DUMPSTER FIRE | October's Frightful Delusions of "Prophecy"


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Welcome to another installment of Dumpster Fire here on YouTube at Fighting for the
Faith and I'm currently broadcasting from an undisclosed location we have an audience for today and the reason why is because are you ready?
We're doing Prophecy Bingo. That's right it's Prophecy Bingo time now a little bit of a note.
We're gonna be doing the October prophecies today but it's really late in October part of that has to do with the fact that well how do
I put this my video editor broke his leg and so he's been out for the count and so we decided we were gonna still do an
October prophecy bingo and so I don't want you guys to miss that and so let's whirl up the desktop and take a look here now a little bit of a note prophecy bingo if you want to play along you have to go to fightingforthefaith .com
when you get there you're gonna see you have to type in bingo in our search bar and it'll come up it'll say fighting for the faith prophecy bingo
I'll put a link down below and then when you generate a card you can play online just by clicking on the different things so I I'm gonna go ahead and click on free space here and last month
I cheated this month I'm gonna cheat as well we're gonna give away two free words that will benefit me and apparently
I won last month and I didn't notice it so but I'm I'm outright cheating from this time forward
I'm just not even to try to hide the fact that I'm cheating and so today we're going to add the word impartation it's a free word if you want to add it impartation and we're gonna add generational curse as well so those are added to your prophecy bingo cards and so let's get to it let me close this up and okay first up for prophecy bingo for the month of October is none other than Kay Nash and her greater things prophecy here we go hi guys and welcome back to another episode of the greater things
I'm Kay Nash and today I want to share with you what I'm feeling for October there are many parts to what you're feeling for October you'll note that since we were so tardy in getting this out that we'll be able to check the accuracy of these vacuous vape vapid prophecies that people were feeling for the month of October see if they actually panned out since we're recording this so late so she's feeling words for the month of October word and so I'm gonna try to be as specific and detailed and section them off but hopefully it all comes together as a cohesive thing the main word
I am hearing is overflow Jesus no no no
I I don't want this word that this generally involves something to do with plumbing and oftentimes involves cleaning up after a toilet so I don't want this
I'm rejecting this particular word for the month of October overflow if it's on your card go ahead and mark it but I'm personally speaking words against this prophetic word like many of you have been lacking many of you have been frustrated many of you have been manipulated and tricked by people and now is the time for you to prosper financially oh wait wait wait wait prosper prosper hold on a second here um yeah
I ended up closing my my my card can't believe
I did that okay so I've got prosper down got it okay generational curse and impartation let's keep going here history wise and business wide
I really feel those three ministry financial and business I feel a prosperity this month you feel prosperity in a movement
I usually feel movements a couple times a day but that's a different story you know this is kind of the first month of the
Jewish New Year and we're really gonna get to see what God has for us there what you stewarded last year is really gonna start showing up this month you might be like where'd all this come from the month is just starting we're just getting into October but it's actually from last year you know
God takes an account of things in his books he goes hmm this person's been listening to me this person's been doing the right thing and in the due season
Jesus the harvest will come Jesus it's like is that like you know a burpee
I mean what was that that she did she did the Jesus burpee there okay and the harvest time is now harvest harvest it's a word it's a word on our bingo card or at least recently that I felt that we were budding a couple weeks ago and the
Bible it says that before the harvest the bud is perfect hallelujah but I feel like we have now shifted into the actual shift shift that's a that's a prophecy bingo word harvest if you can use shift shifting you know it all counts expect a financial increase expect a momentum increase momentum and expects your harvest to be plentiful and full now if you skirt around last year and didn't do anything the
Lord told you to do I can't guarantee did you not do what
God told you to do last last month last year oh you're so disobedient by the way if God tells you to do something and you don't do it that's called a sin so you know you you ignore
Kay Nash's prophecy to the detriment of your eternal soul apparently now real quick because I accidentally flushed my my bingo card
I'm gonna have to open up a program here and in in order to get a prophecy bingo card that I could use you know because I closed the thing here so yeah
I just want to make sure that I've got that so we got generational curse impartation free space and prosper but I don't see anything else at the moment oh boy okay let's come back to Kay Nash here we go that will happen but if you listen to the
Lord all year then you have a right to pull on the harvest so the first thing
