through, or does the
Bible say anything about what we're going through right now? Would you be interested in knowing about that? Or have you ever thought about the fact that you could die, you know, either from a disease or from some other issue in your life, even if you don't, we're all here for just a short amount of time.
Would you be interested in knowing about what God says about this whole thing? There's just a little window of opportunity that we have.
So we have to make sure that we take advantage of that. Um, A W Tozer said a scared world needs a fearless church, and that's what we need to be right now.
We need to be a fearless church. Billy Graham tells a story in his autobiography, just as I am about an encounter that he had with John F.
Kennedy, right after he became president, it was the day of his inauguration. And after the inauguration, uh,
Kennedy asked Graham, Mr. Graham, would you ride with me in my limo back to the white house?
And, uh, Mr. Graham said, yeah, I'd love to do that. So I got into the limo and they were driving back to the white house and, and, uh,
John F. Kennedy said to Billy Graham, he said, Hey, uh, does, uh, do you believe in the second coming of Jesus?
And Graham was sort of startling. So, well, yeah, of course I do. And he said, well, does my Roman Catholic church believe in it?
And Graham said, well, it's, it's in their documents. So I assumed that they do. And Kennedy said, no, that's very interesting.
So I'd really like to talk to you some more about this. Sometime they got out of their car. Well, fast forward a couple of years later, they're at the national prayer breakfast and both
Kennedy and Graham gave a short speech. It was a cold winter's day in Washington. And afterwards
Kennedy asked Graham again, he said, Mr. Graham, would you ride in my limo with me?
I need to talk to you about some things. And Billy Graham says, I turned to the president said,
Mr. President, I've had this flu, this virus, and I'm really afraid I might give it to you if I'm, if I expose you to it, could we do this another time?
And president Kennedy said, of course we can. And so they parted ways. And of course, you know, some 10 months later,
Kennedy was assassinated. They never, ever had that conversation. And this is what Billy Graham says in his biography, just as I am.
He concludes by saying this. He says to me, that was an irrecoverable moment.
It was a moment I will never have back in my life. And I regretted it all of my life.
And my friends, we don't want to have irrecoverable moments. We want to make sure we take advantage of the stewardship of the days that God has given us here on this earth and make sure that we're doing everything that we can and being the people that God wants us to be so that we can be the salt and the light in the world that we're living in because the darker, the night, the brighter, the light.
So keep these things in mind as you face the world around you, be alert to Satan schemes, and just know that we can trust
God. We do not have to fear. He's got this all under control. Okay.
That was really good. That was really, really good. And I know you hit on some somewhat controversial topics for our day and age, and, um, we, we know that we have people watching or people in our audience here that might disagree with some of those things, but for the most part, we were really appreciating what you were saying.
So, um, we're, we're glad to have you. And, and, um, just, there's a couple of comments and a couple of questions in the chat here in zoom.
Um, and then I think we even have something on Facebook too. So, um, here, let's start with the ones on zoom.
So people are appreciating some of the things you said, especially the point that you made about that, that churches, when they bring in the youth, they have to, however they bring them in, they have to keep them that way.
Right. And so that was such a good, good thing that we appreciated. And also, um, the point that you made about not to be deceived, um,
Robin pointed out, reminded us that Dr. Jason Lyle has been one of our speakers and he's spoken about logic and he has a course on logic.
And so that's so important that we learn how to think logically so that we're not deceived. It even changed.
It changed my, my work. It actually changed my work. Um, I mean, if you, you know, if you have, um,
Holy spirit discernment, and if you, if you're reading your Bible and then you learn how to actually spot a logical fallacy or even something simple really makes a difference.
Okay. Sorry, Terry. Oh, no worries. Um, actually Robin had a question. She wants to know about the
Bible study that you mentioned. Is it on zoom and is it available to everyone? Yeah, I were recording the
Bible studies, this initial four week study on Jude. And when those four weeks have concluded that I'm going to make those available on my app, uh, the vintage truth app, which you can get on your phone.
Uh, also apple TV and Roku will carry that as well on the vintage truth app there.
So you just go have a, like a physical box for apple TV. You just go and download the vintage truth app.
And, uh, those will be up in probably about a month. Okay. So I have both apple and Roku.
