The New Ad Council Promotion of Ethical and Moral Chaos


Started off with an interesting video about driving on ice, then spent half an hour not commenting on the Theonomy debate, and then moved on to looking at the US tax payer’s dollars at work promoting ungodliness and moral chaos in the following video:

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And greetings, welcome to the Dividing Line on an unusual day. Yesterday was a travel day.
I don't have a monitor today for some reason. It's nice and blank up there. So I don't know if we're doing anything or not.
But oh, there we go. Yep. Oh, yeah, it's better when it's blank. Anyway, um, travel day yesterday back from the
Masters Academy's International International Symposium.
So there were two internationals there on inerrancy, which was sort of the pre pre stuff for the
Shepherds Conference pre conference conference for the Shepherds Conference. And I guess
I could have stayed they I guess they had the room paid for for the week,
I guess I could have stayed but I wasn't informed of that. So and I couldn't have anyways, so wouldn't made much of a difference.
But anyhow, it was very, very well done and had a great time meeting all sorts of folks.
And the neat thing about this was folks from all around the world, all around the world that listen to this podcast,
I have no earthly idea why it must be they must listen only when john sampson's on and not when
I'm on because that would that would make sense because he's much more I don't know, metropolitan, you know, you know,
I think that what's left that just skosh of a British accent.
A lot of it's gone. A lot of it's gone. You know, I think if if john wandered back to England, they'd be going now what's wrong with you from Texas?
What's, you know, but maybe that that accent helps or something, but everybody was talking about how they listen to the dividing line and stuff like that.
And it's, it's exciting to meet folks. And got to talk with with a lot of really interesting folks.
And of course, for me, you know, I'm wearing my my EBT t shirt today. I got to see
Christian and Mattias and, and the guys from from Berlin and Zurich.
And of course, Greg and Nick were there from Kiev. And so it was old home week as far as that goes.
And, and of course, and rich hasn't been informed of this yet. And he's been he's really stressed out because of the website issues.
We've been having a bunch of website issues and the carts been down and, and that's not good for us.
And all that kind of stuff going on. So I just didn't want to completely stress him out and letting him know that once we started talking about September, and going to be teaching a class on Hebrews.
So we were talking about the class and the level of the class. And I've had to change a lot of what I was thinking of doing with the class.
And but lo and behold, we had the fifth through the 15th on the calendar, and it's only four days.
So as soon as I said that, everybody else is going, oh, you've got a little extra time, huh?
Well, and immediately, you know,
I've been teaching now. I've been in Kiev twice last year. And what's unusual there is you have just a single group of guys.
See, here in the States, you'll have an MDiv program, and people come and go in it, you know, and people graduate out and other people come in and so on and so forth.
But there in Kiev, you just have one group of guys that just goes the whole program together.
And then they graduate together and a whole new group comes in. So what's interesting is
I get to know the guys, I get to know what kind of questions they're going to be asking stuff like that. It's, it's sort of cool.
Well, the guys that I've known ever since I started going there will graduate very soon.
And so there's gonna be a whole new group coming in. And so Greg was there,
Greg White, he runs the work there in Kiev. And he's like, so only four days in Zurich, it's a short flight to Kiev, let me assure you.
And he's like, you know, this could be a whole new group and you'd be one of the first classes they've had.
How about, how about new test reliability, textual criticism. And so we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna work that out.
So I think they're just gonna have you move over there. No, I don't, not with, not with, not with, with Vladimir doing with Vladimir.
He's taken over everything. So he might as well take you with him, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So anyway, so Kiev and Zurich, instead of just Zurich, so since you're, since you're making announcements, yes, see, yes.
A couple of things. Yes, the shopping cart is still down. And it's still down.
And we, we had a banner up on the website that was very incorrect.
Very incorrect. It wasn't just slightly incorrect. Yes, very incorrect. Okay. And that was the regarding the baptism debate happening in less than three weeks with Dr.
Greg Strawbridge. That's less than three weeks, huh? I better start, what are we debating? Baptism, as I just said.
Baptism. Baptism debate. I'll have to, what do we believe about that? I'll have to. What's that? What do we believe about that? We're credo.
Okay. All right. All right. I'll, I'll find something green on that. Anyway, there has been a lot of discussion that that was going to be held at RTS and that was incorrect information.
And somebody brought that to my attention going, hey, you got down on the calendar here that it's going to be at Orlando Grace Church. And you also have up on the, you know, the banner there saying it's at RTS.
