The Parable of the Wheat & the Tares, Pt. 2 (03/12/2000) | NOTE: Incomplete tape


Pastor David Mitchell


The Parable of the Wheat & the Tares, Pt. 3 (03/19/2000)

in this morning and we're going to continue in our study on the parable of the wheat and the tares and I wish we could have gotten it all into one lesson because I know we never have exactly the same crowd twice in a row but just couldn't do it because there's too much here.
There's too much in this one and Let's look back though in case you haven't been here for the study that series we're doing through throughout this chapter
Look at Matthew chapter 13 and verse 1 Review just a little bit
The same day went Jesus out of the house and sat by the seaside and a great Multitudes were gathered together and to him so that he went into a ship and sat and the whole multitude stood on the shore
And he spake many things into them in parables saying behold a sower went forth to sow
Now that kind of sets the stage not only for the parable that we studied in the past the one about the sowing
But also for the one today because the whole purpose or a great part of the purpose of the one we're going to study today is to encourage this person who
Is sowing in verse 3 who might that be? Who is the sower? I shouldn't say this person
I'll lead you straight these people that are going out and sowing the seeds in verse 3
That's us that's God's children and He has delegated some of that work to us.
He works in us Even in that in fact, he works in us in all that we do
He gives us the will the desire to do his will and in he works in us to do the very desire
So there we're never doing Anything just in and of ourselves
In fact, if we are then it certainly can't be blessed by the Lord. He will not accept it So even in the sowing he's with us have you ever had a sense that you're supposed to speak to a certain person that just crosses your path and Have you ever had a sense you weren't supposed to speak to a certain person you have to listen to those two because Jesus said lest they turn and rend you cast not your pearls before the swine and You can't tell the difference but the
Holy Spirit can so you need to be very sensitive who you speak to There are a lot of preachers out there that say you're just supposed to talk to everybody
Well in general the Bible teaches we're supposed to give the gospel to the world, but when you're dealing with your personal life
Don't forget that the Holy Spirit is working in you to do his work The great sower of the seed is the
Lord Jesus Christ and he's working in us But he's delegated and enabled us to work with him in this wonderful task so a lot of what we're going to see today is an encouragement to you and to me as We go out and sow these seeds
Now the other thing about review. I want to look at verse 11 He answered and said unto them because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven
But to them it is not given This parable that we're going to study today the weed and the tares
Elaborates on that theme his disciples asked him. Why don't you teach more plainly? They were criticizing his teaching and he said there's a reason that I speak in parables and verse 11 is the reason
It's given unto you to hear but to them It's not given to hear and he goes on and puts it in very unusual language seems to us
He says because if they could hear then they might believe and I'd have to save them
So they don't they are not given ears to hear now as we go into the parable that we're going to study today
You'll see more about why it is That it works that way Now, let me just review one other thing and we'll go into the new the new parable and the parable that we studied previously
About the sower sowing the seeds we had some symbolism involved and we're going to have some symbolism in today's parable, too
But it changes a little bit in the old parable the soil Represented the hearts of men so as the sower sowed
We found that the the seed itself was the Word of God So they were sowing or we are sowing the
Word of God into the hearts of men and then there were some birds Depicted in that story and Jesus said those birds picture
Satan or actually he didn't call him Satan in this verse He called him the wicked and the wicked is an interesting
Greek word On a rose which does not have to do with his
Person per se there are some other names of Satan that do have to do with that But this has to do with the fact of his influence
So when he calls him the wicked it is really talking about the evil effect or influence that he has in this world
That's the very name that this is the wicked And so that's who these birds were and in the seed was the
Word of God the sower was Christians now in our parable today let's look at verse 36 in Matthew 13
Jesus now there were some other parables told After he told the parable the wheat and tares
He told some other stories and then later they came back and asked him explain that one to us So they were particularly interested in this one they had a
Little more difficulty understanding this one perhaps or maybe they were beginning to understand it They they weren't sure they liked what they were learning and that could be a problem with with us this morning.
