F4F | Heidi Baker Goes Deeper (Into Hypnosis NOT the Holy Spirit)


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith here on YouTube. So if you've ever been told that, you know, listen, to be filled with the
Spirit means that you need to be willing to be out of control of yourself and that you just never know what it's going to look like.
Your anointing might end up having you bark like a dog or things like that. Go ahead and hit the subscribe button and ring the bell.
You've been deceived and taught false doctrine based upon the false narrative of the charismatic movement.
Nowhere in Scripture are we told what it is that we're going to hear Heidi Baker talk about, and so we're heading over to the
Toronto Airport Church, formerly the Toronto Airport Vineyard Church, but they were too wackerdoodle to even be allowed to be permitted to be staying in the vineyard.
I should tell you something about their theology, and they recently celebrated their 20th anniversary of the so -called
Toronto outpouring and blessing, and one of their speakers was Heidi Baker. Let's check in with her antics, because that's the only way
I can describe it. Nothing biblical for real in what we're going to be seeing or hearing from her, and we'll deconstruct it along the way and note that she's engaging in a technique that is actually the same as hypnosis.
Let's check in. Here we go. I want to read. I feel like reading one of my favorite scriptures in a renewal house, where you all just want more.
Do you all want more? Yeah. See, the Toronto Airport Church, they're super -d -special.
They glow in the dark and stuff, because they just want more. If you attend a normal church—see, this is part of the narrative.
Those traditional churches where they sing hymns and the pastor preaches from the word and stuff like that, like it's been done for 2 ,000 years.
They just don't want more. They don't want the Spirit, and so a special place like Toronto, because they wanted more, where God gave them more, yeah, you know, more.
You know, some people don't get that, but if you really understand what it is—
Oh, oh, yeah, she's faking that. That's just made -up stuff. I mean, even
Mike Bickle of IHOP says that's totally bogus. That's not really the Holy Spirit. And who it is that we're receiving more of, and that he literally said—
Now a little bit of a test question for you here. As we're listening to Heidi Baker, just ask yourself this question.
Who is she talking about more, Jesus or herself?
Yeah, you know, because the testimony of Christ is the spirit of prophecy, says the book of Revelation, and we're not really going to hear nothing about Jesus.
We're going to hear a lot about Heidi Baker. That we can have his spirit without measure.
Wow, what would that look like? Yeah, so what would it look like to have the spirit of God without measure?
I'm pretty sure it wouldn't look like somebody out of control of themselves, acting like something akin to being a drunk or somebody who's on drugs.
What would it look like to have his spirit without measure? I like asking questions.
Hey, what would it look like? It looks like you being fully filled.
How does that answer the question? So now she's going to use her own experiences in order to answer the question, as if somehow her experiences rise to the level of doctrine and theology that we must believe.
So it doesn't look like the same thing is happening to this amazing man.
It doesn't have to happen to her the same way. Do you understand? Yeah, again, which text are you exegeting, because what you just read out doesn't actually say that.
So you're just putting out these assertions. And if you try to push people into a box, they're going to get blisters.
Oh no, blisters from a box. Oh, we should never push anybody into a box.
That just sounds abusive. Do you understand?
Everybody has to walk in their own shoes, and everybody gets to walk in their own shoes.
Where does the everybody gets to walk in their own shoes teaching shown in Scripture?
Can you actually show that from a biblical passage, please? So I want to ask a question.
Who has the biggest, huge feet in this place? I think it's probably Duncan. Who?
Who? Who? Is Steve around? What size feet do you have?
Okay, come on up, Steve. Shakababa. Matt. Shakababa.
Okay. Matt, you have size 14. I mean, that's probably big enough for me. All righty.
Okay. So, Matt. So here comes the demonstration. She's picked somebody from the audience with large feet.
And this is going to prove her point, which is supposedly she's teaching something that's supposed to be true from the
Bible, but she's not. Hi. Hi, how are you? Max.
Max. Max. I like that name. I won't tell you why, because it might get you upset.
No, why not? My sister's dog's named Max. And so we have something in common, because before I ever heard a person named
Heidi, I met 16 dogs before the age of 10 named Heidi. They were all little
German schnauzers. And so— Max's are big dogs. That was a big dog.
My sister's dog's a big dog. He's really awesome, and he's really nice. Anyway, you're a super handsome guy, not a dog at all.
But I want to see if you could help me. Maybe we'll go up here.
