Pluto, Finland, the Evil Regime, and Scripture and Tradition


A potpourri of topics for our last DL in studio for most of April. Had a little something for the homeschoolers about Pluto’s age, some commentary on the acquittal of the Lutheran Christians in Finland, a good deal on today’s call by the Biden Regime for surgery for “transgender children,” etc. Then we transitioned into a theological discussion based upon Dr. Waldron’s fine essay, posted today, on sola scriptura and the Confession, which can be found here. Finally, if you would like to help with the trip I begin on Monday, remember you can give to the travel fund here.

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Well, greetings and welcome to The Dividing Line, the last one here in the studios for a little while going back on the road
Starting on Monday. We'll be up in Las Vegas Which we used to call
Lost Wages and I've just never been an attraction to me at all.
I just never had any temptation to even I mean, I've walked through a casino because I mean you can get a
Real big juicy cheeseburger for still a very small amount of money In places like that, but it just I don't know
Just the looks on people's faces. It's just so sad To be honest with you. It's just never never been attractive to me.
Anyway Did you notice the CDS on Twitter Was mentioning something about razors and how
I obviously don't need one anymore And I said, oh you noticed he said yes,
I noticed Yeah, I'm it's it's it's it's getting there
We'll see it's all a right now it's all a matter of Once it gets long enough.
Can you control it and can you? Do what you need to do with it, so it doesn't look just like it goes poof all over the place and But I want it to be nice and full for the debate with Doug Wilson on the 22nd of Next month.
Well, I guess it is March 31st. So that is next month, but that's only three weeks away and Yeah, in fact,
I think it's three weeks from tomorrow if I recall correctly anyway, we're going back on the road and I will be speaking.
We just updated the stuff on my calendar and I will be speaking in Las Vegas Lord willing Monday evening and So Same place where I spoke last time really had a great time with those folks and so that's we're gonna be again and then
Wednesday night Speaking in Cedar City and then up to Salt Lake and Wade Orsini Pastor of Apology, Utah has posted a thing there, which
I assume is on my calendar as well and so I'll be doing a lot of stuff with Jason Wallace and Going down to Payson.
I've never spoken in Payson, Utah versus Payson, Arizona, too But we'll be going down there on Thursday the 14th,
I think So yeah a lot of stuff going on in Utah, and then I head north pray for a good weather
I'm hoping for example some of the fun stuff you deal with now when you don't fly. I Don't fly.
I don't have to worry about masked Nazis TSA agents Any of that kind of fun stuff?
But I do have to be concerned whether the water will be turned on in Missoula at the
KOA By the time I get there Will it be warm enough? to actually have water or will you have to go over to the what's called the freeze free spigot and Fill your tanks up and then use your tank heaters to keep that from freezing overnight
You can get a shower in the morning or whatever So add just little details that you have to have to have to play with Anyways, so we're getting ready to go on the road.
And so your your prayers for that and your support for that Obviously a little more expensive this time around but that's what we'll be doing and The next trip after that will actually be in August Which sounds like a long time from now, but it's not ended end of July actually but into August we'll be heading back up for Colorado gonna be doing
Lord willing a seminar Up there with Jason Wallace in the
Denver area And so we'll be getting some information on that out As well, which is what why are you looking me like that?
Jason Lyle That's a Jason So Jason Wallace before Too many
Jason's. Okay. Yeah. No Jason. Jason Wallace is not coming down from from Coming at me.
I'd be out. I'd be actually coming over Jason Lyle Yeah, the smart the really smart guy
Jason Wallace is a smart guy, but Jason Lyle is like the uber smart guy So yeah, there you go
They look what what are you doing? Yes, poor Jason. Well, hey all of us in comparison to Jason Lyle are just sort of regular human folks, but anyway
Anyhow, so yeah, that'll be that'll be then and We are trying to work on a couple of other things in the process
I can't really mention right now, but it could be really really interesting speaking of Jason Lyle.
I Texted him I think yesterday about an article that I saw
It was a fascinating article about the confusion that has
And this will be interesting for our homeschool kids the confusion that has resulted in the flyby a number of years ago of Pluto One of our probes
Flew by Pluto and got the best Pictures and of course realize when we talk about pictures, we're not just talking about You know, they stuck an iPhone in there and click click click the vast majority of those images would be infrared and and Everything trying to get through any anything that would be in the way of Getting a real good understanding of the surface of Pluto which you know, it depends on who you talk to is or is not a planet and that's simply because we have all sorts of stuff in the solar system of different sizes and And For example,
I think if I recall correctly, I didn't look this up. I'm just gonna top my head. I think
Pluto's moon is like 40 % the size of Pluto and My recollection is that there are moons in our solar system that are larger than Pluto.
So that's why that's I Was taught it was the ninth planet too and all that kind of stuff but look it's besides that Disney is now gone.