Actually, it's it's a very Difficult lesson for us to learn that this is actually the truth and yet Jesus told told this to them so let's pick it up at verse 36 and Jesus sent the multitude away and went into the house and his disciples came into him saying declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field
Isn't it interesting? They didn't say the parable that wheat in the tares. They want to know about the tares now
And this is the the part of the parable that would be different from what they probably Believed previous to this teaching and the same is true of many
Christians He answered and said unto them He that soweth the good seed is the son of man
Now notice in this parable the symbolism is going to change in the old parable The sowers were us in this one.
The sower is Jesus. He did not delegate this part to us He's doing this sowing of himself and by himself and Then it says he that soweth the good seed is the son of man
So that's Jesus now verse 38. The field is the world now notice that the earth is no longer the heart
Now it's the whole world. It's the cosmos so the as you picture a field and someone's sowing seed you have to picture
God's entire world and The one that's sowing the seeds is Jesus at least the one that's sowing the good seed
So the field is the world now make a note of this the field is not the church The field is the world
So you cannot apply specifics of this to the church like you might think that you can and I'll show you what
I mean when we get to it Here in a moment, but the field is the whole world God's world The good seed are the children of the kingdom
Now notice that the parable begins to talk about seeds two different kinds of seed
There is some good seed which will grow up to be wheat and there is some bad seed which will grow up to be tears
Which which are weeds that look a little bit like the wheat, but they're weeds. They're worthless
But the tears are the children of the wicked one Now notice that Jesus as he explains this parable teaches that there are two seeds
There is the seed of the children of the kingdom Which he himself was sowing into the world and there are the seeds of that turn into these tears
And it says that the wicked one sows these now this wicked is the same name
Satan was given in the earlier parable Poneiros, which means the evil
Effect and influence that he has in this case upon the world So part of the way that Satan has his evil influence on this world is that he comes in by night in darkness in the case of this parable and sows seeds which are people and These people are children of the wicked one
Now the enemy that sowed them is the devil now This word devil now is his name which is a good rough
Approximation in English would be the slanderer the harvest is the end of the world or the end of the age and the reapers are the angels as Therefore the tears are gathered and burned in the fire
So shall it be in the end of this age the son of man shall send forth his angels and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend and Them which do iniquity which would be a reference to this seed
That Satan has sown the children of iniquity the children of Satan and shall cast them into a furnace of fire
There shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth Then shall the righteous shine forth as the
Sun in the kingdom of their father Who hath ears to hear let him hear?
Not everyone will understand this parable You have to have those God -given ears to understand it so that shows us a little bit of the difference in the symbolism here as We begin to try to gain some understanding in this parable turn with me to John chapter 6 and What I would talk to you about today is is as we study
Jesus's Explanation there probably is no clearer place in the whole
Bible Where it discusses two -seeds and It even puts it in the framework of farming and sowing seeds
We have the seeds of the children of the kingdom which were planted in this world by Jesus And we have the seeds of the children of Satan which are called tares which were planted in this world by Satan himself
And we see no more clear teaching of that Look at John chapter 6 verse 65
Jesus was teaching a similar doctrine in verse 65 and I want you to see what the response of the people is even his own followers in John 6 65 and Jesus said therefore said
I unto you that no man can come unto me except it were given unto him of My father now, why is that true?
It's true because only the wheat seeds are gonna grow up into wheat and No man can come to Jesus unless the father has
Determined that now that's not a popular doctrine nor is it an easily understood doctrine?
In fact, even with the Lord Jesus himself who was the teacher the master, which means the teacher of all teachers as he taught this concept that no man can come unto me except the father
Except it were given unto him of the father. Look what happens in verse 66 From that time many of his disciples went back and walked no more with him
Same thing happens today You don't see many teachers today still teaching this but when they do people will walk away
That is a given if they'll walk away from Jesus. We're certainly no greater than Jesus They will certainly walk away from us.
You have to understand that now look at verse 67 He even looked at his closest ones his apostles and Jesus said unto the twelve
Will you also go away that implies to me they were thinking about it and he read their thoughts
Now he Jesus did a little bit of from a human viewpoint a little damage control here
He understood their thoughts He saw what they were thinking and he communicated with them by asking them some questions and look what he said
Then Simon Peter, I'm sorry, Jesus simply said will you go away also?
That's almost like saying do you love me like he asked Peter that time? And Peter says
Lord to whom shall we go? That's almost like saying we'd like to but we can't find anywhere else to go
And so where shall we go? You are the ones that has the words of eternal life and we believe and are sure
That thou art the Christ the son of the Living God, then why was Jesus reading the thoughts?
