F4F | February Prophecy Bingo


Higher Things: https://www.youtube.com/user/htdtbl Bingo Card Generator: http://www.piratechristian.com/fightingforthefaith/2017/4/fighting-for-the-faith-prophecy-bingo?rq=bingo Support Fighting for the Faith Join Our Crew: http://www.piratechristian.com/join-our-crew Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PirateChristian Merchandise: https://www.moteefe.com/store/pirate-christian-merch/ Fighting for the Faith Radio Program: http://fightingforthefaith.com Social Media Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/piratechristian Twitter: https://twitter.com/piratechristian Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/piratechristian/ Video Sermons https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3F7uxFcG5dgyk4--OYgwPQ Sermons http://www.kongsvingerchurch.org/sermons Sunday Schools http://www.kongsvingerchurch.org/bible-teaching Bible Software Used in this Video: https://www.accordancebible.com Video Editing Software: https://adobe.ly/2W9lyNa Video Recording Software: https://www.ecamm.com Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseborough. I am your servant in Jesus Christ and from time to time we do this event here on Fighting for the
Faith and it's called Prophecy Bingo which means this, it's time for Prophecy Bingo.
And for this installment of Prophecy Bingo I have invited my good friend
Pastor George Borghardt of Higher Things to join us for Prophecy Bingo. Of course standing in also is
Joshua Roseborough, video editor and mastermind behind all the evil things we do here at Fighting for the
Faith. And George, glad you're able to join us. It's great to be here.
You don't sound like it's great to be here. I've seen this done before and I don't know if I can survive two hours.
Be gentle with me Roseborough, be gentle. No way, no way, no way. You're in the company of pirates now.
You I trust, the guy beneath me. I don't trust
Joshua as far as I can throw him. Right, now real quick George, the people in our, in my audience probably have never heard of you, have never heard of Higher Things.
Tell us about your organization that you run in, which I was on the board of directors for what, 12, 13 years with Higher Things.
I only recently retired my spot. So tell us a little bit about Higher Things.
Higher Things is a youth organization that was begun about 20 years ago, centered around the gospel in the years of youth.
We looked around and there was a lot of fluff in youth ministry.
It was watered down. It was centered around a couple of commandments and you know which commandments those are teenagers.
Yeah. And there was a desire that gospel be the center of everything that was going on and that was the way
Higher Things began. Colossians 3 .1, seek Higher Things, you know. And so we're going about 20 years.
I think it's the best youth organization on the planet. Christocentric, traditional in its worship.
Very, very, hashtag dare to be Lutheran. I mean it's just a great, it's a great organization. So any organization that does, that trademarks dare to be
Lutheran, Christ on campus and Higher Things must be a good group. What's really funny is that people are gonna hear you say dare to be
Lutheran and they're gonna equate that with dare to be Roman Catholic. I know you came out of Rome.
I came out of Rome and so yeah definitely not dare to be Roman Catholic. Dare to believe that salvation is by grace alone, received by faith alone, and all of that comes from Scripture alone.
Dare to believe that what young people truly need is not more law but gospel.
They need the gospel. And what you're gonna learn from me today, if you learn anything, is that I have a low tolerance for anything that isn't
Christ and Him crucified, which means I suspect I will last one prophet before having an epileptic seizure.
But you could just say that I'm like possessed by the Spirit and I'm full of it. Dare to be
Pentecostal. So you're saying you might experience a suddenly. I'm gonna hit all these words at least once.
All right, okay. All right, so let's go ahead and whirl up the desktop and let's get the the web browser up.
And just so you know, for those of you joining us, head over to fightingforthefaith .com.
We'll put a link over to this installment on our website, the Fighting for the
Faith Prophecy Bingo Card Generator, and you'll notice that there are 30 different cards to choose from.
Prior to joining with Borghardt, we had him randomly select a number and we sent him the link.
He has card number 7. I let my phone pick mine for me. I just told my phone assistant to choose a random number between 1 and 30, and I was given...
what was I given? Was it 17? I think I was given 17. Yeah, I got 17.
And Josh, you chose 29. So all right, so we've got all that worked out.
And George, if you haven't figured this out yet, I cheat. So you know... I saw that.
It's like the house, the advantage goes to the house, and every time one of these guys speaks in tongues, you get to pick the word?
Of course. They need an interpretation. I mean, it's not biblical to speak in tongues without an interpretation.
I was praying for Josh. He didn't have a prayer. Wilkin didn't have a prayer. The last one I saw. It's the house's money, man.
I feel like, though, I'm gonna win. You feel that? All right. Now, understand, just because you get a bingo may not mean that you win.
In order to win, you might need a double bingo or a triple bingo. You just never know, you know, so you gotta keep...
If I get 666 bingos, we'll be fine. Oh my goodness.
There would be, like, prophetic YouTube channels that would dedicate entire episodes of their content.
Did you hear that they got a 666 bingo over there at Fighting for the Faith and their
YouTube channel? Yeah, that's how that would end up going down. So I'm just saying. All right, let's get to it, gentlemen.
So I'm gonna close this tab. There's my bingo card, number 17, and I thought we would just go ahead and rip the band -aid off and do this first.
All right. Okay. Are you ready? Okay. As ready as I'll ever be.
All right, here we go. All right, so this is kind of what I'm feeling from the Lord, and the word is time to shift.
Now, normally I read the rhema word, which is kind of the now word of God.
Wait a minute, hold on. Isn't rhema technically the way she's using it in misappropriated Hebrew? No, it's actually
Greek, and so no. Oh, it's Greek. You can't cheat like that. No, I'm not trying to cheat! He's just trying to look for an angle, you know, to get an advantage here.
Yeah, I will say this, and that is that this time around I've noticed that the the prophets are a little subdued, and I've even thrown in some prophets who are guilty of falsely prophesying that Donald Trump would win the re -election.
And so they're in our mix today, just so you know, and we will hear some explanations as to what went wrong.
So, you know, it should be interesting. But let's come back to her, but I do believe that rhema is one of our buzzwords.
It is one of the words. I've got it! It's my word. It wasn't in Greek, so I didn't recognize it.
I'm so excited, I'm on the board! Oh, okay, so you've got rhema. Okay, he got it, he got it. All right, okay, let's keep going here.
Beginning of the video, but I didn't feel led to do that today. I kind of felt led to go into some scripture verses so we can have a biblical foundation for what a shift of the
Lord is. By the way, shift or shifting, that's a prophecy bingo word.
I'm kind of sad that I don't have... She's gonna build a biblical foundation for this prophecy. George, are you impressed?
I'm... I am... I am glued and riveted to what's coming next.
I'm upset that you paused. I was ready to go. Okay, let's go. I love the fact that you paused on this. It was perfect.
It was like, yeah. Sometimes we in the church, we say the word shift a lot, and the Holy Spirit does say shift, but what does that mean, and is that biblical?
I've got spirit. What was that? I've got spirit. That counts, man.
Okay. How does that make sense? And so I kind of want to go into a couple of different scripture stories.
We're gonna go into four different stories to kind of give you some biblical foundation for how to apply and what a shift is in your life.
The first one we're gonna go into is Isaac and Abraham. Abraham is told by God that he is supposed to kill his son and put his son on the altar, and so he gets some wood and he gets ready to kill his son.
Now, so God says, kill your son, but as he's about to kill his son,
Jesus, what... Oh, by the way, she threw that in. Hang on a second here.
She fell backwards into the gospel. Well, here's the thing. Okay, you and I both know that the gospel is totally prefigured here in this account, and she did mention
Jesus, but not because the focus of her prophecy is about Jesus. It's more like Tourette's that she has.
So, you know, Jesus. All right, so I... Sentence in answer. My Tourette's was only saying
Jesus's name. All right, let's see where she goes here. Let's see where she goes.
What happens, an angel comes and says, stop. You know, the Lord was testing you, and you don't have to kill your son.
So at that point, he sees a ram in the bushes, and the ram goes on there, and you know, and they go back.
Now, this is interesting, because you know, sometimes God says something, but it was to test you.
Sometimes you have to realize when God is saying something as a test, and he's not really gonna carry it out.
God might tell you to leave someone. God might tell you to leave a place. God might tell you to go...
So, George, I just gotta ask you, can you give me just a real quick Christological, Christ -centered understanding of what was going on there with the sacrifice of Abraham's son, his only son?
Yes, yeah, you've hinted it there, the repetition of, he took his son, his only son, and he goes to a mountain, and he looks at his dad, he's like, father, and the guy says, son.
You know what I mean? We've got the wood, we've got everything, where's the...
God will provide the sacrifice, and then he carries his own cross, I mean, he carries his own wood up the mountain.
It's all about Jesus. Yes, it's a big giant arrow to Jesus, and this, she has done the thing where she's made it all about us, and it's a train wreck, and of course,
I imagine it sells, I can't, it's blurry, but I imagine it's got 15 ,000 views. Yeah, 15 ,000.
But it's just a train wreck of how do I turn this from about Jesus to being about me, and in there the gift is lost, because it changes from,
God stops Abraham from sacrificing his son, but he doesn't stop himself from sacrificing his own son to save us.
On the same exact mountain, by the way. There it is! So this can't get any worse, so let's get it over with.
I'm reminded of what the angel says in Revelation 19, that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
I was just so sad because there she was, it slipped out of her mouth, but it was just a Tourette's moment.
Yeah, that's right. All right, let's go another way, but it was only to test and see if you will be obedient, okay?
Sometimes this is not a permanent thing, and this is what I call a shift.
God was telling you to go one way, and now he's telling you to go another. Does that make
God a liar? No. Sometimes God puts us through tests, and so if you're in a testing seat...
Actually, yeah, the way she's using it does. Oh man,
I want you to leave that person. I was just testing you. Or at the very least, bipolar.
Right, yeah. Psych. Yeah, it's very capricious. God with a mental illness.
We'll get to that God in a minute, but let's keep going. You might feel the Lord say something and then say something else, and I just want to encourage you, you're not crazy.
Maybe the Lord has shifted, and he was testing the motives of your heart. The next story
I want to talk about is Jonah and Nineveh. Okay, now this is another... Okay, yeah, you can totally preach
Christ from the story of Jonah, too. I mean, let's see what she does. Interesting shift, and God shifts what he's going to do here and changes it.
You know, I think sometimes we think God doesn't ever change, and he does, because he interacts with us as people.
He might say something, but we can intercede, or we can move in a certain way, and when we intercede or move in a certain way, good or bad,
God can then change, because at the end of the day, he's God. So Jonah tells
Nineveh that it's going to be destroyed in three days. Flag on the play, flag on the play. Yes, you're gonna note here that all the prophets are trying to come up with loopholes as to why they're getting their prophecies wrong.
