Matt Slick Q&A - 7/26/17




You gonna pay for me? Yeah, dude, you're so tall man So we got people watching
Alright, we're live. It's not it's not Memrix. It's a little commercial All right, so questions.
Come on, feed me, make something good Feed me Seymour. Seymour, that's a good movie too What? Yeah, you got it
Do I even have to? Just go to the line Go to the line, that's good
Okay Matt, so Mormon theology, they have the
Apostle John, right? Did he ever? Cause I've heard that he never passed away, he never died, he's still present
Mormon theology is that he, among two others are still around so that the true gospel was never lost and that's how
Mormonism justifies that the true gospel will never be lost Yet they also have the 12 Apostles in the
Mormon church, right? To replace the 12 Apostles But John's still alive, wouldn't he take the place of He's not functioning as an
Apostle He's just going around about the earth doing John's stuff Representing apostleship
Lifelong You'd think so That's the inconsistency
I see But he's not doing Apostle stuff Well I would want to know, you'd think
This would be another question along those same lines You'd think, if the Mormon church is a true church, you'd think that John the
Apostle would go show himself at Salt Lake City Yeah, I mean Maybe Maybe you could do it
You look kind of Apostle -ish I've been here a little longer
Yeah, and what you could do is go in and start speaking in Russian and they'll think Yeah, they will know
No, that's a good question and He'd take his place as Apostle He's not functioning as an
Apostle, so they need 12 to function Okay, that's their answer then? Yeah, he's just doing John's stuff, being around John's stuff
Yeah, weird Nothing?
You got any people online? Yeah, we do have some people online Just fire them, or you want me to go down and take a look and fire them?
I don't see any questions on YouTube I thought you had something good
We have some, oh Which one, the YouTube one? I'll just go in Alright Do you need me to tell you your password?
My own password? But all I have to do is just get in and find the Karm videos, right? It'll be there, right?
Okay I don't even know where I'm going
More problems Well, just fire questions at me Well, Lizzie's got some Alright Did you go into Christian Evangelicals posted there?
Yeah, well, no, I can't post that one, it has to be a question Let me get a little closer
Alright, so now I see it, okay, good No? Alright This question is from the study to carry over till now and Dodie Mendoza asks, is the
King James version of Galatians 2 .16 the correct one? That one says the faith of Jesus, where other versions say faith in Christ I was taught that it's the faith that is of Christ that saves us, not our believing
So, the of versus the in Yeah, it's funny, that very topic has come up a lot lately
The faith of Jesus is not our believing but the faith of Jesus that saves us
But if that's the case then we're not believing then we're not Christian because we have to believe
It's not Jesus' faith that's imputed to us So to impute is a legal action
Imputation is a legal thing So, our sin is imputed to Christ His righteousness is imputed to us.
Faith is not imputed. So it can't be something that is His that's given to us, because it has to be a legal transfer.
His faith is really His faith. Our faith is really our faith So it talks about the issue in also
Romans 3 .22 and Galatians 2 .16, the faith of Jesus. So it talks about this kind of stuff.
Most people think what it's talking about is the faith of Christ under the law, before God His faithfulness,
He brought in salvation, but we need to believe and truly believe to be justified And that's what's going on there
Okay? And it literally does say faith of Christ of Jesus So it's the genitive, which means the faith of Christ But it doesn't necessarily mean that His faith as a substance kind of a thing is given to you, and then
His faith in you. But then if that's the case you're not going to believe it And that's the critical issue.
And we can't be justified Okay I can't pronounce this person's name, but from YouTube Why does scripture say that God repents when everything has been decreed, and God does not repent, according to other verses
He repents, or to repent in Greek, is to change the mind. So what we see is what's called an anthropomorphism.
Anthropos man, morphe, form We see God appearing in human form, and behaving in human form.
The first instance of that is found in Genesis chapter 3 when the
Lord is walking with Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve sinned, and He said to the man, where are you? Well, doesn't
He know where He is? Of course He does So He's speaking in human terms. This is the pattern that God has.
So it says He repented He's just simply saying that He changed His mind In our frame reference in our time and the whole bit, that's all that's going on.
