Episode 4 - What is Honor? & The Lord's Name in Vain

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Up and rolling again Welcome back to the point -taking podcast or welcome shoulder.
Yes. I asked you not to do it specifically because I wanted to so bad I'm Tom. Yes. Welcome back shoulder.
It's a point -taking podcast Podcast where we make and take spiritual questions and well, we just chat him up.
I Almost said that from the pulpit today I was like we we chatted.
I couldn't get the emphasis, right? So I just said Subscribe on you you couldn't say the slogan.
I'll do it next to chat it up. I'm gonna next time chat it up Chat it up. Well, I'm hunter Wilson I'm the host of this podcast this wonderful podcast called point -taking podcast find us on YouTube point -taking
Christian podcast and Subscribe hit that notification bell to get all of your downloads right here to my right.
This is Andrew cook Hello, everybody. Nice to be back again. We love having Andrew cook and to the left is pastor
Josiah Shibley Hey, we're doing best. Hey friends. I'm doing good. I'll actually like doing these. These are fun. Oh You know what?
I love about this is I think the every episode we've done and to my left is pastor So how you doing?
Hi, I really like doing These are fun But no, that's a great
We're like I hate doing this. I wish I wasn't honestly really wish I was home right now.
Yeah, I'm here though I mean, I don't have to do any hard work Y 'all were talking about like three K's and four
K's and all that before we started I'm I'm just sitting here at Nick's talking about four K's and I'm just sitting here. I'm like Yeah, I'm talking to my friends.
That's my job Well, we are gonna open up our conversation today with the mindset of gratitude
It's always important to try and keep your mindset a mindset of thankfulness and of gratitude towards God And that's something
I've personally been working on Is whenever we know that every good thing comes from God, right?
Right, so it is important to give thanks to God for those things And to change that change your perspective change your outlook change the way you live your life to a life of gratefulness
So what's something this week that you can be publicly thankful to God about?
Mine is probably a little weird but You know, we've taught at this church a long time quit saying things like don't question the
Bible You know only God doesn't have questions. The rest of us all have questions, right?
And there's no such thing as faith without an element of doubt or want to be called faith You know, we know the passage
Lord. I believe help my unbelief. I Am thankful to God not just for Teaching me but reminding me of things.
He taught me long ago Oh nice, so, you know in Jesus is John 14 26 He's about to go because you know
The gospel John for the most part is just the last week of his life Like I think of like the 28 chapters like 20 of them are just that last week and chapter 14 is all about the
Holy Spirit right and he says I will not leave you comfortless. I will come to you Don't miss that by the way, and he says the counselor of the
Holy Spirit The father will send him in my name and he will teach you all things and Josiah Remind you of everything.
I've already taught you because you're not gonna get it the first time So it's not just teach you all things remind you of everything I've taught you and I got some of that this week and I'm so thankful to God because I do believe but sometimes
I need help with my unbelief and he revealed that to me in kind of a odd way, but brother
Jeff Has been teaching on Nehemiah and Sunday mornings and Ezra when
They came back from captivity When the Persians took over the Babylonians and they came back started building the temple and all that stuff.
Well, anyway Cyrus the great we can look him up our little history books on our laptop or our phones or whatever
Cyrus the great we know He was the ruler of the Medo -Persian Empire We know that he allowed the
Jews who were dispersed from Nebuchadnezzar to go return and build their temple we know that it's a historical fact
So, you know you read that you're like, all right, that's cool something that I can verify happen in history as extra biblically is in the
Bible But then I'm even more grateful when I go read Isaiah and I was reading this this morning to a church written in 700
BC 175 Years before Cyrus was king and Isaiah 44 28 through 45 3 says
Cyrus this is God speaking Cyrus is my anointing Shepherd Shepherd and he will say of Jerusalem that will be rebuilt and he will say of the temple its foundation will be laid we have
Isaiah prophesying that a king of A kingdom that is yet to rise to power
Will allow the rebuilding of a temple that has yet to be destroyed. I Mean in 700
BC the temple was standing and would be for another hundred and twenty years, right? So Nebuchadnezzar 586,
I know all that sounds like wishy -washy, but my point is the main point I'm making is We have in the
Bible Isaiah Rightly predicting of a pagan king by name
Recalling the Jews to rebuild the temple in the wall before the temple is destroyed.
I Mean that would be like here in Memphis for me to say hey
President Jean of France is going to allow the pyramid downtown to be rebuilt when all the
Memphians come back from Nashville I You would ask The pyramid is fine.
And what does President Jean have to do with anything that happens in the United States? That's what happened.
And then what how many hundred was it? 170 years later it happens God has
I am grateful that God has reminders like that in his word. That's why I said this is weird because I May have pastor in front of my name, but I'm just a dude and I have questions all the time
When God I'm grateful for little reminders like that that Remind me of things
I've always known But they are afresh again. It's not a one -time thing when
I was 12, right? They are afresh again, and that just it helps it from becoming black ink on white paper fires you up, dude
Right fires. It really does. It fires me up. I love John 14, dude And it's talking about the
Spirit and it says the Spirit prays on your behalf. It reminds you that yeah, it's like That's so incredible.
And every time I read it when I picture Jesus as he says, yeah, I'm leaving But I'm sending someone for you.
