Jemar Tisby's New Boss Lays Out His False Gospel

AD Robles iconAD Robles




Sorry, the chickens just started squawking You know I'm gonna leave the window open because I like the sounds of living on a farm and maybe you enjoy it as well
What they're doing is they're laying eggs, and those are the squawks they make when they're laying eggs I'm sure it's a very painful process in any case before I got started today
I wanted to share with you a very insightful very helpful Just overall just very social justice minded comment that yours truly got on My youtube channel this was regarding the congratulations video that I did for mr.
Jamar Tisby the assistant director the newly minted assistant director of Advocacy and narrative or is it narrative narrative and advocacy?
I don't know either way It's a made -up title anyway if you have sensitive ears, or if you're listening with kids
I would suggest fast -forwarding about 30 seconds so that you don't hear this Very representative of just the social justice
Christian mindset in general This is your last warning if you are not interested in hearing profanity, please fast -forward
Paul comments thus What a dick Tisby left the witness for this job, and I don't think you realize how large of an organization dr.
Kendi runs you're such an asshole as I said extremely helpful
Oh Man unreal this it's just it's you could feel the love you could feel the love and the justice
Through comments such as these now. I'm going to show you a little clip from Jamar Tisby's new boss now
I don't know if he actually left the witness for this job or whatever and frankly.
I don't care how big dr. Kendi's organization is it's obviously Preposterous to even have an organization such as this
And it's funny. I mean I was making jokes like maybe the Department of narrative and Advocacy is very big and it requires an assistant director and a director and a
VP and you know Various kinds of titles in the department I have no idea nor do
I care at all if people want to throw their money into the toilet It doesn't harm me in any way
So I just don't really care at all feel free to continue to donate money to this charlatan
But anyway, frankly, I'm I actually am very glad that Jamar Tisby has joined Ibram Kendi X Kendi X's Organization because it just makes it more and more clear that Jamar Tisby is an unbeliever
And I think that's very helpful to the Church of Jesus Christ because the more clearly we can
Determine who is actually a believer in Christ and who is just a fraud who's looking for money and Prestige and whatever it is.
I think the better because a lot of people still are fooled by Jamar Tisby I can't imagine why he's not a very effective liar
He is a liar, but not a very effective one in my opinion, but I think a lot of people want to be fooled
I think a lot of people are trying to Feel really really good about themselves and all of that kind of thing and one way to feel really really good about yourself is to I guess get the approval of men like Jamar Tisby anyway,
I thought I'd share a video from my friend woke preacher clips and This is this is his new boss.
This is Jamar Tisby's new boss Now before we get started,
I just thought it'd be important for me to share my personal qualifications to address such a thing the commenter on YouTube thinks that I'm a
I'm not gonna say it again because I've got past the part where I told you to fast -forward
But anyway, and I just I absolutely disagree and I'm very offended by this because I have a prestigious title
I am the vice president of narrative advocacy and Inclusion that's right.
I am I not only do I have a higher title than Jamar I'm a full vice president.
Not only that but I actually have a Control over inclusion as well
Jamar Tisby, you know, if you work hard enough one day Maybe you'll get inclusion added to your little domain and maybe you'll get if you work hard enough
Maybe you'll get to a vice president level like myself. Now. Let's watch this video. This ought to be very interesting.
This is Ibram Kendi Xkende If You see any role that churches or communities of faith can play in this anti racist movement
Sure, so I yeah, I'm a preacher's kid and my parents pretty much Met and what was known as the black power movement, but more specifically for them the movement
For black theology, and so they were both Christians who imagined that the church
Was supposed to be an engine of liberation That Christianity was supposed to be a source of liberation for black people and humanity.
They looked at very true It actually is because as we know from the scriptures
Everyone who's born in Adam is a slave to sin. We understand how that works
We say so God created the universe God created the world He created mankind in his image and then
Adam rebelled against God And so that was the fall right? And so we understand that because of Adam's sin
We're now enslaved to sin. And so we needed someone to come and liberate us
In fact when Jesus goes to Jerusalem and to be to be crucified
He speaks of that as the Exodus. He's about to accomplish an exodus
He's about to liberate his people Not everybody because some people are going to remain in their sins and will be destroyed by God forever and ever and ever.
Amen but his people he will liberate from their sin from their slavery to sin to become slaves of Righteousness, so Ibram Kendi X is right
Except how much you want to bet that that's actually not what he means by liberation Probably what he means is more cash for his bank account.
He can hire another assistant director of some nonsense organization. I don't know
Jesus is black who would have fro like they had their fro's Yeah, their false
Jesus is definitely black who had a fro. Yeah, he's definitely black My favorite is when white preachers go it doesn't matter what color
Jesus was by the way, he was probably very dark It's like okay, so it doesn't matter or does it not matter and he does he have a fro or not?
I mean, I don't know but they're fake. Jesus has a fro and he's black And what
I sort of ultimately realized in analyzing the form of Christianity that they were raised in particularly than during the black theology movement and Sort of just I should say contrasting that with the form of Christianity that 80 % of white angelicals have when they voted for Donald Trump I think one of the ways we can distinguish it is one being liberation theology, right?