So we don't have to worry about Pluto. Um, you know, I mean we just need to flush Disney It's just all there is to it it's
Rich just said it's all very goofy now. So I'm not let's let's stop that track right now
Let's not take that one any further because it could get really weird anyway
We the the scientific community that will not simply go with data,
I Don't know Rich can't see this. I can see the cameras outside our our offices here And I'm watching something that most of you just would not be able to understand.
There's a landscaping crew here right now and They are mowing
What we generally call grass out and Just the dust the dust clouds that are not not not of shavings of just dust because it's more dirt than it is grass and I just remember
I we first moved out here from Pennsylvania that You'd see stuff like that and you're just like where have
I gone? Did we do this and especially since we arrived here July 31st from Pennsylvania?
That was really not a Not a wise thing to do Yeah, you come down from Flagstaff.
You open the door and it's like what have we done? Yeah, it's
It's Arizona. That's how it works. Anyways, what are you talking about Pluto? Yes. Sorry See what happens when
Rich starts making jokes in the other room We just we just blame him for for everything.
It's it's it works. It's it's well worth doing in my opinion All the time.
Okay Pluto why why is the world why is the scientific community confused?
think about it if If the universe is billions and billions and billions of years old and our solar system is four five six seven
It depends on where you get things started in the planet spinning and all the rest is kind of theoretical stuff
Given how far Pluto is from the Sun It should be a completely frozen solid rock
Dead as a doornail There could not possibly be
Any Thermal energies left after billions of years
That far from the Sun. There's just not enough solar radiation getting out there to warm stuff up in the in a sense of creating that kind of activity, so it should just be a dead rock but what they discovered is
Sure, there's plenty of places in on Pluto's surface that are pockmarked with all sorts of Craters from meteorites and things like that, which you'd expect
That you don't have that in you know in on earth because weather erodes those things away
Except for the few obvious exceptions like the one we have here in northern, Arizona Where there isn't enough rain to erode that away obviously over time
But what we have on Pluto there is Volcanic activity now not volcanic in the way that we would understand volcanic because Pluto's made differently than than the earth is and You have super hot magma coming up out of the earth and stuff like that but you do have
Tens of thousands of kilometers of what is obviously very new surface on Pluto barely marked at all
By anything yeah, there's the there's the land the landscapers outside my window right now
Getting there Blowing those things and doesn't really do much all it does just blow dust around it.
Just make sure that your car is covered It's blowing it that way you're right right yeah And I the reason they showed up is
I washed the car on the way in today So that's and and parked it right in front of where they're working so doomed
Anyway, so here's all this evidence on the very surface of Pluto that says this
Planetoid planet whatever you want to call it this planetoid is Not billions of years old now obviously scientists look at it, and they go well there
Must be things happening that we don't understand, and we will understand someday and discover that yes
It's billions and billions of years old but They're let they're at a loss
To explain this this data. That's right there in front of them which of course we could never have had until very very very recently
Not only in Sending probes out that far, but the communication that required that's required and then the imaging technology
That we now have There are really exciting
Missions planned for the future, but I'll be honest with you. I I don't know how many of them are gonna happen We're doing the same thing to NASA that we've done to the
United States military Instead of doing the best to do the best science missions or military missions you know they're involved with transgender insanity and Equity and equality and all the rest of the moral revolution and the silliness of the
Culture of death so I I'll be honest with you. I don't know What the future is gonna hold along those lines, but there you go, so look it up look up Pluto Pluto surface images few things like that and you'll you'll find the discussion out there
It's it's fascinating stuff, and it it is encouraging to me to see that kind of information out there by the way we should not skip this skip this because we
We were talking a lot about this in the past few months but the case in Finland remember
Pivy raisin in and You just can't even say these names Dr..
Pivy raisin in and the reverend dr. Johanna Poyola, I think
We're on trial for What the amazing thing is in one case for having written a book like 11 years ago that simply states basic Christian belief on the subject of marriage and They were on trial for hate crimes there in Finland and They have on yeah as of yesterday
They were fully acquitted fully acquitted they were not convicted they were fully acquitted
Now you might say well great and on one level yeah but How many times have we have we said the process is the punishment?
the process is the punishment and That's what we're seeing Look at the political prisoners in the
United States. We we have become a banana Republic under the Biden regime
Where we literally have political prisoners? Who are not afforded their constitutional rights right out front just everybody just hey there they are
These are the people who walked into the capital And then didn't do anything and most of them stayed between the nice little velvet ropes and Took selfies and So they are rotting in prison and being treated
Unlike the people firing firebombs at federal buildings in Seattle who will never be charged anything
These are political prisoners and why are they there they are there so the regime says to one part of the population
We will crush you If you dare oppose us, that's how banana republics are that's how socialism communism the left works wherever And that's what the
Biden regime is without any question about it and that's what was going on in Finland People probably knew that at the end they would they would be acquitted
But that wasn't the point the point was you have to have attorneys and you have to Shut down your life and the whole thing is to say to everyone else in your group
Don't do this Don't think that you have freedom to believe these things don't express these perspectives that's what it's all about and We will see that more and more and more and more here
As we are seeing just that the rush into the fullest forms of Leftist ideology
Tyranny totalitarianism as secular man Seemingly without any restraint any longer
Expresses his detestation to his creator and to anyone who would still acknowledge that creator
That's that's what we're seeing that's what we're seeing if you want to see that in its fullness
Today I will try to get this up here There we go. And I don't
I I need to do the audio thing. Sorry about that I think that's it.
