Should Christians Go to College?

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College has been presented as the only viable option if you want to have a career that will provide for your family. Over the years more and more graduates are realizing that college isn't getting them into the jobs they were promised and, to add insult to injury, they are racking up thousands of dollars of debt to go get their degree. On top of all this these schools are actively trying to brainwash young adults into believing leftist ideologies. On this episode Harrison and Pastor Tim discuss the topic of higher education and its true value in our society from a


Warning, the following message may be offensive to some audiences. These audiences may include, but are not limited to, professing Christians who never read their
Bible, sissies, sodomites, men with man buns, those who approve of men with man buns, man bun enablers, white knights for men with man buns, homemakers who have finished
Netflix but don't know how to meal plan, and people who refer to their pets as fur babies. Viewer discretion is advised. People are tired of hearing nothing but doom and despair on the radio.
The message of Christianity is that salvation is found in Christ alone, and any who reject
Christ therefore forfeit any hope of salvation, any hope of heaven.
The issue is that humanity is in sin, and the wrath of Almighty God is hanging over our heads.
They will hear His words, they will not act upon them, and when the floods of divine judgment, when the fires of wrath come, they will be consumed, and they will perish.
God wrapped Himself in flesh, condescended, and became a man, died on the cross for sin, was resurrected on the third day, saying there is a group of people who will hear
His words, they will act upon them, and when the floods of divine judgment come,
Welcome to Bible Bash, where we aim to equip the saints for the works of ministry by answering the questions you're not allowed to ask.
We're your hosts, Harrison Kerrig and Pastor Tim Mullett, and today we'll answer the age -old question, Should Christians go to college?
Now this is one of those questions that essentially affects, probably at this point, just about every single kid coming out of high school, at least in America.
There's always the question of, Hey, where are you going to go to school after you graduate high school?
Almost as if it's a given that you're going to go to college no matter what. So obviously college has become a pretty significant part of our society in general, and having a degree certainly affects the way that many people will view you overall.
But then obviously it seems more and more as the years go on that there's glaring issues coming from universities in general and the graduates that they produce, which is why we're covering this episode.
So Tim, why don't we just start off with addressing the topic question itself.
What is your response? Should Christians go to college? Yeah, I don't...
A very clear and defined, well -spoken answer, if you ever gave one.
So, okay, you didn't give a yes, but you didn't say no either. So fill us in a little more.
Give us a little more to work with here, Tim. There's a lot of different directions you can go.
I mean, there's a lot of different directions that you can go with this kind of question in general.
And it's one of those things where I don't know if the normal intuition is still the same as what it was for me growing up and maybe for you growing up, in that there's an automatic expectation that you're going to go to college.
So, I mean, at this point, there's a variety of things that are conspiring to cause people to rethink the wisdom of going to college in general.
I mean, Christians have always had reactions to college, meaning, you know, like the Christian parent is going to be very concerned about sending their...
should be very concerned. You know, unfortunately, I don't think we've been nearly as concerned enough, but there is a type of Christian parent who has been concerned for, you know,
Christian reasons related to the fact that, I mean, yes, for the vast majority of people, like the college experience, what is the college experience, except for an experience where you have your kids who, you know, you're supposed to have some kind of concern for their soul.
You're sending them basically to be enculturated into worldliness and teaching them the fine art of, you know, beer pong and fornication and everything else.
And so, I mean, for many people, like this, you know, blessed, you know, sacred college experience simply reduces to a time where you have a bunch of, you know, young hormone -filled people who are supposed to be adults who are delaying adulthood in order to basically socialize and hang out and, you know, participate in a bunch of vices.
And so, certainly, like the concerns that Christians have have always been along those ends. Now, I think what many people, particularly, you know, those of my generation, we thought that those were the extent of the concerns, right?
So, like concerns for moral purity in that way. And really, I mean, what's happened, like demonstrably, what happened is the
Christians are having the kids. You know, the left is hostile to kids.
They don't want any more kids, right? Like they're not having them near the rate as Christians have. But basically, Christians have been breeding cows for the pagans.
So, we take our kids that we raise in a Christian home, we send them off to be brainwashed by these pagans turned into social justice warriors and basically twice a child of hell as ourself.
And so, what we've done is we've handed them over to the pagans to brainwash them into hating basically everything that we stand for and everything that we believe in, you know.
And I think, you know, there's a concern on the right now that we basically, they've been taught the wrong political beliefs, which
I mean, you know, most of the beliefs on the right, well, way more on the right than on the left, seem to line up with the biblical worldview.
