F4F | Don't Be Afraid to Be An Inaccurate Prophet??


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the
Faith. If you've ever been told by a prophet or prophetess that, you know, inaccuracies are to be expected, go ahead and hit the subscribe button below.
Today what we're going to be looking at is we're going to be looking at video of Sean Bowles from his
YouTube channel where he is literally making the claim that operating in the prophetic allows you to be inaccurate.
In fact, you've got to learn how to prophesy, so inaccuracies are apparently something that we're supposed to be looking for and expecting, you know, despite what the scripture says.
Yeah, I wish I was making that up. So let's turn this on and let's check in with Sean Bowles and his
YouTube channel and see if you can make heads or tails of this. So I just want to read this.
Growing in the gift of giving words of knowledge is no more challenging than any other revelatory gifts. It's just more black and white.
You can't say, I feel like your birthday is in May without it being absolutely right or absolutely wrong. Now it looks like he's reading from a book that he wrote.
Isn't that interesting? You know, during the sermon he's preaching from his own book, not from the
Word of God, and what he said didn't sound anything like what the Word of God says. Let me back it up. We'll watch it again and see if we can make heads or tails of this.
So I just want to read this. Growing in the gift of giving words of knowledge is no more challenging than any other revelatory gifts.
It's just more black and white. You can't say, I feel like your birthday is in May without it being absolutely right or absolutely wrong.
So some of us go, it just feels so hard. It's hard because you're accountable immediately to the information.
Right, yeah, so I mean, if you're hearing from God, do you think
God doesn't know all the information that is pertinent to the person that you're supposedly prophesying to?
One of the hardest things where we don't want to be accountable to information because we don't like to be wrong. So if you like to be right, you're not gonna grow the
Word of knowledge. I'm just being really honest. So if you like to be right, you're not gonna operate in the
Word of knowledge. Again, how can this be a true gift from the
Holy Spirit? At least, how can somebody be truly operating in the gift of the Word of knowledge, and they get it wrong?
That doesn't make any sense. So let me remind you what the biblical standard is, and this standard is still in play.
When we take a look, we're gonna be looking at Deuteronomy chapter 18,
Deuteronomy chapter 18, and we're gonna be looking specifically down at the bottom regarding the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name, and here's what
Deuteronomy 18, starting at verse 15, says. It's important to note that there's a vital prophecy regarding Jesus here in this text.
Yahweh your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your brothers.
It is to him you shall listen, just as you desired of the Lord your God at Horeb on the day of the assembly when you said, let me not hear again the voice of Yahweh my
God, or see this great fire any more lest I die. And Yahweh said to me, they are right in what they have spoken.
I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers, and I will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command him.
And this is a prophecy that Moses gave regarding Jesus Christ, and it actually took place.
Jesus is the guy that the Lord raised up. And verse 19 says, whoever will not listen to my words that he shall speak in my name,
I myself will require it of him. So you're going to note that the emphasis of this text regarding a prophet that will rise up is regarding Jesus.
You've got to listen to him. If you don't believe him, you don't follow him, God's going to require it of you.
And so, which immediately begs the question, whoa, whoa, how do we know if we're hearing from God?
But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name that I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die.
And if you say in your heart, well how may we know the word that Yahweh has not spoken?
When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word the
Lord has not spoken, the prophet has spoken it presumptuously, you need not be afraid of him. Important to note here that if you're hearing from God, God knows how to communicate to you.
And over and again in the charismatic movement, they create this false narrative that somehow
God's out there broadcasting on some strange spiritual channel, and he has things he wants to say to you, but you've got to learn how to tune in properly.
This is the Holy Spirit, I'm trying to communicate to you, is anybody there?
Can you hear me? Hello? Testing, one, two, three. I mean, this is nonsense.
That is not how it works. God is capable of communicating, and if he has something he wants to say to you, or let's just say he gives you a prophetic word for somebody else, he can communicate it in any way he wants, and make sure that you know that you're hearing from him.
And here the person who says, well, this, that, and the other thing is gonna happen, and it doesn't happen, they haven't heard from Yahweh.
God makes that perfectly clear, and in the ancient theocracy of Israel, the penalty for this is death.
So yeah, this is just straight -up simple. So what we're hearing from Sean Bowles is already not in accord with Scripture, and is making room for inaccurate prophets.
Why? Because he is one of them. So let's keep listening. I'm publicly displaying in front of thousands of people all the time, sometimes
I'm wrong. So Sean Bowles just admitted that he gets it wrong.
By the biblical definition, he is a false prophet. There is no other way around it.
He's just admitted this fact. Okay, because I was around prophets who were like, my words have never dropped to the ground,
I'm infallible. I've actually had prophets tell me this. All right, so notice the way he's characterizing prophets that he's encountered, who say that none of the words have ever fallen to the ground.
He's basically painting them as bad guys. They are evil, they are smug, they are arrogant, and so yeah, people that you respect, that you probably come to their conferences, and I'm like, ooh, that feels bad.
That's like an old culture thing that came in the church somehow, because... Right, yeah, this idea that prophets have to be accurate, that's an old culture thing.
It's back in the Stone Age, literally, and the guys who still hang on to that stuff, they're so old -school in their approach, and they're just a bunch of really out -of -touch, smug, arrogant, old guys.
If you were wrong, you got disqualified, your conference has shrunk or something, I don't know, but there's a pressure for you to have to tell me your words didn't fall to the ground.
And I just know, human nature, when I start tracking for Mike Bickle, I start tracking several prophets that we were stewarding in our
Kansas City Prophetic Movement, and I was finding areas that they were wrong in, and I'd go to them, and I would say, hey, this lady, like one of them, one of the main prophets of that movement,
I went to him and I said, this woman, she's actually died of cancer. You called her out by the date, her birthday, told her name and told her family she's gonna live and not die, and then she died 20 days later, 27 days later.
