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Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ, based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the
Apostle Paul said, "...but we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you."
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her
King. Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio Ministries, featuring
Steve Cooley. Welcome today, Steve. Buenos dias. I'm trying to figure out a way to do this so it sounds like I'm awake in New England, as opposed to asleep in New England.
Yes. I think that'd be a new series on TV, asleep in New England. Reality show featuring people sleeping.
Anything new with you, Steve? People are always wanting to know what's new with Tuesday guy. Well, let's see.
What is new? A dog at home after back surgery. I have not had back surgery.
You're dogged at home after your back surgery. That's too bad. You're getting up there in years. You are older than I am, so...
Yeah, yeah, yeah. The clock just keeps turning. You know, not that much new. No. Okay.
Good. Another year for No Compromise Radio. Coming up maybe on the thousandth show. The thousandth show.
As they say in Deutschland, I think it's thousands. Is that true? Thousands. Thousands and thousands of shows, which means literally dozens of satisfied listeners.
I think that's true. We got an email the other day from someone in Finland. Really? Yeah, Finland, Kansas. Paris, Texas.
Finland, Kansas. No, I think it was actually from Finland, and they originally were from Massachusetts. Quite a story.
Why would you move from, you know, the warm climes of... I don't know. I emailed and asked the question, but I never got a response, so yes.
So on the show, we regularly have the message moment. Why do we call it the message moment? This message moment.
And so I was talking to Erin the other day, and she said she had some music for it, and then I stole her idea.
And so we now have music piped in actually through the iPhone, not with a wire, but you'll be able to tell that very soon.
We have music. It sounds very professional. Doesn't it? So this is a message moment brought to you on behalf of No Compromise Radio.
Now why does it say magic? I don't know. Can't we fix that? Because it should definitely say, yeah, but I, you know, that song is from the 60s.
It'd be really nice, though, to recut it, you know, with this message moment. Well maybe somebody out there could do that for us.
Alter some of the other lyrics. This message moment, you know, so... Can you think of anybody's name in the
Drifters? Drifters for 500. No, but I can give you another Drifters song. Up on the Roof. Oh, nice.
Up on the Roof. Ben E. King. Up on the Roof. Doc Green. Ben E. King, right? Charlie Thomas and Ellsbury Hobbs.
You knew that right off the top of your head, right? Well, yeah, in alphabetical order. Ben E. King. Ben E. King.
Is it like Bun E. Carlos? Oh, yes. I think it's kind of like that.
Well, of course, Romans is one of those classic books, and if you'd like to know the most important chapter in all the
Bible, according to at least Dr. Zemeck, you'd go to Romans chapter... Nine. Five. Oh, okay.
And here he says, you know the story of how Adam landed us in the dilemma we're in.
First sin, then death, and no one exempt from sin or death. That sin disturbed relations with God in everything and everyone, but the extent of the disturbance was not clear until God spelled it out in detail to Moses.
There's a disturbance in the force. I don't think that teaches federal headship too much, do you?
Disturbance? I'm just disturbed by that. It was a disturbance. I mean, I used to respond to disturbances, so I don't really get that.
Well, it goes on to say here, if death got the upper hand through one man's wrongdoing, God gave us a full house in the person of his son.
No, that didn't say that. Can you imagine the breathtaking recovery life makes, sovereign life, in those who grasp with both hands this wildly extravagant life gift?
I have to be honest. That sounds more like Oprah than it does scripture. I don't... Those who grasp and pull and tug on the endless loop of...
So different and so new, the message Bible. Yes, it is. Until I kiss you. Oh. Well, speaking of that, it does have the
Psalms. And when I think about the kiss, I was thinking about, kiss the son unless you perish. Yeah, Psalm 2, yeah.
So let's just see for fun what Psalm 2 says. This is really going to be bad. What do you think it's going to say,
Steve? I don't know, but it's going to be exceedingly bad. It says, kiss Messiah! Exclamation point.
I'm surprised it doesn't say, Kissmas! Well, sorry for the little snort there.
