Highlight: Jesus is Jehovah
In this clip from Cultish, Jeremiah is joined by Vada. They look at key JW proof texts and discus the bias of NWT.
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- 00:00
- Colossians chapter 1 and we're gonna go in verse in part 1. Yeah, we're gonna go to verses 15 through 17
- 00:05
- Yes, I had a feeling you're going there. It's a couple of things. I want to say about this. So so so they're gonna say some things about Jesus and And this is a really popular
- 00:19
- You know set of texts just in general right, you know the you know heretics use it orthodox
- 00:26
- Christian teaching uses it but but let's talk about it a little bit and then Yeah, and I'm gonna go to their
- 00:32
- Greek in a second But let's read Colossians chapter 1 verses 15 through 17 and how they translate this about Jesus Okay, so here we go from the
- 00:40
- New World Translation Colossians chapter 1 15 through 17 talking about Jesus He is the image of the invisible
- 00:47
- God the firstborn of all creation Because by means of him all other all other things were created in the heavens and on the earth
- 00:58
- That thing is visible and the things invisible whether they are thrones or lordships or governments or authorities
- 01:04
- All other things have been created through him and for him Also, he is before all other things and by means of him all other things were made to exist
- 01:15
- So mind you this is if it's in a if we were reading a real translation, this would be a powerful
- 01:22
- You know set of scriptures about the deity of Jesus Christ But of course they edited they edited this to where it says all other things were created through Jesus You know similar to the
- 01:33
- John 1 one thing that you played in in the clip where they added In the beginning was the word the word was with God and the word was a
- 01:39
- God opposed to saying that the word was God What just just real quickly this is a great example to say like with counterfeit currency
- 01:47
- It's always it's usually it's not all over the place. It's usually a slight right slight variation
- 01:54
- So in these entire verses the only thing that comes up is by it says because by means of him, right?
- 01:59
- All other things were created. So it's very very subtle and that's something that's always so important. It's easy to miss
- 02:05
- Yeah, it's easy to miss if you're not paying attention Even to all other things like we got a You know that can be easy that can be easy to miss because the actual text says that all things were created through him and for Him and he is before all things but this says all other things
- 02:22
- Indicating that Jesus is one thing that was created but everything else after that. Yeah created I would like for you to click on library yet again.
- 02:30
- Okay at the very top So library, yeah, you're gonna go to a library you're gonna go to online
- 02:37
- Bible yet again and This time you're gonna go down to their Greek interlinear.
- 02:43
- So that should be other Bibles The King the kingdom interlinear translation of the
- 02:48
- Greek scriptures Okay, so we're gonna go there and then we're gonna go to Colossians chapter 1 because similar to dr.
- 02:54
- Walter Martin You know, he brought that up because the reason he brought this Bible up is because you know
- 02:59
- This is when the Jehovah's Witness translators call themselves holding themselves accountable saying hey We're true translators people who do stuff like beta saying we're not good translators.
- 03:08
- You're wrong. So then we go Okay, well, let's go to your Greek translation and see what it says. It's and just to from the
- 03:13
- Jehovah's Witness perspective It's a good chance. They may know that you know that they use the world new world translation
- 03:20
- But I think I'm just thinking from the minds of someone who's a Jehovah's Witness If you just come up to me on the street and all of a sudden, you know
- 03:26
- The kingdom interlinear translation of the Greek scriptures from my perspective. I'm thinking the minds of a
- 03:31
- JW I'd say wait, hold on a second. Who is this guy? How does he know this? But it's their material so it's like I'm still
- 03:38
- I got a little deceased mentality But I still have an open mind on some level. It seemed like all right. So here we go. We open this up Yeah, let's go to Colossians chapter 1 and When you do this,
- 03:49
- I know that some folks if you're listening, it's to the right side of the screen If you're listening,
- 03:55
- I hope hopefully you're doing this on your own phone or computer because it's quite fascinating But if you're watching you'll see that there's
- 04:02
- English and then beneath it is what we're supposed to see in Greek now Here's what
- 04:07
- I want us to read because again, this is them calling themselves holding themselves more
- 04:12
- Accountable, let's read Colossians chapter 1 verses 15 through 17 in their Greek and let's see what it said
- 04:18
- Can you read the English portions pretty please? Yeah, I don't know if I could I need to have the English Yeah, right who is the image of the invisible
- 04:28
- First who is the image? Who is the image of the God the invisible firstborn of all creation because in him it was?
- 04:39
- created the Parentheses all things in heavens in the in the heavens and you'll keep reading but notice it doesn't say all other things
- 04:48
- In their own Greek into linear it no longer says all other things it says all
- 04:56
- Things in heavens upon the earth the things visible and invisible not all other things visible and invisible the things visible and invisible where the thrones or Lordships or governments or authorities?
- 05:11
- Yeah all The all things through him not all other things through him all things through him.
- 05:19
- So which one is it? Mr. Jehovah's Witness translator Your Bible is saying that all things were created through him
- 05:27
- No Why do you think that is is that like why is it that way in this? Translation showing the
- 05:32
- Greek in the inner land linear translation versus a new world Translation was that a mistake on their part or is that were they just trying to be?
- 05:39
- Give the appearance that they're accurate to the text or like why is there there's this distinction you mean?
- 05:44
- Why is there English different here? Yeah versus it. Well, I Suspect it's be so notice.
- 05:51
- It's reading funny, right how we're reading. It almost doesn't make sense. Yeah, but that's because it's a
- 05:57
- You know anytime we are translating something from another language to To another language and we're sort of being literal.
- 06:06
- It's going to sound kind of broken up and right me so because The and what I suspect is because this is an attempt to be sort of literal with the
- 06:14
- Greek that's beneath it Although I don't read Greek and so I can't completely testify to that but because they're
- 06:19
- They're trying to be more literal to what that Greek beneath it actually says I think that's why they can't just input the word other because Yeah, because because someone who knows
- 06:32
- Greek if James White watched this episode, you know, you'd be like look Tell me where it says other and your Greek right there.
- 06:37
- Yeah, because in verse 16 when it says because in him It was created the all things in the heavens and above the earth the things visible and the things invisible and all of a sudden
- 06:48
- You see that distinction which separates itself from their actual translation the regular
- 06:53
- New World translation, right? But again, this is their official publications telling them what the
- 06:59
- Greek says, right? But it's something that's quintessentially opposite opposed to each other And this is exactly why
- 07:04
- I thought about this because in the clip that you played from from dr Martin, he made the same point about John one in whatever he was actually reading at that time
- 07:13
- Yeah, so I don't know if they tried to change that or fix that since then but they still ain't fixed this one
- 07:20
- So, yeah, oh that's huge that's huge and this is just another good example to say that you know
- 07:25
- This is you got to become familiar with the original and you got it You got to be able sometimes to be able to go a little a little deeper than you know
- 07:34
- Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so right this requires when you're talking with counterculture apologetics
- 07:39
- It takes it's a job of the both the spirit But also like the intellect being able to really understand these aspects and understand the end and be able to articulate these in a wet such
- 07:49
- Way to get them to ask questions again This is about planting seeds of doubt within someone who is a watch who's in the