I have harvest harvest is that one of my words so if you obey the
Lord for a whole year you get the right to pull on the harvest no idea where she's getting her theology from but wow that's interesting okay coming back for you is overflow the second word
I felt was launch a lot of you I would almost say 50 % of you that are gonna watch this
I don't know why I feel that but I feel like about 50 % of you that are gonna watch this are going to be launched okay five four three two one no
I don't want you lunch I mean that sounds awful you know so you know there there
I am just sitting minding my own business something hang on a second here you know since I have this open
I'm gonna need some tools for you know for working this out I let's see here
I want a oval there we go okay so there's my free space and here's my generational curse here's my impartation and here's my prosper and did she say favor did we hear that word favor yes
I'm getting old okay we'll have to come back to that let's let's see here we're launching right now folks launching is occurring here hey and I feel that it's gonna be something specific with your career
I saw some of you going into fashion I saw some of you going into television
I saw some of you going into magazines what else am I seeing
I saw somebody going as a financial advisor and I saw somebody actually getting a promotion as a bank clerk which
I've never proposed that in my whole life but it's okay Nash prophetess messenger of God and career guidance counselor nice okay oh that was new for me too the third thing
I'm feeling is that it's time for a spiritual bath Jesus yeah a spiritual bath is called baptism there's been a lot of confusion in the body of Christ when it comes to spiritual stuff people are saying tell me about it do say oh wow okay okay
Nash talking about spiritual confusion who knew okay and one thing is
God and one thing is the devil and there's just a lot of confusion going on right now oh
I agree that's why we do prophecy bingo you feel like this is a time to get clear on what is
God and what is not of God and get deliverance right so let's start with the basics like you know
Kay Nash's prophetic YouTube video videos the whole channel not of God yeah so that I mean that this is easy
Wow if you have a deliverance team at your church I would suggest setting up by the way the way you deliver yourself from Kay Nash's false prophecies is unsubscribed from her
YouTube channel deliverance is actually pretty easy and you don't need to pay anybody for it either a session with them and telling them the things that you've been struggling with yeah or go to a deliverance meeting or something like that but I really feel this is a time to get to live you have entire meetings based on deliverance okay and this is a time of heart healing it's it's heart preparation you know if we get promoted and we don't work on our heart this is bad for us you know right yeah every time
I got promoted when I was in the corporate world I would always immediately begin working on my heart yeah just they don't it is like night follows day you know heart stuff after a promotion that just always is you know
I I have oftentimes said you know what I gotta get my heart in the right place to move forward if I don't have the right motive it's gonna be really hard for me and so you got to do a motive check in the prayer closet you should be constantly
I need to do a motive check in my prayer closet I'm gonna move on to the next prophecy because I could potentially spontaneously combust at the moment all right so moving along here's a
Russ Walden and his breakthrough word for October 2018 let's see if he's in a better mood this month than he has been in the past hello this is
Russ and Kitty Walden with father's heart ministry no he's not in a better mood he looks angry so it's like he puts these things out knowing that they're gonna end up in prophecy bingo and he's like not happy so sorry
Russ but you're not hearing from God and I know that will make you even angrier for for November but okay the breakthrough word for October 2018 yeah the father says today invest in your own liberty this month is the month for you to commit resources and time to sequester yourself to the realm of my spirit says the father
I need to sequester myself okay as never before come out
I call him to be a come out come out of the contaminated I'm I'm a come outer is is that a word is that that's a thing a come outer
I'm not gonna say what that sounds like the environment of what man is saying and get your life immersed and invested in the high places where change becomes a reality identify says
God the breaches and borders of disappointment where the enemy has entered into your life and set up camp evict the enemy even you know this is going to be a touchy subject you know for those of you
Liz that living on the west coast of the United States of America there's a lot of homelessness and you know governors like Jerry Brown have made it impossible to evict you know the homeless who've set up you know tent houses and tent cities in different parts of the west coast that being the case
I don't know if legally we're gonna be able to actually evict the devil if you've set up a tent somewhere in your life you know especially if you live in California he might actually be protected so I'm just saying it's the adversary of your soul from your boundaries by your positive trust and faith in the reality of my word to work on your behalf all the words of doubt fear and unbelief those have been broken off of you right now by my word and in my name you are now