Merry Kissmas! After 1 ,000 shows, that's my first no -co -snort right there. I don't think that's quite accurate.
Joe Carter in one of the blogs gave a little... Joe Carter, he used to play outfield for the
Indians. I thought he was defensive back for the Minnesota Vikings. Oh, okay. Could be either one. The year in numbers, 2012.
And then he's got all kinds of numbers because, you know what, Steve, aren't we big on numerology? Don't we like that?
We see special numbers. Numerology. Yeah, numerology. That sounds a little scary.
The number 13, that's your lucky number. Well, I'll never forget a time when I was back at Grace Church and I was a
Fundamentals of the Faith teacher, and there was a guy named Keith. And Keith was...
Oh, no, you know what it was, Steve? It was Lagos class, Greek class. Lance Quinn was the teacher. Okay, things are changing rapidly.
Yes, they are. It's like a message moment. It is. And I tried to help this guy, and he was a little disturbed mentally.
And somehow those folks maybe just gravitate toward me, or I gravitate towards them, I'm not sure. And so what he did is he said, all right, if John 3 .16
is a cool verse, then 1 John 3 .16 is a cool verse. Oh, yeah. Okay. And then he would go through and find
Galatians 3 .16. Genesis 3 .16. Uh -huh, Ephesians 3 .16. And so that was kind of his
MO. Lamentations 3 .16. And so he was stuck on this whole number deal.
And so I think, don't you, Steve, that there are some significant numbers in the Bible? I'd say they're inspired.
Inspired numbers. Well, for instance, 666, that's a biblical number.
And it's an inspired number. It is. Very inspiring. The number seven you'll see for completion, right?
Sure. Wholeness. Twelve. Forty. See? Three. There are some numbers.
Yes, but we don't want to do the apostolic origin -like 153 fish that Peter pulls in the boat, because Jesus rearranged all the fish to go into his net, and one is
God, five are the elements, and three are the persons of the Trinity. I think it was close to that. Do we do that on No Compromise Radio?
No. You know what else we don't do? We don't talk about the number of times that the word pie is in the
New Testament, because it's not there. Okay. 3 .14, approximately.
Oh, by the way, Steve, just as random anecdotal information. As if the rest of the show hasn't been random and anecdotal.
I did a show a while ago on some mother cult, Mother Jerusalem cult. Okay, you don't even remember what the show was about?
No, I don't. It was show 693. Ted would know. And so anyway, someone said to me,
Bob and Nyada here at the church, that they were at the mall the other day, and the lady came up and started talking about Mother God, and Nyada had a thing or two to say against Mother God.
Well, I'd have a thing or two or three to say against Mother God. 153, maybe, because numbers are significant.
Well, yeah, and I'm looking at these numbers. Let's pull out some of these numbers and just talk about them. You know, we planned this show and researched it for probably about four hours, so let's see how that comes to fruition.
I'm just kind of shocked, because if you add some of these numbers together, like, look, if you add the average credit card,
I mean, let's just look at the average household according to this, right? Average credit card debt per U .S.
household, 15 ,400. Average mortgage debt, 149 ,782.
Average student loan debt per U .S. household. So you start adding all those numbers up, well, that's $200 ,000.
Then the median household income is 50 ,000, so four times. They own four times what they make.
And that doesn't count. It doesn't count car loans. What else doesn't it? I mean, there's a lot of stuff that's probably not even...
Peter Robinson Peet's Coffee account. We are a debtor. Yeah, Peet's, yeah. Who knows how many thousands of dollars
I owe to Peet's. Because I go to Peet's, and whenever I go in there, I just go, ah, just put it on my tab.
And they do, right? See, they do. I just walk in. I usually say, just I'll have one of everything. And they're like...
Put it on my tab. That's right. Well, what about debt? Is debt always wrong? Is it always wrong?
Well, no. Would it be a sin to have a mortgage in your house, for instance? Yeah. I mean, I think there are some people who think that way, but I think the problem is, you know, the reality is, in our world, nobody could be a homeowner then.
