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Well, good evening everyone It is class seven of eight, which means we have almost completed another semester here at Sovereign Grace Academy After the end of this course there will be a couple of week break and we will start with a survey of Apologetics or introduction to apologetics.
That will be our next course and I haven't got the date yet.
You'll have everything next week I should hopefully have everything for you by the end of this course.
My week is going to be Somewhat busy preparing the new syllabus so that I'll have your book that you need the syllabus and everything and I can hand that out at the last class But we're going to begin tonight as we have began other nights with a pop quiz.
That's right pop quiz I gave you a week off last week because I was out sick but you're back with your With their pop quiz now, what was our? What? Yes, you all have to take quiz Thank you It can be open note, that's fine The subject is Soteriology what we talked about last week There are three questions, the first question is define the following terms define justice mercy and grace define justice mercy and grace No, that's the first question It's one question in three parts and then three and then two more questions.
Yes No, no, you got to write it you're writing you're taking a pop quiz taking a pop quiz Number Are y'all ready for number two? You want to write? Do you want to write the questions first or how you want it? All right number two What is the difference between common grace and special grace? This last one you may not want to try to write it all the way you may just know it Number three, what is the doctrine? That we would refer to as the article upon which the church stands or falls the doctrine upon which the church stands or falls All right, that's your three questions has been a few minutes thinking about that Just a quick note that third one.
I am certain that I mentioned it, but just in case I didn't it was in your book What is the article upon which the church stands or falls? Or the doctrine the article or doctrine, all right, let's see how we did Define the terms Brian you already kind of jumped on the first one.
Well, how do you find justice? Justice is receiving what you deserve.
That's right.
Just justice is getting what's right.
All right justice based on the word Yeah Yeah, just punishment for what we've done.
That's right.
What about mercy? Not getting what you deserve, that's right.
Mercy is non-justice Not necessarily injustice or unjustice, but it's non-justice we're not experiencing what we should or justly deserve And what is grace? What was it Steven? You said it, right? You said a gift right well Stephen said a gift that's that the answer is it's receiving something we don't deserve it's getting a gift You know when I come to my kids You know and for their birthday and I give them something and they you know, they receive it as a gift They didn't deserve that.
I mean, what what do you you know, you say what's their birthday, but it doesn't mean they deserve a gift You know, it's a gift is still a gift.
It's good.
It's on the heart of the giver and grace is a gift What's the difference between common grace and special grace by show of hands? They may want to answer John That's Right, that's right.
Now what would be an example of common grace just off the top of your head air air rain Wi-Fi Bacon All right, what and special grace of course is the grace of salvation which is for the elect All right.
Last one.
This may be through you for a curveball and that's never my intention I wanted to just see if you remembered this What is the doctrine upon which the church stands or falls the article upon which the church stands or falls? So the feed in that's right.
It was Martin Luther who actually said that he said that sola fide or justification by faith alone is the article upon which the church stands or falls and You as a Lutheran might know that Frank Quote from the from Martin Luther All right well today we are coming to the doctrine of Ecclesiology And part of our two-year program here at Sovereign Grace Academy is that in in two semesters? we're going to have an Entire class devoted to Christian life and ministry.
That's the last class of the two-year program and then the two-year program will start over again Christian life and ministry.
Yeah, can you believe it's been two years Jackie? You've been to every one of these classes and it's been do which one you miss Oh Greek.
Well Yeah Well, we're Christian life and ministry is going to be an entire course on practical ecclesiology and Tonight is going to be more in regarding doctrinal ecclesiology the doctrine of the church because the Ecclesia is the church the the word Ecclesia is a combination of the prefix ek which means out of and Kaleo which means to call and Ecclesia the Ecclesia is those who have been called out of or another phrase is the called out ones But it was used in the time of the Apostles to refer to an assembly an assembly is the Ecclesia and therefore Ecclesiology is the doctrine of the church or the doctrine of the assembly now when we discuss the assembly It's essential that we understand a distinction and I know the book dealt with this.