Okay. That's what's going on here. God doesn't change as a real gift to us.
You know, when I look at my life, and I see the sins that I have, and I'm like, you can't save someone like me.
Calvary says that he can, that he did, that he does, and now we've got a
God who's like, man, Joshua's out. I mean, look at the beard.
I mean, he's out. That guy hasn't left his basement in a long time. It is a strong Lutheran beard, you heathen.
Yeah. I'm trying to go charismatic on the beard. I don't know,
I don't suffer from baby face. God spoke to me today, and he told me to shave my beard.
I'm just saying. He spoke to you, he changed his mind. Yeah. Now, I'm gonna note this,
I'm gonna note this, that the false prophets have been pulling the Jonah card lately as one of their excuses as to why they got it wrong regarding Trump, and here's how their thinking goes.
Well, Jonah said 40 days and Nineveh will be overthrown, and well, it didn't happen.
And they totally ignore the fact that in Jeremiah chapter 18, God says that if he ever sends a prophet to speak judgment over a people for their sins, if they repent, that he will relent of the disaster that he threatened them with.
So, God will relent from judgment, but he won't relent from the gospel.
Right. I mean, that's... And here's the thing, yeah, I mean, if you start to kind of tease this out, a little bit of a bonus gospel point here, is that God has promised and threatened all of us with hell for our rebellion against him.
And if, you know, if God doesn't follow, if, you know, are we gonna fault
God when he doesn't follow through and says, well, I've forgiven you of all your sins in Christ.
So you'll note that we are brought to penitence and faith in Christ, and God relents of the disaster that he has promised for all of us, and that's an eternity in hell.
This is the point of Jonah. This is why Jonah doesn't want to go there. I've seen this game played before by you,
God. I go over there, I tell them to repent, they repent, you don't destroy them, and then they get bad again, and you have to destroy them.
So if we could cut out the middleman, I'm just going to Tarshish. You know what I mean? It's like, yeah, and we were missing that because we're having
God shifting. Yeah, so this is her theology of shift. It's because of all the sin there.
So, but God told Jonah to go and prophesy to them that, okay? He did get a word from the
Lord, he didn't get a false word from the Lord. However, then we see in Jonah 3 .10
that God saw what they did because they repented, and they turned from their evil, and God decided that he would not do what he was going to say, okay?
Now, we see this in Jonah 4 .1 where Jonah is upset, but it says it displeased
Jonah exceedingly, and he was angry. You know, I think sometimes people can be labeled as false prophets or out of line with the will of God because they prophesied something and it never came to pass.
You know, like Trump, like her, you know. Yeah, I couldn't find the right direction.
I'm like, is this a direction challenge? I don't know which one. Oh, goodness. No, no, if the logic follows, like, you take what she says, like, oh, well, you know,
God said he was going to do the one thing, but then if the people repented, then they got the other. I'm sorry, but a penitent nation doesn't get
Joe Biden as president. True international suffrage of pressure.
Okay. Not touching that one. Let's be real.
But I would say this, isn't it interesting that any parent knows exactly what
God's doing? Yeah. Like, if you don't do this, I'm going to send you to your room. But all the while, you're saying to yourself, please do the right thing so I don't have to ponder.
I don't want to punish you. Yeah, I don't want to punish you. Only a bad dad wants to punish you. But I don't want to punish you.
So please just would you just do what I say so I don't have to punish you. And these guys, there's no
God. God's for the great thing about about our faith, the
Christian faith. I'm not gonna even make it Lutheran. Just the Christian faith is that God wants to save.
He wants to forgive. That is his go to. That is his end all. He doesn't give up. He doesn't care about this other stuff.
What he wants to do is save. So he punishes in order to save. Go and preach repentance unto the forgiveness of sins, toward the forgiveness of sins.
He wants to forgive. And so he preaches the law in order to preach the gospel. But you're right.
This is, I don't know how to say it in a nice way. She's covering her own behind.
Is that okay? Is that suitable for Christian radio? She's covering her assets. So that's a very good way of saying it.
That's why you're the pro. And I'm just a rookie on the show. All right, let's let's move along here.
Let's move along. And here comes Jolynn Whitaker. I don't think you've seen her yet,
Jordan. We have some new people this time around. And so this is the prophetic word for February part two.
She has so much prophetic words for February. She had to cut it up into two really long live streams.
So let's let's let's drop the play head and see where we go here. Just the other day, the Lord on the prophetic word for February part one, because today is going to be part two glory to God.
But on part one, the Lord really had taken me into the book of Joel, which I'm going to be prophesying more deeply into on Friday.
Amen. But today we've got to stay with with what the Lord has given me for today. But he said it's time to wake up the mighty men and women of war.
It's time to wake up the mighty men and women of war. Yes. What are they doing sleeping?
You know, that's my question. I got a question for you before she starts. You've done this a lot, and they all use the same books.
So what book have you never heard them reference? I'm just curious. Like, I've only watched this a couple of times.
It's like they have only like their Bible contains only a few books. But I've never like, I heard a prophetic word from first Timothy.
Never happened. James? Have they ever referenced James? I imagine they love themselves some
James. No, even these folks avoid James like the plague, because one of their claims is that in order for a prophetic word to be true, it has to be affirming.
And I don't know if you've noticed this about James, he can be in your face. Lamentations.
They never touch that one. No, they never touch Lamentations. That's a good one. Yeah, and I don't think
I've seen them touch Jeremiah with the exception of like the opening chapters, but let's keep going.
I've got my war boots on again today. Glory to God. And what is the Lord saying to us regarding that?
Again, we're going to go deep. What is God talking to me about your war boots? But right now we have to stay with what the
Lord gave us on today. It's time for you to recognize who you are in Christ.
It's time for you to revisit and for some of you, it's time for you to revisit what it is that you
I feel the Holy Spirit on this. There is such an anointing on this. Oh, hold on a second.
Hang on a second here. I've got the the word anointing. There we go. Okay. Yeah, I have to do my own sound effects.
All right, let's wait. Let me put that away. Here we go. There is such an anointing on this.
It is time for you to revisit what it is that the Lord called you to do. What it is that he told you he was going to do.
What is the dream that the Lord put on your heart? Dream is a prophecy bingo word.
What did he call you to do? Wait, did she have a camera change in a live stream, like a snap zoom, just like boom, a different camera angle?
I don't know. I think she did. I back it up like. Oh, yeah. Look at that.
Yeah, she did. Yeah, she's got a 4K camera.
It looks like the same camera angle. She just punched in. So what are your gifts?
What are your blessings? What is the anointing? Blessing and anointing are prophecy bingo words.
I got blessing. What is your destiny? Come on. Destiny is a prophecy bingo word.
Most people I find when I talk to people, most people, even if you feel lost, even if you had a crazy season that sapped the life out of you, even if you have had experiences that have landed you in a desolate place, in a dry place, even if you are.
George, have you been in a desolate or dry place lately? I live in Louisiana. It's always wet.
Yeah, it's always wet. Okay. So this doesn't apply to you.
I'm lost, man. I'm lost. For those of you who have Louisiana fungus and algae growing on you, you know, then, you know, okay.
Still in the midst of a storm. If you give me a few moments with somebody, it doesn't take long. If you give me a few moments with somebody, most people know exactly what they feel in their spirit they're here to do on the earth.
And it's got to do with your natural abilities. It's not. It's got to do with your natural talent. It's got to do with the dream that you have in your heart.
It's got to do with that, with the vision that you return to. She is really gifted at like talking and talking and talking and not saying anything.
I think vision is one of our words, but I don't have it on my card, but. Mm hmm. All right, let's keep going. Again and again, even calling.
I have that word calling. All right, that counts. I do too. All right.
Hang on a second here. I got it as well. Yay! It's no fun, man.
Okay. I haven't even got to cheat yet. So hang on. Seems completely impossible.
What the Lord said, this won't be for everybody. There are going to be some people who fall off. There are going to be some people who this is just, you know, they're not ready for it.
But I believe that you are. George, are you ready for this prophetic word? I mean,
I've been preparing for the last 24 hours for this. Think about the doubt that she's sowing in people's brains.
Well, some of you just aren't ready for this. You're just not ready for it. Am I one of the people that's ready? I don't know.
I think Roseborough hit this, Chris hit this really well. I mean, this is the out. If what comes, if what doesn't, if it doesn't happen, you can always fall back on.
Yeah. You just didn't believe she is immune to being a false teacher because it's just because George Borchardt didn't believe.
I didn't have enough faith. I mean, that's well played. That's well played, young man.
You may get out of that basement just yet. But it is his basement.
It's not his mom's. It's my own basement. Oh, so you're already ahead of my son. You know,
I hate to say this, but I can kind of see JoLynn Winokur on the other end of a phone line telling somebody that they need to immediately head over to Walmart and buy a gift card in order to pay their taxes.
Pay Western Union. All right. I'm going to move along here because we have a lot of prophets.
All right. So here's. Oh, is it who I think it is? Yes. We're heading over to Glory of Zion.
The name of the prophecy is I am changing your shift. You know, this.
I actually hear the Lord saying something. And let me just prophesy because I don't quite understand.
Sappy music. Yeah, that counts. Sappy music counts. All right. So Santa's prophesying right now here.
He said, I'm changing shifts for you.
I got to breathe. It didn't even sound like he said shifts. God's changing shifts for me.
I think he slurred where he said shifts. So the
A team is done and now the B team comes in and they work for eight hours and then the C team work for another eight hours.
Oh, I see what you're saying. God's changing shifts. I didn't even think about that. You know, that would help.
How many shifts do we have working here at Pirate Christian Media? We don't talk about the night shift. Oh, yeah, that's right.
We don't talk about the night shift. All right. Okay. Let's keep going here. I say you've been working in certain time frames and you've been working in certain shift structures.
Are you sure God the Holy Spirit's saying that? He's going to need to speak in tongues to say anything intelligible.
And he goes down to... All right, let's keep going here.
But I say to you this day, I am changing your shift.
And you know, he's speaking for God in the first person. I am changing. Oh, man.
Wow. Some of you who have been on the second shift will be on the first shift.
I was right. Are you some kind of prophet? Wow. You speak
Santa Claus. I had no idea you knew how to speak that language. This guy, when I was watching this guy,
I was like, this is my guy. I mean, I have a Hawaiian shirt and a beard away from this guy.