Okay Um, we'll see if it works Today I Today is
Transgender day of visibility. I Think a lot of people my age these days just simply at times
Stop and pinch ourselves. Is this real? Has this happened this is beyond the worst dreams of the prophets of old
I Mean literally the United States today Would owes
Sodom and Gomorrah, you know God's gonna owe Sodom and Gomorrah an apology is what's always been said if he doesn't bring judgment upon this nation because Sodom and Gomorrah never dreamed of the level of evil
Of someone like Harari Today's dr.
Mengele at the World Economic Forum and Especially now the empty suit of Joe Biden Representing whoever it is.
That's actually running this country in the Biden regime. It's not an administration It is not an administration.
It's a regime it's a regime that is Flooding our country with non -citizens that they will then make citizens in the future by refusing to control the invasion across the southern border this is a
Regime that pretends to be far more concerned about the borders of Ukraine than the borders the
United States That's just that's just a reality that is not even arguable. It stuns me when
I see people on Twitter I don't see any of that happening. It's like must be a bot.
I really have to wonder how many people you run into on Twitter are actually just bots Anyway It's a transgender day of visibility and The puppet in chief
Stood in front of his teleprompters and Just spewed evil.
That's it It's the only way to put if this had been done 20 years ago the world would have been stunned stunned
At the level of evil But now it's
Considered considered to be a good thing So, let's see if this is gonna work here is
It's Resident Biden on Transgender Day of Visibility.
It's only a minute and 42 seconds long. Thanks B Let's see if it works To everyone celebrating
Transgender Day of Visibility. I want you to know that your president sees you Jill Kamala Doug our entire administration sees you for who you are
Made in the image of God and deserving of dignity respect and support But we know it's hard When there are those out there who don't see you don't respect you.
For example, the onslaught of anti -transgender state laws Attacking you and your families.
It's simply wrong This administration is standing up for you against all these hateful bills and we're committed to advancing transgender equality
In the classroom on the playing field at work in our military and our housing and health care systems everywhere simply everywhere
Today we're announcing even more steps, but there's always more work to do To end the epidemic of violence against transgender women of color and girls of color to ensure transgender seniors can age with dignity dignity and to finally pass a bipartisan
Equality Act To help transgender persons around the world live free from discrimination and violence
Above all to be there with you To parents of transgender children Affirming your child's identity of one of the most powerful things you can do to keep them safe and healthy
To any transgender American who's struggling, please know you're not alone
To parents and children alike, please ask for help and know this you're so brave you belong
And we have your back God bless you all be brave Every word that we utter will be judged righteously by the one appointed by the
Father and that is Jesus the risen Savior and That is what allows me to keep my sanity when you realize what this man's actually saying because along with this video
Came a statement from the White House emphasizing the importance of early providing for early surgery the mutilation of fully functional bodies the destruction of the little girls
Mastectomies removing the sex organs of little boys poisoning their bodies with drugs that will half will cut in half the length of their lives
It is Official child abuse By the government of the
United States There is no excuse It is evil and it will be judged
There is there is only one thing to call for in this situation absolute repentance
That this is not an issue where we consider out. Well, some people view it this no, this is evil this is you walk through the gates of Auschwitz evil and Thinking that well, but you know, but but some people feel this way or feel that way
If you can't see what this is you are morally dead
Your soul is gone It's astonishing
But let's think about some of the things that were That were said here. Let me um
What I can actually do is I can click through this without playing it again because of the yeah, so here's
Here's one quote Made in the image of God and deserving of dignity respect and support
Could we analyze this on a worldview level, please? This is what happens when you have an apostate nation a
Nation that once acknowledged the existence of God That promoted the knowledge of God's Word and now has turned its back on that but can't get rid of the language
Made in the image of God, how do you define that? How do you define that?
We know how Jesus defined that From the beginning he made the male and female From the beginning he the
Creator made them male and female you don't get to change that So here is a man
Twisting what the image of God means How it was defined Thousands of years ago in the written scriptures and Perverting it into its negation
Into its negation Astonishing That is you cannot expect
God to be mocked forever and yet how many who call themselves
Christians are applauding? What this regime is doing? That is astonishing in of itself.
It truly is Notice for example the onslaught of anti transgender
State laws attacking you and your families in other words.
