Overview of Galatians

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Pastor John and Pastor Jeff teach the book of Galatians


My father we come to you as we've spent these past couple of months in this book of Galatians as you gave
Paul such powerful words to speak knowing that salvation by grace through faith alone in Christ alone but the the the opposition uh that would attempt to add to the gospel to judaize the gospel to add works to the gospel needs to be opposed we thank you for the power of this book as we've looked at it and that you allow pastor
Jeff as he reviews it these these lessons would come fresh in our mind and the challenges at the very end of the book would speak to us as well we pray in Jesus name amen amen yesterday while I was putting in a fence
I pulled the cord on the the hole digger which is this like um boring machine and as I pulled it back
I karate chopped the post that I had already put in and I was reduced to a puddle not crying but just ah just bruised this arm up one karate chop against a wooden post felt like it was going to do me in the post one the post one it didn't even move an inch let alone
I didn't cut right through it but it didn't break your arm it didn't break my arm my arm I'm still functional here but I proved that I'm not the manly man you know
I was oh it was just bone on wood you're not Chuck Norris not
Chuck Norris at all okay but have you ever seen an action movie when the two people who are fighting are able to take one hit after another to the point where it's just completely unrealistic they're taking punches and getting hit with two by fours and then the next thing you know they fall over and pick up a set of nunchucks and hit each other with nunchucks and then they move on to swords and guns they're taking bullets and yet they keep on going maybe with adrenaline that's somehow possible but at some point it becomes unrealistic right when
I pictured the book of Galatians in total I pictured as a fight scene it is the apostle
Paul versus the Judaizers of the gospel these men have come in and are trying to take over a church that belongs to the living
God and Paul fights with nunchucks and swords and two by fours and anything he can get his hands on to fight these men off the reason for it is that he loves the gospel of grace and if he surrenders to the
Judaizers the gospel itself is lost and so what you have in the book of Galatians is
Paul fighting tooth and nail and what we're going to do today is we're going to review the entire book because we don't want to just atomize the book and take little snippets and remember bits and pieces but we also want to remember the swoop of the story the the grand theme that emerges and there are really two parts to the book the book for the first five chapters and 12 verses is about Paul fighting off the
Judaizers and then from chapter 5 verse 13 to the end chapter 6 verse 18 we have
Paul correcting for those who abuse grace so guarding against the opposite danger many people who preach grace fall into licentiousness and forget about the importance of living a holy life and Paul guards against that in the second half so what we're going to do today is a lot of reading just let the word of God wash over us and the book of Galatians itself to remind us of all the important points so the book of Galatians is about preserving the works free gospel of salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone we must adamantly reject any false prophet who attempts to Judaize the gospel with circumcision or any other work what are some of the works that people have tried to use to Judaize the gospel church attendance how much money you give right how about sacraments