No wonder God told you to shave your beard off. If you have been on the first shift, we'll take midnights.
I say to you, I am doing a repositioning work.
Wait, wait, hold on. We need an interpretation of the dance in the background. Oh, no. I'm a fowl.
I'm a fowl. Does repositioning, which includes the word position, count as an act?
I'm going to have to go. I'm going to need a vote from the judges because I'm putting an X by it. Done!
I'm okay with it. You're suffering. I do want to back this up just to see what is going on behind him.
I think it's interpretive dance, so we have to interpret it. Prophetic interpretive dance?
It's not even on our card. This is really prophetically innovative. Some of you have been on the first shift.
Wax on, wax off. That is the most low energy prophetic interpretive dancing
I've ever seen. It's like the Happy Hands Club from Napoleon Dynamite.
Insert clip. We'll take midnights.
What? And there's not been a mention of the cross of our
Lord Jesus Christ. No, no, no. At all. Nothing. God doesn't want to save anybody.
He doesn't want to reconcile the world to himself. He doesn't want to take on the sin of the world.
He doesn't even want us thinking or talking about Jesus in any kind of elucid sentence kind of manner. He just wants to change shifts.
He is like running a factory and he's got to get himself some works. And he's changing from the basement shift to the dude with the green screen behind him.
There are going to be fires of hell behind me, isn't there? I know there is. This is by far the greatest.
So many editing opportunities. Yeah. Okay. I'm going to move along here.
Bye bye Santa. And he's replaced with Lucifer. Yeah. This guy looks like a
Mormon prophet. Anyway, so this is the guy who's hosting Encounter today.
And he's going to be speaking to us about Larry Sparks and actually speaking to Larry Sparks about a prophetic word that Larry Sparks, who is like the head editor of Destiny Image Publishing, which is a major charismatic
NAR publishing house. Let's see what they got. Well, the guest we have tonight, he has a ministry that is dedicated to training believers to encounter the presence of God.
I feel like I'm getting an intro for a Major League Baseball player who's hitting 300.
It kind of has that vibe to it. This is like an ESPN intro. Well, how much different is this from, say, a wrestling promo either?
I mean, these guys, this is WWE. Except instead of it being
Roman Reigns, it's Larry Sparks. I like Roman Reigns better, but this guy, he's going to tell me how to encounter
God. I can't wait. I know you're looking forward to this. This is why
I brought you. Walk in divine transformation. Transformation is a prophecy bingo word.
He is the publisher of Destiny Image Publishing Company, and we're so blessed to have him on tonight because he has a word from God for this season.
Would you welcome in the comments, Larry Sparks? Season? I think that's a prophecy bingo word.
Brother Larry, it's good to have you tonight. Well, Pastor Allen, always a joy to be with you. Well, you always have a timely word, and you have such access to the prophetic giftings in the body of Christ.
And so you're hearing what God is saying. You're flowing in what God is saying. Flow! Flow! Flow is a prophecy bingo word.
The Lord gave you a specific word that really jumped off the page at me when I read it.
And I want everybody watching to begin to pray with their spirit and pray with their understanding because I think we're going to receive something that's going to really help us step into this new era.
Step into? We're in right now. And the word that God gave you was this.
The show is over. Can you unpack that prophetic message for us tonight?
You know, and I want to do this with great sensitivity and great honor, but...
Great sensitivity. When he was born, Larry Sparks, he was born to do this.
Because like, I can't have a world ministry. George Borkert World Ministries and Theme Park, it just doesn't sound really good.
But you got Larry Sparks. That sounds like a world ministry. So before this guy even starts, he was anointed.
Like, anointed to do this. He's got my ears. Alright, let's keep going here.
So many of our friends, whether it's Lana Voss or Chuck Pierce or Tim Sheets have been talking about, we're not just entering into a new season, it's a whole new era.
And I say that because, listen, I'm so grateful for what God has done through the church in previous decades, in previous seasons.
I'm very grateful. However, and there's no nice way to say this, and I don't say it with a judgmental or legalistic finger pointed at anyone specifically.
If anybody, I'll point the finger at myself. When the Lord spoke to my spirit with real thundering sobriety, the show is over.
I'm like, well, what does that mean? And I'm thinking... Yeah, I'd kind of like to know what that does mean, you know?
Well, when God speaks to him in slobbering drunkenness, instead of sobering sobriety,
I mean, how does that roll? Thundering sobriety. I would just point to Rodney Howard Brown, the
Holy Ghost bartender, the Brownsville and the Toronto revivals, yeah.
I'm going to save some sinners. Isn't this the coolest thing? But when he speaks soberly, we're going to have to do something.
The show's over. Last call, last call. All right, let's keep going here.
Where we're going, I mean, just think of 2020 with COVID, societal unrest, the elections, all of that.
I mean, those are just three highlights on a global scale where there is just unrest.
There was anxiety, there was worry, there was fear, all that type of thing.
But where we are going, listen, the shaking is not going to stop. Shaking is a prophecy bingo word.
A lot of prophets are actually prophesying. All the unrest and all the garbage that he's talking about. Nobody, nobody predicted any of it.
Nothing. Not a zip. Last year, it was all rainbows and unicorns. And now he presumes to speak authoritatively on anything, which is just laughable.
That God is going to shake everything out of his people, out of the church, that can be shaken.
But that is not a necessarily bad thing, because when everything's shaken out, the only thing that will remain is that which is of the kingdom.
So I'm like, God, the show is over. Where we're going, we can't afford to be a show.
Entertainment driven Christianity is not going to accomplish what
God needs to do in the earth in the days, years and decades ahead. Yeah, he's singing our song here.
He's prophesying a revival in Lutheranism. Listen, there are miracles and then there are miracles.
Well, it's like entertainment driven Christianity is going to fail.
That's my congregation. We do the same thing every week. I've been praying and preaching for that for decades.
All right, let's keep going. God and his sovereignty has used some of that where we elevated the platform and production value and the lights and good music.
And the prophetic interpretive dancers, you know, from the Happy Hands Club. All about being excellent.
I'm all about being professional. But the Lord spoke this to my spirit one time. He said, listen, you can have all those things.
I'm not railing against being of excellence and professional. However, if we have all of those things, but they are the result of a trade in the spirit realm, then we've lost everything.
In other words, if we have lots of people, big buildings, lots of seats.
So you know, he's not making a biblical argument, you know, for any kind of reforms or anything like that.
He's just, well, God told me this directly. So, you know, you better get rid of the praise band, man.
High end New York Times bestselling book deals. If we become celebrity pastor, all that kind of thing.
We've got it all, man. We built the kingdom. If we have all of that and yet the whole... We built this kingdom.
We built this kingdom on rock and roll. Anyway. And the whole society collapsed three days later due to lack of anything substantive.
All right. Now, I've got to warn you. Here's a prophecy from Reina. This is
Prophet Reina from Ignite the Fire Ministries. Hey, fire! And she's going to be our first prophet who's going to overtly...
I don't even know if it's... You can't even say it's doubling down. This is tripling or quadrupling down on Trump.
And this will be the focus of her prophetic word of the Lord for the month of February. I claim fire, by the way.
Yeah. All right. Let's see where we go. Hi, everyone. Pastor Reina here with Ignite the Fire Church and Ministries. Welcome.
Welcome to my channel. How is everyone? How is everyone? Here I am, guys. I have a word of encouragement for you guys.
And I just wanted to share something that the Lord put in my heart. But before I can get to it,
I just want to thank you all for your subscriptions. I made it to 10 ,000 subscribers.
Yay! Oh, I'm sorry.
I got so into it. I'm going to dislike the video for that. I just want to say thank you.
I want to thank all of those that wrote to me. And all of those that left encouraging comments.
And a lot of you, I could feel your love. And I just want to say that you guys are awesome.
Because you guys not only encourage me, but you encourage one another. That's what the body of Christ does, right?
We encourage one another. I am glad that you guys are responding that way.
Mainly at this time, because a lot of people are down. And we are here to build each other up.
Right? Right. Okay, so I just wanted to share something with you that the
Lord put in my heart to do. And it was maybe a couple of days ago. And the
Lord said to me that I needed to come on here. And to sound the trumpet.
To sound the shofar. To sound the trumpet. I wish you'd actually blow it, because then
I could actually use it. You know what? I'm going to cheat, because I cheat anyway. Oh, she mentioned shofar.
Look at that. Shofar so good. All right, back to this. Oh, one thing.
Nikki and I, when we were listening to The Last Prophecy of Bingo. Because she hadn't seen it yet. Specifically, this woman.
She doesn't put the music in post. She's playing the music on a boom box or something to the side of the camera.
So every time there's an edit, the music shifts. You can hear the music. The timing goes completely out of whack.
So she's not doing any post production on this. And she does these really hard cuts, too.
On her edits. All right, let's see. Here we go. Keep going. And to say, long live
President Trump. And I'm thinking, I don't know, Lord. So God told her to say that.
Long live President Trump. I'm like, I don't know.
Because usually you say that for a king. And so I was a bit reluctant.
I was a bit, you know, Lord, I'm going to wait until you confirm this to me. So God confirmed this to her.
Not only did God give this to her, God confirmed it, too. A rather presumptuous prophet, wouldn't you believe?
Somebody who was like, you know, if it's a word from God, I don't know about it. I'm not going to say it.
Now, George, you have that look on your face. You're going to say something. You almost look like you've been punched in the face.
There's no words. There's no words. Well, because I just keep thinking, this is what, the fourth one?
Or the fifth one? All these people, and best construction, they really believe that God is speaking to them.
That's the best construction. They really, really believe. I'm in the wrong business, man.
All I've got to do is add one little sentence in front. God told me that you should pay me more. I'm sorry to tell my church on Sunday.
God told me that you should pay me more. I mean, it's a great record. I feel like you're going to be finding another call after that.
But I mean, it'll work for 15 ,000 views. I mean, it'll work all the way for about 70 years until I go to hell.
But I mean, other than that, it seems like a really good shtick. But they all believe that God is speaking to them, and it's all highly emotional.
It's all inside. And then God told her to do something that she thought was whack, and so she says, I'm going to need a confirmation of that.
Well, the same spirit that said it is just going to say it again. I mean, that's not testing the spirit.
Right. So by repetition? Yeah, and so I believe a spirit is behind this.
It's just not the Holy Spirit. So, all right, let's keep going here. Recently, I was listening to someone, and they talked about Adonai.
I don't know if any of you have heard the story of Adonai on 1 Kings 1. And so I...
One of the sons of David who tried to sneak himself into the throne before Solomon.