There are Americans standing up and Saying no in Florida I think
I just heard here in Arizona yesterday. Finally always leading from behind Our pseudo -republican governor
Ducey signed a Bill sort of following along in regards to Sports in the schools and men pretending to be women and women pretending to be men so on and so forth
It's simply wrong on what basis Mr. Speechwriter for Joe Biden Because we know
Even even the press had to had to recognize Biden over the years Had voted for all sorts of things all sorts of bills that would now be considered anti -lgbtq right, of course if If the if if the left did not have hypocrisy, they wouldn't have anything
So But what's the foundation? Well, I would say it is more obvious that This regime is following the worldview of Harari Who says everything's natural
Since there is no God since there is no creator. It's all mythology Then his homosexuality
Harari's his homosexuality Pedophilia transgenderism all the sexual perversions are natural and Therefore to assert
Ethics and morals that would be objectively binding upon the human family in a culture
That's wrong That's wrong But again, just just think for a second
Let's use let's use a day we all well those of us who are old enough all remember 9 -11 can you imagine if Any American politician had said on 9 -11
What Joe Biden says in a minute and 42 seconds here? Can you imagine no one?
Could have even Would have even understood what he was talking about How is this even possible that's how fast that's how fast this is this has happened
So this regime standing up against all these hateful bills Committed to advancing transgender equality in the classroom.
Oh, you better believe it. I'm gonna tell you something all you have to do all you have to do is subscribe to the libs of tik -tok on Twitter, that's all you gotta do and watch one video a day and You will realize how the public education system in the
United States has been used as the means of Bringing this nation to its knees
It's astonishing I just one just Popped up while I'm sitting here.
I've got I've got this thing on when I have Twitter up I can set it to a certain amount of time. It'll just refresh so I don't have to do it myself and Here is some lesbian teacher something
Talking about oh, yeah, she's oh, she's crying too. Yeah, she's crying about the
Florida bill It is just the the the maturity the emotional maturity level of our society is currently in the single digits
When it comes to an ability to control emotion to think rationally to do any of that kind of it's
Gone, it is its first grade level. I'd say probably about six years old right around there and It's being promoted as if that's a good thing and Then I don't know if you noticed
He repeated in housing and health care systems to talk about the equity the
Equality Act Everywhere he repeated it simply everywhere.
Don't you think for a second that doesn't mean your church You your
Christian school your church Totalitarians big brother cannot allow any place
Where there is freedom of thought outside of what he demands people to think, you know looking back
We all know what happened in 2020 now. We all know that the
Democrats freaked out about Bernie Sanders and I Had said and I was wrong because I didn't see this
I had said I just cannot possibly see how Joe Biden could make it the general election that the man's non compass menace.
He'd be He's clearly Non -functional and I was operating on the assumption that and you need to have a functional president
He is the old grandfather guy That is being put forward as the face of this evil because it is evil
No one will use this term anymore, but we have to What do you call the things that nailed
Jesus to a cross? Evil and how do you define these things?
Well, that's where the church is afraid of answering that question openly God's law
Well, unfortunately a lot of evangelicalism has decided that I wouldn't have to worry about that anymore God hasn't expressed his moral desires for mankind in any way because I mean that was just that was just Israel.
I was just And so There are just things that we we need to be saying
Because this nation is Not any longer Stumbling, you know slouching toward Gomorrah.
Remember. What was it? Bork said was that the term he used slouching toward Gomorrah or something like that.
I thought it was Bork Yeah, anyway Someone will tell us
Rich is looking anyways, we're no longer stumbling Slouching or anything else we are running full tilt slouching toward Gomorrah Brain still works once well, as long as it was more than 20 years ago.
We're good We aren't we are running full tilt and We're running directly into judgment and You only have to look at history
You only have to look at the the remains of the Roman Empire. You only have to look at The remains of the ancient enemies of Israel that we find buried in the ground
To know that God does eventually deal with nations
That violate his law and we need to leave a testimony
We need to leave a testimony to the world around us that if this nation disappears under multiple mushroom clouds and we don't fight back because People didn't know how to operate anything anymore because they were trained in gender
Inclusive stuff rather than how to actually do anything There is a reason there was a reason and It's this insanity and like I said,
I I've been saying for a year and a half two years now we
Must be very clear in recognizing that we have a role at this time to prophetically announce
To a people whose ears may be closed and hearts may be made hardened just like someone named
Isaiah But we have a prophetic role to fulfill to make sure that our people
Will know Why these things happened? Why these things happened?
Vitally important vitally important. So like I said, he says everywhere everywhere that includes your schools
Your your homes your everything So Here is the regime literally saying
That Surgery puberty blockers.
Oh my goodness. Do you have any idea? The devastating effect of these drugs upon a developing body
Upon a developing mind these people want to kill children. They're already killing children in the womb
Maryland and Colorado Both have laws They are passing laws right now that will allow for infanticide
Absolute not not just abortion. Not just late -term abortion Absolute infanticide the language is purposefully meant to say that if you
Deliver a baby and you don't want it want it Let it die and no one will even investigate you
No more even investigation Just let it sit over there until it stops crying or hit it a few times.