Yeah, and I just hear the Avengers music in the background Yeah, I feel like he's Nick Fury's like but I'm sending someone your way
That was not the Avengers theme but yeah wrong well, I mean maybe not the theme but No Yeah, dude, maybe
I'm thinking of Captain America you're thinking of the wrong thing wrong well, hold on let's fight about this. Hold on I'm not
I might not be saying it. I don't even know But like I'm not talking about the
Avengers thing. I'm thinking of one of them like does you listen? Can you comment below so we could figure out we're talking we're talking
Infinity War when Captain America appears behind the train Yeah, yeah, that's that's that's the
Avengers theme. Yes. No, it wasn't it wasn't the thing It was the no, that is the theme dig it up.
Dig it up Yeah, that's the thing, okay, you just say what was
I singing you were I don't know what you were saying you're saying exactly There is a recording so yeah, so it looks like I was singing it right the entire time
We will continue to prove, okay, I was just a little bit fast It's fine. I was a little bit fast.
I didn't have the patience to do it, right? I'm sorry. Yeah, okay Speaking of not having the patience.
What are you grateful for there? Mr. Host hunter boy over there man.
What am I thankful to God for man? I'm thankful to God have
I've been thinking about this for a while, but it hit me again this week. Um God is a very personal
God. Yeah, and God is very faithful to you and It's always the most incredible things and it always for me.
It's like absolutely Wrecks me And he is faithful to you and gives an abundance even even if you're not
Returning the favor. Hmm. You know I'm saying yeah, I was like man You know
I had to stop and because I was getting stressed and I was getting worried about some things I said, okay, hold on deep breath
Who's in charge? Who's got it? But now I thought man God is really blessed my life
Even when I'm trying to control things and even when I'm you know Not doing everything the way
I'm supposed to be doing like I'm not the most faithful this week Like I'm not the most obedient this week and God is still giving in abundance
So his faithfulness and generosity in my life is Incredible and it's just something that I have to be grateful for not even just That he's so giving but that he's he does that even when
I'm You know, yeah, not walking right with him. That's awesome.
Yeah Mine is gonna be the blessing of My family.
Yeah, I'll say that so for those who don't know I Have two little boys.
I have a two -year -old and a he's eight months old Yesterday actually pain and it's just such a cool and awesome
Blessing to watch them grow up and to to be able to give them Like Edwards my oldest he's starting to very much company.
He's very sharp. He's starting to comprehend a lot of things. So now like We'll pray like at nighttime before we go to bed we pray and just ask
God to protect us while we sleep and good dreams all that all that good stuff and He's very attentive.
He's very much. He'll he'll grab my hand and he'll close his eyes and he'll say daddy pray
It just oh man, it melts me down but at the end he'll say amen and he'll say thank you
God and it's just it's it is Awesome. I absolutely thank
God every night for that and every day and he can be a handful right goodness He may handful but he's it's really really much a blessing to see him growing up and and learning all this
That's really cool. Very cool That's awesome, dude, yeah, that's me up for you. I love your family
Samuels crawling around now, so that's nothing nothing. Nothing is sacred to him anymore
You can't walk out of the room it's funny cuz like we'll put him in his playroom Like we'll put him in the playroom and just leave him there and really oh get some coffee
Mm -hmm, and all of a sudden you hear this That's his fat little legs
Words like here comes and he's just happy as happy as a lark just Apologies to all headphone listeners
Andrews take worse take on ASMR. There's ever been I've a funny story about ASMR.
Oh, no. I hate it. Mary. Love my wife loves it Are you okay for out singer right now?
Oh, she doesn't care. Okay, she might I don't know. She'll tell me later Oh, you could edit it out. Yeah, I am the king of somebody else likes it.
Okay. Yeah So she somebody in the comment section just asked what is AMS or? Yeah Autonomic sensory, uh, it's people whispering in a microphone.
Yeah, I knew that It's supposed to Like it's supposed to do something but it's okay.
Got it again. Has anybody ever done that cracked head thing? Do your head stand up?
Yes, that's an ASMR effect. Again. I knew that it was someone in the comment You know what ASMR stands for and camera guy
We're not really Wanted him to look I don't know Nate I'm sorry camera man episode.
I called him Nate by mistake. You called him Nate. Yeah Well, someone said get Nick and I thought someone said
I think it was you I said who's Nate Do we have a Nate here? I'm calling back to the first. Thank you,
Nate. Yeah, thank you Nate. But anyway camera man Nate, so Mary love goes to bed before me
This one night or this random person goes to bed before you sure Yeah, and I so I walk in to the bed like she's asleep.
I'm about to go take a shower and I hear this And I was like, there's someone in my house
There's someone in my room with my wife sleeping. So I'm like starting to grab for my gun I'm like who's in it and come find out it's the
ASMR video that they're whispering it pastor literally this is what it sounds like Yeah, I don't like that yeah, that's that's what
I heard that it was terrifying I was like, what what is that noise who is in my house?
Somebody breaks in imagine this somebody Somebody breaks into your house to teach you how to do something
You're asleep and this robber comes up sneaks up with the ski mask And then he pulls and then he pulls out
Now that I've gotten used to them they're kind of funny especially the ones my love finds the funny ones and then she'll play them for Oh Yeah, so that was it's fantastic Well today we're gonna be talking about something very important.
I think it's especially prevalent today And this isn't just for men is for women as well
And the reason I say that is because it's the word honor and a lot of the time that is associated
With an honorable man, but keep in mind that honor of honor should go to every body
Everybody should conduct themselves with honor. But what does that mean? Like what is honor?