It will be at Orlando Grace Church Monday, March 23rd at 7pm.
Wow. Monday, March 23rd. And that is 872 Maitland Avenue.
And I'm not even going to try to. I'm going to get, I'm going to get creamed. You know why? Why? Because that's exactly one week after my knighthood attempt.
Oh, there'll be nothing left of me. Nothing left of you. They'll, they'll wheel me in, in a wheelchair and I'll sit there and go, hey, you know, they're
Roman Catholics right now are saying, and how is that different? No, they, they were wishing, they're wishing it would be like that.
Eddie, will we have to refer to you as Sir Doctor James? Yes. Yes, you will. Sir Doctor. Yes, you will. Well, I'm not doing it.
I'm sorry, but it's, it's the law, isn't it? Once you're a knight, they just, there you go. The British people will beat you up if you don't do it.
I'm not afraid. Anyway. So anyway, that, that was a very big deal right there that needed correction and it has, the banner has been corrected.
If you have friends that think that it's going to be an RTS and you actually want them to show up for this, you need to let them know that it's been changed.
So. You know, this would have worked a lot better if that camera had been working and you could have. It's not working.
John can tell you it's, it's just a blank screen. This is, this is the, this is the camera. This is, this is me.
And, and, and, and this is what I look like right now. So what can I say? So we just come back to you and there's, there's light.
And so, you know, one of these days you'll let me out of the dungeon and you know, keep me locked up.
Right. Okay. Whatever you say. Anyway, we are also working on trying to get all these problems on the website straightened out.
Come to find out, you know, the postal service we think is what's been causing a number of issues with the shopping cart, trying to check out and it failing and you go back and all these failed attempts over the last couple of months.
And so we're in the process of trying to apply a bunch of patches that apparently they released since last
September that we didn't apply. And they, you know, that must be some kind of Microsoft thing.
No, it's Microsoft would actually probably make sense. This is the postal service. I can only put that in that context and let you draw the rest of the conclusions.
Yeah, they're still running on DOS. I think so. Well, yeah. And again, we're, this is the government postal service programming.
Obamacare. No, I mean, anyway, gotcha. Gotcha. So those are the biggies. We're trying to fix this.
And yeah, so I was going to explain to everybody the knighthood thing.
But if we can't have a link up for people to support me in my effort, which we can't until the carts up anyways.
Well, at this point in time, I'm hoping that this can all be resolved by the end of day tomorrow, maybe
Friday. I certainly wouldn't want to go into the weekend. I mean, essentially, we had huge errors over the weekend.
And Monday morning, I went into to try to start applying the patches and upgrading stuff.
And I made the first change. And the server went down, crashed, and burned.
And the gurus went in and tried to boot it back up. And it came back up for about 30 seconds and crashed again.
And, and that's when the fun began. So you broke it is what you're saying. That is the general consensus.
That is what's on our Facebook page. Hasim King of graphics made sure to put that on. He broke it last time.
Well, he made sure the phrase blame rich is actually on our website, along with some character cartoon character he put up there
I've never seen before. I don't know who that is. I hope it's not bad. Well, it's cartoon character.
I wouldn't know either. So yeah, okay, there you go. All right, well, so maybe next week,
I'll be able to explain to you what in the world a knighthood attempt is. Some of you know, I've mentioned it.
If you just want to if you don't Google Knights of Sufferlandia, you'll know what what it is we're talking about.
But I'm gonna be doing something absolutely insane on a bike on the 16th of March. And I figure it's a good excuse to raise some funds for all the traveling we've got coming up.
So we'll let you know about that as we get going. So anyway, I, as I said, was over in California for the
TMI symposium, I spoke on what the Muslim world needs to know about inerrancy.
I talked about it's our hawk and common Muslim perspectives on the corruption of scripture and so on so forth and, and really enjoyed the opportunity to do that.
Had I don't know if you can have a non intense conversation with Paul Washer.
I don't, I don't recall a casual non intense conversation with Paul Washer. I'm not sure he has those actually.
But we've got some projects that we're working on together as well, which we'll let you know about in in time.
But so lots of things going on. I did want to start off with something a little lighter before we go on to heavier things.
Someone on Twitter sent me this video.
And I, I don't know if you have it. I hope you have it. Is there a is there a car in the middle of it?
Okay, good. They sent me this video of a of a near accident on the icy freeways in Dallas.