It'll it'll stop crying. It's it The level of demonic evil is absolutely astonishing astonishing
So what you got happening is in some places we're pushing forward with the light and The darkness just seems to get darker in other places
To compensate for it The lines are clear. The lines are clear the culture of death wants death and They're gonna do everything they can to bring it and to bring it in plenitude in plenitude
It is an amazing time it is an amazing time
All right, well, it's sorry for the any of the preaching that started there there wasn't really I Don't know
I how does anyone how does any human who still has a soul
Talk about what people are doing today The the the murderous
Attitude toward children puberty blockers take the time to find out what this stuff does at the very very very least aside from just the incredible long -term permanent damage to that human being the massive it massively increased probability of suicide and death and cancer and everything else at The very least they'll never have kids again, and that's what they want
That's what they want And to sit there and pretend it's because we're so caring
Refused to love the truth. You'll be caused to love a lie and man are people loving lies these days
Amazing just Amazing all right,
I'm gonna try to shift gears try to shift The foundation of the
Christian worldview is God's Holy Word the
Bible did I tell you that I that I mentioned
I think I mentioned I I'm in line. I did not ask Jeffrey to Bump me up or do anything like that, but I'm in line with another
Jeffrey Rice rebind project He has what's called the block the blocks the paper.
It's that's that's this part here, so he has the block and He'll let me know when he's getting to get to the cover
I'm going to do one with this inside goatskin, so it's gonna be an orange color with gold pages
But I've decided To go with the legacy standard Bible the
LSB why? Well, it's simple Many people have heard me for years reading from the
Old Testament if I was reading from New King James NASB, whatever I was reading from when
I got to the Tetragrammaton LORD in all caps What do I do? I read it as Yahweh and The LSB that's what it has
So you don't even have to be making the conversion in your mind Then at key
Christological texts I would criticize the NASB in certain readings
Romans 9 5 sort of a clunky translation at John 1 18 and When you look at the
LSB It renders both of them in The exact way
I render it So I don't have to go now the NASB says this but the
Greek would better be rendered this such etc it just has it there and you don't have to worry about it and So, I mean most people know the
LSB is based on the NASB and it just has these Relatively small number, but I mean, well, of course you've count every place
Yahweh appears it's Thousands of times but still relatively small number of changes.
It's based on the 95 if I recall correctly So, yeah, I do like the these and thous and the 77 so, you know, but Yeah, I'm getting an
LSB done by by Jeffrey Rice and Looking forward to it. It's gonna be gonna be bright and it's gonna be goatskin and it's gonna be cool, so Those are my reasons for adopting that as my
English translation when I use an English translation We'll go from there. I Will link to this obviously
When we blog this program But an article was posted
March 31st, that's today by dr. Sam Waldron at Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary on His blog called do we still believe in Sola Scriptura?
Do we still believe in? Sola Scriptura and I Had the opportunity of reading the article a couple days ago
Before it was it was posted and I think it is exceedingly important Exceedingly helpful
I Am hoping to be perfectly honest with you that many of the older and younger
Individuals in the Reformed Baptist movement who have adopted the mockery form of argumentation
Maybe in light of dr. Waldron's lengthy ministry And reputation will rethink
The utilization of Their chosen form of argument in light of The concerns that he has raised in this particular article.
I think most regular listeners to this program will recognize That dr.
Waldron's concerns very much parallel my own and in fact in one of the points He specifically links to one of the dividing lines where I was
Dealing with this particular issue that one specifically in regards to Thomas Aquinas and the concept of Sola Scriptura I have yet by the way to hear anyone including the
Protestants who actually say that Thomas did Function on the basis of Sola Scriptura.
I've not heard anyone and I may have missed it I Missed lots of stuff in social media, but I've not heard anyone respond to my discussion and citation of Aquinas in regards to his comment in regards to The discussion of sacred tradition in written and oral forms
I've not heard anyone. I've heard people talking about everything else, but it's interesting when I quote Aquinas It's like no one wants to interact with that for some reason
It's back to the mockery stuff or some other subjects or just throw out Sola Scriptura and Colossus 2 .8
as if that's somehow Meant to be an argument I will highly recommend to everyone the reading of the article there is
One particular section that I wanted to focus upon because I didn't know when this article was going to come out and This is to me
It was already on the list for today. Okay, so before I saw this article, this is already on the list and it's it's it's covered so Under the section 2 why
I am concerned With such clear and crucial scriptural truth and confessional affirmation before us it is nothing less than shocking
To be confronted in recent years the assertions by reformed men that seem to me directly undermine the truth the supremacy and sufficiency of Sola Scriptura That's what
I've been saying I've told a lot of people that I'm heartbroken that men that I've preached for and Whose schools
I've taught Are saying things that 20 years ago I could not have dreamed would have been coming forth from the pens the mouths minds of Reformed Baptists and when
I have attempted to Speak about these things privately then rebuked
Just ignored. Yeah, you're just just a biblicist, I guess First troubling statement a few years ago this statement troubled me when
I heard it and it still troubles me today Quote, here's here's the statement
Semper Reformanda does not mean changing doctrine, but it means applying the doctrine to our lives
Is a clarion call to a vital experiential understanding of the truth in the lives of Christ's sheep
So it's not changing our doctrine but applying the doctrine that we already know to be biblical
That's the quotation that dr. Waldron is responding to and finds troubling and Here's dr.
