Why Evangelicals Voted for Trump

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Testing The Spirits Podcast Episode # 17 Also listen on Spotify!


Hello, in this podcast,
I'm going to be addressing the question of why evangelicals voted for Donald Trump. There are some people who still don't get it.
They say, how could people do that? And then others are like, yeah, I did it and I'm going to do it again. So let me start out by saying this.
I'm not really looking in this podcast to talk about politics. I am less political than I've ever been.
The only political leader I really get excited about these days is King Jesus.
And I'm convinced there is no political solution to America's problem.
If you want to disagree with that, that's up to you. But I believe very much that our problem is a spiritual problem.
The toxic nature of politics these days is a symptom of the disease of how we as a nation have turned away from God.
The constitutional republic is breaking down or it's intentionally being broken down.
And socialism, it seems, is what's going to take its place. So bottom line,
America needs Christ, period. And nothing less than full revival, you know, like not the
Asbury revival, like a real revival, one that sweeps across the nation, like a reformation, nothing less than that is going to turn this car around.
One political party is racing towards the cliff at 90 miles per hour.
The other seems to be going a steady 55. But as for the question at hand, some people still don't get it.
How did evangelicals, why did even, how could they vote for Donald Trump? Let me try to answer that.
I think there are several reasons. So you have to listen to this whole video. I'm saving the best for last.
But just to sum it up, the main reason why evangelicals voted for Trump, I think it's because he wasn't
Hillary Clinton. Then evangelicals voted for him again because they didn't want
Joe Biden. Sometimes it's really just as simple as that. Also the
Supreme Court was a huge part of it. More on that in a moment. But you have to realize many people, their approach to voting is to choose the lesser of two evils.
On the other hand, there were many people who were excited about Trump. Evangelicals, many of them were excited about him.
He said he was going to drain the swamp and they saw the ungodly behavior coming out of Washington DC and Trump was so outspoken against the system or the deep state as it's called.
More so than any candidate before him, people thought that, hey, if anyone can get it done, it's him.
Besides, they said Trump was an outsider and this was the one thing that I thought might make him different, that he didn't need other people's money.
He was very wealthy, so he had his own money, therefore he didn't have to be beholden to special interest groups and he couldn't be controlled by them.
But whatever the case, these are some of the reasons why evangelicals voted for Donald Trump.
That along with that he didn't seem to hate people who believe the Bible. Evangelicals, I just have to say, most evangelicals didn't really like how
Obama spoke to them. Remember when he referred to evangelicals as bitter clingers?
These people, they just cling to their God and their guns and it's like, yeah, so what? What's the problem?
Incidentally, right behind me in the studio, I have a gun safe and that's my constitutional right. I don't know that we cling to guns, but clinging to God, amen.
But since when is that bad? So many evangelicals didn't like how Obama spoke to them.
Trump at least seemed to like evangelicals. Whether he really does or not, who knows? But that's sort of the feeling that they got.
Evangelicals really do have this feeling that Clinton, Biden, especially
Hillary Clinton, she just seems to despise evangelicals.
Now it's true, maybe when Donald Trump, remember when Black Lives Matter protesters tried burning that church down across from the
White House and Trump went out in the street and held up the Bible and people took pictures. Maybe when
Trump held up that Bible or maybe when he praises Jesus or speaks well of evangelicals, maybe it's all fake.
He's a politician, maybe he just wants the votes, but either way, evangelicals don't want to vote for people who clearly hate them.
Now I'm speaking in generalities. Most evangelicals feel this way, but not all.
I think I have to say that there are some left -leaning evangelicals, evangelicals who seem to favor the
Democratic Party. I mean, that is a thing. People like Russell Moore, Beth Moore, I guess she's technically left evangelicalism for the
Anglican church, but Russell Moore, Beth Moore, Andy Stanley, Tim Keller, who recently passed away.
