Sunday Morning, August 18, 2019 AM Part 4


Sunday Morning, August 18, 2019 AM Part 4 "The Point of Low Return" Jeremiah 31:1-26 Michael Dirrim Pastor


Have You Not Read S3:E8 - The Conflict in Israel (Part 5)

Have You Not Read S3:E8 - The Conflict in Israel (Part 5)

So God help us and we pray for this in the name of Jesus Christ the one with whom you are well pleased.
Amen. I invite you to open your Bibles to Jeremiah 31
Jeremiah 31 and we're going to be reading verses 1 through 14 this morning.
This is our fourth week in this passage verses 1 through 26 and trying to gain as best as we can our understanding of the message that God sends through Jeremiah to the exiles in Babylon.
They have a lot of concerns, a lot of worries, a lot of questions, but God has been speaking clearly and directly through Jeremiah to them letting them know what's about to happen to Jerusalem.
It's going to be destroyed. Jeremiah is now writing in 587
BC next year the city is going to be destroyed and those who are in exile already those who are in Babylon will mourn at the news but they need to understand why this has come about and they need to understand what they're supposed to be doing and what they're supposed to be looking forward to and so in the beginning of Jeremiah 30
God tells Jeremiah to write a book to write a book to write down the big picture of what is going on what
God is up to and to send this to the exiles in Babylon and in chapter 31 we've been focusing in on Israel and Ephraim the northern kingdom and a word about them but it's a word about them to the exiles in Babylon and the title of the sermon has has been and still is the point of low return the point of low return here in these 26 verses we we are given the whole pattern the whole portrait a mosaic of repentance and that's the point of low return repentance and so it begins this way sin is a wasteland grief is a compass hope is a signpost and then we're coming to the last two points today grace is a parade and Christ is in Zion and we can sum it up this way leave the wasteland of sin for Zion sin is a wasteland many people don't believe that today they label sin as freedom they label sin as pride they label sin as creativity but wherever we find sin it's a wasteland it makes a wasteland of our souls it makes a wasteland of our families it makes a wasteland of our churches it makes a wasteland of our cities it makes a wasteland of our nation it has made a wasteland of our world sin is a wasteland when we recognize that we are like the younger son who came to himself in the middle of the pig slop and Jesus says blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who recognize and confess that they have nothing that sin has made a wasteland of them and they have nothing to offer to God I've got nothing that God needs
I've got no buy -in to the kingdom of heaven I can't bring anything to the gates of the kingdom of heaven and say
I know a lot of people are trying to get in here but I I think I have an advantage I think I have a little something extra that you might be interested in it's not that we're smarter than others that we're wiser than others we're more committed than others that we have something in our upbringing background socio -political status there's nothing blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven sin is a wasteland grief is a compass grief is a compass when we mourn our sin when we are truly broken over our sin as God reveals it to us then we recognize
I don't want to be here anymore and we start looking for his direction about where we need to go how we are to return and Jesus says blessed are those who mourn blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted thirdly hope is a signpost we have a instructions in Jeremiah 31 to make signs to make signs of hope by which to return to take what
God has revealed to us and make signs of them and say this is what he says this is what life is about here's how
I return to God and we talked about when your life is centered around a
God's truth and you have activated your strength your energy your resources to be directed upon the instructions of God this is what it means to be meek this is meekness strength under the control of God and Jesus says blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth so now we come to Jeremiah 31 verses 1 through 14 and we're going to talk about how grace is a parade and how
Christ is in Zion so I invite you to stand with me if you may if you can and we're going to read
Jeremiah 31 1 through 14 here is the word from our King Jesus Christ at that time declares the
Lord I will be the God of all the families of Israel and they shall be my people thus says the
Lord the people who survived the sword found grace in the wilderness Israel when it went to find its rest the
Lord appeared to him from afar saying I have loved you with an everlasting love therefore I have drawn you with loving kindness again
I will build you and you will be rebuilt Oh virgin of Israel again you will take up your tambourines and go forth to the dances of the merrymakers again you will plant vineyards on the hills of Samaria the planters will plant and will enjoy them for there will be a day when watchmen on the hills of Ephraim call out arise and let us go up to Zion to the
