Matt Slick Live: November 8, 2024
Matt Slick Live (Live Broadcast of 11-08-2024) is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry (CARM). Matt answers questions on topics such as: The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues! You can also email questions to Matt using: [email protected], Put "Radio Show Question" in the Subject line! Answers will be discussed in a future show. Topics Include:
Email Friday Insult & Comedy Readings/
Comments on the Recent Elections/
Can God Create a “challenge” for Himself?/
Comments on a Previous Caller/ Matt dialogs With a “Oneness” believer/
November 8, 2024
- 00:00
- The following program is recorded content created by The Truth Network. It's Matt Slick Live!
- 00:07
- Matt is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry, found online at karm .org.
- 00:14
- When you have questions about Bible doctrines, turn to Matt Slick Live! For answers, taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877 -207 -2276.
- 00:24
- Here's Matt Slick. Hey everybody, welcome to the show. It's me, Matt Slick. And you're listening to Matt Slick Live!
- 00:30
- If you want to give me a call, as usual, the number is 877 -207 -2276.
- 00:40
- And still fighting a cough, still fighting it, so please bear with me. And if you want to email me, that's easy to do.
- 00:48
- Just direct your email to info at karm .org. Info at karm .org.
- 00:55
- And put in the subject line, radio comment, radio question, either one of those.
- 01:00
- And then we can get to them on Fridays, like today. That's what we usually do. And sometimes on Fridays if we have
- 01:06
- Whack -O -Mail, I'll do some of that. I think we might have one. I'm not sure. Now, for those of you who don't know,
- 01:12
- I've been doing radio for 21 years. And I used to get a lot of Whack -O -Mail. People just hate me and cuss me out and whatever.
- 01:20
- And I would read them over the air. Not with a cuss and foul language stuff, but I would just do that. And it was a lot of fun for me.
- 01:28
- I enjoy it. That's me. I'm a professional. Don't try this at home. So maybe we'll get to some of those today.
- 01:36
- We don't have any callers waiting. And if you want to call me, 877 -207 -2276.
- 01:45
- And there you go. Oh, look at that. Oh, yeah, that's good.
- 01:52
- Oh, interesting. So I think what I'm going to do, I'm looking at emails. I think what I'm going to do is just jump into some emails.
- 02:00
- But I think, like I said, I think I might have a hate mail. Let me try this one. Let me see this one.
- 02:07
- Okay, let's see. Man, I forgot to finish my thoughts in the last email.
- 02:13
- A lot of people, including myself, have a name that sounds similar to others. I have heard you many times mention your wife's name.
- 02:22
- And it's a French name. I'm not sure of the spelling. Honest question that you need to ask.
- 02:27
- Maybe this isn't an email. I don't know. We'll check it out. Ask yourself would be if she had an Armenian or a
- 02:32
- Bolivian name, would you have mentioned the origin of the name every time? My bet would be not.
- 02:40
- This makes you show off. So if I say my wife's name is
- 02:45
- Anique, which it is, which is a French word, French name, that's showing off. So what?
- 02:51
- It's an unusual name. She's American, born here. But Anique is an unusual name.
- 02:59
- So people over the years have said, really? Where is that from? And we just tell it. It's like a habit.
- 03:04
- So it's not showing off. I want to show off. I'll take my wife out and show her off.
- 03:10
- She looks good. I look like a bag of rocks rolling down a hill, but she looks good. Anyway, what's wrong with showing your wife off?
- 03:17
- What's wrong with saying what her name is? People are so, they get so touchy. They get so touchy.
- 03:24
- See, people don't need to know that you have a marital arts background and certainly is not related to the subject you discuss.
- 03:32
- You mean my wife's name being Anique, which is a French word? I shouldn't say that? Okay. I'm not sure if you are compensated for the untruths you promote.
- 03:42
- No, it's true. That's my wife's name. And we've been married 36 years.
- 03:50
- It says, untruths you promote and pretend to know what you could not have possibly known or not, but it is difficult for me to fathom, even if you believe in what you preach.
- 04:00
- Oh, that's why you changed topics. Stop telling me. Thanks again for listening. I love that.
- 04:10
- That's awesome. So you don't even know what you're talking about. You don't even believe what you're, thanks for listening. Okay. Well, okay.
- 04:17
- There you go. Let's see. And then someone wrote, one of the emailers wrote back.
- 04:24
- Oh, Dave did this. Let's see what Dave. Dave's good. Dave's good. He does really well. If Matt's dialogue disturbs you to such a degree, why in tarnation do you listen to him?
- 04:34
- Yes, Dave. Good question. I think the truth is, regardless of your opinion of Matt's personal character flaws, you sense that there is at least a grain of truth in what he speaks about regarding the
- 04:46
- Lord and the scriptures. To that end, I would beseech you to keep listening, and instead of concentrating on the things you don't like, find those truths, examine them, and then ask us a specific question about something.