How do you conduct yourself with honor? How do you show honor? But I would if I get real fast add to that.
Why? Should everyone hat be shown honor? No work because when you said that that made me think of another thing.
Yeah So I I was the one that originally brought this to the table. I was listening to ask pastor
John Love it for those who don't know what that is. That is pretty cool. John Piper. He has a podcast called second favorite
Yeah But he'll get there. Yeah He has a podcast where he answers biblical questions not he doesn't
If he did, you know, then he might be number one, but he doesn't chat it up, that's right. That's right. He's uh, yeah so anyway, so the question that was posed to him was
What is? How can I honor my parents if I don't respect them?
That was how the question was was posed So I just thought that was a really interesting idea and I was like, okay
Because I know my my version of honor is you showing someone respect you're showing them
Honor and respect kind of go. Yeah, they go hand in hand, but then what that question is Well, what if I don't respect my parents, but you're still commanded, but you're still commanded to honor them
It's like are you commanded to respect them? And that's like yeah, right so the what they kind of came to is this what he came to is this idea of Since we are all image bearers not that we are all
Children, but since we are all image bearers of God Just by that mere fact alone you should show honor to Everybody because everyone is an image bearer regardless of what they've done
So his his thing his example was well, what if someone's a child molester? How do you honor someone who's a child molester?
Well, you would honor them by not putting them down like a wild dog You wouldn't take out a gun and shoot them
You would take them to trial and then let the justice system, which is based electrify them or Or is it euthanized?
Is that the proper term? Yes. Okay. I got my thumbs up capital punishment Yeah, I got a thumbs up from this capital punishment, but euthanization.
Yeah euthanization. Yeah Yeah, I remember that by because I'm a youth leader and sometimes they upset me
Okay So that that's where all this is kind of stemming from so pastor would you
Like to kind of keep this conversation going there. I think you hit the nail on the head first Peter 2 17 says honor everyone
But then that's not the end of the verse love the brotherhood fear God honor the Emperor.
I Worth and respect that is due to them. Yeah, so what value worth and respect is due to everyone
Well, the fact that every single human being on this planet is an image bearer of God And of course there is even an honor for creation and animals, but there is a special honor for human beings
That's how God designed it But then there is different levels of that honor your father and mother we can talk about that honor the
Emperor Which is incredibly interesting Particularly with who the Emperor was when
Peter was executed Which would be Emperor Nero. It was Nero. Okay. Also the same one as far as we can tell that executed
Paul Directly and indirectly with some of them so When it comes to honor and honoring everyone as Andrew was pointing out, we got to think about what does that look like?
Well for starters if everyone is an image bearer of God Okay You know and yes
There is absolutely a biblical case for a capital punishment in Genesis chapter 9 for the blood and the spilling of blood
Blood shall be spilled so on and so forth, but it's always been in equal scales You know the point of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth that It was only an eye for an eye or two for a tooth, right?
That if someone looked at you wrong or disrespected you you're not allowed to kill them for it, right? That there is an equal scales
Which is one of the biggest atrocities of abortion is that you're desecrating an image bearer of God I mean, that's what's happening.
That's not equal scales There there has been no no violence that that child has done to deserve that that's not equal scales when it says honor everyone you honor everyone as a human being when
You know Hebrews 13 says Be careful to entertain guests. It doesn't say and check to make sure they are perfect in their orthodox of the
Christian faith That's not what it says. It says a sum has welcomed angels without even knowing it the point being
When people enter your household household, there should be a hospitality
Regardless of who that person is right when you honor everyone you treat them as an image bearer of God that they were created in the
Imagi Deo And and that's how we honor everyone we treat them as human beings not as something less than a human being which we in World history have done a pretty terrible job of doing but we honor everyone as image bearers of God I've got a question and it's gonna mirror something that you taught me.
That's the question to what extent? right, so What I'm hearing is
And so far I'm agreeing people Being image bearers of God Intrinsically Given by God.
Yeah have the right to respect You know Not respect and necessarily who they've chosen to be.
No But respect as a being a living being who is designed by God, right?
So and then you've got the hierarchy of that So a being made by God, but an image bearer of God, right?
Yeah, I just wanted to clarify that Yeah, like a doll like a walk you see a dog. You're not gonna go kick the dog.
Yeah, there's yeah There's no doubt that there is an extra level of honor given to human beings and the rest of God's creation
Exactly for sure. Jesus makes that point by saying you are worth more than many sparrows
Therefore love that person the question when it comes to the difference between honor and respect is
Comes in to what extent is that respect shown so Somebody who has an intrinsic value as a human who has decided to Not care about others intrinsic values as a human.
So let's for example because it's the big one. Let's say Hitler Right Hitler.
Do I respect him? No as a person but What like because you said about the child molester and he says how do you show respect to him?
Well by not pulling a trigger, so I'm wondering What where does the line?
Where's that line across the line is crossed in that? honor is
Respecting them as an image bearer of God and through that respect is also a holding to a standard that I hold all the other image
Bearers of God to and when someone fails to meet that standard I'm gonna hold them and the people that they have persecuted.
I'm gonna have honor for them That's not a negation of justice, right?