Shakababa. So I'm going to read something. Now, a little bit of a note here. I mean,
Heidi Baker is known for, you know, her being able to, you know, impart manifestations or outpourings of the
Spirit and stuff. And by calling him out of the audience the way she has, in much the same way a hypnotist works, she's creating the expectation that something is going to happen.
And so, you know, all of this has, like, prepared him really well for the next phase of how hypnosis works.
When the person does the unexpected, and then immediately, you know, at that point, they come under the power, the hypnotic power of the person engaging in the hypnosis.
That's what's going on. And then I'm going to demonstrate, okay? You got to take your shoes off, sweetie.
Max. Yeah, that's probably true. They might, because you like to go around and move, so they don't always smell like roses.
That's okay. Hey, I'm going to start by reading something here.
Max is just helping. Just look at Max and notice the differences between us.
Go ahead and notice that. So here's
Ezekiel 47. A man brought me back. Are you feeling comfortable? All right.
That's good. Hey, no pressure. Snuck around. Notice, did you see her body movements there?
Now, those of you listening on the podcast, you can't see it. But this is available on YouTube for those of you in the listening audience.
She is literally, just like a professional hypnotist, creating this expectation, and through her body language there, was signaling that this guy should expect something to happen to him.
Note him, God. Let me back this up and see if that was a verbal expectation that she set up.
Are you feeling comfortable? All right. That's good. Hey, no pressure.
Snuck around him, God. All right, so there it is. Snuck around him, God. Snuck around him,
God. See, that particular thing that she just did, totally what a hypnotist does in preparing the person for hypnosis.
So, creating the expectation that God's going to snuck around him. And so, when she does the unexpected, then he's going to lose it.
So, the man brought me back to the entrance of the temple, and I saw water coming out.
See, now it's already starting. She implanted the idea, the expectation, that God was going to snuck around him.
And so, now he feels like he's being snuck around. Be you, Max. Shakababa.
I saw water coming out from under the threshold of the temple, towards the east, from the temple that faced east.
Now, somebody's coming up on the stage in order to catch Max. I'll probably use it later.
Oh, and the water was coming down from under the south side of the temple. Now, what she's reading from Ezekiel has nothing at all to do with the doctrine that she's teaching.
And by the way, the doctrine she's teaching is not found in Scripture. But this is to create the expectation, create the impression now that she has this ability to call the
Holy Spirit down to snockerado people. You know, shabba shakka, con, or something like that.
And, again, she's not reading Scripture for the purpose of understanding it.
But, you know, just these words now are overpowering the mind of poor
Max. Go ahead, God. And there it is. So, there's a command.
Go ahead, God. That was the expectation, and now there's the unexpected thing. And now he's going to fall over.
And he then brought me out. I'm just reading. This is exactly the same technique used by professional hypnotists.
He just brought me out. Hey. Brought me out.
Brought me out. Through the north gate and led me around the outside of the outer gate facing east.
Shakaraba. And the water was flowing from the south side. As a man went eastward with a measuring line in his hand.
My first second experience in Toronto was a test.
Do you ever think God might test you? All right, so now she's into full -blown exegeting her experiences, which is not a source of Christian doctrine or theology.
She hasn't actually taught anything that's biblical. She's engaged in a technique that is mysteriously identical to the same technique used by professional hypnotists.
And now we're going to hear a lot about her. Some of you say, no, he doesn't do that.
Usually while you're not watching and you don't know that you're being tested.
And I remember it because it was this guy who I thought was absolutely insane.
He looked a lot like this, this dude here. Only he had a measuring stick.
And it was pink. And I remember exactly what was going on because we'd gotten this letter that if we were back in Toronto, we were going to lose this million dollar offering, which we needed.
Yeah, so she's the person who literally decided to forego a million dollars so that she can come to Toronto and experience blissful carpet time.
We had just lost all our buildings and so we needed it. It was a good offering.
And they were giving it $100 ,000 a month. They'd given us $100 ,000 and Roland and I snuck in the back of this big old church there.
And Roland, he was very, very, very serious up till that point.
Super serious. And when I got rocked by God and he had to carry me around, he used to say, is that necessary?
So I'm just having fun watching people carry around people after he touches them. I'm just enjoying it.
When did that happen in the book of Acts? Can you show me an example of that?
No, there is no example of that in the book of Acts. And nowhere. Because it's so fun watching him.