- 04:57
- Christianity is an intelligent worldview, and we don't cover our eyes or close our minds to a proper examination of his truth claims.
- 05:05
- That is good. Man, I have to double his salary. Of course, he doesn't get paid anything.
- 05:11
- He volunteers. He's a great guy. I've known Dave for, sheesh, since 1980, and we used to be roommates.
- 05:18
- And we just went to, he and I, and some others, of course, went to the footsteps of Paltor.
- 05:26
- His name's David. And David is a biblical name, and he was born in America.
- 05:34
- By the way, my wife's name is Anique, and she's born in America. It's a French name.
- 05:39
- So there you go, I guess. And my name, Matthew. Some people call me
- 05:45
- Matt, and some people call me Doofus. I answer to either one. You say it right, politely enough.
- 05:50
- Isn't that right, Charlie? Charlie's looking at you. See what he's nodding? He'll nod. That's right, because I've known
- 05:56
- Charlie for 44 years also. All right, now. And then he writes back.
- 06:04
- Oh, man. Wait. Wait a second, wait a second.
- 06:10
- Thanks for. Oh, wait. Okay, here we go. This is Dave writing this. Okay, Dave writing this.
- 06:15
- He says, thanks for your email for somebody who doesn't know Matt personally. You sure presume to know a lot about him.
- 06:20
- That is the height of arrogance. But really, are your comments really the substance of your arguments? Do you really consider it of first importance where etymologically a man's wife's names originates?
- 06:31
- Your arguments and logic are known as ad hominem and do nothing to give you credibility. Dave, you're awesome, buddy.
- 06:37
- And dear Dave, he writes back. You're right. I should stop watching him. Exempt the fact that he makes me laugh, and I like, and he says a bad word.
- 06:47
- I will try, though. Well, hey, why don't you, Key, whatever your name is.
- 06:54
- Why don't you call me? Why don't you call me? His name is
- 06:59
- Shariari. It's a weird name.
- 07:05
- It's a different name. Okay, so anyway, I enjoy that kind of stuff. You know, it's good. It is good.
- 07:11
- And then there's, I mentioned this before, there's on Clubhouse.
- 07:18
- Wait, where are they writing this stuff? This is in emails, and then they get transferred to the hate mail and radio mail questions.
- 07:27
- So there's another one on Clubhouse. There are people who, believe it or not, as impossible as this may sound, there are actually people who don't like me.
- 07:41
- I mean, can you figure that out? What is wrong with them? I mean, I'm wonderful. And so such are some people who obviously do not have all their paws in the litter box.
- 07:56
- They, let's see, their leash is a little short. How about that? I like that. The anesthesia is not quite anesthetizing.
- 08:04
- Anyway, you've got, there's a bunch of people, I've mentioned this before, Matt Slickness of Lies, The Wake Up Call, and I get a kick out of that.
- 08:11
- Matt Slickness. Speaking of names, my wife's name is
- 08:18
- Anique. Why is my name, for real, Slick? Just because the guy, he brought up the issue of names.
- 08:26
- I'm going to tell you how we got our name, how I got my name. Slick is my real last name. Okay, no big deal.
- 08:32
- But what happened is, see, my ancestors are from Germany, and they came over, and their last name was
- 08:39
- Schlichting, S -C -H -L -I -C -H -T -I -N -G, Schlichting. And so, well,
- 08:45
- Schlichting is hard to say. And so they were in, I think,
- 08:51
- Louisiana. They started in town. And so, you know, as people do, they, like my wife's name is
- 08:59
- Anique. I call her Anique for short. We shorten things. It's what we do. So Schlichting became Schlicht, and it became
- 09:05
- Slick as a nickname that was called, you know, that we were called by my ancestors.
- 09:12
- And so my grandmother, my dad's mom, had two sons. And my dad is the younger one.
- 09:20
- And so his brother, the oldest one, his last name is Schlichting.
- 09:27
- And, now he's passed away, but when my grandmother had my dad, they were just used to saying
- 09:34
- Slick. And literally, when they said, what's the birth certificate name? She said, Slick. And that's how we got our name.
- 09:41
- That's it. So how about that? Isn't that incredibly fascinating?
- 09:47
- That's for the name -o -philes. Name -o -philes? Do they have those? People like names? And so I remember once that I was at a, when we first moved to Escondido in Southern California, getting ready to go to seminary.
- 10:02
- My wife and I, we'd moved there. We got an apartment, and I was getting ready to go to school, and she was going to work while I studied.
- 10:10
- And we went to a street fair. I still remember this. And we liked to work out at the gyms, my wife and I.
- 10:17
- We liked to go to the gym. And so Muscle Dude came up to us with a clipboard.
- 10:24
- And he says, do you guys want to go to the gym? Yeah, we do, actually. We're actually looking for a gym locally.