That's not engaged. So the the child molester and you mentioned justice should still be done. I am honoring them and that I didn't do this
Unfairly or unjustly or in the testimony of two to three witnesses Yeah from the beginning it was the testimony of two to three witnesses
So a trial period if you want to think of it that way So the point is put it capital punishment is not dishonoring so long as it's done in a fair and just way
You're not dishonoring them. You are having equal scales. That is honor that it may end in capital punishment or in judgment or prison or whatever the point being is that you honored them by Not doing it of own spite or vengeance but doing it out of justice
So you could say respect is The Acknowledgement of their value and honor is what you do with that acknowledgement
Say that again so could you say that respect is the acknowledgement of So in this context
Respect is the acknowledgement of their intrinsic value honor is how you what you do with that acknowledgement.
I would almost flip it Yeah, I would say honor you honor them as a human being.
Okay, okay But how much respect you have for them is based on That is earned that's based on how they have treated other people.
Okay, so I definitely would but again the honor We're talking about now of honor. Everyone is just the baseline.
You're a human being you're not an animal, right? There are multiple layers of that in the Bible honor your father and mother honor the
Emperor honor your fellow there's there's There's multiple levels of that in the scripture.
The baseline one is Honor, everyone referring to human beings in that in that instance, but that is not a removal of justice
Yeah, and I think to add to your definition pastor is When you say honor your father and mother you're honoring the title as well
You're you're your father and your mother you were giving them that there's that title
There's that authority they have so you honor that but not you know Your mom says take out the trash and you say no,
I'm not doing that. I don't care You're not showing the honor of the of the position of the mother
I would write that's kind of where I'm kind of leaning my thought towards Yeah, and I would add to that Just like honor doesn't mean a lack of justice
It also doesn't mean you know, because there are some people may be listening and some people I've talked to you certainly whose parents
After they are adults will try to use guilt to control them make them do certain things
Obliging to that is not honor That's someone using guilt to you honor is respect of the title in the bounds in The balance for which
God created that title to be used In the limits and the boundaries that God set there so When someone gets married, let's just that's one example for this reason a man shall leave his father mother
What does that mean? Authority wise he was under the headship of them Now he is no longer.
He has started a new headship right in Cleveland to his wife and the two will become one flesh. So if you as a husband or as a wife
Only adhere to what your parents want and not what your spouse Desires together.
You're not honoring your parents, right? You're dishonoring. You're dishonoring them. You're dishonoring your spouse You're dishonoring the bounds that God has set, right?
I mean what you can call that honor all you want But it's honor based on what the outside standard that we already talked about.
No, it's based on the honor that is set forth here So when it says honor everyone that is not a lack of justice
You are being honoring if you're doing a justice when it says honor your parents I think exactly what brother
Andrew said when it says honor your parents. It is the the position the title
That God has set there that that foundation that God has set there and you are honoring that It's just like you know
Unlike one news commentator who I do not care for very much
I'm not gonna call a president Joe Right. He's President Biden Okay.
Yeah, why because I'm trying to honor the position he's in regardless of how
I feel and and can rightly point out the inconsistencies the
Not adhering to the role given to the error after error to the lack of Component all that probably for the rest of the show but There's still an honor for the title and position that has been ordained to be so right, right
I'm not gonna get on national TV and call the guy Joe That that's that's not
We can point out failures and flaws while still honoring the position and we get that wrong either we think that we have to blindly hear and abide and and Hold up as gospel truth everything that comes out of someone in that positions mouth
Or we degrade the position to degrade the person in the position That's not right either
So that's showing honor Right, so to show honor is to hold in High regard or to give a steam or to respect a position or a role
But to talk about the difference between showing honor and having honor so the verb versus the noun
Because you'll hear what's in the honorable thing to do good job And I and I think that they go very much hand in hand once you have thought about it and once you've
Done that so to show honor is to do everything that we just spoke about the pastor
Could you pull up that verse? I had to bookmark earlier. You had me bookmark Proverbs 4 25 to 27
Man, can I steal the Bible? That would be ironic Okay, where are we now shall not rip that part out yeah
That has sharpie on you said for 25 to 27, yeah, so this is Proverbs chapter 4 starting in verse 25
Let your eyes look directly forward and your gaze be stretched before you Ponder the path of your feet and then all your ways will be sure
Do not swerve to the right or to the left turn your foot away from evil The reason
I think this verse is so great when it comes to honor is because it has a lot
It has a lot in it So in other words, it says let your eyes look directly forward and your gaze be straight before straight
Straight before you I will go on and on about discernment Discernment I think is so incredibly crucial and to think about to ponder and stuff
But then it says ponder the path of your feet then all your ways will be sure when people think of strong leaders when people think of Honorable people be sure and remember to think these people they are that way because they
Ponder the steps of their feet make sure you know what you're doing Think about what you say before you say it think about what you're gonna do before you do it
Don't be distracted looking left or right, but keep your eyes straight ahead before you focus on your whether that task is like an actual task like I'm trying to complete something or What if my task is walking walk rightly with the
Lord your God That's my task. I need to set my eyes straight before me not looking to the right at this
Temptation or left at this upset Upsetment or distraction but set your eyes straight before you ponder
The path of your feet then all your ways will be sure do not swerve to the right or the left and turn your foot away from evil
So do not swerve to the right or to the left what it's saying there is to walk honorably is to not
Be swayed by lies or by emotion or by other people's actions
But you put you for yourself need to ponder and discern What is the right step to take?
So that you can get to what you're looking at It doesn't matter what Joe is doing and that that was the wrong one because that's kind of sounded like I was talking about him
No, you are Doesn't matter what Billy Bob is doing. It doesn't matter what this person is doing, right?