From eternal decrees, God doesn't change His mind. So He we can say it this way, He decreed from forever ago that at that particular place and time
He would change His mind about what He was doing with them. And that's consistent with Jeremiah 18 .8
I don't even know where that verse came from Let's see if I remember that correctly I think that's it
I don't think it's Jeremiah 18 .8 Yeah If that nation against which
I spoke and turns from its evil, I will relent concerning the calamity I plan to bring on it So, there's an idea here within the
Word of God that God will say I will do something and I'm going to condemn you, you're going to be in trouble
But if they turn from it, then He says He won't do it, but He said He was going to So God is letting us know that what
He's doing is declaring things but we change, that He changes based on the declaration, on our changing but it was our day from all eternity also
It's not an easy one to get through, but that's the answer I can't really remember that one Jeremiah 18 .8
I haven't heard that one in a long time Ready?
No, yes Dodie Mendoza from YouTube asks Have you ever been to the speaker's corner in London?
Do you know who Jay Smith is? Uh I've heard the name
I'm actually reading something with you I've not been there I want to go there, people have invited me to go there
I want, if someone will pay my way and have me speak at a church or two or three or a conference, I'd be glad to go
Then go out there, speaker's corner, and have fun with the Muslims That's great
Tulip's got a question for you, just if people know that Uh, let's see I was with When a guy asked him this question
You won't remember though Remember who? Anthropomorphism Tulip, what's the correct biblical interpretation of Joshua 1 .8,
whatever I say it is Ha ha ha The Ultimax Jesus Yeah Whatever I say it is, that's what it is
People take that out of context Okay, let me see, Joshua 1 .8
I think I know what that is No, I don't The book of the law shall not depart from your mouth but you shall meditate on it day and night so that you will be careful to do it according to all that's written in it, for then you'll make your way prosperous and then you will have success
What it means is that you should always keep the law with you You should meditate on it all the time
Talking to the Israelites here You shall be careful to do everything that's written in it That's what he's saying here, and also that by doing that, your ways will be prosperous and successful, that's what it means
Ha ha ha Yeah, it's right there, what does it mean Maybe he's asking about the prosperity aspect of it
It's not a prosperity gospel thing because a lot of times what they'll do is they'll take something like that and say, see, it's for you and your prosperity, there's a principle of following God's laws, and you will prosper
But this is written specifically to the Jews there in that context, you've got to be careful not to misapply it
Okay The cult of slick, yeah that's pretty good, funny Ha ha, I've heard that one before You've heard that one, that's right, yeah
That's right Got one from Facebook Oh, okay, we've got some from Facebook Sandra Luchka Did Jesus have a fallen human nature that he inherited from Mary and was able to live a perfect life because of his divine nature?
That's Christadelphian theology that Jesus had a fallen nature but never sinned Christadelphianism, denied of trinity, the deity of Christ, it's a cult
No, Jesus did not have a fallen nature If he had a fallen nature then that would have been a defect
I believe it's Deuteronomy 17 1 Let's see if I remember that one That the lamb, let me see if I'm right
The lamb must be without blemish Yes, you shall not sacrifice to your
Lord your God an ox or a sheep which has a blemish or a defect Having a fallen nature would be a defect
It would be a blemish And so, no, he did not inherit a sinful nature from Mary.
Now, let me just expand on it a little bit. Some people think that we inherited our sinful nature from our fathers
Because in Adam all died, 1 Corinthians 15 22 Through one transgression there resulted condemnation to all men,
Romans 5 18 So some people think, and I think I lean towards that, that the sin authority nature is through the father
And so he didn't have a literal father and a mother biologically And so therefore
That's one theory, we don't know that that is it Tulip expanded on his question
Doesn't it mean that Joshua would be successful in overtaking his enemies to take the land of King?
I guess so, I haven't read the context in a long time It's them crossing the river, going across into that area, probably that's what it is
But, it's been a while since I've studied that particular thing, but yeah, it's for the Jews and the battles they're going to go through at that time
Keep the law, do right, do well Okay Was Jeremiah deceived by God?
