The Son of David / Challenging Assumptions About the Messiah

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Lord's Day sermon from January 5th, 2025 -Biblical Text: Matthew 22:41-46 Visit our website: Moore's Corner Church is a Non-Denominational Christian Church. We exist to support missions and to disciple and encourage the Body of Christ through the ministries of the local church. We have a traditional worship service with something for all ages so please consider joining us Sunday morning. We also meet Wednesday evenings for Bible study & prayer. Listen on the radio Wednesdays & Thursdays at 9am and Sunday's at 7am on 97.3fm WLPV. Also listen to my podcast titled "Testing the Spirits" on YouTube or Spotify. Want to donate? send donations to our mailing address Moore's Corner Church PO Box 42 Leverett, MA 01054 Matthew 22:41-46 While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them, 42 saying, “What do you think about the Christ? Whose Son is He?” They said to Him, “The Son of David.” 43 He said to them, “How then does David in the Spirit call Him ‘Lord,’ saying: 44 ‘The Lord said to my Lord, “Sit at My right hand, Till I make Your enemies Your footstool” ’? 45 If David then calls Him ‘Lord,’ how is He his Son?” 46 And no one was able to answer Him a word, nor from that day on did anyone dare question Him anymore. Tags Psalm 110 Deity of Christ Authority of Scripture


So let's turn to Matthew chapter 22 Matthew chapter 22
Jesus has been responding in this chapter to a series of questions
His enemies keep coming at him first It was the Pharisees then the
Sadducees then a scribe asked him a question And all of this seems to be building up to the next chapter
Matthew 23 where Jesus kind of unloads on all of them with a scathing rebuke
So that'll be fun for next next Sunday but first Before that Jesus has a question of his own
So they're questioning him one question after another of course most of these are not really questions, right?
They're trying to trap him in his words and all the rest But now Jesus has a question of his own and this question will really challenge their assumptions about the
Messiah Because here's the problem at this point The Jewish leaders they greatly
Misunderstood who the Messiah was his person and also they misunderstood what he came
To do so they all believed it would profess to believe in Jehovah God the
God of Israel They have the Scriptures, but they didn't have the correct interpretation of The Scriptures they didn't really believe the
Scriptures how do we know that because Jesus is confronting them here and He asked them a question, and they don't want to acknowledge.
What should be the obvious Answer so when it came to teachings about Christ who he was what he came to do
They just didn't get it or maybe they didn't want to get it, but here's why this message matters today
It's still true many people have great Misunderstandings about who the
Christ is and what he came to do so just as Jesus is Challenging them and challenging their assumptions about the
Christ the Son of David Some people today. I think should challenge their
Understandings or what really are? Misconceptions about him, so let's read Matthew 22 starting in verse 41.
We'll read Matthew 22 41 through 45 Says while the
Pharisees were gathered together Jesus asked them saying what do you think about the
Christ? Whose son is he and they said to him the son of David and he said to them how then?
Does David in the Spirit call him Lord? Saying and this is a quote from Psalm 110 1 the
Lord said to my Lord sit at my right hand till I make your enemies your footstool Jesus says if David then calls him
Lord How is he his son and no one was able to answer him a word?
Nor from that day on did anyone dare question him? Anymore, okay, so the first thing we need to understand is that when it comes to the term
Messiah or Christ? These are synonyms right some Messiah and Christ They mean the same thing so the
Messiah is the Christ the chosen one God's anointed God's chosen
King The next thing we need to know here. Is that the term son of David or the title son of David?
This is a messianic title so they all agreed they all understood Jesus the disciples
The Pharisees everyone understood that the Messiah was known as the son of David so the
Messiah the Christ will be the son of David not David's literal son, but his
Descendant in other words that's based on passages like 2nd Samuel 7 and others
So the Messiah will be the descendant of King David. Okay.
We got that straight good now the dilemma in This question here the dilemma
Jesus poses is that? David in any normal Circumstance would never call one of his descendants
Lord So David is referring to his son his descendant as Lord, and that is just something that no
Jewish person would do no Jewish Patriarch would do that because the older is the greater right the father would be greater than the son at least in their
Relationship and David was the great king so how is he calling his descendant way on down the line his
Lord like that? Just didn't make sense to some people so here's another thing we have to understand
You know we live in a very different culture the rules We have in our society are totally different the way it is today is totally different than the way
It was back then they lived in a patriarchal society Back then we still have this, but it was more taken more seriously back, then you respected your elders the fifth commandment to honor
Father and mother this was a big Deal and because of those things and other reasons yeah a man would never refer to his younger descendant as His superior or as his
Lord. It just wouldn't it wouldn't happen and yet That's exactly what's happening with David in Psalm 110 verse 1 which
Jesus is quoting here So if you look at that verse that Jesus is referring to look at verse 44
This is again a quote from Psalm 110 1 David is writing
He says the Lord said to my Lord the Son of David the Messiah Sit on my right hand till I make your enemies your footstool so again
David is referring to his descendant as his Lord so this just isn't making sense.
