118. The Unshakable, Unstoppable, Kingdom of God



Welcome to The PRODCAST, hosted by pastor Kendall Lankford. In this episode, we dive into one of the most challenging books of the New Testament: the Book of Hebrews. Often misunderstood and avoided due to its complexity, Hebrews offers profound insights into eschatology and the nature of Christ's reign. Join us as we explore how this pivotal text supports the postmillennial view, highlighting key passages that affirm Christ's current reign, the promise of our unending rest, the New Covenant, and the vision of an unshakable kingdom. 🔹 Key Topics Covered: 1. Christ's Reign and Victory: Understand how Hebrews confirms that Christ is reigning now, bringing His end-time kingdom into the present. 2. The Promised & Progressive Peace and Rest: Discover how the peace and rest of God are progressively realized on earth. 3. The New Covenant and Cosmic Transformation: Learn about the transformative power of the New Covenant inaugurated by Christ. 4. The Nature of Christ’s Future Coming: See how Christ's second coming is not about dealing with sin but about saving those eagerly waiting for Him. 5. The Unshakable Kingdom of Jesus: Explore how Christ's kingdom is unshakable and unstoppable, destined to transform the world. 🔔 Like, Subscribe, and Share: Help us spread the Gospel to more people by engaging with our content and sharing it with your network. 📖 Read More: For detailed articles on eschatology and additional resources, visit our blog on The Shepherd’s Church website: www.theshepherds.church Thank you again for tuning in to The PRODCAST. Until next time, go forth and serve your King with faithfulness and vigor! The Shepherd's Church 10 Jean Ave, Chelmsford, MA 01824 [email protected] | (978) 304-6265 Sunday School @ 8:30am | Lord’s Day Worship @ 10am Follow Us: Subscribe to our newsletter for updates on new articles and episodes. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/datprodcast/support [https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/datprodcast/support]


119. The History of Christian Optimism (Interview with George Grant) | A Practical Postmillennialism

The reason it's taking a long time is number one. God is sovereign and that's the way that he wanted it number two
He's using his church and his church needs to stop staring at the clouds and waiting to be zapped out of here and Needs to start actually getting a vision for what it means to be used by Christ to transform the world
Hello everyone and welcome back to the broadcast where we prod the sheep and beat the wolf this episode 118 the unshakable unstoppable kingdom of God Introduction are you smart enough for eschatology?
Now today we're diving into one of the most challenging books in the New Testament Which is the book of Hebrews much like Revelation Hebrews often tops the biblical naughty list
Among other New Testament writings that modern readers are prone to skip we check it twice
We skip it and we move on but the question I'd like to ask is why? Well, I think that it's undoubtedly
Because the book is hard Which is sort of the kryptonite for modern
American Christianity, not everybody but many in the church Have a kind of slothfulness and laziness when it comes to hard things from my estimation
Many in the modern church don't enjoy hard work and struggle especially when it comes to scriptures that require just a modicum of context in order to comprehend on Average the
American Christian wants bottom -shelf truths and low -hanging churches where the pastors will
Scratch that little itch on their ear called self -evidence now instead of Allowing the difficulty of of a text like a ribeye steak to invigorate men and women to to chew we have in the modern church become sort of content on gumming milk and feeling defeated every time we come across even the smallest little curdle now if there are brave souls within the
Evangelific world and and I say that not to mock I mean I kind of do but The modern church has become weak the modern church has become impotent the modern church has become lazy the modern church has become
Anti -intellectual so I'm speaking into that but among that group
When someone does actually endeavor to engage with books like the book of Hebrews, it's usually on the level of a baby bird expecting the religious leaders the
Experts if you will to chew it up for them first and feed it to them in bite -sized portions
Which means that the majority of Christians will not actually do the hard work of Bible study
They will only open wide swallow and move on from whatever they're fed directly
They don't develop the skill of hunting and gathering for themselves and that my friends needs to change
Now that brings us today to another hard topic the topic of eschatology today we're actually going to be doing the intersection of two hard topics the book of Hebrews in the book of eschatology or the understanding of eschatology so in that sense
We're charting difficult waters But it brings us to our topic today and because we're in a rather extended series on the topic of eschatology
The point that I'm making actually should be quite instructive Well, we live in a country where YouTube channels
Where 30 year olds who live in their mother's basement and eat Tide pods and throw up on camera can get tens of thousands of likes
And shares what we need to understand that when we're talking about difficult topics like this
Well, they're not gonna be popular and our channels probably gonna grow more slowly I've actually been blown away that our channel has grown as quickly as it has and praise
God for that And thank you for being the kind of Christian That's not like the average modern even jellyfish sort of Christian But being a
Christian who wants to learn being a Christian wants to grow being a Christian wants to dive deep into the Bible I'm so thankful for that and so thankful that we're learning these things together
But it no doubt about it. The subject matter here on this channel is a little bit more complex
Than what you see on the average average channel and it's bound to grow relatively slowly because of that and it's difficult and Part of the thing that I'm trying to encourage is that we can actually do this together
If we don't if we don't study hard if we don't look at the context if we don't have a proper biblical hermeneutic
Then we're gonna remain in confusion Confusion is going to abound and many are going to be scared of topics like eschatology and learning about them
Eschatology is difficult and it's difficult for the same reason that the book of Hebrews is difficult because it contains some of the most
Hebraic oriented thinking found in Scripture which what I mean is You have to have the brain of a
Hebrew the context of a Hebrew the background of a Hebrew in order to understand eschatology
If you and I were to parachute into a different culture that had different cultural mores and norms and everything else
We would find it difficult to understand what was going on Well, we've been parachuted in the topic of eschatology back into the ancient world of the
Hebrew mind With all of their Hebraic style puzzles and riddles and parables and apocalyptic literature symbols and all of that And if we don't do the difficult work of trying to figure that stuff out then we're gonna be perpetually confused along with the masses and We're going to just probably get frustrated and skip the topic altogether
We're gonna become like many called the pan millennialist where I don't care about Eschatology because it's all gonna pan out in the end
I mean sure that's true but God's the one who wrote eschatology the
Holy Spirit's the one who inspired eschatology and it should not be The bastard child or the black sheep of the
Christian faith It's a part of the story that God is telling and we ought to love it as much as we love other
Doctrines, maybe it's not one that we love as much as salvation Perhaps but I what
I'm all I'm trying to say is all of Christian doctrine is Important and unless we do the hard work of attempting to understand the context again
We are not going to understand these biblical mysteries Biblically and that is what we've been trying to do in this show
We've been trying to see how these things fit together in the whole Bible That's why we did this series the way that we did it
We started in the book of Genesis where we took the most straightforward passages concerning eschatology in the
Bible and we've developed our case from that and The reason that that's been so helpful is because now that we're in the book of Hebrews We're gonna be equipped to be able to wade through those
Thick and mysterious waters because we've done the hard work before We've not cherry -picked a theology out of thin air and attempt to assemble an end times a view without studying the beginning in the middle
Which would have been foolish we have engaged with the writings of Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy the history of Israel the
Psalms the prophets the Gospels and Paul and because we've done all of that difficult work and now when we get to the book of Hebrews and in the weeks of head when we look at other books like Revelation 1st
Peter 2nd Peter 1st John 3rd John 2nd John I wanted to skip 2nd John, but when you look at those books where they actually talk about the
Antichrist and apocalyptic literature Well, we're going to be equipped and we're gonna be ahead of the game and we're gonna be ready many have asked me
This is a side note many have asked me. Why have I not done a series on Revelation yet?
And the reason is because we haven't done all of the other books yet Revelation is dependent the book of Revelations the most
Jewish out of all the books in the New Testament It is the most dependent upon an understanding of the law and the prophets and until you've done that work until I Personally had done that work.
Well, I'm I don't feel qualified to talk about such a glorious and beautiful book So we've been doing the hard work
We've been working through these scriptures and now that we've gotten to the book of Hebrews Which is sort of the gateway to the difficult passages in the
New Testament now We're ready. The New Testament does not become more simple as it goes.