But what's interesting is the sound. So I hope you have have the sound here.
No, I don't. I Well, I hope not. Because we don't have a delay.
So be warned. But here, here's, here's, here's what was what was sent to me.
Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, time. Riverton Republican member Dan McKay switched to vote in favor allow the measure passed in 1934.
And that's what you do. What'd you do? Okay, we got to start all over again.
Because you know, here this is that time Riverton Republican member Dan McKay switched to vote in favor allow the measure passed in 1934.
And asked there by the Associated Press about the switch and Kay smiled and walked away without comment. Ray argues that a team of trained marksmen is faster and more humane than the drawn out deaths that have occurred in boxed lethal injections.
There's a point there. His bill would call for a firing squad if Utah cannot get lethal injection drugs 30 days before an execution.
Critics say the firing squad is a group. So there you go. So you've got a near accident, the guy ends up headlights at you.
And what's in the background the whole time, but the last dividing line, where we were discussing the the firing squads in Utah.
So I found it rather interesting. That I think the fellow said, well, you see, you were keeping me sharp.
If you hadn't kept me awake, who knows what might have happened. So. So there you go.
I'm not sure exactly how you get in a car. I've never listened to myself in a car. But, you know,
I guess you can plug in your phone or, or something. I don't know. Yeah, when I first started testing the
YouTube stuff, I think the first, like the second or third show, I actually, I had to leave early.
And I just let you keep going. And I the whole way I'm driving home. I'm watching it on my phone.
Live. It's pretty trippy, huh? There you go. Well, there we were. We were we were part of a near accident in in Dallas on the obviously extremely icy roads, which we don't we don't have that here, thankfully.
Flagstaff, you could, obviously. But down here? No, no, it just never gets that cold.
In all of recorded history, at least that I know of. So I thought that was an interesting way to to start off start off the day.
Is that is this our fellow here? I'm wondering. No. Should William Lane Craig debate other
Christians? Well, that's interesting. I will look and see if we can take a look at that.
That's that's new. But anyhow, while that's slowly loading or trying to load, actually, it's not loading at all for me.
Last night, I was directed to this particular.
Well, hold on before before I go to that. Let me just make a quick comment on what everybody is asking about, and then we'll go on to something a little bit more important as far as that goes.
I mentioned on Facebook, I don't know, about three or four days ago that that I'm not
I'm not sure if I'm even going to make the attempt.
A lot of people want me to do it, but I'm not even sure I'm going to make the attempt to wade into the, as I described it, nuclear waste that has been deposited on the
Internet in the wake of the Hall -McDermott theonomy debate.
You know, I've heard a lot of Armenians complain that when they criticize
Reformed theology, all Calvinists say is you just don't understand. Of course, the reality is that on this program, a thousand times we've demonstrated that that's true.
We've demonstrated the misrepresentations and demonstrated the misunderstandings and the straw men and so on and so forth.
And it's not too difficult to do. I mean, there is an identifiable system of theology that you can that you can interact with people on.
But it does seem it certainly seems to me that in almost any situation where there is a criticism of theonomy, the first answer is that's not what theonomy says.
And it's a little on the confusing side, frustrating side, that it seems to be a really, really movable target.
And obviously, there are some substantial differences between major voices within the published theonomic camp.
And it seems that basically you have to know all of the permutations, variations, strands, flavors, whatever else it might be, to make any comment about the subject at all.
And that is troubling to me. And it certainly makes the whole discussion rather difficult.
But there have been things posted on the internet now, for example, calling for J .D.
Hall to be removed from his church and to be disciplined. And, you know, both sides have claimed to have won the debate hands down.
And I think there's a lot of spinning and chest thumping or chest chomping.
You could do that, too. It doesn't matter. And I honestly just don't know how much good would come out of just providing yet another target for incoming missiles and further confusion.
Maybe the best thing to do would be to wait for six months to where it's yesterday's news and maybe possibly some of the emotions would have died down or something.
I don't know. Or do what I said in the
Facebook article that I put up. That is, you know what? I'm preaching through the
Holiness Code. That's enough. I mean, you know, the last sermons
I did, I mean, these are tough sermons, isn't it? You got to give the folks at PRBC credit for surviving these pitiful excuses for sermons, because it's not easy to turn a discussion of how to map the law in the sense of identifying its moral foundations and relating ceremonial with moral and what's the moral in the various judicial laws and what's specifically for the nation of Israel in a theocratic context.
