Jesse Duplantis Gets TOTALLY DEBUNKED!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight For Truth, the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
In today's video, we're going to be talking about a sermon clip from Jesse Duplantis. Now, Jesse is a prosperity gospel minister, and one of the most effective ones out there.
His net worth is reportedly over $40 million, and this puts him in the top tier of Word of Faith and prosperity gospel teachers in the entire world.
But as we have noted so often on this channel, people like Jesse may be rich, at least in a worldly sense, but that doesn't mean they come by their money honestly.
In fact, they are some of the most deceptive people out there. They have developed their immense wealth by teaching lies about the
Word of God. And this makes their success particularly unsettling. In any case, it is often difficult to point out where prosperity gospel ministers go too far.
After all, the Bible does talk about things like money, and blessing, and favor, and wealth. But like all false teachers, these people are tricky.
They are experts in using the Bible on these topics to accomplish their goals. That is part of why this channel exists, to give you a consistent resource where we break down the worldview of these people line by line according to their own words and compare it to the
Bible. So, without further ado, let's get into this sermon from Jesse Duplantis, the link to which is in the description.
The first segment of this sermon contains some false teaching about heaven. Watch this first clip.
Just for context, if you watched the whole introductory part of his sermon, he's talking here about the so -called church world, which consists of people who disagree with his overemphasis on money.
In this case, he's talking about diamonds, specifically. He asks the question, quote, What are they going to do when they get to heaven?
Or will they get there? In other words, if you're part of the so -called church world, the people who disagree with Jesse Duplantis' teaching about wealth or some other subject in the
Christian life, whether or not you're going to heaven is now questionable. In other words, if you question whether or not
God has put the desire in the heart of every Christian to have immense wealth, i .e., diamonds, your eternal security is at stake.
The false assumption here is that Jesse Duplantis can somehow discern your eternal trajectory by simply analyzing how much money and possessions you desire.
This is obviously unbiblical. This is not the criteria by which Christians should be analyzed.
Matthew 6, 19 says, quote, Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, where thieves break in and steal.
But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in and steal.
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. So we can see that Christians are supposed to be characterized not by a lust for money, but by a focus on the eternal treasure of life with Christ.
Just to be clear, Jesus never said it's a sin to be rich or successful, or a sin to work hard.
Obviously not. The point here is that a desire for earthly wealth is not the standard by which we should judge the level of a person's faith.
In fact, the Bible seems to tell us the exact opposite. So moving right along, let's watch the next part.
I mean, have you been in the other city that got gold streets? Why gold streets?
How can you put diamond, beryl, jasper, onyx, and ruby on those pearly gates? And he puts a whole chapter in the book of Revelation.
And he says his will be done on earth as it is in heaven. So if you watch any
Jesse Duplantis, you might know that this is a theme that comes up in his preaching. He will often highlight the, quote, diamond, beryl, onyx, jasper, and ruby, as well as the pearly gates and the golden streets of heaven.
Indeed, Revelation 21 -19 does say, quote, In other words, there's no doubt that heaven is filled with precious stones and precious metals and other things of that nature.
It's a glorious place, filled with glorious things. And yet, this is where Jesse Duplantis then makes an enormous leap in his sermon.
He follows this up by saying, quote, This echoes what he said previously about having diamonds in heaven meaning that we should desire diamonds on earth.
Essentially, the idea is that heaven is characterized by immense wealth, and therefore, the
Christian life should also be characterized by at least the desire for immense wealth. In fact, it's a moral imperative, according to Jesse, that you seek great wealth.
Because in that way, you are doing God's will on earth as it is in heaven. This is really a false conclusion, because it takes one aspect of heaven, highlights it, and then makes it normative for every
Christian on earth. Let me give you an example. We know that there will be angelic beings in heaven, of course.
Does that mean, then, that it is God's will for every Christian to see angels every single day in this life?
Well, no. And Jesse Duplantis isn't making that point. That's curious. Why isn't he? Because it's not meant to be a consistent standard.
That's why. He wants to highlight the money aspect of this specifically, to justify his prosperity gospel preaching, which again, is an overemphasis on money.
It all comes from the same place. Additionally, let's look at the actual context of God's will being done on earth as it is in heaven.
This comes from the Lord's Prayer given by Jesus Himself. Matthew 6, 9, quote, And let's pause there for a second.
Think about this. Jesus says that we ought to pray for God's will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.
And then immediately, He says, quote, Now here's a question. If Jesus is talking about gold and pearls and diamonds and wealth and money when
He makes this statement about God's will, then why would He need to ask for our daily bread? If that passage means that you're going to get tons and tons of gold and money, couldn't you just use your gold and money to easily buy your daily bread?
There's really no way to read this passage naturally, thinking that Jesus is talking about gold and diamonds, and have it make sense in context.
And in any case, it would be absurd, it would be ridiculously far -fetched to believe that possessing huge amounts of gold should be normative for every
Christian in this life. Plain observation and Church history demonstrate that for us. Obviously, that wasn't the case for every
Christian in Scripture, in fact, not even most of them. But moving forward in the sermon, the next topic of Jesse Duplantis' false teaching is the word things.