What's the obvious reason though? Why would David refer to his descendant the Messiah as his
Lord? because he is God in the flesh he is so much superior to David.
It's not even funny He is God in the flesh that to the Messiah is but the Pharisees didn't believe that right?
So that's why even if they thought that was the answer Jesus is driving at they're not going to admit that Because they were living really in unbelief all right
Let's go through these verses But hopefully that gives you an idea at least of what's going on and we'll explain more and then hopefully explain why this
Matters to you this morning, but let's go through these verses Matthew 22 starting in verse 41
Says while the Pharisees were gathered together Jesus asked them saying what do you think about?
The Messiah the Christ whose son is he and they say to him the
Son of David all right? so again this was Established the title son of David is a title for the
Messiah And we all know that Jesus Was one of David's descendants have you ever read through the genealogies in the beginning of Matthew or in the beginning of Luke?
Jesus and his mother Mary they were descendants of King David even
Joseph Jesus's stepfather was a descendant of David the great king now
This is another thing people some I think most of you probably understand this maybe not everybody because it's it's one of those things
You don't really think about but what's what's the full name for Jesus? What's his full name?
Yeah, well I mean that would be technically I don't mean to be too technical But that's like a title right
Lord is a title and Christ is a title And I know you know this but like Christ is not his last name
Right so Jesus is his first name Christ is not his last name Christ is a title
Because technically the leaders of Israel don't believe that Jesus is the Christ. They don't believe he's the
Messiah So technically the name of Jesus would be Jesus of Nazareth that that would be his full name
Back then so Christ the point is Christ or Messiah that is a title
Which is why sometimes in the Bible you see him referred to as Christ Jesus So it's just saying that he is
The son of David he is the Christ so that being true
This really isn't something that the Pharisees and the leaders of Israel are acknowledging
They don't believe that Jesus is the son of David so that's another problem, but Jesus asked them
What do you think about the Christ whose son is he they said the son of David look at verse 43 Jesus said to them
Here's the question how then does David in the spirit Call him Lord saying the
Lord said to my Lord sit of my right hand till I make your enemies your footstool
So here the Messiah is called Lord now. Did you notice that it's
Lord is in capital L? lowercase ORD right so like I said, this is a quote from Psalm 110 so let's turn there
Psalm 110 But we actually see this title Lord rendered in two different ways so It's Lord all capitals, and then it's
Lord with lowercase ORD, and that's gonna make a difference all right So you're turning to Psalm?
110 the book of Psalm or Psalms is right in the middle of your Bible if you just flip back a little ways
But again the question if David calls the Christ his Lord How is he his son or if the
Messiah is the son of David how is he his Lord like the two just didn't line up Now when we hear the term
Lord you what well you tell me What do you think of when someone uses the term
Lord? Yeah, we think of Lord is in God Do you call anyone is there anyone in your life you refer to as Lord?
See if Christians don't do this Today, and it's probably a good thing back in Bible times actually people were referred to as Lords, I mean you might think of England a century or two ago, and you had
Lords right you had Dukes and Lords Today, we just are not familiar with this.
We don't use this term, but actually Lord as in Lowercase ORD this might not refer to God it can refer to God it often does refer to God, but it doesn't necessarily
Refer to God okay look at Psalm 110 verse 1 David writes the
Lord said to my Lord you see the differences with all capital letters and then lowercase
ORD Okay, so if you take notes This is a good time to take notes just to keep this all straight the first use of this term
Lord in all capital letters This is the name of God Jehovah or what people some people say today
Yahweh So when you see Lord in all capital letters that is absolutely
Referring to the Lord God Jehovah the God of Israel, okay? And yet when you see the next use of the
Lord With lowercase ORD that is the term
Adon or Adonai Which can be rendered as master it could even be a sign of respect like calling someone sir
Okay, you already said you don't call it. There's no one in your personal life who you call Lord. Which is again probably a good thing
Do you call anyone sir? Do you ever use that term like if you're in the presence of a very important person you might call them sir or something like that Well, that's how lowercase
ORD Lord can work Incidentally you remember in the book of Genesis 18 verse 12
Peter brings this up later that Sarah okay the the great
Woman of faith in the Old Testament Sarah she referred to her husband Abraham as what?