I lose you now from the grave clothes of past experience the grave clothes of past experience apparently
I've died a few times I didn't even know it okay yeah my grave clothes would be a suit by the way if you're setting me free from my you know from wearing a suit
I'm gonna embrace that word I you know those are grave clothes right there so season season ready for change are you ready for a new path to tread
I put your feet on a new path says God are you willing to act differently do differently and speak differently than you have in times past what does it mean to speak differently than the way
I've spoken in the past do I need to learn a new language like Dutch you know something like that I don't understand because of what you're doing if you want something different you must do something different you and I don't need a prophecy to tell me that okay yes
I say again you must speak something different you must detach yourself from the doings from the habits and unbelief and adapt yourself to living life after the order that I have established for I have given you measure
I have given you measure now can I just point out the obvious here in that is is that like you know
God's Word the Bible have you heard of this book it's actually kind of amazing talks about you know like living according to God's commands and precepts and they're like written down in Scripture you know and they don't change that's the best part
I mean listening to him I've got to talk differently I've got to act differently and then you know line up with whatever
God's doing but I have no clue what that standard is I'm getting chewed out from by God why were you laying down in a battle zone
I don't know I was tired you know I was trying to evict the devil he was living in a tent over there and you know it turned into a battle zone and but then
I needed a nap you know so I was trying to do something different okay if I get shot am
I allowed to delay down in the battle zone I mean I I don't know you know what people are saying and listen intently listen intently with a new determination to what
I have said and what I am saying says God then what's he saying and to see what your eyes have failed to see you will see of a new day a new season a new time in your life wait a minute isn't it like a lyric to a song never mind okay there are those who can't go with you make up your mind that not everybody's going to be as excited about the things
I'm doing in your life as you are as Abraham had to separate from lot before the promise came even so you must know that those earthly fleshly connections they must go by the wayside you can you define that he's because you made it sound like I gotta like get rid of people in my life and you know people equal a earthly fleshly connection do
I need to get rid of my wife I mean what oh who don't who's gotta go is what I need to know must relinquish the familiar and embrace the glory of my plan the glory of my perfect I gotta relinquish the familiar yeah he never makes any sense to me okay new guy pastor
Richard J Richardson pastor J Richardson let's check in with his prophecy for 20
October 2018 of own purpose come on you got to be committed you got to be locked in I will stay in position yeah and I will live on purpose come on in hey mama come on y 'all share
I if I don't intentionally live on purpose am I living by accident
I I just I have to ask the question because until I heard this phrase ology used in evangelicalism
I pretty much just lived because I was alive you know on purpose or not
I mean I don't know what you're talking about but okay sure I will stay in position yeah and I will live on purpose right and as you stay in position in this month of October yeah as you remain where you are planted yeah it is faith
I love you as you stay in position to live on purpose you're going to see God do what
God can only do in your life and doesn't God always only do the things that God can do in my life because you know he's
God he does God things and why would I need to stay in position in order for God to do
God things you know because God does God things because he's God and for you to do that Kamika make sure you don't you don't get out of position don't do not step outside of your assignment no don't step outside of the the will of God come on don't what's my assignment exactly do you do does anyone know what my assignment is out of where God has placed you you've got to you've got to remember even if you don't see the fruit right now yeah it's in seed form whoo come on I feel this in the spirit and if the fruit loops are in seed form got it okay now hang on a second here
I did miss the word deliverance on my card copy V well let's see here hmm
I'm sure I could I could have sworn I heard shifting in favor but I'm I'm not gonna put it out there at this point but okay coming back to this and apparently
Jonathan Richardson is giving an individual prophetic word to some gal named Kamika and see for that means that a harvest is on the way yeah share the video even if you don't see it
Coleman it's in seed form and if it's in seed form that means that a harvest is on the way so you don't you don't watch this you don't pull a seed out of the ground before before it gets the sprout amen today church you don't you don't pull you don't pull a seed out of the ground
Nicole before it gets the sprout no you you got to let the seed sit come on right yeah
I'm not not sure exactly how the application takes place on this but you got to let the seed sit you know don't pull it out the