So, like, so essentially, I mean, you have concerns about the morality that have always been there. And now, one of the things that's happened is, like, we've lost an entire generation of kids.
They, you know, they be raised in a church, and then they don't darken the doors of the church after they go to college because they've been brainwashed into paganism and brainwashed into these morally reprehensible categories.
And so, both of those things are true at the same time. But then, there's also another component to this, okay?
Okay, there's another layer to the onion. Well, there's actually two more layers, yeah. Two more layers, okay.
Two more that are coming to my mind right now. So, like, another component to this whole discussion is now, well, what you have is college is so expensive, and you have kids who are coming out of college with, you know, their fine arts degree or something like that, that has no functional use whatsoever, or their bachelor of arts degree, with no, like, career direction whatsoever.
They're coming out of school with, you know, $100 ,000 worth of debt, pursuing, like, some undefined career, right?
So, college was advertised to be the stepping stone to everything in their life. And it's like, you can go be a plumber and make more money, or, you know, a bartender and make more money than the average college student coming out of college with $100 ,000 worth of debt kind of thing, with all these loans that have, you know, 15 % interest rate and whatever else, like, these crazy loans, predatory loans in that way.
And so, now you have the student loan discussion added on to this. Like, is this a good investment anymore either, right?
Right. And then, the least popular thing of it all is the reality that, you know, a lot of people, they just intellectually aren't capable of going to college.
Okay? Mm -hmm. So, like, meaning, like, if, like, there's a lot of people who don't have the
IQ to go to college and to excel at college. And so, what we've been taught is, we've taught that everyone's the same.
So, we basically shoved the egalitarianism down everyone's throat. We're all the same. And we refuse to acknowledge that, you know, not everyone is intelligent.
If everyone is intelligent, then no one is intelligent. Intelligent means nothing. It's just a… Like, we think it's an insult to say, hey, you know what?
You're pretty average, right? Can you imagine that? Now, think about that logically.
Like, it's an insult to tell someone they're average. But then, by, you know, think about your standard bell curve distribution of any kind of character trait.
Whether you're talking about intelligence, whether you're talking about height, whether you're talking about looks, whether you're talking about income. Everyone, like, the vast majority of people are average, right?
Right, yeah. But what we tell people is, oh, you're just so smart, and you're just so this, and you're so that. And what we mean is, like, you're normal.
Okay? You're normal. But then the issue is not everyone's normal, right?
So, not everyone's normal. And so, a lot of people, they aren't capable.
I mean, like, there's, you know, there's many people in our country that instead of going to college and getting an education only to fail out, or, you know, and this is particularly happening as it relates to the diversity hires and everything else, where we're telling everyone that, hey, you deserve a college education, and you can excel, and you can achieve.
Just give you the opportunities and everything else. You put them in the opportunities, they fail out. You know, it's like, hey, you know what?
They need to be working in construction or something like that. They don't need to go into college. Like, that's not for them.
And so, then, like, that's just another element of this discussion to where there's been this push that everyone just deserves this college education that doesn't have to actually deliver on anything that is promising.
And all that it's functionally doing is just creating a bunch of rabid, foaming at the mouth, social justice warriors who hate
God, who hate everything that, you know, we stand for. And so, then, like, you put all those things in a pot, and you say, hey, is this really what we need to be encouraging people to do?
And so, I mean, I think looking at the problem more directly, I mean, I think college, there's, like, if you get a very specialized degree in college, it can do you some good, okay?
Like, I mean, if you get an engineering degree, if you get a medical degree, you know, if you get particularly some of the things that are related to skills like that,
I mean, I think that college can do good in those kind of areas. But then, just your generic, you know,
BA kind of general education degree, you know, general business degree, you know, this kind of stuff,
I mean, you just, you're shooting yourself in the foot, man. You know, and what you're going to get is you're going to get a lot of headaches.
You're going to basically be brainwashed by the pagans and tempted in every way imaginable. And then, you know, you might not even be capable of it intellectually to even do well in it.
And I think a lot of people would do a lot better just to learn a trade, for sure. So why has college been presented as the only option for so long?
There's a lot of money in it, man. You know, it's funny you mentioned, it's funny you mentioned that.
I actually, there was a TikTok going around. I don't know if it was last week or two weeks ago.
I'm not sure exactly when it was making the rounds, but it was of this woman who was driving to her job as a sushi server.
And she was basically, you know, complaining because she had gotten a degree in business marketing or something like that.