It actually becomes more complex It starts out with the Gospels, which is so simple that a child can read it, but it ends with Revelation It ends with first second third
John first and second Peter with Jude Very difficult passages and it does that for a reason it's teaching us and showing us that as we go
We ought to become more mature as we go. We are to be able to understand more difficult things
The point of the Bible is not to leave us in perpetual Immaturity, but that we would grow in Understanding.
So with that I want us to prepare our minds for what lies ahead But before we get there,
I do want to encourage you I do want to encourage you that despite the rumors despite the opinions that Eschatology can't be understood that Revelation is is a book so filled with mysteries that we can never possibly gain anything from it
I do want you to understand that with dedication and with study and with going through series like this with me and and studying it on your own and being a
Berean if You ever thought eschatology was too hard too impossible too difficult that it was beyond your reach.
Well, I'm challenging you to reconsider that opinion The depth and the complexity of these books is what makes studying them so glorious It's what makes studying books like Hebrews and Revelation and other eschatological texts so rewarding
You remember in the Lord of the Rings? I love the Lord of the Rings if you haven't already noticed that but you remember
Frodo as he was lying victorious on the side of Mount Doom where he was
Absolutely exhausted but but thrilled to no end even as the Rondor the
Eagle was carrying him away back to Rivendell you could see this look of Satisfaction in his eyes that he had went to the brink of death and he had come out victorious
Everything we do in life is like that Anything that is difficult feels more beautiful feels more glorious when we've completed it
The simple tasks give us a little bit of joy But if you triumph over something big if you conquer a major mountain if you climb up to the top of you know
Whatever Mount Everest all of these big accomplishments create big joy in our hearts and that's what
I want to encourage you with is that God has given us all the books of the Bible and the more difficult ones
Actually as we on as we break them apart and try to understand them You will find that you will have greater joy that you will that that your faith will be
Integrated that that you will start to see with clarity what the Bible is saying in all of those areas
Even in the more difficult ones you won't have as Doug Wilson says any problem passages, which will be
Which will be a blessing to you and be a blessing to those who? You teach and you speak with and lead your children all of that.
So with that I want us to dive into the Eschatology of the book of Hebrews and we're gonna look at five points today five things
From the book of Hebrews that it's talking about that are going to encourage us strengthen us and teach us what the
Bible's view of Eschatology is and if you haven't been here yet If you haven't been with us so far go back and listen to those former episodes
Because when you get here, you're gonna see that the Bible is just been consistent everything we've learned so far is what
Hebrews is going to be adopting from a slightly different angle and I I know that as you listen and as you learn you will be encouraged as I have been as I've studied these things myself
So with that, let us jump in to part one Christ's reign and victory
Now I want to get straight to the point here Christ reigns. He's not waiting to enter into his cosmic command
He is reigning right now and the book of Hebrews makes this Undeniably clear for instance it begins the book begins by saying in these last days
God has chosen to reveal to us through his Son So the book of Hebrews begins with an eschatological phrase it the book of Hebrews begins by saying in these last days
Which means that we are right now in the last days We're not waiting for the last days to start we are in the last days now and we are in the last days now
Because Christ is King Christ was raised from the dead Christ resurrected
Christ ascended into heaven and God did not send the Triumphant and victorious
Christ into his room to twiddle his thumbs for a couple thousand years while he waits on us to crash and burn
So that then he can finally start to reign in a physical throne in Jerusalem No Jesus ascended into heaven to reign now and because he's sitting on his throne now
That means the end time kingdom has come and like Hebrews 1 2 says that now we are in the last days.
We are in the last chapter of biblical history Creation being the first chapter where time and space begins the creation of man the the calling out of Abraham All those are initial chapters of the
Bible what we are us me and you we are living in the last Chapter which is the chapter of the triumph of the lamb
We're living in the chapter where the king Who is on his throne is going to rule and is going to have active authority
And he's going to reclaim the world that was lost and stolen in the Garden of Eden We are in the chapter.
We are in the conclusion We are in the book where where the Messiah is
To be the true and better Adam and he's going to rule over the things of earth and he's going to take back land that was
Stolen from us or from him by Satan. That is the chapter we're in so when we get to Passages like Hebrews 1 3 or Hebrews 1 verses 8 through 13 that let us know that Jesus is
King We should be alerted to the fact that that his mission is to reclaim the world
Let me give you a couple examples of this Hebrews chapter 1 verse 3. It tells us like this and he
Is the radiance of his glory? that's God's glory and the exact representation of his nature and He upholds all things by the word of his power when he made
Purification of sins he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high now despite the quadruple axle that our
Dispensational friends have twisted upon the scriptures. This could not be more clear in these last days
Christ sat down and he's reigning He reigns now his end time kingdom is not waiting until a future time where it's gonna be unleashed upon the world
He came and when he made purification for our sin, which happened on the hill of Calvary when that happened
Jesus entered into his reign. He is reigning now His kingdom is now and he's gonna continue until he is won back the world
That's what Hebrews is saying right from the very beginning Look at verse 8 when the writer of Hebrews is quoting
Psalm 45 6 and he tells us that Jesus is the one who's gonna be Bringing God's never -ending kingdom upon the earth that kingdom that's gonna raise men and women to life in him
That's verse 10 through 11 of chapter 1 of Hebrews where he's gonna crush his enemies completely underneath his feet
That's verse 13 of the chapter 1 of Hebrews Look as we've said multiple times Jesus is on his throne now
He must reign until God has permanently totally and entirely Crushed all of his enemies.
Just read those verses 8 through 13. They're incredible and they point to the undeniable kingship of Jesus Christ These verses are not poetic musings to introduce us to a convoluted book.
They are clear unmistakable declarations of the sovereign rule of Jesus Christ After he made a purification from sins on that old rugged cross the king of glory
Sat down to reign and he's not gonna stop reigning and to the entire world looks like thinks like and acts like him
Whatever Rebellion still exists. It's gonna be crushed. It's gonna be crushed you look at but we just saw the debates last night
Look at the rebellion in the lives of the men who were on that stage Look at the look at the rebellion in our government.
Look at the rebellion in Hollywood Look at the rebellion all over the you look at that and you do not look at that and say yeah
God can't deal with that. That's gonna keep getting bigger and more powerful. We're gonna continue to lose
That's not the attitude that Hebrews is talking about Whatever rebellion still exists in this world is going to be crushed by Jesus Hebrews chapter 1 verse 13 connects to Psalm 10 and says that that what that Psalm was promising that the
Messiah would come and crush his enemies is going to happen in Jesus God is going to through his son deliver not an untamed world not a world filled with chaos, but a tamed world
He's gonna Jesus is gonna deliver that tamed world back over to God the
Father Before he even flinches the first thigh muscle to stand up and return If you're waiting on Jesus to return because the world is so evil then you're gonna die
Waiting for him to return. He is not coming imminently in your lifetime unless the entire world repents and turns to him
He is not coming back until he's finished the job Jesus is not like I was as a teenager where I was trying to cut corners
Skip things and get away with getting paid without having finished the job.
Jesus is not like that He is honorable and he is good. He is not a man who skips hard work
He's not a man who skips to the end like Adam and bypasses the relationship No, Jesus is not going to finish with this world until the job is over It's better for you and I to stop wasting our lives
Waiting for him to return and to start living for him while we are here
Consider another passage Hebrews chapter 2 verse 8 which says it like this putting everything in subjection under his feet
Now in putting everything in subjection under him. He left nothing outside of his control at present
We do not see everything in subjection to him Hebrews 2 8 9 that sounds like a paradox
The text says that Jesus left nothing outside of his control and yet at present
We don't yet see How everything is under control you may ask why do we see chaos and sin and misery and lying?
politicians and despotic governments and cruel businessmen and tyrannical tax agencies prostitution abortion murder child trafficking if Jesus put everything under his feet
Then why hasn't he crushed all resistance and why do we see such expressions of evil in the world and the answer lies in the already and not yet aspect of Jesus's rule
See on the cross Jesus entered into his rule Yet the effect of his rule has not yet trickled down into all of the various parts
Let me give you an example It would be like if Elon Musk decided that he was gonna buy and purchase the city of San Francisco The moment he purchased it it would belong to him.