Holy Ghost is changing my message but I'm gonna stay I'm gonna try to weave it back in you got it you got a slip did you hear that he said the
Holy Ghost is trying to change his message and he literally said that he's gonna like defy what the
Holy Ghost that says is doing let me let me back this up he's literally saying God's telling him to do one thing and he's not gonna do it hang on what goes is changing my message but I'm gonna stay
I'm gonna try to weave it back in you got it you know he's basically said he's gonna disobey the the thing he thinks is the
Holy Ghost talking to him so we have a disobedient prophet on our hands here folks this is a first for dumpster fire and for a prophecy bingo a prophet literally saying
God's telling him to do one thing and he said no right in the middle of receiving a download who knew let that seed sit until it sprouts hey
Sequoia hey y 'all share the video send some hearts up so if you if you have a is it me or does it is it weird that this guy like he's calling out only the women on the list of people watching him
I think he's looking for a date I you know seed form you've got to be very very intentional not to get discouraged because you don't see the fruit yet you've got to let that seed come yeah you've got to let that seed be watered come on today you've got to let that seed sit until the right time where God blesses that seed and you see the fruit and the harvest
I believe it's hard but I believe it's a harvest season for many oh yeah we go we go talk about all of this but but I just got to give you this that I feel that my spirit if you're going to believe for open doors
I had a conversation with someone yesterday in our um what does it mean to believe for an open door
I am I'm a little confused here but a focus program she's in New Jersey I want to say yeah
I had a conversation with her yesterday and I minister yeah you seem to be having a conversation with only women in your prophetic utterances here it's weird yeah do you minister to men as well or is this like to some special women's ministry thing that you're doing here word of the
Lord to her and she she does athletics and she does this she does that and I told her probably about three months ago three or four months ago
I told her I said you're going to be a you're going to be a basketball coach
I said your ministry or rather your passion is attached to your ministry stay with me
Church I'm going somewhere I told her your passion is attached to your ministry and she used to play basketball and I said you're going to be a basketball coach and a lot of what you're going to do is going to be tied to mentorship so as you coach basketball you're going to be a mentor and you're going to do nonprofit work and you're going to travel and we spoke yesterday we hadn't talked about this in at least three or four months we spoke yesterday yeah and she said would you believe that the director at the
Community College asked me to be an assistant basketball coach no way I said really y 'all stay with me y 'all stay with me okay with me
I'm there and then I began to minister to her and I said well well she's like yeah again he seems to be very focused on ministering to women
Ram is this it doesn't have weights here follow me that program doesn't have weights the basketball coach don't know what they doing no no team is bad and I said it couldn't be any worse than this prophecy here's what
I've learned and and and my dear brother -in -law used to say this all the time he said that God creates the environment before he puts you in it hear me church why would
God send you someplace that doesn't need anything are you with me this morning okay so here's the thing you want to talk about good works we could talk about good works
I mean all of our good works are for the sake of our neighbor and those are clearly defined by the
Ten Commandments and you know if you're not even sure on this like read the back end of Ephesians and lists all the ways in which we do our good works and you know why all this mystery about some special assignment that I'm supposed to have when like God's Word says you know be a good husband be a good wife be a good father be a good mother you know stuff like that follow me why would
God put you in a position where your gift cannot be used I have no idea are you with me so far why no but why would the
Lord send you into a project that does not need your skill set does not need your talents does not need what you have to offer and my point that I made to her was if you can continue to stay there and be faithful God is going to open doors for you and in the next two to three years you're going to be a head basketball coach and what
I told her was do not get frustrated with what you see because yeah you know this guy sounds more like a psychic you know who likes ministering to women
God wouldn't send you someplace if you weren't needed now can
I come on your street I want you to understand that in this season of your life the reason doors are going to be open for you faith is because people need what you have to offer come on type it on the screen today and declare it people need what
I have to offer come on type it on the screen share the video let's let's just be an agreement for purpose position and open doors purpose position and open doors so purpose position open doors from the lady's prophet himself
Jay Richardson all right moving along you'll note something here this is