Lord our God for that says the Lord sing aloud with gladness for Jacob and shout among the chief of the nations proclaim give praise and say
O Lord save your people the remnant of Israel behold I am bringing them from the north country and I will gather them from the remote parts of the earth among them the blind and the lame the woman with child and she who is in labor with child together a great company they will return here with weeping they will come and by supplication
I will lead them I will make them walk by streams of waters on a straight path in which they will not stumble for I am a father to Israel and Ephraim is my firstborn here are the word of the
Lord O nations and declare in the coastlands afar off and say he who scattered
Israel will gather him and keep him as a shepherd keeps his flock for the Lord has ransomed Jacob and redeemed him from the hand of him who was stronger than he then they will come and shout for joy on the height of Zion and they will be radiant over the bounty of the
Lord over the grain and the new wine and the oil and over the young of the flock and the herd and their life will be like a watered garden and they will never languish again then the
Virgin will rejoice in the dance and the young men and the old together for I will turn their mourning into joy and will comfort them and give them joy for their sorrow
I will fill the soul of the priest with abundance and my people will be satisfied with my goodness declares the
Lord this is the word of the Lord may be seated grace is a parade you think of a parade you may have a negative connotation in your mind just now parades are getting co -opted but the majority of parades really are nice community events
I think of two parades in particular one that I was fond of on an annual basis when
I was when we were living in Tennessee I was pastoring Liberty Baptist Church and that little church was on Main Street we were the only church past which came the annual
Christmas parade and so we all got a front -row seat and we would serve hot chocolate and and we would hang out with the people there sometimes he would give things out we never had a float in the parade but you know about 20 floats would come by and and then everything would be followed up by the multitude of horses people riding their horses through town and that was that was really fun
I remember that parade I remember also treasured this this last 4th of July we'd see my dad who lives in Asher Oklahoma which is even smaller than Middleton Tennessee where I where we had lived and they had a 12 car or 12 vehicle of different types 12 vehicle 4th of July parade and and everybody they didn't all show up at a town square or anything they all just kind of went to their front yard everybody in town and then the 4th of July parade just kind of wound its way through town you know took them about 10 minutes and the good thing was we were at the start of the parade so we got the most candy possible it's all my kids they just started chunking candy it was really fun but you know about a parade there's always a beginning of the parade and there's an end to the parade there's a there's a point to the parade after we got done with the
Christmas parade in Middleton we would gather in our little church auditorium and we would sing Christmas carols and we would do or we do something else we do something special for Christmas to put the focus upon Christ and his birth and then with the 4th of July parade in Asher after we were done with the parade after a little while we all gathered down at the baseball field and watched the fireworks display after singing the national anthem right there was a there's an exclamation point there's a there's a direction there's a point to those parades and we're gonna see that here in our passage as well there is a there's definitely a parade going on but there's a direction and there's a culmination there's an exclamation point at the end of this parade and it's important to remember that those who are in the parade of grace are not elevating themselves to display their politics or their pride or their passion or their patriotism those we find in the parade of grace have come to the point of low return they have come to recognize that sin is a wasteland they are broken over their sin and they have turned themselves by the signposts of hope to return to God it's all about manifesting the glory of God their
Savior we are to leave the waste lot wasteland of sin for Zion now let's think about the source in the start of the parade in verses 1 through 3 we see something of that we have grace upon grace
God provides for this parade every step of the way even for the very initiation of it now notice in verse 1 at that time declares the
Lord I will be the God of all the families of Israel and they shall be my people and that is language that we see again and again in the