He has just been totally transformed by Jesus. It's just the best thing ever. I'm so happy.
Apparently transformed by this unexplainable experience thingy that blasts you and throws you to the floor without actually hearing the
Word of God preached or taught in any meaningful way. 38 years, we've been married.
Come on, Jesus. Whoa, shakababa. So I was looking and we were way in the back.
There were probably 8 ,000, 10 ,000 people who's counting back there jammed in and shakababa.
And I'm back there and I'm sitting there and I'm watching these people. Hey, some of them look like you and some of them look like you.
And then this preacher, he was just upsetting me.
I thought, can somebody remove him, please? They need to remove him.
And then I'm thinking about this letter that I had to sign or not. Saying if I didn't want to lie on the floor laughing, we could keep the million dollars.
But if we wanted to continue the way we were continuing, that we would have to give it up.
And I'm watching this dude and I'm upset. And I had just defended my
PhD in systematic theology from King's College, University of London, defended at Oxford.
So I had my, you know, I'm actually a thinker and a drinker.
Well, imagine my shock. Which is somehow some people don't understand that they forgot that we're to love
God with all of our heart, soul, mind and spirits.
Yeah. Again, who is she preaching about? Herself. Yeah.
Where are these experiences taught in scripture? They're not.
In fact, the rolling on the floor and convulsing uncontrollably, the only accounts we have in the
New Testament of anything even remotely looking like that are when a demon is manifesting.
Called to check your mind at the door. You're called to have your mind ignited by the spirit of the living
God. I'm not done with Matt. I did not know what was going to happen.
But that's Max. Does he just just let him stay there a while. I'm going to come back to this point.
So I was watching this guy and I thought, is that necessary? The same thing
Roland said to me as he had to carry me around. Now I'm in a different mode.
My mind's in a different place. Is this necessary? And this guy had this pink ruler and he was throwing tic tacs.
I thought they've gone too far. They've literally gone too far.
They've actually lost their minds. And my husband, who is one of the most amazing.
Theologians I know. No, Roland Baker is no theologian.
Nope, not at all. Bill Scholar looked at me and he said, he's making sense to me.
I thought, wait a minute.
Notice she's not helping us understand the biblical text at all. What it really means. The Bible's just been used in order to basically kind of dip this message in it to make it look like it's actually biblical.
None of this is biblical at all. Wait, just wait a minute. I want to have an argument with my husband in church, but I know better.
You're supposed to wait till you're in the car. So I'm not going to have this discussion.
I'm having this discussion in my mind. I'm thinking, Roland, what's going on with you?
You're always asking me. You know, we'd only been there once. He went before me. I said, what's going on?
And he's like, this man's making a lot of sense to me. And then I was very, very, very concerned because John Arnott got up and said, someone here from Africa, I'm like looking for anybody of color, praying for anyone of color that they might be there so we could have a little diversity going on.
Just saying. And I'm thinking, Lord, surely there's got to be somebody else somewhere.
And then he said, I think their name's Baker. I was like, oh, crud. Crud, oh, crud.
Yeah, which, by the way, that's an easy parlor trick. Just work the crowd prior to them starting the church service.
And you can get that information to John Arnott so that he can pretend that he's receiving this information from the
Holy Spirit because I see no biblical reason to believe that they're hearing anything from God the
Holy Spirit. All of this seems like a sham in the show. Crud. I don't know if you can say crud in church, but I'm just telling you,
I said, oh, crud. I do not want to go up there.
This guy is out of his mind with his ruler saying God wants to measure.
And I'm like, what are you talking about? You're just so snockered. You're so out of it.
Someone needs to pull you off the stage. Just telling you what I was thinking.
I was annoyed. It took me 10 years to get to where.
Anyway, I was annoyed. Yeah, that didn't sound like a demonic cackle at all. And so they called us up, and I'm thinking, oh, sweet Lord.
Crud and sweet Lord. That was how my brain was working.
Crud and then sweet Lord. Please stop these people. And as I'm thinking that, those two,
John and Carol, just laid hands on me. And I went out, and Roland's standing there. Mr.
Oak Tree, we would have not lost any finance if they hadn't have caught me.
Because he looked perfectly wonderful. But then I remember
Carol saying, swim, Heidi, swim. I don't even know how she found out my name. Swim, Heidi, swim.
Yeah, because somebody prepared her in advance. Let me back this up. I don't even know how she found out my name.
