Jennifer LeClaire Breaks the Spirit of Delay

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The Holy Nope Breakdown: Breaking the Spirit of Delay


I have exciting news. The spirit of delay is broken. I'm going to break the spirit of delay.
You'll never be late again. I take authority in Jesus' name over the spirit of delay.
You'll never be distracted again. Over every distraction. There are no more hindrances between you and your divine appointment.
Over everything that gets in the way between us and our divine appointment.
How come? Because Jennifer Leclerc has taken authority over the spirit of delay.
Come on, when I count to three, say it with me. One, two, three. No more delay!
What appointment, you ask? And our divine appointment. I don't know. Whatever. The strength of these declarations is in their vagueness.
Let's break it down. This clip was featured in episode 197 of The Holy Nope. Jennifer Leclerc is an author, an online pastor, a prophet, a trainer of prophets.
Are you a prophet or an intercessor? I want to be your pastor. Who can see in the spirit realm those pesky squid spirits.
We'll get to that. Shalabashirabashi. What? Shalabashirabashi.
What? Now she's going to break the spirit of delay. I'm going to break the spirit of delay. Are you ready?
Couple things. Do we find in scripture the practice of breaking spirits? Nope. Do we find in scripture names like delay attributed to demonic entities?
Nope. Now, some people pointed to the account in Daniel wherein an angelic messenger was delayed in coming to Daniel because he was confronted by the prince of the kingdom of Persia, who was, yes, a spiritual being, but he wasn't a spirit of delay, nor did
Daniel break the spirit in a 30 second prayer. You might as well try to leap to the moon if you're going to leap from Daniel 10 to what's happening in this clip.
These are the ramblings of a pseudo -spiritual maniac who has gone way outside the bounds of sacred scripture in what she teaches and practices.
You can't just make up a spirit for everything that's wrong with your life. Most of the time it's your fault, and this practice of breaking or casting out or renouncing made up spirits that we see in the hyper charismatic movement is the kind of blame shifting that goes back to the garden.
Rather than instructing us to break the spirit of delay, scripture tells us to wait on the Lord to recognize our subjection to his sovereign will and providence, trusting that he works all things according to the counsel of his will for good to those who are called according to his purpose.
Not to mention, on top of all that, this woman is out of order and walking in complete opposition not only to the created order, but to Christ's ordering of his church and Paul's instructions in 1
Timothy 2 that women are not to exercise authority over men, nor be pastors. Jennifer LeClair is a false teacher.
Watch this. I had a dramatic dream last night about the squid spirit. Now some of you will not have heard of that.
I've had so many people say, what is that, it doesn't exist. You know, spirits take on different fashions and shapes, so if you could see in the spirit realm as I do, you would see that spirits sometimes take on the shape of different animals.
When you have a seer gift or when the Lord opens your eyes and allows you to see some things, you'll begin to notice that things take on the form or the shape of what may be familiar things to you.
In the realm of the spirit world, there is a class of demons called water spirits.
Some people call them marine demons. So if you could see, if you could peel back the layers of the spirit realm and see, you would come to know and understand that you're seeing a representation.
Where's she getting this stuff? It's not the Bible. Because I began to teach on the squid spirit after a friend of mine kept getting attacked by it.
And so we're going to dive into that. What does it look like? What does a squid attack look like? Second Tentacles 2 and 18, no squid formeth against you shall prosper.
Jennifer LeClair is also associated with the likes of Ginny Weaver, who has yet to be featured on the
Holy Note. But I've been in talks with someone who was under her ministry for some time and who the
Lord in his kindness brought out from under her false teaching. And I'm going to bring her on another episode where you can hear some of her testimony about that.
But for now, watch this clip. I want to prophesy over Ginny, would you just stay tracked with me and I prophesy over you
What? I'm waiting for your husband. Yes, husband. Come on, husband.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
And the Lord showed me so clearly. He showed me so plainly.
Not only are you going to walk in the breakthrough deliverance mantle, you've already got that.
That's already there. But the Lord showed me something like unto a Catherine Coleman mantle coming upon your life.
And the Lord says, daughter, I will use your voice.
I will use your song. Not only to bring forth songs of deliverance, but to bring healing to the nations.
Nope. I feel like I'm losing my mind. Is everybody in the world blind?