It's not going to map out to a non -theocratic context, which seems to be part of the issue with theonomy. I guess for some theonomists that doesn't happen, but for others it does.
I don't know. I'm going to tell you one thing. I'm not, especially with some of the stuff
I talked about as far as projects going right now, I am not investing my time in reading a bunch on theonomy.
Sorry. Not interested. Not possible. Not going to be doing any debates on it, so it's just irrelevant.
It'd be a waste of my time, a waste of time I do not have to do so.
So my apologies for those who were hoping for the great, you know, the great internet war, the mother of all internet wars, to quote
Saddam Hussein's odd press dude. Anyway, so I sort of figure
I'm, you know, anyone who would, I guess I am a living walking contradiction though to the constant claim by some theonomists that to not be a theonomist means you're antinomian.
I don't know how anybody could listen to what I've said about God's law and especially the subject of homosexuality, looking at the background of the holiness code, what
I went through the last time I spoke and talked about examining each of these laws in their context, looking at their language, looking at what they were responding to that particular time, making application in light of what we can learn from that.
I don't know anybody who would say that I'm antinomian when I simply say that to me, it seems rather painfully obvious that there are elements of the mosaic law that were given to a theocratic context and nation and that I am concerned that there, here
I'm commenting on it already, I am concerned when I see some statements from some people, well
I will comment on this, I commented on a statement that was made that has been clarified, okay.
Ivy Connerly made a statement that was a very either or, either you're for a theonomic position or you believe in following Barack Obama.
I said Ivy, excluded middle, far too simplistic, this is logical error, that's not true and I was really disappointed in some of the people who came to his defense and it really did illustrate to me what
I see as imbalance on the part of a number of people within the theonomic camp. There is an imbalance, there's just no question about it, but when
I'm listening to what some of these people are saying, one of the things
I brought up in this lengthy response that I wrote in a comment in a comm box,
I mean what is, what have I come to, Facebook, it's your fault, your fault, it's your fault, but I explained the fact that I have for years now been giving as an illustration of the fundamental difference between Christianity and Islam, the fact that we had
Acts 15 and they never have. Now what does that mean? Well Acts chapter 15,
Jerusalem council, the apostles gather together and you have the
Jewish element in the church that says look, the message came, the
Messiah came through us, the Messiah was a fulfillment of promises that were given to us, the law was meant to be eternal, circumcision is the means by which you enter into the people of Israel, Jesus is the
Jewish Messiah and therefore before you can become a Christian you have to be a part of the people of promise.
Well the disciples gather together and they have the big powwow and the big discussion and they go no, this is not what
Christ taught and we are not going to make incumbent upon Jewish converts or Jewish people who want to convert this first step of first entering into this covenant before you can go into that covenant.
No, it's faith in Jesus Christ and faith in Jesus Christ alone and then you end up with Galatians and the whole issue about circumcision and things that come from that.
And the application I've made is one of the fundamental differences between Christianity and Islam is that because of Acts chapter 15 we do not bring a cultural context with the gospel and identify the two together.
That has happened. One of the greatest criticisms, sorry John, one of the greatest criticisms of English imperialism was the fact that the gospel became identified with British culture.
Certainly couldn't be anymore sadly but that many of the missionaries that would go out would attempt to fundamentally alter a culture not just in regards to fundamentally moral issues but to basically identify
Christianity and a particular cultural manifestation of it as if they're the same thing and they're not.
Because we had Acts chapter 15 the gospel can cross every linguistic geopolitical boundary and border that man can put up and so we don't have to we don't have to bring
Sharia but Islam has to because Islam is a religio -political system.
There are certain elements of Islam that are fundamentally cultural but have been enshrined within Sharia and that's what's causing the problem.
We don't have to do that because we had Acts chapter 15 but listening to some theonomists makes me wonder just what they think happened in Acts chapter 15 and just you know
I mean Acts chapter 15 is important for a lot of reasons. I mean if you think for example that it's apostolic to believe that baptism fulfills circumcision.
I don't know why there was an Acts chapter 15 because if that was an apostolic belief there wasn't any reason for an
Acts chapter 15 that already been decided that's just that's done. That's interesting but the important point is it it it really does and I saw
I saw someone I think some people are sensitive to the fact that wow you know the the
Muslims have this concept of Sharia and we don't we don't want that you know what are the differences and I did look at an article online of someone who was saying what's the difference between theonomy and Sharia and I'll be pretty honest with you the article that I I read missed the point completely.
