Chick-Fil-A Have SOLD Their Soul…
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- 00:00
- Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight For Truth, the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
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- In today's video, we're going to be talking about Chick -fil -A. Now, Chick -fil -A have long been considered an upstanding
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- Christian business, full of integrity. They're owned entirely by a Christian family called the
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- Kathys. They prioritize good customer service. They're even closed on Sundays, for goodness sake.
- 00:24
- How much more Christian could you get, right? But recently, some information has come to light that may cause you to doubt the upstanding integrity of Chick -fil -A.
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- Here's the story. A few weeks ago, conservative outlets dropped the news that Chick -fil -A had hired a full -time executive vice president of DEI.
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- For those who don't know, that stands for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. This is one of many new departments invading the corporate world due to the rise of modern woke ideology.
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- And of course, this has surprised many people, because Chick -fil -A is supposed to be a relatively conservative company, one that is not affected by the pernicious wokeism of our time.
- 01:03
- So to see that they had an entire department dedicated to the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion movement, well that was too much for many to handle.
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- This caused an uproar among conservatives, and some even called for a full -blown boycott of Chick -fil -A.
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- But fear not, because the fact -checkers have entered the building. The cavalry is on its way.
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- Shortly after the conservative backlash against Chick -fil -A, several fact -checking outlets were on the case, ready to correct the story.
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- See, as it turns out, Chick -fil -A did not just recently hire Eric McReynolds, their
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- DEI vice president. No, apparently they hired him well over a year ago. And so, it was said, the conservative
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- Christians are blowing this all out of proportion and getting riled up for no reason. As it turns out, they were wrong on a small technicality.
- 01:49
- So case closed, right? They don't have a point. Well, not so fast. Here's the problem with the fact -checkers' response.
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- The main problem is that they have completely ignored the central claim being made by the
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- Christian Right. Nobody was upset that they hired the DEI executive last week or last month specifically.
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- The timeline had nothing to do with it. They were upset that a company like Chick -fil -A decided to hire someone for that position at all, at any time, regardless of when they were hired or when the news broke.
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- This is the problem with modern so -called fact -checkers. So often, they miss the forest for the trees.
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- They miss the actual point of the argument being made because of one tangent, one little minute and frankly irrelevant detail that was inaccurate.
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- But on this channel, we're not going to fall for that kind of parlor trick. So let's get into the meat and potatoes here, the real point.
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- Why did Chick -fil -A hire a director of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and is that biblical?
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- The answer may surprise you. First, the problem with DEI is that it asserts that diversity is of moral value in and of itself.
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- But that is clearly not true. It doesn't matter how diverse Planned Parenthood is, for example,
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- God still hates what they're doing. As it is written, man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.
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- 1 Samuel 16, 7. It doesn't matter how many colors of the rainbow you can fit into your company or organization.
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- If they're doing evil things, then they're still evil in God's sight regardless. But beyond that, here's the real issue.
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- It's not just having a DEI office at your company that makes it a problem. It's where it's all coming from that makes this a problem.
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- Think about it. Where exactly is the DEI movement coming from? Who created it? And where is it taking us?
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- Who's leading it? Let's answer those questions with a common -sense poll. Take a thousand people who are advocating for the
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- DEI movement passionately. How many of those people would you guess hold to controversial biblical positions wholeheartedly?
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- Positions like traditional gender roles, traditional marriage, protecting human life at every stage of development, basic Christian values.
- 04:00
- Really, how many passionate DEI supporters would you say also support those things?
- 04:05
- Probably a really small minority. On the flip side, how many DEI promoters, on average, support clearly unbiblical things like redefining marriage, subjective gender identity, unaliving babies, etc.?
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- There is a clear pattern here. The people who support and advance DEI most passionately, by and large, are not dedicated
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- Christians with a robust biblical worldview. By my observations, most of them are the exact opposite, and would consider
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- Christianity just one of several enemies of diversity and progress. This movement has been created and spearheaded from start to finish by mostly people with a patently unbiblical worldview.
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- That's an undeniable fact. And that is why it's a problem for a so -called Christian company to be welcoming this in with open arms.
- 04:53
- That is the issue that's got Christians so riled up. And of course, that is precisely the point that the mainstream fact -checkers are ignoring, just like they always do.
- 05:02
- But this isn't the only issue here. You see, Chick -fil -A have been playing with fire for a long, long time.
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- And it's no surprise that they're finally taking some heat. You see, their website says, "...Chick -fil -A's corporate purpose is to glorify
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- God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us."