He had just had he's so sure about it But this is what Peter said at least Peter came out with the right answer when he was questioned
And of course Jesus knew he would and so now Jesus has them thinking correctly again
Now, let me let me Go back and look at this parable in the explanation the
Son of Man sowed the good seed Into the field of the world and The good seed that the
Son of Man sowed the Bible says are the children of the kingdom of God's kingdom the tears are the children of the wicked one and Satan is the one who sowed those seeds into this world
So now we see that this wicked one he comes about at night under cover of darkness and he sows these seeds into God's world
Now, let's look at a few other places that talk about this same concept of the two seeds the seed of God and the seed of Satan turn to John chapter 8 for a moment and If you were not here for Sunday school this morning,
I'm glad in this case because my sermon was preached in Sunday school this morning So I'm glad to have a few folks
I can preach to for a few moments Now they did get into this chapter, but it got made me a little nervous but Let's look at this
John chapter 8 Now, let's start with Verse 18
I Am one that bear witness of myself and the father that sent me beareth witness of me
Now Jesus is talking to some religious leaders of the day and They don't believe that he is who he said he was and they are claiming you're just saying you're that that's who you are
You have no proof of it whatsoever And then said they into him. Where is thy father?
Jesus said it is my father that has sent me and he bears witness of me Jesus is saying I'm not bearing witness of myself
My father is bearing witness of me and the Pharisees look at him and say well, who's your father? Now that tells you right there they don't have the same father because if you've got the same father
You're aware of that. It's just like the time Myron and I were how many of you don't know Myron raise your hand
If you don't know Myron golden, you know who that is Well, he's he's a black evangelist friend of mine
And but when Myron and I are together we're both colorblind and And He's one of my greatest friends and we were playing golf together one day
And they put us together with a couple of strangers which they do on the nicer courses They always want four people playing.
Well, we didn't know who they were. So they're in their cart following us and They were cursing every other word.
It was just pathetic and Myron I usually let him do that a little while then later.
He'll tell him we're preachers let him dig their their pit first But today that particular day he was a little different and I could see
Myron he had this little Sinister smile on his face and I'm sitting here wondering what's he gonna do this time?
And so the first four holes, they're just yakking it up back there boy. They're just all doing all this man this worldly man talk and Finally they hollered up about the fourth hole.
They want to find out all about you figure out who you are, you know So they said well how'd y 'all meet each other?
Myron just hollered back. He said we're brothers And they got kind of quiet a minute and he said same father different mother
Started trying to find every hole I could find to climb in that car and I'm thinking what is he telling these guys?
Man, it got quiet. It got so quiet. They never spoke to us again Fourteen more holes of golf, but you know, you could concentrate no sound on that But these guys look at Jesus and they ask him who's your father because whoever their father is a different father and Jesus says
You neither know me nor my father If you had known me, you should have known my father also and remember now should in the
Old English means would More often than not This is certainly a case where it means would it does not mean should now if you don't believe me go look it up in The Greek and you'll find that the words usually not even there in the
Greek If there's a word that means would and it take it further than that Find the oldest dictionary you have in your house and look up the word should
And it will one of the definitions of it will be would At the old you go back to the older definition.
It'll say would All right now if he had known me you would have known my father also
These words spake Jesus in the treasury as he taught in the temple and no man laid hands on him for his hour
Was not yet come. What does that imply? What did they want to do? They wanted to kill him right on the spot
But he tells them you don't know me and you don't know my father Now what
I want us to do is we go down through this passage is I want you to look at the description that Jesus Has of these people and I believe you would agree with me by the time we get through that he's talking to Satan's seeds
The seeds that grow up to be these tears So the first thing he says about them in verse 19 is you don't know me and you don't know my father now
Look at verse 21 and Jesus then said Jesus again and to them I go my way and you shall seek me and ye shall die in your sins
Whether I go you cannot come Now, why would he tell them that if they were gonna get saved later?
