Blessed Are The Eyes That See


Sermon: Blessed Are The Eyes That See Date: December 31, 2023, Afternoon Text: Luke 10:21–24 Series: Luke Preacher: Brian Garcia Audio:


Church, why don't you stay standing and please turn your Bibles to Luke chapter 10 we're gonna be examining
Luke chapter 10 verses 21 to 24 Again we invite you to stay standing for the reading of God's Word Luke chapter 10 verse 21 hear you this afternoon the war of the
Lord In the same hour he rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and said I thank you father
Lord of heaven and earth that you've hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children
Yes father for such was your gracious will All things have been handed over to me by my father and no one knows who the son is
Except the father or who the father is except the son and anyone to whom the son
Chooses to reveal him and turn to the disciples He said privately blessed are the eyes that see what you see for I tell you that many prophets and kings desire to see what you see and did not and To hear what you hear and did not hear it.
This is the word of the Lord. You may be seated Allow me to ask the
Lord's blessing Over our teaching father we do ask humbly for the same spirit in Which the
Lord Jesus rejoiced in The same spirit that raised him from the grave
It's in spirit which hovered over the void of creation the same spirit that brings us
Both physical and spiritual life the breath of God may it fall upon us
May we rejoice in it and may we have ears To hear eyes to see in hearts to receive that which you've laid before us in your word
For the glory of the one and only Son from the Father full of grace and truth to whom be glory.
Amen Well church again, we have the privilege of looking and examining the scripture this afternoon
Particularly the words of the Lord Jesus Christ from Luke chapter 10. I told you we'd be going out of order this morning
We preached from chapter 10 verse 25 to 37 Now we will take the preceding verses from 21 to 24 and examine what it is
The Lord has for us this afternoon. The name of the sermon is blessed are the eyes that see
You know, we take for granted the blessing that it is to see I am having general eye health issues and Had to visit a
Specialist just a couple days ago again Because I've been having problems with my right eye and some vision problems
You've kind of some of you are aware of some of the eye health issues And you know for the longest time
I took for granted my eye health, although my eye health has always been pretty poor It wasn't to I was around maybe 16 years old or 17 years old that I got glasses for the first time
And this is around the same time which high -definition TVs are becoming a thing And so I remember when
I got my glasses, it was like putting on HD glass I could see everything in high -definition nice and crisp and And even now as my eye condition worsens.
I am again faced with the decision of having to cherish The vision that I have and the and also the limitations that it comes with Friends we take for granted the gift of seeing
Yet there are many Who have eyes to see? Yet do not actually see
I think of a friend that I had older woman from the first church
I attended and She was born blind and I may have shared this with you before but you know
I used to ask her all the time I say how do you know the difference between colors? Did you ever talk about blind person you want to ask some questions like How do you know what something looks like?
What do you dream about? What are you seeing your dreams all these questions and these answers?
I'm getting from this person and and at one days I'm asking all these questions and stuff and and then finally I one of the questions.
I asked her is it's What's the worst thing about being blind her answer was quite fascinating it was?
Not knowing to whether to trust people when handing them certain bills You think you take that for granted right you know?
What's the difference between a dollar bill a $20 bill $100 bill? And you hand it to a person at the cash register.
You don't really know Okay, and I asked her. What's the best thing about being blind?
She says the best thing about being blind is the first thing I'll see is Jesus That's the best thing oh
Does she have eyes to see? Because with little eyesight or with little vision that she has ever experienced
She has more vision than the vast majority of people who have ever lived She has true eyes true eyes of faith to see the glory and the majesty of Jesus And she is still alive today, but she's a older I think she's now in her almost in her 80s
And the first thing she'll see when she goes to be of the Lord is the face of her
Savior How precious is that? And yet so many today take for granted the gift of seeing and here in this text of scripture
Jesus after sending forth his 70 after they returned rejoicing because of the
Kingdom authority that they had now vested in them because of the power name of Jesus It says that in that same hour the same hour in which he saw the disciples returned rejoicing
He then rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and said I thank you father
Lord of heaven and earth You've hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children
Yes father for such was your gracious will Jesus rejoices in the
Holy Spirit We as Christians believe in one true and eternal God the
Father the Son and the Holy Spirit Not that these be three gods
Nor three manifestations of this one God rather we hold to this creedal
Confession that there is one God in three persons one eternal and blessed
Trinity or as one of the creeds say we worship one God in Holy Trinity and This Trinity is revealed even in this text of scripture where you have in the same breath the
Lord Jesus praying Rejoicing in the Holy Spirit just as we are later by the
Apostle Paul instructed to pray in the Spirit And what does it look like to pray in the spirit?