Lord now is she saying my husband is God now. That's not what she was saying She had great reverence or respect for her husband
And she referred to him as Lord and I know most women today are like I'm not quite at that place where I'm ready to do that, but Back then the term
Lord was used in that way, so it doesn't necessarily Refer to God, but capital
Lord does refer to God all right I think you get the point, but it's important to know that to understand.
What's being said here in Psalm 110 Verse 1 so let's read it with that in mind the
Lord as in God said to my Lord the master
Sit at my right hand till I make your enemies your footstool does that maybe clear up the statement a little bit
The Lord God said to my master Sit at my right hand till I make your enemies your footstool you still have the same problem
David is referring to his younger descendant as his master and again in Jewish culture that just wasn't
Done unless you can say the Messiah is so much greater than David The only way that would be true is if he is more than just a great man
And we believe that the point Jesus is making is that the Messiah will be
The Lord like the Messiah will be God in human flesh But again, they don't believe that look at verse 2.
Let's just read Psalm 110. Just read the whole chapter I think it's important to do that. It's it's very short
So we'll start over verse 1 the Lord said to my Lord sit at my right hand till I make your enemies your footstool
The Lord shall send the rod of your strength out of Zion rule in the midst of your enemies
He's speaking to the Messiah in the future The Messiah will rule in the midst of his enemies verse 3 your people shall be
Volunteers in the day of your power in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning
You have the dew of your youth verse 4 the Lord has sworn and will not relent you are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek now if you've been following our
Wednesday night study in Genesis You know who Melchizedek is but we see here that the
Messiah is not just going to be a great king He's also going to be what? He's gonna be a priest and he's gonna be a priest
Forever now, that's another little hint of the deity of the
Messiah the Son of David because he's gonna essentially live forever as a
Priest so pretty clear on the deity of Christ I believe look at verse 5 the
Lord is at your right hand. That's a place of honor and authority He shall execute
Kings in the day of his wrath. He shall judge among the nations He shall fill the places with what?
Dead bodies you say well, this took a sharp turn to the right here He shall judge among the nations.
He shall fill the places with dead bodies He shall execute the heads of many countries
He shall drink by the brook by the wayside. Therefore. He shall lift up his head now
I said, you know part of what Jesus is doing He is challenging the people's assumption about who the
Christ is Well, I think this challenges people's assumption about who the Christ is people think of Jesus as the gentle Savior Jesus meek and mild and He was that to a degree
Jesus is patient kind He came he was gentle. He laid down his life for sinners, right?
But there's this other side of the story That's really speaking about his future coming his second advent where when he comes he will judge the nations
And hey, the place is gonna be filled with dead bodies. You say well, that's not the Jesus I worship
Well, see we want to make sure we're not worshiping like a one -dimensional Christ Like I've concocted in my own mind all these things in the
Bible that I like about Jesus That's my Jesus the nice Jesus the Jesus who does the things
I want him to do, but you know what? There's there's more to the story, isn't there? See, this is actually the
Christ the Jews were looking for. They wanted the Christ to be a
Revolutionary figure they wanted him to be a military man to take the throne to kill the
Romans to you know Get rid of Caesar. That's who they wanted. They didn't want the
Gentle Compassionate Savior they didn't want that part see people today. They don't want the other part.
Well, here's the thing Jesus is Both and we just need to challenge our assumptions.
They're challenged. Their assumptions are being challenged here So again this passage all of that to say this in Psalm 110 this refers to the
Messiah as the conquering King and This is really what
Israel was looking for the King who would take the throne and defeat all of The enemies of Israel and when it became clear to them that Jesus wasn't going to do that Because that's not why
Jesus came the first time when he comes again Yes, because you can read the book of Revelation and the
Battle of Armageddon and the end times and that stuff does happen But when they realized so go back to Matthew 22
But when they realized that Jesus wasn't going to lead a revolution against Rome the people turned on him the leaders they already rejected him and They wanted nothing to do with Jesus who came to be a savior
From sin today we want the Savior from sin But again, a lot of people are uncomfortable with the other part
Okay, so like I said that should clear up when we understand the different uses of the term
Lord The Lord said to my Lord God Jehovah said to my master remember who's speaking
King David So David is speaking when the
Lord God says to my master sit at my right hand Okay, that's what's happening that clears it up that tells us that the
Christ is who? The Christ is God in the flesh he will be a king forever
He will live forever. The Messiah is so much greater than David because he is David's Lord as then he is
David's not just his master, but his God All right. So what does all this mean for us today?