So they're not like Bible studies. Cause like we had a speaker come and he had a, uh, so I participated in his, um,
Bible study and it was really good, but then they tossed him out of the church for some reason. So, um, so it was kind of my
Bible study. So I'll have to toss myself out if nothing goes right, but yeah, it's me speaking to a group of people.
It's just a video of the, uh, the Bible study itself. So, but yeah, I'm going to make this all available.
Okay. And then another question from, um, our friend here in the audience named Jeff, um, are you familiar with the
Georgia guidestones and are they credible as the basis for, um, this, I I'm sorry,
I lost a part of his, Oh, for this build back better campaign. Yeah. I mean, I haven't been to see them, but I've heard about them.
I've seen pictures about them, that type of thing. And it certainly does seem to be in harmony with some of this, uh, this global reset type philosophy and world unity and some of the values that are there,
I haven't really memorized what's actually on those stones. Uh, but obviously it's, it's a, it's a godless philosophy and anything that is anti Christ anti Bible, uh, you're going to find as a part of this sort of build back better thing.
I mean, all you have to do is just basically take whatever is being said for the most part in society.
And you see the opposite being said in scripture, uh, even the, even the quote unquote good things and the ways that they hijack
Christian values. Uh, things like, um, like kindness and mercy and, and, uh, love, as we, we talked about earlier, those types of things, uh, all those things are being, uh, really being hijacked.
And so, um, uh, I would just say that, uh, yeah, those probably do, um, you know, probably do, uh, uh, harmonize with, with those, those guidestone things.
Okay. Um, Oh, did you, Oh, did you want to share something else?
I turned off your screen so that I was trying to, I was trying to turn off my screen. Is it off now?
No, it's not. I'll take care of it for you. Okay, cool. Okay. Um, and then while I'm doing that, so we have a question coming from Facebook.
Um, will this book be out in Spanish? Which book after shocks?
I think so. I, I think that must be the book. I I'm not sure if it's already out in Spanish.
I know it's in German and, and other languages. Um, but I assume that it's in Spanish, but I, I honestly don't know.
I'll be honest. Um, but just go, go, just check it out. Just type in, uh, after shocks,
Jeff Kinley, Spanish, and see what comes up. Okay. Robin, did you have something to say?
What was it? Sarah Bucklin asking about that? No, somebody else. Okay. I'm just curious.
So we, uh, we had Sarah Bucklin. She's a doctor from Jamaica. And, um, she gave a really good talk, but about the
Georgia guidestones, those interested me years and years ago. And I never figured out how they would get the world's population down to 500 million.
Now I know, I mean, they've got it like, you know, worked out right down probably to the last person.
Okay. That's my comment. Okay. And Joyce is asking if you have your vintage truth app on Android.
Yes. Yes. You should be able to go on your Android and your app store and just type in vintage truth.
And it should come up as a little, um, I don't have the thing. You would hang on a second. Joyce, you should be able to get it on Roku.
I just downloaded it. It looks, it looks just like this. Okay. I just downloaded it and I have
Android. Yeah. I wanted to make sure I had the right one. I do things immediately or I forget.
Yeah. My weekly podcasts are there. I'm now videoing my podcasts as well. So you can really have a choice whether you want to watch me or just listen to me and that you have that choice there as well.
And so, and I'm going to continue to upload new videos to there as well. Nice. I think Rob has a question for you,
Rob, go ahead. Yeah. I have a couple of comments. One is that, uh, I remember during the
Cuban missile crisis, I had somebody asked me what I thought we should do. And I said, I think we probably ought to go steady for midterm just in case we don't all get blown away.
So sometimes it looks like everything's about ready to fall apart and we've got some more time to go.
I also remember hearing Al Lindsay in 1960, well, late sixties talking about how, uh, you know, the
Lord could come back tonight and he could, but on the other hand, he hasn't. And so some of my friends there, when
I was at this campus, could say training, we're deciding to drop out of school so that they could go out and evangelize the world.
And I think that they might've been better off to spend more time learning apologetics and things like that, and then getting properly trained to go out and conquer the world.
So I think that's a great point. Yeah. I'll just interject real quick. That's a fantastic point. And that is sort of the, the unbiblical response to knowing that the
Lord could come back at any time is to simply quit what you're doing, or just to focus completely on, on thinking that he's coming back tomorrow.