Decided to dig a little bit deeper into this word, into this reading. And my goodness, my goodness, if I was waiting for confirmation, that was it, y 'all.
That was the confirmation I needed. So her confirmation is her misreading of the story from that text from 1
Kings. Okay. So I am going to share a little bit of what the
Lord put in my heart to do. And now I also want to share with you guys a dream that I had.
That the Lord gave me, which goes kind of hand in hand with this word that I was reading.
Now, I'm going to do this not out of disrespect for her, because she kind of waxes eloquent here. I'm going to bump the speed up to two times.
Okay. I'm going to hold on. Brace yourself. We're going to hit plaid.
Yeah. She's referring to Biden at this point.
But she can. Yeah, I know. She can, as a prophetess.
Right. Okay. I'd like to see your prophetic credentials with the
God signature on it, please. When were you sworn in as a prophet?
Now, Nathan, the prophet, comes to Bathsheba and says, hey, have you heard that Aniah has appointed himself king? He's already done a sacrifice and he's feasting with all these people.
And in fact, invited a whole bunch of important people and priests and all sorts of people that he wanted to invite. And he sounded to some people, hey, can
I be king? And they're like, okay, you can be king. And so other people appointed him. Other people said, yes, you can be king. Doesn't that sound familiar, guys?
Doesn't that sound familiar? Yeah, this is a twist in God's word.
God, the Holy Spirit, when actually talking to her, I think the Holy Spirit would say, you need to stop twisting my word. So this is, if I'm understanding, and this is not in any way shape, the sun is shining on me.
I'm prophetic right now. It's like right through the blinds onto me. I mean, look at me.
It's just. Well, we knew that about you, that your dad thought you were so bright he called you son. Thanks, buddy.
So I'm going to take that word and it's going to be a gift to me. All right. It's going to be new wine and old wine and never mind.
Yeah. So her prophetic word is that Biden isn't actually president and that Trump should be president.
And somehow that's going to get undone. Yes. And what happens when that doesn't happen? Shifting. God shifting.
See, well, can Ash explain? That's just God testing. I understand that. I'm learning.
She's comparing two completely different systems of government. You don't vote for kings. Yeah. That is a good line, by the way.
Vote for kings. All right. So he had his own cheerleader saying, OK, go be king. And they're already singing
Long Live the King. And Nathan comes with this message to Bathsheba. And so Nathan, see, it's good to listen to the prophets, you guys.
It's very good to listen to the prophets. So Nathan says here, I'm going to give you this advice. If you don't want to end up becoming a prisoner and losing your head, you and your son.
So what you are going to do is you're going to go before your husband, King David, and then say to him, Dean, you promised that Solomon, your son, was going to sit on the throne.
Then she says to him, but Adonai has made himself king. And he's already done the sacrifice and he's already fisted. You know, he's already throwing a big party, basically.
And he has. And of course, he did not invite anybody that was anybody or anyone that would be godly, anyone that would be walking with King Solomon. He did not invite, including the prophet
Nathan. So he says, go and talk to the king. Right. So she goes and talks to the king. And then, of course, Nathan says, when you're talking to the king, I'm going to walk in and I am going to back you up in what you're saying.
She goes in and she presents this to the king. And as she's talking to him, then here comes Nathan. Now, when Nathan comes before the king, Nathan says, have you, my lord, the king declared that Adonai should be king after you and that he will sit on your throne?
Today, he has gone down and sacrificed a great number of cattle, fattened calves and sheep. He has invited all the king's sons, the commanders of the army and Abiathar, the priest.
Right now, they are eating and drinking with him and saying, long live King Adonai. But me, your servant,
Sarok, the priest, and Benaiah, son of Jehoriah, and your servant Solomon, he did not invite. Now, listen to this.
Is this something my lord, the king, has done without letting his servants know who should sit on the throne of my lord, the king, after him?
Isn't that what the prophets are doing right now? They are going before the lord and they're asking, because a lot of them have been thrown into confusion and into doubt right now.
They have been doubting what they heard at a time of light. They are doubting in the time of darkness what they heard from God. So, now,
Nathan comes and asks the king, now, did I miss something here? Because, you know, did you appoint him? And I just missed, you know, the memo.
Maybe he appointed him, but I didn't get that tweet. You know, somehow I missed it, right? So, King David says, I made an oath. And he did make an oath to Bathsheba.
He promised Bathsheba that Solomon was going to be king. So, he says, call Bathsheba, bring her right in. So, Bathsheba comes in and he says,
I will surely carry out this very day what I swore to you by the Lord, the God of Israel. Solomon, your son, should be king after me.
And he will sit on my throne in my place. Hallelujah. So, you see, here is a time where everybody thought all is lost because, you know, this guy is already throwing a party.
This guy has already done the sacrifice. This guy has done everything that you need to do to be king. But, hey, you can do everything to be king, to play out the role.
But, without having been appointed, there is no power behind it. Did you understand me? Did you get me on this? Okay, so he has no power behind what he has done.
Because the power comes from being appointed by the king. So, then they move on to anoint Solomon. Nathan goes, all the important people go to anoint
Solomon. So, read it, because this is a very good reading, mainly for this time. It's really going to encourage you. So, verse 34 says, There have
Sadduck the priest and Nathan the prophet anointed him king over Israel. Blow the trumpet and shout, Long live King Solomon.
Hallelujah. I knew that the Lord wanted me to do this. And when I read this, I was like, okay, so you're for real,
Lord. All right, we're going to do this. So, because the king said it, and when he said it, they move into place to anoint the king.
And they sound the trumpet. They blew the trumpet. They blew the shofar, and they declare it. And of course, when people heard this, people just began to follow
Solomon. It says here, verse 39, Sadduck the priest took the horn of oil from the sacred tent and anointed Solomon. Then they sounded the trumpet, and all the people shouted,
Long live King Solomon. And all the people went up after him, playing pipes. I remember her prophetic word was,
Long live King Trump. Okay, that was her prophetic word. I got to tell you, she's got chutzpah.
She doubled down on the whole Biden -April -President thing. I think this is a tripling down at this point.
I mean, she is off the cliff and falling down. And even my puppy, who had a
Trump collar, he's accepted the truth that Trump isn't president. Yeah. And you'll note that this video was published on January 30th.
So, this is just like a week old at most here.
And it's post -inauguration. You did a good thing putting it on two times the speed, too.
I was a little worried, but you're a pro. Yeah. Did God speak to you?
No, no, no. Not that way. He talks me through his written word constantly when
I'm reading, but that's a different thing. And rejoicing greatly, so that the ground shook with the sound. Hallelujah.
You know what that sounds like? That sounds like revival to me. So, when this happens, listen,
I just want to share this with you guys. With all of this going on, and because of whom is sitting right now in presidency, in the
White House, very strong spirit of Jezebel and witchcraft is being released over the land and over the people.
It's okay. Wicked witchcraft.
Oh, man. I know that some people have been feeling tired, have been feeling sick, and have been feeling oppressed and depressed because of what's taking place.
But it's not just that. There is a spirit because of the authorities that right now are governing the land.
But it's not going to be for long, you guys. It's not going to be forever. It's not going to be forever. How long? I don't know. I'm going to tell you guys the dream that I had. I miss that I have glory in the midst of it, but I do have glory.
It was back there a little bit. Yeah, I'll give that to you.
It was back there. Let's move along here. The aneurysm. Is it Santa again?
Listen to the name of this prophecy. Stand and listen as the noise around you is silenced. This is the prophecy.
I think this is the sound of one hand clapping prophecy. Here we go. That's cheesy.
You started it that way. Hang on a second here. I'm getting a download. I can feel the interpretation coming in now.
And you're not going to believe this, but I believe that he was talking about destiny. So, okay.
That doesn't help me. Destiny. Destiny. No escaping that for me.
I want to test drive a name for those dancers. Solid Gold Prophecy Bingo Dancers.
You think that? Yeah, I think we should try that. Solid Gold Prophecy Bingo Dancers.
That guy at the keyboard looks like he's in a hospital gown. That's what I was thinking, too. He looks like he's escaped from the
ICU. Yes, he did. I'm looking for the IV. And in fact,
I think that's an IV line running right there. On his neck. All right, let's go.
Yelling. Yeah, that counts. Yelling and gibberish. Yeah. Here comes
Santa Claus. And I say to you, most of the time I am yelling from heaven. Advance my people.
Advance my people. But I say to you, this will be a week ahead where you stand in the midst of the clamor.
I say this will be a time of standing and listening carefully for the noise around you.
I want you to hear as it becomes silenced in days ahead.
And I say to you, I am putting spectacles and even eyes in the back of your head.
Oh good, I can finally compete with my wife.
She always had eyes in the back of her head. And again, nothing.
Concerning the suffering, death and resurrection of the reason why we believe what we believe.
All of it, is it presupposed? Is it assumed? I just think it's in the rear view mirror.
They left Jesus in the dust. So they view that the gospel is this milk.
And this is the meat? Because this is whack. I mean. I'm just upset he won't say any of my words.
I'm mad at Santa right now. And I'm cutting off my. Unless he's going to say one of my words or else
I'm done with him. If you are looking forward, but I say watch what
I do with what you have come through. I say I am capable of doing things not in time so time realigns.
So I say watch and watch carefully as you advance for this will be a week of watching noise be quietened.
Is that a word quietened? Did the Holy Spirit just give us a new word quietened?
Prophesy I will. Understand you won't. English I don't speak. I mean what?
It might as well just be prophetic Jar Jar Binks up there. Yeah. I suppose timing doesn't count.
Yeah. Okay. My apologies in advance. You have to prepare yourself for the fashion travesty that is
Robin Bullock. Here we go.
Robin, you have God said to you something about an invasion from heaven that's coming.
You want to talk about that? Sure. MacGyver called. He wants his mullet back. I see a little silhouette.
Got a moose, got a moose. Is there a market for mullet toupees? I have no idea.
I didn't know that they made those until just now. I think they sell them over at Walmart in the women's wig aisle, but that's a different story.
No, there's this. There's an entire thing. Hey, he's bringing us the word of the
Lord. Show some respect here. He's a prophet, man. Okay. I'm going to try to say this as fast as I can, okay?
You're fine. There is going to be.
In the story of the Good Samaritan, it actually tells the history of the whole of mankind from the fall all the way to right now.
I didn't know that. When the certain lawyer came to Jesus and said, what must
I do to inherit eternal life? He said, love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, all your strength, and your neighbor as yourself.
The law. He said, but the Holy Ghost told on the lawyer, the doctor of the law.