Well Again we need to challenge our preconceived notions the people back then or having their assumptions challenged
God the Father Saying to let's deal with this statement. So you're in Matthew 22, right?
This statement Verse 44 the Lord said to my Lord. Okay, we understand the
God and master part What about this next part sit at my right hand till I make your enemies your footstool?
What does that refer to So who's speaking? God is speaking to who?
Jesus So God the Father is speaking to God the Son Okay, Jesus sit at my right hand the right hand of power and authority
Sit on my right hand till I make your enemies your footstool. See again this this is the
Jesus that so many 21st century Christians are uncomfortable with they love the
Jesus who's Kind and gentle and wants to help me and forgive me and that makes people comfortable
But they're not comfortable with Jesus as the conquering King so what does it mean that God said to Jesus sit on my right hand till I make your enemies your footstool?
Well, if you have ever who's read the book of Revelation front to back Okay, so maybe half the people here if if you've ever read that book something will jump out at you and that there's a lot of a lot of judgment a lot of destruction and Some people have this idea.
Well, you know, that's sort of the way God was in the Old Testament There's a lot of fighting a lot of death and destruction in the
Old Testament But by the time you get to the New Testament God is more, you know, he's kind of chilled out a little bit.
He's more Kind he's more God isn't that way anymore. Is that true? Well, you know both are both are true.
God is gentle and kind and God is also Fierce because if you read the book of Revelation in the end times
Jesus here's what this verse mean if I can just paraphrase Matthew 22 44
Jesus will remain in heaven at the right hand of God until All of his enemies are
Defeated that's what it means Being put under his feet. So Jesus is going to remain in heaven until all his enemies are
Crushed and if you read the book of Revelation, what is it? It's God pouring down judgments upon the world crushing the enemies of Jesus again, there's somebody thinking well,
I don't know that's that's not the God I worship or that's not the Jesus I worship Well, if that's true, then you don't worship the
God of the Bible because again, he's More than just one -dimensional.
So Jesus will remain in heaven until all the enemies are put under his feet now right now
We live in an age of grace. It's not the mission of the church to go out and fight wars I mean we we fight spiritual battles, but right now
We should work for peace and all of the rest But the day is coming In the end times where yes,
God will put all the enemies of Christ under his feet Just go to Zechariah 14 for a moment
Here's the other side of this and again all of this is to challenge some people's Assumptions or maybe preconceived notions about who the
Christ is Zechariah 14 This is towards the end of the
Old Testament What second to last book? Okay Zechariah chapter 14.
This is basically telling us what Jesus is going to do when he does come back so he's seated at the right hand of God and When he comes back, this is what's going to happen.
I Zechariah 14 starting in verse 1 Says behold the day of the Lord is coming
Your spoil will be divided in your midst for I will gather all nations to battle against who or what?
Jerusalem, okay Now you already sort of see this happening where Israel and Jerusalem is sort of a pariah in the
Middle East their neighbors Hate them and there's a lot of anti -semitism in the world today
Well in the end there's just going to be more of that and all nations are going to gather against Jerusalem look at verse 3 then it says then the
Lord will go forth and do what? Fight against those nations as he fights in the day of battle
So remember the Jews wanted the Christ to be the revolutionary figure the the great
King the warrior King They wanted him to do that 2 ,000 years ago. That's not why he came He came to die on the cross as a sacrifice for sin
So it's not like those verses were wrong. Those prophecies were wrong. That's all going to happen, but it's going to happen in our
Future and then it says in verse 4 in that day when Christ does return in that day
His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives and it goes on thus the Lord my
God will come And all the Saints with you and it goes on to say in verse 9 and the
Lord shall be King over all the earth All right. Now, let's go back to Matthew 22
And we'll close But again, this is exactly what you see in the book of Revelation Jesus.
His enemies are put under His feet and that's really what
Psalm 110 is all about God saying to the
Son of David Sit at my right hand till I make your enemies your footstool
But the people they wanted it right then and right there and they wanted the enemy to be destroyed
They wanted it to be the Romans and God works in his own time in his own way
But the main question let's go back to Matthew 22 45 just kind of going back to that main question
If David then this is Jesus speaking to the religious leaders if David then calls the
Messiah Lord How is he his son? And it says no one was able to answer him a word nor from that day on did anyone dare question him
Anymore, so the reason why they can't answer they don't want to admit What is the obvious answer?