And, you know, she was saying, hey, essentially it boiled down to, hey, so I got into this, you know, $80 ,000 worth of debt to get my degree that everyone was telling me
I needed to get. And she can't find any jobs, you know, that will pay her and, you know, essentially enable her to also be able to live and also pay back the debt that she owes for getting the degree to begin with.
You know, and I think there is a lot to really glean from that video.
And now that I'm thinking about it, I really do wish I had gotten you to watch it. But, you know, you have the one side where you're listening to everything that she's saying and you're thinking like, yeah, this seems like a pretty raw deal.
You know, hey, get $80 ,000 worth of debt to have this degree just so you can find exactly zero jobs that will pay you any sort of significant wage where you're able to live and also pay back this debt that you've now incurred.
So there's that angle that's like the, hey, yeah, this seems extremely predatory.
And especially when you start thinking about like, hey, a lot of these professors, you have to get their textbook and they're also the ones who wrote it.
You know, so they're making money, not just from teaching the class, but they're essentially forcing people to buy their work.
Otherwise they fail, you know? And so you're being charged absorbent rates for where you live, you know, if you live in dorms and meal plans and parking spaces and just everything, you know, it's incredibly expensive.
On the other end of things, you know, you have this girl in the video who's complaining about everything and then she's coming along and she's saying, hey, you know, all of the jobs that pay, all of the jobs that relate to my degree, the ones that are paying, you know, 150 ,000, 200 ,000, you need
X amount of years of experience. And then she gets really frustrated and she starts screaming out, you know, that the college degree was the experience, right?
And so it seems like you have these people who are essentially, I don't know if it's necessarily the colleges that are doing this, but they're essentially teaching, someone is coming along and, you know, giving people the expectation that the degree that they're getting is like this magic, fix it all, you know, speed up the process thing that'll somehow instantly give you like, you know,
I don't know, 15 years of experience or something, when in reality, you have no experience from the degree, you have knowledge, you do not have experience.
And those are two completely different things. Yeah, it's general knowledge. I mean, I think in general,
I mean, you obviously have the, I mean, it isn't just colleges that are billing themselves as an all -purpose like answer to life, you know, and career and everything else.
I mean, that's just the stuff that every teacher is telling you from the moment you're in elementary school until you graduate, right?
Right. So I mean, that's the path. And a lot of that is like, these are government schools that are funded by government agencies and everything else.
And so there's a lot of money in this kind of thing. And I mean, I think it used to be that, you know, companies would think that college at the very least, it provided a test to see what kind of character and capacity a person has, even if it didn't necessarily directly prepare you for...
It's like a filter a little bit. A filter to see who, you know, had the hard work and perseverance necessary to, you know, get through the end of it.
And that would be saying something about their constitution, their makeup, their character. So that,
I mean, I think for many years it functioned along those lines. I mean, to the extent there was a university was actually more in line with the biblical worldview than that could be more of a good thing in the sense of you're getting a worldview at a university.
But then right now what's happening is you're getting this alien, hostile, godless worldview that is not going to benefit you in any way and basically just going to turn you into a worthless person who destroys society, right?
A terrorist in the making, right? Like a BLM rally supporter, you know,
Antifa kind of... So like the issue is that like it's not doing... It's not even doing that job anymore of forming a worldview.
It's just giving you the worldview of Satan at this point. And I mean, something that I didn't even mention at that point...
I mentioned before as another aspect to the discussion is how ladies relate to this topic.
Meaning, you know, like you have a lady getting an $80 ,000 worth of debt that she's not going to be able to pay back on her own.
And then basically just like the only way she's going to pay back this amount of money is if she puts off having kids until she's like in her early, you know, 30s or something like that.
By the time she can finally pay for all this. And, you know, there's dramatic societal consequences along those lines too.
There's questions to be asked, you know, as it relates to even like gender differences like along those lines.
What is best for society? Is it best for society to have men and women who are delaying adulthood for years and years?
Particularly women who, you know, naturally they're not going to want to work 80 -hour -a -week jobs in order to pay off these loans and get ahead.
They're going to want to have kids and settle down and that's just what they want to do. Anyways, you know, but then they're being told that like they have to be a career woman and put your kids in daycare because you know, raising the next generation is beneath you somehow or something else.
Yeah, somehow it's way better to, you know, sell your time to some boss who's just going to tell you exactly what to do all the time anyway instead of like a husband who loves you and cares about you and gives his entire life to provide and protect and lead you.