What translation is he reading? He said, but he willing to justify himself, said, who is my neighbor?
The man wanted to know, why can't I make myself right? Why does it take you to make me right?
How come I can't do it myself? Some kind of something to do with the gospel.
Because they questioned Jesus as the Messiah. Here, Jesus starts telling a story that is not a parable because he starts it out saying there was a certain man.
Now, this is certain this man existed. And he traveled from Jerusalem down to Jericho.
Well, when you study, you find out that Israel is the garden spot. Jerusalem we know now is where Adam lived.
That was his place. So apparently Adam had an apartment in Jerusalem.
There's no, I wish I could come up with something funny on that. Yeah, I will say this is that, you know,
I think about our good friend, Pastor Buto. He would argue that the
Garden of Eden probably was where Christ was crucified. And I understand where he's going with that.
I get that. It's weird hearing these same concepts being used in this manner, though, not pointing us to Christ.
I'm going to call him and tell him that you've made reference to him. He'll immediately repent of that because of this. He'll totally give up the allegory because of this guy.
Because Wayne's World is saying that Adam had an apartment in Jerusalem.
Party on. Excellent. But this certain man left
Jerusalem, headed down a road called the Bloody Way to Jericho. And on the way down there,
Jesus said he fell among thieves. But the Greek says he lied among them.
In other words, he joined them. He committed treason. And he joined these thieves.
And it said they stripped him of his raiment and wounded him and left him half dead. Well, Adam wore three garments.
He wore the garment of praise. He had the robe of righteousness. What? I thought
Adam and Eve were winding around naked, you know. I mean, this is like a train taking a dirt road.
It's like, it's so off the rails. It's just, wow, what is going on?
Yeah, I don't know what to make of this. He had the tunic of authority that he wore. And so the enemy wanted those clothing.
Notice in that story. He didn't have any clothes.
And that was the problem. They covered themselves up, man.
With fig leaves after they sinned. They didn't take his money. They took his clothes.
They wanted his clothes. And so when they took his clothes from him, they wounded him, left him half dead.
Now Adam didn't just know good. He knew good and evil. He was half dead.
And so he's laying there and Jesus says this. He says, and there came a certain priest that way.
And the priest saw him and passed by on the other side. But one of the
Greek words says he went the opposite. In other words, the priesthood couldn't save the man.
Then he said there was a Levite came by. He couldn't save. So the Levitical law couldn't save the man.
The priesthood couldn't save the man. Remember Jesus is answering, why can't I make myself right?
He said, All right. There's no translation.
I know. Of Peripyto that has him like becoming
Robin Hood. There's just none. I know. I'm sorry. I had to check it out because I was just in awe.
And now this, this is a mess. This is a train wreck. He's not really reading the text and exegeting it here.
There's details in the story that I'd never heard before. So like this is what happens.
Sometimes folks will say, doesn't the Bible say that somewhere? You know what I mean?
This is the same sort of haphazard summary of something. Usually it's something, doesn't the
Bible say somewhere that God helps those who help themselves? No, nowhere does it say that. In fact, he helps the ungodly.
That's the Ben Franklin, poor Richard's almanac Bible. Yeah. All right.
Are we done with this guy? You know what is interesting? The guy, what is so great about the
Good Samaritan is that there's so many different ways in which you can find the gospel in it.
Oh, I know. Because Jesus could be the guy in the ditch who fell amongst the thieves.
And I mean, that's the clergy. I mean, they pass on the side and all that jazz. Or if you need that word of God, he could be the guy, you know, he could be the guy who passed the
Samaritan who picks you up out of the ditch. I mean, all that good. And this has just been train wrecked.
Yeah. All right. So Hank Kudiman is our next up for Prophecy Bingo. And I apologize, but all the prophecies this month seem in one way or another to be connected to Trump.
Kudiman has spectacularly falsely prophesied that Trump would be reelected. And as of when this was published,
February 2nd, he has still said that he has not conceded and that Kudiman is standing by the words that he received from God.
So let's listen in. Is he going to back down? Has he given up? Is he still sticking by that prophecy?
So Pastor Hank, I'll give it to you. Where are you at? Hey, thank you for the advertising of where I might be.
So I want to begin to say I am standing really more stronger and firm than any other time that I've prophesied.
And no, I'm not caving in. And this isn't an arrogant statement. That's not what this is about.
This is a statement that I am standing with what the Lord has said.
More prophecies are coming to pass. A lot of things are still yet to play out. And here's the thing we have to remember.
It wasn't just this vessel that prophesied or declared or heard or saw something concerning what's taking place in our nation that we're still standing for.
There was too many people that felt the same thing. So it isn't just one person.
So I stand by the fact that God didn't just speak to me. He spoke to multitudes of people.
But you know what? I want to just do this, Gene. Yeah, I mean, all those prophets of all couldn't have possibly been wrong on Mount Carmel.
There was a whole multitude of them. There was only one real prophet there. You mentioned in your opening monologue about evangelists need to evangelize and so forth.
But prophets need to continue to prophesy. That's right. Because what we're experiencing also is what caused one of the greatest prophets in all of history to cave in.
I'm talking about Elijah. It was a demonic spirit of Jezebel that drove him into a cave.
And we have to be careful that we aren't aligning ourselves with the demand of these evil forces, these evil spirits once again speaking into a culture, speaking into a generation, speaking in and demanding that certain prophetic vessels meet their demands.
You know, like that they repent of their false prophecy that Trump would be reelected.
So what happens now that it hasn't happened?
Has everybody left Hank's church? No, they're all standing by him, man.
He had a prophecy, a whole two -hour long prophecy service at his church just the other day.
Okay. He's about to bust, dude, right? Yeah, something is about to bust.
Yeah, his prophetic credibility is what that was last month. And if we're not careful, we'll steer away from thus saith the
Lord and become prophets of the land. Now, that doesn't mean that prophets aren't accountable. This prophet's accountable.
It just means we have to, when we believe that we've heard from God and we know that we've heard from God, we must stay loyal to what we've heard.
I want to say this last thing. You know, today is Groundhog Day. Here's why I'm not caving in. Groundhog Day.
You know what? The groundhog saw his shadow. No. No.
It's another Groundhog Day, and it's happening in Washington, D .C. And they are going to see their shadows too because there is a great light of exposure that is going to show the darkness that they have been part of.
Yeah, so, you know, the prophetic Groundhog Day is coming and the politicians in Washington are going to see their shadows.
And show and reveal the darkness that they are carrying out. And I guarantee you, we may have a few more weeks of winter.
The truth is, you can't stop. Yeah. How firm a foundation, ye saints of the
Lord, is built on the groundhog and his excellent shadow.
I'm going to give you two points for effort on that one. There's no effort there.
I mean, the certainty of faith is in whether the groundhog saw his shadow.
Yeah. Which is, by the way, this is the equivalent of the reading of omens.
Which, funny enough, we've steered off into weirdo land. He won't see it in my words either.
If he's going to talk like this, he needs to say my words. I need breath, I need victory. I would argue that trying to exegete the
Groundhog Day reading or whatever is still more substantive than a majority of their garbage.
Because at least there's 50, 50 years, I don't know, it's complete garbage.
But it's still, it's like, I'm going to reach into reality and read omens. This is the reason why.
I have people from my church that have watched your show, Chris. Oh, my apologies.
No, no, no, no, no. They've been brought to Lutheranism by it. By faithful Christianity by it. Because if this is what you're listening to and you're like,
I don't know, I know this isn't right, but I don't know. And they seem so sincere.
But no mention of Christ, no mention of Christ in him crucified. Jesus doesn't care about saving anyone he cares who's in the
White House. In the year of our Lord, in the year 221, that's what he's really worried about?
Yeah. I mean, that's what God cares about? Oh, man. I'm so lost.
All right. Here we go. We're heading back to Gloria of Zion. Maybe you'll get some words on this round.
I am healing trauma and diseases of the mind is the name of this prophecy. I want to hate it, but is it
Santa? And the particular nature of what God wants to heal is diseases of the mind.
You know, he came so that we would be healed from diseases. Schizophrenia.
Those that have suffered with it. The Lord says, I want to come and touch it right now. Flag on the flag.
Okay, I'm not just if they're praying for healing of diseases of the mind, if that if God did that, this church would not exist.
Yeah, probably. Yeah, you're not wrong. They're praying for their own. That's why you own your own basement, buddy.
You got it. You are sharpest attack. He didn't even have to buy it off of his mother, but let's keep going here.
Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. There you go. You're going to come into balance in your mind, that perverted way of thinking and that that separation that's taken place in your mind.
He says, I'm bringing it back into balance and order. He says there are many depressed people, especially in this time.
It has caused a bloodline issue to arise. He says, I'm coming to heal your bloodline and set your mind free.
He says, this is the hour that I am going to begin to balance the elements of your mind.
The chemical balances in your mind, where they have gone astray and where they have been in a place that I did not destined it.
I'm coming to bring the elements back into your. Yeah, that's that's prophetic.
So you can begin to think with the mind that I gave you. You're going to begin to act with the very nature of.
Solid gold, prophetic. Who I am. New from Katel, it's solid gold, prophetic dancers.
I'm going to begin to separate your mind from the world and set you in a place where you begin to see who
I am. And lift it up so no, I am beginning to heal.
Stop yelling at me, lady. I'm going to separate your mind. He says, paranoia is nothing for me.
He says, watch me begin to move on those areas of your brain.
Along with that, I see the Lord dealing with mental issues that have been caused by trauma and particularly in trauma where one side or the other just sort of takes over.
What about prophecy bingo trauma? You know, I may be suffering from that here. You might be eligible for compensation.
Yeah, all right, all right. Let's head over to Kevin Bridges, the prophetic word. I would lose faith that we were going to actually get a bingo except I've seen somebody rattle off like six words in a sentence.
That does happen. It does happen in prophecies. So I'm, I'm, I, I feel it.
Don't despair. It's coming on right now. Don't despair. You're in the wrong place if you don't want to despair.
You are in the pit of despair. Like, no prophecy bingo, no. As I'm looking to February, I see a picture of someone traveling through a tunnel and emerging on the other side.
It's as if there was a mountain which they've traveled underneath and suddenly they're all the way through that on the other side.
is a prophecy bingo word. I happen to have that one on my card. There we go.
Okay. And there is a valley which opens up before them, a place of beauty, a place of peace and serenity.
And the Lord says to you, do not be afraid, but know that I am the one who is with you.