You see a lot of people interpret this to mean well this is just talking lost people and all lost people or The Satan is their father
Bible doesn't teach that anywhere The Bible does not teach that Satan is all lost people's father
It teaches that he is the father of the tears Not the wheat now if we put this in a little bit different Allegorical form let's talk about sheep and goats for a minute
Did you realize that there's such a thing as lost sheep and lost goats and The good thing for the sheep is they're going to be found
So you can have lost sheep and found sheep, but all you ever see in the Bible is lost goats
So here is the weed in the tear when you see Jesus talking to a tear
He is calling them a child of the devil. The devil is your father He never says that of his sheep even when they're in a state of still being lost
So don't be confused here. He's talking to a group of people who will never
Be saved and he says to them where I go You cannot come and that's future tense
You will not come to the place where I go now down in verse 23
He takes it further and he said to them you are from Your origin is from beneath That gave me goosebumps
That's scary. I Remember that miss
Trudy Scary everything was scary Every sermon had scary in it.
I know mine have the same stuff in it, too I'm just not aware of what the my stuff is.
I know you are Scary may become my new one You are from beneath.
I am from above you see the contrast Ye are of this world
I am not of this world Now let's drop down here and look at the next verse.
I Said therefore now therefore is referring to the previous statements since you don't know me and you don't know the father and Since where I'm going you cannot come and Since you are from beneath your origin is from beneath and my origin is from above and since you are of this world
And I am NOT of this world Therefore you shall die in your sins now
I want you to circle the little word if there and draw a little arrow up into the margin and We're gonna
We're gonna see that the word if is not what it appears to be in the English and I don't ever think
I'm knocking the King James translators By the way, they were the the best translators that we've seen in the history of the world but this word if in the
Greek languages is Could be a little bit misleading and I'll show you in a minute why?
But if you take the word therefore and you apply it back to the verses We've just seen and he says
I said therefore that you shall die in your sins. This this is an
Indicative statement. It is a statement of simple fact It's in the indicative mood.
It means when Jesus said it he's saying this way it is This is how it's going to be. You're gonna die in your sins.
Now. Do you think that was a popular message? Now he says for if you believe not that I am now notice that the word he is in italics
It's not in the Greek He's saying if you and he's talking to Jews Primarily here in this place and they know who
I am Is how many of you remember who I am is think back about Exodus chapter 3 in verse 14.
Who is I am? hmm And who who who how do we know that who who told who who told who okay
Moses Now That's right Moses says well
Lord if I go to the people and I'm gonna believe you sent me who cannot tell him sent me He said tell him I am sent you they'll know who that is
And they have known who that was since that time and even before So it is no coincidence that when
Jesus says you shall die in your sins For if you believe not that I am that some of them were already beginning to find stones and picking them up To stone him, but it wasn't yet his time so they couldn't do it, but they wanted to do to do this
So he says you'll die in your sins for if you believe not that I am You shall die in your sins now
I want to take just a moment and this can get into more of a lesson in a sermon so Mark this in your
Bible, so you'll have it. Let's look at this word if in this particular verse If you believe not it almost makes it sound like it's conditional
Because normally in English the word if is a conditional word, it's not always that way in the in the
Greek But it makes it sound like if you don't believe then you're going to die in your sins as if to imply that someday
You might believe It does not say this Now, let me show you this word if in English looks like a very simple little word, but in the
Greek language, it's actually two words. It's the word eon may Eon is one word or actually a on and in the second word is may and so you put those together you get to what the word is is translated in the word if here and Just put it save a little time.
Let me just tell you that 40 this Word is found 47 times in the
New Testament 40 out of 47 times it means whosoever and it is translated whosoever or whomsoever
So that is the predominant meaning of this word now if you understand that and Also when you look at the
Greek grammar and you find out that this is not a conditional word and I'm still talking about this little word if because it's important this morning that you understand this if in the
Greek here is not a Conditional word it is a conjunctive word
How many I wish Debra was here where I could pick on her this morning our English teacher
How many of you can remember what a conjunctive? Partisan or a particle does in English?
It connects It is a connective word that connects the first part of the sentence with the latter
Say it the other way around it takes the last part of the sentence and let you know It's still talking about the same thing that the first part of the sentence is talking about and so let's read this verse and put it in the
Greek and realize it is a Connective not a conditional look at verse 24.