That the Messiah the Son of David really is David's Lord and they definitely didn't want to admit that Jesus is he
Because if Jesus is Lord, what does that mean for the Pharisees? Yeah, they're out of business they're at a they're in big trouble because they've been plotting to kill him all alone
But really they they wanted to do what they wanted to do They had their own agenda.
And if they acknowledge that Jesus is, you know The Lord the King and even God in the flesh then they have to bow the knee to him
And that's something they were unwilling to do and there's still people unwilling to do that maybe for different reasons
So the answer to Jesus's question is simple David refers to the Messiah his descendant as Lord because the
Messiah is superior to David in every way He is not just the Son of David.
He is the Son of God So that's the main point of the story. But again the application for us is what?
Spend the last 10 minutes on this. The main point is for Jesus to teach about his true identity all while exposing the unbelief of the religious leaders and their hard -heartedness
And it really does set the stage for the next chapter, let's just get a little preview of the next chapter, okay
Let's let's look at Matthew 23 for a moment. Hopefully some of you will know you'll all come back next week hopefully
But this is what Jesus says to them Remember, they're questioning him trying to trap him in his words.
He asked them a question They refused to answer and I don't know if this is the same day or what but Jesus is unloading on them
Look at verse 2 or let's start in verse 1 Then Jesus spoke to the multitudes and his disciples saying the scribes and the
Pharisees sit in Moses seat Therefore whatever they tell you to observe that observe and do as in there
You know that yes what they say a lot of what they say is true but however Do not do according to their works for they say and do not do what do you call it when somebody says one thing?
But they do another Yeah, and Jesus does call them hypocrites and he goes on to say that, you know, they're the blind leading the blind
He calls them snakes and vipers and all the rest. Did these people have a correct understanding of who the
Christ was? Absolutely not. But here's here's the funny thing. There's a lot of churches that will not not
Bible believing churches like evangelical Bible believing churches will preach from Matthew 23, but there's a lot of maybe the mainline denominations
They will not preach from Matthew 23 where Jesus is calling people snakes and vipers and hypocrites
They won't preach from that why? Because that version of Jesus doesn't fit into their little box
Like their version of Jesus would never say something like that. And again, this is the application for us.
We can never put God in a box We can never put Jesus in a box that he asked to live up to everything that I you know, expect him to say and do so this is the application of this chapter to sort of test and examine what we believe
About the Christ the first thing if you don't believe that the Christ is the
Son of God if you don't believe that Jesus is God in human flesh I'm just here to tell you you have the wrong idea about who
Jesus is. That's the first and most important point Jesus is the
Son of God God in human flesh. There's so many people today They say he was a good man a wise and moral teacher
Yeah, but Jesus did claim to be the great I am he did claim to be
God a man who Put it this way if if you knew somebody going back to someone, you know in your personal life
If you knew someone who claimed to be God, what would you think? Yeah, this person is either you know nuts
They they really believe that they're God or they're just a liar. You know, there are people who Lie and say they're divine and they're not
But here's the thing Jesus actually is this is the teaching of Scripture So that's the first point if there is anyone who does not believe in the deity of Christ You need to challenge your preconceived notions about who
Jesus is because the Bible absolutely does teach the deity of Christ if you've been following the series in Matthew, you've looked at all those arguments in those passages
What about the next thing some people have misconceptions about the Bible what does
Jesus say about David when David wrote Psalm 110, what does
Jesus say that David spoke what in the spirit, right? So David spoke or wrote when he was in the spirit in other words
Jesus is saying that the scripture is from The Holy Spirit isn't this what the
Bible says in 2nd Peter 2 20 and 21 knowing this first that no prophecy of scriptures of any private
Interpretation for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by The Holy Spirit.
So this book a lot of preconceived notions. Well, this book contains a lot of truth
This book contains, you know, some of it is the Word of God Well, this book makes a claim that it is the
Word of God all scripture is Inspired by God. So some people maybe you have to have your preconceived notions about the
Bible challenge According to Jesus again David wrote while in the spirit.
This is not just the words of David. It's the words of God the Holy Spirit.