It'd be totally his he would have the deed and everything But it would take a long time Before it actually looked like what he wanted it to look like it would take him a long time to transform that liberal trash heap that we know as San Francisco into an actual habitable place where he's ran off all of the squatters he's ran off all of the drug addicts that live in the street and he's made it a
Habitable place for his employees and his companies to thrive in well in the same way Christ has already purchased the world
He has the deed and it was signed in his blood and he's entered into a complete dominion but in The course of space of time it's going to take
Jesus because he's going to use his church to do it He's not gonna snap his fingers like Thanos He's going to take his church and it's gonna take a long time to bring the rebel parts into conformity with his vision
It's gonna take a lot of energy It's gonna take a lot of tearing down and a lot of building back up And the reason that that's the case is because Jesus wants us to be involved he could speak and Everything that is evil be obliterated, but that would include all of us
So, what has he done? he's died and bought the world and Now he through his spirit is raising you and I up to join him in the mission of reclaiming the world
He is sharing the mission with his people The reason it's taking a long time is number one.
God is sovereign and that's the way that he wanted it number two He's using his church and his church needs to stop staring at the clouds and waiting to be zapped out of here and Needs to start actually getting a vision for what it means to be used by Christ to transform the world
That's our job So we need to actually get about doing it now while Christ Authority is already fully established as we just said
We have to remember that the full manifestation of his authority in the physical visible world is still in progress the gospel is
Gradually transforming societies it the gospel transforms our soul Instantly when when the
Spirit of God comes in and regenerates us, but but even in our sanctification we take time
To grow in holiness. Well, the same thing is true in society With the more Christians you have in a society the more society grows in holiness the more
Culture begins to bow the knee to Jesus and the story of the Bible is not just a story of individual salvation
But it's a salvation of entire cultures in the cosmos itself
Jesus is bringing more aspects of this fallen world into alignment with his vision the not yet of All of this refers to the ongoing process where Christ reign is
Progressively taking back territory on earth, which proves Post -millennial ism.
It doesn't prove dispensational ism doesn't prove pre -millennial ism, and it certainly doesn't prove Millennial ism if Jesus is progressively winning and taking back
Territory the only eschatological view that talks like that is It's post -millennial ism, which is consistent with what we just read in the book of Hebrews now, you may still be asking
Well, how does that prove post -millennial ism? Well, if Jesus has already taken dominion of the world. Yes, and amen
He's not gonna stop short of making it fully conformed to his image He's not going to allow it to end like a colossal dud like dispensational ism argues for he's not
He's gonna keep leading his church to conform it to shape it to rebuild it until it meets his precise and glorious Specifications and he's not gonna return until that happens not a moment sooner.
That's post -millennial ism That means to all the naysayers and doubters who you know litter me with comments about how the
Bible is not Post -millennial let me be blunt Post -millennial ism isn't just a happy view for hopeless optimist
It is the only view that makes sense of Christ's mission and his complete dominion now and forever it is what the book of Hebrews is arguing for that is settled in my mind with the verses that I've just Just shared with you
But before moving on I want you to consider one more passage because I really want to mail it home Hebrews 10 12 13 says but when
Christ has offered for all time a Single sacrifice for sins.
He sat down at the right hand of God Waiting from that time until His enemies should be made a footstool for his feet
Hebrews 10 12 through 13 Do you see what this is saying that after his death?
He entered into his rule check yesterday Amen, and that rule is gonna continue until what? Until all of Jesus's enemies are defeated
So if you're still holding on to your defeatism and your to fetus eschatology, it's time to wake up It's time to repent and it's time to start acting like Jesus has called you to build
He is reigning until all of his enemies have been put under his feet. Do you live like that? brothers and sisters put away your handkerchiefs and your snotty napkins throw away your in time decoder ring and Unpack your rapture bag and get to work for the glory of God He's elected you to build his kingdom on earth.
He's elected you to share it far and wide therefore if you want Jesus to return more quickly if you're tired of living in this world and you're like I want
Jesus to come back stop looking at the clouds and get to work Because he's not gonna return until we the church through his
Holy Spirit have made the world Christian that means we need to take over Hollywood.
We need to take over government we need to spread the gospel so far and wide that as Jeremiah says we can look at our neighbor and and tell them know the
Lord and they're already going to know the Lord that means That there's no one that we haven't told that means that there's no one who hasn't said.
Yeah. I know the Lord Well because that job's not finished. We need to get to work We need to stop as Christians being lazy and slothful.
We need to stop Accepting that we just suck on purpose I'm sorry.
I'm speaking frankly here. No, I'm not. I'm actually not sorry. Sorry. Not. Sorry Listen There is nothing holy
About being slothful. There is nothing holy about avoiding the world.
There's nothing holy about being a private Christian who lives in hiding waiting to be rescued from from your lack of diligence
The parable of the talents tells us this when the one man who was afraid buried his talents in the ground and then he the
Master comes and says where's the money that I entrusted to you? And he says I knew that you were a hard man and I knew that life was difficult
So I buried your talents in the ground and that master
Rebuked him Furiously, he took away the talent that he gave him and he gave it to the one who had been working
He rewarded the one who had been working listen,
I Don't really at the end of the day care what eschatological system you believe in I would rather you be a
Dispensational and work to build the kingdom of Christ and then you realize in the end that you were wrong on eschatology
But you lived your life, right? I would rather that The last thing that I want to produce is a bunch of smug
Post -millennialist who are still just as lazy and defeated as everyone else My goal in this is to convince us to work to convince us to build to convince us to use our talents for the glory of Jesus Christ Because he's
King and He's going to reign until all of his enemies have been put under his feet and he's chosen you to be his tool to make that happen
Section 2 the promised progressive peace and rest of Christ Hebrews 4 9 through 11 says it like this
So then there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God For whoever has entered into God's rest has also rested from his works as God did from his
Let us therefore Strive to enter that rest so that no one may fall by the same sort of disobedience
Hebrews 4 9 through 11 now first, it's crucial for us to understand that the Sabbath rest that is mentioned here is not
Abstract and it's not a distant promise It's a present reality that was initiated by Christ's finished work the rest that the author of Hebrews is speaking of like Jesus's Dominion is both current for believers and it has been
It's current for believers, but it's yet to be fully accomplished. We've entered into it, but we're not fully in it yet It has happened.
We are in the Sabbath rest of Christ, but it's not happened like it's going to happen perfectly in heaven
It's working itself out Progressively here on earth you've been bought and paid for in heaven you've been wholly sanctified the
Bible talks about your Sanctification as if it's already happened in the past and you've been given the perfect peace of God you've been given the peace of Jesus Christ already and Yet it's still not yet fully come the status is secure in heaven
Because the one who bought and paid for it is sitting on the throne praise be to God but here on earth
Those realities are still working themselves out because your life and my life and everyone's life who's listening
We don't have perfect peace We have perfect peace in our status as Christians, but we don't have perfect peace in our emotions
Your heart's still all kinds of sideways whenever something bad happens in your life your brain is filled with all sorts of chaos and confusion like mine is so We have the perfect peace of Christ in our salvation and yet in our space and time
Machinations, we don't yet have the perfect peace of Christ and that I think is instructive Because in the reign of Christ, we should expect what is already
Fully come to us in heaven is Also going to be progressively
Increasingly worked out for us here on earth That means that because there's no war in heaven
We should expect that the peace of Christ is going to eventually work itself out on earth
That because there's full sanctification in heaven We should expect that sanctification is going to work itself out in us over time on earth
Because there's no diseases in heaven We should expect that on earth.