Sometimes you have to do what is right More than what is easy or even what's difficult, but what you want to do
I think the honorable thing Honor and integrity work hand -in -hand in that.
Yes. Well said because honor is doing exactly what you just said Integrity is doing it even when no one sees no one is watching and no one will know about it, right?
So integrity is doing it of your own accord. It's a self discipline type thing. Honor is doing it.
Well said on there. I think Brother Hunter once lovingly said if you're acting like an idiot, it's because you're not obeying
Proverbs Because you haven't read Proverbs you haven't studied Proverbs So the
Proverbs if if you're listening here and you have never read Proverbs That's why people call the book of James the
Proverbs of the New Testament Because it's very practical very practical
Steps and there's like, you know, you'll find like 20 of them in one chapter, right? It's not like Paul who belabors a point for three chapters or you know
Even Jesus on the Sermon on the Mount it's it's like do this and this will happen don't do this That's the book of Proverbs.
Love it. Yep, and that that's the book of Proverbs trust the Lord with all your heart Don't lean on your own understanding and all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths.
There you go next topic Yeah, you have no idea. You have no idea how many times
I've prayed that verse over people man Trust in the
Lord help them to trust in the Lord with all their heart Don't let them lean on their own understanding Let them acknowledge you in all their ways so that you can direct their path.
That's such a beautiful word something I realized in the Bible three or four years ago that just changed my whole perspective on it the
Bible from Genesis to Revelation Does not simply tell you what not to do right, but it tells you what to do instead those of you who struggle with You know not doing this sin
That's only a very small part of the battle instead focus on doing righteousness There'll be no time for your hands finding sin
Trust them a little with all your heart Don't lean on your understanding. They're always juxtaposed against each other
And all your ways acknowledge him as God not yourself and then he will direct your path
It's there's always a don't do this, but instead do this right Paul and Ephesians.
It's not just put away lying What's the next line? Instead speak the truth and love Paul doesn't just say don't steal
But instead use what you've earned to bless others. It's always a don't do this and then do that And when you read the
Bible like that just makes way more sense like as it was written, man Okay, so I want to grab that what we just said
So we even we to to use my Bible curriculum if we will oh no
We've observed it. Oh, yeah deserve the scripture. We've now interpreted it Now for those who are listening, how would we apply that to a real -world situation?
My my immediate thought is an honorable man And I think of dating like I just that was always a big thing for me was how do
I show? This female honor. How do I make sure that I show her parents that I owe for her and honor?
honor them and they're in their responsibility for their daughter, so Let's let's focus on that example for a second.
How would Let's just say there's a young man listening. I don't know if there is or not, but let's say there is how would we?
Take the scripture. We just read and apply that towards so this specific part of life
Proverbs chapter 4 25 through 27 set your eyes straight before you ponder the steps you're about to take
Don't swerve to the right or left When it comes to showing honor
Right being honorable showing honor. So let's say in dating you have a responsibility to yourself and Now also to that other person right right as a guy
You have a responsibility for the both of you because you are in you are responsible for that Something one of my favorite verses is a good name is rather to be chosen than great riches reputation over silver and gold
I've had a youth asked me before When somebody accuses me of something should I turn the other cheek?
Is it wrong for me to defend myself? No Because a reputation is to be favored over silver and gold.
It's incredibly important Your name has value your name is worth defending
And so that goes into it ponder your steps, man If you were going to do something, how is this going to affect other people's perception of her?
And her reputation sure, right So being honorable and showing honor and dating to that other person is looking out for their best interest
Looking out for how they are perceived Looking out for what is what can I do?
to uplift Instead of putting our essence in situations where people will say
Right and then you take the duck and you carve it like this Yep I Think you know
The modern idea of dating is not found in the Bible agree The way that we operate it now when we say courtship when we say, you know betrothed
The way I think that we would apply that The way we would apply that is through this, okay
What's the standard if I am to marry this woman if I'm married to this guy?
Let's just start with the men Maybe one of the most difficult verses in the
Bible to obey husbands Love your wives. Oh great.
That's easy Just as Or worse
Husbands love your eyes next just as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her man
Okay Do you remember? Did Jesus die for the church before after you said you were sorry
Did Jesus die for the church before after you betrayed him Wow Sacrifice we said all the time here when love is
What sacrifice not a feeling if you think love is a feeling that on the days where you don't feel like you love your wife
In your logic, you don't whereas in reality, you know, you do you just don't feel like it. Yeah Same with God if you think that you're a
Christian when you feel like you love God, well then half the week I guess I don't love God. Yeah, right because I don't always feel that way
You know Sacrifice the real way is this can you substitute what you want?
What you desire? for what the other person wants or desires Because if you can't and are unwilling to do that You have no business continuing down the path that leads the marriage if you are unwilling to sacrifice your wants your desires
Then that's not love and you might as well cut it off now. So real application to honor here
To honor here is all right If that's the standard that doesn't just magically happen the day I said
I do on either side It does not work if the standard is Love your wife just as Christ loved the church and you are unwilling to sacrifice for said person
You are wasting both your time. Yep, and that would not be honorable. Are you honest and to what extent this is where integrity comes in?
Is there something that you could say or something that you could do when that other person is not around?
That they would never ever ever find out about would you do that that wrong thing?