- 10:30
- So yeah, we're interested. He says, oh, okay, good. And so we took our information. He said, what's your last name?
- 10:35
- And I said, Slick. And he looked at me, weird. I said, no, it's my real name. And he goes, uh -huh. I said, no, but it is.
- 10:42
- What's my ID? He goes, no, it's okay. And he starts taking more information, right? And then he takes my wife's name,
- 10:48
- Anique. I still remember this. The guy looked at her.
- 10:53
- He goes, that's it, I'm done. And he turned around and walked off. And we go, no, it's really our name.
- 10:59
- That's it. And the guy lost a sale because he didn't believe our names.
- 11:08
- You know, I still get a kick out of that. And I'm a reverend, so Reverend Slick. Okay, enough of this narcissistic drivel.
- 11:16
- What we need to do is get to some callers if they want to call 877 -207 -2276.
- 11:24
- Let's get to Scott from Spokane. Hey, Scott, thanks for calling in. What do you got, buddy? Hey, how are you doing, buddy?
- 11:31
- Doing okay. Hanging in there. Hanging in there. Yeah, man, we did it. The election's over.
- 11:36
- Very pleased with that. Oh, man. Goodness, I was a little nervous there.
- 11:42
- Thank God. Have you seen the videos of the meltdowns that people are having? They're crying like little babies.
- 11:48
- That's all I've been watching for the last couple days. Man. They're so out of touch.
- 11:54
- And then some of the stuff they were saying that now all of our rights are going to be gone and they're going to jail the people.
- 12:00
- What planet do you live on? They're so whacked.
- 12:08
- Planet leftist out there, you know, in the cold reaches of the asteroid belt. I don't know. They've got problems.
- 12:15
- Yeah, absolutely. I know my wife is blown away. She doesn't watch politics as much as me, but when she does, she's just exactly what you just said.
- 12:23
- She's like, what are they even talking about? Like this one lady, I'll have less rights than my daughter or my daughter will have less rights than me.
- 12:30
- And my wife says, what rights don't you have? What are you talking about? It's ridiculous. They're morons.
- 12:36
- I mean, seriously, they say these stupid things comparing him to Hitler. And he's a dictator.
- 12:42
- What? Where are they getting this? I'd love to be on one of those talk shows where they're all Trump haters.
- 12:49
- And I would just say, look, I'm ignorant. I'm a theologian. I'm not a politician. Can you please give me some examples of the
- 12:56
- Nazi tactics that Trump has done? I just want to know. And I can see them look at each other, you know, listen for the crickets.
- 13:02
- Well, you see, he's mean. He said things. He said he'd be a dictator. Well, he did.
- 13:08
- Where? What? What evidence? What have you got? You know, I'm a researcher. I always check things to make sure that what
- 13:15
- I'm hearing or what I'm reading is accurate. What I'm told is accurate. Do you guys do that? Crickets.
- 13:22
- Anyway, that's probably what happened. You know, she used to cry, baby. They're diaper radios.
- 13:28
- They never show what they say. They'll claim this and then they'll just move on and not show anything.
- 13:35
- But yeah. Yeah. No, I got problems. But, you know, one thing, though, it occurred to me, they really are our enemies.
- 13:44
- They really are. The way they talk about us and the conservatives as fascists,
- 13:51
- Nazis. Oh, yeah. Fascism in particular. Yeah. Those are.
- 13:57
- Yeah. They're enemies. Enemies of the gospel and enemies of the Constitution. We'll be right back after these messages.
- 14:02
- Please stay tuned. It's Matt Slick live.
- 14:08
- Taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276. Here's Matt Slick.
- 14:15
- All right, and welcome back to the show. I want to hear from you. Give me a call. 877 -207 -2276.
- 14:24
- Let's get back to Scott from Spokane. OK, buddy, you're back on. Yeah. So I had a question and this is one of those types of questions where you you almost can't tell if it's a good question
- 14:35
- Or a dumb question, but well coming from you. Yeah, I can see why you asked that Yeah, exactly.
- 14:42
- I I So I'm wondering people don't know last night Yeah, I was thinking last night and I was imagining, you know
- 14:51
- I was thinking about the power God has and and that there's nothing he can't do except for the things
- 14:56
- We know if you know, he can't go against his nature. He can't lie And then it got me thinking about some other things and basically the question is if God wanted to is there a scenario where he could?
- 15:07
- Either create something or set something up in such a way that could ever Be a challenge for himself for the sake of challenging himself, or is that just a non sequitur non sequitur?
- 15:18
- Because God has all knowledge all abilities all wisdom and for them him to set something up that challenges himself
- 15:25
- Means that from all eternity He was going to challenge himself but The knowledge that he would have about challenging himself is always eternal to his nature if he knows all things and all possible challenges
- 15:38
- Then how could he challenge himself? Okay, right Yeah, I figured that was the case
- 15:45
- But I figured I'd ask this anyway because I was thinking you know, man If I was God, it would be a challenge for me for nothing to be challenging for me
- 15:53
- You know some some manly thought of my own of course, but you know, just just thinking out loud so That's okay.
