New Big Board in the Big Studio


So while I was gone Rich installed a new, bigger board in the big studio, so we had to try it out. Started with a discussion of the incredible amount of Nazi propaganda online these days, masquerading as Christian belief in supposedly Reformed churches. Lots of Confederates, Presbyterians, and 1689ers in the movement. Looked at a few posts and discussed the fact that people like Corey Mahler do not love young, disillusioned men, they use young disillusioned men. Then we moved to looking at the newly published ECM volumes for the book of Revelation, and went to the new big board to consider a few textual variants of interest.


Well, greetings and welcome to The Dividing Line. My name is James White. We're back here in the big studio. We have a big addition to the big studio.
I'm not sure how much bigger it is than the other one. It's only about, what, five, 10 % bigger? I'm not exactly certain.
10 inches diagonally bigger. That's big. And everybody was already jealous of the big board as it is.
So Rich says it can do just all sorts of stuff that we don't know how to do yet.
And to be honest with you, we may never know how to do, but it's big.
And evidently, it's in some ways easier to use than the other one was, which had some pretty weird stuff that it did.
You had to jump through a lot of hoops. I look down here.
Wow. Okay. So I posted, we're going to get into some really geeky stuff, geeky, greeky stuff, because later on, well, that was not a good time to go there.
Rich has no training in camera stuff. It's just, the four volume set on Revelation in the
ECM, the Editio Critico Mayor, finally arrived. It was supposed to arrive in September, and it arrived in November, but things like that happen.
But anyways, so this is the ECM. This is
CBGM in application. And Revelation, of course, I mean, four volumes.
I mean, this thing is 500 pages long. It's huge, massive.
And so I've been really looking forward to looking at it and to reporting to you all about it, because not everyone's going to be buying this thing.
And it's not currently online yet. And I'm not sure how long it's going to be till it is online.
My gut feeling when I was in Munster in 2019, so that was obviously before COVID, my feeling was that the online modules are sort of when we get around to it type things.
And so I'm not sure when this is going to be available. Really, right now, only
Mark and Acts are. The general epistles are sort of there, but it's such an old clunky system that I don't, almost nobody knows how to use it.
At least Mark and Acts are usable. And so hopefully, this will be there.
There's great disappointment each and every day. My understanding is the Gospel of John was supposed to be done a long time ago, that it was farmed out to a group in Birmingham.
And the guy in charge retired and nobody else has taken the wheel and it's just sitting there.
So who knows when we'll eventually see that. It just strikes me that John or Paul's epistles would what finally propels the
ECM and stuff into the church's consciousness. Till then, it's just a few of us weirdos out here talking about it.
But we will look through, I can't put it on board, but I can read it for you.
We will look through the, was it 84? 84 or 87, I'll look again. And places where the new edition changes the main reading that was in the
Nessie Olin 28th edition. So if you have the current printed edition of the
Nessie Olin series, the 28th edition, there'll be about 84 places there's been a change.
And we'll look at them and see how significant they are or are not.
And we'll look at a few other textual variants in Revelation. There are a lot of them because Revelation has,
I think, more variants per verse than pretty much any other book of the
New Testament. Certainly, its textual history is the most. And so we'll be looking at that geeky stuff toward the end of the program.
But there's some things we have to do before then. I have my reading glasses out here.
So first program back after the trip, and only going to have a few programs before we're back on the road again.
I pick up the unit in about 11 days, I think, 12 days.
And I head out. I head out in 12 days, so I pick it up in about 10 days.
And today, by the way, is my granddaughter Jenny's birthday. And Jenny used to be the baby of the family, now rancid.
But you want to guess how old Jenny is? Little teeny tiny baby
Jenny. She is nine. Nine years old. My oldest granddaughter will be turning 15 next month.
Next month is when you're supposed to have birthdays in our family. At least almost all the kids, me, we all have our birthdays in December.
But Jenny came early or something. And so she's November. But anyway, not bored by what
I was saying there. Just wanted to say happy birthday to Jenny. And it is amazing when you look at your grandkids and realize that, you know, it's less than a year until my oldest grandchild can drive.
That makes you feel really old. Let me tell you something. You have no idea until it actually happens.
All right. Anyway, I wrote a brief three or four paragraph tweet, article on X, whatever you call it anymore.
All I know is I'm thankful for it. Especially after last week's election and issues related there too.
We needed to have some semblance of free exchange of information somewhere and still do for now.
I'm sure that there's a big huge target painted on Elon Musk's back by many people.
And maybe in reality, sadly, I hope they take care of him and certain other people.
Can you imagine what an assassination would do right now? The global impact, the global, well,
I don't even want to think about it. But it could happen. It really, really, really could happen.
Anyways, I posted, it started off, yes,
Nazism is a real thing. And yes, it is flourishing under the guise of Christianity amongst young men and women in ostensibly reformed churches.
And I provided some examples. And I posted them.
So let me show you what I posted. Here is, we're going to go ahead and use the big board here.
Here is a Corey Mahler one, a recent one, very recent one.
I think it was yesterday. And if you can't read it, it says the message, that looks good.
I thought you said you couldn't do that. Rich is gaslighting me, folks, just so you know.