Maybe due to a lack of understanding of Sharia I don't know there's not a lot of people understand Sharia but missed the point completely.
I think there's a great danger in missing missing the freedom the gospel has to enter into every possible context of the world.
We're going to all the world and we're not called to turn them into Jews before we turn them into Christians that's what
Acts 15 said. Well what does that mean when it comes to such things as exhaustive penology and and all the rest that stuff.
So there's there's there's some things that concern me and that came up in that you know I mentioned that and I haven't after like the initial explosion of comments
I don't know how to keep up with comments that people add you know three weeks after something's posted or something.
I mean it seems to me that comment threads are relevant for a day or two and then it moves on is sort of how
I experience it anyways. But be that as it may I was
I was I was disappointed and concerned because at least in the period of time that I was looking at it
I saw no meaningful interaction with what
I said. It was like no one even caught you know or sat back for a moment to go oh well that's a concern
I wonder exactly you know it was just like ah you're not understanding it was a very you know knee -jerk reaction stuff and almost all the conversations seem to be that way right now.
And maybe maybe this just is something that cannot be discussed electronically and unfortunately that's pretty much the only way any of us talk to each other anymore.
You know when you see young people sitting around texting each other as they're sitting at the table with each other that's really scary.
That's that's really really a bad thing. Anyway so that's a lot of commentary to say
I'm not really commenting yet. Maybe I'll think of some way to do it that might be useful.
I haven't even listened to the debate yet no I have not people go I haven't had a chance to. I was busy this weekend and I mean you know when you you teach in the morning and then afternoon flight and then you're you're meeting with people and I was on my feet yammering all day long.
Just it's great I mean you know we're we're in the speaker's room in the morning and in walks
John MacArthur and of course that the dress code we were told the dress code was jacket no tie.
And I wrote back and I said I protest and so Craig wrote back to me and he says he says if you wish to wear your signature bow tie that's fine with us.
And so I I had a bright green bow tie on with my my green tweed jacket that I got it next to Trinity College in Dublin.
And so John MacArthur walks in and he's so he sees me first because of the of the tie and he goes
James White and I looked at him said John MacArthur and I said why no bow tie and he just rolled his eyes and said yeah you and Al Mohler.
And I said we're trying our best to start a movement here and he says you know I was with Mohler once when he went to a place and bought 10 10 bow ties at one time.
And I said well I sent him one recently it has a library on it and he wrote back to me and said it was the most literate bow tie he'd ever seen.
So. So. So yeah he did. It was. I've sent him. I've given
Dr. Mohler a couple bow ties so far. So. But anyways point was talk talk talk talk talk talk.
I just have not had time to. And I I've got the
MP3 ready to go. Just a long enough ride.
But we'll see when it happens. We'll just we'll just see what happens. Maybe maybe tomorrow
I'm planning on a very very long run tomorrow. And maybe I can maybe I can do it then.
Maybe it would numb the pain or maybe it'd be so painful that I would know it would it would distract me from the actual pain of the run
I'm planning on doing. You know how far if I do I'm not going to say I'm going to make this right now.
But you know what I'm planning on doing tomorrow. Two thirds of a marathon. Two thirds of a marathon.
Yeah. Well I was going to say if you let me know if you're going to queue that up and I'll I'll keep the truck warmed up to come pick you up when you just can't take it anymore and you just go right off a cliff.
If I'm running I'm not that far from home I can I can crawl back if I have to. Yes well we do have cliffs here.
You know people not where I'm running we don't. Not where I'm running. So anyway.
So we'll we'll see if we get to it. Maybe maybe tomorrow. I don't know. To be honest with you there's other stuff
I need to get to. I mean I have some major major projects and you know people always saying what can we pray for you all for.
Well you know we need your support right now. The carts down that means people can't donate and we don't have cash reserves.
So you know pray that that'll get fixed and and the support that's there. The upcoming trips obviously there's a there should be or will be a travel.
There is a travel thing isn't there on the website somewhere where you can you can donate toward getting us where places we need to go so on so forth.
We've got some big projects. Writing projects. I'm on I'm honestly looking for an assistant.
That's how that's how overwhelmed I'm going to be. These are big things.
They're important things. But when you have the opportunities you've got it you've got to take them.
You've got to pursue them. And so we're going to be we're gonna be trying to do that when we have as we have the opportunity to do so.