I said therefore unto you that ye shall die in your sins For whoever believes not that I am
Ye shall die in your sins The same person that's dying in their sins in the first part of the verse is dying in their sins the last part of the verse
And the word if really should be translated whoever and it is connecting The two parts of the sentence together and they're talking about the same thing
It is not implying that these particular people might go out later and believe there is no such implication in this entire passage
Jesus Christ was looking at some religious people looking in their eyes and telling them straight face -to -face
You are of your father the devil you are from beneath your origin is from beneath you are of this world
I am NOT of this world. I am from above and we don't have the same father
Now as we go on into this verse 26 is an interesting verse
I have many things to say and to judge you They didn't know who
Jesus was they asked him who he was in verse 25 He said I've been telling you from the beginning who
I am. I said if you you shall die in your sins for you believe not that I am in Verse 26.
I have many things to say and to judge you Now I think that's an interesting phrase in the light of John 12 47 where Jesus says for I came not to judge the world
But to save the world Isn't it interesting that sometimes Jesus talks about two different worlds?
He talks about God's cosmos if you go out into the future and you get into beyond the millennial period into the place where the new world new heavens are created the old world is
As done away with and remade into the new world or put back together. I should say At that place you look around you you're gonna find out exactly whose
God's people are because that's who's gonna be there Everybody around you those are God's seeds
Those are the seeds that the Son of God planted into this world the ones that you don't see were tears they were seeds of tears and Jesus says that I came not to judge one world
God's world the cosmos which is God's children and God's people. He said I didn't come to judge you.
I came to save you But to these particular people and one of the only places you see this he says
I came to judge you Well that proves you have two different worlds of people You got a world of Satan's people and you got a world of God's people
Jesus came to judge Satan's people He came to save God's people Now look at verse 27
They understood not that he spake to them of The father didn't that interesting?
I wonder why they couldn't quite understand that and look down at verse 30 as He spake these words many believed on him now many of who do you think it means many of those
Pharisees? Believed on him. It means many of the people standing around listening to the debate as He spake these words many believed on him then said
Jesus to those Jews Which did believe on him if you continue in my word?
Then are you my disciples? Indeed notice that that word if once again is not conditional it means whosoever
So he's telling these believers these ones who are the seeds of the Son of Man that he himself had planted into the world
He said to those Jews who believed Whosoever continues in my word then are you my disciples indeed?
It implies that they will continue in it not if you might and I think that's pretty important.
So down in verse 35 and The servant abideth not in the house forever, but the son abideth forever
Do you do realize that you don't get to go to heaven and stay there forever because you're God's servants Now we're supposed to serve him but that's not why you'll be there
Because Pharaoh was one of God's servants. Do you realize that? Is he gonna be there?
No, he's served in the house for a season, but the children get to stay forever
Hallelujah The children of the Lord who owns the house stay forever
They serve also, but they get to stay that's the great difference and the servant abideth not in the house forever now
He's speaking to these Pharisees again. He said you're gonna serve me. You're gonna do you're doing my will right now
You'll do my will if you crucify me, but you won't stay in the house forever That's pretty scary statement.
I think scary flies pretty well to this passage Now look at verse 37
I know that you are Abraham's seed, but ye seek to kill me because my word hath no place in you
All right, we're gonna come back and we'll sum these up in just a moment. Look at verse 38. I Speak that which
I have seen with my father and you do that which you have seen with your father
Now look at verse 41 You do the deeds of your father Then said they to him we be not born of fornication
We have one father even God Jesus said to them if now that is that is conditional
If God were your father You would love me For I proceeded forth and came from God neither came out of myself
But he sent me what a beautiful verse one of my most favorite verses right there
And then In verse 41. He says the deeds of your father you will do
Verse 42 if God were your father you would love me for I proceeded forth verse 43
You cannot hear my word. You see that at the end of the verse. Why do you not understand my speech?
You see they didn't have the understanding. They didn't have the ear that could hear with understanding Even because you cannot hear my word now listen if a person can't hear his word, how are they gonna get saved?