He's telling me one thing, doing something else. It's just, so it's meant to make me look like I don't know what
I'm doing. Okay, so I just want everybody to know what's going on here. I have a feeling the older we get, the worse this is going to become.
I really do. You know, 10 years from now, there could be fistfights on the dividing line.
And it wouldn't last long because we'd both be exhausted after about three swings. Grandkids have to come in and pick us up and drag us off.
Anyway, here it is. The message of Christ will never reach those young men who need it, so long as it is being preached by other, scare quotes, men who hate them.
If you want to reach young men, particularly young white men, then you must also be for them politically and culturally.
And it is a picture. This kid's got a gun to his head. The next panel, nine, a hand pushing it away.
The kid's crying. He looks up. And the final panel, who's hugging him? But Adolf Hitler.
Adolf Hitler. This is the, this is how things are being presented, okay?
What's being presented is that we love young men.
Now, young men, you need to understand something. These men do not love you. They detest you.
They are using you. Just as the left tried to use young women and frighten young women and young men and did,
I mean, I had a video set up. I don't have it up right now. But I had a video set up of one of these beta males after voting last week, talking about how he voted for Kamala Harris for the sake of his daughter and their right to control their own body.
And I thought about this. You were protecting your daughter's rights to fornicate and murder your grandchildren.
They already have the right to protect their body. And in fact, I am consistent.
A rapist, upon clear conviction of the rape, should be executed.
Not put in, yeah, swiftly, not put in prison for 20 years, but should be executed. It is a capital crime and should be a capital crime in any culture that cares about women, cares about life.
So she already has control over her own body. If she has children, it is between her and her husband.
Not a lesbian lover. Not somebody who just, you know, one night stands.
But her husband and her have the right to determine when she is going to have a child or not have a child.
So the whole idea that I'm protecting her right to bodily autonomy, especially when you're voting for people who forced you to get the jab.
By the way, so glad to see someone got a $12 .5 million settlement. Man, I hope we start hearing about that for a long, long time.
I'd love to see the seals that were kicked out get $12 million settlements too. I'd like to see a lot of these companies bankrupted for what they did.
That'd be great. But anyways, the left used women. The left used that man,
I forget what state he was in, who killed his wife and his children, and I guess his ex, so that Trump's religious views could not be forced upon them, and then committed suicide.
Hear about that? Astonishing. But tells you how real the cult created by, not the media, we don't have almost any media in the
United States any longer, but by the paid sycophants of the left, called the media, created with their incessant repetitive lies.
Well, young men, you look at Corey Muller here, he loves you as much as the left loves women, and they don't.
They hate women, but they use them. They use them for their own self -promotion. Corey Muller doesn't know what the message of Christ is.
The message of Christ is a message of grace, forgiveness, and love where there is no
Jew or Greek, male or female, bond or free.
That's the message of Christ, is a gospel that goes to every tribe, tongue, people, and nation.
Corey Muller is an inveterate Nazi racist. He hates the Jews, and he hates anyone who will not join him in his hatred of the
Jews. So he is a despicable, excommunicated man, and he does not love you.
And the worst thing you can do to someone who's got a gun to their head is say, the person who will save you is
Adolf Hitler. This is insanity. It's satanic.
It's demonic. It's disgusting. It truly, truly is. So I posted, this is one of the two that I posted.
What? You know what?
It does. Okay. So there is a
Star of David on the grip of the gun. That could be interpreted many, many ways, none of which are good,
I don't think, in any way, shape, or form. Why don't we silence that word there? Got a text message from Doug Wilson.
All right. So I posted that one, and then I posted this one.
Let's see if we, I have a few of them up here, so forgive me if I, I have so much on the screen here that it's hard to find.
Well, where'd it go? I must have, that's not the one.
Let's see if, no, that's the same one. Not doing too well here.
No, I want this one. Where did, did I close it? I hope
I didn't close it. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. See, I just minimized one that I didn't want to minimize.
Having lots of space on your, ah, how did
I do that? I don't even know how I did that. I don't even know how I did that.
That's pretty cool. I posted this one as well. Sons of Korah.
Okay, so they're using biblical terminology.
Double -minded clerics preach the love of Christ to all nations. You mean like in Revelation chapter five, maybe?
Like in heaven? Something like that. Um, then turn to fervently advance the
Babel agenda of Antichrist Jews against the European race, dispossessing white capitalized men of their spiritual and ancestral inheritance.
Is this how Babylon the Great murdered Christendom? Okay, so here you have a blithering heretic, um, with a plural name, um, who doesn't understand what the love of Christ to all nations means, that this is central to the very essence of what the gospel is.
Every tribe, tongue, people, and nation. Um, that's what's proclaimed in heaven, in pure worship.
Then turn to fervently advance the Babel agenda of Antichrist Jews against the
European race. That's whatever wackos like this want to make. You know, I mean, who can even, who can even define this?
Um, it's whatever they want to see. It doesn't have any objective reality to it.
Dispossessing white men of their spiritual and ancestral inheritance. So this is, again, the white supremacy, the white ethnocentrism, uh, that, you know, a couple years ago,
I would have said, I don't see any of this stuff. Now it's everywhere. Now it is absolutely, positively everywhere.