Right the integrity of doing what is right when nobody's looking and it's not even just when nobody's looking doing what is right
When there is no possible chance of a consequence that comes from anybody, but yeah, right, right
When I can look at an action and say the only person who could ever punish me for this is
God himself Do you do it or do you decide not to Right, it's that honesty and it's that and that's that's where I find the root of honor is integrity in my opinion
Is to say that an honorable man is a man who will tell you the truth even when there is no benefit to him
Even when there's no son. No, what's the opposite of benefit? Might the source isn't working
I'm set of benefit. My mom's gonna comment on this video. Yes. She is saying the opposite of benefit is
No, the opposite of benefit if you hadn't asked we could have said this is pathetic I know the opposite of benefit is a negative effect a
Downfall, let's just say a downfall. So no matter what you say the next five minutes. I'm gonna think of a better words
Thank you. I'm thinking it's hindering not even just when there's no benefit to you. But when there is a downfall for an unbenefit
Alright Nate What what's the opposite of a benefit? Cost Nate the camera guy says cost.
Okay, so benefit and cost I'm thinking And hindrance is like stopping you from moving forward a benefit would help you a toll a toll
It's the same thing as cost but it's not his word. It's mine Oh, we got everybody that his real name is
Nick. Are we gonna keep saying Nate Nate Nate? Bartolomew the camera
Nate Nate you have two jobs one is to do the camera The other is to look up stuff. I want you super to figure it out.
So, could you please tell us what the Disadvantage wait, didn't I say no?
I thought I might have let's roll back the tape. Hey, none of you edit No, I can't like right now if I hold up my hand we'll say disadvantage is
His lack of faith in me in last episode about the deep fakes. I Didn't think you had the technology.
I have the One when he did this and you put the words in between his hands like point -taking podcast.
Oh, yeah, he's like We're still right here right here. Boom. No, no. No, it's not up there.
Sorry Anyway, and now you're the word was a disadvantage disadvantage integrity is doing anything, right?
Integrity is doing what is right Even when there is no advantage to you and there may be in fact a disadvantage to you or to other people
But it's what it's correct is honorable as honest as right Did you notice he changed the word benefit to advantage that's exactly right because I was gonna forget it
Brain didn't work. I had a completely we just lost a subscriber. Her name is Karina Wilson. I Had a thought about Nate Oh That's so for some reason
I thought of Nate the mailman and then have you ever seen jingle all the way with Arnold Schwarzenegger? Yes I don't know why that just pops in my head
So while you're making that wonderful point That scene
That was that was I couldn't do it mailman male people
I heard we might have a listener question We do
Wow that transition was so cool Sounds amazing.
That was amazing. Thank you. Don't tell Andrew It was okay
I'm sorry. I shouldn't let you do. I thought I did you hear me? Yeah. I'm actually good. No, it was pretty good
I have the listener question Curious to know
How to make pizzas was to fall asleep This has gone so far over my head.
I'm sorry. You missed his little ASMR bit. He did. Oh, did you just do one? Yeah, I went And then he started laughing
All right, so we had a listener question We will recap and go back over honor and integrity
At the end of the episode. Absolutely What would be a good defense when people say by the way, how can you type in these questions?
How do people send these in? I don't even know. Oh, well, it's simple Really? Yeah, if you wanted to send us a question you have anything that you want to say you can always email us at listen point taken at gmail .com
Listen point taken at gmail .com. So cool. We will read it we will
We'll say it and we'll chat about it another way you can do it comment on the video on the
YouTube channel Drop below Tell us something you're thankful for something.
Tell us something. You're great fun to read. I promise I'll read Yeah, we'll read those we'll talk we all want to be learn how to be grateful and our walks weekly and daily and We'll also catch your questions on there last way you can do it go log on to Instagram Point taken
Christian podcast on Instagram and send us a direct message Awesome.
Well this listener sent in this question What would be a good defense when people say oh my god, and they're not using the
Lord's name in vain Or so they say they're not because they're not thinking of Yahweh when they say it. So I'll read that again
What's a good defense when people say? Oh my god And they say they're not really using the Lord's name in vain because they're not thinking of Yahweh the true
God when they say it So the first question I guess is is it okay or is it not?
Okay to say? Oh my god See my initial reaction is regardless of what you're thinking at what sorry
I thought you were gonna say well, my initial reaction is oh my It's it's not so much that you're not thinking about Yahweh as much as you're still
It's it's almost the example that you're setting if you a Christian who is very
In your circles of friends, you're very a devout, you know, you're the you're the religious kid
You're the one that does all the right things or the goody -two -shoes and you start running around going. Oh god like that all the time
Regardless of your your intent your I feel that you're gonna cause the other people to go
Oh, well, they can say I could say it if the super religious person then can say it then obviously I the non -religious person can say
Because they don't seem to care So I've always I've just I me personally
I just shy away from ever saying anything that would imply that I'm using
The Judeo -christian God's name in vain. I Sorry to use that term, but that's there you go, dude.
I mean, I totally get that to be honest, you know, I've never really sat down and chewed this question out
Because I know the exclamation Jesus Christ I've always hated that like that one
Never never been a fan of that one because it's so very so very very very blatant
You know what I do to fix it. I Just whenever it's like someone says that I'm like is
Lord. I just throw that in there and they're like what I'm like, yeah It's cool.
Yeah, he is. He's awesome So, I mean that one that one has always been very obvious to me is
Okay, that is wrong No, I'm not gonna I'm gonna put some more respect on the name of my
God on right? correct but saying oh my god,
I have never I This personally something I've never felt cannot like I'm eat
I will be if you have scripture or a point I will be easily swayed
But it's never something personally that I've sat down and thought hmm this isn't right Or this isn't right to say or this convicts me.