- 16:00
- That's all right. Well, you know God has attributes he has certain qualities and characteristics a lot of people don't really think them through and It takes practice sometimes to think them through and to say well if that's this then that's this
- 16:11
- You know, most people just don't do that and I get it but having Needed to defend the faith for so long, you know
- 16:18
- I thought those things through because so many questions have been asked me but you know, it's good
- 16:25
- It's a good question. And the answer the question is is Is worth examining the questions worth examining to it's not a dumb question
- 16:33
- Okay. Okay. Well good Okay. Yeah, I think that's all I got All right
- 16:40
- But yeah, I know I'm glad you're back. I hope you had a good good trip over there. That sounds great The pictures I saw they're just marvelous man.
- 16:46
- That's great Yeah, it was really good and Yeah, it was just it was great, you know
- 16:52
- Eric Johnson, he's the guy who runs these things These tours and he's been doing them for several years.
- 17:00
- He's Been out of the country 20 times 20 something 20 probably 25 tours
- 17:05
- He's done with different groups different countries and now he's talking about going to Jordan Which is next to Israel and there's a lot of archaeological stuff in Jordan as well
- 17:14
- So I said, yeah, I'd like to go and that's in November next year a year from now so there's that and we know we'll see but he's also talking about doing a
- 17:24
- Footsteps of Reformation kind of a thing or go from England to France to Germany and checking things out.
- 17:30
- So that would be cool Yeah, I'd like to do that I've been to England or Germany where my ancestors are from are from Germany and my wife her ancestors are from France I've been over to France with her.
- 17:42
- She speaks French and It was interesting a lot of fun over there, but anyway, so that's it, you know, you know
- 17:51
- Well, yeah, I will let you get to the next caller then but I will talk to you soon my friend. All right, buddy
- 17:57
- God bless Scott. All right, you too Hey, if you want to call me we have three open lines eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six
- 18:08
- Joe from Ohio hey Joe welcome you're on the air Thank you
- 18:14
- Firstly, I want to commend you on your patriotism. I Always enjoy hearing people that care about freedom and patriotism and especially that promote
- 18:29
- Christianity You know, I believe we need to follow the Constitution I think it's well done and a lot of people don't know that the constitutional fathers had a great deal of Puritan Reformed theology influence because the pilgrims were
- 18:43
- Calvinists and when they decided to develop the early states and the government of their their new townships they asked the ministers to go to the scriptures and develop a biblical form of government based out of the
- 18:59
- Word of God and that was done and it influenced a great deal the Constitutional fathers and so I believe that the constitutional is itself a very good document has a lot of biblical a lot of References that can be traced to to the
- 19:14
- Bible. In fact the early church many of their church fathers I mean church fathers, excuse me constitutional father said that that the the issue of the
- 19:23
- Bible the Must belong to church a lot of their early constitutions in the states required a certain belief in God If you couldn't hold that you could not hold office
- 19:35
- Then they had to change it, but you could get an idea of how deep it was So I'm very loyal to the
- 19:41
- Bible and well, I don't trust our government very much But the Constitution if it was to be upheld would be great
- 19:48
- And I think Trump he needs to get in a clean house while he can he's a clean house
- 19:56
- DOJ his time is limited Four years is not a very long time to do what he has before him
- 20:04
- But you know the good Lord's help we can make some headway. I Have another comment if you don't mind
- 20:13
- Last week a lady called in and I didn't quite get the scripture exactly that she was questioning you about about the way
- 20:25
- It's about creation about one word Over another word in the statement.
- 20:33
- Do you remember that conversation? Vaguely, but vaguely, but but she she personally said that she was not a
- 20:44
- She didn't say Trinitarian, but she said she is not a three -god person or Three got hit or something like that.
- 20:52
- You remember well vaguely People and then what I do when I'm done I just go shift my brain to another topic and keep working on other things like writing researching, whatever.
- 21:02
- So Anyway As the conversation went along you ask her if she was a
- 21:10
- Christian And she said yes, she believed that the Lord Jesus Christ and his death and resurrection, you know
- 21:19
- Salvation, you know that she had okay Come to faith because of that in the
- 21:27
- And in the conversation it got it got a little heated But anyway
- 21:34
- Pardon me She She As y 'all's conversation went on your opinions got further and further apart
- 21:49
- And you know, I understand those things happen and then Finally you you know, you push the line, you know
- 21:58
- This is well Juanita because I haven't talked to her for like six weeks
- 22:04
- Six, I don't know. She was an older lady. I don't know then just one day last week.