But again, this is reaffirming what you read that when we talk about the Assembly or the church we talk about the church in two distinct ways we talk about the invisible church and the visible church I'm actually not a huge fan of that language because I'm gonna I'm going to tell you the language I prefer rather is the local church and the global church and those are not Exactly the same in case there's somebody maybe somebody at home is screaming the invisible church and global church not exactly same Let me I'm going to explain the difference here in just a moment when we talk about the invisible church we are talking essentially about the elect The saved all around the world and that's the sense in which it's global, right? the visible church is Is That which makes up membership in a local body so there is a connection between the global and local church and the invisible and the invisible church and that is that the Invisible church is made up of the elect of all around the world You know when we worship on Sunday, there's people in China worshiping We'll probably not the same time because of the time difference, but I mean the on the Lord's Day Every week there are people in China taking the Lord's Supper.
There are people in Australia taking the Lord's Supper.
There are people in even in California The Soviet Republic of California is participating in communion Yeah so The invisible church is all around the world But the visible church which is also all around the world, but it's it's held within the local Assembly the local body and so I'm not sure if you guys have seen this event diagram I think it's helpful as you could say If you drew a circle and said, okay this circle represents all of the invisible Church Or would be all believers right that that circle would represent that now I'm going to draw another circle that will overlap this circle and this circle we would say is the visible church And you would say well how are there people in the visible church that are not in the invisible church because the Visible church has unbelievers in it This is why our statement of faith actually here at Sovereign Grace.
It says the the local church exists Imperfectly we use that term in our statement of faith the local church exists imperfectly because While everyone here has to confess faith in Jesus.
We know that some of that is not genuine there are people who make Non-genuine confessions and also the church is made up of unbelievers too in the sense that there are people here in the church who are Not old enough.
They have not believed, you know, I'm saying that's a distinction We'd make with Presbyterians because they would say no they're members of the church We would say they're not members of the church, but ultimately we would say the visible church and the invisible church The end of every Christian who is a genuine Christian belongs to the invisible church but every Christian who is a Every person a part of the visible church is not necessarily not necessarily part of the Invisible church now, I want to make another I don't know if you notice there's also this line this the circle over here That is the invisible church.
That's not part of a local church There are those two there are genuine believers who are not part of a local church and they I think they're in error But they do exist you understand so like I said, we could really push this Venn diagram out draw it out and say okay And this little sliver here.
This is the people who are true believers, but they're not connected to a local church These are people who are in the local church, but are not true believers But the most important circle, of course, is that that circle in the middle? That's both part of the invisible church and part of the visible church You want to be both you want to be part of the global body of Christ the invisible church? You want to be part of the elect, but you also want to be part of a local body if you are not I'm going to say this and hurt some feelings when I do if you are a believer and You are not part of a local body and you are not seeking to be part of a local body Then you are at this moment in disobedience I'm not trying to be ugly.
I'm not trying to be ugly.
It's the truth.
There is no There's no Justification for lone wolf Christianity so They just you know, don't say that to be hurtful.
Please take everything I say with love.
It's it's intended to be loving So that is the when we discuss the global or invisible church in the local and visible church I think it's important to make that distinction.
Our goal as believers should be to be both To be part of both the global universal church and the local assembly so Today we're going to go over our Mainly the focus is going to be on the local assembly because I want to make this point the Bible really doesn't address the global body of Christ It addresses almost every time it uses the word ecclesia.
It's referring to the local body the church at Corinth the church at Thessalonica the church at You know, wherever it's the church in Rome.
It's it's almost always referring to a local body Now we could say, you know again, that's capital church little c-church You know, the capital church is all believers little c-church is the local church, whatever But in the Bible almost every time the church is right And this is why when people say well, you don't have to be you don't have to go to church to be Christian I said, but the whole New Testament is written to the church book of Revelation was written to seven churches and Every other book is written to either a church or an individual who is associated with the church So the church is important and this is why we get the doctrine and I've been told directly to my face I don't need to go to church.
I don't need to be a part of a church You won't you and a lot of people want to run right to Hebrews 1026 which says what forsake not the assembling of ourselves together.