And it's just being thrown straight out there. And the frightening thing is, it's accepted by so many, many people.
So many, many people. Uh, this one I do have on the screen, so I don't have to worry too much about it.
It will go over there. Um, I was just looking at someone who had, again, commented in a nasty fashion on, uh, some stuff.
And I clicked on the material. Some guy named Steven, Crusader Steven, uh, follows me.
Well, I, I think I may have removed him. I'm not sure. Uh, notice we've got our Crusader there with his cross, uh,
Christian extremists. It's only been around since May of 2024. It's a whopping 26 followers.
So I'm, I'm assuming, and it's, it's not completely the case, but I'm assuming that the large majority of the people we're looking at, not, not
Corey Muller, but the large majority of people looking at are probably sub 25. Sure.
There might be a, I had to, there was a, uh, 1689 guy who's all, he's just always been shooting at me for years and years and years.
Uh, and lo and behold, he's part of this racist stuff too. Uh, never would have guessed it, but I blocked him yesterday, but here's
Steven G, Crusader Steven. And notice I just looked down below and 26 followers.
I try to ignore stuff like that. I mean, uh, a lot of people have suggested rule of rule of thumb only do, uh, only interact with people of more than 500 followers, which means they've actually invested themselves.
They're, they're, they're real people. They actually exist. They're not somebody you've blocked before that just start a new, a new account just to keep bothering you.
But still, uh, notice the, the, the pinned tweet. If people, if, if people,
British values suck so much, then why, man, he can't even type why it's, why are all you filthy
Muslims moving there? Filthy Muslim. That's the mindset of these people, filthy
Muslims. And then notice on August 12th, we're so back three white cornerbacks are expected to make
NFL rosters this season. And it mentions who they are. So if you have the last time a white cornerback started in a game was over 20 years ago, and there have only been 15 white cornerbacks in NFL history.
So if you've got white cornerbacks, Ooh, wow, we're back.
Uh, this is the white supremacy, white insanity, uh, stuff that is now all over out there.
And then we had this last one that I didn't put that one up on the, on the thing. Sorry. But since I'm putting stuff over here,
I'll, I'll, I'll want to show you this one too. This is fairly, uh, fairly new.
Um, here is dark Donnie and you'll notice, look at, look at the graphic there.
Uh, the graphic on the right has Steven Wolf and Andrew Isker.
I had to ask, I don't know Andrew Isker. I've never met him. Oh yeah.
He's well, he's speaking at that conference in April. The one that, that Jeff isn't speaking at. Um, but you've got
Steven Wolf wearing, wearing sunglasses up there and they're facing off.
Notice it's Doug Wilson and myself, um, on the left.
And it says the year is 2060. The Moscow, Idaho government continues to defend
Jews and Muslims abilities to blaspheme the triune God. My grandchildren meet
Doug's great grandchildren on the battlefield. It didn't have to be this. How much time?
Maybe it didn't take anything. Maybe these folks are so good at this. Didn't take any time at all. See, it would never cross my mind to invest any of the time
I have left in even thinking about something like this or putting something like this.
It never crossed my mind. But there you have it. Now of course it's based upon just rancid lies and I would just look at dark
Donnie and ask dark Donnie a simple question. How many Muslims have come to know
Christ because of your witness? Jews?
Mormons? Jehovah's Witnesses? Anybody? Dark Donnie? Because see your, your perspective and that's the, that's the concern here.
This kind of ethnocentric, white supremacy, heresy does not make you a witness of Jesus Christ.
You're not going to walk across the room to lovingly proclaim the grace of Jesus Christ to a
Muslim or to a Jew. You're not going to do it. We know you're not going to do it. We know you're not doing it. So, and the amazing thing is, think about it.
There's, there's my head floating in the, in the air there on the blue side of things.
And of course the red side is, I'm sure it has something to do with the red avatars and blue eyes and all the rest of that kind of thing.
Dark Donnie has never stood in the largest mosque in the southern hemisphere and defended the deity of Christ and proclaimed the triune
God in mosques all across South Africa. And he can't, and he knows it. He knows he couldn't do it.
So there's a, there's a, there's a deception, a self -deception in this movement.
And these guys know that they're, they should be doing things like that. They, they know the scripture says those types of things, but they're not doing it because they would rather be making memes like this and doing the stuff they're doing and, and enjoying the ethnic animus that they live in each and every day.
What an amazing thing. As I said, 200, let me look here and see where, where we are right now.
Oops, that's the wrong one. How many do we have here right now? As of this moment, 200, we're up to 258 responses in what now, maybe four hours since I posted those first two.
And my, my final paragraph was, if you're consumed with hatred towards some group, whether it be
Jews or Muslims or leftists, whatever target your particular situation affords you, Jesus says, repent of it.
There is no room in the flock of Christ for hate. Love one another is a command of the shepherd. If you will not lay down your hate, you cannot follow the shepherd.
Well, some folks decided that they were going to demonstrate that I'm wrong, because we are told to hate in scripture.
Well, we're told to hate our sin. Um, I've done entire sermons on that, but doesn't the 139
Psalm tell you that you are to hate? Well, you've got imprecatory
Psalms, uh, and I'll go ahead and put, we'll go over here to the
Old Testament and, uh, sorry, it's not all black background there.