Joshua August and I know it's an October prophecy August just happens to be his last name and the name of his prophetic word for 2018 is the one -minute prophecy and we're pretty sure this goes a little longer than one minute here we go what's going on YouTube land and social media ville
Joshua August here your host of one minute prophecy great to see you I'm excited about our
October word I put together two pages for you today there's no way you're reading that in one minute dude there is no way you're that in one minute huh and I can't wait to dive into that please subscribe uh -huh and I'm feeling kind of patriotic today good
I bet you can't guess what country I'm in but anyway Argentina is god bless you all whoever's watching and take he said to guess what you can and what means something to you from this word okay okay let's just get into it yeah all right the
Lord was saying to me remember it's the anointing that separates the yoke that sets people the anointing separates the yoke you know usually when
I separate the white from the yoke I use either there's a technique that I use and you basically you just break the egg in half and then like you you just do this until the yoke and the egg are set yeah that's what
I do this up just saying free that draws people to the throne and their spirits it draws them to the
Lord yeah everyone yearns for that everyone wants a touch from God our spirit was made for communion with God it's classic guys but we can never hear it enough it's not by might nor by power but by my spirit says the
Lord yeah that's actually found in the Bible I'm glad you found that by the way Zechariah 4 6 which means
I don't need you to tell me that but okay God says be faithful don't give up continue to plow continue to pray
I'm not a farmer I continue to plow I've never plowed once how can
I continue to plow this makes no sense so Stephen Furtick released the message a few months ago let the dirt do its work a lot did he just say that Stephen Furtick released a word a few months ago let the dirt do the work how did
I miss that my life will never be the same now that I've heard it Wow okay let the dirt do the work from the prophet
Stephen Furtick God to bring life out of the mess out of the situations the trials the tribulations yeah the obstacles yeah and it's in the darkness and the unseen that the growth and the life begins and it takes time guys yeah and I don't like to hear this any more than you do but enjoy the process is for me
I'm a go -getter it's hard to do that but I encourage you just enjoy yourselves you're only gonna be in this phase of life one time you know what
I mean no you don't know what you mean
I mean what phase am I in exactly what are you referring to just take a minute and then smell the roses okay okay
I hear the phrase hope is restored amen right ah feel so good oh amen right okay sure hope is restored
I'm so glad it was about time that God restored hope it's not like we are given a hope in Scripture you know like the hope of eternal life and newer newer face -to -face with Christ kind of stuff coming when
Jesus returns you know that I talked about hope I mean but I'm so glad that God finally decided to get around to restoring hope it minute two in this one minute prophecy hope hope hope hope
God was God is restoring all things lost and forgotten yeah about his glory and ability you are going to walk in the greatness that he designed for you and I just feel that we had a season seasons even up to a year
I'll probably mention that again later but it's we're heading into a season where just just as hope and blessing and it's just a new the coin is flipping the tide is turning amen yeah and God says you are his beloved do not mess any moms and dads out there friends you say do not is it do not mess or do not miss
I yeah let's roll that back a little bit I'm a little confused on what it got exactly
God is supposedly saying here hang on not mess man any moms and dads out there friends you say do not mess and that's very clear and that's how yeah no
I'm a little confused I'm yeah we'll have to let our linguists work on this see if they can figure this out
God feels about you he's not gonna let things harm you yeah and take advantage of you yeah they may it may look like they get ahead a little but they do not win in the end read the
Bible yeah in the end never works out yeah especially for false prophets I mean you should hear what the
Bible has to say about the fate of those who blaspheme God's name there's going to be an increase in your anointing and God is gonna remind you of what you used to walk in what you used to dabble in what you used to men
I used to walk in like 32 inch waist Levi's okay it's been a while so are you saying
God's gonna let me walk in those again I can hardly wait during and all the battling sometimes we can lose sight of God's goodness we can forget all the things he's done you know even
I was reading but reading Elijah today he called down fire on all the prophets but then
Jezebel threatened him and he immediately forgot about that and you know even David he was up and down in the
Psalms you know he would usually find his way by the end but when Saul was chasing him when
Saul's chasing you yeah or trials or Saul isn't chasing anybody have you read the
Bible I mean he actually died on a battlefield and went to Sheol that's what
Scripture says have y 'all been chased by Saul lately no okay good it's not just me okay hardships are chasing you it's it's easy to forget
God in front of you yeah but God is restoring that hope is restored yeah with this new confidence there's gonna be people watching you're gonna start facing age -old fears folks come on say it with me you're beginning to have the courage to step over obstacles and walls that have held you back for years yeah years guys come on yeah huh