I Think that that passage is important, but that's not where I go first When somebody says well, I don't think I need to be part of the local body.
I say in in In what place of the Bible do you find that? Because I know they've all heard Hebrews 1026.
They've all heard forsake not the assembly till their ears fall off But my question is where do you get the justification for your avoidance? Yes And I've seen you have this argument I've wanted to jump in but John I love you and I'm gonna let you handle it you Handle it good Yep Well, thankfully you brought that up Yes, yes, in fact since you brought it up why don't we look at it it's in Matthew chapter 8 18 Matthew chapter 18 We're gonna look at it in context, which is how you supposed to interpret the Bible and in Matthew chapter 18 I would like just real quick to ask this question.
What is the context of that particular Statement the context of that statement is in verse 20 is In the context of church discipline.
Let me read the whole context to you If your brother sins against you go and tell him his fault between you and him alone If he listens to you you have gained your brother But if he does not listen take one or two others along with you that every charge may be established by the evidence of what? Two or three witnesses, that's the context If he refuses to listen to them tell it to the church And if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector truly I say to you whatever is bound on earth Shall be bound in heaven and whatever is loosed on earth shall be loosed in heaven again I say to you if two of you agree on earth about anything They ask it will be done for them by my father in heaven for where two or three are gathered in my name There I am among them.
What are the two or three agreeing on in this passage? they are agreeing on the Condition of this person who is behaving in a way that is not in line with what a believer Would be doing ultimately the church is making a judgment about this person and The Jesus is saying ultimately that the church in making this judgment Has Christ with them in the making of that judgment, but this is in the context of what the church? so to use Matthew 18 20 as a defense to not be part of the church is not only Incorrect.
It is the height of asinine It is absolutely asinine to say that this passage gives you the right to Reject the assembly of the of the believers because in fact it what's interesting about Matthew 18 It's the only time in the Gospels where we see the word church.
It's the only time Jesus uses the word church is in regard to discipline Well that and when he said I will build my church.
He said I'll build my church that again.
That's Matthew 16 So very similar similar context though Jesus speaking about his church I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it And then later he says if somebody is sitting in my church my church will have me in the midst of it as they exercise discipline All right, powerful stuff really if you stop and think about it.
So so the church is important the church requires that we be Accountable and submissive to one another the church is the body of Christ in the world and Here's our threefold outline for tonight as I every week.
I give you three Three thoughts.
The first is we're going to look at the purpose purpose and structure of the church Then we're going to look at worship within the church which will be It could be a whole eight-week class by itself I've done that class actually but for tonight, we're going to talk about again the doctrine of worship and Finally after the break, we're going to look at the ordinances of the church which are baptism and the Lord's Supper You got something to bring up when we come to baptism, well, let me just remind you That I gave a podcast I couldn't get it didn't come in my email.
All right, but it's just it's we'll get there.
We'll get there No, that's fine did y'all listen who who all got to listen to it was it helpful was it helpful? Yes.
What'd you say? On this rock I'll build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it Yep.
That's it Okay purpose of the church when we discuss purpose that topic is rather broad and It would almost be impossible to say.
This is the one singular purpose of the church a few years ago a man wrote a book entitled the purpose-driven church and I am NOT a fan of that particular author Especially now he's kind of gone off the rails and for the life of me.
I can't think of his name Rick Warren.
Thank you Rick Warren But I did read his book and I want to you know credit where credit is due He said the church has five purposes and I and and it's as far as the book goes I'm not endorsing the book in any way But sometimes, you know, even a you know, crooked stick points a straight line or whatever You draw a straight line with a crooked stick.
He talks about five purposes for which the church exists worship fellowship discipleship Evangelism and what he would identify as ministry That's the five purposes.
I think that if you were trying to sit down and talk about what the church does I think that you could come up with those five So again, not not endorsing the book in any way simply saying if you wanted to write down What are the purposes of the church? I don't think that that's any of those would be wrong.
We do have the purpose of Worship, we have the purpose of discipleship.
We have the purpose of evangelism.