Sorry about that. I'll try to fix that in the future. Uh, Mr. Camera engineer guy, whatever you want to call yourself.
And so we had a number of people had at least two people say, Oh, what about Psalm 139? You're all wrong.
Psalm 139 begins. Oh yeah. I was watching the thing there.
Oh, Yahweh, you have searched me and known me. You know, when I sit down, when I rise up, you understand my thought from afar.
You scrutinize my path and my lying down and are intimately acquainted with all my ways. Even before there is a word in my tongue, behold, oh
Yahweh, you know it all. You haven't closed me behind before. And you have put your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me.
It is too high. I cannot attain it. So you have here the Psalmist and he is extolling the omnipresence, the omniscient, the creatorship of Yahweh.
And he knows, Yahweh knows all things and therefore he, and all of you have seen this before.
Uh, let me click on that there. And in fact, I'll just take the septuagen out for the moment.
So we've got a little more space. Where can I go from your spirit? Or where can I flee from your presence? If I ascend to heaven, you are there. If I make my bed in Sheol, behold, you are there.
If I lift up the wings of the dawn, if I dwell in the remotest part of the sea, even there, your hand will lead me and your right hand will lay hold of me.
If I say, surely the darkness will bruise me. I think it used to the, I think I've memorized that some time to pass to hide me and the light around me will be night.
Even the darkness is not too dark for you. And the night is as bright as day. Darkness and light are alike to you. God has all knowledge.
I cannot go anywhere and flee from God. In fact, he's my creator.
You form my inward parts. You wove me in my mother's womb. I will give thanks to you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful your works.
My soul knows it very well. My frame is not hidden from you. When I was made in secret and intricately woven in the depths of the earth, your eyes have seen my unshaped substance.
And in your book, all of them were written. The days that were formed for me, when as yet there were not one of them."
Well, you've got the sovereignty, the absolute sovereignty of God. God brings you onto this earth at the time and the place he chooses to do so.
He has made you as you are. Nothing about white people in here because this wasn't written by a white guy.
It was written by one of those Jewish guys. How precious are your thoughts to me,
O God? How vast is the sum of them? If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand.
When I awake, I am still with you. Here is someone who is open toward God, whose heart is open before God, who wants to think
God's thoughts after him and wants God's presence in his life. This is where the psalmist is.
Oh, that you would slay the wicked, O God! O men of bloodshed, depart from me, for they speak against you wickedly, and your enemies take your name in vain.
Do I not hate those who hate you, O Yahweh? And do I not revile those who rise up against you?
I hate them with the utmost hatred. They have become my enemies. Why? What is this psalmist saying?
He has started off positively, speaking about the very essence of God, the truth of God.
He's living in a land that is at least surrounded by polytheists, by idolaters, who found the proclamation of the one true
God of Israel to be highly offensive, and he prays for God's judgment to come against the wicked, and they speak against you wickedly.
He's speaking of God's enemies. They take his name in vain, and who does he hate?
I hate those who do what? Who hate him? No. Does he have a different color of skin?
No. We're in a different nation? No. I hate those who hate you. I hate those who hate you.
Now here's a man who's open to God's examination of his heart in all ways.
So you have in a portion an imprecatory song, an imprecatory song.
Now notice Rich is playing with more of the toys that he is discovering in the back of the room. He's smiling right now, and he's now put our text down below.
It's almost big enough for me to read from here. That's not too bad. The leg of the camera is all over the
Hebrew, but I can actually read most of the English. That's good.
Rich has a, there's this look that he gets when it's a smug, self,
I'm very happy with myself look that he has that he's got going right now, big time.
He really does. I still run into your fans once in a while while I'm on the road, and they keep, both of them, they keep coming.
It's a very strange group of people, but yeah, and they'll say you really need to be nice to him.
Then I have other people come and say, we understand. We fully understand that it's not really you.
Anyway, so you do have the imprecatory song. But those imprecatory songs are not a basis for a follower of Christ to nurture animus and hatred in their heart toward any ethnic group, towards somebody who looks different than you, someone who has a different melanin level, melanin count, different history, nothing, nothing at all.
And so to see people twisting that scripture and say, see, the follower of Christ should hate people.
And you go, okay, so we're followers of Christ. We've been given the gospel message.
Who are we to take it? Are you seriously saying that we are to take it in hatred?
We're to bring a message of God's condescending love for men and women and children from every tribe, tongue, people, and nation, and we're supposed to proclaim it with hatred?
Is that what you're telling me? Let me tell you something, since a bunch of you, I just can tell, just have never done this, so you don't know.
When you, if you stay on the sidewalk outside of the
South Gate of the Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City, Utah, used to be a really busy place, not quite as busy anymore.
And you speak with someone for, let's say, 20 minutes, and you are passing out a tract that presents the gospel in a way that Mormons would be able to understand it, specifically seeks to communicate with it.
Let me tell you something, people can tell whether you are simply repeating a mantra, repeating words you were taught, repeating words that you've written down inside the fly leaf of your
Bible, they can tell whether you care about them. They can tell whether you really mean what you're saying, or whether you have animus, hatred in your heart for them, whether you're looking down upon them, whether you despise them, whether you're there just simply to make yourself look better, feel better, get some theological blood on your theological crusader sword.