It's the Word of God Why is that important because You cannot come to a saving relationship
Or come into a saving relationship with God except from the
Word of God Romans 10 17 says faith comes by hearing and hearing by The Word of God people need to hear the truth about who
Jesus is and that along with the working of the Holy Spirit That is what brings a person into That born -again experience that we talked about last week, you know
There's so many people today so many churches today where the pastor has gone through so -called
Deconstruction who's heard this term deconstruction. It's just a fancy new word for Apostasy where the pastor or whoever it is no longer believes the
Bible They don't think the Bible is true or it's not all true and so many pulpits like that today
It's just commonplace. Well They say well, you know, we can still believe in Jesus without believing everything in the
Bible Here's the thing. How do you know anything about Jesus?
How do you know Jesus is the Son of David? The Bible, how do you know he's
Jesus of Nazareth? The Bible, how do you know he's the Son of God the
Bible? Everything we know about Jesus is from the Bible. So some people need to have that Idea challenged of how they view the scripture as you know
Below it's not all true or it's not all the Word of God But finally just challenging you to rethink your assumptions about Christ, you know, here's the thing some most of you
I think The majority will just say the majority, you know, you've been going to church for a while You know who
Jesus is, you know, you know the basics you think you have your idea in me even me
I say well, I've been studying the Bible for all these years and I think I got Jesus all figured out, right?
Do I have Jesus all figured out? No, I don't and neither do you nobody does
We need to believe those core teachings about his person and his work, but you know what nobody has it all
Figured out so just as Jesus was challenging their preconceived notions
We need to challenge what we think because you know what without question people in this room
Maybe me maybe you maybe all of us, you know some of the things that we think They're not not exactly right
And are we humble enough when we're faced with that to admit it and then you know start believing the right thing but I think the great the greatest challenge of who
Jesus is the Preconceived notions about who Jesus is people either want Jesus to be again that kind gentle merciful
Savior or There's the Conquering King who's gonna you know defeat all his enemies people want one or the other
I think that's maybe boil it down to the biggest problem in the church today.
And you know what? It's both But I am glad he is a merciful
Savior Here's what Romans 2 for says says that it is the goodness of God that leads a person to repentance
So we preach the merciful Saving Jesus why because that's what we need.
We need God's forgiveness We need to be saved, but we can't do it at the exclusion of him being that Conquering King who will come again someday just that last statement about Jesus being
Lord, right? The Lord said to my Lord now, I would argue that Lord God that applies to Jesus and Lord as in master that applies to Jesus, too
And I talked about it last week if Jesus is Lord, what does that mean? It means you you obey him as Lord This is the one thing the
Pharisees religious leaders were not willing to do They were not willing to bend the knee to Jesus and you should just ask that question for yourself.
Am I willing to? Do what he says am I willing to bow the knee to Christ and really reject this?
Common misconception that Jesus is so, you know sort of what I call the long -haired hippie
Jesus Who's just cool with whatever you want to do, you know The one who's just here to make your dreams come true whether he had short hair or long hair really isn't the real issue
But you know the Jesus who's just cool with everything and he's he's for everybody no matter what
Well according to the scripture Jesus is Lord and every knee will bow right
Philippians 2 Every knee will bow and those who refuse to bow
Really they end up like the Pharisees like the Sadducees So just close with this we need to let this passage
Let some of the things said this morning. Maybe if the Spirit has spoken to your heart let this
Challenge all of us what we think we know about Jesus what we think we know about the
Bible Open the Bible for yourself Read it look to the scripture Look at what
Jesus said all of what Jesus said and be willing to examine your own beliefs and be open and Allow the
Lord to reveal himself to you. Maybe in ways you didn't expect Many if not, most people again, they think they've already got it pretty well figured out
But the reality is none of us do so we need to be teachable We need to continue learning and we need to allow
God's Word in his spirit to consistently Speak to our heart.
So let's pray And father I do thank you for your word I thank you for the clarity of it and for these important truths.
So please Lord illuminate your word Open our understanding to spiritual things
Lord be patient with us when we don't understand That's all of us to varying degrees, but we thank you that you are gentle you are patient But also you are the great king and we want to obey you
If someone's been born again Lord, you put that into their heart into our heart We desire we have a desire to obey you as Jesus said if you love me keep my
Commandments, but most of all we want to give you the thanks and the praise for everything that you've done continued to do and If there's someone here today or listening later on who has never accepted the truth of the gospel that Jesus is the virgin born
Son of God Who lived a perfect life died an atoning death and on the third day?
Rose from the grave Lord if someone has never placed their faith in Jesus may the goodness of God lead them to repentance and Eternal life and we ask all this in his blessed name.