Jeremiah 20 verse 7 Jeremiah 20 verse 7
Oh Lord, you have deceived me and I was deceived, you have overcome me and revealed, I have become a laughing stock all day, everyone mocks me
Um No, God does not do deceiving, Jeremiah is simply stating that the
Lord deceived him, but there are instances in which God consented to looting influence 2
Thessalonians chapter 2 will do that And So there's a close connection sometime between God sending something that will allow them to deceive as in sending a deceiving spirit, but he doesn't do the deceiving
So, I would say no, that Jeremiah is simply just recounting the overall idea but it's not
God who does deceiving That would be Islam in Surah 354 of the
Quran where Allah is the greatest of deceivers Dodi Mendoza from YouTube asks, how do
Unitarians answer when the Bible says that Moses was face to face with God when the Bible says no one has ever seen
God Well, Exodus 33 20 33 11
You cannot see my face for no man can see me in love Um 9 verses later 33 20,
Moses spoke to God face to face as a man speaking to his friend Actually, there's better verses than that Exodus 6, 2 and 3 where it says,
God spoke fuller to Moses and said to him, I am Yahweh I appear to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as God Almighty.
How do Unitarians answer it? Depends on what kind of Unitarian because different Unitarians but generically speaking they would probably have to say that it's the angel of the
Lord or representation It's a problem though because in Exodus 6, 2 and 3 it says
God spoke fuller to Moses and said to him I am Yahweh, that's not an angel Then John 6 46
Jesus says, not that any man has seen the Father So, that would mean that God Almighty was seen in the
Old Testament, but it was not the Father No more questions?
No, I've got a question Okay Jump up there Right to the tape brother
There's tape on my floor Right there Beautiful, glad that you guys can't smell me from YouTube I don't want to sound like a
Mormon apologist Go ahead, sound like a Mormon apologist I'm pretty good at it I don't even know if I can pronounce this word
Chasmus It's a type of poetry that they found I mean, chiasm Yeah, I remember learning about this when
I was younger and I was taught by one of my older brothers about it and it proved the Book of Mormon was true because there was no way that Joseph Smith could have written this type of poetry before it was discovered and there's examples of it in the
Bible Chiasm, let me explain what that is
So you have He who asks He who seeks He who knocks
For he who asks For he who seeks
For he who knocks So this is a chiastic structure
It goes here, here They have other ones like the Prodigal Son where, you know, there was a verse here in the beginning of the story the last verse, these things match
There's different types of chiastic structure You can read a book called
Poet and Peasant and Through Peasant Eyes by Kenneth Bailey that goes into this in great detail. So if Joseph Smith is authored by Satan then he would certainly have the ability to write chiastic structures simply because they're chiastic structures doesn't mean it's from God So certainly, since he was involved in the occult and certainly because he was doing bad things and was interpreting a false god, he ultimately was in contact with demonic forces so that that could easily explain that thing
Furthermore people often repeat themselves as is the case in the Book of Mormon Maybe you've heard this phrase and it came to pass
Maybe you've heard that repeatedly said So it was already in the mindset of Joseph Smith to do various forms of repetition
Plus, a lot of people don't know this but back in those days we didn't have writing, typing, photos and all of this.
In order to remember stories, they would do these kinds of tricks He who asks, he who seeks
He who knocks, for he who asks Like that. They could do it that way or you could reverse it. If you notice, ask it just happens to work this way in English, that would be easier to remember wouldn't it?
Ask, seek, knock, ask, seek, knock Oh, he's going to do that. It's chiasm Yeah But does it mean it's inspired of God?
No So, you know, there's that If he's going to be copying scripture there's going to be patterns in there he's going to pick up Plus, if he's got the
Bible open next to him the King James, maybe, 1611 and he's got something he's trying to write and trying to sound spiritual which is why he put these and thou's in there then he might just see, you know he gets so involved, he sees patterns and he starts doing stuff.