You'd always be renting. Or most people, you know, I guess maybe when you hit 65, 70, you could probably buy a house.
How long would it take to pay off your credit card debt mortgage student loan with a household income of $50 ,000?
A very long time. You know, unless you live in a tent somewhere. I read yesterday online someplace, it said every nine seconds
Planned Parenthood does an abortion. Here this year in Numbers, Joe Carter Chronicles, number of abortions in America estimated 1 ,200 ,000.
Adoptions 136 ,000. Now what do you think about these 1 .2
million, Steve? It's hard for me to grasp that number. It's easier for me to just think of one, one single solitary baby in the most protected place in all the world, a womb, and then we're funding people to extract them, basically.
Well, and this was just an estimate for one year. One year, 1 .2 million in one year.
I mean, we were all rightly stunned by the shootings in Aurora, Colorado and Newtown, Connecticut.
I mean, we know people in Newtown and very, very sad. But I mean, to put it in perspective, 1 .2
million. If we had 1 .2 million people shot to death last year, let's just say gun control wouldn't be something that would be debated.
It would already be done. So why is there no talk about abortion control? 1 .2
million in America last year alone, and I think it was about 150 ,000 at Planned Parenthood, which isn't on our sheet, but that's just what
I recall hearing. So they did about one out of every eight abortions done in this country at Planned Parenthood.
The number, I'm going to tell you a number, Steve, then you tell me what you think it is. 78 .4. 78 .4.
That would be the losing percentage of the Los Angeles Lakers. Yes, that's true. Percentage of Americans who identify as Christian.
I find this hard to believe. Now I guess that is with Protestants liberal, Protestants evangelical.
Catholics liberal, Catholics not liberal, Mormons, right? Yeah. 78%.
Yeah, 78%. It sure shows up at the polls, boy. I think that's probably the same percentage here in New England, too.
Yeah, 78%. Yeah, I'm not a Christian, I was born a Roman Catholic, are you kidding? Percentage of Americans who identify as evangelical, 26 .3.
Now we're getting closer. Now we're getting closer. I wonder what the real number is. Whenever I go to a football game or a basketball game or something like that, big stadium, and then
I see 80 ,000 people, I think, what percentage of these people are going to heaven? It's small.
No, I wasn't talking about a promise keepers rally. Just kidding. Just kidding.
You know what, in this 26 point whatever percentage, here's a question.
If you're, I almost said an evangelist, if you're an evangelical and you can't tell me what the gospel is, are you really an evangelical?
But I bet out of that 26 .4%, you know, I'm pretty confident that most of them couldn't give you the gospel.
Yeah, what is the evangel? And they probably don't even know, but I am an evangelical because I guess I vote that way. Maybe that's what they say.
Steve, there was a Catholic church across our street when I was growing up in Nebraska and it was called
St. James Parish. I didn't know much about James, but I just knew he was a saint according to the church there.
I used to like to buy that property in Monopoly. Oh, yes. St. James Place. Yeah, St. James Place.
And so the nuns lived right across the street from us. There was a little kind of a ditch between us, I don't know, a runoff.
Culvert. Yeah, yeah. Culvert, yes. They have good frozen ice there. What do they call that again?
Cream. What do Culverts say? We'll sell. Frozen custard. That's it.
Frozen custard. Yes, that's good. So anyway, the nuns across the street, I was going to say the mums across the street.
The mummies. They were pretty. The nuns across the street thought my father, Lee Abendroth, looked like Billy Graham.
That's what they told him. So see, even the nuns across the street like Billy Graham.
The evangelists. Yeah, everyone really likes Billy Graham. Okay, what else do we have here for numbers on this 926th show, no count?
Percent of Americans that self -identify as very or moderately religious, 69%.
Now see, now that's funny to me. Now percentage of Americans who identify as Christian, 78 .4,
but they're very or moderately religious, 69%. So there's more Christians than there are people who are moderately or very religious.