Old and the New Testament covenant language God saying I am going to be your God you are going to be my people now this is said after what at that time what happened just before that well back up to verse 23 of the previous chapter behold the tempest of the
Lord wrath has gone forth a sweeping tempest it will burst upon the head of the wicked the fierce anger of the
Lord will not turn back until he has performed and until he has accomplished the intent of his heart in latter days you will understand this at that time declares the
Lord I will be the God of all the families of Israel and they shall be my people and so what we see here is that the source and the start of the parade is after the storm it's after this whirlwind that bursts upon the head of the wicked is after the wrath of God has been expressed in a definitive way it's after the judgment what's going on here
Jerusalem's about to fall Jeremiah is even now writing in the tenth year of Zedekiah he's imprisoned in the palace the armies of Babylon are wiping out all the surrounding cities they are approaching they have surrounded the the city of Jerusalem the end is nigh the wrath of God is about to come down upon Jerusalem like a hammer because of their great wickedness so wicked are they that they that God has told
Jeremiah stop interceding for these people and he says and if they cry out to me I am not going to hear them
Jeremiah 11 why because they're just going to treat me like the other gods they are also praying to in the marketplaces at the crossroads in every village and on every rooftop and so they are full of idolatry and they are full of injustice and they are full of immorality and God is going to bring a great judgment upon Jerusalem he's also going to bring great judgment upon Babylon after 70 years for Babylon are completed he's going to bring great judgment upon them but what we see here is
God using covenant language toward those who deserve judgment when
God sent some exiles away from Jerusalem to Babylon and Jeremiah 24 he has his picture two baskets of figs and he said one you see is rotten putrid full of worms you can't eat these figs are so rotten and then he says that the other basket
I will make this basket a basket of good figs but what were they they were as bad as the other basket two baskets of deplorables but he sends one basket away and God promises by his grace to save redeem to bring repentance and he says these will be good figs but the ones who were sent away these exiles in Babylon to whom
Jeremiah is writing he is saying great wrath is going to come but also great grace those who deserve the wrath of God those who deserve the judgment of God to them
God says I will be your God and you will be my people that's grace to deserve judgment to deserve wrath and then
God says I will love you that's grace it's after the storm it's away from the sword verse 2 that says the
Lord the people who survived the sword found grace in the wilderness Israel when it went to find its rest and so we're looking back at the very very beginning of the parade it's put into historical perspective and we are reminded of Israel when they were in bondage in Egypt and it says the people who survived the sword well what sword was that that they survived it was the sword of Pharaoh remember the
Israelite male infants being drowned in the Nile River being forcibly killed at the point of the sword so not only did
Satan inspire Pharaoh to destroy infants in the name of power but also to emasculate the people of God to so effeminize the nation into a position where no war would ever come out of Israel against Pharaoh he knew what to do and so Pharaoh was trying to kill
Israel he's trying to kill the ancestors of Christ and he puts himself in a position where he is at war not just with Israel but he's at war with God himself
Pharaoh ended up in a wrestling match with Christ just like Israel but where God brought
Israel down so that he might prevail God raised Pharaoh up so that he might be destroyed he said for this purpose
I have raised you up that you would be destroyed and so it says that God brings them away from the sword that the people who survived the sword they found grace in the wilderness grace in the wilderness where God covenanted with them and provided for them and brought them out of bondage towards their rest toward the land of rest towards Canaan and so also they found grace in the wilderness particularly underneath the smoke in verse 3 the
Lord appeared to him from afar saying I have loved you with an everlasting love therefore I have drawn you with loving kindness says
I have he appeared to him from afar that is language from Exodus when God from a distance appears to the people of Israel from atop
Mount Sinai God appeared to Israel from afar the people worship God from a distance as Sinai was all aflame and in smoke thundering and rumbling with the holiness of God the people were instructed they could not even touch the mountain lest they die and even the sounds of God speaking were too much for them and they asked that they would hear it no more and that is grace why because God reveals to them what they otherwise would never have known their sinfulness in the light of his holiness along with his provision of a mediator and a sacrifice that's grace that's how the parade of grace gets started that you understand the severity of the sin and the need to repent and return to God and so God reveals himself to the people he makes a covenant with them because of grace