We have the purpose of fellowship We have the purpose of ministry.
All those are true But I think when I think of purpose I think Something to consider is the wrong ideas people have about the purpose of the church For instance, I think some people believe the church is like a country club It's a social club that they gather and join and this is why especially in the latter part of the 20th century Many churches were set up like clubs rather than churches and the eldership had given way to executive committees and the deacons had given way to Committees and and everything was done by a board rather than by Ministers and so this is how the church becomes more like a club or a business than it is like a church So I think one of the purposes that is incorrect is to see the church is simply nothing more than a glorified social club others think of The church is it sort of a community center with that's supposed to have programs to reach the community such as You know a sports program, you know a lot of churches.
Hey, we do karate I'm not saying these things are necessarily wrong But I'm saying is that the purpose of the church if our if our karate program stopped tomorrow angle hurt the church at all Because that's not the reason why we're here, but I think a lot of churches make those programs the purpose You know Jackie you and I've talked about the feeding ministries and feeding programs.
Those are great I would never not want to do those things, but that's that's not the whole purpose that's that's one of the ministries of the church and it's valuable, but when a church becomes a Basically a food bank and that's it and they're not preaching the gospel then that's not a church anymore You know and and we could go down the line, right? There's what's that program for the kids the baseball t-ball? Upward upward.
Yeah, and I want us good.
My kids don't want it at a friend of mine's church We don't have one here.
So my kids go to Iwana at Greg Abel's Baptist Church, and they love it You know, so I don't have a problem with Iwana.
I don't have problem with upward My son Cody was a soccer king in the upward program, you know, so I don't again these are not wrong things But if these become the focus and the whole ministry is pointed at these things then you got a problem You know a program driven church Rather than a gospel driven church is it is a problem? And and still others see the church is a place for performance and entertainment I Can't imagine or I can't I can't I can't write down how many names of of People who are big in performance now who when you ask them, how did you get into performing they say church? Britney Spears Katy Perry Katy Perry's daddy's a preacher Yes You ask any of these kids, you know these pop stars.
How'd you get your start on the church stage? Which is one of the reasons why I take issue with calling the platform a stage Because it is it's a chancel.
It's not a place for performance It's a place where the Word of God is lifted up the first time we see this Specifically in the Bible the book of Nehemiah chapter 8 It says that Ezra was going to proclaim the Word of God to the people So they built a platform so that he could stand up and do it that's the first time we see really a Platform and a pulpit in the Bible is in the Old Testament And so it does have a it does have a biblical History you understand and so the idea of a of a performance is not what we're called to do If unless you want to say we're performing for God and we do talk about that sometimes that when we sing we're singing for God And to God and in that sense where we want to do we want to do a good job, you know But it's not meant to be Entertainment where people come in and sit and watch It's it's supposed to be participation You know, we want people to sing with us not we don't want to sing to them We want to sing with them This is one of the reasons and I want to go off on a hard right turn But you'll notice if you do visit our church, we don't do a lot of specials where Just the person on the chancel is singing and everybody else is listening.
I don't think that's wrong.
I want to be clear I don't think that it's wrong to let somebody who is gifted in music sing a solo But I do think that if that becomes the focus and I do know churches where who's doing the special this week Who's doing the special this week is more important than what's the preacher preaching about? And again, that is a problem because it's becomes about the performance Well, what sister Sarah gonna wear to her sing in the special who cares long as it covers her up Yeah Long as she's modest.
What does it matter? but you see becomes about entertainment and Performance.
I'm going to give you one last thing The church should not be The place where we bring people to get saved Now that one is going to be the one that rubs you the wrong way.
I'm sure Let me explain what I mean.
It is not wrong.