You know, it seems like a fair trade. Yeah, I mean, he, you know, him working like a slave for the entirety of his life, you know, that would be impressive for him to, you know, even ask you to do one thing you don't want to do on your own but then you'll listen to a boss all day long tell you.
And that's totally normal and exactly what you should desire and it's freeing and liberating and empowering and all that, you know, junk garbage.
Yeah, so I mean, I think, yeah, I mean, what you have right now is you have a situation where, you know, college is just destructive to your character, it's destructive to your worldview, it's giving you a, you know, godless worldview that's, you know, basically turning you into a domestic terrorist.
That's what it's doing, you know, so but then, so and then, you know, it's overpriced and you're getting robbed and I mean,
I have some sympathy for all that but then I, I don't know, I mean, there is a part of me that's like, hey,
I, you know, you can't possibly be that stupid, can you? Right.
Meaning, you know, it took a lot of student loans and everything else to go to Bible college and seminary and do all that and but I always knew that I knew what
I was doing, you know what I'm saying? Right. Like I knew that I was getting in a bunch of debt that was going to be very, very difficult to pay back and I knew that it wasn't a good plan, you know, so like the kind of person who just believes it all and just like, oh yeah,
I'm going to get into all this debt and it's just going to be easy, it's going to be gone overnight and because I'm just going to be able to find a job right after outs, it's like,
I just don't, are you really that naive? You know, whether or not you should, you know,
I think the best thing people can do to be able to avoid all student loans at all costs and you know, and a lot of what's happening is that you have people who were just filled with covetousness and so then like the covetousness is the field we run on so then it's like this idea that everyone deserves a college degree and everyone deserves the same thing, it's just like, hey, we're not all made for a college degree and you know what, some people have parents who made better decisions in life and could do more for them and if your parents didn't do that, you shouldn't finance at all and you shouldn't, like that isn't the way that these things work, you know, and so then like you don't deserve everything that everyone else has gotten and there's a lot of jobs that may be beneath your dignity but which are good jobs that could provide you an income and you know, set you up better for the future and what we need,
I mean, we need a lot more people who are looking into trades and useful skills at this point and we need a lot less ladies who are getting in $80 ,000 worth of debt to go to school.
for, you know, art history degrees and whatnot. Yeah, for these stupid degrees that aren't doing anything, just, you know, basically getting these degrees so that they can, you know, run a
HR department which solely exists in order to manage their interpersonal conflicts with each other, you know.
Right. Like that's, it's like, oh, come on, you know, like, do something actually useful.
so what would you, what would you tell, you know, young Christians who are about to graduate high school soon, you know,
Christian parents whose children are about to graduate high school soon, they're going to have to make the decision, hey, you know, do
I go to college or do I do something else and for parents it's the same thing. Do I send my kids off to college or do
I, you know, get them to do something else? And so what would you, what would you say as encouragement, you know, to help, to help them make that decision?
I don't have anything to say to them to help them make that decision. They're on their own. They're not going to listen to me.
They're not going to listen to anything I say on this topic. I'm, I'm, I don't, I don't,
I, I think what you have is like, if you have a parent who have sent their kids to public school their whole childhood, right, they're not going to listen to any reason at this point.
That's just the next step. That's just what they're going to do and you're just like, there's, you can throw words at them and there will be no purchase in their brain because they simply don't understand what you're talking about, right?
So they're going to go and they're going to get in all their debt and do, get this worth this degree and then at the end of it they're going to be a social justice warrior and then they're going to look at you and say, oh man,
I've been oppressed, you know, it didn't work out. It's just like, yeah, I could have told you that but you didn't want to listen to begin with and so whatever.
So I mean, you know, part of me just says, hey yeah, just leave them to it. Let them do it, you know? Like I have no,
I have no comforting words of help for that. I mean, for the vast majority of people but I mean,
I think, I think the people who see the problems, like you have to have parents who already see the problems and who have been taking steps their whole life to mitigate against those kind of things and those kind of people don't need to be persuaded.
You know what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah. Like I mean, I don't think you're going to walk some kid off the ledge who's about to get into $100 ,000.
You're not going to walk some girl off the ledge who's like one step away from $80 ,000 worth of debt or something like that.
I'm not saying it's impossible. I'm just saying it's, this is what her whole life has prepared her for and you think
I'm going to come along and say, hey, you know, you're about to make the dumbest decision you've ever made in your life. You're about to get an $80 ,000 worth of debt, right?
For nothing. Yeah. And then about, you know, five years into a career you're, hey, you're going to realize you want to have kids and then, but you're too, you're too deep into it at that point.