He wasn't stupid, you know He was deceived, but he wasn't stupid. He could do stuff like that There's lots of ways to explain this possibility
Just because there's chiasm structure doesn't mean it's there I would go to look at the at the Quran and see if it's in there or the sign of hell with the key to the scriptures from Christian science see if it's there
If it's there, then where it is But it was definitely in the New Testament So this idea
They'll also say Joseph Smith obviously was a prophet of God because who could write such a book at such an early age
At 14 At 14, how could he write a book like that? Well, it's easy If you have the
Solomon Spalding manuscript that was in the same printing press that he had access to, and Solomon Spalding wrote this stuff and the people who know
Solomon Spalding's manuscript have read parts of the Book of Mormon and said, hey that's Solomon Spalding's material and that's documented as being the case
That's how he could do it Plus he spun lots of yarn and his occult dates when he would say
Captain Kitt's treasure was buried up in the northeast up there and that in order to find
Captain Kitt's treasure what you've got to do is take a goat or a lamb and get a bunch of guys who buy it and then his fee is to get the body so they can eat it when it's dead they cut the throat and wherever it would die that's where the buried treasure is, start digging down but you can't lose your faith because then the spirit that guards the treasure will move the treasure
So this kind of thing would require if you can be successful it would require that you have a way of communicating and people said
New Joseph Smith that he was pretty slick and that he was able to schmooze people which explains why later on he uses schmoozing ability to get women into bed with him
Yeah I'm a prophet and we've got to be sealed in the temple if you know what
I'm saying and so that kind of thing going on so that's why he had over 30 somewhat wives because she's hot and she's married to somebody else he was a con man he was quite skilled in what he could do so there's lots of ways to explain that plus there are other books that are written by younger people too they're out there just because he's young and he produced that doesn't mean he's from God my daughter read her first novel at 4 she was writing at 10 and 12 she's still a better writer at that age than I am at 60 she must be from God okay probably more than what you want what do you mean always more than what you want oh
I heard that got any more questions?
let's see I like that, that's good
Matt is the Trinity channel a good source for the truth as I see many have left like Sam Shimon, David Wood and you have ever been on the channel yeah
I've been out there several times and I have on my cell phone their phone number I've hosted many of their shows
I've done hours of TV with them and sometimes they won't call me for a year and then all of a sudden
I'll be there 3 or 4 times in a month but yeah for the most part they do a great job
Sam, I know Sam and I don't know why Sam's got a problem, well
I do, he told me but anyway,
I can't remember all the details I can't comment I don't have any problem with what they're doing even though they mistakenly think
Roman Catholicism is Christian we've got to work with them, they have a great venue of being able to get out to North America, South America, Europe the
Middle East and so when I first went on there I was hated by millions more great alright,
DSlick, who's DSlick? DSlick? I'm not a doctor that's Doty, they're responding to Doty that you've been on that channel
DSlick that's right the when
I was in Vietnam we tried to make to make others think we were not where we were okay what's that?
Maxwell Edison question for Matt who is Azazel in Leviticus 16 .8
I don't know Azazel? Leviticus?
I don't know who that is Aaron shall cast lots for the two goats one lot for the lord the other for the scapegoat 16 .8,
Leviticus 16 .8 or it's in the
ESV it says Azazel in 16 .8 it's gonna be 16 .8,
yeah lot for the lord and the other for the lot of Azazel Aaron shall cast lots for the two goats, one lot for the lord the other for the scapegoat so that's what they're saying,
Azazel literally goat of removal or else a name, Azazel that's literally the goat of removal so you see by one down in the footnote says the meaning of Azazel is uncertain, possibly the name or place of a demon traditionally scapegoat yeah, that's what it means then
I don't know, I have to research that one what is it, Azazel? it sounds like something in Ghostbusters Azazel, that would not be in the fridge, that would be in the closet probably in the stove
Zool was in the refrigerator so Azazel would be in the stove
I don't know scapegoat, no I don't know, that's a good one so Azazel let's see, this says literally and I can look up all these little cool tools an unused word entire removal, scapegoat from an unused word, that's what it means cool, okay let's see if anybody else has got any questions who did
Moses see in Exodus 33 -23, that's where you put the link, good the harlot Rahab received the spies with peace and sent them out another way lying depends on context and one's own personal conviction
Romans 14, no lying is a sin let me scroll down here as earlier playing in games while getting the upper hand, boot -tricking something is not the same as lying okay,
I was going to lie anyone watch the dividing line yesterday no I didn't that's two different things, thanks