I will bring things to pass. I will bring you to a place of peace. Watch and see for the things which seem to be so difficult are passing away as I make a way forward for you, a way which will be clear, a way which will be smooth.
Do not look to the former things, but look to that which I'm opening out now look to that which
I'm doing now for the new is here, a place of freedom, a place of peace.
Watch and see for I will open up before you new possibilities. I will open up before you new horizons.
Look with the eyes of faith and take possession of that which is yours. Look with the eyes of faith and see that which
I'm doing now. It is time to rejoice. It is time to give thanks for the new is here.
All right, here's a newcomer. Who needs tea leaves when you have Google? Right. Pastor Jay Richardson is a newcomer to Prophecy Bingo.
Ooh, transition! I have some hope here for you. I'm just saying.
I want to give you a prophetic outlook for the month of February 2021.
And the month of February will be a month of transition into greater.
I have transition on my card. I have transition on my card, too. Ding. Okay, so yeah, this guy understands how it's done.
Here we go. Transition into greater. You are in between the process and the promise.
You are in between the place God has for you and the place
God is taking you. And in the month of February, you're about to see transition into greater.
For many of you, there was a very heavy warfare season that kind of hit you late
January. I feel like I'm getting a cold reading from Miss Cleo.
I feel like you've been through a warfare season. Does that mean anything to you,
George? Have you been through a warfare season lately? It's going on right now and I'm in real pain.
Okay. And I don't know how to get out of it, but I'm going to transition and I promise to come out the other side still male.
Let's go. Good, good. And there was a warfare season oppressing, if you will, pressing in whatever area of this family home relationship.
And one of the things that I always say is that pressure comes before promotion. February is a month of transition into greater.
What's that? Promotion. What's that? The next season. Season is a prophecy being a word.
The next level. What's that? Next level is a prophecy bingo phrase overflow in the month.
Oh, I have level. Okay. February. Many of you are transitioning out of one job to another job.
I hope not, especially for the people working on the on the Excel pipeline or whatever. Yeah, well,
I would say, hey, all of you out there, I hope you aren't, you know, satisfied with your job at the moment because it sounds like you're about to be booted.
You're going to get your pink slips. So that's how and what he says transfer our words of mine.
He's so close. Don't fail me. Don't fail me. Yeah, he's talking about wealth.
Okay, let me back it up. Let's see. We're transitioning out of one job to another job out of one place of living into another place of living.
Even some of you out of one ministry into another ministry and God is setting you up for something major.
So you're going to begin to see this month of February some things to be. Yeah, God's always it's a big promotion.
So does God ever say this month is going to stink for you?
I mean, have you ever I mean, does he ever say you're going to actually diminish? Does he ever say that?
These guys diminish is not one of our prophecy bingo words for a reason. you know, that's the way the whole when the son of man comes
I will I find faith on earth that this business I mean word of God stuff. It's so bad at the end.
you know, if it wasn't for even the elect might have been been torn away, but not right now.
Promotion. None of my words say my words. All right. Let's keep going here.
It's all about the instructions of your leader, the instructions of your pastor, the instructions of the voice that you submit to tune your ear to the right frequency.
Even in your own time of prayer and consecration. God's going to begin to download download.
Hang on a second here. Is that a word? Yeah. Are you kidding me? Yeah, that's on my card there, dude.
My only hope is that somebody is going to talk in tongues. That is standard prophetic prayer. Tune your ear to the proper frequency.
Old men with hearing aids are like, hey, hey, hey. Yeah, now I gotta admit that, you know, J .E. Richardson here, he's delivering.
He's doing a pretty good job. Whereas the other prophets are stuck on Trump. So, again,
I'm sorry, I'm going to beat this drum again because that's, you know me. You knew what you were getting.
So, finding what God says is as random as turning a radio dial.
Yes. I mean, it's not in the external word of the gospel. It's not in the prophetic word which is able to save your soul.
It's as random as You need fresh revelation. Fresh. It's got to be hot. It's got to be hot out of the oven. Fresh is one of my words, but it doesn't count when you say it, right?
No, no. Go ahead. I'm starting.
Alright, let's keep going here. Particularly in the area of business and entrepreneurship and ministry.
You're going to get instructional downloads, if you will, through your prayer and consecration time in those areas.
And what was hindering you? What was held up? Even for the last three years in some cases, the month of February is the month of transition into greater.
And here are some reasons why. Your heart is ready now. Your spirit is ready now.
Your mind, if you will, is focused now. You've had time to outgrow some seasons.
You've had time to outgrow some things. I'm so glad he thinks so highly of me.
I'm going to come back. I might come back to this guy if I need to. Alright, let's head back. I got to tell you. Notice again that if your life, if you are a poor, wretched sinner.
Yeah. I mean, there's no reason to go on after that. What he's just said is that February is going to be a great month for everybody but you because your heart's not in the right place.
I mean, that's his out. But if you're an actual human being who has sin.
Oy vey, Rabbi. I mean. Yeah. Alright, let's go. Are we? Oh, it's
Santa. Stay in my timing and do not shudder. Here we go.
Here we go. Alright, I got to translate this.
You guys are going to hate me. You're going to give yourself bingo on that right now? Yes, you are.
Yeah, I'm going to go for it. Let's see here. I'm feeling a harvest there.
It may require two bingos but this does require me to give a prophecy now.
So I've got to channel my inner heretic. Yes, I've got it now.
Oh, it's coming in. I feel the Lord is speaking into my heart right now. I'm receiving a prophetic download.
Oh, right now Jesus is dispensing dispensation of destinies right now and is going to be handing out a harvest anointing by which you can reach your potential and purpose.
How's that? Not as much charisma as prophetic
Santa, but I'll allow it. Yeah, alright, alright. That's what happens when they speak in tongues. Let's keep going here.
I want to know what that dance is over here in the... Those are the Holy Spirit flag girls. They're doing some kind of stick thing here.
We've got to figure this out. It sounds like the language of Mordor to me, but...
And I say to you, do not shudder in fear. Do not shudder or shake.
I say, look through the window that I'm giving you for even though a troop is amassed,
I say, I am giving you strategies and lighting a fire...
Strategy is a prophecy. ...within you that will cause you to go through a troop and end up beginning to take what the enemy has secured against you.
I say, stay in my timing. Stay in my timing and do not shudder.
For I will tell you now, I already have a strategy for your victory.
Victory. There it is. Oh, I was waiting for that word. I need a judge's question.
Birthing and begotting. Can I... Birthing and begetting. That seems like close to me.
I mean, I've got birthing. I've got begetting. And that involves the same action.
He said begetting. All right, I'll give it to you then. For this to start,
I will give you birthing because it is a begetting. You're right. It is the same concept. All right.
Here's a new newcomer, Gina Hannah -Rahan. I may have mispronounced her name.
Any prophecy that comes from your kitchen must be heard. Right. All right.
Let's check this one out. Friends, I was so excited because we have been going through it.
There is a group of us that have been going through it. And it has felt as if we've been forgotten or passed by.
But here we see that the Lord is very well aware and we're entering into a new month, which is a new season for those who have waited on the
Lord. Amen. What I interpreted in this one verse is for those who have felt that the
Lord has been absent or that you have been passed by or for those who have been waiting on the justice of the
Lord, do not lose hope because He has not forgotten you. He has not overlooked you.
He hasn't been distant. And if you have felt that He has been in the month of February, that's going to stop because now
He's going to show you and give you strength to hope in Him. Amen. In the month of February, you will be experiencing everlasting kindness and His mercy.
And you will be strengthened to keep waiting on Him for that justice that you have been crying out for.
I would note this. If you're attending a church where the pastor preaches the gospel every Sunday, you always, regardless of whether it's
January, February, March, April, or May, or June, July, or the rest of them, you're always experiencing
God's grace and His mercy. I'm just saying. The blasphemy is that all of this good stuff is going to occur apart from the suffering and death of Jesus.
Right. God's going to give you kindness. He's going to give you mercy. But it's all reliant on you and it's not reliant on Him, and therefore, this is just painful.
But we're only going to experience this mercy stuff for the month of February, and that's the shortest month of the year.
I mean, I would kind of like have to challenge God. Why am I only getting mercy for the short month of the year?
Why can't I get it for one of the longer ones? You are a very, very, very bad God, God. Yeah, very bad.
All right. Birdie num -nums. All right, let's keep going. Because it is coming, my friends. So if this is you, and you have felt this way, and you're waiting on Him right underneath.
Hallelujah to the Lamb of God. Amen. Let Him see that you still are waiting for Him, that no matter what has come at you.
I think Borghardt got raptured. Oh, there he is. He came back. I'm sorry. I was down for the count there a little bit.
Yeah, I thought for sure that I'd been left behind. I mean, you just utterly disappeared there for a second.
I thought that was maybe the clothes that were left. I'm sorry. The green screen's still here. I'm okay.
Okay. All right, we're good. And how tired you may feel or forgotten, you still believe in Him.
Amen? Moving on to verse 28. Okay, let me...
I don't know if I'll... Okay. I gotta... Gotta explain this one.
Okay, so here's Larry Sparks. Larry Sparks is interviewing Robert Henderson.
Robert Henderson here is going to give us his explanation as to why the Trump prophecies didn't come to pass.
And we're going to learn also that he, since the election, has been filing lawsuits in the courts of heaven.
No. Get out. I'm not making that up. No. Yeah, yeah. Oh, you gotta hit play now.
I'm ready. Let's go. All right, here we go. Before I share the word, I actually have a couple of things
I wanted to share. But I wanted just to say to everybody that's watching, one of the reasons the prophetic, having an understanding anytime, but especially at the beginning of the new year, of what the prophetic words are for us is because in Daniel 7, verse 10, the scripture says, the court was seated.
Of course, I teach on the court of heaven. Totally taking that text out of context.
Wow. The books were open. Well, those books, among other things, what is contained in those books is prophetic understanding, prophetic destiny.
He knows what's inside those books from Daniel. He said, did he say heavenly courts or did he say heaven court, the courts of heaven?
Because I have heavenly. I think it was courts of heaven.
Courts of heaven. Yeah. Prophetic input. That's what's in the book.
So what we do, the reason the books are open when the court is seated and ready to hear cases.
I'm pretty sure the court, the books are opened on the day of judgment. Isn't that how that works, George? Maybe I missed that day in seminary where we talked about the prophetic things inside those books and stuff.
Okay, you're living in a universe where God's word actually matters. I mean, we've left that universe for this guy.
That's a good point. Fair point. I'm trying to think of what star he looks like. I just can't get it there.