- 22:10
- Oh, okay Well, anyway, okay. Anyway, go ahead No, I don't think she was a regular caller because I listen quite often well anyway
- 22:20
- After you got off the line with her you were you know, you get a little riled yes,
- 22:27
- I do and I understand I understand that and You called her
- 22:37
- An atheist and Some other can you hold up names, you know for We got a we got a break.
- 22:47
- So hold on. I'm trying to remember that stuff. I can't but hey, hold on. Okay, buddy Hey folks be right back after these messages.
- 22:53
- We have three open lines 877 -207 -2276 Be right back
- 23:07
- It's Matt slick live taking your calls at eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six.
- 23:14
- Here's Matt slick Everybody welcome back to the show. If you want to give me a call, it's easy.
- 23:19
- Just dial 877 -207 -2276
- 23:25
- And let's get back on with Joe from Ohio a Joe you're back on yeah, thank you Anyway back to my point you hit you had gotten a little excited or whatever and I I Understand it's perfectly normal to disagree with people, you know, you have your opinion.
- 23:48
- They have their opinion but when you Implied that she wasn't really a believer and That in fact she was an atheist after the way she had been talking on there.
- 24:01
- I was kind of disheartened about that Hmm. Well, I can't recall so I can't make a comment.
- 24:08
- I just don't recall Yeah, well you have a habit of that, you know people if they disagree with you and your
- 24:16
- Stance on whatever the topic is you have a tendency to call names. Oh Okay, I'm sure you're aware of that.
- 24:24
- What church do you go to? What church do I go to yeah
- 24:30
- How does that matter? well It's I think if your comments are interesting
- 24:36
- I want to know if there's a certain presuppositional base that that you're arguing from that's all what church you go to Oh, I'm not arguing.
- 24:43
- I'm just making a comment Okay, what church do you go to? It's a
- 24:49
- I guess you would call it They used to call them
- 24:56
- Pentecostal but nowadays they call them I Can't think of the word that's all right.
- 25:03
- Is it oneness? Charismatic yeah, is there oneness do they affirm or deny the
- 25:09
- Trinity? Oh, no. No. No, it's not a Getting going blank here a
- 25:20
- Apostolic Church no So they affirm the Trinity do they are they
- 25:27
- Trinitarian? Yes Yes Okay. Well, that's good. Just checking.
- 25:33
- Um, I hope I'm not I'm not sure. I'm not Trinitarian Okay, okay
- 25:39
- That what is let me ask you is is is Jesus God in flesh? The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.
- 25:50
- That's correct So is Jesus God in flesh? Yeah, he has to be considered
- 26:00
- God in flesh. He said he and his father was one Okay, so if he and the father are one are he and the father the same person?
- 26:10
- No, there's only one person in the Godhead Definition of a person is a human being
- 26:16
- There's only one human being that ever represented God hit No, the word person means what it means in its context and the theologians centuries ago
- 26:25
- Adopted the word out of the Latin persona to mean a certain theological concept.
- 26:30
- That's why it's used that way So when you say it means, you know body flesh and bones, that's not how it was adopted
- 26:37
- That's not how it was used initially. That would be a misrepresentation Okay, well
- 26:43
- I can't see how it would could possibly be a misrepresentation when you consider the meaning of person if person has to do with Having certain characteristics of personhood
- 26:55
- So let me let me give you an example of something. Let's just talk logically Let's say there's a man who's a
- 27:00
- Christian and he dies and his body's in the grave But he goes to be with the
- 27:06
- Lord second Corinthians 5 8 talks about this So is he's not in a body not the human body right now.
- 27:12
- Is he still a person? That's the same angle. You took with the lady that called you you went into logic
- 27:20
- Yeah There you go. Okay. Well, so okay is it was he is he still a person?
- 27:30
- Well, we're not talking logic we're talking the scriptures But this God is the different, you know, no, no
- 27:38
- God is anything No, he can't he can't lie. He can't not be God cannot be unholy.
- 27:44
- Can't scripture says anything's possible with God. Can God lie? No Okay, so okay.
- 27:52
- All right, so God cannot lie. So when he says anything's possible It's within his nature and within his will that the laws of logic
- 27:59
- The laws of the principles of logical thought and conduct are Transcendentals that means that they are not dependent upon physical forms
- 28:10
- But they are they are of the mind and they're universally true and I can give the argument
- 28:15
- I won't do it right now that the laws of logic which is the undergirding principle, which are the undergirding principles of good argumentation
- 28:25
- Exist because they reflect and emanate out of the mind of God So when we say if you say logic and scripture are different Well, they're different in one sense, but scripture cannot be illogical because logic is part and parcel of the nature of God So I think you're speaking of two different matters.
- 28:45
- There's the logic of mankind and Then there's the logic of God Okay, so here's the logic
- 28:55
- Here's thinking here's just thinking you said a person is by definition a human being
- 29:00
- Okay, so you defined it as so I'm just asking you if he physically dies and his spirit goes on to be with God Has he stopped being a person?