It is not wrong to invite an unbeliever to church But I do think that the person who should share the gospel with the unbeliever is the person who's speaking to the unbeliever You see what often happens is people don't want to share the gospel so they say hey come listen to my preacher preach Rather than them being the one who shares the gospel and so what has happened in the last Century is that the church has become a tent revival every Sunday Where every Sunday the preachers always pushing for the response of the Unbelievers in the crowd and what's happened is the believers have become anemic because they're not being fed All they're hearing is every week About being unbelievers and that's why so many of them recommit their lives and give up give themselves over and over and get saved 15 times because they are Everything in the sermon I was told this I went in seminary I was told your last 10 minutes of your sermon should drive to the invitation The last 10 minutes of your sermon should be driving towards the invitation We don't even do an invitation in our church and somebody asked me one time.
You don't do an invitation is your church How do people get saved? I? Said the same way they did for the first 1,900 years of the church before the invitation was invented Because the idea of inviting people forward to pray a prayer Was not in the historical church until the time well proceed just preceding the time of Charles Finney Charles Finney gave rise to the modern Movement of getting people to come forward and say a prayer repeat after me say this prayer.
It is not biblical Let me turn the camera around so they see I Computer yeah watching you yo dirty Calvinist Okay, well keep leaning brother Sure absolutely I Would add one other thought When Jesus refers to denying me before men the context of that is in the is in the position of persecution The easiest place to affirm Jesus is in a crowd of people who are going to applaud you One of my one of my elders brother Mike we've talked about Allowing people to get baptized in the ocean rather than here in our sanctuary And we haven't done one yet But we're making that available to people and the reason is is because we want people to feel like they can go out in public and proclaim their faith Rather than behind the walls of the church where everybody's going to applaud you know, what would it look like if you went downtown to the to the Fountain in the middle of Jacksonville and did your baptism there? Do you think everybody walked by applauding or they'd say get yourself out of that fountain? It wouldn't care that you were being baptized.
So I so I think I think So but you understand I'm saying the whole idea of denying people before men in the context of a church that's easy But in the context of a situation where the people around you are not affirming what you're doing That's where it's hard.
And that was the context Jesus was referring to.
Yes I'm gonna stay right here What you're saying, I mean It's not just that but let me tell you this I'll say this Maybe this will answer your question with a simple statement the church is for believers The church is to go into the world The church is not to invite a not the purpose is not to invite unbelievers here, but the purpose is for us to go there and Therefore here's what happens people treat the church like it should appeal to unbelievers Why should the church appeal to unbelievers well, we got to get them saved You are not going to get them saved with smoke machines and fancy lights and loud music.
I'm sorry I mean, that's what appeals and that's what a lot of churches do to appeal to the flesh But the purpose of the church Is to be the sanctuary of the Saints now can unbelievers come? Yes.
Do we invite them to come? Absolutely.
I'm not saying they can't come but we do not tailor the service to them and when they come if they feel uncomfortable Well first Corinthians 14 says that's going to happen says they're going to feel uncomfortable in the in the in the in the assembly and If somebody leaves the church feeling a little bit uncomfortable because they heard something that was offensive to them Then hopefully that will be what God uses to cut their heart to the quick and save their soul But we don't do that.
We I say we I mean the church in large the church tries to make the message of Jesus syrupy sweet and They present Jesus as a limp-wristed Limp-wristed Weak man Who is begging for people to come to him? Rather than the Lord of glory who is commanding people to repent and believe does this make sense Frank? Yeah, I'm not saying we don't want unbelievers to come and I'm not saying we would bar the door for unbelievers But the church the the purpose of the church first and foremost is the church the people by the way The church is the people church isn't the building the church is the people if if this building burned to the ground tomorrow Let's hope it don't we've had a lot go on this year If this church burns to the ground tomorrow sovereign grace family church would still exist We'd meet in a field we'd meet in my backyard.
We'd meet at the at the set free building.
I don't know we meet somewhere Because the church exists Whether the building exists or not, in fact, I do like this one of my friends They think they their church met in the YMCA for years They I'm talking 15 years they met at the YMCA and they finally raised the money to buy a building and On their sign.
It does not say the name of the church it says It says the name but it doesn't say it's sovereign grace Baptist Church across towns.
It doesn't say sovereign grace Baptist Church It says sovereign grace Baptist Church meets here you get it.
It's not that this isn't the church This is where the church gathers The church.