Here's the reason why I'm doing this video actually, because the other day I saw Pastor David Platt speaking for the
Gospel Coalition, which TGC is a mainstream evangelical outfit that leans, many people believe they lean left.
So I saw this video and it really came off as the
Gospel Coalition sort of shaming evangelicals for their quote, political idolatry.
And by the way, Tim Keller is the founder of the Gospel Coalition and Tim Keller was a registered
Democrat living in New York City. So take that for what it's worth. But again, David Platt seemed to shame conservatives for their political idolatry.
So here's the scam. And I do think there is a scam being played here because I saw this happening locally.
A local pastor tried to do this in our area. And before I get into that, let me just say in this podcast, honestly,
I'm not trying to promote or advocate voting for this person or that. I'm not here to talk about politics.
I'm not here to pile on like the TGC crowd. I don't have some hidden agenda. I'm just trying to give you my honest assessment because the left -leaning evangelicals who probably make up less than 20 % of all evangelicals, it seems that the play is they want to shame conservatives into maybe not voting at all.
But this local pastor I referred to, he used to be on the local radio station. So I heard him on radio many times doing this.
In his sermons, he would rip on Christians for being political. So he kept doing this until all the conservatives in his congregation either left or maybe he convinced a few of them to either change or to at least keep quiet.
And once he felt like he accomplished that, then he started to push his left -wing views and he took his church in a pro -gay direction.
And now the church is totally liberal. Anyway, the point is, I think what is being done by TGC and the
ERLC and other left -wing evangelical outfits, what they're all about, I think, is to turn the evangelical voting block purple.
In other words, trying to get half of evangelicals to either vote Democrat, blue, or not to vote at all, since right now most evangelicals tend to vote red,
Republican. And you have to ask, why is that? Why do most evangelicals vote
Republican? Whether you think that's right or wrong, why is that? One famous evangelical pastor put it this way.
He said, I have to vote Republican just to oppose the Democratic Party platform, which he said is basically like the
Ten Commandments in reverse. Okay, so you might agree, you might not.
I'm just telling you what evangelicals are saying. But I will admit,
I think we have to admit, there are some Christians, and I find that this is more common within charismatic circles, but I have to admit there are some evangelicals who do take things way too far with their support of Trump.
And there are some who, yeah, they basically idolize him. I mean, that is a thing.
I don't think it's very common, but it is out there. You hear about extreme cases where some compare him to Jesus.
I think there was some billboard, and you have to wonder, is this real? Like did the critics put this up and just make it seem like,
I don't know. But I've heard some actual pastors talk like Donald Trump is a subject of Bible prophecy or something.
I mean, that's crazy. A Bethel Church in California, and this is a prominent church.
Bethel music is extremely popular, Christian contemporary music, like on K -Love, evangelical radio stations,
Bethel Church, Bethel music is like at the top. One of their pastors at Bethel Church, Chris Vallotton, he actually claims to be a prophet.
He made a prophecy and he said that God told him that Donald Trump would be reelected.
Obviously, obviously God did not tell him that, but to make Donald Trump the object of prophecy,
I mean, yeah, admittedly there are nuts out there. I get it.
But in real life, I've never met anyone like that. I just don't think it's that common. And evangelicals know.
Here's another thing. Oh, how could you vote for Trump? And you know, people say, you know, he's such an immoral person as if Joe Biden is moral or Hillary Clinton is moral.
I mean, politicians, most of them have their flaws. Some do a better job at covering it up than others, but evangelicals, they knew how flawed
Donald Trump was. This isn't any secret. Many, again, they liked him, they voted for him because they thought it was the best option they had.
You have two choices and he is better than the alternative. Or he was the only candidate who vowed to really fight the leftists entrenched in the federal government and the issues of abortion.
And that's really one of the biggest reasons why evangelicals voted for Trump because he actually got Roe versus Wade overturned.
He said he would appoint conservative justices to the Supreme Court who would vote that way.