Um And I guess the reason for it currently is just because sometimes in language you will have colloquial terms or exclamations
That you will use and you're not you're not thinking of just like man.
I'm going to disrespect The name of my God Right and to me his name is not just God it is a title um but yeah that That I've never sat down and said
Should I stop saying that should I and so that's why I find this a very interesting question because I'm more than willing
To stop saying but I've never sat down and chewed that out You know, is it more than it just a colloquial term?
Is it disrespectful to Jesus to say? Oh my god, I would say that I Would lean towards Yeah, it's probably not something we should be saying it okay
The do not use the Lord's name in vain Speaking of the Commandments is of course speaking of his his name
Yahweh Of course, we've talked about that. That's that's what that means and you know, give the glory that is due his name
Yeah as a quote from Isaiah give the glory. I think it says they do his name. I God Okay, what are we saying that for?
Hmm. Okay our when we say that are we actually saying, you know when I used to get frustrated I quit doing it
I would say God bless right now. Am I actually asking God to bless something? Correct? No No, no
In fact what I'm really doing if I'm being honest as I'm just saying that says not tell God to do something else
That's that's really what's happening So I would probably lean towards Probably shouldn't
If we're not gonna say Jesus Christ, which I don't think we should yeah, then what is the difference between that and saying?
Oh my god, I Would say that for the overwhelming majority of people we are not purposely trying to take the
Lord's name in vain or anything like that I would probably put it in the category of not overtly
Overtly in the hearts of most people sinful But In the category of it may not be sinful, but probably shouldn't do it
You know that category in Hebrews where it says lay aside every sin and weight that so easily ensnares us
Well, what does that tell us that there's something that weighs you down? That's not in and of itself sinful and I'm not saying this falls directly in that category
You know, we could we could talk about avoid the appearance of evil we can do all that But I would just say as a general rule of thumb if I'm unsure
I'm gonna err on the side of not calling on God For spilling my sweet tea on the
Board of the car, you know that that would be kind of how I would approach that if I'm gonna if I have any doubt
I'm gonna err on the side of More honor to his name than less and that's where I would err
But I mean as far as the bigger question behind it is is it okay?
Let's pretend. Let's pretend That we all agreed that yeah, you shouldn't say that and then the person says right
But I wasn't thinking that way when I said it well, that's kind of a dangerous way to If we're gonna take that to its furthest thought it's kind of a dangerous way of Well, you know
Hunter you're a stupid idiot. No one loves you. Well, I wasn't thinking that when I said it, right?
Well, right, but your language what comes out of your mouth The book of James James makes it incredibly clear
Words have meaning words have power they have meaning they have power So that's like a wildfire, dude.
He doesn't he doesn't mince any words when he yeah I'm always like, all right. I know you wrote this down, but your tongue is a fire
Right now you are destroying me right now Yeah, so I would
I would kind of lean towards if you're a Christian probably not the best I'm not gonna say, you know
Hebrews 9 7 this is not what Hebrews 9 7 says by the way Directly says do not say oh my god, but I do think
Giving the glory to his name. We probably should not be calling on that name for trivial reasons
That that would be my where I lean but you know, I have I'm guilty of it same as everyone else, right?
I have a really Insufferable line of questioning. Oh good plays
Advocate for the devil on this one good. Why do you want to advocate for the devil? Can't we just say the other side of the coin?
They are not on the same corn. Go ahead, bro. Oh Give him that Thunder back did he took it when he punched me in the face eight years ago
What would you say about saying? Oh my word What do you mean?
So like instead of saying? Oh my god, there are a lot of people say oh my word I think that would be a lot better.
I think that's better. Yeah, okay, you're not directly so here's where the Insufferable part comes in.
This is where the I'm being a Karen. I'm being very annoying right now. Okay? In the beginning was the word and word was with God and the word was
God yeah, that's his word not my word What do you mean? Oh My word is not talking about the
Bible. Yeah, so if I were to say oh god instead of oh my god Would it be different? No because there's only one
God there's a lot of right but I could refer to many different gods lowercase that G because well sure
Sure, you could yes, and that's why I said overtly that's why since it's a hard issue
I'm not gonna say saying oh my god is sinful. I think it goes back to the stumbling block thing
If it's if if you saying oh my god, or oh god about something
It really just depends on In that case, I'm not going to do that because I don't want to be a bad witness.
Sure So I'm thinking Whether it is either one of those two versions mine or lowercase g it it can
It's all it all is going to have that we all are the culturally we are all looking at Oh God that God when
I say God, I'm you immediately think of that regardless of your Affiliation, that's what you're gonna think of.
I warned you it was gonna be an insufferable line. Yeah, so I'm giving you a sufferable answer By saying just don't say it
That's that's my opinion. It's just don't say it right and You know, that's that's what
I was trying to point put the point across man. Is it with I could twist
You know any exclamation, oh my goodness all good things come from God he is goodness. Oh My word.
Okay. God is the word the word, you know Oh my god, and I could twist I could say it all and I would say okay what at the end of the day?
What is the name of God is it? I am is it Yahweh? I think God is it Lord because in the Hebrew did they say
God or did they say something else? So like that's why I was saying is the word intrinsically Wrong to take
Exclamation. No, no, no, it's not around other people who might say this isn't exactly
I think when it comes to that and you know, I'm probably about to bother some people but Do you think there's some bottles that get over at Walgreens on sale if you need to?