Right liberation theology We talked about this on the channel all the time. I Challenge you to pick up a liberation theology classic
James Cone's book on liberation is Fantastic. You never you'd never thought you'd hear a theologian say the word honky so much right kill whitey stuff like that If if God was white we ought to kill him things that things of that nature
You know, this is this is what he believes that Christianity really is in other words
Jesus was a revolutionary and The job of the
Christian is to revolutionize society that the job of the Christian is to liberate society
From the powers on on earth that are oppressing humanity
Everybody understand that so I understand what you're saying, but I don't understand where you're getting it from Well, I do understand you're getting it from your your, you know, your your economic backgrounds or sociological studies and all of this kind So you get it from James Cone, but the
Bible doesn't say any of that stuff obviously we ought to Advocate justice for the oppressed
But the thing is like he's trying to replace that with the actual the spiritual Reality of becoming a
Christian. Yes, of course Oppression is something that Christians ought to fight but oppression in my universe where I'm trying to see things the way
God sees them It's very different than oppression in your universe because oppression in your universe Ibram X Kendi is
You standing on a stage with a bunch of white people fawning over your words With lots and lots of cash with designer clothes and all this stuff somehow
Ibram you are oppressed I don't think that's what
God had in mind when he was talking about the oppressed He was actually talking about people that were really being abused and things of that nature
The the Israelites in Egypt were really being mistreated by Egypt It wasn't that they just didn't have as much stuff as the
Egyptians that actually wasn't it It was that they were actually being taxed to death. They were actually being
Abused and all of that kind of stuff. So anyway, yeah, so let's continue this
That's liberation theology in a nutshell Savior theology is a different type of theology.
The job of the Christian is to go out and save These individuals who are behaviorally deficient in other words were to bring them into the church
These individuals who are doing all of these evil sinful things and heal them and save them
And then once we've saved them, we've done our jobs and and to me anti -racist fundamentally reject
Savior theology that goes right in line with racist ideas and racist theology in which they say, you know what?
black people other racial groups The reason why they're struggling on earth is because of what they're behaviorally doing wrong
And it is my job as the pastor to sort of save these wayward black people or wayward or wayward queer people that type of theology
Breeds big right. We definitely don't want to we definitely don't want to preach a Christ that saves you from your sins because we don't
Well, I guess if you're white though if you're white yeah, we could preach a Christ that wants to save you from your sins, but if you're black or queer or Poor or something like that Then you don't need to be safe from your sins you just need to be liberated from From what
I mean, I don't know that's the thing like like these Did you see do you see that the twisted nature of all this stuff because on the one hand he's using biblical terms
Yes, of course, we ought to liberate the captives, right? But captives from what right captives from what we ought to we ought to visit people that are in prison
And all that kind of stuff, but but but the thing is like like like he's trying to make it sort of like, okay, so either you're liberating people or you're
Abusing them by saying that they're sinning and we're against that you can't save queer people. Of course.
I can't save anybody, right? He's obviously talking about a Christ that saves he's not he's saying that that's that's actually wrong to preach a
Christ that saves rather we have to preach a Christ that liberates and I'm sorry, but that's just not how this goes, right?
It almost it almost wants to victimize everybody right like like in a sense I Understand that I'm enslaved to sin when
I'm in Adam, right? But that doesn't mean that I'm like this this unwilling Participant in the sin or like this victim like I'm participant when
I'm when I'm in Adam. I'm Participating in Adams rebellion. I'm Participating in Adam sin and I might be rich or I might be poor
I might be black or I might be white I might be queer or I might be straight But if I'm in Adam and I'm not in Christ Then it's not like I'm just some innocent victim sitting on the sidelines and it's like woe is me
Adam did this thing and now I'm totally screwed. No, no, you're participating in Adams rebellion and you do it every day because it is clear to every person
That's ever existed that God is there and his requirements are clear to people as well.
And when you don't measure up to those requirements when you actually do the opposite when you
Worship and serve the creation rather than the Creator who was blessed forever. Amen You're participating in Adam sin
And so on the one hand you do need to be liberated from that that is definitely true
But you do need a Savior you do need Christ to save you from that situation because without Christ Saving you from the situation where you're participating in Adam sin.
I'm preaching gospel here, baby This is what I'm talking about. This is this get this should get every Christian fired up, right?
You need a Savior who can liberate you from that from that situation because without it
You will be a slave to sin forever you will be participating in Adams rebellion until the day you die and Thereafter as well when you're being punished for that sin for all eternity
You're gonna continue in that rebellion without a Savior right without a Savior And so when when when as Christians when we go to preach
Christ to the heathen, right when we go to preach Christ to the pagans Absolutely, we preach a
Christ that can save them from their wicked ways because they are doing wicked things
And only a victim would be like you just saying that cuz I'm black. No, no, no. No, that's that's not the case at all
I've got African ancestry. I've got white ancestry I've got native ancestry and I understand that all three of those
Ancestries black the European and the native were eating each other before Christ They were eating each other before they converted to Christianity.