God says no more it's time to run chains are breaking off time to run if I've my legs have been in shackles for an extended period of time my muscles have atrophied
I'm not running nowhere serious all kinds of fears guys yeah about public speaking worship leading starting businesses ministries self -confidence fear that you're not good enough that you're not called what about fear of spiders you think
God will be helping those people you're not anointed yeah all is being restored okay declare it over yourself like it says in Job decree it also popped in my head children who are straggling along with their walk with the
Lord or struggling with their relationships with Christ they're starting to wake up a little
I'm starting to notice that God is love he is power he is real spirit
Israel uh -huh just kidding yeah okay four minutes 42 seconds into a one -minute prophecy
I'm gonna move on to the next boy okay so Kevin bridges here my apologies the energy level of the prophecy bingo is about to tank my apologies this is the lowest energy profit on planet earth brace yourselves
I don't think it gets any more lower energy than this but here we go this is a prophetic word for October 2018 the father is saying get ready stand ready and stand prepared for what
I am doing in this day and in this time is significant I repeat what
I am doing in this time and in this season is significant yeah isn't like everything
God does significant I mean does God do anything insignificant
I mean okay ready and prepare yourselves prepare your hearts for what is coming next well
I don't know what's coming next how do I prepare myself for it you know I'll give an example from my own life here you know years and years and years ago after my wife and I got married she got pregnant and we were given the news that we were gonna be parents like in less than a year and you know because we knew what was coming we were able to prepare and so we didn't prepare for just anything we prepared for a child and so you're telling me that what
God's doing in the season is significant that I need to prepare for it but I have no clue what God's supposed to be doing so what am
I supposed to be expecting how do I prepare if I don't know the details I'm a transition and a time of change is upon you transition transition is a bingo word is it on my card okay entering in to a huge huge breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough that and I think that's on my card hang on a second yes there it is okay let's see here and don't worry
I already knew I cheated I'm not repenting okay let's see here coming back let's see there we go breakthrough that is as instrumental and as significant as the time of the
Reformation a transformation that is monumental the father is saying get ready prepare your hearts because what is coming next is significant
I see you don't know what it is it's just whatever it is it will be significant so prepare prepare for the significant enter in to October the scrolls of heaven being opened and scrolls of heaven were opened in October I had you know well here we are it's the end of the month
I mean did you guys see anything on the news here about scrolls being open nothing like that in my area either things being read out things being read out in the heavenly court and assignments being given to the angels assignments being given to the angels don't you think that if like angels are ministering spirits and you know and they attend to the
Saints and the elect and things like that that like as long as human beings are born and people are being brought to faith in Christ that God would be handing out angelic assignments like all along the way
I mean when did God stop giving angelic assignments and then all of a sudden just like start back up again you know and how did how exactly does it help me to know that like oh wow this is the season when
God's handing out angelic assignments my whole walk with Jesus is gonna change because of that you wait for the words that come forth from our mouths as we speak the will of God into being
I see what I speak the will of God into being no no that would make me deity um
Wow assignments being given to them assignments of transformation assignments of change
I sense that there are things which are coming what is that background behind him
I mean that looks like a burned -out house maybe it symbolizes like his theology or something
I don't know in this next year which will be monumental in scale one picture which the
Lord gave me recently yeah was a landscape of many buildings many buildings where isn't a landscape about the land everything is flattened yeah tall buildings are completely flattened but only a few buildings stand stuck remain standing and though we expecting a nuclear
Holocaust what are we expecting here I mean you said it was gonna be significant now you're making me feel like you know a major city anywhere in the world is about ready to be leveled and flattened by a bomb and yet he delivers it like deadpan okay few buildings are now the tallest buildings in the whole terrain in the whole area yeah and this is a symbolic picture that I sense the
Lord has given me that there is a time coming when leaders who have been prideful will be humbled when those who have exalted themselves will be laid low and where those yeah that's a major theme of the
Bible I don't need a YouTube prophet telling me that this is supposedly coming
