CrossPolitic on Revoice - You Need to Watch Their Interview (link in description)

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Here is the link to the full interview: Cross Politic interviewed Greg Johnson, the pastor who is hosting and promoting the Revoice Conference. This is not my area of focus but is very related the general SJW movement in reformed Christianity. I highly recommend you watch their interview. Here are a few comments of my own.


Well alright, let's do a quick review, actually not really a review, just sort of a plug really for this cross -politic video where they talk to Pastor Greg Johnson, he's a
PCA pastor, and this is the church that's hosting the ReVoice conference that has been all over sort of the reformed world media.
And this is a conference that is hoping to sort of, not normalize, but sort of normalize gay
Christianity, where as long as people aren't actually literally having sex, they're cool with people being gay and being
Christian at the same time. It's really more about the desire, so what they're saying is that the desire to have sex with a man isn't really sinful, what's sinful is if you act on that desire.
And a lot of people have a problem with that, I have a problem with that, I don't think it's scriptural, but this is not really my area of speciality, this is not really the area that I've read a lot or focused on.
These brothers, however, do a great job talking about it, so I highly recommend you watch this video, it's really, it is amazing, it's a great video, it's a great example of the kind of conversations that I wish were happening with the race and ethnicity issues in the church, but they aren't right now, so I'm hoping that eventually we will have conversations like this in the woke church movement, and actually this is all related, the woke church is absolutely following the same methodologies and strategies as this revoice thing, so it's all kind of related, but anyway, there's two sections that I wanted to just comment on briefly, and so I'll just play it, this is starting right around minute 42.
So, I'm going to play it, and then
I'm going to play it again, and then I'm going to play it again, and then
I'm going to play it again, and then I'm going to play it again, and then
I'm going to play it again, and then
I'm going to play it again, and then I'm going to play it again, and then I'm going to play it again, and then
I'm going to play it again, and then if I have an attraction to a woman who's not my wife, and I go to God and I say,
God, please just take this attraction away from me, I beg you to please, I don't want to be attracted, but I am, and I just beg you to take this away from me, and then it doesn't go away, right?
What do you do then? That's what Pastor Greg Johnson is asking, as if it's a profound question, and I have to say, it's just so, it's mind -boggling that he thinks that this is a tough question.
This is not a tough question. There's a couple things that you do. You continue to ask
God. You ask God until the day you die to take away these sinful desires. That's very clear.
I mean, there's really, I mean, God is powerful, the Holy Spirit is absolutely in control, and so you beg and you plead with God to take these desires away from you.
The second thing that you do is that you do everything in your power to kill it yourself.
In other words, if you're attracted to a certain woman who's not your wife, you avoid that woman if at all possible.
You do not put yourself in compromising positions with that woman. You don't, God forbid, you don't share a room with that woman overnight, and I'm seeing people at this
Revoice conference supposedly trying to kill this sin within them, this desire within them.
Well, they don't think the desire is sinful, but trying to repent of their lust, in other words, talking about sharing rooms with each other.
I mean, they're putting themselves in danger. It doesn't seem like there's any desire to kill the attractions or anything like that.
In fact, they're talking about openly. Some of these guys are married to women, and they're talking about how they're attracted to other men.
I mean, can you imagine having a conference where, or even, it doesn't even have to be a conference, but just imagine if I got on this video and I told you about all the women that I'm attracted to besides my wife.
How do you think my wife would feel? What do you think my children would think when they grew up and all they hear about is how
I'm attracted to all these women, but it's okay, I don't ever actually have sex with them? Absolutely shocking.
This is basic Christianity 101. What do you do when you desire things that you know you shouldn't?
Paul has a very clear answer for that. Pastor Greg Johnson seems to think that it's an open question. I don't really get that.
Anyway, here's the next thing I wanted to bring around, Minute 51. Jesus saw the hardness of heart of the
Pharisees, and it says that he was angry, and so he healed the man with the withered hand, right?
There's a godly anger. There's a godly anger, but what I'm hearing is you judging brothers for not repenting of something that can't be repented of.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. But it can be. See, that's the problem right there. That's the problem.
To say that you need to, because that's assuming it's volitional. No, it's not.
It's not, Greg, because, again, we're back to the original sin. Original sin is not volitional.
We understand that original sin is in our bones, and every one of us has it, and yet we're still called to utterly repudiate it, to kill it, to mortify it, and to repent of it.
And we talk to everybody like this. We're not pushing a special thing. Say that again.
I see these brothers doing just that. They are choosing a very costly obedience.
They're paying more than a tithe to follow Jesus. No more than anybody else. They're doing it for the need, trying to honor
God. They still have a term, some of them. Some of them say it's same -sex attraction.
Some of them say it's an orientation that's gay. But they're not giving it equal billing with Christian.
Let me ask you this way. You said you're asking us to repent of something. You're asking them to repent of something that they can't repent of.
What is that? What is that? What can't they repent of? An attraction.
You can repent of a lust. That's a choice. Why can't you? An attraction. But why can't you?
If my attraction is to little kids, I better be repenting of that. What you do there is you mortify that.
So you see, this is the thing. Greg Johnson says that the attraction is something is unrepentable. You can't repent of an attraction or a desire.
That's just, on the surface, completely wrong. In fact, he contradicted himself right there.
Chocolate Knox right there said, Well, look, if I had an attraction to children and a desire for children, what should
I do with that? He says, mortify that. As if there's a distinction between repentance and mortification of sin.
And there isn't. The reality is that this conference is treating homosexuality as if it's a special sin.
It's not like all the rest. And so what I would normally do with any sin in my life as a
Christian, which is kill it, repent of it, avoid it, flee from sexual immorality.
It doesn't say share rooms with people you're sexually attracted to. It says flee from sexual immorality.
But not this one. This one's a special one. So every other kind of sin, whether it's white supremacy, whether it's pedophilia, whether it's lust, adultery, whatever it is, anger.
He even talks about angry and being nice and not gentle. He even talks about overeating. All those things you flee from.
But this is a special one. We can have a conference where the desire itself isn't sinful. It's unrepentable.
You can't even repent of it. There's so much more in this video. Watch this video. It is absolutely shocking.
This is how far we've come. This is in the PCA. This guy is ordained in the PCA. I don't see any reason why he should be for very long.
This is basic Christianity 101 that he is absolutely incorrect on.
I honestly don't think that there's any reason why he should be in a position of ministry if he doesn't understand
Christianity at this very basic level. He might have a PhD, and he might be smarter than me and all of my followers combined.
But that being said, this is a spiritual thing. This is a spiritual thing. He's doing—I mean,
I don't want to say irreparable, because the Holy Spirit's stronger than Pastor Greg Johnson. But he's doing damage, damage to people who fight against this sin.
And it is a sin. It has to be mortified, just like everything. And I think you can see how easily— people are telling people to repent of whiteness these days and white supremacy, but not same -sex attraction.
It doesn't make any sense at all. Anyway, I hope this was helpful. God bless. That's right. That's repentance.
Isn't that repentance? You're a PhD. You know that. Mortify—well, to mortify something is, you know, it's the difference between Jesus says, do not lead us into temptation and forgive us our debts.
You ask forgiveness for sin, for an action, a word, a thought, a deed, a choice. That's not what
John Owen would argue. John Owen, mortification of sin, of sin. I agree with John Owen.