That's what he said when they asked him Why do you teach in parables? He said because if I didn't they could hear the word and they could be saved but they ain't gonna get saved
Now Jesus knew who these people were he could look in their eyes and he could tell exactly who they were
He didn't even have to look in their eyes Look at verse 44 You are of your father the devil and the lust of your father
You will do doesn't say you might do it just says you will do it. He's saying that because that is their nature now look at verse 45 and because I tell you the truth you believe me not
Which of you can think convinces me of sin and he said and I say the truth
Why do you not believe me? He that is of God heareth God's words ye therefore hear them not
Because you are not of God Then answer the Jews and said to him say we not well that thou art a
Samaritan and thou hast a devil at this place these people truly reveal what seed they are because they ascribe to Satan the works of the
Holy Spirit that is Truly the unpardonable sin
Now there is an unpardonable sin We've debated about what it is But one thing we know these people just committed it
So there once again, it proves they're the seed of Satan Jesus answered I have not a devil, but I honor my father and you do dishonor
Me and I seek not mine own glory Etc. Etc.
And I look at verse 55. It gives the last glimpse You know Getting close.
Anyway, yet ye have not known him But I know him and if I should say that I know him not
I shall be a liar like unto you boy Did he zap him there? Did he zap him?
He said listen if I tried to play like I don't know the father Like you say that I don't then
I'd be a liar like you are what a way to answer it I would be a liar like unto you, but I know him and I keep his
Saying and now look down at verse 58 You'll see the end of all this
Jesus said and to them barely barely I say to you before Abraham was I am now, why didn't he say
I was Then why did Jesus use poor grammar here? I Say to you before Abraham was
I am Well, look at the next verse Then took they up stones to cast at him why did the old
Jew do that? He ever had anybody say Jesus never claimed to be God Those Jews knew what he claimed why they picked those rocks up They knew who
I am was and they picked up the stones to cast at him But Jesus hid himself and went out of the temple going through the midst of them
He went right through the middle of them and they all had stone done figure that That's not how we would try to escape something.
Is it and so he passed by Now you take a look at these
These phrases that we see about these particular people and I believe if you were a jury
That you would have to come up with a clear decision on who these people are He says you neither know me and you don't know my father he says where I'm going you will not come
He says you're from beneath. I'm from above. He says you're of this world. I'm not of this world he says you'll die in your sins because you don't believe
I that I am and He goes on and he says That the servant cannot abide in the house
Forever and then he goes on and says you seek to kill me and my word has no place in you
And then he goes on and he says you have he says and you do that which you have seen with your father
You do exactly what you've seen your father do just like I do what my father tells me to do
He says you do the deeds of your father He says if you're of the father, you would love me because I came out proceeded forth from God But he said you don't love me because you're not off the father.
He also says you cannot hear my word He also says you are of your father the devil and the lust of him
You will do and he also says you can't believe me because I tell you the truth you believe not
I speak the truth Why do you not believe me? They have no belief He also says that you are not of God and that's why you can't hear
God's words and he says Or it is said of them that they then turned to him and they said you are a devil
They looked at God And they recognized him as the evil one And he says you have not known him
If I should say I know him not I would be a liar Just like you are then he goes on and he says before Abraham was
I am and they picked up stones to kill him So I want your verdict You've heard the case
Was he talking to seeds of God or seeds of Satan? Do you know
Seeds of Satan well, I Think you've got that right and I think your judgment is very very good
Some of you may not have heard this Let me point it out just for those of you who haven't turned to Genesis chapter 3 in verse 16
This is a fascinating little tidbit of truth that supports Everything that we find there in John chapter 8 and everything that we find in Matthew chapter 13 where it speaks of two seeds that were
Sown one by the Son of Man and one by Satan himself at night One seed being the seed of the wheat the other seed being the seed of the tares in Genesis 3 16
It says unto the woman. He said I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception
In sorrow thou shalt bring forth the children and thy desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee
Many times we read this in our hurry to get through Genesis and get on to Exodus We'll read this that God greatly multiplied the sorrow in conception and that's not true
Actually What it says is the word and thy conception so two things were greatly multiplied the sorrow in childbirth and The conception itself was multiplied.
Now, what does that mean? Who can think what that means now somebody that doesn't already know or hadn't thought about this
Think about it. Try to give me an answer if if God says because sin has now come into the world
One of the things that happens because of that is that I will greatly multiply conception she's gonna have more babies than she would have had had there not been sin and Who will those babies be if you have if you have the babies that were going to be born in the garden?
