Canon Press and Rachel Jankovic #Winning

AD Robles iconAD Robles


How to own the's actually the same plan for owning the SJWs of all stripes.


Well, all right, I wanted to just do a quick video about this really good video from Canon Press starring
Rachel and Shankovich It's called fighting feminism with potatoes. Now. This video is geared towards women
Definitely and it really reminds me of something that I said recently on the fight laugh feast
Network Except mine is more geared towards men and it's this real It's this idea that if you want to win the culture war
I did a few Podcasts on this and a few videos as well If you want to win the culture war the plan is pretty simple
You don't have to come up with the perfect argument. You don't have to completely change the big structures
Really what you have to do is reform yourself and start obeying God yourself and simply don't consent to the insanity
Don't consent to the upside -down arguments that you're hearing online on Twitter from feminists from socialists from social justice
Whereas just don't consent don't buy into the insanity. Just follow God yourself for your own family.
So if you're a father Obey God and teach your children to do the same and and Rachel is you know, she's a better speaker than I am
No question about it. She's applying this to women And the Canon Press people do a great job with these videos
I'm gonna play this video and just comment on it as I see fit. Here you go In The evangelical world today we have so many
Christian women who love God's Word Love how he has laid out gender roles that has been embraced for generations in the church and yet are really
Wondering what is the argument that will silence is encroaching feminism there? Let me just stop you right there this
I love how she sets That up because she says This is clever. This is very clever breaking this down a little bit
She says there are a ton of people that love the Bible what the Bible has to say and She ties it to what the church has basically said
Traditionally for generations that's very clever because it's true If you love the Bible truly love what
God says then these things about gender roles They're obvious and you obviously should do them.
There's not really any wiggled room here There are certain things that the Bible is very difficult to discern like what it means
There are certain aspects that are hard to understand even the Bible itself says that about some of Paul's raids but gender roles and this kind of thing how a woman should be
Focused on her home and keeping a good home and stuff like that Like that's really not one of those things that's hard to discern people want to overcomplicate it
But the people who want to overcomplicate it are trying to rebel but they want to do so with some sort of justification
For their rebellion. Anyway, very clever. Very clever right there All this discussion and argument about does the
Bible really require women to love their homes Does it really mean that they should actually be in the home or you know?
You see those things the home is all of the world for for women or whatever those arguments are
Also, very clever whatever they're talking about that is crazy insanity upside -down nonsense.
Very clever Love God's Word and want to defend it from that kind of Messiness, but are looking for the perfect argument.
Like what is what is the argument that will persuade? Well, what if it's not actually an argument like an argument lined out on a chalkboard?
What if it's the argument of Christian women who embrace it and instead of just saying I affirm that they affirm it and they obey it
Amen Well a federal visionist like yourself
Rachel would say something like that Obedience obedience is federal vision.
Did you know that? I knew that I've known that for quite some time Insisting that people obey
God it's either legalism or federal vision. Actually, it's really both. Let's just be honest.
So I don't know Turn my attention From having read the scripture to going and trying to pour my life into obeying the scripture
And I think what we've ended up with this is argument. That's like two ways to disobey We disobey it by denying that scripture says that or we disobey it by affirming that scripture says that and then assuming that affirming it
Is enough that that's sufficient that's saying? Oh, yeah, I'm complementarian is enough But what if the most decisive argument that there will ever be against feminism is
Christian women who embrace the truth and go out? and obey and this is an argument that will be and According to what
I said in my most recent video when you do that. Guess what happens? You can take hold of those blessings for obedience that God promises for his people
That's something that John Calvin said if you want to get those blessings you want to you want to be a productive
Christian then you know what you got to do Obey God It's really kind of simple
One around thousands of tables in thousands of homes and not in one intellectual exchange
These are arguments that should taste and smell and touch It should give people great joy and provide fellowship around the tables we have this weird assumption today in the world that Seriously spiritual women are women who get together multiple times a week to do intense word studies
Bible studies That this idea that you should be taking extensive notes on God's Word.
Well, they stop you right there Mrs. Jenkiewicz, this is very true, but it's also true of men this is something that I've thought a lot about I've talked to a lot of people and There really is this idea that a mature
Christian like how you can tell a mature Christian people would never say this like this it's not something that they've really thought through but they act as if this is the case a mature
Christian has a Very impressive library and all the books are leather -bound and smell of rich mahogany and they sit in their study