Matt, you're welcome is it sinful as a Christian to work at a casino or horse racing track where gambling is the center of their activities um what are you doing there uh we had a discussion at seminary
John Frame was the professor at the time there and a question came up, can a
Christian actor play a murderer or a rapist good question and uh so we discussed it and he said his opinion was yes if the portrayal of the character was that he got what was coming to him then it would be exemplifying justice but if it was that yes he gets away with it and everything's happy then no because he's formating evil so if you're working at a racetrack, what are you doing or a casino, what are you doing uh you know, are you a janitor you know helping people gamble that's a tough one,
I mean personally I couldn't work at a casino um, now when I say that I'm always reticent to say
I could never work at a casino for example because, well, what if my wife and I had to move someplace because of her health and then the internet becomes illegal and they're threatening me and the only place
I can work as a janitor is at a casino to pay to keep food to the table what do
I do? I'll decide then uh you know, so I'm careful to say you should never do this or that but normally speaking
I don't think it's a good idea to work at a place that promotes gambling and sinful behavior and things like that I've never even been to Vegas I've driven through it, but I've never uh, you know, gone into the gambling anything um, and done anything oh, actually
I've done something once I did one thing when I was young I spent $20 on a slot machine once and that was it okay, so, oops but I don't go to Vegas, I don't support it
I don't go to their shows I don't believe in supporting it so, that's me
I have a question you have a question? so, can you explain ideological reasons why gambling is sinful?
because gambling is the idea of taking chance instead of trusting God we're not to put our trust in chance but in God so can we buy a lotto ticket?
so, you know you're in a store and you got plenty of money um, and you have an extra dollar and just to do it, you get a gambling,
I mean a lotto ticket now, is it sin to do that? some
Christians would say yes, it is a sin it's a sin, why? because you're gambling well, kinda but then gambling has different forms too um, particularly most of us men who are married know about gambling we go home and say something to our wives we think is good laughing we're gambling there and uh well, we men know about that ok, so no guys disagree with that we understand that now, there's stupid gambling like when
I was 19 and I would gamble with my life and the life of others by taking my 1967 SS Camaro and trying to race down Turnbull Canyon in Whittier, California at midnight, in the dark, as fast as I could uh, now some might call that just simply stupidity yeah, so that was definitely sinful and bad but anyway, back to the lotto ticket is it sinful?
I don't think it's sinful um, if it's because you're not trusting in it you're not depending on it it's eh, if it works, it works if it doesn't, it doesn't now, maybe someone might take umbrage with that and get a better argument but I just can't see it as being a sin but the lottery also supports things no, that's a good thing what is the lotto supporting?
school system or whatever it supports a cultural cause where if you go to Vegas, I mean, you're literally directly supporting prostitution, drug use alcoholism,
I mean it all stems from that that's a good point in Vegas, when you support them supporting a sinful lifestyle in all areas in a in a situation on the lotto ticket, you know, schools are a big support and things like that but does that make it okay?
I don't know, you know, it's just I just, because they threw lots for things in the bible to decide things, it's a form of gambling, but they were trusting the providence through it as well, so I have a problem just saying universally it's all bad to universally it's all good because I don't know all situations and stuff, so I'm reticent to say it's just bad, but for the most part, gambling's bad, stay away from it you shouldn't do it but if,
I have a friend who when I was living in Southern California, once a year or so, he would take
I think it was $200 and he would drive to Stateside in California, into Nevada call it
Stateside, and he would gamble his $200 and he'd go, he'd go home he would never, he just did it once a year, and I went with him once you know, buy a steak, keep me company and he was not addicted he said
I could spend $200 going to movies Hollywood doesn't support some good stuff and you know
I didn't judge him on it, it's like okay but I did do this once, this is no lie
I didn't gamble, this is no lie I went to the roulette wheel and I could still see it in red, black, and I I went red, black
I got 11 in a row, okay but I missed one, then
I tried it again, I got nine in a row and so on the way back I'm driving, hey, guess what
I did I was, I didn't put any money on it he goes, what, turn around I go, it won't work 11 in a row and then nine okay, sorry so keeping this going is it sinful for Christians to invest in stocks such as Budweiser or Philip Morris or wing casinos it gets tough, because you might invest in a group or mutual fund that has all kinds of various things, and some of the things might be say for example yeah, say booze then what do you do?