So anyways well we'll see if we can get to it. But I'm not making any.
I'm not making. I'm not going to promise that any more than you promise that I'm going to make two thirds of a marathon tomorrow. I did.
Did I tell you about Ken. Because Ken will hear this. Yes. I need to fill you in on what he said about something else.
But initially what what he had said to me was he was challenging me to beat a friend of his who was running in the same race that I was running in.
And then it changed to just a time which I beat by 15 minutes.
So I was good on that. Anyways I turned on my my running riding phone this morning and there were some texts from him and his friend.
I'd wondered how he had done. His friend. My time was 2 11 20.
His was 2 11 18. He was the guy right in front of me. And I had no idea. I had no idea.
So it was a virtual tie. I mean after two hours 11 minutes two seconds. I'll take that. I'll I'll I'll take that.
But I had no idea. We were within two seconds of each other. Of those thousands of people. The guy that was right in front of me as we ran across was the guy that had been talked about.
So I thought that was sort of sort of amazing actually. And then
I told you that the guy the official timer for the race listens to the dividing line which is amazing.
I'm like really. Wow. That's that that's fascinating. OK. We spent a lot of time way too much time on on that.
That was the longest non comment comment ever. So let me.
Where were we here. OK. Yesterday. Taco in channel and.
I'd say I can spell his nick it's T .A .C .O. There's a reason why
I'll say that but I'll leave it for him to hear. Anyway T .A .C .O. in channel. Pointed me to this video that was put out by the ad council.
Now I didn't have time to look at it. I know the I think the ad council is public money.
I think this is the propaganda wing of the Obama administration. And it's called love has no labels now.
So my gut feeling is I have not had time to look into this. I have not had time to prove this. But I think this is your tax dollars at work.
This is your tax dollars at work. It's three minutes and 20 seconds long.
And if you haven't seen it get a deep seat in the saddle because. Well. All right.
Here we go. I wanted to.
My love my love my love. She keeps me warm. She keeps me warm.
She keeps me warm. She keeps me warm. Even if I try.
Even if I wanted to. My love my love my love.
She keeps me warm. She keeps me warm. She keeps me warm.
She keeps me warm. And I can't change.
Even if I try. Even if I wanted to.
My love my love my love. She keeps me warm. She keeps me warm.
She keeps me warm. She keeps me warm.
She keeps me warm. She keeps me warm. My heart doesn't see race.
Love has no age limit. That's my best friend. We are neighbors and best friends.
We all have different religions but we have universal love as well. I love my sister.
Love is love. Our family is no less than any other family. I'm not crying on salvation.
Love is kind. Now notice right there at the end.
Rethinking love has no labels. And of course that was same love. The throw all morals and ethics out the window theme by Macklemore.
Which of course when you think about the very words. I couldn't change if I wanted to. Just think about the view of man.
That is inherent in that statement. If consistently what we would have seen here.
Why didn't we have three or four people? Why didn't we have some
Paulies in here? Why didn't we have some incestuous transgenerational relations?
Because I can't change even if I wanted to. Why didn't we have a seven year old guy with a ten year old girl?
Can't change even if I wanted to. Let's be consistent here shall we? Oh no we don't want to be consistent.
Because this is effective because our nation now makes moral decisions based upon emotion.
Rather than upon any kind of objective concept of well to steal
Al Mohler's copyrighted phrase. He never talks about theology matters being mine but that's okay.
Human flourishing. There were two homosexuals with a little boy.
And we're no less than any other family. Yes you are. That little boy does not have a mother.
Purposefully. That's a fact. And if your desire for a mirror image of yourself.
Is so deep seated. That you can then rob a little boy of the example of the mother that he needs.
That illustrates the self centeredness of homosexuality to begin with. And it's child abuse.
That's what it is. Child abuse. Well isn't that better than no parents at all?
Isn't that better than just one parent? Shouldn't be a situation.
Well first of all they didn't produce that boy. They didn't produce that boy. They don't have any wombs.
And it would be a grand perversion of human nature to try to give them one. That boy has a mommy somewhere.
And he needs that mommy. Well she passed away. Well there is a tragedy. Still needs a mommy.
Still needs a mommy. Anyway. There is just so much.
To this. But this is now the way that our society thinks. And is influenced.
99%. By emotion. Music. The idea of thinking things through.
Thinking about future issues. Thinking about the good of the society.