They can tell. And when I started seeking to get to know the
Muslims that I was doing debates with, to sit down and have lunch or dinner with them, to express to them my concern for them, my care for them as an individual, changed everything.
They didn't know what to do with me. I wasn't compromising my message. I wasn't changing what
I was saying. But they had to deal with someone who could argue against their position, but they could not just, they could not dismiss their animus toward me, because I didn't have any animus towards them.
Changed everything. Changed everything. And so the stuff that I've seen over the past few months online, people saying, once a
Jew, always a Jew. The vile filth, you know,
I blocked someone 10 minutes before the program because they used vile, sexual insults just about, just toward me.
That, you know, there might be a few confused people here. The vast majority of people have no earthy idea what the gospel is.
Never heard it. Don't understand it. Certainly not trusting it. Certainly not trusting it.
That's obvious. And so when our people start spending time with people like that, bad company, good morals, you know, heard that line before?
Corrupt, good morals. So it truly is, you know, people saying, this is all you talk about.
No, it's not. Stop lying. It's way too easy for you to lie.
It just happens so easily. Stop it. That's not all we do.
The last debate that I just did was on what? Was on the concept of the mass in Roman Catholicism.
We're going to finish this program up talking about textual criticism, for crying out loud. But we are sounding the warning, because we have to.
I did not see this. I had never gone down any of the rabbit trails into the disgusting, vile, dark corners of the internet.
This stuff thrives. But it's coming into our fellowship. Pastors, you're not going to be able to avoid this.
If the people in your church have access to the internet, they're going to have access to this stuff.
And these people come along, and they dress like us, and they talk like us, and they use our language, all for a specific reason.
They're pseudodelfoi. They're false brothers. And they're sneaking in. Galatians 1 and 2.
So you have to. I know you don't want to. I don't want to either. Last thing in the world I wanted to be doing.
But this stuff is there, and it must be dealt with. You must warn your people.
You must positively preach on texts like Revelation chapter 5. What has the
Lamb accomplished? He has purchased for God a kingdom from every tribe, tongue, people, and nation.
Every! And so when
I see people on Twitter, Kofi, a
Ghanaian, he says he lived in London. I think he was in Milwaukee. But anyways, his entire ethnicity is
Ghanaian. He's as black as black can be. Black African. Preaching, and teaching, and ministering in the church in the
United States. The people who say that he should leave.
He shouldn't be in this nation, even though he's here legally. He's followed the law.
We're not talking about illegal aliens. I hope starting in January, every one of those
Venezuelan gang members is rounded up, and kicked out, and kept out this time.
Get the wall built, and keep them out. We don't need gang members. We don't need violence. Don't need any of that.
You've got to follow the law, and the law needs to be meaningful. It has to be followed.
So I don't have any problem. You came illegally, you're going to legally leave. That's not an issue.
That's not mistreating anybody. As long as you have an immigration policy that allows people to come here, following the rules, following the process, learning the
Constitution. Almost every single person who has become a citizen of this nation, through that process, knows more about the
Constitution of the United States than almost any graduate of any high school in the United States. That's the sad part, but it's reality.
I know most of them love the nation more than most people who were born here, because you love what you had to work for.
Let me tell you something. If you call yourself a Christian, and you say, Kofi, a faithful pastor, a man laboring the
Word of God, should leave that church because he's gone in.
I want nothing to do with you. You don't understand what you're talking about, but you will be judged for what you're talking.
If you're a Christian, man, I do not want to see what the Lord is going to say to you. But the greater probability is you don't have a clue what you're talking about, and you're not a
Christian. I don't know how anybody can come up with this stuff. I really don't.
It's satanic. It's demonic, and any faithful pastor had better be speaking up.
I don't care what they're going to say about you on social media. Grow some skin, for crying out loud.
This is not something to be played with, and you cannot try to disciple these people. You cannot pastor them from afar.
It's not possible. It's disaster. So Samuel Say, Kofi, these folks who don't have to worry about the
Son nearly as much as I do. I just simply look at them as my brothers in Christ, and if you can't understand that the imputed righteousness of Christ and the presence of the
Holy Spirit makes someone much more close to you than any amount of blood and soil, you're not a
Christian. You don't understand the gospel. You don't get it.
And if you are a Christian, you need to hear this and run. Stop playing these games.
It will destroy your soul, and you will be judged for any division you bring into any fellowship when you promote this stuff.
Am I being clear enough? I hope I'm being clear enough, because this is stuff we cannot play with.
This is fire. This is the destruction of our fellowships and the destruction of our witness.
I'm not talking about becoming woke. I'm not talking about putting on a rainbow stole, and all the rest is idiocy.
I'm talking about actually applying the law of God. Absolutely, positively amazing what is going on.
All right, so we only have, oh, good grief, and I can't go much over.
I might be able to do 10 minutes at most, but I can't go too much over here. All right, shifting gears.
We're not going to be firing any more atomic weapons. Here it is,
Novum Testamentum Grecum Editio Critica Mayor. Again, for those who are not familiar with what this is, when it's finished,
I don't know how many volumes it will be. Revelation is four volumes in itself. That doesn't mean that the four volumes are all the text.