what if it's not in ETF what if they're directly investing in Philip Morris Philip Morris?
yeah I think that we have to be wise of where we invest, and be careful with it and try and we're supposed to invest
Bible test too in various things, but try and do it in a God that way and be responsible so one of my daughter's friends is into digital money and was telling me about some stuff, so I took a few hundred dollars and put it in there and I told my wife, and I said it's not a gamble, because we're not gambling, we're not putting our hope in it it's like a stocks, it's just a digital money thing, and this guy turned $20 ,000 into $400 ,000 with his dad
Bitcoin? Bitcoin, yeah and so I put some money, just letting it sit, see what happens if we lose it, we lose it, if we don't, we don't it's not a gamble
I'm not putting any hope in it, I'm not doing anything it's an idea to try and invest in order to make more money and be more successful, pay off bills that's a good motive, that's the motive behind it well people might say, well that's gambling on, you know, equivalently it's like stocks, that's money for is that bad?
I wouldn't say so I know somebody who that's one of the things they do they wash the stock market and then invest accordingly and make money it's a bit of gambling on that and I would think that probably in the
Bible there's some things that they would do that was in a sense gambling, you know they're gambling on the rains coming and they're trusting that God would provide is that gambling?
not really, because you're in God's providence, you're not, it's not chance you know, seeing if your livelihood is in chance, that's the whole idea behind gambling is is you're living chance as being a provider not
God, and I think generically speaking, if you're seeking God's wisdom and to be the provider through something then, okay
I wouldn't say, well God I got a great deal I can buy into this new whorehouse and the stock's low,
I can make a lot of money, it's going to clean up you know, that would not be a good idea, you ask God for that kind of thing, but there's lines to be drawn
So if you have five minutes to witness to a Mormon as a Christian, what would you focus on? What I'd focus on?
Praying to Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins. In 3 Nephi 19, 18 they did pray to Jesus in Matthew 28, 18 -20
Jesus has all authority, Jesus says ask anything in my name and I will do it, John 14 14,
Stephen prayed to Jesus in Acts 7 .55 -60 1 Corinthians 1 -2, they called upon the name of the
Lord Jesus, so I try and get them to go to the one who has the authority to forgive sins, he does,
Luke 5 -27 48, and try and get them to pray to Christ for the forgiveness of their sins
I've spoken to a Mormon before and asked him, do you believe Jesus died for his sins, and he said yes so how do you respond to that?
A lot of people don't know, but when you talk to Mormons you can't use terms, you have to use definitions, so if you say to a
Mormon, do you believe in the Trinity? They're going to say yes, but you have to say this, do you believe there's only one
God in all existence, all place, all time who was never a man anywhere, any place and that the
Trinity is one being who exists as three simultaneous co -eternal distinct persons then they can't say yes because when you say
Trinity, they're hearing three separate gods, when you say Jesus they're thinking the brother of the devil and you and I, the spirit of the brother you've got to use definitions that's the key with talking to Mormons be specific in your definitions alright let's see what do you make of a church service who during the singing dims the lights and has electric lasers on the wall well
I like lasers I think it's pretty cool on my phone, which
I downloaded I was at Joel Osteen's church in Houston last year and I went there
I left feeling good I did I felt good
I was uplifted, I had a great time there were a lot of beautiful people to look at, the music was great the thumping music was good,
I loved that the laser show was great I felt like I was at a concert I wasn't edified but I felt good so the laser light show they had was cool
I would say instead of using manipulation to get people to come forward speak the truth of God's word and let the
Holy Spirit do that work and come forward so I think manipulation is what's happening, dim the lights use the lasers, say this again get a babe up get a pretty face up on a big screen that kind of thing it's all manipulation
Romans 12 .2 what's that? Romans 12 .2 which says do not be conformed to this world do not be conformed to this world absolutely that's exactly what's going on in fact, this is for real after the service was over a buddy and I that were there we went to Joel Osteen's church, we went to their library bookstore which is about twice as big as these two rooms this room together, it was huge maybe three times as big as this and so I went to one of the workers and I said do you guys have any systematic theologies?