And the whole idea. Of viewing us as creatures of God. Who have been called to a transformation. Transcendent purpose.
That is completely out the window. Completely out the window. So. There you go folks.
To the rest of the world. As a tax paying citizen. Of the
United States of America. I apologize. I am embarrassed. By the promotion.
Of sexual perversity. On the part of my nation. I call my nation.
To repent. But my nation does not seem to have any. Interest whatsoever.
In repenting. For the Muslims in the audience. This is.
About as clear an evidence. As I could ever. Produce. That this is not a
Christian nation. It is not led by Christians. It does not have Christian values.
It is a. Secular nation. Which is why.
The system of government. That was designed for it. By people who had a Christian world view.
Ain't working so good no more. Because the people who designed it. Assumed.
Honesty and integrity. On the part of the citizenry. The judiciary. And everybody else.
And hence the founding fathers themselves. Said. That the constitution is only sufficient.
For a godly and moral people. We are neither godly nor moral. I don't think the constitution.
Is sufficient for us any longer. And that's why it will. If not be overthrown. Be so fundamentally.
Rewritten by judicial activism. That will have very little. Semblance of.
Being recognized by the people who put it together. So anyway. That little sermon.
Aside. This is what. My nation is producing. And the reality is.
As many people have noted. On twitter appropriately. If you accept. What was said here.
If you accept all these. You know. No boundaries. No gender.
No disability. Oh what an amazing thing. Did you notice they had a down syndrome child. How many of them are left.
Thanks to abortion. Don't think they were saying anything about that. Huh. They don't have the moral backbone.
To say anything about the. The genocide. Of. Down syndrome individuals.
But be it as it may. If you say all that was said here. Then the only possible.
Final conclusion is. Love has no meaning. Because. If you say love has no gender.
Then you're making husband and wife. Meaningless terms. You're making father and mother meaningless terms. So you're taking partial truths.
That love has no disability. And how dare.
Man I would not want to be Macklemore. And Ryan Lewis. And answer before God.
For using first Corinthians chapter 13. In a song specifically designed to overthrow. Everything that's godly and right about love.
Wow. Don't even want to see. The judgment on that one. Um. But.
If you follow this through. Then. Ten years from now.
When it's redone. They'll need to add in. All the different groups.
That I just mentioned. Where is the poly group. Where is the intergenerational love group.
Why isn't there one back there. Of. A human and a dog. Why not.
If you can't change what you are. And what you are. Is what you feel you are today.
Then there is not. A single. Logical reason.
Or argument. You can present to me. Why we shouldn't have. A longer version of this.
With bestiality and pedophilia. And incest. And every other kind.
Of human sexual behavior. Right there being celebrated. Because it's same love.
See same love. The very title. Is a lie.
That only appeals. To those. Who are already in rebellion against God. And.
Theology matters. Theology matters. Because. If you've bought into.
The. Omnibenevolence is the only. Divine attribute. And if you've bought into.
The theology. That refuses to see. God's redemptive love.
In human history. For the people of Israel. Undeserved. But that was a different kind of love.
Than. What was expressed. To any other people. You only of all the peoples.
Of the earth have I known. Yada. If you've already rejected that kind of stuff.
Then you're already crippled. When it comes to. Making meaningful application. To social issues.
Because. You've got a God. Who. Doesn't have the capacity.
For. Appropriate differentiation. Of kinds of love. Theology matters.
Theology matters. So there you go. Your tax dollars at work.
The. The cultural. Ethical and moral revolution. Represented.
By that. Amazing. Truly amazing. It'd be really neat.
If someone. Would put a Christian version of that out. It wouldn't get any airplay
I know. I know. But it could be done well.
It could be done well. In fact. Hasn't somebody done. A musical response to same love.
That's ringing. That's ringing a bell. With me. That there was a.
Musical response to that. But I don't remember what it was. That came out.
A couple years ago. I think someone did. A musical response to that.
But it could. The same. Thing could be done. With that screen type thing.
And. Illustrate. A biblical perspective.
Over against. This destruction. Of biblical love. That would be.
Ah see. Look at that. Have you seen the reply song to same love. By Bizzle. No. Bizzle?
I'm sorry. I'm showing my. And that was I think. Before I asked.
Which is strange that Twitter would. Anticipate that. But Andrew is asking.
What did the homosexuals have to do. With any of the others in that video. Well the whole idea was. Our families no less.