I'm like Malcolm McDowell maybe. I don't know. A little bit crazy, had a bad day. Go ahead.
A very ragged Rutger Hauer. Yeah. Because what we're to present in the courts has to come out of the prophetic.
So what we do, just like everything James has shared and Patricia shared and others are sharing.
What we do is we take the prophetic word and we present it as a case in the courts of heaven.
And we ask for God to render rulings on the basis of his word that he has spoken that we now as his people who have jurisdiction in the earth realm and in the spirit realm but we have jurisdiction that we are presenting that word and asking for verdicts to be rendered.
And so that's why we have to have a really good understanding. My question is, where do you buy an attorney for these types of lawsuits?
At a crossroads, you need to sell your soul. Right. And then, of course, you always have to deal with the issue of have you filed the right legal paperwork correctly, in the right jurisdiction, all this kind of stuff.
It's like, if the word don't fit, God must acquit. You know what I mean? It's like, it's just so absolute.
And what is so comical about this is you're the only way out for these guys.
I'm not, look, again, you know me. I mean, I do a Bible study every day on Romans.
I just read the text. And the only way out for these guys is not, we got it wrong.
It's, God, you were wrong. Oh, it's going to get worse than that. Hang on a second here.
Just hold on. The blame shifting, I think even you will be shocked by this.
What God is prophetically saying, because that's the way, one of the main ways I've discovered that we actually present cases in the courts of heaven.
And, of course, Daniel, when he understood by the number of the books and in Daniel chapter nine, that the end of the 70 years of captivity was coming to a close.
Well, what did he do? He took that prophetic understanding and he began to petition
God. He began to repent. He began to do everything that needed to be done so that legally
God could now fulfill the word that he has spoken through Jeremiah seven.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, God. Daniel did something in order for God to be able to legally begin to fulfill his word.
Otherwise, if Daniel hadn't done it, God would have been illegal in the fulfillment of his word. Man, this makes you -
I'd like to help you, but I'm not allowed to because of laws that are beyond my control. Right, yeah.
It would be illegal for me to fulfill my word until you did your part. But you're God. Yeah, it doesn't mean anything because I'm held captive by this guy.
He's the Holy Spirit. Right now, it's illegal for me to fulfill my word. Could you please file one of them handy -dandy prophetic lawsuits so that I can finally have the legal right to fulfill my word?
I have the merits, but not the standing. Okay, so - Weird. 80, is that 40 or 80 -
Yeah, 42 ,000. 42 ,000. 42 ,000 views. I'm in the wrong - My business plan is so flawed.
There is no money to be made in orthodoxy, in sound doctrine. I'm just saying. I mean,
I continue to just preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Yeah, yeah. And what I should be saying is, you would be saved if you would go and petition
God for Him to change His decree. Oh, yeah. You'd get a million subscribers in no time, man.
So, let's - Years previously. But he didn't just fold his arms and hope it was going to happen.
He actually understood, I have got to pray this word into reality.
And so, that's why we have to be really, really good stewards of the word of the
Lord. And of course, 1 Timothy 1, 18, Paul said to Timothy that he should wage a good warfare according to the words, the prophetic words that had gone forth on him.
He should - In other words, he understood. He said, Timothy, you need to understand, you've got to contend for these words to become a reality.
That's why sometimes people get words and they say, well, it didn't happen.
Well, did you war for it? Did you contend for it? Did you engage in it?
Or did you just fold your arms and act like it was going to happen by accident or by some magical means?
So, in other words, he was one of these fellows who prophesied Trump and it didn't come to pass.
And so, it's your fault because you didn't pray into it. You didn't make it happen.
You didn't warfare for it. They have no wine. Yeah. Okay, so take some jars and take it to the master of the feast.
It's still water. Well, he didn't warfare for it. He just didn't. He didn't warfare for it.
Yeah. I mean, oh my gosh. And again, the suffering and death of Jesus doesn't matter.
I mean, that doesn't matter. He's not a false prophet. But you're just lazy because you didn't warfare for his prophetic word that Trump would be president.
Remember, remember, Trump was their guy. He was the guy that they all would, you know, Trump would let him in the
White House, talk to him like, we have power. And now that Trump is out, they're like, oh no, we don't have power, oh no.
Yeah, let's keep going here. That's an impressive impersonation. That's an impressive impersonation.
Actually, it's God granting us a prayer agenda so that we can pray into reality that which he has spoken.
So I wanted just to share that idea before I share the words that I feel like God's spoken.
So you want to make sure, you want to make this clear. The reason why Trump isn't president, it's your fault because you didn't warfare for it.
And now he's going to give us another word of the Lord. And, you know, so he's the one who prophesied falsely that Trump would be reelected.
That didn't happen. It's your fault. You didn't warfare for it. And now he has another word from God for us.
And now the question is, are you going to warfare for it, George, or not? I don't even know how to answer that.
But my question to you is, because you know these guys, they love and hate you at the same time.
I mean, when they get their little Facebook group in which they're like discussing how their stuff didn't work.
I mean, is this what they come up with? Or does he actually believe that this is what? Oh, this is what he comes up with.
It's your fault. This is legitimately what they come up with. All right, I'm cool with that.
And I've been rebuked for acknowledging that Biden has become the president of the
United States and for not warfaring for Trump to be put back into office.
But don't worry. Don't worry. God's timing is not tied to inaugurations and things.
If he does get elected sometime down the line, is he the beast that got the mortal wound that raised from...
Nevermind. Nevermind. Nevermind. Nevermind. He can't be the beast because he's an
American. Well, you understand that if that was true then that that makes Paula White the whore of Babylon.
So, but that's a different story altogether. I have a problem with that. I'm okay with this. Yeah, okay. I don't even know who that is and I'm okay with it.
Yeah, okay. Who knows what next is going to come. Okay, let's keep going.
You know, as I was just meditating before we came on tonight, I remembered my wife and I, Mary, we were in Australia in 2019 toward the tail end.
And I had a very significant dream. I never said a whole lot about it because I didn't like it. But in this dream, we were being bombed.
I mean, not just... I mean, society was being bombed. Literally, planes were flying over and they were releasing bombs.
And I remember seeing the bombs... Release is a prophecy bingo word. They would come out of the planes, they would float, and some of them would go over our heads and they would hit the ground, they would explode.
And I told Mary, I said, we're going to have some bombs. I said, some shocking things, some things are going to happen.
And I didn't know what that was, but I look back on that and I think, wow. Little did he know it was a prophecy that was going to bomb.
All of his prophecies bombed. I like what you did there.
Yeah, I like that. Yeah, there's going to be some bombs. Yeah, your prophecies went bust.
That's right. Wow, man, 2020. That's my ministry down the toilet. This big year of bombs.
Every time he says it now, I can't hear it any other way. It's coming to an end now, but the bottom of 2020.
But just bomb after bomb after bomb of things that has dropped in this year that none of us would have ever imagined.
Right, yeah. Who predicted? Right, yeah. I like your interpretation,
Josh. I really do. The Lord is working out our timing this week. I'm glad it's this week.
Okay, here we go. If anyone's going to take me to the promised land of bingo, it's going to be Santa. All right, we're pulling for Santa Claus here.
He's working our timing out. I got timing.
Are you kidding? I got timing. Oh, don't you fail me now, Santa. Ever there's a week where he's working our timing out.
It's this week. Now, hear what I'm saying. You don't have to like a prophetic word.
You don't have to listen to it. This week, he's working timing out.
So be cautious as you move and let him show you the path that will bring you to your next level of prosperity.
Next level prosperity is on there. Hang on a second here.
He said that you don't have to listen to this prophetic word. Yeah. So how much credence is he giving the word of the
Lord that he supposedly hears? He's like, nah, you don't have to listen. It's just the word of God, but who cares? Yeah, yeah.
Yeah. All right, so I got another word, by the way. The word is for us personally, corporately, territorially, nationally, and generationally.
Now, Father, we thank you that we are stilling our emotions so we can walk.
You know, I keep pointing this out. If God is really speaking through Chuck Pierce, the universe is doomed, just doomed, because God has lost his mind.
Newcomer here, this is Missy Sue Gordon. Missy Sue Gordon. Let's see what she has to say.
Hey, guys, it's Missy Gordon here. And I just wanted to share something with you that God was showing me.
And I know that this is for some people who will be watching this video, so I am talking to you.
So there I was, just randomly clicking on YouTube videos and come across Missy Sue Gordon. God's talking to me.
What's he got to say? God spoke to me while...
It's a plant! It's a plant. I was watching a TV show, of all things. And they were taking a palm tree from California and they were planting it in Nevada.
And the guy was explaining that if the root ball gets damaged, it can put the tree into shock and then the tree will die.
And the Lord spoke to me and he said, see how they are taking that tree from one state to another and replanting it?
He said, in that same way, I'm doing that for others right now. Oh, I hope
God's going to be careful with our root ball. And he said to me, but I'm very careful. I'm very careful how
I do my work so that I don't hurt anybody. I am a loving father and I choose how
I'm going to move you from one place to another. And my plans for you are good, never to harm you, never for evil, never to teach you a lesson.
I believe that he's saying, I can do that in other ways. I don't have to harm you and hurt you to teach you a lesson.
I can show you things through my perspective. I see that.
I see that time out. Yes. I will show him how much he must suffer for my name.
Yeah. Yeah, I know. That's the call of Paul.
He's going to drag him out of pharisaical Judaism into Christianity and I'm going to show him all that he must suffer for my name.
Let me hug on your root balls a little bit. I'm going to make it, I'm just going to love you and I'm not going to hurt you at all and it's going to be fine.
Yeah. Okay, next, Jeremiah Johnson. All right. This is a fellow who not only falsely prophesied that Trump would be reelected, he apologized for falsely hearing
God and on January 27th, so, you know, that's not that long ago, he full -on gave another prophetic word.
Does this, I mean, don't you think that if somebody falsely prophesied, apologized for it and said they're going to be accountable that there's no reason that we should ever believe them again?
I'm just saying. So this is a fresh Jeremiah Johnson prophecy, fresh on the heels of his apology for wrongly prophesying
Trump's re -election. Again, if you say fresh, I don't get credit for it. No. Nope, no, uh -uh.
Let's look more closely now about the mountains in our lives that God wants to come and level and this is where we're not looking at people out there.
I believe we're here this morning because God wants us to focus on looking at ourselves in the mirror, not your spouse, not something in the nation, not someone in your family.
Lord, how do I get prepared for what you want to pour out this year?
I believe that this is a message for personal preparation.
I believe God wants to position you to Position is a prophecy.
