Hey Kanye West, we got banned from Amazon Prime!


After people began sharing #BAMH2 with Kanye West, noticed the movie was no longer available on Amazon. Help us get the word out. You can get more at http://apologiastudios.com. Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. #ApologiaStudios You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy. In our Academy you can take a courses on Christian apologetics and much more. Follow us on social media here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ApologiaStudios/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/apologiastudios?lang=en Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apologiastudios/?hl=en


And, and I noticed today when people were sending
Babies Are Still Murdered Here to Kanye West, I got messages that said the movie wasn't available to be watched.
And I was like, well, that's, that's really strange. I'm not exactly sure what happened there.
And well, it turns out that this week, Amazon banned
Babies Are Still Murdered Here from the platform. They banned it. It is unavailable to be viewed.
And just to show you guys, I have it pulled up here. This is, if you're not logged in, it'll tell you this video is currently unavailable to watch in your, in your location.
Now I bought the movie. So it still says that I can watch it because I bought it on Prime, which is why
I never noticed it before. And so I thought it was strange that people were saying that they weren't able to watch it because every time
I went, it was fine. So I logged out and I noticed it was saying, and people were sending me screenshots in America saying that it was unavailable to watch in America.
And so just, just to show you, I didn't get any email about this.
I wasn't alerted by Amazon about this, but I did manage to get this screenshot right here today.
When I went in to figure out why people weren't able to watch it, it says, we are always listening to customer feedback and iterating on their behalf.
Customer feedback, including but not limited to a combination of star reviews, customer reviews, and or customer viewing behavior has indicated this title does not meet our customer content quality expectations.
As a result of all other, all offers include, uh, as a result, all offers included with Prime by, uh, and rent, uh, have been removed, will not be accepting resubmission of impacted titles.
Uh, this will not impact royalties or whatever, uh, and you'll get paid whatever. We didn't get paid hardly anything anyway, but so, so here we have, it says it's based on a combination of star reviews, customer reviews, and customer reviews.
If you go here, actually, it's not allowing me, oh yeah. So here we go.
So if you go to the reviews, you notice this is, this is my theory. You know, it's like it's, it's a first tag pro -life end abortion.
So it takes all these words out of the reviews and from there they've determined that the movie is not worth watching.
But if you notice, it has a 4 .7 out of 5 with over 342 global customer ratings from verified people who've watched it.
And sure there's some negative reviews in there, but it's only like 5%, which isn't, which isn't terrible.
Like that's a really, actually, that's really good for an independent film. Those, those reviews are really good.
So, so my only assumption that, that I think could be made is the fact that they have labeled this as a pro -life film based on the reviews.
That's how they sort of determine what the movie's about. And so it would, it would be pro -life movement, life movement, gospel of Jesus, but along with must watch, must see, well done, eyeopening, along with those, you also have these conservative trigger words as is probably the best way to say.
So anyway, so I don't really know how to get it back on Amazon Prime. We spent a lot of money on a billboard here in Arizona that tells people to go to Amazon Prime and watch it.
And they're not able to watch it. It is available. It is available on YouTube. So if you're watching on YouTube right now, you can go to YouTube and type in babies are still murdered here and it comes up as well as the first one is still available on YouTube.
So you can still watch it there. And I'd encourage everybody to go watch it there. And dang it, don't, don't stop
Kanye West from watching this movie. I thought it was really cool people were,
I thought it was really cool people were sending it to Kanye. I didn't, I don't expect. I don't expect
Kanye West to, to watch the movie or, or that it might even come to him.
But I thought it was really neat. People were sending it to him with all the pro -life tweets and, and, and now they, they blocked it like that.
Which is, which is really interesting because I don't think like, I just,
I just think it's really interesting that it was, it was blocked like it was. Um, so, so what
I would like you guys to do is to spread the word about what Amazon did. The big tech executives were just meeting before Congress this week talking about all this sort of stuff.
Oh, you know, trying to be, trying to be fair and balanced and we just want to get rid of misinformation. Well, look, the people that were watching this movie were liking this movie.
There's evidence of that. The screenshots show that people like it. The keywords that Amazon itself picked out show that people like it.
And yet here we are and, uh, it was removed. It was removed.
Uh, and it was, it was getting quite a bit of views. Uh, so, so the fact that Amazon Prime did this is, is insane to me.
Um, it's insane. This movie wasn't, it was, it was just, it could be a mistake.
Uh, it could be something that I don't know about, uh, but all signs of the history of big tech point to the fact, uh, that this was removed automatically because of the keywords that came up in the reviews.
And I'll just, uh, we can just go back and look at that one more time. We see that this movie is considered pro -life.
It's tagged as ending abortion. Pro -life movement is another word that comes up.
And as a result of that, Amazon has determined, uh, based on customer reviews and combination of star reviews, which
I don't think is true because our star reviews are pretty good. In fact, actually, I was looking at, uh, the reviews for American gospel.
So yeah, so American gospel, if you go here, so you still have the same 14 .99,
86%, uh, and 4 % one star. They have more reviews there.
And if you go to the, I guess there's more, more American gospel, this one for this one,
Christ crucified. Okay. So this is closer to ours. 4 .52, 86%.
So it actually, our actually, uh, babies are murdered here is, is ranked less, uh, ranked higher in terms of the star review.
So it's not the star reviews, uh, that, that it was, but again, see it automatically, their
AI automatically picks out words from the reviews to determine the kind of movie that it is.