This is all of Revelation right here, all the way through chapter 22. It's how many pages was it again?
Just under 500, 500 pages long, but let me show you.
If you can see any of that there, the Greek text is only the lines at the top.
Everything else is notes, so that's why so much space is being taken up with the book.
Once again, as I said earlier, for Axe and Mark, you can go online and see all this stuff.
Really nice interfaces. Not for Revelation yet, and I contacted someone, the only person
I know who might know, and he didn't know, so I don't know when it's going to be available. And if anybody out there does, please let me know, or if you sort of have the time to do this type of thing, which
I don't, keep checking and contact me when it does become available, because it might take me a few weeks to find out one way or the other.
So far, Mark, Axe, and the
General Epistles have been published. I've been told Matthew is next. As I mentioned,
John is in limbo in Birmingham someplace. Obviously, I'm really looking forward to the
Pauline stuff, Pauline Corpus. I think that's going to be, I don't know, how many volumes could that be?
If Revelation is four, what would 13 books be? I think when it's done as a printed set, it will definitely rival the
Early Church Fathers set, I think maybe significantly larger. Not as pretty, because it's just all blue.
Nice blue. Anyway, so the only thing I have time for today, well,
I'll try to look at a couple of things here, but at the beginning of each volume, when it came out, the first thing
I've always looked at, when Mark came out, when Axe came out, is the
New Initial Readings, NIR, or NIO is
New Initial Orthography. Well, for example,
I can actually show this to you. I hadn't thought about that. If you want to see what New Initial Orthography would look like, look up here.
This is Revelation 13, 18, which, if you're familiar, is the number of the beast.
You can see this is the NA28 here, and you can see what
I've just highlighted there. That is 666 in Greek, spelled out.
The TR had it abbreviated like this, 666.
It means the same thing. It's a different orthography. It's a different way of writing, but the same thing.
What's interesting is, the ECM is now using this, the abbreviation, rather than the written -out form that you have over here.
That would be listed as a change, though it doesn't actually mean anything. It's just the way it's written out.
It doesn't change anything else. That's the difference between a
New Initial Reading or an orthography, how you're writing it out, how you're spelling things. For most people, the orthography stuff just doesn't have any meaning, because it doesn't impact the actual translation.
According to this, yes, I had remembered it correctly, 84 readings differ from the text which was preferred in the
NA28. Now, the book Revelation has a lot of textual variances.
The Greek manuscripts, which we have the fewest of for this book, have a lot of variations.
Erasmus introduced a whole lot more, because you know the story. He thought, when he moved to Basel, that he'd be able to find all sorts of manuscripts, and he couldn't.
For the book of Revelation, he could not find a single Greek manuscript of the book of Revelation.
All he could find was a commentary in Latin that had the Greek text in it, and so he had to extract the
Greek text from the Latin commentary. He had another man helping him. They didn't do a great job, and part of the reason is
Erasmus didn't really have a lot of respect for the book of Revelation. He clearly saw it as sub -canonical.
He didn't understand what he was saying, so that sort of helps it, but he sort of felt it was sub -canonical, which is why he never fixed it.
He thought he had fixed it. He knew there were problems in his first edition, but I've told you the story before. He told the printer to go get another
Greek New Testament that had been published since his own. The problem was Align.
Was it Align? It starts with a name. The Align brothers think of what it was. Anyways, they had just used his
Greek book of Revelation for their own, so there wasn't anything to fix, wasn't anything to change, and he never went back and visited it.
He was trying to keep from getting burned by the Inquisition, so I guess I get it, but Revelation has a very unique character to it.
So there's three more volumes, pretty much the size of this, just in the studies and commentary on the various manuscripts, variants, how to understand
Revelation textually and stuff like that. That's what the other three volumes are, so there you go.
So when you think of 22 chapters and you have 84, only 84 places where the
Nessie Olin 29th edition, when it comes out, whenever that will be, I don't know when,
I'm sure they've made that decision as to when they're going to put out another edition of the
Nessie Olin text. When it comes out, there's going to be 84 places where the reading of the main text is going to be different between the
NA28 and the NA29. That's only, what, less than four places per chapter, and many of these differences, the vast majority of these differences, do not impact the meaning of the text at all.
They would be hard to explain, so there's only two in chapter one.
One, they've reinserted dia, which you'd be able to tell by the case endings what it was functioning on.
It had been omitted in the NA28. That's in 1 .9, and in 1 .13,
the phrase, as a son of man, the
NA28 had son in the accusative, Huyon, and the ECM has the dative,
Huyo. That's it. That's all in chapter one. So, that may be why this stuff really isn't, you know, hitting the news all that much, is because it's not like Jude 5, where you actually had something that really had a meaningful difference to it.
And so, as I was looking through here, a bunch of them were like Akri versus Akris, Ekon versus Ekon.
There's a bunch of those. There's three I just saw just there. Various verbal forms,
Altois and Altois. That's not going to impact your translation at all. That's in chapter 11.
There just isn't all that much as far as having any real big impact in these 84 places in the book of Revelation.