Waldron The origins of phrase Semper Reformanda does seem to emphasize bringing our practices into line with our confessional doctrines compare
W. Robert Godfrey's online article here reference to a Article by dr.
Godfrey at the same time. It seems to me Whatever Semper Reformanda originally meant we must embrace the notion
That our confessions are Subject to being reformed on the basis of Sola Scriptura Even our confessions must be subject to being reformed by Scripture Yes, our practice must change but sometimes our confessional statements need to be modified
The American Presbyterians had to do this with the Westminster Confession in and around 1788 to 1789 to take out of it the deadly doctrine of the
Union of Church and State Let us not deny that our confessions are subject to the authority of Scripture and subject to being reformed by Scripture here is
The issue my friends here is Where we have to think very very carefully
I listened to a sermon that was delivered this past weekend on the relationship of the
London Baptist Confession of Faith and Sola Scriptura and if there had been no background if the past year's worth of Conversation had not been taking place in regards to Aristotelian metaphysics communicated through and baptized by Thomas Aquinas Becoming the foundational background of understanding particular phrases in The London Baptist Confession and in what has been called classical theism in regards to the doctrine of divine simplicity, and it's the extended assertion of What we might call mono
Attributism the idea that ad intra that internally to God There is no distinction
Between his omniscience or his omnipotence or his justice or his mercy or his love
That they are all to God the same thing even though it is necessary ad extra for the glorification of God to his creatures that his creatures make distinctions that he himself does not make and If that background wasn't there
I could have listened to this sermon and There were a couple places where I would have gone interesting way of putting it, but I wouldn't have
Necessarily thought too much about it but knowing that background
I Realized that the the key issue That was not addressed was when you look when you talk about the great tradition and And this is
This is a a phrase that was first used in conversation to me by a scholar in reference to the mass of Byzantine New Testament manuscripts interestingly enough, but when you
Speak of the great tradition when you when you have people who are reformed
Baptist Who are saying that the doctrine of the Trinity? Did not receive its final and full formulation
Until the great tradition provided that in the medieval period then we have to ask the question what is the relationship between a confession and Scripture and if we admit well the confession becomes the lens through which we read scripture
Then we no longer have anything to say To the
Roman Catholic who says the exact same thing Because that's their argument It's the lens through which we read scripture because that's the way
God's always intended it to be you've got the oral tradition you've got the written tradition they are subcategories of sacred tradition and and then that requires a
Source of authority for the creation of the lens and no matter how you get at it
The dividing line is on the one hand when we speak functionally in What we might call
Regular circumstances it is one thing for a confession to function in that way
To provide The guardrails so to speak because When it comes to the central affirmations of the
Christian faith Semper Reformanda cannot mean that every generation is reinventing the wheel that was never what the
Reformation intended to be and There is no reason to believe that everyone before us
Was So ignorant that we can correct everything that everyone's ever said no one's
I'm certainly not suggesting that no one's seriously suggesting that at the same time as I've attempted to point out and again
My attempts to point this out were utterly ignored as far as I could tell Just like well, we weren't we didn't hear that We're not respond to that.
We must recognize That the church's attention has been more focused in times past on certain aspects of things and so again
How can you not have a complete treatise on the doctrine the Atonement until the fourth century
Because that wasn't the focus of where the discussions were and in the first Thousand years of the church you have a tremendous number of Partial theories in that field that are extremely unbiblical and I mean unbiblical not in the sense of doesn't agree with my view unbiblical as in not representing an understanding of Scripture as a whole and part of that Certain things happened in the early church that continued to have extremely deleterious and negative effects into The medieval period and in fact, there were certain things have the early church that would not be fixed until the
Reformation, especially in its view of the Old Testament and the exegesis of the Old Testament and the relationship of those
God inspired scriptures with the God inspired scriptures of of the Greek New Testament and so when you have a
Thoroughly biblical understanding of the Bible that has gotten rid of those problems
Then you see very clearly the necessary contact contact between the book of Hebrews and the
Old Testament and its teaching on the Atonement But most of that was lost to entire generations that just simply accepted the tradition that was passed on to them rather than critically analyzing that on the basis of Scripture because they
Either didn't know they could do that They had fundamentally erroneous ideas of what the scriptures said on the subject or they just didn't have access to the scriptures and you go
Everybody's always had no No, not everyone always has had access to the scriptures. We don't we don't get that I was
I was telling a friend just recently About how you know the story about Erasmus and he the last book of the last chapter book of Revelation and how he had back translated from the
Latin into the Greek because he was in a hurry and he didn't the last pages of the commentary he had had fallen off and I had always wondered
Well, that was his first edition, why didn't he fix it in the next four editions until I found out he thought he had
He thought he had fixed it. He had said hey go get the online Translate a line version use their version of Revelation.