Yeah, the church is the assembly and So when we talk about purpose the assembly is the purpose.
It's the gathered body of Christ We meet here But we could just as easily meet at the Radisson and they're in there in one of their Gathering rooms or in a field or in a cave or wherever else because the church is the people That's why I say the church isn't for unbelievers because you can't be an unbeliever and be part of the church You see if you join this church, do you know what you have to do first before you can join this church? You have to profess faith in Jesus Christ you can't come here and say I'm on the fence Let me join There's a church in Atlanta.
That'll let you There's a church in Atlanta that will allow atheists to join Because they're so concerned that nobody feels unwelcome You don't have to believe you just have to come and if you come we'll welcome you into membership Go ahead Absolutely Absolutely Absolutely.
People tell me all the time pastor.
You were stepping on my toes I said I wasn't intending to you just had your foot stuck out, you know I was on you, you know, I'm just preaching and I do hate it when people come up to me They say you know what's going on with me You is looking right at me.
I didn't even know you were here.
The Holy Spirit was looking at you though So Really quickly when we talk about the purpose of the church, let me let me talk about structure real quick because You know, we talked about the two or more gathered Here's here's another thing you could say to that John in that regard if somebody said well two or three are gathered My question would be this The Bible provides a structure for the church That is necessary for the constituting of a church and the structure is there is one head There are two offices and there are two ordinances I Say it again.
There is one head.
There are two offices.
There are two ordinances.
The one head is Christ By the way, if you're thinking of a pop quiz for next week, this may be on it one head Two offices which are the elder and the deacon Elders also another word for a pastor, you know elders are ordained men.
So they're pastors and the deacon So there's two offices the office of elder in the office of deacon if you come to the course in The toward the end of the year when we do life and ministry, we'll spend more time on those offices Especially if you feel called to one of those offices Then you'll want to know how those offices function and what the requirements are for those offices because that's part and parcel of why? We do the class But the third thing is there are only two ordinances baptism in the Lord's Supper So my question would be to the person who says well two or three are gathered.
That's a church I would say who are your elders? Where are your deacons? And when was the last time you had a baptism? Yeah.
I mean again not being ugly But ask the question, is it a church if they're not practicing the ordinances if they're not rightfully administrating the ordinances It was last time you had the Lord's Supper Well, we're we're a church two or three are gathered When was the last time somebody proclaimed the Word of God in your midst? Not just shared a verse or two Well, when was the last time an elder stood up and with the authority of God's Word spoke? The Word of God the man of God speaking the Word of God to the people of God was the last time that happened Well, we don't do that.
We church Because those things make up the church Now there are different ways churches govern themselves and we don't have a lot of time on this but can consider the fact that Different churches govern themselves a little differently There are three governmental structures that the churches Will will tend to fall under Episcopalian government is a one-man rule The the Roman Catholic Church is Episcopalian In the sense of the governmental style Because there's one rule.
It's the Pope the Episcopal Church and Anglican Church Also, they have the Archbishop of Canterbury who is the who is the head of the church under Christ, of course but that is a one-man rule and There are other Episcopal churches that have a single bishop who is the ruler of the church See, I'm not that in this church, by the way I'm this I'm the pastor of the church, but I serve with two other men that are also elders and who I am accountable to and the three of us make our decisions in Session together.
I'm sorry four of us make our decisions in session together.
It's me and Jack and Mike and Andy there's four of us.
And so we have this This Equality among us in the sense of Voice equality of voice We don't have equality of purpose because I'm paid to do a particular job in the church So my I might time is spent more time spent here more things to do here But as far as equality of voice, I don't speak any louder in the sense except well to the congregation.
I preach louder.
Okay, but But when we sit down as elders Andy is the chairman So he calls the meeting he you know, we he leads the meeting and I'm one of the elders so in that sense there is a Group of men that is what we would refer to as a Presbyterian form of government.
The word Presbyterian means elder It's where in the Presbyterian we are not Presbyterian and that we don't baptize babies But we are back Presbyterian in the sense that we believe in elder rule elder rule and The third is congregational.