So, what does that tell you? Well, what it tells you is that we've been doing a pretty decent job all along, even without the
CBGM analysis. And again, if you've not, there's no way in just a few minutes we have that I can explain
CBGM outside of saying it is a computer analysis that takes advantage of the reality that a computer can remember all of the data points in a manuscript in comparison to another manuscript.
Humans can't do that. So, you know, I've studied p45 a lot, and so I can sort of tell you where some of the variant readings are in p45, but I can't tell you all of them.
A computer can take p45, the entire collation of that manuscript, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Acts, fragmentary, fragmentary, and remember every reading and compare that reading to every other manuscript in its database.
I can't do that, and neither can anybody else. And so what CBGM allows you to do is to track coherent consistency and start creating a lemma, a way of recognizing which manuscripts are most closely related to other manuscripts.
So many manuscripts have been lost over the years, war, fire, bugs, floods, you know, all that kind of stuff.
That coming up with a direct genealogical chart just doesn't work.
The only way to try to come close is to see how coherent two manuscripts are in having the same readings over and over and over again, even in minor variants, which don't stick in our brains, but the computer doesn't care.
It remembers all of it, if we keep the studio audience from making too much noise. So, I heard that.
So CBGM allows us to do pre -genealogical and post -genealogical coherent studies, and hence to have a new tool to help verify the internal and external analysis that we've been doing for a long, long time.
And what we're discovering, given the rather small number of changes, is that we've been doing a fairly decent job.
In fact, a fairly consistent job all along in the analysis of these variants. So, one of them that struck me, a variant that struck me, is in Revelation chapter 14, right after the 666 thing.
I have here up on the screen, let me scroll down to there, and take these off, because that's nice big font, so I can see it nicely.
And we will, for the first time, draw on the board. It's a little bit easier to do than has been done in the past.
But you have, notice over here in the
LSV, having his name and the name of his father written on their forehead.
So, here's his name, is
Ta -Anima -Altu. So, these 144 ,000, they have his name, the lamb, they have his name written on their forehead.
And Kai Ta -Anima -Tu -Patras -Altu,
Ka -Gra -Menon -Epi -Ton -Me -To -Pan -Al -Ton. So, you have his name and the name of his father written upon their forehead.
And that's what you have here in Revelation 14 .1. Well, what's interesting is, this is the
Texas Receptus. This is the TR. Again, there is no one official version of the
TR, but having Ta -Anima -Tu -Patras -Altu.
So, what's missing? The name of the lamb. The name of the lamb is gone.
It just simply says, and if you look at the King James, having his father's name written upon their forehead.
Now, when I look at, and one of the things you need to understand, this is, now,
Hoskier did Revelation years and years and years ago. I have a photocopy of it in my library.
But we've discovered manuscripts since then, and once this is online especially, this will be the fullest collation,
I think pretty much, I mean, I'm not 1 ,000 % sure about this, but I think it's collation of every known manuscript in the world of the book of Revelation.
That's a smashingly positive thing. That is a great thing to have.
It's hard for people to understand how people in preceding generations would have loved to have had what we have now, as far as the information, the manuscripts, stuff like that.
Didn't have it. We've got it now, and hopefully fairly soon on your smartphone.
And so, that's super, super positive. We need to be thinking about that.
But how did this happen? Well, if I had thought about it,
I could pull up the, like, Codex Sinaiticus or something like that on this, so you could see it.
But once again, remember that this form of Greek, where you have spaces between letters and you've got punctuation and stuff like that, that is not how the text existed for the first 800, 900 years of its transmission.
It was in what's called uncial or majuscule text, all capital letters, no space between words, just a running line with no punctuation, almost no punctuation, of capital letters.
And so, what obviously happened here is you had having ta -anima -au -tu, and then you have ta -anima and another au -tu here.
And so, a scribe reading someone else's handwriting experienced what's called homoiteleuton, and so they wrote ta -anima, they come back looking at the exemplar, here's ta -anima, and so they pick up here, tu patras au -tu.
They have now deleted, they didn't necessarily want to, they weren't trying to, but they have now, they write ta -anima, they come back, they pick up there, so this whole section disappears, and it's not now in the copy that that particular individual has made.
And that's where you get now, was this done in the transcription of Revelation by Erasmus?
Because it could have been. They're very, very, the Huskier only lists a few manuscripts, and two of those, we're 99 % sure that one of those is actually a handwritten copy of the
Textus Receptus. It's a handwritten copy of Erasmus' probably 1516 edition. So, those handwritten copies may actually just reflect the error that was made in the transcription and the putting the
Book of Revelation into Greek by Erasmus and his scribe. That's quite possible.
If there is truly external manuscript evidence, it's almost non -existent, it's certainly not ancient.
Now, I've seen King James only people go, oh, but if you have this, if you have this reading, his name and the name of his father, you're a modalist.
And no, you're not. The thing you have to remember is there's a number of places in Revelation where both the father and the son sit upon the same throne.
Revelation is a text that modalists like to go to. Now, if you're going to actually handle it consistently, the
Book of Revelation destroys modalism because it clearly distinguishes between the father and son, different actions, different places, different functions, so on and so forth.
But it does emphasize the deity of the son and that close relationship to the father.
That's definitely a part of what you have in the Book of Revelation. But it was interesting to note in looking at that, and then you can get rid of stuff real easy now.