God is progressively bringing humans Out of diseases out of the throes of the curse and we've seen that over time in history life expectancy has risen diseases that once were
Death sentences now have vaccines good vaccines. Not Not the kind that we all know about but we should expect
That diseases are going to be cured long life is going to be cured because present realities exist in heaven
We should expect that jesus is going to make those things come on earth As they have in heaven.
That's what jesus told us to pray That your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven
So if heaven is a place of no suffering then we we should pray That the world would be conformed to that image to where there'd be no more suffering on earth
There'd be no more hunger on earth. There'd be no more poverty on earth There'd be no more brokenness and disease and failure and sin and misery
We should expect that if christ had us pray for that that he intends on Bringing that god's peace on our bodies on our emotions on our minds and our hearts and societies and our government
That would that those things would progressively come true This doesn't preclude momentary setbacks, you know for the last 50 to 100 years.
We've been in a state of decline in this country We're not saying that that there's never any setbacks. What we are saying is that the peace
And the rest of jesus christ is going to progressively over time Overtake the world.
That's what hebrews 4 9 through 11 is saying enter into that rest and yet recognize that that rest is going to come more slowly on earth and it has over the last 2 000 years
Do you think that the peace of christ has grown on earth? I think it has In the first century the peace of christ was only manifested in 12 dudes
And then in 70 And then those 70 became 3 000 And then they those 3 000 moved out of one city one city on earth had the peace of christ
Starting to bubble up in it and percolate in it and grow in it And then they spread out to judea and then to samaria
And then to all the little towns and parts of the roman empire so that by the 300s 400s
Christianity became the official religion of the roman empire the peace of christ had come to rome
And then over the course of the last 2 000 years the peace of christ has come to china in some ways
The peace of christ has come to places like korea. The peace of christ is now invading africa
The peace of christ at one point was was pervading in america what i'm trying to argue for here is that as the gospel multiplies as We have more christians on earth those christians who know the peace of god are going to bring the peace of god on earth
As it is in heaven hebrews 4 9 through 11 is saying that that That his peace is going to be multiplied on earth
That's why peter says at the beginning of his letter. May god's peace and grace and mercy be multiplied to you
He is an expectation that it would happen now of the eschatological positions only post -millennialism argues this way
Only post -millennialism sees that that the peace of christ is going to be multiplied to the nations isaiah 9
As we've talked about before says that that unto us is born this day a savior Which is christ the lord and of the increase of his peace there will be no end
Hebrews is picking up on that that his peace is going to multiply until it covers the world.
Let me get very clear for a second Because of isaiah 9 and because of hebrews chapter 4
I believe that war is eventually going to be eliminated that jesus is going to find a way
Through his church and through the holy spirit to end war on earth That means that I think nuclear bombs are going to be turned into nuclear energy
That means that bullets are going to be turned into something else that eventually
We are going to as a people on earth stop killing each other and stop engaging in stupid wars that pad the pockets of immoral politicians
And we are going to instead Productively work and produce food and produce life and health and blessings on this world.
I believe that because the bible says that I don't believe that because I I think human humans are
Intelligent or that humans are moral or that humans by their own Nature are going to do that.
I have no hope in humanity without god none But I believe that humanity with god
And with the holy spirit of god is going to accomplish those things because god said he wanted those things to happen
And if god wants those things to happen, he will accomplish them think about our salvation.
I would say That most of us on the show are reformed and calvinistic
You didn't accept god and then by your decision him come into you
He's the one who seeks and saves the lost he's the one who drew you To himself. He's the one who elected you before the foundation of the world.
You did nothing He did everything If we believe that a dead person
Ie kendall langford And whatever your name is if we believe that a dead person can be raised to life by the will of god
That he can speak and call us out of our death. Why do we believe that he can't do that to the world?
Why do we believe that he can't look at the world and say i'm going to transform that Why do we have such a low view of that post -millennialism is the only doctrine that asserts that god can
Do what he said he's going to do And for that reason that reason alone.
I want to be post -millennial. I don't love the title post -millennial by the way That's a whole another rabbit trail that we could go on But I believe that god can do what he said he's going to do
And I believe that god will do what he said he's going to do I believe that that his peace and his rest are going to progressively be realized on earth as the gospel permeates individuals who then permeate societies
It's not just his salvation is not just a temporary reprieve from an evil world where we hold on until we get zapped out of here no
His gospel is going to comprehensively Restore everything that is broken peace and harmony are going to return to a war -torn world
That has been infected with sin from the very beginning But I want you to notice something out of all of this
The peace of god does not come upon the world in the book of hebrews ipso facto
While we lie around in paralyzing fear The peace of god does not invade the world while we prop up our feet and we rest with our hands in our pockets
The peace of god doesn't come that way the peace of god comes When we are actively engaged, let me tell you this the reason the world has more war right now
The reason the world has more chaos right now. The reason the world has more despair And evil right now is because we have been asleep
The christian church has been asleep And because we've been asleep the world has gotten worse on our watch.
I no one I don't think anyone can say that 2024 is better than 2004 or 1984
Odd number to pick there Things are getting worse in our society because we are asleep.
We have stopped working Hebrews 4 9 through 11 doesn't say that the peace of god is going to come on this world through laziness
It calls us to strive to enter that rest That that's a call to work a call to work to bring
The rest into our spaces in our house in our homes in our neighborhoods in our world
To strive to enter that rest which has nothing to do with passive waiting It has nothing to do with with us being lazy and then saying god.
We just want you to do all the work Yes, god has done all the work in our salvation. But now that we're saved he's using us to bring about his blessings on the world
He's using us to work Vigorously pursuing god's kingdom on earth partnering with him to bring his peace everywhere that his shalom is not
This is accomplished brothers and sisters when we spread the gospel When we conduct worship services when we plant churches that plant churches that plant churches
When we make disciples when we engage in family worship when we marry Believers and have covenant children and then baptize them to the glory of god.
All my presbyterians right now should be saying. Amen Hebrews 4 9 through 11 rejects eschatological pessimism
And christian apathy that has suffocated american evangelicalism for far too long hebrews 4 9 through 11 talks about christians working
Building striving to see the peace of god come to improve the world So the world would be infused with with the glory and the peace of god
All the way up until the time that jesus returns and when that day comes when jesus finally returns He's not returning to a war -torn world.
That's on the brink of destruction He's returning to a world where calamity war
Poverty and cancer will be nothing more than a footnote in the latest history books
Of the college curriculum of that day He's going to return to a world where his bride his queen
Has been faithful And she's done what he told her to do And he's not going to return until that bride
Pulls her proverbial head out of her rumpus And begins doing the work that he called her to do you can take that to the bank section three the new covenant and transformation
Now the next aspect of eschatology that we find in the book of hebrews and what it teaches is the new covenant
And how that new covenant is going to transform the world Remember that the bible is the story of how god
Is going to through successive covenants bring the world into conformity to him
Well in that new and final covenant We should expect that all of the promises that were hinted at and screamed at in the first pages of the bible
Are going to come true in christ. He's the new covenant head He's the one who brings all of the covenant promises true in him
So with that chapter 8 of the book of hebrews not only reveals. Jesus is the new covenant head
But that and he's not only inaugurated this new covenant in space and time But he's going to bring about his promises which are better and truer
And more full than any other covenant before here's what the author of hebrews tells us in chapter 8 but as it is
Christ has obtained a ministry that is much more excellent than the old as the covenant he mediates is better Since it is enacted on better promises
If that first covenant had been fault less There would have been no occasion to look for a second
He finds fault with them when he says behold The days are coming declares the lord when
I will establish a new covenant with the house of israel and with the house of judah Not like the covenant that I made with their fathers on the day when
I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of egypt For they did not continue in my covenant
And I and so I showed no concern for them declares the lord For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of israel after those days declares the lord
I will put my laws into their minds And write them on their hearts and I will be their god and they shall be my people
And they shall not teach each one his neighbor and each one his brother saying no the lord for they shall all know me
From the least of them to the greatest for I will be merciful towards their iniquities and I will remember their sins no more hebrews 8 6 through 12
We learn here that christ's ministry is superior to the old covenant because he's going to accomplish what was never accomplished in the old testament
Unlike the covenant of of adam abraham. Noah, david. Moses that that did not accomplish these promises
Jesus is going to successfully put the law of god into the minds of his people He's going to write his word on their hearts, which is what why the new covenant is so good
The old covenant the law was written on stone tablets now In the new covenant the law is written on stony hearts that have been made alive with with new flesh beating because jesus performed a resurrection
He took our stony hearts and made them living and then he wrote his law on our minds and on our hearts
Jesus is going to make the entire world Into the people of god such that one day as hebrews 8 says i'm not making this up You're going to say to your neighbor.