Yeah, it's Episcopalian single-man rule Which honestly a Lot of churches are that way don't know it because they're their preacher functions like a little Pope There are a lot of Baptist Popes out there just little guys run in their little churches and they run it like the Pope their word is law and And even though they would say they're congregational.
They run it like an Episcopalian church because the one-man rule So you got a little little Baptist Popes run around so you got Episcopalian you got Presbyterian which is elder rule and then you have Congregational which is that all of the members have a voice and the rule of the church Um, a lot of congregational churches do have a board but the decision-making is by the church so like those churches tend to have a business meeting about once a month because there's always Decisions have to be made and the churches have to vote right and oftentimes the votes are carried by you know, 55 percent majority or 51 percent majority and that's why I tend to be opposed to congregational government because truth has never been determined by vote and Righteousness is never determined by vote You say well, how do you know the small group of elders is going to be making the righteous decision? there is a Qualification for that office those men have to be Examined and have to be qualified It's not just any person can serve in that office first Timothy 3 and Titus 1 are very specific that that man be Examined that that man be above reproach that that man be several other Particular things husband of one wife not a violent man Not a drunkard not greedy for money and the church should have examined this man Over a period of time the two men who are the newest elders with us Andy and Mike that were here for years Before they were called as elders and Jack's been an elder 50 years 50 years So you understand right? This is this is why we you know would would affirm that now we we do believe the congregation speaks on certain matters such as Affirmation of budgets and things like that because we want the support of the congregation It's not as if the elders rule with an iron fist or something like that.
It's just the concept of There being a majority rule is Not something you don't see in the Bible.
You never see the Bible where you know, the Apostle Peter All right, pass out your secret ballots doesn't work that way for everybody raise your hand not how we don't see that In fact, what what do we see Hebrews 13? Submit to those who rule over you referring to the elders and The elders in Acts 20 are told to shepherd the flock of God that is given to you They're called to do that It's very important to understand the role And I kind of went a little longer on that than I meant to but ultimately There's one head.
There are two offices and there are two Ordinances and without those you don't have a church John Calvin would go even further John Calvin would say if a church doesn't practice discipline.
It's not a church If a church allows sin to go without discipline within the church if people are not being removed from the church Because of unbelief then the church is not a church and that's one other additional thought Yeah.
All right.
Let's talk about worship for the next 10 minutes One of the purposes for the gathered assembly is the worship of Almighty God And while that's not the only reason I would say that is the great reason to gather We gather to worship God and to neglect that I think is is Is sinful? I mean, it's not I'm not saying if somebody takes a Sunday off or something that that's necessarily sinful There's always you know, if somebody's sick or out of town or something, but the perpetual the perpetual avoidance of the gathered assembly is certainly Indicative of of a problem in the heart and we gather To worship and I want to give you four thoughts on worship.
You can write these down number one Worship is the highest priority for the Christian Worship is the highest priority for the Christian.
In fact, I believe it's going to be our chief occupation in the new heaven It's what we're going to do More than anything else.
I believe we're going to worship God I don't think it I don't think that necessarily means it's going to be a 24-hour music festival But worship is going to be our primary vocation in the new heavens because that was Adams primary vocation before the fall to to to Be the one who is to take care of the garden right and in doing so he's worshiping God He's taking care of his creation.
He's in all of this is an act of worship And think about if you look at those other five purposes, right? We talked about five purposes earlier if you look at worship What is evangelism making worshippers? What is discipleship teaching worshippers? What is fellowship? Motivating worshippers and what is ministry caring for worshippers? It always goes back to the the worshippers What did Jesus say God's desire is? That I have people who would worship me in spirit and in truth.
That's God's desire is those who would worship him So worship is our highest priority Number two worship is regulated in Scripture.
What do I mean by that? Worship is regulated meaning worship is not to be Something that we design But something that we risk that we learn from the word and and practice from the word for instance what what are the what are the parts of worship that a church should have Prayer Song Because you know, we're told to speak to each other in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, right? We're told to make melody to the Lord, you know What else? Absolutely, but the ordinances right practicing the ordinances and we don't baptize every Sunday because you always have a baptismal candidate, right? But when we do it's part of worship.