Yeah, and did you catch that? I mean, what does that tell you about IHOP? I mean, literally, I mean, wow, so somebody, a main prophet of IHOP gave a prophecy that somebody would live and not die, and they died, and Sean Bowles has admitted that.
Now, let's listen to Mike Bickle talking about this exact same topic. I get probably,
I don't know how many dreams or visions sent to me because of the internet around the world, email, or even people from our city that aren't a part of IHOP and people part of IHOP, and most of them
I don't pay attention to. I just think they're distraction. I think they're not real. I don't mean the people aren't real.
Some of them are faking it, and there's a lot of people faking it, but even good people just have dumb stuff.
It's just dumb, and I'd say probably 80 % of what I hear, I throw it away. Does it move me?
Again, 80%. By Mike Bickle's own admission, 80 % of the stuff he hears is inaccurate.
80%. And he's gonna talk in a second about the types of healings that take place there and within the charismatic movement.
It all doesn't bear witness to me. I still like the guy believe in his walk with God, but I don't believe what he says from God.
You know, the dream. Same with healings. I think there's a lot of healings out there that are really real.
I've seen them with my eyes. They're really, really, really real. Okay, but there's a big but coming.
A lot of people report healings, and you look back a year later, it wasn't real. Was it a lie?
Some people lie. They just lie about healings. A lot of people lie about healings.
Feel pressured, so they say they're healed when they're not. Other people genuinely feel good. They feel better.
Two days, and then you check in a month or two later, well, what was that? I don't know, but there are real healings.
I don't know what all that other stuff is, but there are real healings. Trust me, I've seen them, but there's a lot of stuff that isn't really real healings.
So Sean Bowles noted that and then went to talk to one of the major prophets of IHOP and said, what's the deal here?
You said this person would live. They died 20 days later. Do you mind just calling her and comforting her heart?
Just saying, hey, I'm so sorry, the I'm not her. I'm sorry, her husband. That was really inappropriate. Her husband is just saying, hey,
I'm really sorry that my word didn't work out. I don't know why. Yeah, I'm really sorry that the prophecy
I gave you turned out to be false. I'm not sure why that would happen.
Hmm, let me think about what are possible reasons why that could happen. Oh, I know.
That prophet is a false prophet, and they don't actually hear from God. I'm just praying for your family.
It's all you got to do. He goes, no, they probably sinned. So he refused to comfort the family of the person who died, who they gave the prophecy that she would live, and he blamed it on the family, said, oh, somebody probably sinned.
There are pastors who are amazing. I was like, no, and I literally went, I don't I don't know how to rebuke you.
I need to slap you with the Bible or something. I rather than sit there and go, you know what?
The Bible says that this is one of the tests for whether or not somebody's a true prophet or a false prophet.
That guy's a false prophet. I need to run away. No, that's not what he's gonna do.
He's gonna rework the definition of a false prophet so that inaccuracies make somebody still a true prophet, not a false prophet.
I said, no, this is called taking responsibility. You have to do it. No, and it was and it came from a generation who wasn't allowed to be vulnerable with their weakness that were just human, and we had to be right.
Right, it was a generational thing because, you know, the other generation, they just couldn't be vulnerable. What a bunch of nonsense.
In the Old Testament theology that you always have to be right or you're stoned or killed for the most part. Yeah, by the way, there is no deviation in that standard.
In the New Testament, there is not a different standard given. Watch what he does. Testament, it wasn't about the information being right.
It was about the quality of love you gave. The only nonsense. There is no biblical text that say now that in the
New Testament prophecy isn't about accuracy. It's about the quality of love that you've given a person.
I mean, that's just absurd on its face. I want you to think about this. So in love, I'm gonna give you quality loving prophecy, right?
And so I come to you and I give you, and what I'm saying is inaccurate, but man, the quality of the love that I am showing to you and telling you these inaccuracies is just off the charts.
How could a false prophecy have any quality regarding love for a person when it's not true?
Because you're saying you're speaking because you're hearing something from God, or the
Holy Spirit is revealing something to you, and it's not true. I don't see how any, any, any prophecy can claim to be loving when it's inaccurate.
And by the way, Scripture says in 1 John that no lie is of the truth.
No lie. Debt that remains, according to Romans, is the debt of love, not accuracy. Praise Jesus!
Yeah, I'm gonna back that up a little bit. Just a smudge. Because I want you to hear the nonsense that he is saying, because what he is saying is just blasphemously bad.
So, I mean, making up his own standard, claiming, oh, in the New Testament it's all about the quality of love.
Of you, Gabe. The only debt that remains, according to Romans, is the debt of love, not accuracy. Praise Jesus!
Yay, twisted Romans there. So if I'm one of your forerunners, there's many forerunners, but if I'm one of them, and this many of you have gathered to see, one of the things
I want you to walk away with is don't be afraid to be inaccurate. Just don't take your... Yeah, don't be afraid to be inaccurate.
Just give them quality love in your inaccuracies. This is absurd. So seriously that, you know, people have to receive everything you say.
That's why I use language that's uncomfortable for some people, because even in prophetic circles where you say, the
Lord told me, brother, that this will happen on this date, and blah blah blah, and I say, I feel kind of maybe if.
I feel kind of maybe if. That's weird. You know, if God's speaking to you, why is
He not able to speak to you clearly so that you can convey the message with clarity and accuracy?
The Old Testament prophets had no problem with this. Like, none whatsoever. Why on earth would we think that now in the
New Testament that the Holy Spirit is fuzzy in His communication, and inaccurate in what
He is speaking? That's not taught anywhere, by the way, anywhere in the New Testament.
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