He did. And he got that job done. So that was a big thing.
But yes, obviously Donald Trump is very flawed. But again, most politicians are.
Joe Biden certainly is. I mean, I remember when Joe Biden got elected, there were some of his supporters like, oh, our moral president.
And you look at some of the things Joe Biden is pushing and promoting and it's like, no, come on, give me a break.
But yeah, Trump is flawed. And some Christians said, well, we're not electing a
Sunday school teacher, we're electing a president. So these are just some of the things that people said. But again,
I acknowledge as far as the political idolatry, there are some people who take it to a concerning level, who idolize him.
But you also get crazies on the left, right? And I would say the crazies on the left are far more dangerous.
There's far more of them. They're far more violent. I actually personally have been threatened and have been the victim of vandalism from a leftist group.
Like, I won't name the group, but some of you know who I'm talking about. Because 2020, the year 2020 was a real eye -opener.
People marching through the streets, burning down cities, threatening police. And many evangelicals saw how the powers that be, like the political left or the political establishment, they supported these groups.
Some of them bailed the rioters out of prison or out of jail. And that only made conservative evangelicals want to vote for Trump even more when he talks about the necessity of law and order.
So right or wrong, that's basically the situation. So in starting to wrap this up, I just want to say this, because I know what a few people might say in response, but I have about 850 videos on YouTube.
This is the only one out of 850. This is the only one that is solely dedicated to a political type subject.
So if this isn't your cup of tea, a lot of people just probably didn't watch. But if this isn't your cup of tea, hey, that's fine.
If you don't like Donald Trump, that's up to you. Back in 2012, I never thought in a million years that evangelicals would vote for Trump or like Trump.
And some don't like him. Some voted for him, but they didn't like him, so they held their nose and all of the rest.
Either way, whatever your opinion is, this is a subject people are interested in.
And it's relevant because it's all going to ramp up again for 2024. And unfortunately, and I think this is sad, many evangelicals have been maligned.
So I chose to do this video to help people sort of understand where evangelicals are coming from.
If you as a Christian could not vote for either candidate, if it ends up being Trump and Biden and you can't vote for either one, you know, you need to do what you feel is right before God.
And if you totally hate politics, I don't know why you're watching this anyways, but you know, again,
I'm not here to advocate for anything. Like I said at the start, I don't believe there's any political solution to a spiritual problem, which is why
I spend 99 % of my time preaching and teaching the Bible.
But I've seen in the evangelical world or I've been in the evangelical world my whole life. So I felt like I could share some insights for some people who just can't understand how an evangelical could vote for Trump.
One last thing. By this time, most evangelicals have probably made up their mind.
Some are going to, they want to vote for DeSantis or Trump again. Some have been blackpilled, you know, what they call being blackpilled.
So they're just totally disillusioned. They're not going to vote at all. And just in case you're wondering, hey
Mike, who are you going to vote for? Or are you blackpilled? I'll just say this. I will not be voting for Joe Biden.
Here's what I'm about. This is my prayer and my most sincere desire. So I'll close with this.
What I want to see most of all is this nation repent of sin and turn back to faith in Jesus Christ.
I want to see, here's how you'll know it's happening. I want to see God's people treating Sunday like it's the
Lord's day, not the NFL's day, not your day to go to the beach. It's the Lord's day.
Revival is not going to start in the White House. It must first start in the church house.
So if someone listening is backslidden, or if you've never been born again, I urge you to get right with God before it's too late.
Seek the Lord while he may be found. Think about your own soul and think about your children and your grandchildren, your nieces and your nephews.
Are we leaving them a broken nation or are we going to build up a spiritual house?
First Corinthians 15, three and four says that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.
Romans 10, nine says that if you would confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
In Acts two, starting in verse 38, the apostle Peter says, repent and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the
Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and to your children and to all who are afar off as many as the
Lord our God will call. Thanks for listening and until next time, may the