God's Word actually says that all right moving along let's see if we can take the energy up a little bit
Jojo Dawson and his October Word are you are it's right there in the name of the video with the apparently the prophetic word for October 2018 is obvious obvious yeah obviously that's okay hey friends
I hope everybody is having an excellent day yeah you know a lot of times different people have prophetic words of the month well
I never really set out to get a prophetic word of the month unless I get a word just in my prayer time that God drops me right before a month and I think it's very important well for October I do have a word for this month and it is the word obvious what happened was
I was sitting there writing this this is like prophecy
Sesame Street okay the reason I say that is because when I was growing up like Sesame Street brought to you by the number three you know the word obvious and in and the number two you know a book that I'll be releasing soon and it was about prayer and in this chapter it was about when we diligently seek the
Lord we will find him when we seek for God with was that a plug for his book that yeah that was a plug for his book okay just want to make sure
I understood that what I just heard there was a plug for his book got it of our heart we will find him and he will show us great mighty things just like Jeremiah 33 and three yeah calling to me and I will show you great mighty things and I just stopped and I just said
God I work hard I give I pray I fast
I do every ministry you've called me to do I don't hold back I have no compromise in my life
I am 100 % consecrated on the thing you told God that there's no compromise in your life oh wow yeah that you may as well be trying to convince
God that you're sinless scripture says that if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us but if we confess our sins
God who's faithful and just will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness but you just basically said there's no compromise inside of you
Wow okay and God didn't laugh in your face okay that you've called us to do
Lord we have an amazing team with Roar Church Texarkana God we have an amazing team put together yeah
Texarkana yeah that's a made famous area of the read of the United States in the smoking in the bandit you know it's all about running booze to Texarkana anyway
Roar Apostolic Network we're welcoming in so many sons and daughters God everything is lined up to have an amazing revival outpouring
Reformation breakthrough time what is the outpouring
Reformation breakthrough I think all of well I don't know Reformation is one of our bingo words but I've heard it two times now in the month of October hold up and I was burying my heart with the
Lord yeah and I heard one word obvious you already said that yeah that's obvious and so I stopped writing
I closed my computer I said God I know you're about to speak to me and I'm ready to receive and the
Lord said I want you to tell my children that I am about to do the obvious this would make
God into captain obvious I'm having a hard time picturing
God as captain obvious this is messing with my theology and I took that as well
Lord I've laid out everything how everything's in perfect position we're doing everything that we know you've called us to do yeah and a lot of you you've done everything
God has called you to do you have fasted no I haven't you know read the
Ten Commandments and then like answer yourself like honestly am I doing these things and then you realize wait a second
I'm not doing everything that God has asked me to do like far from it prayed you've prayed like it all depends on God and you've worked like it all depends on you and you're saying
God when is the breakthrough going to happen and what the Lord showed me the theology of this thing is so wackerdoodle okay so I've got to do all these things and prove to God and then
God's gonna give me a breakthrough you know this breakthrough theologies just sounds oppressive was there are so many times that he does things that just blows us away yeah but not this time no he is gonna do the obvious if you see how does this help me
I've got I have words of comfort to to deliver to all of you straight from the throne of heaven this is fresh out of heaven's bakery are you ready
God's gonna do the obvious oh didn't you feel the goosebumps when
I said that oh we're saved baby who's eight months pregnant yeah it is obvious she's about to have a baby yeah if you see somebody's yard who needs mowing it is obvious that they need their grass cut if you're watching a
YouTube prophet it's obvious he's a false prophet or she's a false prophet yeah okay there are so many things in your life that you need that you know you need
God knows you need them and the Lord is about to do the obvious in so many different and yet in God's Word you've heard of this thing the
Bible right you know God talks about how he knows our needs even before we ask and so we're he he literally teaches us in his
Word to pray to him and to expect good things from him and to expect that he's gonna meet our needs
I mean it's so obvious it's actually written in black and white in the Bible you've heard of this thing right people's life and it was so neat because right when
God spoke this a few hours later yeah we got a phone call regarding one of our ministries for something that we desperately need it is obvious that we need it there was a phone call that was offering exactly what we needed and here's the neat thing three days before this
I was in prayer yeah and I was just talking to the Lord and just seeking him and and and I just said