So you've got to go off and be a preacher or whatever. Uh, we had a girl in college. Uh, I was involved with campus crusade as well in college.
And we had a girl when she heard about the second coming or the rapture, rather she went and sold all of her jewelry and got all this money and was trying to go off and she wanted to be a missionary all of a sudden, and then she figured out, wait a minute, he may not come back for a while.
So she went back and tried to get her jewelry back, you know, from the people she had sold it to. Uh, Martin Luther famously said this.
He said, if a new Christ was coming back tomorrow, I would plant a tree today. So we kind of live with that tension.
You know, all throughout the new Testament over and over and over again, the new Testament church was looking forward.
They were eagerly anticipating the return of Christ any day. And yet they kept on living their lives. And that's what
I tell young couples when they come up to me and say, what should we do? You know, we were pregnant. We just had a baby. We're thinking about having more kids.
I was like, keep doing that. You do whatever God has called you to do. You'd be good stewards of the time
God has given you because should the Lord Terry and he not come back, you want to be found fateful in that time as well.
So just be faithful to the season of life and to what God's called you to do right now. Yeah. Amen. We have, um, another question from a
Facebook watcher. So she's asking, um, back to your, um, points about the gender, um, war right now.
Um, so she's asking if you think that the whole sexual orientation, um, et cetera is kind of a fad, like that people are wanting to just be part of some kind of a movement and that's what that, what the movement is that they've chosen.
Yes. And no, I think one, one part of the equation is the fact that we have an entire generation of people who have absolutely no idea who they are.
And it's because they were, they weren't given that, that they weren't equipped with that by their parents because of the state of the family today.
So, so there's a sense that some of them are just like, I want to identify with this because it's trendy. It'll get me a lot of likes.
It gets me attention, that type of thing. On the other hand, we do know that it's not going away.
Uh, even into the tribulation period, revelation nine says that, uh, that people did not repent of their rampant immoralities, uh, during that time.
So, so there's going to be a continued ramping up of a perverted sexual explosion, this whole idea of gender confusion.
Uh, but at the same time, there are people that just, they're just kind of like wondering who I am. And this is what they're surrounded with right now.
So to say that I'm a lesbian or come home and say, uh, mom, you have to call me them or they, instead of here, you know, he or she, or whatever.
Um, there's just something that they may be going through, but it's not a healthy thing, even though it might be a fad.
And I would just say this too, on that issue, I was in, um, Manila, the Philippines teaching at, uh, at, at the campus crusade seminary there, uh, here a couple of years ago, and they asked me to do a community -wide presentation on can you be gay and be a
Christian? Because a lot of, um, the churches in the greater
Metro Manila area and in the Philippines at large, we're dealing with this issue really for the first time, they're kind of like delayed.
And some of the things that like gay marriage and stuff that, that we have already fallen into. And so I, you know,
I gave several talks on that, but one of the things I said was that, you know, people truly are confused about this whole issue of gender.
I mean, Satan is the God of this world. Uh, he's called the prince of the power of the air. Jesus called him the ruler of this world.
And he controls the narrative that's going on in the secular world right now. And so he truly is blinding the minds of young people to what they are.
I mean, think about this. If you were Satan, you would get people to deny that God was the creator, right?
But you would also get them to deny that they were a creation. And so if you're not a creation, then what are you?
You're just something you're, you're just an entity. And so, because of that, there's no objective moral standard that guides you or some greater plan for your life.
And so you just have to, you go with the desires or the feelings or the pressure from others that they create for you regarding this whole gender issue.
So, you know, I tell churches and pastors and Christians, you know, if you know, somebody that's, that's, that's struggling with this gender confusion, you know, reach out to them, build a relationship with them.
Don't just cast them off, try to embrace them, try to help them understand that God has made them and work with them.
And it may be kind of a messy process. And because it's always, you know, the things that these kids are thinking in their minds is like untangling
Christmas lights. Sometimes it's a, it takes a while to do, but if we love people and we want to see them come to Jesus, then we have to be willing to, to spend the time with them.
And I would just like to add to that too, that I think that social media doesn't do our young people, any favors when it comes to this specific thing.