And then you have an additional group of babies who might they be That's right there was room made in the human race for this seed of the tares and When did the evil one come by darkness and sow these seeds into the world?
When did it really happen Right here when this conception was
Multiplied it is because Satan had already done his evil deeds in that garden when he
Seduced the woman and said eat this fruit. It'll just make you like God that would even be
God's will for you to do that I mean surely he would want you to be wise like he is wouldn't he she thought well that makes sense
And those seeds were sown at that point so We go back and we look here what happens in Genesis chapter 4 and verse 8 and Cain Talked with Abel his brother.
Now if you'll go over in the New Testament Hebrews 11 You'll find out Abel was a preacher it specifically says he was a preacher of righteousness one of the first he was the first preacher in the world and Cain here was talking to his preacher brother
Abel and it came to pass when they were in the field that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and slew him
Why because Abel was witnessing to him? Now what does Jesus say happens if you cast your pearls before the swine
And They'll turn and rind you But he loved his brother because it was his brother of the flesh just like Paul loved the
Jews and he did in fact give his life Trying to witness to his brother and in first John 3 12 not as Cain who was of That wicked one.
Now, what does that mean? He was off him He is a seed of Satan and he slew his brother
And so we see all of this Fitting together the little word of is very important in the
Greek language is the word a which means denoting origin Cain's origin was from the devil
He was the seed of Satan Now that pretty much takes us through that portion
Of the scripture and I don't think that fried chicken is quite ready yet. So turn back to Matthew 13 just for a moment and When Jesus begins to explain this passage in verse 36 we go down to the place where he talks about the fact that they said well
The servants said well, should we then go try to remove the tares from the field and the master said no don't do that Because you might damage the wheat
Now a lot of people have interpreted that to mean To be a reference to the church, but it is not let's remember what the field is.
It's the world Jesus said it is the world It is not a teaching that we should leave the tares in the local church
In fact last Sunday's when we studied that if you go into the book of Revelation early portions of the chapter
Jesus rebuked several churches because they did leave Tares in the church willingly and he commended one church because they would not endure it so it's not teaching that we're supposed to leave the tares in the local church and We find out that in John chapter 6 the way
Jesus removed tares was he just preached the truth to him said well you leave Also, yeah, they'll leave if you preach the truth
If you don't try to please people, but you try to learn about God Don't try to teach people how to be successful in this world.
Just try to teach them about God Tears can't handle that now tears can handle success doctrine
They need that as much as any of us they need economic success if you predominantly taught
Principles from the Bible and they're all through the Bible by the way how to be successful in living You could fill a church up with tears
But if you predominantly teach and talk about God and try to figure God out the best you can with the
Word of God And you teach that Predominantly they won't hang around so you're not supposed to endure tears in the church
But he said out in the whole world They're not allowed to come and pluck the tares out lest it would hurt the wheat now
What do you think that means and if you were in Sunday school, you already got a preview of it? Because in Sunday school, they talked a little bit about what those tares are here for who can remember
That's right now what would happen if God allowed the angels to just come through and just remove all the tares from this world right now
Would that help us Now we think it would don't we make life nice But it wouldn't help us.
What would it do? He told us what it would do. Why did he not allow them to do it? What did he say would happen?
He would damage the wheat when you pull the tears out in that amazing So they're here for our good and the
Lord knows that but he's not saying one moment we should endure them in the local church because the
Thing to the ground is not the church. It's the whole world that we live in now when he comes down to the end of this he says in verse 40 as Therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire so shall it be at the end of this world and When you go back to the end of the actual parable back in verse 30
Let both grow together until the harvest and in the time of harvest I will say to the
Reapers which are the angels Gather you together first the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them.
Who does that make you think of Jesse Wallace? Joe boy, he preached the sermon on this thing and bind them in bundles to burn them
He said it probably ten times throughout the message. Oh, it was great Great message the only independent
Baptist I ever knew that read from the Greek New Testament every morning on his knees he could preach and Then he says but gather the wheat into my barn
And that's the place you want to be Now this parable ends then as Jesus gives the illustration
He says that these tares in the end of time shall be gathered and burned in verse 41 the
Son of Man shall send forth his angels and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that doth offend and Them which do iniquity and shall cast them into a furnace of fire.