So, I mean, like the issue is it's like, I think you, you're living in a society that is so hostile to common sense and reason at this point that I don't even know what to say to them other than good luck.
You know, watch it. You know, not that luck exists, but I mean, it's just like, you're about to walk, make a dumb decision and I don't know how to help you, you know?
Right. Not only do I not know, I know what to tell you but you don't want to hear me and so, I don't know what to,
I don't know what to say and I don't know what to do with that, you know, because you're not going to listen to anything I say. You're going to do it anyways. So, just, you know, maybe it's, maybe
I'll laugh at you when you're calamity. Like a whirlwind, you know?
But, you know, it's just maybe one of those situations where you're just looking out and you're saying, hey, we're just,
I don't know. There's no, you know, this, there's no good that's going to come from this on the other end.
But, I mean, I think the, you know, I would encourage, I think the parents who understand these problems are the ones who are homeschooling their kids right now and they're making choices, they're making those decisions already and those are the audience that will hear this kind of thing.
Does that make sense? Yeah, yeah. Because they've largely already embraced it. But, I mean, it's just such a deception, man.
Like, it's just, I mean, and just look at the numbers. I mean, we're just, we're just, Christians are just breeding cows for the pagans at this point.
We've been that way for years and there's no sign that it's, like, there's very few little signs that anything's changing.
You know, maybe with the CRT stuff and, you know, the Trump stuff and there's been a dramatic rise in homeschooling and there's some people who get it, but then, those are the ones that will listen, you know, and the other ones already know this.
But then, you know, the rest of them, they're too invested in it, man. They're too invested in it.
So, I don't know. I don't have words of hope for them. what would your encouragement be for the one, you know, like, what is the scenario where it's like, yes, it is actually good for you, you know, for a specific
Christian to go to college? I think if you can mitigate as much as possible against the college experience kind of thing, right?
Like, mitigate against that as much as possible and have a specific area of study that you are going to pursue and you're going to stick to, right?
Like, that has a very specific career path on the other end of it, you know?
Yeah. Like, being an accountant, you know, there's a career path on the other end of it that that degree is working towards.
Being an engineer, there's a career path on the other end of it that that's working towards, right?
Being a, you know, being a doctor or a nurse, you know, I think if you can get through those programs without having to kill a baby or something like that at this point,
I mean, just looking, thinking in terms of, like, what is a skill that I want that I'm going to use, right?
So, what you want is you want something that's more objective, right? That has a career path attached to it that you're working towards that will actually take you somewhere, you know?
And so, but then, you know, a lot of the, a lot of those things are in trade schools now, though, you know? So, I mean,
I think you could, and we're just living in a different world than we used to be to related to some of those things, meaning that college isn't like a, you know, the end all be all in order to make money like it used to be or something, you know?
Right, yeah. So, I think if you're going to go to college, try to, I mean, to the extent to which you could go to like a real
Christian college, that would help a lot, you know, but they, you know, private Christian colleges are really expensive, too.
So, I mean, I think a lot of it depends on your scholarships and, you know, how well you apply yourself in school and what kind of opportunities you have, but I would be wanting to,
I would encourage people if you're going to go the college route to definitely, definitely minimize the college experience aspect of it and have a career path at the end of it that you're trying to work towards, for sure.
Okay. Well, I think that's a good place for us to wrap up the conversation on and, you know, like I said at the beginning, this is definitely like one of those questions that it feels like every person has to, you know, ask and has to provide an answer for as they're coming out of high school and I do agree with you.
I think that, I think more younger people are starting to realize now that college is not the end all be all, but then it is still a significant aspect of our society in general and it is viewed as, you know, a certain way and by many it's viewed as an extremely favorable thing to do, so it's good for, it's good for us to talk about this, especially when, you know, like you said, oftentimes we're, as Christians we're essentially sending our kids off as, you know, cattle to the slaughter basically, you know, to be converted since the left hates children so much and refuses to have them on their own.
They keep murdering all theirs so they have to steal ours, right? And so, this is certainly a good warning to try and help people realize, hey, you don't have to send your kid to college for them to be worth anything in society and honestly at this point it's pretty clear that for, you know, for many avoiding college will set you up a lot better in life, you know, to succeed in life than actually going to college with how expensive it is, so hopefully this conversation has been helpful for you guys that are listening out there and hopefully you are the people who are able to hear these things and not immediately get offended because that's not going to serve you any good in the long run and it's good to hear these things and weigh them out and see if there is actually any merit to them.
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