That's right next to the diapers the Bible says adult Do not let unwholesome
Unseemly talk come out of your mouths and filthy language we need to modern
Curse words were not what Paul or John had in mind or James when he said that So it is not the words and themselves that are sinful.
They're just words. It's the meaning they're they're just words Yeah, but when it says do not let any unwholesome
Filthy language come on from mouth. There is a type of it's actually how Paul basis has argument for how men and women are supposed to dress in 1st
Corinthians instead of saying Get out of measuring rod and make sure it's this long and if it's this long it's considered a skirt and if it's this long
It's considered a kilt. It's culturally What is unseemly right?
What is unwholesome? right it's not that You know,
I did a lesson on Cursing one time and or there was a lot of Southerners in it.
So I said cussin It's not the words and themselves those are just words
Don't let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth, but instead use what is beneficial for building up the individual, right?
Okay. Well that eliminates a lot. Yeah. Well do not use the Lord's name in vain. Okay. Well that eliminates a lot
Do not take every thought captive so the whole what just slipped out is not an excuse correct
It's not an excuse because it says let and from the abundance of overflow of the heart.
Yeah. Yeah man speaks exactly so It's not intrinsically in and of themselves.
It's what comes of them. And that's why I would say If we're going to err on the side of caution,
I would rather err on Let's speak to God not speak Pretending to speak to God, but you know, and like I said,
I've been guilty of it That's why I quit saying all the time when I got angry. God bless I quit doing cuz I'm like, all right I'm very clearly not really asking
God to bless anything You know, so that's that's kind of where I stand on that one.
We can probably do a whole episode on Maybe like either next week or another week we do the
James like you said, yeah, I did the cussing thing. I think every kind of Kirsten Kirsten think
Ion cuz I've got a lot of philosophy. Yeah. Yeah, I've got a I've got a lot more Advocation to do on when it comes to that.
Oh, yeah, because well, I mean, okay the reason I feel like it's so important if you're going to talk about something to have to Argue both sides to get absolutely the whole thing.
Yes, and I'm very good at playing advocate when it comes to lead into it Since we're probably call it
Karen's advocate Huh, we call it Karen's advocate. No, no, but you can come up with a better I will research you have until next week.
All right, I would say I Think that'd be a fun one, you know, because one of the things I said and I would continue to say is
There are things that I Would call hunter that I would not call
Insecure 14 year old right youth boy and because he would not take it the same way, right even though it probably isn't unwholesome unseemly anything like that it is due to Do not let any hunting wholesome talk coming off comma but instead what is beneficial for building up the individual of the time
So, I mean, I do think there's an element of that as well. Yeah So To recap.
Yeah. Yeah, let's recap to recap our episode today honor. Yeah honor an integrity
My dad Used to say all the time a man is only as good as his word Your father is an awesome man because of that by the way man is only as good as his word
In other words, do you honor your word? Do you make good on your word?
Do you keep your word? My uncle, you know, I would I I messed around with my uncle a lot.
He'd bring over a candy bag every week And he let us pick one piece of candy out of the candy bag every week and I would just pretend and he knew
I was gonna do it every week because I would always take like two or three and I would just have one behind my back and he was just like and we knew it was a joke
But he still said every time It's important that even if I didn't know that you had that candy that you would still put it back
Because that is what integrity is if I because he said eat, honey, you know
I don't keep a log of the candy I go and buy I don't know who what all I have in that bag
You could bear and he made the point clear You could very easily steal candy out of that bag and take more than what
I said, and I would never know But I don't expect you to Because I know that you have integrity and that is doing what is right when there is no
Downfall when there was no disadvantage Right. Nice. Right, right and so honor and integrity
I think go hand in hand in that and that you can be an honorable man or an honorable person
By pondering the path set before you keeping your eyes straight I will not veer to the left.
In fact that first verse says do not even look to the left or to the right But set your eyes before you ponder the steps you take and do what is right
Over what you feel or what anybody else is doing and I feel like to me that is what
Encompasses honor and that also goes to showing honor doing what is right Even if I don't respect my parents,
I will still show them respect Because I know that's what is right and final recap on that in that honor
You know Peter wrote at the end of the verse honor the Emperor. Yeah. Well the Emperor end up killing
Peter Indirectly because Peter disobeyed the Emperor So when
Peter disobeyed the Emperor did he dishonor him? No, Peter did honor the Emperor in the bounds for which the
Emperor was to operate But when it came between honoring God or honoring the Emperor or excuse me obeying the
Emperor The answer was obeying God that's not dishonorable to the Emperor Peter still honored
Peter wrote to other Christians commanded them to honor the Emperor that would eventually have
Peter put to death When Peter disobeyed the Emperor disobeyed the council
And the Jewish Council and in the Acts chapter 5 it wasn't in the spirit of rebellion
It was to obey God. We must obey God over man, right? So the honor of do Peter didn't become dishonorable that day
He was honoring them in the bounds like God created for them to operate and obeyed God rather than man
Is that a x5 25? It's x5 and we can go with 25 because I don't remember so it's x5 something if you want to look at someone put in the comment section just All right.
Well Guys, if you have any questions, if you like what you hear, please find us on YouTube at point taken
Christian podcast Make sure to like it subscribe it comment. Tell us what you think.