I guess they didn't read the survey. I guess I'd have to, if I did the survey, I'd have to go back up to the top and redo.
Yeah, I'd just be like, okay, wait a second. So you say that you're a Christian, but you're not moderately or very religious.
So in other words, what, you show up on Christmas or Easter? Well, sometimes if Christmas is on a
Wednesday, then people only have to show up for that one because, you know. It doesn't really count. Yeah, no.
If Christmas is on a Monday, so it's Christmas Eve on a Sunday, they like that one. It's strategic. Yeah.
Steve, how about this one? Number of predictions about the apocalypse that came true this year? Hmm, I'm going to have to peg that number at a, well, let me see.
1 .7? All right. How about this?
Purchase one book or more, American Adults, 71%.
You know what would impress me more? If 71 % read a book this year.
Steve, I guess I have two thoughts. People don't read anymore, but then when
I go to Barnes and Noble, everybody's sitting around reading. So do people read or don't they read? Well, I think they do read, but, you know, based on the other numbers that are here, like what was that, the pornographic titles?
People are reading things that are not educational. I mean, when we're talking about Fifty Shades of Grey or whatever that book is, they're reading things that used to belong, well,
I don't even know where they belonged, you know, I mean, barbershops or whatever. But now these are mainstream books and people are not reading to learn.
They're not reading to be challenged. They're not learning or they're not reading for anything other than really low -life entertainment for a lot of people.
Steve, let me give you another number and you tell me what it reflects. 15? 15. The number of no -co -listeners who don't think the show's bombing.
And if each one of those will just send in a check for $27 and they'll tell two friends to send in a check.
We recently got an email from somebody in Boston about our church being registered as a 501c3 and how we were heretical, aberrational.
Yeah, for even being registered as a 501c3. Yeah, damned. I don't even know if we are or not. I guess we are, but we're really going to hell in a handbasket according to this fellow.
Yeah, because you put yourself under the government when you agreed to take that non -hire. Yeah, so far, let's see, here's another number.
How many sermons has Pastor Steve preached that have been influenced by groupthink in the government?
Two point, I don't know. Steve, let's talk about something serious.
Not that the rest of the show wasn't serious. It's very serious. But there is a kind of a dastardly mentality going around churches these days.
The new pastor comes, there's some issues with the new pastor because he's not the Messiah. Fire him.
No, and here's what they do. We'd like you to give us your sermon outline or sermon, and we'd like to have you run it by us as a board, like the worship committee, the elder board, the trustees, the deacon board.
Run that sermon by us before you preach it on Sunday. What's your number for that?
You know what? I think I'd probably look at that and go, I'll tell you what, guys. Let's just kind of—I'm not going to say no, but let's just put it in perspective.
You guys give me your household budgets, and I'll approve those or disapprove them, and that will be about the same response as you'll get from me in my sermons, whether you're going to have first dibs on redefining them or whatever.
That is—Steve, I can't believe how many times that happens, and I can't believe the number of pastors who then cave in.
But there are also people like—who's the guy with glasses? Perry Noble.
Yeah. I think he runs his by the team because I think they help foo -foo it up a little bit.
Hey, what do you guys think, man? Does this stink or what, you know? Can we play
ACDC to this or not? Now sometimes, Steve, I'll ask you or you'll ask me. I have a controversial passage
I'm working through, and what's your take on such and such, just for an outside, external source?
Yeah, and sometimes I just go, I have absolutely no idea how to preach this. Throw me a line.
Well, sometimes my wife will ask me the question, honey, what's this verse mean? She asked me the other day from Romans 1, verse 17.
As a matter of fact, since this is a Christian show, I might as well read at least one Bible verse. Well, you already did, though.
Oh yeah, that's true. For in it, the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith.
Talking about the gospel. And she said, what's it mean, revealed from faith to faith? And I said, well, that's a very good question.
And I pulled the Dr. Roskup, very godly man at Master's Seminary, faithful to the Word and the
Lord and his wife. And so I said, well, I'll study it and let you know. And she's like, well, you're the pastor.