Yeah, like I'm talking literally eating each other You see what I'm saying? So we were all doing jacked up pagan heathen things before before Christ saved us and before the
Church of God became To the point where it is today. It's just it's just spread everywhere
It's just an amazing thing to think about how much the church has grown from the beginning, right? And so we all understand that Fundamentally Ibram Kendi doesn't
Ibram Kendi thinks well if you if you're if you're telling me that I have to stop Behaving in these evil ways and you're just oppressing me
That's white supremacy and this is this is Jamar Tisby's new boss Dude doesn't have a clue what he's talking about right not a clue what he's talking about But you know listen your boy
Jamar chances are you're you're studying Jamar's book in your in your church's
Bible study session and stuff like that Jamar Tisby is an unbeliever So I would suggest putting his book down and maybe picking up the
Bible a little bit more And and so to me the type of theology of liberation theology
Breeds a common humanity a common humanity against the structures of a power that that oppress us
Here the crowds roaring in approval of this right because of course pagans gon peg obviously pagans love to Hear their worldview affirmed pagans love to see that someone's rebelling against Christ Just the same way they are they love that kind of stuff.
This man is being fawned over and yet He will sit there and tell you in his designer clothing.
He's oppressed This man is in love with himself probably in love with the creation
He worships and serves the creation rather than the Creator this man unless he repents will be destroyed for eternity
And that's a very sad thing Jamar Tisby's on the same path as him on the same exact path guys stop reading
Jamar's nonsense Stop it. You know you're not helping him in any way
To keep affirming him in his unbelief. There's nothing helpful about that at all take it from a minority
I'm a vice. I'm the vice president of advocacy narrative and Inclusion I'm also a minority and let me just say to this to you
We don't need more people pushing us and affirming us in our nonsense
You know what I mean, we don't need that what we need is someone who will tell us no God has a way
God has commands God has saved his people and you must repent of all this nonsense and Submit yourself to him.
That's the only way man. There's only one way to save humanity. There's only one way to liberate
Humanity there's only one way and that is through the gospel of Jesus Christ the gospel that saves you from your sin
Against him. I hope you found this video helpful God bless You know one way to think about some of this stuff that I just find so So interesting
I was I was reading a story to my sons my six -year -old my four -year -old and my two -year -old about Jihu Jehu Jehu Jehu the good king of Israel and If you remember there's a story where he wants to destroy the prophets of Baal because he
Understands that the heathen will rage and the heathen is actually wicked and the heathen needs to be
Shown justice, right? So there were Baal worshipers in Israel and the previous king had served
Baal had had supported them And so he tricks the Baal worshipers. You remember this story? I was telling my little sons this story today
I was telling him that the Baal worshipers hurt kids and God was not for that And so Jehu was a hero and Jehu he tricks them.
He says the last king served Baal I'm gonna serve him more and he tricks them all he think gets him to think that he's one of them
They're gonna have a big Baal worshiping party He gets them all together and he says to them make sure there's no worshipers of God here.
No worshipers of Yahweh here We're worshiping Baal here, right? He gets them all together and they're they're doing their sacrifices
They're doing their pagan rituals, whatever because you know pagan rituals aren't actually not good in and of themselves
It doesn't matter what the ethnicities are involved. They actually need they need to be destroyed, right? So Jehu sets them all up.
He makes them think that oh, we're gonna we're gonna have a Baal worshiping party And then he sets up 80 men outside of the the temple and he says alright guys got them all here for you
I put them in your hand now go and destroy them and he slaughtered
Every single heathen in that temple. He tricked them. He lied to them. He said I'm one of you
We're gonna have a Baal worshiping party. Then he took 80 of his best men He sent them into the temple and he said leave no man alive
They're going to die all of them right here because the ways of the heathen
Need to be either saved or destroyed It's either repent or perish you have no other option
You repent of your heathen pagan ways or You perish and God used
Jehu as an instrument in that moment. He tricked them. He fooled them I told my son's that story to this morning and they were amazed by I mean, first of all, they thought it was awesome
Because they like the idea of heroes helping kids and stuff like that But I do want them to understand the severity of the choices that are that that are in front of them
You either repent Or you perish you either worship Yahweh According to his you know commands and all that kind of stuff or you perish
Ibram Kendi X wants you to think Oh, yeah, you don't need to really repent to your ways. You just need to be liberated.
I Don't know about that. But let's just let's just leave it there because obviously
I'm not advocating violence towards anybody or things like that But but Ibram Kendi X is one of those that tickles your ears.
He wants you to feel like everything's okay What you can be queer doesn't matter. God's doesn't God doesn't really matter doesn't really care about that kind of stuff
He just wants you to be liberated. He doesn't care that a year that you're queer He just wants you to be able to live a nice life where Christians don't condemn queerness like like he's trying to assuage your rebellion and your and your
Revolt revolution against God but Ibram Kendi X doesn't love you because he knows that the penalty for living in your sins and Rejecting Christ are severe, but he doesn't want you to turn from them.