What isn't some? orgasmic prayer of Speaking in foreign tongues or languages nor is it a euphoric experience of falling to the ground?
but rather Jesus shows us what it is to pray in the Spirit and it is a prayer that focuses on the grandeur greatness holiness and Majesty of the one true
God. I thank you father Lord of heaven and earth
Jesus centers his prayer on the father as he other places taught us to pray our father
Who are in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done when
Jesus sets that model of prayer He's not telling us that this is the way you ought to always pray in this methodical way or of this
Almost in this paganistic way of just having this ritual. He warns against that in the preceding verses of the
Lord's Prayer He tells us not to pray like the heathens not to pray like the pagans who do so just out of vain repetition
But rather a prayer that glorifies the heart of God is a prayer that Focuses on the
Lordship and grandeur of this one true God. So he again says I thank you father See you see again that model prayer that he sets for us in the fall and our father prayer or the
Lord's Prayer You are father Lord of heaven or if you have hidden these things
What things? Does he speak of? What was hidden that is now revealed to the children of the
Most High God? But what precedes this text in chapter 10 of Luke is
Christ's message of the kingdom this kingdom message this kingdom gospel that the 12 and then the 70 the 72 go forth preaching and proclaiming to the different towns to the different cities
Is the very kingdom that he is rejoicing that is now being made manifest through his ministry
This is what is the focus of his of the revelation of his prayer here for his disciples
He thanks the Lord. He thanks the maker of heaven and earth that you've hidden these things from the wise and understanding mimicking or the
Apostle Paul later mimics this prayer in 1st Corinthians when he says that it was not to the wise of This age or to the debater of this age that he's revealed these certain truths
But by his spirit to those who are spirit bought sons and daughters so too
We see with great anticipation The Lord Jesus sank likewise and saying that model for Paul later to follow in You've hidden these things from the wise and understanding you revealed them to little children
Think about that for a moment Many of us are parents in this room. We have little children and we
Distinguish a parent from his son or daughter not just by stature Not just by age
But also by wisdom what they know and we tend to think the older you are the wiser now, that's generally true
Generally the older we are with the wiser we are But God's kingdom God's economy things tend to function in a little bit of a different way
It's been called the upside -down kingdom by some commentaries and the reason why there's this upside -down
Kingdom or reality is because what is naturally true in the world is not always spiritually true in the kingdom
What do we mean by that? oftentimes in the world those who are the wisest or the monks the oldest who have a
Background in academics who have a background in foreign policy who have a background in many things and these are the ones who we go to when times get tough
There was a movie that was made several years ago about the economic crash that happened in 2008 called the
Big Short and one of the interesting things on the Big Short is that it's modeled after actual story that happened in real life and One of the individuals who was a young broker his comment was when all this was happening what
Confounded him the most is that when he went into the old building of Lehman Brothers After the
Great Collapse in 2008 after that bank that sent for more than 100 years failed He says he was expecting to see adults in the room, but he didn't find any
All the adults were gone All those who had so much power and stature who are supposed to make all these important decisions were nowhere to be found
And such is true at times Generally in this world, but also spiritually who does
Christ reveal these? important biblical spiritual truths about the kingdom
Not to the high in the lofty not to the bankers not to the politicians
Not to the kings or queens or the princes and princesses, but instead to the lowly To those who are like like into little children
It is to those who you least expect to be given such weighty information such weighty responsibility it is to them that Christ reveals these hidden and secret things
God's kingdom operates Often in an upside -down manner
Which is again why the Lord Jesus after? Glorifying his father.
He says that you have hidden these things from the wise and Understanding reveal them to little children my question for you this afternoon beloved is do you have a child?
Like heart to receive the riches of spiritual truth
Because often what it takes is a child like innocence Again for those of us who are parents we can tell our kids and we tell them right and wrong this is true
This is not true, and it surprises me sometimes How they are so readily to accept what you say simply because you're the one saying it
You're the one saying it. Why would mom or dad tell me something? That's not true Why would they tell me you know they trust you?