They'd used his so for a long time the vast majority of people just did not have
Access to enough information to catch what had happened for hundreds of years literally The the ability to possess this is a relatively new thing and So there were really poor traditions
Really poor views of women for example that were passed through the medieval period
That are embarrassingly bad and yet they were believed by many many people and so Here's the question
It's one thing to go look we're not talking about reinventing the wheel in every generation that's on the one side, right?
So there isn't any reason to be going back over Foundational fundamental issues about the resurrection of Christ and and all that kind of stuff.
No there isn't but what happens if you find
That the framers of your confession Were very much focused
Over here and as a result they brought something in over here.
It was not a part of their focus It was not a part of the battles that they were fighting and they bring something in over on the other side that in later years as Developments take place as study takes place maybe as a field of battle changes
It's discovered that they brought something in on the basis of a assumed understanding of things
That is not consistent With the clarity that they brought over here in the areas where they were actually battling
Where they're actually focused because no generation is Going to have a perfectly balanced
Ability to look at the whole realm of Christian truth so every generation at some point is
Pretty much just going with what they were taught on certain subjects Then it's just the nature of things.
You know, I remember I remember after class once many years ago
It was a systematic theology class And I had introduced the class to basically a biblical ecclesiology to where we just pointed out the fact that the church has had multiple elders and we looked at the offices and that you know the idea of a single pastor hired by deacons is not the biblical model and The student came out with me
Southern Baptist School and The student came out after class and it's just talking with me just going man this you know seminaries blowing my mind and blah blah blah
And he says like tonight all I've ever known Was a single pastor who's hired by the deacons and I've just always assumed that and he says what scares me is
I'd read the New Testament and I'd see it even though now I can see I hadn't seen it and I'm like Semper Reformanda Always got to be testing
Always got to be got to be submitting to that which is
Theanostas over against that which is not and The great tradition is never
Theanostas By nature, that's just an example
So what happens in a situation like that? What if? Now there there's disputation on this and I and I don't know that we actually have sufficient primary documentation to prove this one way or the other
But what if We came to conclusion
That our forefathers in writing the Confession imbibed metaphysical assumptions that are highly questionable from a biblical perspective and That there were certain
Words and terms that they then utilized as a result of imbibing that That would not be representative of a fully biblical understanding
What do you do in that situation? What is the process?
I don't think the Confession provides really a process for a specific, you know, here's how you do it type of a thing
But it would seem to me that this would be something that has to be able to be discussed and If you say well
Once it's passed in that first group then
It simply has to stay in that form there can be there can be no examination there can be
Well, basically there can be no improvement Well, think about what you're saying if you're saying there can be no improvement
I admit most modern things as far as improving aren't really improving
But then there are other things where it really is improving You think about You think about medical practice only 150 years ago.
We've had some improvement We've had some major improvement you think about during Revolutionary War where they would bleed people
Yeah, okay So we've had some improvement so There'd be no way to do that There'd be no way to To say hey, you know what this set of metaphysical assumptions is unbiblical and There is there is a bunch about Aristotle.
That's really unbiblical and There's a there's a bunch in Aquinas that's really unbiblical his understanding of the natural world and the very existence of nature is
Is wrong as far as the elements and therefore the relationship there's just fundamental foundational problems all along the line
Do we really have to accept definitions of theological beliefs based upon that? just because somebody else did this these are issues that every generation has to think through and It's it's our time to do it
It's our time to do it So that's just the first first troubling statement
Then there were other citations that were given that are You know here second troubling statement recently someone wrote online second
London Confession of Faith 1 1 confesses the following the Holy Scripture is the only sufficient certain and infallible rule of all saving knowledge faith and obedience
Notice what scripture is sufficient for is it everything? No, it is not sufficient for changing oil on my truck
Actually, you should change the oil in your truck. Not the oil on your truck But if it's on your on your truck, you can just wash that off.
It's okay It is not sufficient for installing a new hard drive in my computer It is it is sufficient for saving knowledge faith and obedience
Everything necessary for the Christian life is found in the Bible, but not every detail of the faith is there I think
I saw that quotation. I didn't look up what it was, but I think I know who it is Dr.