Deuteronomy 7 verse 7 says the Lord Moses is talking to the Israelites he says the Lord did not set his love on you nor choose you because you were more in number than any of the peoples for you were the fewest of all the peoples but because the
Lord loved you and kept the oath which he swore to your forefathers so why did the
Lord love Israel and and why did he choose them and why did he set his love on them it was because he loved them and he said he would he loves us because he loves us and said that he would that's grace not because there's something oh
I like this quality oh there's a great potential here so I will set my love and choose those who impress me no no so we see
God in his grace starts the parade he's the source of it now notice also the sights and sounds so we get in verse 4 and following he says again
I will build you and you will be rebuilt Oh Virgin of Israel again you will take up your tambourines and go forth to the dances of the merrymakers again you will plant vineyards on the hills of Samaria the planters will plant and will enjoy them we hear of rebuilding what was broken down and removed will be built again that's especially meaningful to the exiles who are about to lose everything back home there's also going to be rejoicing whereas those who went to Babylon hung up their harps in the trees and refused to play their songs anymore now there's going to be songs again now tambourines and dances again there will be rejoicing there will be repopulation a people
God's people will be in God's place once again they will not be absent nor will they be few there's gonna be replanting the vineyard the vineyards will be planted again but all this is a lead it to repentance verse 6 for there will be a day when watchmen on the hills of Ephraim call out arise and let us go up to Zion to the
Lord our God as we've talked about Ephraim the northern kingdom was the one who said what do we have to do with you
David and the Son of David we are going to look to our own interests and upon the hills of Ephraim they built shrines to idols and refused to go back down to Zion back down to Jerusalem to worship
God so we're gonna stay here and worship our gods but now notice how it's different now they cry out from the hills of Ephraim and say let us go to Zion let us go and worship
God this is the picture of repentance and we without this without a returning to God I mean what's the point what good is it if you were exiled 400 of 800 miles away from home and you make all the effort to come back and somehow you make it back to the land that your ancestors used to live on what good is it unless there is a repentance and return to God there's a lot of glitter and sparkle in a fourth of July parade but if we don't fortify our patriotism or sing the national anthem or give glory to God and things given to God what's the point same with the
Christmas parade but has no nativity I mean what's the point so they return and God provides for their entire return all the resources are provided it says verse 9 with weeping they will come and by supplication
I will lead them he's gonna lead them by them asking for him to provide for them he says
I will make them walk by streams of waters they'll have enough water for the whole return on a straight path in which they will not stumble a straight and level path why because I'm a father to Israel he's a provider not only did he provide a straight path and streams of water and the and the understanding to pray to him he also provided the weeping he gave them all that they needed for the return home and so Israel is restored once again as a light to the nation's calling all the
Gentiles to come to the God who saves all the way through the parade as they come back and as they return as they're heading back to Zion there's the steady drumbeat of grace let's even stop there notice the scope in the swell of the parade versus 8 through 11 tell us about this the scope is is very broad the message that Jeremiah gives is to Jewish exiles in Babylon speaking of a parade of grace that far exceeds their current hope
I mean they've been told they're gonna head home after the 70 years for Babylon are accomplished they're gonna go back to the land but here's a message that talks about others not just able -bodied
Jews trying to get back to Jerusalem but here to traitorous
Ephraimites who abandoned David who are blind and lame women and infants they're coming back so it's not just for the able -bodied it's not just for the for the pioneers no even these will be brought and they'll be brought from the remote parts of the earth and now consider why
God scattered his people so far and wide why did God scatter his people throughout the known world well their failure it was to make sure that their failure in worshipping him as the one true