Swim, Heidi, swim. Which, by the way, if you've been to a professional hypnotist show, they can get people to do stuff like that.
You know, swim and stuff. Oh, the power of suggestion over people who really want to be hypnotized.
It's really fascinating. What she's describing is identical to the techniques and the results that you would see from somebody engaging in hypnotism.
They're going to take away my PhD. Yes, they are. Someone's going to get it. They're going to take it away.
I thought that as I'm swimming on the carpet. And why would
God, the Holy Spirit, want you to swim on a carpet looking like some kind of weird turtle -fish combination?
Thank God. Seriously. But the fact is,
God was asking me to go deeper. And even though I can stand today.
Really, how is it that, again, you know, swimming on a carpet is somehow a deep, deeper, meaningful relationship with God?
I mean, seriously. I mean, if I were to jump in bed and tell my wife,
Honey, I want to go deeper with you. And then start swimming. Whoa, whoa.
You know, whatever. My wife would think, Uh -oh, Chris has lost it.
And she would not believe that somehow we were experiencing deeper intimacy together as a result of me swimming in bed.
You know, the meeting's not over, so you never know. And even though I could stand in worship today,
I actually got down and rested. And that was so glorious.
That was exactly what I needed. Because I've been going hard for 23 years.
I've been preaching the gospel for 42 years. I've never once heard you actually preach the gospel.
The gospel, by the way, is defined in Scripture for us. We can find the gospel laid out in 1
Corinthians 15, 1 Corinthians 15, which reads, the
Apostle Paul says, Now I want to remind you, brothers, of the gospel that I preached to you. So this is the gospel that the
Apostle Paul, we learned from Galatians, the epistle to the churches in Galatia, he received via direct revelation from Christ.
Now I would remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and which you stand by, which you're being saved, if you hold fast to the word
I preach to you, unless you believe in vain. For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received.
And he received this from Christ. That Christ died for our sins in accordance with the
Scriptures. Yeah, Christ died for our sins. That he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the
Scriptures. And you want to say what the gospel is in a nutshell? It's that Christ died for our sins and rose again from the grave on the third day.
That's the gospel in a nutshell. And I can tell you, I've been watching Heidi Baker for a long time. Have watched literally hundreds of hours of her shenanigans on stage at Bethel and other places.
And I have yet to hear her actually preach the gospel. We're hearing nothing about Jesus.
We're hearing nothing about the forgiveness of sins. She's not calling anyone to repent and to be forgiven because of Christ.
She calls this the gospel, but she's preaching herself. And her hypnotism shows as if somehow this is an outpouring of the
Holy Spirit. But it's not. Ha ha! Shakababa!
Wow! Come on! So she's doing an end zone dance on the 50 yard line.
Yeah, that's weird. We're coming back to you. Shadabashay. Keep getting filled.
Alright, so she's not done with Max. He had a measuring line in his hand.
And he's going there and he measures through water that's ankle deep. Now what had happened to me as a radical lover of Jesus, Pentecostal theologian,
I was in the river. I really was.
Really? Yeah. So you were in the river of Ezekiel? No way! How'd you pull that off?
In the presence, I was in the river. I shakarabahandere. I prayed in the spirit hours.
I, I, I, I, I. She's preaching herself here.
Loved God, loved my neighbor, loved the poor. Was just in the river, but there was this measuring line.
And that snockeradoed man had that pink ruler just there. Do you think the snockeradoed guy with the pink ruler at the
Toronto airport vineyard church at the time was the fulfillment of the measuring line of Ezekiel?
This is, that's absurd. Annoy me. I don't know if he annoyed anyone else, but he was definitely sent as a thorn in my side.
And he's doing this and throwing tic -tacs and I am just perturbed.
And I'm down on the floor swimming like a fish and still my mind is saying these people are all crazy.
They're all just off their rockers. I don't know how
I never noticed that I'm, I'm in the, I'm in there. Yeah, you're in the river apparently.
Yeah, okay. And I'm thinking and I'm, I'm, I'm getting undone at the same time and I don't understand what's happening.
But I knew God was saying, sweetheart, you need to go deeper.
Yeah, right, yeah. The less in control of yourself, apparently the deeper your intimacy with God is.
No biblical text teaches this. This is nonsense. You've been before isn't going to get you where you need to go.
I feel like that's a word for today. Where you've been before is not going to get you.
Ain't a word for anybody, any day. Where you need to go. Because where you need to go is a lot further out, is a lot deeper, it's a lot further, it's a lot wider.