God I'm on the verge of a breakthrough Lord what do I need to do and I heard
I mean if you are on the verge of a breakthrough how would you know it how would you know you're on the verge and by the way this is kind of one of the traps of the charismatic in any our churches they're they're always saying your breakthrough is just around the corner you are on the verge of your breakthrough this is like a standard pablum and don't give up now keep pressing in be intentional and your breakthrough it's just around the corner then some prophet stands up and says this is the season when
God is delivering breakthroughs right yeah word yes yeah declare declare declare and so I went and got out all my prophetic words that God's been speaking to me all the prophetic work if you need prophetic words just grab a prophecy bingo card and hit the refresh you can grab a whole bunch of prophetic words none of them mean anything but that I've had numerous apostles and prophets give to me yeah and so I started declaring over all of these things yeah friends yeah
I'm here to tell you things right after one right after another are falling into place there's people yeah things
I don't know what those things are those vague things they're they're falling into place right now because we're on the verge of the breakthrough it's obvious I've been praying for my phone starts ringing yeah the things that I was declaring declaring declaring over were happening one right after another no way
Wow what were those things again because you're not really giving details just feel like you're telling a story so many people things were falling into place so I took all of that I said
Lord this is right before October yeah October is going to be the month that the obvious things happen moving along moving a lot
I use my inside voice right now okay the reason I need to use my inside voice is because we're about to be shouted at okay
I you need to brace yourself watch the volume on your headsets right here folks
I'm gonna try to try I'm gonna try not to make it so that your headphones clear your ears out we're gonna be hearing from prophetess
Monica she's a first here at fighting for the faith this is about one of the highest energy prophetesses we've seen yet so hold on brace yourselves here we go happy new month the month of double grace the month of double favor
I tell you you must carry the favor of God this month and not only favor but double favor and double grace you know what in this you must carry double faith then double grace okay
I you must yeah this is an imperative oh no month of October favor and grace will work for you when you carry favor when you carry grace you don't struggle a lot why because it will make things easy for you where you are struggling using a lot of energy may grace and favor answer you and locate you the doors that could not open may they open by the grace and by the favor of God opportunities will locate you because of the favor and the grace of God you know what that job you're gonna get it the promotion you're going to get it that tender and that contract the promotion promotion that's a that's prophecy bingo word hang on I gotta rest here
I forgot to stretch before I hit the play button for that lady Wow okay I'm getting it like a hamstring pull here hi and this is almost like a one -minute prophecy
I mean but the pace that she's going oh you are so close to getting yeah I I've kind of given up on yeah cheating has gotten me nowhere you know but I've don't worry
I'll be cheating next month too but I'm glad that your card is almost filled up let's see we're racing towards the end here so if you if you're not close to a bingo now you know the chances that you'll get one are not so good but what do we need we need the word victory what do we need breaker okay all right all right see if Monica can come through okay
I'm rested again let's let's hit the play button and go back at it here we go for you because grace and favor is upon you in the month of October you are going far in another level you are shifting into another level by the grace of God by the favor of God and you know what this
Wednesday that that of October the prophetic hour is on we are going to be of October and also we are going to be talking about the grace of God and the favor of God actually did she say the words she's gonna be commanding the month of October is it does
October have ears you know I just you know there's October I you know what does
October look like you know I'm curious the grace of God the favor of God in double portion so do not miss
I'll be talking about the favor and about the grace of God that of October coming
Wednesday 5 p .m. to 8 30 p .m. at Nassico chambers that is where we're gonna be and I assure you a life will never be the same again yeah and so right at the end there we get the plug for her
October 3rd prophetic breakthrough night at Nassico chambers yeah and do not come alone come with a friend may favor locate you may the grace of God start working for you and enjoy the month of favor okay so those are our
October prophecies those of you who got prophecy bingo and actually made the bingo this you know congratulations
I I messed up I I cheated and it didn't help me any but that's okay that's okay you know so if you found this helpful or fun share it with other people if you haven't already subscribed to our channel you can subscribe down below all the information on how to subscribe is is down there and of course the information how to support the the ongoing work of fighting for the faith in pirate