And I think Nathan Jones might've brought this up in the first presentation he did for us at the beginning of the year, because I think a lot of young people, their, their definitions of things are not getting, they're not getting informed by authorities on matters or by their parents, they turn to each other, to their peers and to social media, and they get all of this feedback and they, they get it, this information that says,
Oh, will you, if you feel this, you must be that. Even though that's not really truth, but they're getting informed and educated by peers instead of by people who actually know and have wisdom.
And that's a really good message that you get to pastors that they, they need to engage with their, with their young people.
And be that because just the fact that we're all sinners and, you know, scripture tells us in Ephesians four, that the sin nature doesn't get better.
It is continually being corrupted. So yes, people in general, and even
Christians are going to have these obtuse, uninvited, unnatural thoughts that may pop into their heads sometimes.
But what the world is telling them is that we'll do it. Do what your heart says to do. I mean, follow your heart, go with your feelings.
And scripture says, no, hold that up against the word of God. Take every thought captive, captive, see if it, it relates to scripture.
If it jives with scripture, if it doesn't cast it aside, submit it to the Lordship of Christ and let him deal with it.
And so there is a biblical way, you know, to deal with, I mean, in essence, temptation, temptation is really what it is just happening in our, in our minds.
Yeah. And then, and then knowing that it's part of a spiritual battle and that our enemy knows the battle sometimes better than we do.
And you see all of the activists, therapists, or whatever kind of people they are that are reinforcing that.
So that when these young people who are confused feel like they need to go somewhere else for help, they're going to the wrong people who are ready for that and ready to pray on that.
The other, other area that also feeds into those kids going the wrong way is this fact that they have been brought up on a diet of cartoons with characters in the cartoons that are telling him these weird ways are the ways that people are now going.
Oh, I'm seeing that with my, my own grandchildren. Um, and I, I raised my kids, you know, they, they know creation, they know everything, but I don't, my daughter doesn't seem to have a problem letting my grandchildren watch the garbage on TV.
Um, I, I always ask, where did I go wrong? And then I pray for them. I wanted to say,
Jeff, I was listening to Bill Salus today, and he's saying that we're going to retain our sin nature all the way through the millennial reign.
Uh, I found that to be very interesting that, um, even though say he may, right.
He may be referring to Christians in the tribulation that are alive when
Christ comes back and they just go from the tribulation into the millennial kingdom.
That's probably what he was referring to us, but yeah. I sure hope
I don't have mine. No, no, we, the, the moment that we are raptured or that we die, that sin nature is eradicated.
Uh, scripture says we are made new. We're given brand new bodies. Uh, we cast off the old man and, uh, and Christ gives us basically his we're complete, our salvation is complete, uh, in terms of our glorification, uh, in heaven, so no, we won't have our sin nature in nature there, but those who become
Christians that are not killed in the, in the tribulation, uh, that move on, transition into the millennial kingdom, they'll carry their sin natures with them, and that's part of the reason why there's an uprising at the end of the millennial kingdom because of those who have the sin natures.
Thank you. Okay. Well, um, Jeff, so how about if you go ahead and share information about how people can find you, find your book, find your podcast, and then
I'll do the same for our ministry. And then we'll, um, end the recording and live stream and we'll, um, just pray and close out here in zoom.
Yeah. Uh, thank you all for letting me be with you this evening. I hope it was an encouragement to you and inspired you and equipped you.
Um, you can find out more about my ministry at jeffkinley .com. Uh, all my books are available on a
Christian book distributors or Amazon or wherever it is you like to order your books. They're pretty much out there everywhere.
So, uh, you can order books and, uh, and I encourage you to download that app, the Venice truth app, and listen to the podcast.
I've got 366 episodes up on a variety of biblical topics, some prophecy, but a lot of them are just doctrinal things and teaching through the
Bible. So, uh, I'm doing a series right now on courageous faith and just looking at some of those old Testament guys who just said, not going to bow.
So, uh, hope it's encouraging to you. Praise the Lord. And we are creation fellowship
Santee. So happy to be able to offer, um, presentations like this and to bless our speakers by giving them an opportunity to get their message out.
And you can find most of our videos on YouTube by searching creation fellowship Santee. We also have a channel on rumble, which is
CFS 2020 and bitch shoot, which is creation fellowship. And you can find us on our creation fellowship,
Santee Facebook page or email creation fellowship, Santee at gmail .com.