- 05:21
- Really? Well, let's see how Chick -fil -A has been stewarding their money, for example. You're not going to believe this.
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- Around 2012, Chick -fil -A started receiving criticism for donating to organizations that were considered anti -gay.
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- And coincidentally, in the last few years, Chick -fil -A ceased all of its charitable donations to the
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- Fellowship of Christian Athletes and to the Salvation Army. Both of these organizations are relatively conservative and publicly
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- Christian. Both of them reportedly have very clear statements on homosexual behavior and traditional marriage.
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- Namely, they believe that any physical intimacy outside of marriage is sinful and unbiblical, just as the
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- Bible says. And just to be clear, Chick -fil -A have never officially stated that they pulled their donations for this reason.
- 06:06
- But it makes you wonder. And the next fact will make you wonder even more. Check this out. Let's take a look at the organizations that Chick -fil -A have decided to donate to instead.
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- Here's one called Covenant House. They provide housing and assistance to young homeless people.
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- They also happen to be very publicly pro -LGBT. Here's one post from their
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- Instagram account where the rainbow flag is prominently displayed and even integrated with their own logo.
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- It's one thing to simply say that this group is welcome to receive help from your charity. But it's another thing to clearly and publicly support their lifestyle.
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- And that's what Covenant House did. In fact, Covenant House isn't even trying to hide their position from Chick -fil -A or anyone else.
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- It's all available to the public. Here's another Instagram post of theirs where they actively partner with an organization called,
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- I kid you not, Gays With Kids. They even have a video on Covenant House highlighting two foster dads.
- 07:03
- That's right, they're actively working with an organization whose stated mission is to raise support and awareness for situations in which two men or two women want to raise children in their home as a couple.
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- Let that sink in. A man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife.
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- Genesis 2 .24. This is what the Christian Church has always taught, without exception, about marriage and child -rearing.
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- To support anything less than that is sinful and unbiblical to the core. It's the opposite of what the
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- Lord tells us to do. And this is an organization that Chick -fil -A donates to as we speak.
- 07:40
- In fact, they have public links to Covenant House on their website right now. Now, please note,
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- Chick -fil -A are not publicly pro -gay themselves. But regardless, it's entirely unbiblical to be financially supporting a project with that stated mission.
- 07:54
- But real quick, let's go back to their website. Remember what they said? Quote, Chick -fil -A's corporate purpose is to glorify
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- God by being a faithful steward to all that is entrusted to us.
- 08:06
- End quote. Let me tell you folks, the more research I did, the less believable that statement was.
- 08:11
- Here's my point. Chick -fil -A is closed on Sundays and has Christian messaging all over their website and their mission statement.
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- Yet, at the same time, they actively partner and contribute to unbiblical and wicked charities.
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- And they have mysteriously ended their relationships with publicly Christian charities. Don't forget that friendship with the world is enmity with God.
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- James 4 .4. This is very important. Look at the clear pattern that Chick -fil -A have shown us.
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- When the left wants diversity, equity, and inclusion programs, Chick -fil -A is happy to oblige.
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- Because we have to do those things. They say we're a Christian company, after all. But of course, when they donate to charities, they have no problem giving their direct financial support to extreme leftists and clearly unbiblical organizations.
- 08:57
- Do you see the pattern here? Whatever the woke, unchristian progressives want in the moment, Chick -fil -A will instantly cave in and give it to them.
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- That's not the mark of a strong Christian company. No, it's the mark of a pseudo -Christian company desperately trying to curry favor with a world that does not acknowledge
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- Christ as Lord or acknowledge the Scriptures as true. And that is the truth about Chick -fil -A.
- 09:20
- I pray this has been a blessing to you. And please know this video isn't meant as a sinful attack, but rather as a biblical critique.
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- Pray for this channel and for anyone mentioned in the video. Please check out the teaching ministries and church networks linked in the description.
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- And by God's grace, let's move forward joyfully, holding to the truth of God's Word. Thank you so much for watching.
- 09:40
- Please like, subscribe, hit the bell, and subscribe to our Rumble channel, link in description. And before you go, take a look at this list here.
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- These are the people who make all of our free content possible with their monthly support. Today's highlighted channel supporter is
- 09:55
- Terry S. If you would like this channel to do more research, make more videos, and reach more people, please hit the link in the description and join the
- 10:03
- Truth Army today. And until next time, fight for truth. Thank you, and God bless.