Etc. They had two lesbians. Two homosexuals. The lesbians didn't have a child.
But the two guys did. But the whole thing was. Gender gender gender. Which doesn't have any meaning.
For most of these folks anymore anyways. Somebody in the channel earlier. Made a good point. And the one thing you did not see.
Couldn't have but. Well I guess you could have. And that is. A mother with a child in the womb.
Yeah. We're not going to see that. Yeah. One of them I was wondering.
In the one that said. No race. I wasn't sure if she was pregnant or not. But if she was smart.
She wouldn't be standing in an x -ray machine. Anyways even if that. I'm not even sure if that was. That may have just been special effects.
And then they just walked out or something. I don't know. But yeah I understand.
It could be done. It would be neat to see. A response to that. Because what's the less than subtle assertion.
Bias. Bigotry. You're biased. You're bigoted. You're unloving. And our society rejects you if you don't agree with this.
If you don't celebrate. Two homosexuals walking out with a little child. And kissing each other.
You're a bad person. That's what we're being told. Biblically you're a bad person.
If you celebrate that. So it's. It's not a situation of compromise here.
There's no compromise here. This is. You celebrate.
Ungodliness. And you're fulfilling Romans chapter 1. And unfortunately.
The vast majority of evangelicals. Whatever that term means anymore. Are uncomfortable saying what
I just said. And if you're uncomfortable with that. If you're saying. White's being a little. White's being you know.
He's being nasty again. Think about it for just a moment. Let's use something that has not.
You haven't been dumbed down yet on. If a grandmother.
And her grandchild. Walked around there. And kissed. In the context.
Not of. Grandmas and grandsons. The way it's supposed to be.
But sexually. Would you then understand why that.
Why celebrating that. Would be an evil thing to do. Yeah that one's still. Icky enough.
For us to recognize. You can't force me to celebrate that. But you see what's been happening.
30 years ago. We wouldn't even be having this conversation. But we have been.
Dumbed down. We have been exposed to it. We've been being beaten over the head.
Over and over and over and over and over again. So that. If you make the statement.
If you celebrate. Those lesbians. You celebrate. Those homosexuals.
That is wrong. It is a moral evil to celebrate moral evil. And for a lot of people.
It's like. I don't know. It seems pretty extreme. But if we saw it incest.
If we saw it bestiality. Okay that's still. Oh okay yeah. I see what you mean about that.
But what if it was a poly group. What if three people came out. And. What if it was three women.
Or three men. Already. For most people to say. That's morally evil.
You know. We're not going to get a lot of people into our churches. If we're talking like that.
You see. So it's done one step at a time. One step at a time. And you might say.
There could never be a day. When evangelicals.
Would celebrate incest. Trust me.
I'm old enough. I'm actually old enough to tell you. There was a time when I would have said. There would never be a day.
When evangelicals would celebrate homosexuality. Well that day is here.
Maybe I was looking a little bit too much into it. But I felt the message of that whole thing was. If you draw a line anywhere.
Now we're going to parade these groups before you. But if you draw a line anywhere. You're a bigot.
I got that message loud and clear. Yeah love has no labels. So. You got it.
No question about it. There it is. So there's your tax dollars at work folks.
Congratulations. Certainly at this time. Of the year.
When we are. Doing taxes. It makes us feel.
Really good. That yeah. That's what our money is going toward.
But there you go. There it is. Let's see.
We already looked at. At that. Well someone gave me the.
The link to the. Response to. Macklemore's same love. I'm tempted.
To watch it. But I want to watch it. Before I play it. So we'll. If it really hits me.
We'll. We'll look at another. At another point in time. But. Other than that.
I don't think so. Alright. Man there's just so many things.
But I'm going to stick with what I've got here. Oh wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Really? Really? Oh. That says.
I'm a minute past. I. Okay. Well we'd be out of time.
See what reconstructionism does to you. Oh great thanks.
Appreciate that Rich. That was Rich Pierce. Who said that. Address all barbs.
And email Blast. To him for that comment. Not for me. I did not say that.
Anyways we'll pick up with. Nine things you think you know about Geass. That are probably wrong.
Is one of the articles I wanted to get to. I thought it was like 20 minutes till. How'd that happen? Wow okay.
We'll see you on the next Dividing Line. Which is probably Friday. We're just going to shift everything back.
So probably on Friday. Just watch Twitter and Facebook. And the blog and stuff like that. And we'll see you next time.