and he goes what's that? I said it's a book of theology that arranges things systematically and they call it a systematic theology it's got doctrine in it like the trinity he goes,
I'll have to go ask so it took 20 minutes for him to come back and go, no we don't have anything like that here just checking oh yeah they had all kinds of stuff from all the wacko teachers yeah, yes ma 'am real quick back to the casino thing
Maxwell Edison made a great comment that it's also kind of along the lines of worshipping money if you're worshipping money you're putting your hope in it his other comment was if the
Jehovah's Witnesses share with you that they have the correct version of God then would you worship him and become a
JW? saying it doesn't make it so well compare the two if they said they have, it doesn't make it so compare the two versions of God oh the
Jehovah's Witness God denies the trinity they're Aryan, and Jesus is the first created thing and so they're a non -Christian cult but don't start with the
Jehovah's Witnesses they will deceive you, they are false prophets, who've altered the Bible to make it suit their theological means
Doty Mendoza what message would you like to give the Iglesia Di Cristo members who are so proud to celebrate their 103rd anniversary tomorrow the method?
Krav Maga no message I thought you said method for real,
I just Krav Maga you know, do some bursting but anyway what message would
I give repent from your false doctrines, you're on your way to hell the Iglesia Di Cristo is a false church it's violent and when they lose their debates, they often beat up the people that destroy them in arguments shouldn't they just have a debate with Doc Mendoza yeah
I'm sure he'd clean their clocks yeah, well I knew a guy who was, he debated them in the
Philippines he was telling me he either got beat up or the guy who beat him got beat up pretty badly they came after him and so he was debating them, can
I remember this if I remember correctly, he was debating them and beat them and made sure that he wasn't alone any place because they'll do that to you in fact, when we went to Tacloban the
Philippines we were there after the worst hurricane on record anywhere on the planet recorded history hit the island chain there we were there two months afterwards and it was equivalent to taking a city with a single scoop from a shovel, putting it into a washing machine sloshing it around and then throwing it out onto the landscape and bulldozing the streets clear so that the crabs there and their yards and their homes were six, eight feet from the street to the thing, children were playing literally two feet from the road as they're driving by that's the condition we saw in the
Iglesia Ni Cristo churches were pristine because their money was spent in keeping everything up to date there were always good looking buildings always
I remember that, the contrast and the Mormon church also the Mormon churches everything looked really nice, the money went into keeping up the image don't always give them the help, but that's what was there remember that, anyway, yes
Nick okay we'll go to one he asked a long time ago
Jacob Diaz me and my friend were talking to someone he said that everything was evil in the world and that the elements that fire represents the father and stars represent the angels and the earth was flat what is your opinion on this person's way of thinking what
I would do is step backwards three or four feet and just make sure that the lame -o vortex of non -thinking doesn't envelop you from the universe, because obviously that person has been infected by something that kind of stuff you can shred by just sitting with the person, asking questions and start showing their inconsistencies
I've met people like that and it's like, how do you know that's true? because I'm in tune with the divine consciousness how do you know that?
because I can feel it right here from Facebook Sean Fry or Fray Tertullian said that 1
Enoch, which was found with the Dead Sea Scrolls should not be discarded since it speaks of us, the elect and the
Son of Man that paid for the sins of the elect and in 2 and 3 Enoch was not found amongst the
Dead Sea Scrolls. Do you agree with Tertullian? Tertullian wasn't the human church father way back in the day but no,
I don't agree with that it's supposed to be scripture I just don't agree with him
Dilly305 from YouTube If God is metaphysical and all metaphysical things are either concepts or they are not real, i .e.
physical does it follow that God is either a concept or a non -real?
If God's a concept, then it requires a mind so that would mean there's minds out there so is a concept ubiquitous?