God of all creation that their failure in worshipping him would be made absolutely clear their judgment sowed the truth of the one true
God throughout the known world and as they lived in these far -off exile places as they began to establish some basic form of communication and explain why it was that they were there they were able to speak the truths of God and of man and of sin and of the hope of redemption found in the promised seed and it was for that seed born of a virgin as we saw in the second half of this passage for that reason
Ephraim was called to return to the land to see the newness that God creates and so it is that Ephraim's return is sung and shouted among the chief of the nations so it is the word of God's salvation is declared to the nations and to the far -off coastlands do you see it what what do they care what do the far -off coastlands care what does the chief of the nations care that God has ransomed
Jacob and redeemed him from the hand who is stronger than he why would they care what does what does
God bringing Ephraim home have what does that have anything to do with the everyday life of the chief of the nations
Babylon or the chief of the nations Persia or the Medes or the Greeks whoever they are whoever's in charge at the moment what do the coastlands care what do the islands care that this people group was far away and that they repented and came back to worship
God on some mountain somewhere in Canaan why would they even care because God's activity in the people of Israel is the historical marking of the gospel of Jesus Christ and his keeping his promises to Israel culminates in a long pattern it culminates in the person and work of Jesus Christ the gospel first given to the
Jews scattered then among the nations is also then through the Jews given to the
Gentiles and there was a great gathering in look at verse 12 they will come and shout for joy on the height of Zion who is the they back up to verse 11 says where the
Lord has redeemed Jacob redeemed him from the hand of him who was stronger than he okay
English lesson singular pronoun singular pronoun singular pronoun verse 12 they plural so it's the they it's not in verse 11 keep backing up hear the word of the
Lord O nations and declare in the coastlands afar off and say here's some good news so who is it who comes and shouts for joy in the height of Zion we know the
Jews came back who else is coming back who's going to Zion how big is this parade the nation's come that even the coastlands come the far -off islanders come to Zion it's helpful to read other passages that say the same thing so back up to Isaiah chapter 42
Isaiah 42 I just want you to see how big this parade gets Isaiah 42 and then we'll read some out of Isaiah 49 as well behold my servant whom
I uphold my chosen one in whom my soul delights I have put my spirit upon him he will bring forth justice to the nations you will not cry out or raise his voice nor make his voice heard in the street a bruised reed he will not break and a dimly burning wick he will not extinguish he will faithfully bring forth justice he will not be disheartened or crushed until he is established justice in the earth and the coastlands will wait expectantly for his law verse 10
Isaiah 42 sing to the Lord a new song sing his praise from the end of the earth you who go down to the sea and all that is in it you islands and those who dwell on them at the wilderness and its cities lift up their voices the settlements where Kadar inhabits of the inhabitants of Sila sing aloud have them shout for joy from the tops of the mountains have them give glory to the
Lord and declare his praise in the coastlands you want to know why missionaries in the 1800s got on boats that had a good chance of sinking with their wife and maybe a small children who most of them often died in the process of going to places like Burma and India and China because of passages like that because the passages like this is what they quote when they go how far does the good news of God's chosen one go
Isaiah 49 listen to me
Oh islands verse 1 listen to me Oh islands and pay attention you peoples from afar islands far -off peoples you pay attention to this very
Jewish thing the Lord called me from this womb from the body of my mother he named me he has made me he has made my mouth like a sharp sword and the shadow of his hand he has concealed me and he has made me a select arrow he has said to me in his he has hidden me in his quiver he said to me you are my servant
Israel in whom I will show my glory but I said
I have told in vain I have spent my strength for nothing in vanity yet surely the root justice due to me is with the
Lord and my reward is with my God and now says the Lord who formed me from the womb to be his servant capital
H capital S this is a messianic promise to bring
Jacob back to him so that Israel might be gathered to him now you just called him
Israel and now he's saying you're gonna gather Israel back to God because the one who represents all of Israel goes by the name of Jesus Christ he says for I am honored in the sight of the