You're going to say to your brother You're going to say to your friend know the lord and they're already going to know him From the least of the people into the very greatest the world's population is going to one day
Know the lord through the ministry of the sun by the power of the holy spirit. It is coming and when that happens
The whole world is going to be filled with the glory of god sin is going to be pushed back peace is going to abound Jesus is going to return to kill the final enemy, which is death
That is the story that we are looking forward to in the bible I cannot believe for the last 200 years that the devil has been so clever to convince all of us that we're gonna lose
The story of the bible is that through christ and his victory we win I cannot believe how crafty he is and how good he is at convincing christians to act like pathetic losers
We're not Wake up We are on the side of the champion.
Jesus christ That's the story of the bible and that's the story that hebrews 8 has been sharing with us the new covenant
Is superior to the old the old covenants are the ones that failed Why do we think the new covenant which is superior is going to fail?
It's going to win in every conceivable way It's based on better promises. It's mediated by a better administrator while foundational and significant the old covenant was just a
Shadow of what was coming in christ. The new covenant is not merely
An improved version of the old I just got a new laptop and it's better than my old one, but it's that's not what this covenant is
It's not just a few upgrades This covenant is entirely infinitely
Maximally superior to what came before it it is going to be the complete fulfillment of god's redemptive plans and purposes
It is what all the other covenants looked forward to And that is the post -millennial hope that we've been talking about the other eschatological systems portray
The world is spiraling into chaos and darkness that makes sense. If you're talking about the old covenants
The mosaic covenant led to what? The people of israel spiraling into idolatry in the book of judges
The the covenant made with david. What did that lead to? It led to the people spiraling into idolatry in the end of solomon's reign in rea boem's reign in Manasseh and amman's reign
Those covenants Weren't able to produce the kind of world the kind of church the kind of people
They were types and shadows of what was coming to believe that jesus's covenant. However Can't accomplish what god set out for it to accomplish is both silly and biblically stupid
It is to fail to align our vision to the vision of christ it is to fail to give jesus credit
As the only sovereign that he can administrate his covenant perfectly. It is to doubt the power of god
Is to fail to see what scripture teaches Which we've proved over and over and over again in the series with several hundred passages
Listen i'm not developing my argument based off of one or two passages From the book of daniel or from the book of revelation and talking about something that is so esoteric and weaving it
Like that's what disbees do i've showed you Hundreds of passages that prove this point this point i've showed you hundreds of passages at this point
That have shown that christ is going to have dominion. He's going to have victory I've beaten you over the head with it kind of on purpose because I know it takes faith to believe it but also
It just takes wisdom to say, you know what? I think christ can accomplish that You know what?
I think christ really is all powerful You know what? I think christ really can Accomplish what he said.
He was going to if jesus prayed that That the kingdom of god should come on earth is as it is in heaven
Well in my flesh I have no idea how that works but i'm going to believe it because jesus said it
It's the same thing with creation I do not believe in an old earth and I think those who do are uh, they need to repent
I believe in a young earth not because my mind can comprehend How god in six literal 24 hour days could create everything in this expansive cosmos that that's mind -bending to me
But because god said it I believe it I I don't understand how the trinity works three and one
My daughter my five -year -old Functionally understands as much about the trinity as I do
That there are three and one that I I don't understand it And yet I believe it because god said it
Why is it? That in these hundreds of passages that we've been talking about That are very clear
Why is it that we struggle so much to believe? That god can win and can do what he said.
He's going to do in the end I don't understand that I I look around at the world and I don't understand how it's going to happen
I look around at the world and I see the evil that's around I think about the The pedophilia in hollywood.
I think about all of the things that i've learned about the depravity of that Immoral godless world.
I think about critical race theory I think about blm and the riots that we all watched on the streets during covet.
I think about Uh how they set cities on fire. I think about how they weaponized a vaccine against us.
I think about Uh the world economic forum and klaus schwab and his little jiggly turkey neck
I think about I think about all of these things and i'm like I have no idea how god is going to do this
I I don't have answers In the specifics like that. All I know is that the bible says that he's going to make his peace reign all over the world
All I know is that he says That he's going to his government will have no end that he will
Make it to where everyone knows the lord like he said in hebrews 8 And if he said it
And if he's the one who left his tomb empty Then what choice do
I have to believe it? What choice do I have but to live my life like it's true That's what i'm challenging all of us to do is to recognize that the doom and gloom
Is immoral and evil? The doom and gloom that we see in the church today is immoral
They suggest that the work of christ on the cross and the establishment of his new covenant
They they say that it cannot bring about real and lasting change They say that it cannot do what god has said it's going to do to say that the world ends
With jesus having to return to a colossal failure And that then he has to come and set up his kingdom on earth and then at the end of his physical reign
That it also devolves into disaster To believe that is borderline blasphemy
It diminishes the power of the new covenant the power of its covenant head who is christ and it flat out contradicts the explicit promises
That we see outlined in the book of hebrews Post -millennialism is the only view
That understands that this transformation is going to happen. It is already total in heaven and it is coming on earth
That we're going to continue to see it come until it's completed the gospel's power is not limited
To saving a few random individuals, but it extends to transforming everything
The vision of the world where they shall all know me. This is what hebrews 8 says which is quoting jeremiah
They shall all know me They shall all know me just say that 10 times and recognize the the totality of it
They shall all know me That means all of them will know him
And it's not a technical phrase that's not a convoluted sentence They shall all know me from the least to least of them to the greatest
That is a vision of comprehensive redemption That is a vision of eschatological
Universalism and what I mean by that is in the end In the final generation before jesus returns, they're all going to know him.
Those aren't my words That's the bible That's what it says. I'm not saying that I'm saying that because it says that They shall all know me from the least of them to the greatest
That the knowledge of god is going to permeate every Aspect of life every person in every culture
Post -millennialism is the only view that agrees with what the bible says
And because of that i'm a post -millennialist now for those who are still clinging to their their theology of despair
It's time to wake up It's time to realize that the new covenant demands a view that is bigger and better from you the new covenant
Demands that you have a bigger and better view anything less than global transformation
Is a betrayal Mentally and cognitively speaking of the promises that are laid out in hebrews and it's a denial of the power of jesus christ
The bible acknowledges a comprehensive revival renewal redemption of all things
That's the heartbeat of what post -millennialism teaches a world that is being steadily transformed by the power of the glory of god
Until everything looks like he wants it if that's not your view
If you're still holding out if you're still living in your doubt repent of your doubt and believe what the bible says
Now let's go to section 4 christ second coming Now the book of hebrews actually does talk about the second coming of christ and this is
Instructive for us. Everybody wants to talk about the second coming of christ When is it going to happen? When oh, when's the mark of the beast?
When is the antichrist? you know The book of hebrews talks about the second coming of christ the future coming of christ and it is at the climax of god's redemption and narrative
These verses that we're going to look at do not envision an angry christ who's coming back in judgment
In order to put down all of his enemies this passage talks about a happy and joyful christ
Who returns at the end of the world to receive a church that has been eagerly working eagerly building
Eagerly laboring and spreading his dominion and expecting him to return then simply put christ according to hebrews
Returns to a world Where everyone is serving him? Everyone is worshiping him
Everyone is obeying him. Everyone is living for him and everyone is building businesses churches
Stadiums and government buildings that are dedicated to the glory of christ He does not return to war but he returns to peace.