Specifically, the word things in Mark 11, 24, which says this, quote, Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, the
King James says, what things so ever ye desire, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
Watch what Jesse Duplantis says about this word things. Check this out. Listen to me.
He said, what things? What does things mean to you? Things, right? So unfortunately, we're already off to a really bad start.
The question should not be, what does things mean to you? But rather, what does things mean according to the author of Scripture in this context?
But it all depends on what Jesse means specifically here. So let's give him the benefit of the doubt, and let's watch the next clip which defines what he means by things.
Check this out. So if you've got diamonds in heaven, how come you can't have diamonds on the earth? Is it possible that God put the desire in your heart for you to have a diamond?
So clearly, by things, Jesse means, for one example, diamonds. In other words, wealth, money, and material possessions.
That's what Jesse means when he says things. But this isn't the only passage that Jesse uses to prove his point.
Watch this next clip. Things, right? What things do you desire? When you pray, believe that you receive another thing
Scripture. Now faith is a substance of things, hope for, the evidence of things, not seeing.
Now we need to pause here, because Jesse just absolutely butchered the Scriptures beyond recognition.
That segment of teaching was entirely fabricated, entirely manufactured, to make it sound like the
Bible is agreeing with Jesse, when it most definitely is not. To prove this, let's visit the passage that he just quoted.
Hebrews 11, 1, quote. Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
Now here's the question. When the passage says things, is it talking about material things specifically, as Jesse implies?
Well, Hebrews 11 goes through the history of Israel, how people like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Moses, etc.,
they had faith in God that superseded their circumstances. But all the way in chapter 12, the writer of Hebrews tells us explicitly what we ought to do in light of chapter 11.
Hebrews 12, 1, quote. the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith.
One Biblical commentator notes that the word therefore at the beginning of this verse is meant to point you back to what was said in the previous chapter.
In other words, the outcome of faith being the assurance of things hoped for, and the conviction of things not seen, is that we should run the race, look to Christ, and leave our sin behind.
That's what the passage actually says about itself. It does not say anything like what Jesse Duplantis just preached.
It didn't say, therefore, having heard these things, let us run after gold, and money, and diamonds, and material possessions.
No, that's not anywhere in the passage. Jesse Duplantis is making it all up. It's a lie, so that he can make false promises and take your money.
Let's do another test, though. If Jesse is correct, and diamonds is what is meant here by things, as an example, let's read
Hebrews 11 -1 again and replace the word things with the word diamonds. Then we can see if this works.
Quote, Now faith is the assurance of diamonds hoped for, the conviction of diamonds not seen.
You see, it doesn't make any sense, does it? Especially in light of what comes next in the chapter. The point is, don't let prosperity teachers try to convince you that things always means money and wealth.
There's nothing they have that supports that conclusion. It's a total deception. They're hoping that you won't actually read the passage and see how false their teaching is.
Their whole entire system banks on the fact that you won't be reading your Bible. And the fact is, when you take a passage that is clearly about faith in Christ and instead make it all about a diamond, your false teacher colors are showing for everyone to see.
Instead of advertising faith in Jesus for salvation, in other words, the true Gospel, Jesse Duplantis and his modern cronies are replacing faith in Christ for faith in God making you rich.
And if that doesn't show you the danger of the prosperity Gospel, I'm not sure what will. But let's watch this next clip, because he tries to pull yet another trick.
Watch this. Things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
So evidently, the Lord don't have a problem with things. He said whatsoever you desire.
Now notice what he said at the end. Quote, Evidently, the Lord doesn't have a problem with things.
This is a total straw man argument. Orthodox biblical Christians do not say that God hates things or that God doesn't like physical things.
That's not at all what we believe or say. This is a lie coming from the Word of Faith community, and they tell it very often.
Essentially, the argument is something like this. All those Pharisees in the religious world, they want you to be broke and poor and destitute and depressed.
But I, well, I want you to be rich and happy and successful. That's what my preaching says.
So come follow me instead. But this is simply not true or accurate at all. The real problem that biblical
Christians have with the prosperity Gospel isn't that we want people to be poor. It's that the overemphasis on riches coming from people like Jesse Duplantis is unbiblical and way out of bounds, especially when they're taking the
Bible out of context to do it and getting rich in the process. Proverbs 28, 6 says,
So you see, we don't hate rich people, and we don't want people to be poor.
We just want prosperity teachers to stop lying about God's Word. That's the issue. And of course,
Jesse Duplantis has missed it entirely because he would instead prefer to ignore the substance of our argument.
So in conclusion, let's honor God's Word and give Him thanks continuously for it with joy.
In any case, that is our doctrinal review of Jesse Duplantis' sermon. If you have any video suggestions, go ahead and put them in the comments.
I pray that this has been a blessing to you, and please know that this video isn't meant as a sinful attack, but rather as a biblical critique.
And let's pray for Jesse, that he would stop this false teaching by God's grace and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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