You should know this. And I said, well, yes, but if the pastor doesn't know, he needs to study. And it just, it could be redundant.
It could be, you know, from faith to faith, everything about it is faith, from faith to A to Z, from alpha to Z, you know, all these things, alpha, omega.
And so I looked it up and then Doug Moose said, controversy around this passage has been, you know.
Well, I was going to say, because I happen to know, I think I looked at that not so long ago, and there's like, you know, six or seven heavy -duty opinions.
Subjective faith, faithfulness of Christ, faith from the person and all these things.
And so anyway, how did we get involved? Oh, so sometimes I'll ask you the question. Well, Steve, what do you think of this here?
And then you tell me. Right. And then I asked my wife and then she tells me the meaning and then I'm the spokesperson for my wife's sermons.
How does that work? Not at all. Where is Beth Moore's husband? If you were Beth Moore's husband, what would you do?
I don't know, but I'd like to get back to this number here. Oh, Steve. Go right ahead. Because it is shocking.
1 .2 million abortions. What does that say about the country just in terms of how it values life?
I mean, we all cried on 9 -11, rightfully so. We get upset about a lot of things in this country.
But if people just stopped and realized that legally 1 .2 million human beings were put to death last year.
And then 78 % of the country or whatever percentage it is wants to call themselves
Christians. 69 % say that they're moderately or very religious. You don't understand anything about the
Bible or about what religion is supposed to be rather than some system where you show up.
But it's horrendous to think that that would be true in this country, 1 .2
million. Steve, I think it's such a catastrophe, such a tragedy of epic proportions, that for me it's hard to wrap my mind around a million.
I don't know if it's a thousand, a million, a hundred thousand. For me to just think of one baby, if you could walk into one labor and delivery room and see the baby and see what the baby should look like versus what happens, it's uncomfortable to think about.
But that really brings it home. And to think that men and women hate God so much that they'll kill the image bearers, their children, for the sake of sexual freedom, it's a disgusting thing.
Well, and, you know, again, to kind of put that number in some sort of perspective, that would be, what, about five times the population of Worcester?
I mean, that's just a lot, four or five times. It's a lot of people. I mean, it's a massive number of people, and we're just going to kill them.
And you know what? If you say anything about it, then you want to drag women kicking and screaming back into the 50s.
And, no, I just believe that that's a human life, and we don't have the right to take it for no other reason than we don't want the responsibility.
And I don't know if you saw this. You probably haven't because you're more highbrow than me, but there's this going to be –
I haven't seen the show, but a new reality show called, like, Baby's Mamas.
They're My Baby's Mamas. This man has 11 kids by 10 different women, and they're going to do a reality show on him.
Well, yeah, and he'll get rich through the nastiness. Well, Steve, I just think when these babies that are there in the womb and you just have this – you know what it must be,
Steve? It must be God just has given them over, right? It's Romans 1. He gave them over. He gave them over.
He gave them over, and so what's the end game? The end game is I'm going to have to kill this, according to now's leader in the past, you know, this parasite dwelling within me.
Yeah, this parasite that has its own DNA and, you know, if nothing is done to intervene, will actually become a human being.
And yet all they want to do is put them to death and then pretend that it's perfectly normal and natural and right to do it.
Well, if it wasn't for the grace of God, we would probably go there as well and first and foremostly, if you have been involved in an abortion or forced your girlfriend or wife to get one,
Steve, tell us about, can there be forgiveness for such self? Absolutely, you know, because if you just come to grips with that truth, it's a crushing weight, but the good news is that there's forgiveness full and free for all sin.
Well, today on No Compromise Radio, we've talked about some serious numbers and some joking things as well.
If you have a question that you'd like to get answered, it's info at NoCompromiseRadio .com or Tuesdayguy at NoCompromiseRadio .com
Believe on the Lord and you shall be saved. No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life transforming power of God's Word through verse -by -verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at 6. We're right on Route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff or management.