He does not return to anarchy. He returns to Order he does not return to um
To a world in rebellion. He returns to a world who is adoring him
If you do not understand this fact, then you will not see what the writer of hebrews is actually saying for instance hebrews 9 to 27 through 28 says it like this
And just as it is appointed for man to die once and after that comes judgment.
So christ Having been offered once to bear the sins of many will appear a second time
Not to deal with sin But to save those who are eagerly waiting for him hebrews 9 27 through 28
Oh my goodness. Do you see that? Let me slow down first It is essential to recognize the distinction that hebrews is making here
Christ comes twice. He comes a first time and a second time The first time was to deal with sin through his sacrificial death on the cross
On that cross he finally and totally dealt with the problem of sin so that it was once and for all atoned for His death cannot be improved upon.
He can't he can't die for sin again. Like he's done it. He's completed it He is fulfilled he it's not going to be added to it's finished and yet Notice that his second coming according to hebrews
Is not to deal with sin He dealt with sin in his first coming which means that he's not going to return to a world where sin is still in charge
He's not going to return to a world where sin is still reigning It says that that he did that already he's gonna not return read it again
He's not going to return to a world to deal with sin on the contrary He's going to return to a world that's eagerly waiting for him
Not aggressively in rebellion against him This means when jesus returns the whole world is going to be looking forward to his coming
That means that there's going to be no more atheists on planet earth There's going to be no more jews who hate the messiah
There's going to be no more buddhist or hindus who are doing their little funny weird chants and temples
He's going to return to a world that is filled with men and women and children who are eagerly awaiting for him to return
He's going to return to a world where mom and dad are sitting around the dinner table eagerly talking about can you can you
Can you imagine what it's going to be like when our lord returns? And not just in one house in every house on earth
He is not waiting for us to fail He is waiting for us to do what he told us to do and then he comes back.
That's it That's the vision this tells us that jesus does not come back to a world that has gone hopelessly astray
But he comes back to end a period of such fantastic gospel success that the whole world has become christian
He doesn't come to rescue his bride from all of her foibles and from all of her enemies, but to receive a bride a radiant queen
Who has been faithful to the ends of the earth. He will come to accept a faithful expectant church who is engaged in the mission of god who's
Anticipating completion of what has already begun this anticipation is not out of fear or uncertainty but out of confidence and hope that is rooted in the promises of god that if we bring the gospel to all the
Nations and all the people of the world know him and all of us are eagerly expecting his return Then we can have confidence in his return is near until then stop writing your stupid books
Stop making your left behind movies. I know that's old stop doing all of that Stop waiting for red heifers to be sacrificed in jerusalem
It's not time yet. We're the whole world is not unified and expecting the return of christ hebrews says that's a prerequisite
Do we believe that or not? Do we believe that that our hope is rooted in the already accomplished victory of christ and the promises that are laid out in hebrews?
Or do we not now as i've said a thousand times already The post -millennial vision is the only view that gets this right
It's the only view that asserts that the world is being progressively bought Brought into conformity with god's will through the power of the gospel
That's what the author of hebrews says That means we need to abandon our flawed views our misery our doom and gloom our navel glazing and we need to Expect not colossal failure, but colossal victory
The eschatological vision of the book of hebrews includes the idea of an unshakable and unstoppable kingdom
Which we will explore more deeply in the next section, but I think right now for a moment. It's essential to note that the second coming is
Integrally connected to the establishment of the kingdom hebrews 12 28 speaks of believers receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken which implies that christ's return
Is gonna Only happen after the kingdom has prevailed So with that, let us get to section 5 because i'm pumped to talk about this last one jesus
Let me recap section 4 jesus is not going to return until the whole world is christian. I've proved that Now let's get to section 5 section 5 the unstoppable unshakable kingdom of christ
After seeing the unrivaled authority of christ as king in section 1 the progressive in breaking of his kingly peace in section 2 the
Unstoppable promises that are attached to the new covenant in section 3 And the victorious state of the planet when jesus finally returns in section 4 now, it's time to land the proverbial plane
By looking at how the kingdom jesus is building cannot be stopped. It cannot be thwarted and it cannot be shaken in eden
This is very important for us to understand in eden. The world of heaven and earth were one The the world of heaven and earth were connected there.
There are two overlapping Spear spheres of reality in eden. There's the physical and the spiritual the immaterial and the material they were one
There was no rip or tears but after the fall Sin ripped those worlds apart bifurcating the spiritual and the material worlds with a great chasm in between at the cross, however
Jesus began the work of bringing those worlds back together bringing the spiritual world and the physical world back together again
The indwelling of the holy spirit further unites the spiritual and material world together
Imagine you've got a piece of cloth and we'll call that the spiritual world another piece of cloth. We'll call that the physical world and Every time a believer is saved.
There's a point of contact between those two pieces of material where where they're woven together again
And the world is being woven back together again The spiritual world and the physical world being woven back together again one salvation at a time because it is in salvation
Where the spiritual world and the physical world collide? Where the spirit comes back into flesh?
again so that by the end of everything By the end of the world the division of heaven and earth are going to be completely mended
That that is the kind of kingdom that we've come to at mount zion a better mountain than the old mountain called.
Sinai Uh, you remember then that the the heavenly realities that were happening on the top of mount sinai were far away from the people
They couldn't bear the truth of it We've come to a better city the book of hebrews tells us the new jerusalem which is going to triumph over that rebellious and ancient
Town that was known as the old jerusalem. We live in the days when jesus From heaven and the spirit of god on earth are weaving the cosmos back together again
In our lifetime and in the generations to come in our children's life and our grandchildren's life Uh, the division between heaven and earth is being mended the two worlds are coming back together again
Hebrews 12 22 through 24 tells us about this kind of kingdom that jesus has inaugurated and that jesus is working
Towards mending it says it like this But you have come to mount zion
And to the city of the living god the heavenly jerusalem and to innumerable angels and festal gatherings and to the assembly of the firstborn
Who are enrolled in heaven And to god the judge of all and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect and to jesus the mediator of a new covenant
And to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of abel hebrews 12 22 through 24 now as these worlds collide
A great shaking is going to occur. It says that we've come to mount zion. We've come to the better mountain we've come to the better city we've come to the
The uh, the the world where god and man are dwelling together again We are as the church the point on earth where heaven and earth have collided again
That's what hebrews is saying. We've entered into the dwelling of god with his people And and as that grows and as that strengthens the world is going to be shaken
The corruptible things are going to collapse and be removed I want you to think about it like this whenever the kingdom of heaven takes back territory on this planet
It begins shaking the sinful parts like the walls of jericho until they crumble and they fall
But they don't remain as a pile of rubble that the kingdom of christ is about about two things
Shaking everything that is corruptible until it until it's broken and equipping the church to rebuild it out of the ashes
So that it is now unshakable and unstoppable And it belongs to god the kingdom of god is not passive in this world
Nor is it meant to be a perpetual minority faction living in hiding No, it's instead called to be active you and I have come to mount zion
You and i've come to the new jerusalem you and i've come into the kingdom of heaven. Why? to be aggressive and potent force on earth way more potent than the jihadist who just leave their
Their buildings crumbling from hijacked planes. No, the kingdom of god is going to yes leave the things of the world
Broken not through planes Not through terrorism, but through the power of god, but it's going to also rebuild all of those perishable
Institutions it's going to rebuild all of those people who uh were rebels of god
It's going to rebuild faith and government. All those things are going to crumble, but the church is going to rebuild it into Imperishable unshakable and unstoppable institutions that cannot crumble in their wake
Think about it far from the church collapsing and failing hebrews is describing these things as as The church is the only institution on earth that cannot be shaken the church cannot be broken
She will remain until the very end when the invasion of heaven Ends child sacrifice when the invasion of heaven
Rebuilds governments where children are cared for instead of sold in slavery when our evil politicians are arrested for the crimes that they've committed on epstein island
Or when when the hush money no longer works When illegal backroom deals that have made people rich off of taxpayers dime are exposed and they're hauled off in handcuffs
It is going to be The an era when christians are going to assume authority and power and they're going to rebuild
This country and every other country on earth according to the law of god Everything that does not belong to jesus christ is going to be shaken
Into oblivion only what the church led by the spirit of god builds is going to remain
Which jesus which means that jesus has the right and the privilege to build to create
To make us plant to make us establish and to the world is filled with the things that submit to him
Making it an unshakable world where heaven and earth are indistinguishable That is the vision
That the bible is painting now, let me let me show you this because i've just hinted at it so far
I want to prove this to you from the book of hebrews. Look at hebrews 12 25 through 29. This is what it says
So that you do not refuse him who is speaking pause Don't refuse the one who is speaking when whenever god says that don't refuse what i'm saying.