- 29:11
- That has nothing to do with the topic that we're talking about Yes, it does because we have Jesus being the person of the
- 29:17
- Godhead and when Jesus died They are after they die is irrelevant to our conversation.
- 29:23
- No, it's not because it defines what personhood is So when Jesus died on the cross in those three days before he's resurrected was he still a person during those three days?
- 29:34
- Of course Good. So then what you're saying is personhood is not dependent upon a physical body
- 29:41
- We've established that now that's well in Jesus case not in the Indian in your average humans case.
- 29:47
- It's a whole different subject But Jesus is human Right.
- 29:52
- He became human when he was born of a virgin Yes, and when he died on the cross, was he a man?
- 30:00
- There on the cross Of course, he was okay. Is he a man right now?
- 30:06
- Of course he is Okay, so during the time between his death and resurrection
- 30:12
- Was he a person? Yes. Yeah, the scripture says he was in The lower parts of the earth preaching to captive spirits, okay
- 30:22
- So good. So personhood is not necessitating that we have a physical body That's what you're saying
- 30:30
- It's good. No, I'm not saying that at all. A person is a human being
- 30:38
- That is the definition of a person no that no that's not the theological definition when we talk about God God has the qualities of personhood we reckon see look if a man is is in a car accident and We don't want this to happen anybody like this, but his legs and his arms are cut off and he is blinded
- 30:59
- Is he still a person? Of course he is Right his person.
- 31:04
- I suppose I mean, you know, of course, he's still alive. He's in a physical body
- 31:10
- Or he's all tore up, but yeah, he's torn up a person. That's right So, how do you recognize personhood?
- 31:17
- You recognize personhood by the qualities and characteristics of personhood So a person is self -aware aware of others
- 31:26
- Thinks speaks normally speaks, you know new people, of course It can love can hate can be rational and things like that.
- 31:35
- Those are the attributes of personhood That's all yes. So they they call that person.
- 31:40
- That's what they that's what the theologians used it as So you have to you kind of don't make a mistake don't make a mistake of saying your definition right now is the one that they need to submit to a
- 31:53
- Thousand years ago when they were just developing the issue 1 ,500 years ago the development of the
- 31:58
- Trinity and understanding it you can't do that. It's a mistake. It's a huge mistake Hey, I don't understand what you're saying the
- 32:05
- Christian theologians and the church fathers and stuff like that who had the scriptures and Developed the doctrine of the
- 32:11
- Trinity You're talking about the doctrines of mankind. I'm talking about the scriptures in and of themselves
- 32:19
- Okay, so Jesus is God, right? Jesus is the person
- 32:28
- Express image of God's person Jesus is the person of God All right, so so that's right as he was one three.
- 32:36
- So Jesus is God God in flesh. That's good Okay, so who's he praying to in Luke 22 42 and he says not my will be done but your will be done
- 32:46
- Who's he praying to he's praying to his father the spirit that created him Okay, so that is the father
- 32:51
- God Yeah, he's the creator okay is the father self -aware and can speak and has a will right
- 33:02
- Well in order to create he would have had to have had. Yeah And Jesus has he can speak and can speak to the father and Jesus has a will so those are two persons
- 33:14
- Right there. No, no, no. Yes. Yes. Yes. No. No Jesus. God is a spirit
- 33:19
- No one has seen God at any time John 118. The only way to see God is in Jesus Well, they were seeing
- 33:26
- God in the Old Testament. They saw God Almighty Exodus 6 2 & 3, but it was not the father They were seeing it was it was an image of God It was the pre it was a pre -incarnate
- 33:38
- Christ because they were seeing God on how Christ had a beginning at the virgin birth No, no, no, the word is eternal
- 33:47
- Okay, we get a break. Hold on. Well, let's discuss some more theology here. Okay, hold on buddy. Okay, we got a break
- 33:52
- Hey folks Lord, if he holds on I'll be right back and we can continue to discuss this.
- 33:58
- This is where you learn stuff We'll be right back It's Matt slick live taking your calls at eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six, here's
- 34:15
- Matt slick Everybody welcome back to the show. Let's see. Let's get back on with Joe.