And it's that childlike trust that the Lord calls us all to even today even later as we pray
You ever hear a child pray I love it when we do family worship here in these my children pray because they pray in such simple terms
Sometimes seriously sometimes not seriously But when they pray seriously It's almost matter of fact
It's almost like God Thank you, I know you I trust you
I need you amen and Sometimes it just takes that childlike innocence of just knowing who your dad is
Knowing who your provider is knowing where your security is Jesus as a son of the father knew where his security was
Jesus the son of the father knew who his father was and his father knew who he was
That intimacy that relationship That Jesus shares with the father is unique But we also get a glimpse in the fact that we too can have a share in that intimacy of the
Godhead It says this Yes, father for such was your gracious will again
Jesus before Calvin made a pretty good Calvinist When you examine his words when you examine the things that he taught regarding the will and sovereignty of God It is very what we would refer to today as Calvinistic But instead
I would prefer to use the term biblical these are biblical terminologies that center around the immutable will of the
Creator and Jesus Acknowledges that all these good things come from the gracious will of the father he goes on the same verse 22 all things have been handed over to me by my father and No one knows who the son is except the father
This is a pretty earth -shattering statement beloved consider those who believe that Jesus Christ is a prophet or that Jesus Christ is a created being or He's one of other types
How strange it would be Had Moses said That he was such a great personage
That only he knew the father and only the father knew him
Yet such could be the claim of Christ when he says again All things have been handed over to him by my father and no one knows who the son is except the father or who the father is except the son because Jesus shares in the very nature of the father the scripture teaches us emphatically
Time and time again that Jesus who though according to Philippians chapter 2 verse 5 though He was in the very nature
God in the very form the Greek word morphine the reform of God He did not count the equality of God a thing to be held on to or grasped
But he humbled himself by taking the form of a servant He was very
God from the beginning yet in his Self -humiliation in his humility.
He takes upon himself a human nature likened unto us And because of this
Jesus is able to pray but pray not just like any other prayer.
He prays in perfect unison with the father because of who he is intrinsically as the
God man and Jesus praises great prayer and in this great prayer He says all these things all things have been handed over to me by my father.
Can you imagine Isaiah saying that? Jeremiah Ezekiel Saying that there is such a great and important person that all things have been handed to them by the father
Surely these would be words of blasphemy coming from any other human being But they're not words of blasphemy for they come from the
Son of Man who is truly man and truly God He alone shares this unique relationship as the
Apostle John writes concerning this relationship That no one has ever seen God, but the only begotten
God who is in the bosom of the father has explained him has exegeted him Jesus is the one who is at the father's side
He's the only begotten God who can reveal the father But this is what the
Lord Jesus goes on to say for no one knows who the son is Except the father or who the father is except the son in anyone to whom the son chooses to reveal him
Where does a knowledge of Christ and of the Godhead truly come from?
It must be revealed not by flesh and bone But by the
Spirit of Christ This is why even when the Apostle Peter makes that great confession of faith thou art the
Christ the Son of the Living God He says blessed are you? Signing bar Jonah for flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but my father who's in heaven has every spiritual truth comes from the
Father Every spiritual truth comes from the Son Every spiritual truth according to the
Apostle Paul comes from the Spirit You see the unison of the
Godhead of the Father Son and Holy Spirit working in unison to reveal spiritual truth and Such we see here in Holy Scripture when the
Lord Jesus declares emphatically that no one can know the Father or the
Son except through the Son in Whom he chooses to reveal
Christ And the Godhead are fully sovereign over who comes to him
Jesus puts it this way also in John chapter 6 verse 44 that no one can come to him unless the father draws him
Bible says of Christ that should Christ be lifted up. He shall draw all men to himself
Jesus is the one who calls he's the one who draws and he's the one who keeps
We have a security a safety in Jesus knowing this
How will this change? your prayer life Think about this for a moment sincerely
Knowing that you're kept knowing that you are known knowing that you have been called and that you've been chosen
How will this change the way that you pray will it lead you to gratitude like the
Lord Jesus prays Notice the gratitude that fills Christ's heart where in that same hour the disciples return rejoicing
He himself rejoices in the Holy Ghost and he says I thank you father Lord of heaven and earth
That is a cause for rejoicing Do you have eyes to see?
that Spiritual wonderful truth that the Son has been revealed to us
That the Son has chosen to reveal himself to us Not only through Holy Scripture, but also through a personal testimony of the
Holy Spirit This is why in verse 23 Then turning to the disciples he said privately
Blessed are the eyes that see what you see
Begs the question What was he seeing or what is the subject of the seeing that Jesus referred to here again?