Lord and my God is my strength he says it is too small a thing that you should be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob and to restore the preserved ones of Israel I will also make you a light of the nations so that my salvation will reach to the end of the earth thus says the
Lord the Redeemer of Israel and its Holy One to the despised one to the one abhorred by the nations to the servant of rulers kings will see and arise princes will also bow down because the
Lord who is faithful the Holy One of Israel who has chosen you and it goes on all the way through verse 13 about everyone being gathered into Zion I want us to see the parade of grace being mentioned being constructed for us in Jeremiah 31
God is saying I will be your God you will be my people I'm going to bring you back and and and the nations are coming the nations are coming even from the coastlands there's two things here one this is extremely
Jewish language Zion can't get much more Jewish than that the promised land
Ephraim Judah Jacob all this is a very very is all very very
Jewish categories in Jewish terms and yet somehow somehow it's involving the nations and the coastlands straight is the way narrow is the gate few are there who find their way into the innumerable multitude of every tribe tongue people in nation bought by the blood of the
Lamb straight is the way Jesus says narrow is the gate
Jesus says few are those who find their way into what Jesus also shows as the innumerable multitude in Revelation 7 of every tribe tongue people in nation the same group of people in Revelation 5 it says they were bought by the blood of the
Lamb and so grace is what makes the parade route narrow you can only come in through the one mediator between God and man the man
Christ Jesus who is the fulfillment of the entire mediatorial system that he built in Israel there's only one way to the
Father and that's through the Son grace is what makes the parade route narrow and grace is what makes the procession innumerable grace is what makes the gate narrow and grace is what makes the number too high to count not the righteous not the righteous not the righteous sinners
Jesus came to call you put it this way don't look at who you are but who
Christ is don't look at who you are but who Christ is don't look at what you have done but at what
Christ has done that's the lesson that never ends for the
Christian don't look at who you are look at who Christ is don't look at what you have done good or bad look at what
Christ has done that's where our attention has to be that's where our attention has to be that's the parade of grace why is it that God is gathering such unworthy people to himself is for the sake of his
Son Jesus Christ it's a parade of grace is how we come back it's leave the wasteland of sin for Zion why because Christ is in Zion the good of the gospel is
God this is verses 12 to 14 they will come and shout for joy on the heights of Zion they will be radiant over the bounty of the
Lord over the grain and the new one in the oil and over the young of the flock in the herd their life will be like a watered garden they will never languish again and the virgin will rejoice in the dance and the young man and the old together for I will turn their mourning into joy and will comfort them and give them joy for their sorrow
I will fill the soul of the priests with abundance and my people will be satisfied with my goodness says the
Lord like apples of gold and settings of silver are these words to people in exile this is exactly why when
Jeremiah wakes up he says my sleep was pleasant to me this is what he longs to see this is the great this is the great dream that was so pleasant to Jeremiah because his waking nightmare is taking place in a
Jerusalem surrounded starving rapidly degrading into chaos but here here is blessedness in a montage of images
I think slightly blurred by tears of joy here are all of God's people gathered in the heights of Zion at the pinnacle here they shine with the goodness of God and they point this way and that way to all the different pieces of Eden that God has revived there on their mountain and in that condition and in that place now that God's people are gathered to God's place they are certainly blessed to live under his glorious rule three ingredients of covenant
God's place and God's place God's people in God's place blessed under his rule and what do they do they rejoice they dance young and old together who does it all
God is the one who makes Zion into Eden God is the one who exchanges his people's mourning and sorrow for comfort and joy
God is the one who fills his priests with abundance God is the one who satisfies his people with goodness so it's the gospel means good news so what is the good of the good news it's
God the good of the good news is God because he gives himself to his people
I will be your God and you will be my people what is the good of the good news it's
God giving himself to those he made in his image giving himself in his son Jesus Christ why is all this goodness in Zion because Christ is in Zion and so that's where God's people are gonna be all of God's people in God's place and so we look at verses 23 through 26 at the end of the passage we didn't read it this morning we read it last couple of weeks but look at this verse 23 thus says the