- 34:21
- Hey Joe. You're still there. Thank you Yes You know, I just thought of something, you know, the
- 34:27
- Constitution was written about 250 years ago, right? So the the constitutional fathers had a certain intention when they wrote certain words
- 34:35
- If someone today were to go and say no those words don't mean what they meant back then we need to interpret it with modern definitions of words not what they said
- 34:45
- Would that be good or bad? depending on if the modern interpretation is according to Literal, you know proper
- 35:00
- English It's called the original intent There's lots of articles and books written on this issue of the original intent and the constitutional fathers actually explained certain things what they meant by certain stuff
- 35:11
- So to the church fathers did that with the issue the doctrine of the Trinity in person hood
- 35:17
- Which is why they adopted the word and they adopted it from a play From the theater where a persona a face mask was used by actors males only would would play the part of many
- 35:30
- Many parts and they don't they'd also play women and so they would have a mask that represented a woman a mask that represented this
- 35:36
- Guy or that guy I actually went to a play like that once on Shakespeare and it was really confusing But anyway
- 35:43
- It was you know And so I didn't know Shakespeare well enough to build a follow -along but nevertheless so each mask change
- 35:52
- It was a mask was a persona and it represented a different person And so persona it was adopted as person to describe the characteristics of the
- 36:03
- Trinity in that the Father Son Holy Spirit each have a will each think each speak each love and Yet they communicate with each other showing distinction and that's how the
- 36:14
- Trinity's arrived at is real simple That's what we mean. Yeah person would okay So that's what that is
- 36:22
- Even though it's incorrect Well, it's incorrect if as I say in my debates the
- 36:29
- Trinity's incorrect if the system used to arrive it is incorrect That's how the system in that's how it's arrived at and I challenge my opponents
- 36:38
- I say show me how the system is incorrect and nobody has yet. They just say it is I go
- 36:43
- But this is what we have we have the Bible teaching one God Isaiah 43 44 45
- 36:49
- Yet the Father Son Holy Spirit are each called God yet. They speak to each other So they're distinct
- 36:55
- So I say show me why that's incorrect and they can't Well, this would probably put a little light on the subject
- 37:04
- People speak of Jesus in the 14th chapter of John or Jesus speaks in the 14th chapter of John and See the
- 37:15
- Holy Ghost So I'm I'm I am with you the spirit or the spirit of I'm with you and I shall be in you well,
- 37:28
- I think Christian Jim really doesn't focus enough on the fact that the definition of Spirit I Mean, I'm sorry the definition of spirit of ghost is the spirit of someone that has died
- 37:50
- That's the definition of ghost So the Holy Ghost is has died
- 37:57
- Well, the Holy Ghost is the spirit of Jesus Okay, did you know that this the spirit of God existed in the
- 38:06
- Old Testament like Job 33 for The story of God has a spirit the
- 38:13
- New Testament makes it. No, no But it says the spirit of God made me
- 38:19
- So the subject is the spirit did the making if you say God is spirit Then you're talking about a quality or characteristic
- 38:26
- But it says the spirit of God made me Okay That's Job 33 for for example, see the wife of Matt went to the store
- 38:40
- She went to the store Matt didn't go The wife of Matt went to the store. That means the wife did the action the spirit of God has made me
- 38:51
- Well the spirit of God made every man Okay, so look the spirit of God is did the making and this is in the
- 39:00
- Old Testament if you say it's a spirit of Christ and You said Christ didn't exist until the incarnation then you have a problem.
- 39:07
- That's correct No, that's not a problem. If you follow the Hebrew scriptures
- 39:14
- Which is all the Old Testament so far back as Abraham, of course It was prophesied that he would be created born of a virgin as if that is his creation as he has some 14
- 39:29
- I know about that, but But the thing is the Trinity is one
- 39:35
- God in three distinct simultaneous co -eternal persons person in the context means
- 39:41
- Self -aware can speak and say you and your means mine If you say a person must be a human being you're just arbitrarily
- 39:47
- Requiring that when that's not what the theologians in the biblical doctrine says
- 39:53
- So you're just arbitrarily saying of mankind are irrelevant The definition of person is a human being no, that's your definition of him
- 40:04
- Jesus is the only person human being that ever resent represented
- 40:11
- Godhead So I get that but what you're you are doing is you're saying this is how the word person must be used and That the
- 40:20
- Trinitarian theologians the correct use no, it's not No, it's not the other the other is traditions of man
- 40:29
- Okay, look if I've written about four or five thousand articles I don't even know how many if you were to take an article
- 40:36
- I wrote 40 years ago, and then you were to say I'm gonna change the meanings of the words he used
- 40:42
- Because that's just because I just say that's that's what they mean. That's what you're doing. You're just saying
- 40:48
- Oh, that's what it means person means that that's not what it means in the context of the
- 40:54
- Trinity It's not I didn't say person. I said dictionary no dictionary look a
- 41:03
- Theological dictionary is what you need to go to Need to do necessarily
- 41:10
- Because you do you go to you go to the 1800. We're talking about 1700 years of man's tradition and Traditions are hard to break.
- 41:22
- Okay, you don't You don't understand what I'm saying, and you're not listening. Oh No, I'm listening very well.
- 41:29
- I studied the Godhead for over 30 years Okay, tell me what the Trinity is Go ahead define it
- 41:37
- There's no such thing. I didn't care. I didn't say if it was a true or false I just define what it's what it is the doctrine that you deny
- 41:45
- What it is The scripture said that the Godhead is hidden in three measures of meal.