What precedes this is this? climatic authority and kingdom power that the seven two are
Expressing over the forces of darkness that even the demons are now subject to them in Jesus name
Again again, remember when he says in verse 19 behold I have given you authority the tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and Nothing shall hurt you nevertheless not rejoice in this that the spirits are subject to you
What are we to rejoice in that your names are written in heaven? that is cause for rejoicing and this
The fact that salvation was coming through the promised Messiah whether things that prophets and King long to see as The apostle
Peter writes in his epistle even angels desired to see and read into these things
Truly then Blesser are the eyes that see what you see Silicon Valley Reformed Baptist Church Blesser the eyes that see what you see
Salvation has come in Jesus Christ reigns over his enemies
He has bound he has bound the strong man and that the kingdom of God is
Advancing shall advance and shall bring an end to every earthly rule and kingdom
This is cause for rejoicing and this is why the eyes of Christians are blessed to see the salvation of the
Lord He says again in verse 24 for I tell you that many prophets and kings desired to see what you see
Did not see it and to hear what you hear and did not hear it
Where do we fail to see and hear? Often time beloved we fail to rejoice in the
Holy Spirit's work in us Notice how the Holy Spirit was at work in the rejoicing of the
Lord Jesus Christ in the earlier text We don't always rejoice in the work of the
Spirit Because one of the Spirit's primary work in the believer is to sanctify us to set us apart
Now in our morning Bible reading we're going through the book of Leviticus Leviticus is a book that focuses on the other this or the holiness of God and his people
Another word for holy is other otherness. It's like separate that's what the word holy means and In Leviticus, we see how there's a lot of regulations a lot of things that are seem strange and foreign to us
What is not the work of the Spirit a strange and foreign thing when it works in us?
when our When our desires change When the things that we once found pleasure in we no longer find pleasure in those things
When the Spirit can fix us of sin and of righteousness These are all very strange things and just as in the book of Leviticus God had called out a distinct people for a distinct name
So he has called us today a distinct people with a peculiar name the name of Christians We are to be
Christians who follow in the footsteps of Jesus And we fail to rejoice in the
Holy Spirit's work often because we don't even see it Sometimes we don't recognize the progress that we are making spiritually
Because we often focus too much on our sin or our errors that we fail to see and recognize the work of the
Spirit in our life friends take time to recognize the Holy Spirit's work in each of us and Rejoice where you see his corrective hand
Rejoice when you see his hand of mercy and compassion rejoice when you see him at work in us and those around us
These needs can be met only in the sovereign Lord of heaven and earth
God is so big. He is so great And he reveals to us that all of our needs are met in him he is sufficient and So great is this message of salvation beloved?
That we have the privilege to declare what Kings and prophets
Wished to see and proclaim. Do you recognize your privileged position in history?
Think about that for a moment You are privileged among church history
Why because not only do we live in a time Post the crucifixion post the resurrection where we get all the spiritual
Benefits of the cross and of his resurrection and his Ascension his intercessory work for us even now
But we also get the benefit of having completely in our hands God's Word Translated in our modern tongue
What a great privilege position we are in that we do not live currently at least in this nation under a great hand of persecution as has been the norm in Christian Church history you see the norm in Christian history is persecution and We live in such a time where we don't have to worry about those
Outsiders trying to do us harm for what we do within these walls Those days may be coming but we're not there yet Therefore it is our duty beloved to recognize the supremacy of Christ in all that the
Father has given him all things that the Father has given Christ is for Christ and for the advancement of his kingdom the
Bible puts it this way in Matthew chapter 28 after the Lord was resurrected before his
Ascension He says all authority in heaven on earth has been given to me by who?
By the Father it is prophesied in Psalm 110 as the Lord shall say unto my
Lord Yahweh Jehovah says unto my Lord sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool as God's decree to his son that he will hand over everything to his son
Just like a good father will leave a good inheritance for his son So the father leaves the inheritance of the cosmos to his son and what does
Jesus do with an inheritance? He shares that inheritance with you and I We get to share in the inheritance of the
Son What a privilege What a beautiful gift
Blessed are the eyes that see and blessed are the ears that hear and blessed are the hearts that receive
This incredible truth that Jesus is King and that he reigns even today
Church as a result of what you've just heard. I Hope that our prayer this afternoon
Can reflect these great truths and that as we pray this afternoon? We would pray in the
Spirit like Jesus And then we would give thanks and glory and magnify the name that is above all names
Even this glorious name of Jesus and that because we ask him in faith he may give us the