Gospel Coalition Has a Despair Fetish

AD Robles iconAD Robles




Alright, well one of the things I find a little discombobulating about Gab is the relatively low levels of despair that you see in all the posts.
And I think, it's not, it's definitely not completely devoid of despair, like it's not like the Beretaria Times app, like you go to the
Beretaria Times app, which I am a member, there's my app, I'm, I think
I'm just AD Robles on here. And you scroll through it, and it's just people crushing, it's just like, you know, people making their, like, their homemade bread, people hunting, people posting farm pictures, people get their chickens named on the app and stuff like that, it's just people that are just refusing to consent to despair.
And half these people don't even know who Owen Benjamin is, which is, which I think was the point, I think I saw
Big Bear himself tweet that one of the things he was hoping for this app is that it would be full with people who didn't know him for his comedy, didn't know him for his livestreams and stuff like that.
And so that's kind of cool, I get, you know, I like Big Bear, I think that he says a lot of interesting things, I think he's very entertaining and all that kind of stuff.
Obviously I don't agree with everything he says, that's very, very clear, but I do appreciate the message of the lack of despair that he puts forward.
I think it's a good thing. Now, Gab has that, not to the same degree though, because there is a little bit of despair on Gab, and that's fine, it's a free speech forum, you're gonna get all kinds of people on Gab.
But I was minding my own business, and then I saw a post, and I almost forgot that Gospel Coalition existed.
So I'm a little bit upset that I have to now look at another one of their despair posts. And is the thing, like, there's just, people are just pumping despair all around you, like, you don't need
Christian resources that also want to pump despair into you, like, that's the last thing we need.
But I'm not gonna read this article, I don't click these links anymore, like I said, I almost forgot these people existed.
And I would have been better not seeing this post, but I thought it was pretty funny, so I wanted to bring it to you and hopefully put a little bit of a positive spin on it to brighten up your day a little bit.
Because, you know, I'm not under any delusions that everyone is like me and is completely able to avoid
Gospel Coalition at all costs. But here's the article, ready, get this, this is so fascinating to me.
Listen to this, the title of this article. It says, all Christians are losers, let's lose well together.
That's such a big Eva thing, let's lose well. It's not about whether or not you're a loser, it's about whether or not you're losing well.
And I gotta say, I'm not losing, listen, I'm not doing as good as I think I could be doing. I think
I could be doing better, right? And so I'm planning and I'm trying to take steps to set myself up for hard times in the future.
I think that there are hard times coming, there's no question about it. We've got a lot of soft men out there and soft men create hard times.
We all understand how that process goes. And so I'm preparing for the hard times to hopefully set myself up in a most advantageous position that I could possibly be in.
I'm not there yet, but I'm working on it and I'm not going to succumb to being a loser.
But this is what I found so fascinating about this. That these Gospel Coalition folks, these are the same people that were telling you, no, no, no, no, no, it's not time to fight yet.
It's not time yet. No, no, no, no, we can't give up our cultural capital to fight yet.
We've got too much cultural, we can't cash it in yet, it's a pandemic. It's not time to fight yet. It took them about two seconds flat to switch from that, it's not time to fight, to we've already lost.
Well, you think? Obviously you've already lost because you've already lost the will to fight.
You didn't even want to fight from day one, from Jump Street you didn't want to fight. And so of course you've lost. You're a loser though, don't put that on all of us.
You see, there's a lot of us who weren't in that position either. We didn't lose the will to fight.
We are fighting right now and a lot of us are crushing right now. A lot of people did better in 2020 than they did in 2019.
And I think a lot of people are going to do better in 2021 than they did in 2020. And this is the reality here.
Don't give in to this mentality. I don't even care what this article has to say. You might say, well, how could you critique an article?
I'm not critiquing the article. I'm critiquing using despair as clickbait. That's what
I'm critiquing. I don't give two rips what this article says because Gospel Coalition has nothing to teach me.
That's the reality. Gospel Coalition has nothing to teach me. They are despair merchants and they have a mentality of losing.
They get off on losing. It's almost like a fetish for them to lose. It doesn't make any sense at all.
We've got a king. The king of kings. The lord of lords who conquered death. And they're over here talking about losing well.
It doesn't make any sense, guys. It doesn't make any sense. Read the book of Revelation. Read the book of Romans.
Read all these books, guys. There's not an expectation of let's just lose well. We've already lost.
It's not time to fight yet. But then by the time it is time to fight, we've already lost. So let's just lose well. That's not how it is, guys.
The king of kings and the lord of lords and we are his ambassadors. And so our role is to not talk about how big of losers we are.
Our role is about how great of a winner our king is. He destroyed every enemy.
And he's sitting at the right hand of the father. And he's making every enemy a footstool for his feet right now.
And the thing is, there's a lot of pagans running around out here acting like they run the place, but they don't. And so we have to remind them, guys, you don't run this place.
And by the way, your wealth is laid up for the righteous. This land is going to be our inheritance. He's giving this to his people.
And if you want in on this, you can lay your weapons down. And unconditional surrender is the only option.
We're not giving you an inch. We're not bending Christ's rules even one iota. You need to surrender unconditionally.
And if you don't, you will be destroyed. That's crushing. That's not being a loser.
That's not losing well together. I just find it fascinating. It's like it's not time to fight. Oh, we've already lost.
I guess there might have been like a split second there when maybe it was time to fight, but we'll never know because losers don't ever want to put themselves out there in a position to actually fight or anything.
They just want to say, well, it's not time to fight. And by the time it is time to fight, well, we've already lost, so we might as well not even fight.
Don't hold your breath with leaders like this to tell you when it's time to fight or when it's time to actually crush, because the reality is it's always been time to crush since Christ resurrected and ascended into the right hand of the
Father. Christ is making every enemy a footstool for his feet right now. Sing Psalm 110 with your church.
Sing Psalm 110 with your church, and then tell me if it talks about losing well together.
It doesn't. Christ is King of Kings, Lord of Lords, sitting at the right hand of the Father, making all enemies a footstool for his feet, and he will fill the pagan nations with corpses because they either repent or they perish.