- 41:52
- That's where we find the Trinity, okay? Tell me what the Trinity is this thing that you deny to me what it is.
- 42:02
- Oh It's a doctrine that they was came up with the Nicene Council 325
- 42:08
- AD tell me what the judge define what the Trinity is tell me this is the doctrine of the Trinity Okay, tell me what it is
- 42:16
- Well, it's a doctrine that the early church fathers under Constantine Came up with with the bishops and all of them that when they met define in 23 325
- 42:32
- AD and they came up with the idea That there are three people or Persons within the
- 42:43
- Godhead and what did what do they mean by person? Well, I'm sure they meant human beings.
- 42:50
- No, they did not. That's what the definition of a person is No, that's what you say.
- 42:56
- It is. You don't know what it really was when they used it and developed it. You don't know Now this is warm you're not going into proper liturgy there
- 43:08
- But you know, yes, you can take a dictionary from back in the 1800s and look up person and it'll define it as a human being and 1832 dictionary
- 43:22
- What was that called? Webster's dictionary 1828 excuse me.
- 43:27
- So now I'm going to look up for the word person. I got it found it in 1828 the word person. Okay an individual human being consisting of a body.
- 43:37
- That's one a Come on, just stop that. There we go a man woman or child a human being a human being a human being character of office in grammar the nominative of the verb cases in law an
- 43:50
- Artificial person is a corporation or a body politic It's a transitive to represent a person to make resemble this is from 1828,
- 43:59
- I think they've altered this actually but So even there the word person does not necessitate a human being
- 44:09
- Well in most of the definition So I'm trying to tell you so you can't
- 44:16
- You can't disregard part of the definition and then accept the other part of the definition that fits your your
- 44:24
- Your idea of the subject isn't that exactly what you're doing No, no, no
- 44:31
- I'm 100 % correct. No, you're not. Let me ask you. I'm just not
- 44:36
- Jesus. It's not bound by truth I'm just not bound by tradition. Yes, you are your own tradition.
- 44:42
- That's a mother tradition. You've got another tradition of Scripture Okay There's Jesus There's Jesus a lot younger.
- 44:50
- My tradition is a lot younger than yours So so what does what do you call
- 44:56
- God the father? if not the word person when he speaks and has a will and thinks and Loves what do you call that?
- 45:06
- What do you summarize that as I call that Jesus? Because that's where we find him father.
- 45:12
- The father is not Jesus because they speak to each other. They have different wills The fullness of the
- 45:19
- Godhead dwells within Jesus Yes, I mean, that's how much more simple.
- 45:25
- Can you get that's what Colossians 2 9. Yeah, I know that's cautious tonight Now in Luke 22 42, they speak to each other and have different wills.
- 45:33
- How are they then the same person? No way, they could have different wills because Jesus says always submit
- 45:39
- Jesus will of the father Jesus says not my will but your will be done Luke 22 40
- 45:47
- Always submitted to the will of the father. Okay, I got you. You're not listening and you're not listening.
- 45:52
- I got you He always submits to the will of the father. That's that's John 5 30. You can also go to John 5 19
- 45:57
- You quoted Hebrews 1 3 I told you is in Colossians 2 9 about the fullness of the Godhead. I got you
- 46:03
- I'm asking you a specific question and you seem to be ignoring the question You just go to some other verse which I tell you where it is
- 46:08
- I know the verse and I draw you back to this verse So Jesus does not want to go to the cross because of the torture and the torment and he says if there's any way to let
- 46:17
- This cup pass from me. Please let it do nevertheless not my will but your will be done
- 46:23
- So did they have to the spirit that created him? Okay, what was the will of Jesus different than the will of the father at that point?
- 46:34
- I Know because he submitted to the will of the father Okay, so he said you see submitted because he didn't want to go through it
- 46:41
- So then he submitted so though he says not my will but your will are those different wills
- 46:49
- No, he said he always submitted to the will of the father you're not listening it was the father not my will
- 46:55
- Not my will but your will That's what those are two different wills not mine but yours
- 47:03
- Who's he talking to? as a human being as a human being he had the same rights that we have as a human being and that is to Decide one way or the other that does not change the fact that he submitted to God's will
- 47:19
- Well, we're out of time. I was gonna start. Okay, we got to go. Sorry We're just out of time music is starting like five seconds.
- 47:25
- Thanks. So great talk to you call back tomorrow I mean come back to Monday and study with the word person is historically because you made a mistake.
- 47:32
- All right, buddy We'll talk to you Hey, I hope that was enjoyable and educational and this is what
- 47:37
- I deal with on a regular basis offline in other places That is anyway. Have a great weekend. Everybody.
- 47:42
- We'll talk to you by God's grace on Monday. God bless another program powered by the truth