Isn't that cool? That is faster. I gotta admit, it's a whole lot faster to do this part of things with this board than with the old one.
There's no toys about it. But there were two others.
Let me see here if I can track them down for you real quick.
I had them. Let me see here. Yes, yes.
Here's a good one. The variant here is right there.
So, we have a... let's use a different color.
Yeah, there we go. I do wish it would just start over there. There's probably a way to save it there.
Here's a variant, and you can see you have two variants here marked there and there, and then you have the second variant marked there.
That's how the NA28... So, this is the king of the nations in the
NA28. And then over here in the TR, Basileus Ton Hagion, the king of the saints.
King of nations versus king of the saints. Now, what's interesting is DCM doesn't even have that as a variant.
Saints as a variant. It doesn't even list it. Because again, it's those few probably handwritten copies of Erasmus's work.
And, you know, I guess you can sort of see how you might confuse these two. I mean, they both end with, you know, sort of.
I don't know. But in the fullest collation to date, it's not even...
doesn't even register. And hey, there is theological significance to that reading.
King of the saints is different than king of nations. There's a theological difference between those readings.
And there's one other, because we're... I'm sure I've gone over time already. Yes. One other here, just to keep all you geeks happy out there.
Yes. This is an interesting one. Notice Revelation 5 .14.
And again, this is a situation where, you know, the current critical text just goes, yeah, we don't know.
We're not even going to talk about that because it doesn't really appear. It's not a possible original reading.
And the four living creatures, so Revelation 5 .14, we were talking about earlier what the lamb does.
And the four living creatures kept saying, amen, and the elders fell down and worshiped. And so that's exactly what you have in NA28, the only variant being exactly how you have kept saying or said, probably.
I don't have it up here right now. I could bring it up. Well, let's just look at it. Oh, I can't do that when
I've got that up. That's right. The cursor goes away. Anyways, I'm sure it's just a difference in form of Lego.
And the elders, the presbyteroi, fell down and, proskuneo, prosekunesan, they worship.
But look at the TR. So here's presbyteroi.
They fell down and worshiped. But there's a fair amount of stuff added here.
This whole line is added. And then you have zonti, istus, ionos, ton, ionion.
And so this whole section here is added in the
TR. But there's, again, there's just almost no manuscript evidence substantiating it whatsoever.
There's lots of places like that in the TR, and that means they're in the King James version of the Bible. And so I would say, especially if you're preaching
Revelation, you have to be aware of this. You have to be aware of the fact that if you are using the
King James, that you are using a greatly rushed,
I guess would be the only way I could put it, a greatly rushed editing of the text of that book.
And you should really make sure in your preparation to check the critical text and to not base anything upon a textual variant that is actually found in almost no manuscripts or no manuscripts at all.
I am not in any way, shape, or form discouraging anyone from preaching the book of Revelation.
Not doing that. But I think if you're going to be honest to your people listening, that's something you need to be looking at.
All right, so I am certain that by now Rich has a whole list of things he wants to change about how things are laid out.
He's going to take it all down and start all over with. Okay, well, I'm not going to be helping with that.
And so I have a feeling this is going to move over here a little bit.
Oh, okay, never mind that. It's staying right where it is. Maybe he's just going to get rid of me.
That may be the way that works. I don't know. Anyhow, all right.
So there's some super duper geeky stuff for the super duper geeky, greeky people.
And got to keep those people happy because they can get really, you know, you don't feed them and they get really nasty after a while.
But then some really important stuff. A warning. Warning to the church.
Fellow pastors, keep your eyes open. Keep your ears open. Try to find out what you're, especially young men, are listening to because these people are trying to sneak into the church and they need to be called out where they are.
And that's vitally important. All right. So, well, you know what?
We're getting into the holiday season and my family is going to be celebrating
Thanksgiving about five days early so that I can get on the road.
And as I said, I will be speaking in Pryor, Oklahoma. If you're in the area, I'll be speaking on the atonement on Thanksgiving weekend.
And there's nothing greater to give thanks for. I mean, that's what
Eucharist means. I mean, that's what the Eucharistia is, a meal of Thanksgiving.
So I'll be there in Pryor and next weekend we'll be in St. Charles addressing God's response to the
LGBTQ revolution. And that could have some very interesting folks attending.
I hope so. I hope lots of folks will come and will listen to what is being said. So lots of preparation to do for that.
But those are the things we have upcoming right now. I am now starting to finally, now
I feel the freedom to start planning 2025. A little bit late on that, obviously. But I may be throwing out to some of my friends in West Texas.
I need to get ahold of you guys. Amarillo and West. I could see a
February trip your direction if some of you guys would like to get in touch with me to do some conference work in that area.
Because I know that I have, April 4th we'll be down in Livingston again,
Livingston, Louisiana, for a debate on the King James only position with a, someone who
I've been told is completely non -Ruckmanite. So that's the kind of person
I can reason with. I can deal with that. And so we'll be building out from that in the
Louisiana area. So some of you down there in Louisiana, get ahold of Brian Gunter and say, hey, we'd like to work something out too.
Let's see if we can do something in that area at the beginning of April.
So got things going on and we'll be working on that stuff. So keeping busy.