They would never have a man cave They have a study and and they sit in their study all hours of the night and just pour over these tomes of theology and oftentimes they have a
Pipe they would never smoke a cigarette. They would never have a cigar. Well, maybe a cigar Yeah cigar, but a pipe would be even better and they would never drink
Budweiser. No, no, no, no, no, no No, Budweiser is that swill they have if they're going to drink they probably shouldn't drink
But if they're going to drink it's gonna have to be a craft IPA something a little more like this An imperial red
IPA from Oscar blues brewing company. It's quite good actually But that's what a mature
Christian is someone who really knows theology like the back of their hand and and and it doesn't really give
Any room for blue -collar Christians, right? Like maybe I have a couple books
Maybe I don't even have a library But I you know I borrow books from my church library when I can but I don't really have a whole lot of time to read
So, you know, maybe I'll while I'm doing my manual labor. I'll listen to podcasts or on my commute or something
I'll listen to the Bible and I don't really have an in -depth knowledge of the nuances of Theology and the there's no way there's no path to maturity in that way
And if you read the Bible Yeah We should want to know more about God and we should read that word and care about what
God says and all of that kind Of stuff but when the Bible talks about mature Christianity when the Bible talks about true in religion
It's talking about men of action people who are obeying what God says not just knowing what
God says really in -depth I'm not saying that's wrong. But guys hear me. I'm not saying it's wrong to take a lot of notes
I'm not saying it's wrong to have you know To have John Calvin's commentaries and Matthew Henry's commentaries and highlights and underlines
I'm not saying that's wrong. But but that's not really the mark of a mature Christian, right?
I mean when R .C. Sproul said everyone's a theologian He I'm pretty sure he didn't mean that everyone's should have a seminary degree or the equivalent in home study
I really don't think that's what he meant. I think what he meant was though is that everyone should know things about God I mean and and care about God But really that's not what we're going for here
What we want to be is we want to have a faith that works We want to have a faith that that that we have such strong faith in God that we obey him
Even if we don't want to even if we think we know a better way We still want to obey what God says and do what God says and seek to please
God Like that's what we should be doing. That's the mark of a mature Christian. And so This is good stuff.
This is real good stuff Often see like people say well
What's what was the last book you read like and and so and and it's almost like to to shame you into reading and like I'm not again.
I'm not saying reading is is bad it's it's not bad, but if you come home from a long day of hard labor and you don't sit down to a book of Theology and instead maybe you do your devotion and it's a small devotion.
You don't even read, you know, 30 chapters You just read maybe a small section of scripture and you meditate on it. And then maybe you watch some
TV. I mean To some like watching TV is like anathema But but it's okay to watch
TV. I mean it is okay to just chill and not read, you know Yeah, you know not read
Turretin on your spare time if you don't like to read Turretin on your spare time That doesn't mean you're not a mature
Christian and it's okay to like Turretin. I'm not saying it's that's not okay obedient Femininity looks like a lot of women who love the word so much
That they also are delighting in obedience taking notes in the margins of their cookbooks Looking for all the ways that their hands can bless those people around them
And I think that the reality is that this is the kind of argument that the feminists can never ever win
Because they just can't stand the heat in the kitchen Amen and this is this is a completely biblical concept.
I mean what's gonna happen? the Bible says in Deuteronomy that the nations are gonna see this law that that that that that the
Israelites have and they Execute in their nation and and the Nations are gonna say wow, look
God is so close to these but look how good their law. Look how well it works look how near God is to them and It's the same thing on the individual level.
They're gonna see how if you're obeying God in your family They're gonna see how well your family functions your children your wife your disagreements your whole life
And that's gonna be something that's an apologetic. They cannot answer They cannot answer This is good stuff.
This really is because this is how you win the culture war. You just don't consent to the insanity
You don't consent to the insanity and you don't teach your kids the insanity you teach them
God's way You obey God and you show your kids through your example how to obey
God You're not gonna do it perfectly, but you still try to do it You still obey God with everything you have and if you don't obey him at certain points
You apologize you ask for forgiveness You seek Lord's forgiveness and then you receive that forgiveness and you ask
God you say Lord I believe help my unbelief. This is big guys
This is big because this is how you win the culture war and anyone can do it You don't have to be a some yokel on YouTube to make a big splash
You don't have to be the president United States to make a big splash. You don't have to change the systems and institutions
No, you just change you reform your life That's how you do it Anyway, my kids are getting a little crazy right now in the other room.
I'm gonna end this video, but I hope you found this helpful Thank you. Can impress for this video. I found it fantastic and I completely agree highly recommend it