Inherit what he's promised. Inherit, hang on a second here. Inheritance, I will grant that to myself because it's the same thing.
House always wins. Always, always, always. Sure, yeah, no, it doesn't count.
But we have got to get low before him.
Amen. As I was asking the Lord some of the issues that he has in America specifically and then
I'll jump to personally. I believe the Lord spoke to me two primary things.
So I'm there in December after 2020 like we had praying about 2021.
I had so much in mind and the Lord just said to me, Jeremiah, the essence of revival or the messaging of revival is never dependent upon who lives in the
White House. Says the one who falsely prophesied who would be in the
White House right now. That's a convenient out. It doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter now. God does marketing. It has everything to do with who lives and sits above the circle of the earth.
If the message of revival, if the essence of revival changes based on who lives in the
White House, we're in trouble. The fire, the power... This is like some kind of slight of hand misdirection at this point.
Prophetic misdirection. I think that'd be the right way to put it. ...the zeal to burst forth this year to break through to advance...
Breakthrough is a prophecy. Bingo word. ...territory. What it's primarily dependent upon is who sits on the throne.
The King of Kings. The Lord of Lords. His name is Jesus Christ. Yeah.
A couple of things. I was glad. First, the Lord...
I think it's rare that his name is mentioned. Yes. He just did.
The second thing is... On this one, he's not wrong.
It doesn't really matter who's in the White House, but everything else doesn't fit that word.
It matters that Jesus is our Lord. That's our comfort.
That's our peace. But everything else around it doesn't make any sense to that.
My question is, why do I need him to tell me this? Because I can open up my
Bible and read passage after passage after passage talking about how
Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and that there is no name in heaven on earth that is above his name.
I can read this out of the Scriptures over and over again. Why do I need him to give me a fresh re -expression of that?
Right. The start was really good, too. I was hopeful. That's because you both haven't driven my hopeful from me yet fully.
We're going to get fronted up to the mirror. We're going to look at the perfect law of God.
Right. But it didn't happen. None of that happened. Yeah.
So his fresh word is sort of like a word, but not quite a word, and there's really no difference between that and did
God really say you mustn't eat from the tree in the midst of the garden? I mean, it's like this close.
But again, nothing is based on the suffering and death of Jesus, and so it's so dramatically wrong.
Yeah. And he's trying to cover his assets because of the
Trump problem, but what he really should be concerned about is the salvation of the people who are hearing him.
Right. He should be leading the charge of what real biblical repentance looks like here because you can tell he's kind of steering people in the direction of some kind of personal repentance, looking to the mirror, but the payoff for them is not being in right relationship and reconciled to God.
The payoff is that they can be a part then and be prepared for the things that God is going to be doing and releasing in the year 2021.
That's what he said earlier, which is something completely different. So, yeah.
Yeah. That's unfortunate. But you can tell that he has in his mind that the only way out of it is
Christianity. They have to forgive him for his false stuff, but there's no way to get there.
I mean, like, why don't you just open the Scriptures, dude? I mean, if you open this, like, is that 44 ,000, 43 ,000?
41, 41. It's blurry. So, I mean, it's just, if you open the
Scriptures, there's forgiveness for you. But like you said, model some Christian repentance. I'm giving this up.
I'm going to stop telling you the future, and I'm going to tell you about the Son of God because he's the only thing that's going to save me and save you.
And when you're, like, fronted up to the mirror, if he fronts us up to the mirror and we're looking in the mirror and all we're seeing is ourself, there's no hope there.
Yeah. Not at all. Not for him, not for you and me. That's law. Yeah. It's not even gospel.
It's just law. I need fresh for bingo, and we're not done until I get done.
One of the really disgusting things about megachurches such as these is that, like, you know, these people who claim to be prophets of God will say, oh,
I was wrong. Oh, God was wrong, or, like, this wasn't quite right, so I must be forgiven. But as a congregant, if you miss your tithe, they send people to your house.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. It is that level of disgusting. You missed a payment. We're going to turn off your spiritual electricity.
All right, let's keep going here. I'm looking at time. Very clear with me in December, you've got to get this right.
You've got to get your gaze on the one who sits on the throne. And then the next thing that the
Lord said to me is sort of bizarre, I admit. He said, Jeremiah, one of my primary issues in the body of Christ in America.
God has issues. As that there's too much or too many
TED Talks and not enough throne room talks. Oh, no.
So he's going to Larry Sparks, right? We're going after the entertainment -driven. That's it.
We found the problem. It's TED Talks. It's not the false prophecies.
It's the TED Talks. Can't be that. It has to be the TED Talks. It can't be actual sin.
It has to be a made -up sin. TED Talk is the problem. This is Adam. It's your fault,
God, the woman that you gave me. So when I go to sleep at night and I'm worried about what I've done, at least
I haven't done a TED Talk because that's the real problem. But you do hold conferences. Yeah.
Have you thought about that? I got a prophetic word for you, and it's fresh.
Okay, good, good. All right, moving along. The word is a plumb line that is changing our paradigm.
Okay, let's see what this goes. I just saw an angel coming. Shifting paradigms, shifting paradigms.
Shifting is a prophetic bingo word. And I saw a layer of an old belief system.
Do you get the gals who used to be on the tall flag team waving their flags on the altar while you're maybe doing the verba and stuff?
Yeah, I can see that happening. But I suspect that that fire and brimstone is going to be behind my head because I went to the well one too many times making fun of the basement guy.
It's going to happen. We don't need prophetic hoochie dancers. So much for being my
PS4 friend. We're totally expecting great white sharks eating your head off and things like that, but that's a whole other story.
I'm all right. That was Halloween, Halloween. The Lord was saying come up higher.
The Lord was saying come up here. The Lord was saying give me your mind.
Give me your mind. Give me your mindset. The Lord was saying come up higher.
The Lord was saying come up here. The Lord was saying give me your mind.
Give me your mind. Give me your mindset. It looks like an escaped convict.
Paradigms are changing now. Paradigms are shifting now.
Paradigms are changing now. Paradigms are shifting now today.
I say there's a change in the atmosphere.
There's a change. Atmosphere. Atmosphere is a prophecy bingo word.
People don't like it. People don't like it if you're around me. You've come through your bingo dry season now.
I was awful. I was thinking that I had to ascend and get higher and higher and higher.
Right, right. Okay, let's keep going here. There's a change. There's a change.
Where the word of God is rising higher than what you know.
More than where you've been. It's like a bad prophetic Broadway musical, man.
Make it stop. This isn't wicked. It's wicked -er.
We should not melt Borghardt's brain for much longer. I'm in agreement.
Oh, God, him again? I've got to come back to him. Hang on a second. To speak out to the real leader of this nation.
He's tripling down now, too. This is on February 2nd. I am called to call to you the authentic leader of this nation.
And the Lord is having me say my words very deliberate.
I am here to call out to thee, listen once again, the legitimate real leader of this nation.
Oh, I know where I've seen this hair before. Elvira. I don't know,
I'm getting really big Billy Ray Cyrus vibes. I'm telling you, he stole
Elvira's wig. I'm just saying. I am a prophet of God. And I heard the plans of the enemy in their bed chamber.
In their secret place. And they have devised a plan.
And this plan is going to be in a certain place at a certain time.
And it's going to be a 9 -1 -1 type weighty emergency.
That is going to take place in their plans. They've planned it to happen in 2021 and 2022.
It will be an emergency to the level of 9 -11. I didn't say it would be like 9 -11.
I said it would be that kind of emergency. Difference that makes no difference is no difference at all.
Okay. This guy's a peeping tom prophet. He knows what's going on in the bed chamber of the enemy.
He's peeping around the corner. He knows what's going on in the devil's bed chamber. And by the way, I didn't take it, but I need to take it now.
Enemy. Dagnabbit. Oh my gosh. Sorry. I'm getting skunked this game.
If they are allowed to do so, it is going to end by 2030.
There will be a horrendous emergency that will change everything forever.
If their plans succeed. 2030. 2031 and right into 2032.
And they said to tell you. You couldn't even get 2021 right.
Okay. He totally got it wrong on Trump being reelected. And he's telling me what's going to take place in 2032.
This is the biggest garbage ever. It's like enemies are doing things. And things will happen at different times.
Right. Because it's an emergency. And if they succeed, it'll even be more of an emergency. I just need fresh.
Just say fresh, man. Put me out of my misery. Just say fresh. So here's what we do.
Here's what we do. At the end of Prophecy Bingo, we always give two bonus words.
Okay. There are two bonus words. And here's the rules. Okay. Are you ready? You're going to have to like the video.
I totally will. And you have to subscribe to the channel. Already done. Okay. All right.
So hang on a second. I'm feeling a download. It's coming upon me right now. And, oh, I feel a prophetic word.
And it's fresh. Bingo! Bingo was his name -o.
All right. Now, that being the case, I cannot get to word number two until you utter your prophetic utterance here.
Timing. This is all about timing. A fresh rhema from God.
Begetting. Birthing. Victory. That was great.
www .higherthings .org Well done. Well done. I'm done.
I'll never be invited back again. Love us. That's hilarious. Wilkin said, never again.
He said, never again. It's never again. Borgheart's all. I can tell it's never going to happen again.
You're never going to have me back. It was one too many jokes about the basement.
I have thick skin. I'm all right. All right. So, here's our second word.
And I'm not going to give myself a double bingo at this point. We'll maintain a tie. The second word is going to be release.
There we go. So, if you have that, you can add that to your prophecy bingo words. And, gentlemen,
I want to thank you for your time in meeting today to do Prophecy Bingo.
George, it was such a lot of fun to have you on. If you ever need someone to endure two hours of pain and suffering,
I'm your guy. There we go. Good to know. This was a lot more fun than I expected it to be.
Thank you very much. And then, of course, Hire Things, you just gave us a website address, www .hirethings
.org. And there's some wonderful resources, good articles and things like that that are available.
And like we talked about, Hire Things is dedicated to catechizing the youth and doing so with a focus on Christ and Him crucified.
So, it's highly grounded in the Word and deeply, deeply anchored in the gospel itself.
And so, you know, the resources there are just phenomenal. And I would even argue as an adult the resources are phenomenal.
I'm a guy who reads the reflections every day. So, you know, I'm still a
Hire Things fan of a big kind. So, thank you for your time, gentlemen.
I'm going to sign off here with the audience. I'll talk to you guys as soon as we're done. Give me just a second here.
So, if you found this helpful or enjoyable, all the information on how you can share the video is down below in the description.
And let me thank you for your time. And also, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.