How much farther is it? 10 miles? 100 yards? How much deeper is it?
10 feet? 20? 100? How deep is deep and how much farther is farther?
This is nonsense. These are empty words. And so in the word, you see this prophet, this angelic, this prophet and this angelic being, and they're like being, they're having a discussion.
And he's saying, come on, Ezekiel. Come on, sweetie.
I'm measuring. There's a measuring line in his hand, he's measuring off.
And now Max is starting to lose control of himself again. And then he's going through water that's ankle deep, and he measured off a thousand cubits, led me to water that was knee deep.
He measured off another thousand, led me to water that was up to the waist. See, by that time, we'd had great success in ministry.
Yeah, so she just changed the subject. She was in Ezekiel, for what reason, I don't know. Maybe just to create the impression again this is biblical.
And while she's waxing eloquent, poor Max, he fell over again. Shaka baba.
We had planted three wobbly churches. What do your three wobbly church plants have to do with this prophecy from Ezekiel?
Wobbly? Three wobbly churches with all our might, with all our guts, with all that is within us.
Ankle deep, maybe on a good day we were knee deep. You are literally hijacking the prophecy from Ezekiel and putting your own meaning in it.
That's not what the meaning of the Ezekiel prophecy is. Our guts out trying to do things for God.
And he was pleased with us. Because he's not mean.
He's not saying, you idiot. Don't you know what it's like to be immersed? I don't like your little bit of whatever you're trying to think you're doing.
That's not who he is. He's saying, come on, sweetie. Let's go deeper.
He was saying that because you've twisted the prophecy from Ezekiel. Got it. Not giving you some disparaging comment about what you're doing now.
He's not saying, I don't like you because you're not deep enough. He's saying the minute you received the blood of Jesus, the minute you became a son or a daughter, he's absolutely in love with you.
And as he's absolutely in love with you, now you have this choice how deep you want to go.
Which text says that? So that when you accept Jesus, then you have a choice as to how deep you want to go.
See, she's gone really deep. Somebody like me, clearly I'm just skipping along the surface.
I've never gone deep with God. I refuse to take the plunge. Again, which biblical passage teaches this doctrine?
Heidi Baker's teaching it as if this is what God wants you to do. And this is what
God's supposedly saying. But she's putting words in God's mouth. And she's not actually reading out any biblical text meaningfully.
Ezekiel doesn't say this. He's not going to push you out there. The Spirit of God leads you deeper.
And you can say, no, I like controlling myself. I'm just walking on my own.
Don't you think I'm going any deeper? Yeah, so there you go. I like controlling myself.
You know, it just kind of reminds me. Fruit of the Spirit. Let's see if I can find this really quick.
Is it Galatians chapter 5? Yeah, it is for freedom that Christ has set us free.
I say, walk by the Spirit. You'll not gratify the desires of the sinful flesh.
And it goes on to explain what the... Okay, let's take a look at this. Galatians chapter 5, 16.
I say, walk by the Spirit. You will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the desires of the flesh are against the
Spirit. The desires of the Spirit are against the flesh. For these are opposed to each other to keep you from doing the things you want to do.
So if you're led by the Spirit, you're not under the law. But now the works of the flesh are evident. Sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these.
I warned you as I warned you before that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the
Spirit is, watch the list, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self -control.
Against such things there is no law. That's weird. So she's basically saying God wants you to go deeper.
And the antithesis of going deeper is the person who says, I like being in control of myself.
Yet, one of the fruit of the Spirit is self -control. Huh. Because she's preaching as if somehow self -control is the direct antithetical opposite of intimacy with God.
Let me back it up so you can hear her talk this way. God leads you deeper. And you can say, no,
I like controlling myself. I'm just walking on my own. Don't you think I'm going any deeper?
Because that's going to look strange. Or I'm not going to be able to be in control. Yet, one of the fruit of the
Spirit is self -control. You're not going to be in control, but you may be standing up.
It's not going to be your mind. It's going to be God's mind in you. And that's when God's mind in you.
And see what she's doing, like a good hypnotist, preparing people for, you know, being out of control of themselves.
This is the power of suggestion. She's planting suggestions into their minds. Christ's mind in you.
You have the mind of Christ. When you jump in and you allow yourself to be immersed in the presence, your mind and your heart and your spirit start to work in union and unity with it.