And so if you, again, we can go here to babies are murdered here and we can see it picked it out as pro -life, eye -opening, end abortion and all these things.
And the result of course, is that now no longer, it can no longer be viewed by new people on Amazon prime.
And, and that's a shame. I think it goes to show that the people who are saying that there is a conservative bias towards social media, uh, conservatives on social media,
Christians on social media, it's absolutely a hundred percent true. It's a 100%, um, not a lie.
There is a bias towards conservatives. And so, so please spread the message.
Maybe you can, we can tag Amazon prime on Twitter, uh, tag them on Facebook, ask
Amazon prime, Hey, what's going on here? Why would, why was this, why was this removed?
It makes no sense why this movie was removed, uh, especially after, you know, we spent money on a billboard for this, uh, and, and, and, and, and, and, and so, yeah.
So again, it doesn't make any sense. Um, and the only thing that makes sense based on the reason that they gave us, which is very, remember, they didn't even send us an email to let us know that it was removed.
We found this out. We found this out as a result of people trying to share the movie with Kanye West and, uh, which
I appreciate. I think it's great. I don't know if I'll ever see it. Maybe he will. Maybe if you guys share this video with him, he'll see it.
But, uh, but yeah, so they, people were trying to share the movie with Kanye West and then people were messaging me on Twitter and saying,
Hey, uh, we, we don't see it's, it's available. We can't view it. How do we watch it? And, uh, and well, uh, you can't, you can't.
So, but if you do want to watch it, you can go to YouTube, type in the title of the movie on YouTube and, uh, it'll come up, but, but yeah, so, uh,
I, I think, I think that's insane. I mean, uh, uh, thanks for the super chat
Lauren Holiday. Really appreciate that. Uh, but, but anyway, um, yeah, so let's see, let me see,
I'll see if there's any questions on, uh, on, on, uh, on Facebook cause
I was mainly looking, focusing on YouTube. Yeah. Someone says they checked it out. It's gone.
Uh, somebody said you were, guys were able to keep it up so much longer than I thought. Any way to fight back?
I think the one thing we're going to do is we need you guys to let people know this happened and alert
Amazon to it and cause an outrage. Let the daily wire. No, let, uh, uh, uh,
Steven Crowder now let all these people know that this movie was removed because specifically it's pro -life, uh, based on what
Amazon said, based on everything that was said, it was removed. And we are seeing the effects of big tech censorship and bias towards conservatives.
So, you know, we say it all the time, uh, there is no neutrality. Algorithms are not neutral.
Artificial intelligence is not neutral. Artificial intelligence is created and it had artificial intelligence has the worldview of their creator.
Um, and, and so, and so we're seeing that come into effect when you have a liberal big tech, uh, a godless big tech, uh, they're making algorithms with an anti -Christian, anti -conservative worldview.
That's what we're seeing now. PragerU is talking about it. Uh, big tech was just out in Congress this week.
They were being asked questions about it. And everybody seems, uh, to be talking about this issue because it's so obvious.
It is so obvious. Um, and, and the, the solution to this is the market.
Uh, it's actually not government, uh, censorship. I don't think, I think the solution is the market.
People need to scream out and demand, uh, that, uh, with their wallet and their voice and their
Twitter accounts, social media accounts, they need to demand and expose us when it happens.
Because usually when it happens on a big enough scale, uh, uh, big tech will back down and reverse course.
And so that's the way to do it. The free market, just holding their feet to the fire and demanding, uh, that this sort of thing, uh, doesn't happen anymore is, is really, really important.
Uh, so I would say thanks to everybody that, uh, brought this to my attention.
Uh, and thanks to everybody that attempted to share it with, with Kanye West. I really think that's great.
Um, is share the YouTube version with them. Don't give up. Maybe now he'll really see it, but, uh, yeah, so that's, that, that, that's what
I have, what I have to say. Just, uh, just please, uh, share this video, let people know about it, uh, spread the word about it.
Um, uh, don't tag all the conservative news outlets you can, uh, to write about it, to, to bring this to people's attention.
Um, I think it's really important. I think the evidence is clear. I, uh, and I think it's, it's pretty obvious, uh, that that's what happened.
So, so again, thanks to, thanks again to everybody.
Uh, please share this. Please don't let this go quietly into the night. Please, uh, don't just forget about this.
This is important. This has huge ramifications, um, towards fighting abortion in this country.
If they remove the ability for us to spread the message, uh, it makes it more and more difficult.
Um, it's hard, it makes it difficult on, on filmmakers. It's tough enough for filmmakers as it is to, to, to make, to get their, uh, film scene,
Christian YouTubers to build a channel, uh, to, it's hard enough. And, um, if we don't come together and fight this and demand, uh, with our, our wallets and our authority as consumers, uh, that they put an end to this, uh, well, we're just, uh, you know, we're, we're, it's just going to get worse for us.
We have to fight. So, uh, that's what I would hope that you would do. Uh, thanks again to everybody for watching.
Please please share, share the video. Please let people know, tag people. Uh, you can tag
Apologia Studios on Twitter. You can tag me, I'm King Ginger on Twitter. Um, and then, uh, let's, let's get the word out there.
Let's make this happen. Uh, and, and, and, and let's, uh, let Amazon know that, uh, we're not, we're not going to, we're not going to take it.
We're not just going to let them, uh, bully us, uh, because they don't like our opinions or views.
Uh, so again, thanks again. Thanks everybody for watching. I hope you guys have, uh, a fantastic day.