Absolute, does it require an absolute mind? and just because something's metaphysical doesn't mean it's reduced to a concept metaphysical means non -physical just because concepts are non -physical doesn't mean all things are concepts or not real there could be different kinds of things that have existence as well you could have energies and things like that so this question just doesn't properly represent actuality, what metaphysics is and things like that here's a good question to what degree can a
Christian who affirms essentials hold to false doctrines and still be considered a true believer as long as he doesn't deny the essentials?
I mean, lots of people you could be a Christian and believe in annihilation it doesn't mean you're not saved you could be a
Christian and believe in pre -trib rapture it doesn't mean you're not saved you could be a Christian and not believe in baptism for covenant faithfulness
I'm pushing it now does pre -suppositionalism commit circular reasoning?
yes but is it invalid? everybody has a starting point that they have to presuppose is true everybody has a basic question to some degree how do you know the laws of logic are true?
because you use the laws of logic to demonstrate that they're true that's big in the question, it's circular you have to have a starting point so everybody would presuppose something to some degree that goes without saying because we can't prove everything and if we try to prove everything how we prove our proving is proof you have to have something to prove that and so you can't and so you have to have certain presuppositions and assumptions the question then becomes which worldview can account for those presuppositions and make sense of them?
the Christian worldview can we presuppose God's existence everything makes sense if you get rid of the Christian God, things fall apart quickly so presuppositionalism of course, like any argument system presupposes certain things and values that we can't validate and we work from that and that's it it's just not a problem there
I've written more on classical theism than everyone including Matt Slick himself, thank you very much classical theism, good what's classical theism?
this is written define classical theism so I know what you mean by that guess what went way over my head how can you claim
Mormonism at all? people do it when they're deceived no, no, no this server is saying he's
Mormon and I just asked him are you joking or are you really a Mormon? oh, there she is that's you okay, if you believe the
Bible you are by default pre -Sovereign that's right, you presuppose it's truth you can't judge it's truth you assume it's truth because of spirit
Christian witness some atheists might jump on this and say see, your circular reasoning is invalid no, it's not everybody has presuppositions atheists included can an atheist account for his presuppositional worldview apart from the
Christian God? no, he can't there you go okay, anything else?
I guess I don't see anything into YouTube no, I think we ran him out ran him out? okay, well it's 9 .30
here we can just cut it down then wait, what? about 50 minutes on Q &A let's give him one more minute and if nobody comes up with anything, we'll bail you doing witnessing tactics next week?
finish Mormonism I got a lot more in Mormonism than I can do, but I can do witnessing tactics and then do something else well, finish
Mormonism and then do witnessing tactics for I can do another 4, 5, 6 weeks on Mormonism maybe
I'll just wrap it up we'll see, I'll think about it well, you can keep going on it well, we have the temple opening coming up in November so this is a good fodder for us temple opening in Eagle, right?
Meridian yeah on Linder by Eagle Island really close, yeah well,
I'm going to do this one then we'll close with this if God is benevolent, why does he threaten us instead of convincing us through reasoning?
Dilley, are you a Christian? because God certainly has reasonably shown that he exists by creation that's
Romans chapter 1 verses 18 through 20 roughly, and through the evidence of the eyewitnesses recorded in the
Gospels about the work of Christ so, apparently, reason isn't working with you and if he's benevolent doesn't mean that's the only thing he is so he had to be reasonable he's also just and holy and the threat is a necessity he's simply telling you the consequence of rebellion against him that's all it's like when
I'm raising my child and I'll say, look, if you put your hand on that stove you could get burned I'm just telling you the consequence you're threatening me
I'm informing you okay? you cannot reason with a depraved mind you cannot reason with a depraved mind and there's a problem with that called noetic effect of sin classical theism is a doctrine that Aquinas and Augustine held that was popular in the early church see, that sure helped that defined it, that's what they held well, what is it?
because man's fallen nature is dark and ruined it simply is about God having no metaphysical constituents and being identical with his essence no, are you committing the fallacy of division here, or composition anyway lots to talk about you know what, it's 9 .30
we'll get into this stuff I know, we'll get into this stuff, it never ends I know, I've done this with atheists before alright folks, we're done,