It means listen and Believe it and obey it.
So so let's keep going So that you do not refuse him see to it that you do not refuse him who is speaking
For if they did not escape When they refused him who warned them on earth much less will we escape if we reject him who warns from heaven at that time
His voice shook the earth But now he promised yet once more
I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens The phrase yet once more indicates the removal of the things that are shaken
That is things that have been made in order that the things that cannot be shaken may remain
Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken and let us offer to god
Acceptable worship with reverence and all for god as a consuming fire Brothers and sisters despite what many claim believers are not waiting to receive an unshakable and unstoppable kingdom
We already have it. We are the unshakable ones. We are the ones that can't be broken
We are living in a kingdom that cannot fail No government on earth can stop us.
They can arrest us and kill us who cares? They can't stop us. They've tried for 2 000 years and yet here we are.
We're still here No secular institution can defeat us islam is not going to outlast us we are guaranteed victory
Certain and total victory which means that there is no possibility that we're going to lose.
We are the unshakable ones the god Oh my goodness mutant.
So i'm gonna I took my kids one time to this place where we grabbed the little sieve
And we put the dirt in it and we shook it And the dirt came out the bottom in the little you know water trough
And a lot of dirt came out a lot. We shook it and as we shook it a lot of dirt came out
And you know what remained? The little gemstones that they wanted us to find they remained
Because they were unshakable What god is doing Is he shaking the world right now according to hebrews 12?
And a lot is not going to remain a lot's gonna exit out
Down the little water trough and it's going to be discarded in the in the pits of hell but you
Who are christians? Cannot be shaken You are the little jewel you are the little gemstone
That god is going to keep because it can't be shaken out Which means that there is no possibility that we lose
My question is do you actually live like that? Do you walk with the kind of confidence and holy swagger?
That you're not a you're you're not a leprous pariah on the earth
You're a king and you're a queen in the army of god Do you live like that do you stand up tall
Like you're endowed with the power of god dear christian The world belongs to you
Your king And your bridegroom bought and paid for it And he's the one who laughs at the politicians when they think that this world belongs to him
He's the one who laughs at at crooked joe biden He's the one who laughs at nancy pelosi.
He's the one who laughs at chuck schumer. He's the one who who Belling laughs at the spineless republicans that make washington dc the septic tank of idiocracy that it is
He laughs at our lesbian governor in massachusetts on beacon hill who sits in the seat of scoffers and who thinks that she has power
Our lord owns the world He's the one holding the sieve
And he will shake it and he will break it Until all of the disgusting filth that is in rebellion to him has been discarded
Down the waters to the septic tank that they're heading to and only you and the church remain
All things as cct stud once said all things will soon be past only what is done for christ will last
Which means that? If god is making an unshakable world he's making it christian
If god is making a world that can't be shaken he's He's turning the whole world christian
He's bringing real authority on earth. The pagan kings and queens are going to be discarded.
They won't last they They won't but we will we remain We remain we cannot be shaken
We don't get discarded we don't get pulled out of the world We remain until the end because we are the unshakable ones
The pagan kings and queens and politicians will be smashed Pulverized reduced to dust and ashes if they persist in their rebellion
But we remain We remain Do you live like that?
Do you live with that kind of confidence do you live with that kind of hope do you live with that kind of Actively watching what is the lord crumbling in my lifetime?
I want to look and I want to see what is he crumbling? Why do I want to do that so I can celebrate and cheer no
So that I can see where god is bringing ruin I know that he wants me to bring order
When I see god replace the sinful politician, I ought to think to myself Okay Okay God has shaken that Now, how can we make that unshakable?
We make it christian When hollywood is shaken How do we replace it with something that is biblical and good and holy?
when entertainment when education when health care when Governments when neighborhoods when all of those things are shaken
How do we instead of leaving them in ruin How do we rebuild them to the glory of god so that they will never fade again dear christian
Whatever we build on earth That is submitted to the lordship of jesus christ is ultimately unshakable
Our job is to replace all of the things that are devoted to destruction and ruin with new creation things
Our job is to replace the world's population with new creation people Our job is to replace the
The evil washingtonians and the swamp creatures with believing politicians our job is to is to end wokeness in companies like budweiser and Replace them with good god glorifying companies who submit to the lordship of jesus christ colleges
That set their faces to train christians and families In a way that make them threaten hell
Our job is to replace everything that is broken with things that cannot be shaken until the entire world is replaced with the new world
That jesus is bringing brick by brick atom by atom institution by institution by institution
We are the transformation agents that will bring this world out of the ashes and out of the rubble into the unshakable habitation of god
He's put that responsibility on us he shakes He quakes and he breaks
He's called us to rebuild He's called us to work He's called us to be like adam and to make this world into a garden
That is submitted to him where he can live and dwell with his people in an unshakable kingdom
Jesus is not going to return until he's finished his job of shaking the world
And he's not going to return until we finished our job of rebuilding the world one day Heaven and earth are going to be reunited entirely and perfectly together again so that there is no more distinction but until that day
Christ will be faithfully working in heaven to shake out all the broken parts And we should be faithfully working here on earth to rebuild it to the glory and to the praise of almighty god
Conclusion As we wrap up this episode of the podcast I want to remind you that we have looked at some difficult passages today
But I really think we've tried to make them understandable and easy But by studying everything that we have so far
I believe these passages have leapt off of the page with clarity the kind of clarity that wouldn't have been possible
Had we not done the hard work already if we were lazy exegetes in the weeks leading up to this We would not have understood this like a farmer.
However, we've been working tirelessly so that when the harvest comes we can enjoy it and I don't know about you, but that vision of an unshakable kingdom is joyful and glorious and I want us to enjoy these truths that the book of hebrews and and the rest of the new testament is showing us that god is opening up our minds to see hear and receive that He's going to bring his world into conformity to him and he's going to make the world filled with worshipers
Which is what we have been talking about all along That his progressive peace is going to come and stabilize the world that his church is going to Is going to rebuild everything that he shakes into oblivion.
Let us praise god For that vision. Let us work hard In that vision let us see that the world's been bought and paid for by jesus and by his omnipotent spirit
He's going to make the church impervious to disaster and he's going to use us to rebuild the world until it conforms
To jesus and as we conclude I just want to make this very practical. How do we do this?
How do you and I rebuild the world? What is a few? Simple things that we can do to rebuild the world that jesus is shaking into ashes
Okay. Well step one We got to become unshakable people Christians we've got to become unshakable
Christian people the kind of people who do not fall into ruin
The kind of people who when the world shakes we don't quake The kind of people who are devoted to imperishable activities.
You want to become an imperishable person? You got to be doing imperishable things. What are the imperishable things? Be a person devoted to prayer
Be a person devoted to studying the word of god be a person who participates in your local church and receives the word in sacrament
Be a person who sings to the glory of god be a person who fasts be a person who fellowships with other christians root yourself in the means of grace
And you will be invincible You will be unstoppable
And you my brother and sister will be unshakable As the world is shaking and breaking and being reduced to ashes you will be the unshakable
Imperishable people and you will be the one That all of the problems and and stuff in the world.