I got a young person now that I'm counseling for baptism So when I baptize her It'll be an it won't be apart from worship.
It'll be during worship.
We'll have baptism Yes proclamation of God's Word that's part of it What all this is if you want to write a word down this is what we call the liturgy of the church Now you've heard the term liturgical and non-liturgical That's actually not I don't think that's a proper designation because typically when you talk about liturgical churches You're talking about a church that has a very strict order of worship that includes responsive readings that includes Stand up sit down.
There's there's Again Lutherans are liturgical but all churches are liturgical in one sense because all churches haven't even the most Even the most free church Has an order we don't come in.
We don't sing.
We don't pray the guys don't preach and then we're gonna have an invitation That's how a lot of churches are.
That's our order.
We're gonna sing.
We're gonna pray he gonna preach We're gonna have an invitation.
Well, that's four parts I would say the last part isn't necessarily a biblical part But but but the the they have a three-part liturgy, they're gonna have song they're gonna have prayer They're gonna have the word All right, and honestly if you think about our worship service, we also have the public reading of Scripture We're told in first Timothy give yourself to the public reading of Scripture So you say but you do that when you're preaching.
Yes, but when I'm preaching I'm usually focused on one or two verses But we read a whole chapter of Scripture as a church because we are to give ourselves to the public reading of Scripture That's part of our liturgy and it comes straight from the Scripture Acts chapter 2 says they devoted themselves to the Apostles doctrine to the breaking of bread and to prayer That was the liturgy of the early church teaching of the Apostles doctrine Breaking a bread which is Lord's Supper and prayer So that's I think every church should include those things Depending on your view of the Lord's Supper whether you do it every week or not But it should be there at some point maybe once a month if your church does it once a month or whatever but it should be there and the prayers and the Apostles doctrine the teaching so This is the this is how Scripture regulates worship Because you think about are there some things that people do in worship that aren't biblical a Lot of stuff is done in churches guys coming in on a on a Harley I've seen that guys driving Harley up on the chancel.
Oh, yeah.
All right.
This is not an exaggeration I've seen guys come in on a zipline.
I've seen guys throw footballs in church on Super Bowl Sunday this happened Church nearby pastor ran out had football pads on how to had a jersey on blue whistle Run up to the chancel spike the ball, and that's how he started his sermon I'd had a hard time keeping my gun in the holster As I just couldn't imagine that's again Playing with God, you know who played with God nay dab and a by who Leviticus chapter 10 Offered a strange fire unto the Lord and what did the Lord say? They did what I had not commanded them They did what I had not commanded them That's that's the thing worship is what God commands not what we design All right, so Last last two things worship is not about us that should go without saying but we still have to say it So when somebody comes up to me after church and says well, I didn't get a lot out of that I say that's fine.
I wasn't doing it for you.
I Mean, you know worship is not about you.
We weren't worshiping you If you didn't get anything out of it, that's okay.
It wasn't for you and Number four, we've already discussed worship is for believers.
It is impossible that an unbeliever would worship Because worship is an act that is done in spirit and in truth and the unbelievers dead in spirit So therefore worship is for believers now can unbelievers come and observe? Yes, but they cannot worship Yes Yeah until they become a believer until their heart changes.
Yes, and and and and in that sense the giving yourself as a Sacrifice living sacrifice, which is of course an oxymoron living sacrifice Sacrifices are dead, but you're living sacrifice That passage is important because it does remind us that we we are to do that daily So we are to worship God daily But in the context of this we're talking about corporate worship the difference between what I do at home You know, we have family worship at our house, by the way, if you're a father or even a mother There is a role for worship in your home I try to teach our men to lead their families at home doesn't have to be every night You know, sometimes it's just once a week But the children seeing their father read the Word of God saying the Word of God Proclaim the Word of God in the home is of such grand value that in so often overlooked So worship is done outside the body, but the purpose of gathering Primarily with the body is for worship.