Which text says this, Heidi? Which passage are you exegeting? This isn't found in Ezekiel.
You're just asserting it. This is an assertion. This is not a biblical doctrine.
Fear to the most high God. And that's when the way you think is transformed.
And you don't think like— Again, no text says that. The Bible does talk about the renewing of our mind.
That's done through the Word of God, not through this experience theology that you're just concocting out of your own brain.
Little person with a little ministry doing your own thing and worried about everybody else's thing having a way to squish your thing.
But you start thinking like a child. You have no more orphan spirit. You have no more worry that some—
Where does the Bible talk about these orphan spirits that we need to get rid of? I'd like to see that text, please.
Might rise up. Your desire is they might all rise up and shine because you have no lack and you have no worry about who you are because you know who you are.
So you're just happy with whatever God wants to do because you're immersed—
What she's saying doesn't make any sense. —in His presence. Your mind actually starts to think in a different way.
So, this prophet, Ezekiel, he was told, keep going.
Just go ahead. I mean, this is catch the fire. It's okay. Nobody's concerned.
So now she implants another suggestive thought in his mind with the expectation that he's supposed to do something.
Hey! Come on. This, this, this.
And so she's now engaging in, again, the unexpected, the shoo, shoo, and all that kind of stuff.
These are hypnotic triggers. He's got to have fun.
Shoo. I didn't mean— Ho! And there he goes. He is literally on the ground convulsing.
And that is exactly the behavior that we see of demoniacs in Scripture, not of those under the power of the
Holy Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit is self -control. In fact, you think of the story of the demoniac of the
Gerasenes, and this is a fellow who you knew he was delivered because he was clothed and in his right mind.
Yeah, over and again, the demonic influences cause you to be out of your mind.
Now, keep going. Notice she said, keep going.
Again, she's the hypnotist in charge here. So if I determine that the way he's getting hit right now is the way that I need to get hit right now, and I need to start walking in those shoes, because that's super cool.
That's really awesome to get hit like that. So I— So she's saying
God hit him. No, he's under the influence of your hypnotic suggestions, which
I think are inspired by the demonic. I'm going to start saying, oh, yeah, that's how
I'm going to walk. I'm going to walk like that. I'm going to say, you, yeah, you got what
I want. So here, sweetie. So she's walking around in his large tennis shoes, and now she's putting her small sandals on his feet in order to make some kind of a point.
And this is a doctrinal point because this is doctrine that she's teaching, but it ain't biblical doctrine. Walking Heidi's anointing.
I'll walk in Max's. So there might be a little problema with this.
So many of us try to walk in someone else's anointing. Hey, I am going to have a challenge with this.
One time I was at a— Yeah, before she launches into another anecdotal story about her life,
I think you get the point. None of this is biblical. This is just nonsense. And the power that she's exerting over this fellow's mind, you can clearly document it as having been the same techniques that hypnotists engage in and use.
And the nonsense that she's engaging in has caused this guy to completely lose control of himself and his own body, yet the fruit of the
Spirit is self -control. None of these things that we're seeing are biblical. None of these things that we're seeing are examples of somebody being brought to penance and faith in Christ and then manifesting the fruit of the
Spirit in their lives. This is utterly demonic at its core, and notice she's not preaching
Christ, and nor is she even remotely engaging in exegesis when it came to that Ezekiel text.
I mean, she just springboarded off of those Ezekiel texts to talk about her. This is all a theology based on her experiences, and nothing to do with Scripture whatsoever.
Avoid Heidi Plague, the Toronto Airport Church, or any church that engages in this kind of chicanery like the
Plague, because they are distracting you and not teaching you what Christ would have us believe, teach, and confess.
They are basically holding out these weird, hypnotic, demonic -influenced experiences, and that is the candy, the drug that these people are succumbing to, and all in the name of this being the
Holy Spirit, but that ain't the Holy Spirit. There's nothing holy about any of this. There's nothing biblical about any of this. This is what
Scripture warns us about in the end times. People would follow doctrines of demons. This is most certainly what this is.
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Now, if you'd like to support us financially, all the information on how to support us is down below in the description, and if you'd like more discernment -type work like this, we have a daily podcast available over at FightingForTheFaith .com,
where you get two hours of this type of discernment work so that you can learn how to properly understand Scripture and protect yourself from false teachers, false prophets, and people like Heidi Baker and others.
And, of course, please share this video with people if you found it helpful. And until next time, may
God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.