You won't be shaken So if you want to be an unshakable person number one do unshakable things number two
As people who are growing and and our unshakability, I don't even know if that's a word
Uh, we gotta not just do the means of grace. Those are great Those are obviously important, but we have to move beyond that now to build unshakable marriages
We have to actually raise up unshakable children who are impervious to the world's lies and disastrous husbands
You've got to build into your wives the kind of robust godly christianity That's going to preserve and keep her from despair
That's going to keep her strong and faithful. That's going to keep her unshakable husbands. You have a responsibility to do that parents
You have a responsibility to build into your kids the kind of baptismal faith Where they're not going to be sifted like wheat when they go off into the world
But they're going to be immune to the enemies attacks our homes As christians should be bastions of faithfulness and strongholds of truth
We have got to start preparing our children Not to be sifted by the world not to be stolen by the world but to go out and rebuild it.
So number one unshakable people number two unshakable families number three
As we become those kind of families that moth and rust cannot destroy that the stink of our society cannot pervert
We've got to catch a vision on how to multiply this outside of our homes we've got to figure out how as Families who are starting to get it and starting to understand it and starting to do it
We've now got to figure out how to multiply this into our community into our town and our city
The unshakable kingdom does not stop inside our living room It goes out into our neighborhoods.
How do we do this? Well, we've got to start men. We've got to build christian businesses We need to plant churches
We need to erect institutions of higher learning that are going to inculcate christian values and theology into young people
And are going to raise up the next generation of theologians and philosophers We need to open up bookstores
That provide resources for the next reformation with godly literature. I want to start a publishing company in new england
Why so that we can resource new england for the reformation that I believe is coming We need to begin writing new hymns and music that give glory to god that churches for the next hundred years are going to sing
About the victory of christ. We need christian plumbing companies. We need christian farmers
We need christian smoke shops all my fundamentalist brothers and sisters. Yeah, we need that We need christian breweries christian distilleries christian butcheries.
We need christian car dealerships where it's not predicated on Salesmanship and lying but on on god honoring values.
We need a we need an entire economy That is explicitly devoted to jesus
Whatever person building or concept that currently exists in our town that is not expressly devoted to jesus
We need to start planning on how to make it christian And i'm not talking to men who are still struggling watching porn
But i'm not talking to men who are still trying to figure out how to make it christian Repent of that and become an unshakable christian Be mature in your faith and walk with god and then when you've done that Marry a woman and develop strong families and then when you've done that Start going to your select board meetings start going to your town meeting start running for office if if that's
Uh what you can do if not plant a business if not do something to bring the gospel to your neighborhood
See, it's like waterfalls the first fall is Yourself lead yourself.
The second waterfall is lead a family. The third waterfall is now start leading others I know that many of you probably have heard
About these things in a different way. Maybe you're not used to hearing about it the way that i'm talking about it You're not used to living this way, but we must remember that god is going to shake the world down to nothing
The only way that it's going to get rebuilt is if christians rebuild it If christians to in endeavor to rebuild it instead of being ignorant of that fact instead of being lazy in that fact
I say we just embrace it He's going to shake the world. We got to rebuild it. It's our job
Instead of accidentally doing it or being passive about it or ignorant about I say we start doing it actively righteously intentionally
Have a plan on how to take over your city to the glory of god. That's why I love
I love what's going on out in moscow. Idaho at christ church. They're trying to take over moscow
Idaho to the glory of god Why don't we think that way about chelmsford or about boston or about new york or about los angeles or about chicago or about?
Indianapolis whatever We've got to start getting a plan To bring the gospel everywhere
Because as he shakes the world down to dust We've got to rebuild it so that it's unshakeable
And unstoppable that's step three step four On a national level now once we start getting communities to do this
Once we start getting towns to do this now we start building out on a national level Once we've conquered towns, then we go for counties once we've conquered counties
We go for commonwealths once we've conquered commonwealths. Then we create new political parties that are going to overthrow the washingtonians
Then we have Christians who not only have successful jobs, but have successful corporations where they can finance the next reformation where we have corporate buyouts and companies like christians taking over apple and amazon and google now they're owned by and led by christians or They've been shaken by god and they've sunk down into irrelevance and christians now are the ones who've rebuilt the next technological revolution
That's happened before christians have been at the forefront of technology before and I think that we should be again
We're the ones that I think need to be able to build research facilities that cure cancer I've said this a hundred times.
We haven't cured cancer because the secular Uh elites are in charge of cancer research and it's too profitable for them to stop
Christians who don't care about uh being selfish and greedy with money Are going to be the ones to end and cure cancer.
We need to start building research facilities that do that if you're rich If you have lots of money and the lord has blessed you you need to invest your money into seeing the gospel come into various places you need to invest in church planting you need to invest in in uh
Research facilities that will bring health and healing to the world Stop sitting on your finances and uh, obviously there's there's a good thing to to building wealth
There's a good thing to building generational wealth where you give it to others But also maybe just perhaps god has raised you up for a time such as this to invest that money in ways that will actually build jesus's kingdom and Abolish some of the things that we're seeing in the world.
We have to get a bigger vision We have to get a vision of being lawyers who legislate
Uh in in moral and holy ways we need to get a vision of how to end abortion and totally abolish it
I watched president trump last night be totally squishy and soft on the abortion pill like He he said i'm glad we brought abortion back to the states and abolished roe v wade
I'm proud of that, but I would not even think about getting rid of the abortion pill 70 of abortions in this country
Are accomplished by the pill privately in your own home making you a private murderer
We got to figure out how to end that we got to figure out how to stop that We got to figure out how to bring equal weights and measures to the law
We've got to find out how to bring life expectancy up so that people aren't dying early
And that and and seeing the gospel win in those ways We've got to start producing technologies that bring that bring uh food to africa or bring water
We've got to actually start teaching the africans the gospel so that they now know how to have a protestant work ethic and they know
How to actually transform their country out of the squalor and into a first world first rate country that can happen and it will happen
But we've got to get a bigger vision This is not a hostile takeover like islam with bombs and bullets.
This is but it is a holy war it is a holy war engaged with prayer and fasting and evangelism and the
Theology and discipleship and church planting and christian teaching and entrepreneurship and godly leadership that it's going to take over the world
And that's step four step five is once we've re -established christendom In america, we need to start leveraging our influence godly ways in the world.
I I remember during the pandemic I was looking at the the spending and there was like millions of dollars being sent to argentina to trans their children
Like we have used our money and our power in america to to transify the world
We've used our power and our and our worldliness to make them more worldly christians have got to take over this country so that the country no longer is is
The whore of babylon on earth that's making the world more wicked. We actually have a great opportunity to help the world understand and know god
We can't do that if we have wicked and godless and spineless politicians who are only interested in money and who are only interested in making the world the the the trailer park for america
We actually have to take these things back and then lift the world up so that they know who christ is and when they know who christ is it will bring blessings to their to their economies to their health care to everything
I have history on my side here every time the gospel has come into a nation. It has made it prosperous every time
So we have to get a bigger vision. We have to get a bigger vision for these things. Those are five steps that you can do
Start with you then start with your family then take it to your neighborhood and then believe that as you're
Faithful in your mission and in your work over generations over centuries over maybe a couple millennia
The lord will take these things and multiply these things out to the ends of the earth That's what
I would say. That's what hebrews says. That's what post -millennialism says And I think that's probably where we should end.
So with that Thank you for watching another episode of the broadcast. Thank you for your support
Thank you for all that you do to make this show a success. Thank you for wrestling with the scriptures with me
Thank you for not being mindless but for being a berean and studying and working
Thank you for all of the kind and warm comments that you leave. Thank you for sharing these episodes. Thank you for helping us make this
This understanding of jesus's victory spread out to more people This is the view of the church all throughout church history and yet in our in our times
It's the minority view. Thank you for helping me get this word out to more people share it like it and all those things
And until next time god richly bless you and get to work The world is being shaken.