Lord of hosts the God of Israel once again they will speak this word in the land of Judah and in its cities when I restore their fortunes the
Lord bless you Oh boat of righteousness Oh Holy Hill talking about Zion the
Holy Hill Judah and all its cities will dwell together in it the farmer and they that go about with flocks for I satisfy the weary ones and refresh everyone who languishes at this
I awoke and looked my sleep is pleasant to me so what is Zion called it is called an abode of righteousness what is
Zion called it is called a Holy Hill so Zion is where righteousness dwells where holiness lives why because that's where Christ reigns now
Mount Zion in Canaan is a small mountain it's a few square miles in area but what is this
Zion the Zion that Christ builds is vast in scope and it has to be why it says that Judah and all of its cities dwell together in that one place do you see it what does it say verse 24
Judah and all its cities will dwell together in it all the cities all of them together in this one place who else is there well the farmer shows up the idea is that the farmer with all of his fields show up he's in Zion to got to make room for the farmer in his fields what about the shepherds in their flocks they're all in there too so this is one big place one way in the gate is narrow but the group is huge and who gathers all of God's people in the fullness of their blessedness from God into one place the one who gives rest to the weary and refreshment to the heavy laden and who is that come unto me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest that's our great
King Jesus Christ that's why we're fleeing the wasteland of sin for Zion because Christ is in Zion Zechariah 2 4 through 13 says
Zion will be inhabited without walls because of the multitude of those who live there it says the
Lord is the wall of fire about her and he is the glory in her midst God himself and the person of his
Son has come and he dwells in the midst of Zion and here it says in Zechariah 2 many nations join themselves to the
Lord and become his people Hebrews 12 22 through 24 says when we come to Christ we come to Mount Zion we come to the city of the
Living God the heavenly Jerusalem the church of the firstborn to Jesus who is the mediator of a new covenant
Hebrews 12 says that's where that's where we come to we come to Jesus we come to Zion 1st
Peter 2 6 through 10 says that God has laid in Zion Jesus Christ a choice stone a precious cornerstone and those who believe in this precious
Christ will not be disappointed indeed it says all who trust in him will be built on him as God's living temple and as we are built upon Christ Peter says we are a chosen race a royal priesthood a holy nation a people for God's own possession the people of God's mercy
Revelation 14 1 says the lamb will stand on Mount Zion with the full number of the redeemed they bear his name and his father's name on their foreheads so we've got a flee sin for Zion because Christ is in Zion rather than pursuing idols rather than indulging in sin rather than remaining in the grief of sin or just giving up hope and saying there's there's there's no point we need to turn our attention to Christ and find in him our satisfaction that is when revival comes we are weary we need to be revived we are famished we need to be revived we are weak we need to be revived we are dying of thirst we need to be revived and no amount of twiddling our thumbs or clicking buttons or swiping our phones is ever gonna satisfy our hearts ever and we know grace is taking hold when
Christ's glory lights all of our vision when his will is our pervasive desire
Isaiah says ho everyone who thirsts come to the waters and you who have no money come and buy and eat come buy wine and milk without money and without cost why do you spend money for what is not bread why do you spend your wages for what does not satisfy listen carefully to me and eat what is good delight yourself in abundance incline your ear and come to me listen that you may live and I will make an everlasting covenant with you according to the faithful mercies shown to David do you know a weariness in standing for what is right do you have a hunger to see righteousness done in this wicked world do you know a craving to hear right words and to speak right things do you have a thirst for righteousness in your own soul and your thoughts blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied let's close father
I thank you for the hope that we have for the hope that we have in Christ I pray that you would clarify for us why we are so weary why we are heavy laden why we languish why we lose hope
Lord I pray that we would see clearly from your word that you have given us yourself and your son that you are the good of the good news and you have given us
Christ and that's why we've got to go to Zion that's why we've got to turn our attention to Christ's words his authority his rule and commit ourselves and trust ourselves to him and to do this every day