Walter responds true The Bible does not tell us how to change the oil But this cannot imply in any way that every detail of the faith is not derived from it
Scripture is the only rule for faith. I would only the only thing I would add to that is the only infallible rule for faith
It is right there in the confession Here's what I think if something is not in scripture either explicitly or by good and necessary Inference and there's the rub
Then it is not the faith Whatever else it is or maybe it is not the faith
This is what soul scripture requires us to say we must not say we may never say a scripture
But not every detail of the faith is there now
I again when I saw this statement I Could not help but think back once again to the fact that The first time
I ever had to address this Was when Carl Keating Misrepresented us on this subject
Some of you don't know who Carl Keating is He's still alive still running around out there. He's not really involved in doing
Roman Catholic apologetics anymore, but he's still out there He's mainly doing hiking these days fact that he's written some books on hiking and I found out that he was a glider pilot
So, okay. Anyway But Carl Keating in his book
Catholicism and fundamentalism, which I was dealing with back worse when some of these Young Reformed Baptist guys were in diapers
Made the argument that soul script scripture could not be true and then He then made the misrepresentation that solo scriptura teaches that the scriptures are an exhaustive catalog of all knowledge
It's not we've ever claimed. It's not we've ever claimed but there are some today it seems who are reacting to and it really is interesting to note that There is a strong dividing line and a reaction against Vantil and presuppositional apologetics and hence the
Vantilian assertion that the Bible does give us a Fully functional and exhaustive
Christian worldview that can be applied in any context in any culture at any time There does seem to be a real pushback on that and I think this is part of it this idea that Well, you know
The first person I heard raise this and respond to it was Jim Callahan at PRVC years and years and years decades ago and He was more specific instead of changing the oil.
He said it does not give me the information to remove and install a
Borg Warner 365 Transmission or something. I don't know what it was.
But anyway and He said no it doesn't but what it does do and Callahan stayed under Vantil, you knew
Vantil but what it does do he said is To give me the consistent worldview to be able to Believe and recognize that the instructions for doing that will be consistent day after day after day
So so the regularity of nature the laws of Thermodynamics and hydrodynamics and everything else that allows a complicated piece of equipment like a transmission to function
It grounds those things so that I can then relate those truths to other truths
What the what the biblical revelation does is gives me a whole view of the whole realm of man's knowledge
And relates that to the triune God and without that relationship to the triune
God You don't have an answer to the one the many you you either end up with monism or fall into Nietzsche's hole and I think
Vantil was exactly right and I think there are a lot of people that are responding against it because that's certainly not what
Aquinas believed Vantil has a much higher view of The expansiveness of Scripture and The and and this is where really important the centrality of the triune nature of God To all of human epistemology and that's what's really offensive to a lot of folks
Because for a lot of folks the Trinity is just something that's over there in doctrine and theology The idea that you actually look to the world and say you will never understand the proper parameters for your knowledge of CRISPR technology in human genetics
Until you recognize the Trinity. Oh That is so radical. Let me tell you what's radical
Jesus rose from the dead. He's Lord of all bow the knee. That's radical that's radical and embarrassing to a lot of folks
Embarrassed it's embarrassing to the folks who are trying to develop a new scholasticism because the school a
Will not accept that kind of radical Christocentrism and Trinitarian centrism won't do it.
So like I said, I promised a link to it Um, I mean you can just you can just go to CBT seminary dot org and it'll be right there, but I'll link to it
Please read all of it. I think you'll find it to be very very useful and And helpful as well, so I thank dr.
Waldron for this and I hope that it will Provide foundation for further discussion that will be very useful to to everyone
All right Thank you for watching the program today. Once again your prayers for the trip that begins
Monday very much Appreciate yes, sir. You brought the microphone real quick. I Have added
As many or at least I think all almost all of the stops that you're gonna make in,
Utah the Vegas stop Haven't gotten into Idaho yet Yeah, Idaho is primarily up there in Moscow.
So it's yeah I mean honestly if people want to know I just don't know how much is public up there because Yeah, I don't think recording man rampant or sweater vest dialogue, right?
That is right, but the debate but I will be preaching that Sunday. Yes, people are asking about things like that I haven't gotten those into the app yet, and I'm trying to carry them over to the website calendar as well
Those are all connected up. There's still more to come but for the most part I've got them all in there if you want to know what's going on in,
Utah Vegas get the app and look in the event section in the app. So and then in the app hit the
Donation button and and it would it would be a real blessing to me if rich calls me up tonight and says hey
Someone paid for the gas for the trip Something like that that that takes a lot of the pressure off Really really does as I'm as I'm standing there
And it's going ding. Remember the old remember the old ones that like every dollar it would go ding or something like that Now it's just good
Just goes on forever. It's amazing and scary and frightening But anyways, alright, so probably
I'm going to assume Tuesday will work out looking at my schedule To be able to do a program
From up there in in Vegas and we'll be able to sort of follow up on a lot of the conversation going on now something tells me there'll be
New things happening in the world between now and then and So there we'll go.